et de pseudozw de contre le blanc · rÉsumÉ court la sélection d'une souche de...

TYLER AVIS SPÉCIFICITE ET GÉNÉTIQUE DE PSEUDOZW FLOCCULOSA, AGENT DE LUTTE BIOLOGIQUE CONTRE LE BLANC Thése présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'université Laval pour l'obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph. D.) Département de phytologie FACULTE DES SCIENCES DE L'AGRICULTURE ET DE L'ALIMENTATION UNIVERSITE LAVAL Q~BEC AVRIL 2001 O Tyler Avis, 2001

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Page 1: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique






à la Faculté des études supérieures

de l'université Laval

pour l'obtention

du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph. D.)

Département de phytologie



Q ~ B E C

AVRIL 2001

O Tyler Avis, 2001

Page 2: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

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Page 3: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique


La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire

dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique repose sur une connaissance approfondie de

son mode d'action et de sa sp6cificité. Les acides gras inusités produits par P. flocculosa se

sont avérés être des principes actifs dans la répression des champignons de blanc par l'agent

antagoniste. Ces acides gras antifongiques s'insèrent dans les membranes cellulaires de

champignons et provoquent une desorganisation générale de ces dernières en haussant la

fluidité membranaire. La sensibilité des champignons de blanc est liée à un faible contenu en

stérols, facteur stabilisateur des membranes cellulaires. La production d'acides gras

antifongiques et la capacité de bio-contrôle du blanc sont des propriétés spécitiqws de l'espèce

P. jlocculosa, mais pas d'autres champignons du même genre. Chez les isolats connus de P.

flocculosa, trois souches sont identifiables sur la base d'études moléculaires de l'ADN

ribosomal et, en particulier, de microsatellites.

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L'objectif global de cette recherche etait d'etudier les propriétés et la spécificité des

mécanismes de l'activité antagoniste de l'agent Pseudozynrajlocculosa, afin de produire des

outils de sélectiondes isolats les plus appropriés à introduire dans le cadre &un programme de

lutte biologique contre le blanc des cultures semcoles.

La synthese chimique et la caractérisation biologique des acides gras antifongiques ont

montré que ces mttabolites étaient des principes actifs dans la répression des champignons de

blanc par P. flocculosri. Ce résultat pourrait permettre d'identifier des souches de P. jlocculosa

qui ont une production accrue en acides gras antifongiques et, de ce fait, cette caractéristique

pourrait servir à la sélection d'individus h haut potentiel antagoniste dans un programme de

lutte biologique.

Par ailleurs, le mode d'action spécifique de ces acides gras antifongiques repose sur

leur insertion dans les membranes cellulaires des champignons. Cette insertion cause une

désorganisation générale de la membrane fongique accompagnée d'une augmentation de la

fluidité membranaire. La sensibilité élevde de certains champignons face ii ces mttabolites est

liée à un faible taux de stérols, facteur stabilisateur des membranes biologiques. De plus, le

faible contenu en stdrols de S. fuliginea, agent causal du blanc du concombre, explique non

seulement sa sensibilitt aux acides gras antifongiques mais aussi sa grande susceptibilité face

B P. flocculosa. Ces rdsultats donnent un outil de prddiction de l'efficacitd de P. j?occulosa

basé sur son mode à'action et les propriétés intrinsèques des agents pathogénes ciblés.

L'étude physiologique et ghétique comparée des isolats connus de P. flocculosa et

d'autres champignons du genre Pseudozyma a montrC que différentes souches de P. jlocculosa

étaient identifiables sur la base d'analyses génetiques (rDNA et microsatellites), de

caractCristiques biochimiques (production d'acides gras antifongiques) et biologiques

(propriétés de bio-contrôle du blanc). Ces résultats donnent des outils précieux dans

l'identification et la sélection d'agents antagonistes appropries pour un programme de lutte


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L'ensemble de ces resultats fait ressortir des découvertes importantes dans

Papprofondissement des connaissances fondamentales sur les propriétés de P. Jlocculosa. De

plus, cette recherche a produit des outils concrets qui aideront à prédire l'efficacité, la sélection

et le suivi des souches de P. flocculosa lors du processus de développement d'un bio-fongicide

pour le contrôle du blanc des cultures semcoles.

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Cette thèse comporte trois chapitres. Le premier porte sur la caractérisation biologique

d'acides gras antifongiques produits par l'agent de lutte biologique Pseudozymaj?occulosa. Le

deuxième chapitre se concentre sur les mécanismes sficifiques de l'activité biologique de ces

acides gras. Le troisjeme chapitre concerne la caractérisation génotypique et phhotypique des

différentes souches de P. flocnrlosa.

Tous ces chapitres ont étd rédigés en anglais sous forme de manuscrits afin de

permettre une diffision plus vaste des résultats. Cependant, un bref rdsume en français

précède chacun des chapitres. Les rdfdrences citées dans l'introduction et les conclusions

générales se retrouvent à la fin de la thèse, tandis que celles citées dans les sections rédigées

en anglais sont regroupées I la fui de ces dernières. En annexe, se trouve un manuscrit portant

sur les approches de caractérisation moléculaire d'agents de lutte biologique fongiques.

L'écriture de la présente thèse et la réalisation des travaux qui en sont à la base n'ont pu

être réalisées que par l'implication de certains individus.

Premièrement, je veux remercier mon directeur de thèse le Dr Richard Bélanger. II a

ma profonde reconnaissance pour m'avoir procuré toutes les facilités pour rendre terme cette

recherche, en plus de son soutien scientifique et fuiancier.

Je remercie également le Dr Richard Hamelin pour avoir mis a ma disposition le

materiel et l'expertise de son laboratoire.

Je suis également recomaissant au personnel du laboratoire de bio-contrôle, du Centre

de recherche en horticulture et du Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides. En particulier,

Caroline Labbe pour son soutien scientifique et le Dr Rénald Boulanger pour l'aide apportée

dans la partie chimique de la thtse. Mes remerciements s'aâressent aussi B Denise Auclair,

Hugo Germain et Nicole Lecours pour leur assistance technique.

Je tiens aussi à remercier le CRSNG, les Fonds FCAR et Plant Products Lt6e pour

avoir subventionné, en partie, mes Ctudes graduées.

Toute ma gratitude ii ma famille, Sophie Caron, Michel Maltais et la famille Gagnon

pour leur soutien moral tout au long de mes ttudes graduees.

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RÉSUMÉ COURT ....... , ............................................................................................................................ i . .

&SU& LONG ... .... ... .. .. ....... ..... ... .. ... ...... . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . i i

AVANT-PROPOS .................................................................................................................................. iv

TABLE DES MATIERES. ................... ............................................. . ..................... ..... . . ................... v

. . . LISTE DES TABLEAUX ............................. . ..................... .... ..... .............. .. . ..... .............. ....~....~..~..~~...... ... . v111

LISTE DES FIGURES .......................................... . . - .............. . ............ ........................... ix


iNTRODUCTION GENERALE .............. .... ... . . . ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1 .1. D~VELOPPEMENT D'UN BIOPESTICDE ..... ........ .......... ........,..... ... . . . .............. . . . . . . 2

1.2. P R O B L ~ M A ~ Q U E ........ ,, .........,........ . ........ . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3, MODE D'ACTION ............................................................................................................................... 4

1.3.1. Caructérisation biologique des acides gras antgongiques ..................................................... 4

1.3.2. Spécijicité des acides grac antifogique ....... . ... . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 6 1.4. CARACT~RISATION PHÉNOTYPIQUE ET G ~ O W P I Q U E DE P. FLOCCULOSA ............................. . . 7

Synthesis and biological characterization of (2)-9-hcptadecenoic and (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acids, fatty acids with antibiotic activity prduced by Pseudozymafloccufoso ......................................... 10

ABSTRACT . . . ... .... ..... . .. . . . .... ... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

2.1 . INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... ........................................... 1 3

2.2. METHODS AND MATERlALS ..... ........... ............. .... ............. . .......... ............... . . . .......... . 14

2.2.1. General chemical procedures and inimonents. .. .... ... .... .... ... ... .. . . . . . . .. ... .. ... .. . . . .. . . . ... . .. . .. ... . . . . . . .. 14

2.2.2. Synthesis of (2)-9-Heptadecenoic Acid.. ....... ... ... .. .. . ... .. ....... ... .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . ... ..... . .. ... . . ... .. . . . . 14

Page 8: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

..................................................................... 2.2.3. Synthesis of (Z)-6-Methyl-9-Heptudecenoic Acid 16

2.2.4. Biological Activity of the S'thessUd Antibiotics on Fungal Material ................................... 20

............................................................................................................... 2.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2 1

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 2 5


Specificity and mode of action of the antifungal fatty acid cis-9-heptadecenoic acid produced by Pseudozymajlocculosa: ............................................................................................................................. 31

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. 33

3.1 . WTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 34

..................................................................................................... 3.2. MATEMALS AND METHODS 35

3.2.1. Fungal material ........................................................................................................................ 35

3.2.2. Synthesis of CHDA .................................................................................................................... 35

3.2.3. Effects of CHDA on /wgaf growth and spore germination ..................................................... 35

3.2.4. Exhoction of lipids .................................................................................................................... 36

3.2.5. Analysis of lipids ...................................................................................................................... 36

3.2.6. Evolution ufphospholipid unsaturotion ................................................................................... 38

3.2.7. Analysis of CHDA ...................................................................................................................... 38 . . 3.2.8. Stutzstical unulysis .................................................................................................................... 38

3.3. RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................... 39

3.3.1. General efects of CHDA on@@ ............................................................................................ 39

3.3.2. Total lipid composition ......................................................................................................... 39

