erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its...

Erbium transversal distribution in¯uence on the eectiveness of a doped ®ber: optimization of its performance J.C. Mart õn * Departamento de F õsica Aplicada, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/Pedro Cerbuna, no. 12, E-50009 Zaragoza, Spain Received 15 January 2001; accepted 16 May 2001 Abstract A simple mathematical function is introduced to describe a wide assortment of dopant pro®les and study its in¯uence on an erbium-doped ®ber performance. Signi®cant gain dierences are observed in active ®bers similar in every respect save for their erbium transversal distributions ETD). It is found that a well-known overlapping parameter turns out to be suitable to characterize the active ®ber transversal properties. Optimization of the active ®ber performance reduces to maximizing such parameter. Thanks to this fact, the most appropriate ETD is easy to ®nd, which constitutes an interesting information for active ®ber designers. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Optical ®ber; EDFA; Erbium transversal distribution; Gain optimization 1. Introduction Over the past decade, erbium-doped ®bers EDFs) have been widely studied due to the pos- sibilities that they oer as a key component of optical ampli®ers or laser sources for third window communication systems. Several theoretical mod- els have been proposed with slight dierences between them) to account for the behavior of the EDF [1±6], provided that its active and passive parameters are known: refraction index pro®le, absorption and emission cross-sections, 4 I 13=2 ± 4 I 15=2 Er 3 transition lifetime, erbium concentra- tion and erbium transversal distribution ETD). Usually, the latter is not provided by the manu- facturer. Therefore, it is quite usual to make the assumption that the ETD follows a step pro®le [1,6]. Nevertheless, the experimentally determined erbium pro®les found in the literature have rela- tively smooth wings and, sometimes, they even present a dip approximately centered in the ®ber axis [7±9]. In¯uence of the ETD on the EDF behavior is not negligible: some examples will be presented next, which illustrate how the same quantity of erbium ions can provide very dierent gain values depending on how they are trans- versely distributed. For this reason, a study of the ETD in¯uence on the EDF performance presents an interest, both from a theoretical and from a practical position. As a theoretical approach, re- sults obtained can give an idea of the accuracy that can be attained in any comparison between theo- retical and experimental results with an EDF whose ETD is not known which is the common situation). And from a practical point of view, relevance of the EDF transversal characteristics is 15 July 2001 Optics Communications 194 2001) 331±339 * Tel.: +34-976-76-10-00; fax: +34-976-76-12-23. E-mail address: [email protected] J.C. Mart õn). 0030-4018/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0030-401801)01312-8

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Page 1: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 2: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 3: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 4: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 5: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 6: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 7: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 8: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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Page 9: Erbium transversal distribution influence on the effectiveness of a doped fiber: optimization of its performance

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