3.3.3. Phospholipid fitty acid composition ......................................................................................... 40

3.3.4. Evohtion of phospholipid fa^ acid unsaturation .................................................................. 40

3.3.5. AnUlysis of CHDA ...................................................................................................................... 41

................................................................................................................................... 3.4. DISCUSSION 41

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 44

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Moleculai and physiological analysis of the powdery mildew antagonist Pseudozymajlocculosa and .................................................................................................................................................. related fiuigi 52

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. 53

............................................................................................................................. . 4.1 INTRODUCTION 55

..................................................................................................... 4.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 56

................................................................................................................ 4.2.1. Biological Materiuls 56

.......................................................................................................................... 4.2.2. DIVA extraction 56

................................................................................................... 4.2.3. PCR ampl@catbn conditions 56

....................................................................................... 4.2.4. Nucleotide sequencing determination 57

.............................................................................................................. 4.2.5. Phylogenetic anolysis 58

.......................................................................................... 4.2.6. Production of antjfungal fatty acids 58

........................................................................................ 4.2.7. Biocontrol activiiy offugul isolates 59

4.3. RESaTS .......................................................................................................................................... 59

4.4. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................. 61

L I T E R A W CITED ............................................................................................................................ 63


CONCLUSIONS GENERALES ............................................................................................................... 73

BIBLIOGRAPHIE ....................................................................................................................................... 7 9

ANNEXE A ........................ .. .................................................................................................................. 85

....................... Approaches to molecular characterization of fungal biocontrol agents: some case studies 85

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Chapitre II

TABLE 1. Sphaerotheca jùligineognea conidial chain collapse following treatment with aqueous

.................................... solutions of antibiotic fatty acids fiom Pseudozyma flocculosa .30

Chapitre III

....................... TABLE 1. Inhibition and lipid analysis (percent dry weight) of selected h g i . 48

TABLE 2. Evolution of growth phase and phospholipid fatty acid unsaturation of selected b g i

.................... in absence (control) and presence (treated) of a sub-lethal dose of CHDA. 49

....................................................... TABLE 1. Fungal isolates and species used in this study. 66

..................................... TABLE 2. Polymerase chain reaction-arnplified regions and primers. 67

TABLE 3. Likelihood analysis of constrained and unconstrained trees fiom the combined

rDNA dataset. ............................................................................................................... 68

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Figure 1. Étapes de développement d'un biopesticide ............................................................. 9

-- - - - - -

............................. Figure 1. Synthetic scheme for the synthesis of (2)-9-heptadecenoic acid 27

Figure 2. Synthetic scheme for the synthesis of (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid. ........... .28

Fipre 3. Growth of three-day liquid cultures of Cladosporium cucumerinum following

treatment with (2)-9-heptadecenoic and (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acids at

concentrations ranging fiom O to 1 mg/rnl.. ................................................................... 29


Figure 1. Proposed mode1 of activity of CHDA, an antifungai compound produced by P.

.............................................................................................................. occ cul osa. 50-5 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - - - .... - . .

Figure 1. Single most parsimonious tree infemd fiom partial sequences of the small nuclear

............................................................................................ subunit (nSSU) of rDNA.. -69

Fipre 2. Strict consensus of the five most parsimonious trees based on the combined dataset

............................................................................................. of three rDNA sequences. 7 0

Figure 3. Random amplified microsatellite fingerprints generated by GT primer. ................. 71

Figure 4. Random amplified microsatellite fingerprints generated by CCA primer. .............. 72

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L'utilisation de microorganismes pour lutter biologiquement contre les maladies des

plantes est devenue une alternative B l'utilisation des pesticides chimiques en horticulture

(Baker et Cook, 1982; Whipps, 1997). Cependant, le processus du développement d'un agent

de lutte biologique est soumis B la rCglementation d'entités législatives telles le "Pest

Management Regulatory Agency" (PMRA) et le "United States Environmental Protection

Agency" (EPA), et aux contraintes commerciales inhérentes ih la mise en marche de produits

vivants (Cross et Polonenko, 1996; Fravel et al., 1999). C'est ainsi que l'emploi d'organismes

vivants dans un but de phytoprotection a gdnere de nouveaux ddfis pour les différents

intervenants du milieu horticole (compagnies, chercheurs, etc.) en ce qui concerne la

recherche, le d6veloppement et la commercialisation des produits phytosanitaires.

1.1. Développement d'un biopesticide

Le processus de ddveloppement d'un agent de lutte biologique, du laboratoire jusqu'à

son utilisation sur le marche, comporte plusieurs dtapes (Figure 1). En premier lieu vient la

découverte d'agents à potentiel antagoniste. La découverte se fait soit de façon empirique ou,

de façon plus courante, h la suite de recherches ciblées (Woodhead et al., 1990). Viennent

ensuite les tests d'efficacité, à petite et grande dchelles, visant à déterminer, in vitro et in vivo,

le potentiel biologique des agents antagonistes. Suite à ces dtudes, un certain nombre

d'organismes est retenu pour diriger le développement vers les candidats les plus prometteurs.

Les meilleurs candidats doivent alors être étudids quant h leur mode d'action. C'est également

à ce moment que les études toxicologiques sont mendes pour dvaluer les risques potentiels liés

à leur utilisation (Cross et Polonenko, 1996; Fravel et al., 1999). Ces deux dupes sont

déterminantes pour la continuation du processus de développement d'agents de lutte


En cas de succts, on doit mettre sur pied un systhe de production du microorganisme

qui, de façon idéale, est efficace et peu coûteux (Amsellem et al., 1999; Fravel et al., 1998). Il

faut songer Cgalement au type de formulation qui permettra d'assurer la survie de l'organisme

et qui sera adequat pour l'utilisation dont on veut en faire. Ainsi, l'agent de lutte entre dans une

boucle de ddveloppement qui inclut la production massive de l'agent à i'echelle industrielle, la

formulation, qui assure la survie de l'agent, et les tests d'efficacité sur le terrain (Figure 1).

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Cette boucle de développement vise B ddterminer (i) le meilleur système pour avoir un produit

B utilisation simple et compatible avec les pratiques culturales courantes et (ii) ks conditions

biologiques et environnementales requises qui permettront l'expression la plus complkte des

propriétés de l'agent de lutte. En parallèle A cette boucle, la stabilité en entreposage du produit

(Muller-Scharer et al., 2000; Rhodes, 1993) ainsi que sa stabilité ghdtique (Woodhead et al.,

1990) sont des paramétres qui doivent être ajustés afin d'assum l'eficacit& et la qualité du

produit à long terme.

Au-delà des aspects d'ordre technique ou technologique ci-haut mentionnés, le

développement complet d'un système de lutte biologique fait aussi appel i des considerations

légales et commerciales. La protection intellectuelle, par l'obtention de brevets couvrant les

technologies pertinentes, est une étape essentielle pour la continuation du développement

(Legget et Gleddie, 1995; Fravel et al., 1999). Ainsi, si une technologie ne peut être protégée,

il est probable que peu de compagnies soient interessees dans le développement d'un agent de


Enfin, suite aux succès des diffdrentes dtapes énumérées, le produit pourra enfin être

homologué pour la mise en marché. Ces aspects ne seront réalises avec succès, que si les

expertises commerciale, légale et financiére existent, et que si les infrastructures pour la

production industrielle du produit sont disponibles ou peuvent être construites (Legget et

Gleddie, 1995).

Au laboratoire de Bio-contrôle du Centre de recherche en horticulture de l'université

Laval, un biofongicide, le SporodexTM, est en voie de ddveloppement et de commercialisation.

Ce biofongicide sera utilisé pour lutter contre le blanc (ou oïdium) d'espèces semcoles dont le

concombre et le rosier. Comme mentiorné prdcddemment, plusieurs Ctapes de recherche

fondamentale sous-tendent le succés d'une telle entreprise.

Des &des visant l'approfondissement des connaissances de base sur l'agent de lutte,

en l'occurrence, Pseudosymaflocculos<1, sont menées dans l'objectif d'appuyer l'efficacité et

l'utilisation sdcuritaire de cet organisme par des bases scientifiques solides. En effet, une

connaissance approfondie de l'efficacité d'un agent de lutte, de son mode d'action, de sa

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promettew(s) pour une &entuelle utilisation dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

(Benyagoub, 1996). De plus, la production industrielle du microorganisme ainsi que son

relachement dans un systéme agricole, peuvent amener des changements inattendus, d'où

l'importance de développer des outils précis et sensibles pour faire le suivi de l'agent de lutte

dm d'assurer la qualit6 du produit et la sécuritt! d'utilisation (Markovic et Markovic, 1998).

L'objectif global de cette recherche &ait d'étudier les propriWs et la spécificitd des

mecanismes de l'activité antagoniste de ragent P. flocculosa, afin de produire des outils de

sélection des isolats les plus appropriés h introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte

biologique contre le blanc des cultures ~emcoles

Les objectifs spécifiques de cette thèse de doctorat &aient donc (i) de cibler, à l'aide

d'études biochimiques precises, le mode d'action de P. jlocculosa et (ii) de différencier P.

/locculoso d'autres espèces voisines par des méthodes génotypiques et phdnotypiques.

1.3. Mode d'action

1.3.1. Caractdrisation biologique des acides gras antifongiques

Pseudozyn>ajiocculosa (Traquair, L. A. Shaw Br Jarvis) Boekhout & Traquair

(Boekhout, 1995) est un champignon de type levuroide qui posshde une forte activité

antagoniste contre les agents pathoghnes responsables du blanc (Hajlaoui et Bélanger, 1991,

1993; Jarvis et al., 1989). Des expériences en serres commerciales ont montré qu'une

formulation à base de P. flocculosa procurait un haut taux de répression du blanc du rosier

(Sphaerotheca pannosa (Waller.:Fr.) Lev. var. rosae Woronich.) (Bureau, 1999) et du

concombre (Sphaerothecafulginea (Schlecht.) Pollaci) @ik et al., 1998).

Des btudes concomitantes en laboratoire ont r&eie que P. flocculosa &ait efficace

contre le blanc en causant la fuite de protdines et d'Clectrolytes des cellules fongiques

(Hajlaoui et al., 1994), une désorganisation du cytoplasme et la desintegration des membranes

cellulaires de mycdlium et des spores fongiques (Hajlaoui et al., 1992). Il a CtC Cgalement

montrd que cette activite antifongique se produisait sans activitd chitinolytique ni pénCtration

des structures fongiques par P. jZocculosa (Hajlaoui et al., 1992). Ces résultats suggéraient que

l'antagoniste agit par antibiose i s . par le relâchement de mbtabolites toxiques (Fravel, 1988).

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Rdcemment, trois molécules & activité antifongique ont ttd isolées de filtrats de culture de P.

flocculosa. Ces molécules sont des acides gras insaturés inusités avec une chaîne principale de

dix-sept atomes de carbone dont certains comportent un groupement méthyle sur la chaîe

principale. Les molécules antifongiques identifiées sont les suivantes: l'acide 4-méthyle-7,110

heptadécadienoique (Choudhury et al., 1994)' l'acide 6-mdthyle-9-heptaâécenoïque et l'acide

9-heptadécenoïque (Benyagoub et al., l996a).

Dans le cas des champignons de blanc, agents pathogénes ciblés pour la lutte

biologique par P. flocculosa, il est trés dif'fïcile de cibler les rndcanismes par lesquels

P. flocculosa les répriment. En effet, &nt des parasites obligatoires, donc dépendant du

métabolisme de la plante hôte pour leur croissance, ils ne peuvent être cultivds sur des milieux

artificiels (Agrios, 1988). Pour cette raison, la plupart des études conduites sur les propriétés

antifongiques de P. flocculosa contre l'oïdium, jusqu'ii ce jour, ont été réalisees de façon

indirecte à l'aide de champignons modeles. Les résultats obtenus ont ensuite dté inférés aux

champignons de blanc. Par exemple, l'identification des acides gras toxiques a dte conduite

avec le champignon Cladosporium cucumerinum Ellis & Arh. (Benyagoub et al., 1996a).

Cependant, l'identification de tels composds ne signifie pas nécessairement que ces derniers

soient responsables de l'eflicacité de P. j7occuloso contre les oïdiums. En effet, des études ont

déjà montré que les fonctions ou propriétés identifiées d'un agent antagoniste n'étaient pas

necessairement les caractéristiques principales permettant d'expliquer leur potentiel de lutte

biologique. Par exemple, la production de chitinase chez Trichoderma sp., un autre agent de

lutte biologique, n'est aucunement impliquée dans son activité antagoniste chez les agents

pathogènes qui ne contiennent pas de chitine tels les Oomycétes (Howell et al., 2000; Thrane

et al., 2000; Deshpande, 1999). Il a aussi 6tt montré que ni la production de sidérophores, ni la

production d'antibiotiques par l'espèce Pseudomonas fluorescens n'&aient responsables de

l'activité biologique de ces bacteries contre Pythium aphanidermatum chez le concombre

(Ongena et al., 1999). 11 reste alors ii savoir si ces acides gras sont toxiques chez les

champignons de blanc et donc si les acides gras sont réellement les p ~ c i p e s actifs dans la

répression du blanc par P. flocculosa.

La premiere partie de cette thèse s'intdresse donc & la caractdrisation biologique des

acides gras antifongiques potentiellement impliques dans l'activite antagoniste de P.

flocculosa. La difficuht! il isoler quantitativement et h purifier les acides gras des filtrats de

Page 17: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

culture est un des facteurs lirnitants dans l'étude de leun propriétds et la compr6hension de

leur mode d'action contre les champignons de blanc. Pour faciliter l'étude de l'implication

biologique de ces m&abolites, nous avons réalisé la synthèse de deux des acides gras actifs par

des mCthodes standards de chimie organique. Ces synthèses ont donné des quantités

suffisantes et la puretd requise pour la caractérisation biologique. Les acides gras

nouvellement synthCtisés ont CtC dtudies pour quantifier leurs activitds antifongiques

respectives en particulier en ce qui concerne filiginea, agent causal du blanc du concombre.

Cette étude a aussi étd mende pour Clucider la relation entre les différences structurales des

acides gras et leurs activites biologiques propres.

1.3.2. SpécificitC des acides gras antifongiques

La co~aissance du mode d'action spécifique de P. flocculosa demeure un atout

important dans la prédiction de l'efficacité de l'antagoniste A court et à long terme (Bélanger et

Deacon, 1996). La sensibilité aux acides gras fongiques dicterait ainsi la gamme d'hôtes de

l'agent antagoniste et devrait permettre de conclure sur la spécificitd de l'antagoniste quant aux

champignons ciblds pour la lutte biologique. Des Ctudes ont déjà montré que l'issue de la

relation agent pathog&ne/agent antagoniste dépend des propriétés intrinsèques de l'agent

pathogéne (Benyagoub et al., 1996b; Jones et Hancock, 1988) et des attributs physiologiques

de l'agent antagoniste (Bdlanger et Deacon, 1996). La sensibilitd relative d'un nombre restreint

de champignons aux acides gras produits par P. flocculosa a récemment Ct6 corrélée avec la

composition lipidique de leurs membranes cellulaires (Benyagoub et al., 1999). 11 a été

observé qu'un faible contenu en stérols ainsi qu'une insahiration ClevCe des chaînes acyles des

phospholipides membranaires semblaient responsables d'une sensibilité accrue des différents

organismes ib l'étude face aux acides gras toxiques. Dans le cadre de ces mêmes travaux, la

sensibilité des champignons semblait lite A une ddsorganisation plus importante de leurs

membranes cellulaires. Cette dernikre hypoth&se a dtt confhde subséquemment en mesurant

les changements de la fluiditd membranaire (degr6 de désorganisation) dans des membranes

artificielles (liposomes) (Benyagoub et al., 1996b). Cette perte d'intégritd membranaire serait

donc responsable de la fuite d'électrolytes, de la desorganisation du cytoplasme et, halement,

de la desintégration complète des cellules fongiques.

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La deuxitme partie de cette recherche s'intdressait donc aux mécanismes moleculaires

de l'activitt! antifongique des acides gras toxiques, au site prkcis d'activité et A l'implication des

composantes lipidiques des champignons dans l'issue de la relation de sensibilitd/résistance.

Ainsi, des études ont dtd entreprises sur les membranes cellulaires d'une gamme plus

importante de champignons avec des caractCristiques connues en ce qui a trait h leurs

compositions lipidiques. Un champignon de blanc (S. fuliginea) a 6té inclus dans ces

expdriences afin d'établir la relation entre sa composition lipidique, sa sensibilité aux acides

gras toxiques et sa susceptibilité à P. flocculoso. De plus, une Localisation des acides gras

toxiques dans les fractions lipidiques de champignons traites a Ct6 conduite pour déceler leur

mode et site d'action dans les membranes fongiques.

1.4. Caract6risation phdnotypique et gkaotypique de P.jlocculloso

Plusieurs études ont montré que la sdlection de l'agent antagoniste le plus approprie

dépendait de l'&olution du contexte agronomique d'utilisation (Kiss et Nakasone, 1998;

Grondona et al., 1997). Par exemple, un agent antagoniste efficace dans des conditions

agronomiques précises peut être moins efficace lorsque certains facteurs changent tels l'agent

pathogène ciblé, les conditions culturales et les régions géographiques d'utilisation. Ceci est

d'autant plus vrai en ce qui concerne les propribtt!~ et fonctions spécifiques que l'agent

antagoniste doit posséder dans la manifestation de son pouvoir antagoniste. En somme, l'agent

de lutte le plus approprie doit être évaluC sur une base de cas par cas (Burns et Benson, 2000).

Il faut donc avoir des outils de sélection précis pour identifier et sélectionner le(s) individu(s)

le(s) plus efficace(s) et approprid(s) dans le cadre du ddveloppement d'un produit de lutte

biologique (Avis et al., 2001).

Dans ce contexte, la dernih partie de cette these s'intdressait ih l'&ude de la variabilitd

des isolats connus de P. flocculosa en ce qui a trait B leur potentiel antagoniste ainsi qu'à leur

pertinence pour leur d6veloppement dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique contre

le blanc. Un maange de caractdristiques phhotypiques et génotypiques a CtC &tudie pour

évaluer la diversW des isolats connus de P. flocculosa et pour discriminer P. jlocculoso

d'autres champignons semblables. Au niveau gtnotypique, les etudes ont reposé sur

i'dvaluation de l'ADN ribosomique et les microsatellites. Au niveau phdnotypique, la

Page 19: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

production des acides gras antifongiques et les propnetCs antagonistes des organismes contre

l'oïdium du concombre ont été testées.

Les recherches qui suivent tentent d'éclaircir un certain nombre de concepts

fondamentaux en ce qui a trait à l'agent de lutte biologique Pseudozyma f7occuloso.

L'exploitation pratique de cet agent antagoniste repose sur une connaissance approfondie de

son mode à'action et sur la production d'outils nCcessaires pour la sélection des isolats les plus

prolifiques face aux conditions changeantes d'utilisation de l'agent antagoniste. Seulement a

travers ces connaissances sera-t-il possible d'avoir une efficacité constante et une sélection des

candidats les plus approprids pour un programme de lutte biologique contre le blanc.

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OK Wcobgie Mode d'actiofi

h* Stabi lit&* Essaidexpériences génétique

@s - Production de masse


Analyse de. marché Brevet

Homologation 4 Commercialisation

Figure 1 . Étapes de développement d'un biopesticide. (a ) Points à l'étude lors de ces


Page 21: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique






Departement de phytologie, Centre de recherche en horticulture, Université Laval

Ce chapitre a &te publié dans la revue Journal of Chernical Ecology (2000) 26:987-1000

Page 22: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

Dans le cas des champignons de blanc, agents pathogènes ciblés pour la lutte

biologique par Pseudozyma flocculosa, il est trés difficile de cibler les mécanismes par

lesquels l'agent antagoniste les répriment. En effet, étant des parasites obligatoires, donc

dépendants du métabolisme de la plante hôte pour leur croissance, ils ne peuvent être cultivés

sur des milieux artificiels (Agios, 1988). Pour cette raison, la plupart des &tudes conduites sur

les propridtés antifongiques de P. Jlocculosa contre le blanc telle l'identification des acides

gras toxiques (Benyagoub et al., 1996a), ont CtC réalisées de façon indirecte h l'aide de

champignons modeles. Cependant, l'identification de tels composés ne signifie pas

ndcessairement que ces derniers soient responsables de l'efficacité de P. j7occulosa contre les

champignons de blanc. En effet, des études ont déjii montré que les fonctions ou propriétés

identifiées d'un agent antagoniste n'&aient pas nécessairement les cmctéristiques principales

permettant d'expliquer leur potentiel de lutte biologique (Howell et al., 2000; Deshpande,

1999; Ongena et al., 1999).

Cette partie du projet de recherche visait l'ktude de la toxicité des acides gras

antifongiques chez les champignons de blanc et donc de vérifier si ces acides gras etaient

rdellement des principes actifs dans la répression du blanc par P. flocculoso. Pour ce faire, la

difficulté 21 isoler et h purifier les acides gras antibiotiques de l'agent de lutte biologique P.

jlocculosa ii partir de milieux de culture était l'un des facteurs limitants. Dans le cadre de ce

travail, un protocole de synthèse chimique pour deux molécules A activité antibiotique

préalablement identifides chez P. jlocculosa, soit l'acide (2)-9-heptadécenoïque et l'acide (2)-

6-méthyle-9-heptadécenoïque, a CtC mis au point et ddcrit. Ainsi, la synth&se chimique de ces

acides gras a permis de quantifier l'activité biologique de ces moldcules et ce, de façon

reproductible. Lors de bio-essais, les deux molCcdes de synthèse ont montd une activité

antifongique correspondant B leur potentiel appr6hendd. Contre Sphaerotheca f i i e a , agent

causal du blanc du concombre, les acides gras avaient une forte activitd inhibitrice. En fait, ces

acides gras induisaient le même effet inhibiteur (l'effondrement des chaînes de conidies du

blanc) que P. jloccirlosa lui-même (Hajlaoui et Bdlanger, 1991) ce qui a permis de conclure

que les acides gras &aient des principes actifs dans la dpression du blanc par P. flocculosa-

Page 23: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

Enfn, grâce h ces travaux, il etait dés lors plus facile d'dtudier les propriétés

écologiques de P. flocculosa en relation avec d'autres organismes.

Difficulties in isolating and purifying antibiotic fatty acids fiom culture filtrates of

Pseudozyma flocculosa, a biocontrol agent against powdery mildewq have been limiting

factors in studying the properties and understanding the mode of action of the biocontrol

agent. We report a new protocol for synthesizing (2)-9-heptadecenoic and for the fvst time

synthcsis of (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acids, two antibiotic fatty acids produced by P.

flocculosa. This allowed reproducible and quantifiable means of assaying biological activity of

the molecules. In these bioassays, both molecules exhibited antifiingal activity corresponding

to their expected potency. These new developments should facilitate M e r studies aimed at

deciphering the ecological properties of P. flocculosa.

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Pseudorymoj?occuloso (Traquair, L. A. Shaw & Jarvis) Boekhout & Traquair (syn.:

Sporothrixflocculosa Traquair, Shaw & Jarvis) (Boekhout, 1995) is a yeast-like fungus with

antagonistic activity against powdery mildew h g i (Jarvis et al., 1989: Hajlaoui and Bélanger,

1 99 1, 1993; Bélanger et al., 1994). Microscopie and cytochemical observations revealed that

the antagonist induces rapid collapse of powdery mildew conidial chahs and cytoplasmic

disintegration of fimgal cells without hyphal pemtration (Hajlaoui et al., 1992). These fndings

suggested that antibiosis was the main mode of action by which P. jZocculosu exerted its

biocontrol activity.

Recently, our laboratory has isolated extracellular fatty acids with antimicrobial

properties produced by P. jloccufosa, two of which were reported for the first tirne

(Benyagoub et al, 1996a). These molecules, identified as 9-heptadecenoic acid and 6-methyl-

9-heptadecemic acid, exhibited a toxic activity against several fungi, but had little eEect on P.

jlocculosa itself (Benyagoub et al., 1996b). Bélanger and Deacon (1996) found a correlation

between fimgal sensitivity to the fatty acids and fimgal susceptibility to P. jlocculosa,

suggesting that these fatty acids are the active principles behind the biocontrol potential of the

antagonist .

Isolation and manipulation of these fatty acids fiom culture filtrates has proven

dificult as extraction and purification procedures resulted in low and unreiiable yields. This

has hampered o u efforts to learn more about the ecological and molecular pmperties of these

compounds. As a result, we sought a way to obtain large and stable amounts of the antibiotics.

Therefore the objective of this work was to develop a synthesis method for both (2)-9-

heptadecenoic and (Z)a-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acids in order to facilitate biological studies

of the antibiotics.

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2.2. l . General chernical procedures and instruments.

Al1 oxygen or moisture-sensitive reactions were perfonned in flame or oven-dried

glassware under pressure of nitrogen or argon. Au-sensitive liquids and solutions were

transferred by syringe or cannula. Ether, tetrahydrofûran and 1,4-dioxane were dried before

use. 1,7-dibromoheptane, 3-methylglutaric anhyàride, and 1 -nonyne were obtained fiom

commercial sources (Sigma-Aldrich, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). Flash column

chromatography was performed with silica gel EM science 200-400 mesh (40-63 pm). Al1

nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ('H, ')c) was recorded in deuterium chloroform

using a Bniker 300 MHz. Peaks positions are expressed as domifield shifts in parts per million

(6) fiom tetramethylsilane interna1 standards. Split patterns are designed as singlet (s); doublet

(d); doublet-triplet (dt); triplet (t); quartet (q); multiplet (m); broad signal (br); J is coupling in

Hertz. GC-MS data were recorded with a Hewlett Packard 5890 series II gas chromatography

coupled to a Hewlett Packard 5972 mass selective detector. Mass spectra were obtained with

electronic impact (EI) (70 eV, energy bearn).

2.2.2. Synthesis of (2)-9-Heptadecenoic Acid.

Preparation of various homologs and positional isomers of the C- 1 3-C- 19 odd-carbon

ethenoic acids were synthesized according to Gr imer and Kracht (1963) and Jacob and

Grimmer (1966) (Figure 1). These acids were prepared by reaction of the appropriate lithium

acetylide and dihaloalkane in 1,4-dioxane and followed by reaction of the tesulting acetylenic

halide with sodium cyanide to obtain the conespondhg acid 7, which was half-hydrogenated

to the ethenoic according to Jacob (1966).

I,7-Diiodoheptcme (3). A solution of 1.7-dibromoheptane 1 (5.17 g, 0.022 mol) in 20

ml of dry acetone was added dropwise to a 250-ml flask equipped with a condenser,

containing a suspension of sodium iodide (13.3 g, 0.09 mol) with 100 ml of dry acetone at

room temperature. The mixture was heated to reflux for 3 hr. After cooling, the reaction

mixture was filtered and the solvent was evaporated in vacuo. The crude cesidue was purified

Page 26: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

by flash chomatography with hexane as eluent. The yield was 96%, 7.6 g. C7Hi412: 'H NMR

(CDC13): S 1.30 (m, 6H), 1.39 (m, 4H), 3.17 (t, 4H) ppm; 13c NMR (CDC13): 6 6.91 (C-4).

27.32 (C-3), 27.81 (C-3'),30.14 (two carbons) (C-2), 33.21 (two carbons) (C-1); EI-MS (dz,

loss fiagment): 352 (m, 225 (M'+-HI), 183 (M+-HI-c&), 155 (MIc~HI~I), 97 (C,H13).

9-Hexadecyne Iodide (4). Under an atmosphere of argon, 1-nonyne 2 (2.5 g, 0.02 mol)

in 500 ml of dry 1,Cdioxane was reflwed with lithium amide (0.414 g, 0.01 8 mol) for 3.5 hr

in a tricol equipped with a condenser and a dropping fùnnel with pressure equalization am. To

the organolithium compound thus formed, l,7-diiodoheptane 3 (8 g, 0.022 mol) in 50 ml of

dry 1,4-dioxane was added dropwise. The mixture was refluxed an additional 2 hr, allowed to

cool to room temperature, and then poured into a mixture of ice-water and stirred 15 min. The

mixture was extracted with diethylether (3 X 50 ml). The combined organic fractions w e n

dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered, and the solvent was evaporated in vacuo. The residue

was purified by flash chromatography with hexane as eluent to give the corresponding

iodoalkyne 4 with a 95% yield (6.6 g). C I ~ H ~ ~ I : 'H NhlR (CDCli): 6 0.87 (t, 3H), 1.27-1.54

(m, 18H), 1.79- 1-92 (m, 2H), 2.1 3 (t, 4H), 3.18 (t, 2H) ppm; "C NMR (CDC13): 6 7.1 1

(CHjCHz), 14.1 1, 18-72, l8.78,22.65, 28.07, 28.58, 28.85 (2 carbons), 29.00, 29.19, 30.42,

3 1.79,33 S2, 80.00 (C, alkyne), 80.42 (C, alkyne) ppm; EI-MS (nJr, loss fragment): 348 (m, 305 (M+-c,H~), 291 (W-GHg), 263 ( W - C ~ H ~ ~ ) , 249 (W-c.1~15).

9-Heptadecyne Cyanide (5). A solution of iodide compound 4 (4 g, 0 .O 1 1 5 mol) with

200 ml of 92% ethanol was added in a 250-ml flask equipped with a condenser and was

refluxed 5 hr with sodium cyanide (2.8 g, 0.06 mol). After cooling to room temperature the

mixture was poured into 50 ml water and extracted with hexane (3 X 50 ml). The combined

organic fraction was dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered, and the solvent was evaporated in

vacuo. The residue was purified by flash chromatography with hexane as eluent. The yield

was 2.5 g (88%). Cl7HZ9N: 'H NMR (CDC13): 6 0.86 (t, 3H), 1.26-1.49 (m, 18H). 1.59-1.69

(m. 2H), 2.1 1 (t,4H), 2.31 (t, 2H) ppm; 13c NMR (CDC13): S 13.92 (çH3CH2), 16.95, 18.52,

18.59, 22.97, 25.19,28.14,28.27 (two carbons), 28.42, 28.68,28.77,29.01,3 1.63, 79.71 (C,

alkyne), 80.31 (ç, aikyne) 119.59 (ç, nitrile) ppm; EI-MS (mk, loss fragment): 247 (m, 176

@f%H~i), 162 (W-Cdh), 148 ( M * - ~ i h ) , 134 (M+-GHi7), 8 1 (CSH~W, 67 (CSIN.

Page 27: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

9-Hepiadecynoic Acid (6). In a 250-ml flask equipped with a condenser, the cyanide 5

(2.5 g, 0.0094 mol) was diluted with 50 ml of 92% ethanol. Sodium hydroxide (2.28 g, 0.06

mol) in 25 mi of water was added in one portion, and the mixture was heated to reflux 10 hr.

The reaction was cooled to room temperature, diluted with 200 ml of water, acidified with

hydrochloric acid 2N, and extracted with diethylether (3 X 50 ml). n i e cmde residue 3.8 g

was purified by flash chromatography using a gradient of mixture of 10-30% ethylacetate-

hexane as eluent to yield 2 g (66%) of 9-heptadecynoic acid 6. CL7HI02: 'H NMR (CDC13): 6

0.81 (t, 3H), 1.21-1.40 (m, 18H). 1.52-1.60 (m, 2H), 1.98-2.09 (t, 4H), 2.26-2.31 (t, 2H) 8.75

(br, COOH, 1H) ppm; I3c NMR (CDCli): 6 13.93 (CH3CHI), 18.58, 22.48, 24.48, 28.46,

28.62 (two carbons), 28.68 (two carbons), 28.81, 28.92, 29.03, 31.63, 33.81, 79.92 (ç,

alkyne), 80.22 (C, alkyne) 179.46 (çOOH) pprn; EI-MS (A, loss fragment): 248 (M"), 195

(*-C5~i 11, 1 78 (M+-cIH~Q), 164 (M+GHio9). 128 (M%~i202) , 95 (GHi i), 8 1 (Cs&),

67 (C5H7).

(2)-9-Heptadecenoic Acid (7). 9-Heptadecynoic acid 6 (1.35 g, 0.005 1 mol) was

dissolved with 50 ml of methanoVpyridine (5: l), poured into a hydrogenation tube, and 0.03 g

of Raney nickel powder was added to the mixture. The tube was closed and shaken under

hydrogen atmosphere until adsorption ceased (30 min). The naction mixture was filtered on

celite, the solvent was evaporated in vacuo and the residue was purified by flash

chromatography using a gradient of 10-30% ethylacetate-hexane as eluent. Pure (2)-9-

heptadecenoic acid 7 was obtained. The yield was 1.1 g (81%). C17H3202: 'H NMR (CDCl,): 6

0.81 (t, 3H), 1.18-1.24 (m, 19H), 1.51-1.59 (m, 2H), 1.91-2.07 (t, 4H), 2.25-2.30 (t, 2H) 5.22-

5.33 (m, 2H, J= 5.80 Hz) ppm; "C NMR (CDC13): 6 13.99 (ÇH3CH2), 22.56, 24.54, 27.09,

28.94 (two carbons), 29.02, 29.15 (two carbons), 29.56 (two carbons), 29.65, 3 1.76, 33.96,

129.61 (C, alkene), 129.90 (ç. alkene) 180.20 (COOH) ppm; EI-MS (&, loss kgment): 268

(m, 250 (W-H~o), 196 (M+-c3)402), 182 (W-C&02), 138 (C7HMO2), 95 (CiH, I), 81

(C6Hd, 67 (C5H7)-

2.2.3. Synthesis of (Z)aMethyl-9-Heptadecenoic Acid.

Heptadecenoic acid methyl substituted at the 6 position was synthesized by a

modification of Figure 1. The comsponding a,ci>-dibromopentane was prepared by reduction

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of methyl-3-glutaric anhydride followed by a bromation with phosphorus tribromide or a

Vonbraun degradation of substituted piperidi (Nguyen and Cartledge, 1986) (Figure 2).

3-Methyl-1.5-Pentanediol(10). A solution of 3-methylglutaric anhydride 9 (1.48 g,

0.008 mol) in 50 ml of anhyârous tetrahyârofursn was added dropwise to a suspension of

lithium aluminum hydride (0.59 g, 0.96 mol) in 200 ml of anhydrous tetrahydrofiiran. After 2

hr of stimng at room temperature, hydrolysis was accomplished by pouring the reaction

mixture in an ice-cold saturated ammonium chioride solution. The mixture was extractcd with

diethylether (3 X 50 ml). Drying of the combined organic phase was performed over

magnesium sulfate, and evaporation of solvent gave pure 3-methyl-1,s-pentanediol 10,0.602

g (44% yield). C6H14O2: 'H NMR (CDC13): 6 0.92 (d, 3H, J= 6.63 Hz), 1.36- 1.45 (dt, 2H),

1.53-1.64 (dt, 2H), 1.72-1.83 (m, lH), 3.39 (br, ZH), 3.59-3.74 (m, 4H) ppm; "C NMR

(CDCli): 6 19.71, 25.69, 39.24 (two carbons), 60.18 (two carbons) ppm; EI-MS (dz, loss

fragment): 119 (M?+l), 99 (M'-H~o), 82 (Cdlo), 67 (C5Hi).

3-Methyl-1.5-dibromopentane (1 1). Phosphorus ûibromide, 1.4 1 g (0.0052 mol) was

slowly added to a 250-ml flask equipped with a condenser, containing a 0.6 g (0.0051 mol) of

3-methyl-1,s-pentanediol 9, at -lO°C. The mixture was brought to room temperature and

stirred 20 hr. Ethylacetate (20 ml) was added to precipitate the oxides, followed by filtration

and evaporation of solvents in vacuo. The crude residue was purified by flash chromatography

with hexane as eluent or by distillation (bp 8OC6 mm Hg), to give pure dibromide 11. The

yield was 0.9 g (73%). C6Hl2Br2: I H NMR (CDC13): 6 0.93 (d, 3H, & 6.26 Hz), 1.65-1.77 (m,

2H), 1.82-1.97 (m, 3H), 3.36-3.49 (m, 4H) ppm; I3c NMR (CDC13): 6 18.05, 30.47, 31.12

(two carbons), 39.28 (two carbons) ppm; EI-MS (m/z, loss fragment): 244 (M+, 79~r ) , 246

(M', " ~ r ) , 162 (Mt-%), 164 (bf-'%r), 135 (M+-c~&"B~), 137 (M'-c2b7%r), 83 (C6Hi ,).

3-Methyl-1,s-diiodopentune (12). A solution of 3-methy l- 1,s-dibromopentane 11

(1.15 g, 0.045 mol) in 20 ml of dry acetone was added dropwise to a 250-ml flask equipped

with a condenser and containhg a suspension of sodium iodide (1.8 g, 0.012 mol) with 25 ml

of dry acetone at m m temperature. The mixture was heated to reflux for 3 hr. mer cooling,

the reaction mixture was filtered and the solvcnt was evaporated in vacuo. The crude residue

was purified by flash chromatography with hexaae to give pure diiodide 12. The yield was

1.65 g (89%). &H1212: 'HNMR (CDC13): 6 0.90 (d, 3H, & 5.32 Hz), 1.71 (m, 3H), 1.90 (m,

Page 29: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

2H), 3.30 (m, 4H) ppm; "C NMR (CDCI,): S 3.87, 17.69, 34.91,4O.OO (two carbons) ppm;

EI-MS ( d z , loss fragment): 338 (m, 21 1 (&- 1). 169 (M*-c~&,I), 155 (MI-CIH~), 127

(M*-C6Hl21), 83 (C6Hll), 55 (C4H7).

3- Methyl-6-tetrodecyne Brornide (1 3) or 3-Methyl-6-tetradecyne lodide (II). Under an

atmosphere of argon, 1-nonyne 2 (3.72 g, 0.03 mol) in 100 ml of dry 1,4-dioxane was reflwed

with lithium amide (0.762 g, 0.033 mol) for 3.5 hr in a tricol equipped with a condenser and a

dropping h e l with pressure equalization am. To the organolithium compound thus formed,

0.0047 mol of the 3-methyl- 1,s-halopentane 11 (1.14 g) or 12 (1.59 g) in 50 ml of dry 1,4-

dioxane was added dropwise, and the mixture was heated to reflux another 2 hr. The mixture

was allowed to cool to room temperature and poured into a mixture of ice-water and stined 15

min. The mixture was extracted with diethylether (3 X 50 ml). The combined organic fractions

were dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered, and the solvent was evaporated in vacuo. The

residue was purified by flash chromatography with light petroleum ether as eluent to give the

corresponding haloalkyne 13 (0.897 g, 76% yield), or 14 (1 .O0 g, 64% yield). CISH2,Br: IH

NMR (CDCI,): 6 0.89 (d, J = 6.47 Hz, 3H), 0.92 (t, 3H), 1.10- 1.49 (m, 1 1 H), 1 S2- 1.94 (m,

4H), 2.10-2.27 (m, 4H), 3.47 (m, 2H, CH2-Br) ppm; "C NMR (CDC13): 6 13.94 (CH3CH2),

16,22, 1 8 3 , 18,61, 22,49, 28,70, 2899 (two carbons), 30,49, 3 1,56, 31,64, 3537, 3937,

79.46 alkyne), 80.45 (C, alkyne) ppm; EI-MS (dz, loss fragment): 288 (M'), 207 (M'- 8 1 Br), 1 89 ( C S H I ~ B ~ ) , 187 ( c I I H I ~ ~ ~ B ~ ) , 125 (C9H17). 95 (C7H1 I), 8 1 (C6H9), 67 (C5Hï).

C I ~ H ~ ~ I : IH NMR (CDCI3): 6 0.89 (d, J = 6.10 Hz, 3H), 0.92 (t, 3H), 1.25 (m, 14H), 1.55 (m,

2H), 1.63-1.80 (m, lH), 1.83-2.20 (m, ZH), 3.20 (t, 2H, CH2-1) ppm; 13c NMR (CDC13): 6

4.53 (ÇH~CHI), 13.97, 16.22, 18.18, 18.63, 22.51, 28.71 (two carbons), 29.00, 31.65,32.98,

35.32,40.50,79.48 Cç, alkyne), 80.58 (ç, alkyne) ppm; El-MS ( d z , loss hgment): 334 (m, 207 (W-I), 155 (M+-c~H~), 123 (C6H&, 55 (C4H7), 41 (CIH 5).

5-Merhyl-8-hexudecyn-lel(I5): Under an atmosphere of argon, 0.087g (3.6 rnmol) of

magnesium W n g s were introduced into a three-necked 100-ml round-bottomed flask,

equipped with a pressure-equalizing addition h e l , a condenser, and a magnetic stir bar. The

magnesium was covered by 10 ml of anhydrous diethylether (fkshly distilled on sodium). A

solution of 3-methyl-6-tet~adecyn iodide 14 (0.800 g, 0.0024 mol) in 20 ml of anhydrous

tetrahydrofiuan was added dropwise at 20'C. The formation of the Grignard reagent was

Page 30: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

accomplished afler 2 hr of stirring. The solution was then cooied to O'C in an ice water bath

and a flow of ethylene oxide was bubbled into the Grignard solution for a period of 45 min.

The resulting suspension was stirred for an additional 45 min at O'C. The reaction was allowed

to warm at room temperature and treated with cold saturated ammonium chloride. The

resulting mixture was extracted with diethylether, and the combined ether extract was washed

with b ~ e and dried over anhyàrous magnesium sulfate. Removal of the solvent by distillation

under pressure afforded of the desired product. The alcohol was purified by flash

chromatography and eluted with light petroleum ether-ethylacetate (70:30). Pure

hydroxyalcyne 14 was obtained (0.100 g, 13%). C i7H120: 'H NMR (CDC13): 6 0.89 (t, 3H),

0.92 (d, J = 6.57 Hz, 3H), 1.1 1 - 1.75 (m, 20H), 2.09-2.27 (m, 4H), 3.62-3.76 (m, 2H, CkOH)

ppm; "C NMR (CDC13): S 13.93, 16.32, 18.60, 19.00, 19.21, 22.95, 28.62 (two carbons),

28.69,29.01,29.55, 31.63, 36.26,39.39,60.91,79.81 (C, alkyne), 80.26 (C, alkyne) ppm; EI-

MS ( d z , loss fiament): 223 (@- C2H5), 209 (M'- C3%), 193 (w-C~H~O), 179 (C4H90), 95

(C~HI l), 80 (C~HS), 67 (CSH7).

5-Methyl-8-hexudecyne Bromide (16). Freshly recrystallized from hexane,

tnphenylphosphine (0.1 55 mg, 0.00059 mol) was added in one portion to a cold solution of

hydroxyalcyne 15 (0.135 g, 0.00053 mol) with 5 ml of dry dichloromethane. AAer a 1-hr

reaction period, carbon tetrabromide, 0.197 mg (0.00059 mol) was added in one portion and

the mixture was stirred at O'C for 5 hr. A mixture of ethylacetate and petroleum ether (20:80)

was added, and the mixture was filtered on a bed of silica gel and washed with the sarne

solvent. After evaporation of the solvent in vacuo, the bromoalkyne 16 was purified by flash

chromatography with light petroleum ether as eluent to give 0.138 mg, 82% yield. CIW31Br: t H NMR (CDCl,): 6 0.87 (t, 3H), 0.98 (d, J = 6.40 Hz, 3H), 1.10-1.96 (m, 19H), 2.1 1-2.25 (m,

4H), 3.36-3.5 1 (m,2H, CbBr) ppm; "C NMR (CDCh): 6 13.94, 16.22, 18.38 (two carbons),

18.61, 22.49, 28.71, 28.99 (three carbons), 30.79, 31.60, 31.64, 35.57, 39.57, 79.48

alkyne), 80.48 (ç, alicyne) ppm; EI-MS ( d z , loss hgment): 273 (M'- CI&), 235 (M'- "~r ) ,

1 79 (M'-GH,B~), 95 (C7H 1 i),8 1 (C6H9).

6-Methyl-9-heptadecynoic Acid (1 7). A solution of bromide compound 16 (0.120 g,

0.00038 mol) in 20 ml of 92% ethanol was added to a 50-ml Bask equipped with a condenser

and was heated to reflux 5 hr with sodium cyanide (0.093 g, 0.00191 mol). The cyanide

Page 31: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

formed was not isolated and was immediately treated with sodium hydroxide (0.0076 g,

0.00199 mol) in 25 ml of water. The mixture was heated to reflux for 14 hr. The naction was

cooled to room temperature, diluted with 200 ml of water, acidified with hydrochloric acid

2N, and extracted with diethylether (3 X 50 ml). The cmde residue was purified by flash

chrornatography with a gradient of mixture of 10-30% ethylacetate-light petroleum ether as

eluent to give 0.060 g, 57% yield of 6-methyl-9-heptadecynoic acid 17. C18H3202: 'H NMR

(CDCI,): S 0.79 (t, 3H), 0.82 (d, J = 6.47 Hz), 1.19-1.68 (m, 19H). 2.03-2.17 (t, 4H), 2.26-2.39

(t, 2H) 9.75 (br, COOH, 1H) ppm; 13c NMR (CDC13): 6 13.95 (çH3CH2), 18.59, 18.59, 18.63,

22.49,28.69 (three carbons), 28.99,29.57,31.11 (two carbons), 3 1.37.3 1.64,35.70,79.62 (C,

alkyne), 80.31 (C, alkyne) 180.25 COOH) ppm; EI-MS ( d z , loss fragment): 281 (Mf+ l), 236 (M'-COI), 168 (W-C~HIO~), 108 (M'-C~HI~), 95 (C7Hii), 81 (C6H9), 67 (CsH7).

(2) -6-Methyf-9-heptadecenoic Acid (1 8). 6-Methy l-9-heptadecynoic acid 17 (0.1 27 g,

0.00045 mol) was dissolved in 50 ml of methanol-pyridine (5:l) and poured into a

hydrogenation tube, and 0.03 g of Raney nickel powder was added to the mixture. The tube

was closed and shaken under hydrogen atmosphere until adsorption ceased (15 min). The

reaction mixture was filtered on celite, the solvent was evaporated in vacuo, and the residue

was purified by flash chromatography with a gradient of 10030% ethylacetate-light petroleum

ether as eluent. Pure (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid 18 was obtained (0.1 17 g, 9 1% yield).

CI8HJ4O2: 'H NMR (CDCli): 6 0.86 (t, 3H), 0.89 (d, J = 6.19 Hz, 3H), 1.12-1.76 (m, 17H),

1.99-2.1 8 (t, 4H), 2.27-2.45 (m, 2H) 5.28-5.40 (m, 2H, J = 5.80 Hz) 9.81 (CHgOOH) ppm;

"C NMR (CDC13): S 13.94 (CH3CH2), 18.96, 19.1 1,22.53,24.48,27.06,29.08,29.13,29.22,

29.56, 29.61, 31.45, 31.73, 31.87, 36.51, 129.39 (C, alkene), 129.97 (ç, alkene), 180.08

(COOH) ppm; EI-MS ( d z , loss hgment): 281 (M+-1). 267 (MICB), 254 (Mç- C2&), 238

(M+-C@), 236 ( w - ~ 2 0 , -C2&), 221 (M+-C~HS~) , 114 (CsHio02), 97 (CiHi,), 83 (CsHii).

2.2.4. Biological Activity of the Synthesized Antibiotics on Fungal Material.

Cladosporium cucumerinum EUis and Arth. was obtained from Biosystemics Research

Centre (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) and maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA).

Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlechtend.:Fr.) Pollacci was maintained in axenic conditions on

long English cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Corona).

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Two agar disks (1 5 mm) of C. cucumerinum were suspended in 100 ml of potato

dextrose broth (PDB). The antibiotics were tested at concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,

and 1 mg/ml. The fatty acids were solubilized in Na-dimethylfomarnide @MF) prior to

king added to the medium. DMF alone (0.5%) was added to the culture media to serve as

control. Growth was quantified d e r a three-&y culture at 2S°C on a rotary shaker (150 rpm)

by dry weight measurement following lyophilization. Further concentrations of each antibiotic

were tested to detennine minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of C. cucumerinum. MIC

was defmed as the lowest concentration of each antibiotic at which no macroscopic evidence

of growth was obsmed. For each concentration, the expriment was repeated three times. In

order to determine the dose of each antibiotic which reduced growth of C. cucumerinum by

50%, probit analysis was performed with the PROC Probit procedure in SAS System (SAS

Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina).

Foliar disks (5 cm) were cut from S. fulginea-infected cucumber leaves and placed on

20-20-20 agar containhg 2 d i te r 20-20-20 and 8 glliter bacto-agar. Disks were cut fiom the

leaf portion covered by at least 95% with colonies of S. fiiiginea. The antibiotics were sprayed

on leaf disks as aqueous solutions of 0.1 and 0.2 mghl. The antibiotics were solubilized in

N , N - d i m e y l f o d e (DMF) prior to adding to sterile water. DMF alone (0.5%) was added

to the sterile water to serve as control. Evaluation of antibiotic effects on S. firliginea was

detemined following incubation periods of 0, 12, and 24 hr at 2S°C. Further evaluation of the

antibiotics was not possible because of their rapid degradation under these conditions.

Antifùngal activity was detemined using an arbitrary scaie of O to 4, where O = no effect on S.

fuiiginea conidial c h a h , 1 = 1 to 25% collapse of conidial chahs, 2 = 26 to 50%, 3 = 5 1 to

75%, and 4 = 76 to 100% collapse. For each treatment, the experiment was repeated three

times with two replicates per expriment.


By following the synthetic route of Figure 1, it was possible to obtain pure (2)-9-

heptadecenoic acid. Ames and Bowman (1951) and Broughton et al. (1952) described the

synthesis of ethylenic acids starting with an acid chloride and tribenzyltricarboxylate, which

can also lead to synthesis of this fatty acid. However, that synthesis was not explored because

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the protocol in this study was more efficient as it reduced the nurnber of steps. Figure 2 gave

pure (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid. Global yield of a,o-dibromopentane was low when

prepared by reduction of 3-methylglutaric anhydride followed by a bromation with

phosphorus tribromide. The Vonbraun degradation of substituted piperidine gave better

results. In order to obtain the organolithium reagent, Branhge et al. (1984) proposed a new

technique by using lithium 4,4'-di-tert-butylbiphenylide (LDBB) as an intermediate reagent at

-60°C in tetrahydrofuran. However, Our attempts to use this synthetic route were not

conclusive (Figure 2). On the other hand, the y ield of 5-methyl-8-hexadecyn- 1-01 (1 S),

although not optimal, was obtained reproducibly through Figure 2. For large-scale endeavors,

this step could possibly be optirnized with a modification of the halogenue structure such as

hydrogenation of the haloalcyne to haloalcene prior to the Grignard reaction.

Biological testing of the synthesized fatty acids was perfonned to verify theu toxic

activity on hngi and to determine the specific characteristics of each molecule. Both

compounds were assayed against C. cucumerinum, a cucumber pathogen that inhabits the

sarne ecological niche as P. flocculosa and is sensitive to the antifùngal fatty acids produced

by the antagonist. Growth of C. cucumerinum was inhibited by both fatty acids, with 6-

methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid demonstrating greater biological activity (Figure 3).

Determination of MICs resulted in no growth of C. cucumerinum at 0.6 and 0.35 mgml for 9-

heptadecenoic acid and 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid, respectively. Probit analysis revealed

that the dose of each antibiotic expected to reduce growth of C. cucumerinum by 50% is 0.16

and 0.10 mg/ml for Pheptadecenoic acid and 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid, respectively.

These results support previous qualitative reports that 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid has the

higher biological activity of the two when assayed against C. cucumerinum (Benyagoub et al.,


The antifungal fatty acids were also tested against S. filiginea, the causal agent of

cucumber powdery mildew for which P. jlocculosa is under study as a biocontrol agent. When

assayed against S. fuliginea, both antibiotics induced a rapid collapse of the conidial chahs of

the pathogen, with once again a xemingly greater effect of 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid

(Table 1). This collapse of conidial chains was similar to the one induced by P. flocculosa

itself. This suggests that the two fat@ acids are, at least in part, responsible for the biocontrol

activity. When assayed at 0.1 mgM, 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid caused a signEcantly

Page 34: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

higher degm of collapse compared to Bheptadecenoic acid 12 hr following the treatrnent. At

24 hr, these same treatments no longer showed differences in biological activity. This

indicates that 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid initially acts more rapidly on S. fuliginea than its

non methylated counterpart. The fatty acids used under these conditions lost their activity

when assayed at 36 hr (data not shown). This is a result of their degradation, as previously

demonstrated, when they are not stored under suitable conditions (appropriate temperature and

protection h m oxidation) (Kates, 1986). This rapid degradation indicates that P. flocculosa

itself must be applied as the control measure of S. fuliginea because the fatty acids alone could

not provide continuous control. Because the fatty acids degrade rapidly, there is less seiection

pressure on powdery mildew populations as a result of limited exposure to the compounds.

This implies that the development of resistant strains of powdery mildew fungi to the

antibiotics may be reduced or retarded on the leaf sunace. Along these lines, it is apparent that

residual activity would not be an issue, which makes P. flocculosa an environrnentally fnendly

agent of powdery mildew biocontrol.

Frorn an ecological perspective, P. jlocculosa is considered a weak cornpetitor for

nutrients (Hajlaoui et al., 1992). Therefore, these antibiotics would provide this antagonist

with a means to protect its ecological niche against powdery mildew fungi. This in turn

explains its rather selective biological control efficiency against powdery mildew fungi, which

compete for the same ecological niche on the leaf surface. The cornpetition is not based on

nutrients because they are biotrophs, i.e., organisms that develop only on another living


We consider the synthesis of these two fatty acids produced by P. flocculosa as a major

breakthrough in our system because it allows further experimentation of their antibiotic

activity without the underlying difficulties associated witb extraction and purification

procedures fiom culture filtrates. The newly synthesized molecules may be used as standards

to follow kinetics and quanti@ biosynthetic productions by P. flocculosa. This should give a

better understanding of the agent's antagonistic activity on leaf d a c e s and provide a tool for

screening and selecting P. flocculosu strains with superior biocontrol potential.

It has k e n s h o w that the antibiotic fatty acids induce leakage of electrolytes and

proteins (Hajlaoui et ai., 1992). These and other results have led to the hypothesis of a

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structural mode of action of P. jloccuiosa antibiotics, w h e ~ fungai membranes are the primary

target of action. Briefly, the antibiotics would partition into fungal membranes and induce

disorder due to their bulkiness caused by the cis double bond located near the center of these

fatty acids. This in tum would cause changes in the physical properties and function of fimgal

membranes which would induce electrolyte leakage and increased fluidity as show by

Benyagoub et al. (1996b). It is now apparent that the antifungal fatty acids do not directly or

indirectly act upon membrane sterols, factors that influence membrane fiuidity, because they

are toxic to pythiaceous fungi that do not contain membrane sterols (unpublished results).

Furthemore, the dose-dependent increase in both toxicity (this study) and fluidity (Benyagoub

et a!., 1996b) by the fatty acids would suggest that they interfere with the general membrane

lipid domain rather than a localized effect on one of its components. This model is also

consistent witb results in this study, in which the two antibiotics show differential activity in

exposed b g i . An additional methyl branch would occupy a larger cross-sectional area in

fungal membranes, thereby inducing greater disorder and increased fluidity. This would

support the higher biological activity of 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid.

The newly synthesized molecules should facilitate elucidation of the specific mode of

action of this biocontrol agent. For example, immunolocalization and cytochemical

observations could pinpoint sites of action of the fatty acids within fùngal cells, thus providing

a valuable tool to validate this model and eventually help in predicting the e@cacy of the

antagonist by analysis of cellular membranes of powdery mildew fungi.

Overall, the synthesis of ( 2)-Pheptadecenoic and (a-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acids

fiom P. flocculosa will give stable and suffifient quantities of the products for M e r testing

with regards to specific mode of action of the antibiotics. This will be helpful in elucidating

the molecular and ecological phenornena behind the antagonism by P. floccufosu and in

helping the prediction of its biocontrol eficiency. Finally, the antibiotics c m be used in

repeated selection pressure experiments to determine whether target fungi can eventually

develop resistmce.


Financial assistance fiom NSERC and Piant Products Co. Ltd.

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NGUYEN, B. T. and CARTLEDGE, F. K. 1986. A convenient synthetic route to methylated

silacyclohexanes. J. Org. Chem. 5 1 :22O6-22 10.

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Figure 1 . S ynthetic scheme for the synthesis of (2)-9-heptadecenoic acid.

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4, UAIH, - THF anhydm


1- M C N / EtOH 2- M O H - HXi

Figure 2. Synthetic scheme for the synthesis of @)a-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid.

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E 8

--C- 9-heptadecenoic acid

O 0 2 0,4 0,6 03

Antibiotic concentration (mglml)

Figure 3. Growth of threeday liquid cultures of CZadosporium cucumerinum following

treatment with (2)-9-heptadecenoic and (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acids at concentrations

ranging from O to 1 mglml. Values are means SD.

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Table 1 . Sphaerotheca fuliginea conidial chah collapse following treatment with aqueous solutions of antibiotic fatty aciàs from

Pseudozyma flocculosa '

Control (2)-9- heptadecenoic acid (2)-6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid

Time (hr) 0.0 mglml 0.1 mglml 0.2 mg/ml 0.1 mg/ml 0.2 mglml

' Values are means of conidial collapse where O = no effect on S. fuliginea conidial chains, I = 1-25% collapse of conidial chains, 2 =

26-50%. 3 = 51-75%. and 4 = 76-100% collapse. Within a line, means followed by same letters are not significantly different by

Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.01).

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Departement de phytologie, Centre de recherche en horticulture, Université Laval.

Ce chapitre a été publié dans la revue Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2001)


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Connaître le mode d'action spécifique de Pseudozymo flocculosa est un atout

important dans la prédiction de son efficacité à court et & long terme dans un contexte de lutte

biologique. De même, la co~aissance de la nature exacte de son mode d'action peut aussi

permettre de determiner l'impact écologique que son application massive comme biofongicide

pourrait avoir en milieu horticole. Sachant que le mode d'action de P. flocculosa est

l'antibiose (voir chapitre prkcédent), il serait important de savoir par quel rnbcanisme les

acides gras ont une activité antifongique sur les organismes cibles. Suite à des travaux

précédents, l'hypothèse que la sensibilité de divers organismes aux acides gras antifongiques

de P. jlocculosa dicterait la gamme d'hôtes de cet agent antagoniste a Ct6 émise. Cependant,

l'issue de la relation agent pathogènefagent antagoniste dépend également des facteurs

environnementaux requis pour leur croissance respective.

Cette recherche s'intéressait donc aux mécanismes mol6culaires de l'activité d'un des

acides gras toxiques, l'acide cis-9-heptadécenoïque (ACHD), contre divers organismes

possédant différentes compositions lipidiques membranaires. En effet, suite aux travaux de

Benyagoub et al. (1996b)' il avait et6 montré que la sensibilité de certains champignons aux

acides gras toxiques semblait liée à la composition lipidique de leur membrane cellulaire. De

ces mêmes travaux, I'hypoth&se retenue etait qu'un contenu faible en sterols membranaires

ainsi qu'un haut taux d'insaturation des chaînes acyles des phospholipides conféreraient une

sensibilité accrue des champignons aux acides gras toxiques.

Ainsi, des études ont Cté entreprises sur une gamme plus importante de champignons

ayant des compositions lipidiques membranaires différentes. Un champignon de blanc

(Sphaerotheca filiginea) a dte inclus dans ces expériences afîn d'dtablir la relation entre sa

composition lipidique, sa sensibilitt aux acides gras toxiques et sa susceptibilitd à P.

jlocculosa. De plus, une localisation de I'ACHD dans les fractions lipidiques de champignons

traités a étt conduite pour déceler son site d'action dans les membranes fongiques.

L'inhibition de la croissance et/ou de la germination a varit considdrablement selon les

organismes à l'étude. Ce rCsultat a permis de révéler des groupes de diffërentes sensibilitds

face à I'ACHD. L'analyse de la composition lipidique membranaire des champignons cibles a

montré que la sensibilité de certains &ait reliée B un taux faible de sterols membranaks.

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Contrairement B ce qui avait et6 supposC lors de travaux pdcedents, le taux d'insaturation des

chaines acyles des phospholipides membranaires n'a pas semble être reliC la sensibilité. Nos

rdsultats indiquent que l'ACHD n'agit pas directement sur les stérols membranaires, n'est pas

métabolisé ou encore modifie par les champignons soumis h son contact. Un mécanisme

structural du mode d'action de I'ACHD, tenant également compte des autres acides gras

antifongiques produits par P. jlocculoso, est propose afin d'expliquer l'activité de ces acides

gras et leur spkificité. La séquence probable des evhements moléculaires impliquds serait (i)

l'incorporation de I'ACHD dans les membranes fongiques, (ii) une élévation de la fluidité

membranaire plus ou moins variable en regard avec la capacitti de la membrane B tamponner

(contenu en stérols) l'arrivée des acides gras toxiques dans les champignons, (iii) une

désorganisation de la membranes causant des désordres de conformation des protéines, une

augmentation de la perméabilité membranaire et, ultimement, la désintdgration du cytoplasme.


cis-9-heptadecenoic acid (CHDA), an antifungal fatty acid produced by the biocontrol

agent PseudozymajloccuIosa, was studied for its effects on growth andor spore germination

in h g i . Inhibition of growth and/or germination varied considerably and revealed CHDA

sensitivity groups within tested fungi. Analysis of lipid composition in these fungi

demonstrated that sensitivity was related primarily to a low intrinsic sterol content and chat a

high level of unsahiration of phospholipid fatty acids was not as involved as hypothesized

previously. Our data indicate that CHDA does not act directly with membrane sterols, nor is it

utilized or otherwise modified in fbngi. A structural mechanism of CHDA, consistent with the

other related antifungal fatty acids produced by P. jlocculosa, is proposed in light of its

activity and specificity. The probable molecular events hplicated in the snisitivity of fhgi to

CHDA are (i) partitionhg of CHDA into fûngal membranes; (ii) a variable elevation in

fluidity dependent on the buffering capability (sterol content) in fungi; and (iii) higher

membrane disorder causing conformational changes in membrane proteins, increased

membrane permeability and, eventually, cytoplasmic disintegration.

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Pseudozyma jlocculosa (Traquair, Shaw et Jarvis) Boekhout et Traquair (=Sporothrk

flocculosa Traquair, Shaw et Jarvis) (8) is a yeast-like fùngus with biocontrol properties

against powdery mildew fhgi (3, 14, 15, 20). Cytochemical observations revealed that it

induces a rapid collapse of powdery mildew conidial chains and a cytoplasmic disintegration

of the cells (16) through the production of unusual extracellular fatty acids with antifungal

properties (1, 4, 11). These antifùngal fatty acids cause the release of intracellular ions and

proteins when in contact with sensitive fungi (16), suggesting that they disrupt properties and

functions of the cytoplasmic membrane. Benyagoub et al. (5) hypothesized that this fimgal

sensitivity was related to a low sterol content and to a high degree of unsahiration in

phospholipid fatty acids in fungal membranes, factors which increase membrane fluidity.

Indeed, they showed that the antifungal fatty acids caused a dose-dependent elevation in

fluidity in artificial membranes constnicted fiom the total lipids of the sensitive fungus

Cludosporium cucumerinunr Ellis et Arth, whereas artificial membranes made with lipids of P.

flocculosa demonstrated no changes in fluidity (5).

In general, elevated fluidity is known to cause disorder, i.e., a higher degree of

mobility of phospholipid acyl chains in the membrane bilayer. This alteration in acyl chah

packing can result in changes in membrane dynamics which would affect the activity of

membrane-bound proteins (12). Since toxic fatty acids, in general, seem to interfere with

multiple, apparently unrelated membrane enzymes (13), it has been proposed that the

interaction between the fatty acids and cellular enzymes in sensitive fungi is indirect and non-

specific (19). However, to our knowledge, there are no documented cases which propose a

specific mode of action of unusual fatty acids in living cells and explicitly discuss the

differential response of cells to these compounds.

It has been suggested that free fatty acids alter membrane fluidity either by (i)

partitioning into the lipid bilayer of cells (27) or by (ii) inclusion into fatty acyl chains of

membrane phospholipids (1 3); toxic molecules containhg double bonds, such as P. ficculosa

antifungal fatty acids, may also act by causing changes in permeability towards low-

molecular-weight substances (1 8) by (iii) binding to or altering membrane sterols (10,26). In

this study, these three hypotheses were tested using the free fatty acid cis-9-heptadecenoic acid

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(CHDA) produced by P. flocculoscl to treat a range of fiingi. To this encl, our objectives were

(i) to localize CHDA in the membranes of growing h g i exposed to a sublethal dose of this

compound; (ii) to analyze its comsponding efTect on fimgal growth; (iii) to quanti@ cellular

sterols and phospholipid fatty acid unsamation in a number of fungi; and (iv) to determine a

possible link between intrinsic membrane components in fungi and smsitivity to CHDA.


3.2.1. Fungal matenal.

Botvtis cinerea Pers. :Fr., Cladosporium cucumerinum, Idriella bolleyi (S prague) Arx

(=Micodochiurn bolleyi [Sprague] de Hoog et Hermanides-Nijhof), Phytophthora infstans

(Mont.) de Bary, Pseudozymu rugulosa (Traquair, Shaw, et Jarvis) Boekhout et Traquair

(=Sporothrix rugulosu Traquair, Shaw, et Jarvis), and Pythium uphonidermatum (Edson)

Fitzp. were maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Sphaerotheca fuliginea

(Schlechtend.:Fr.) Pollacci, a biotrophic fungus unable to grow on artificial media, was

maintained on long English cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Corona).

3.2.2. Synthesis of CHDA.

CHDA was synthesized as previously described (1) and stored at

-24OC in crystalline form.

3.2 -3. Effects of CHDA on fimgal growth and spore germination.

For assessrnent of fimgai growth inhibition, two agar disks (1 5 mm) of the fur@ under

study were suspended in 100 ml of potato dextrose broth (PDB). CHDA dissolved in N,N-

dimethylfomiamide @MF) was added to the broth to give a final concentration of O. 15 mg/ml,

a concentration s h o w previously to reduce growth of C. cucumerinum by approximately 50%

on the basis of dry weight (1). An equivalent concentration of DMF (0.5%) was added to PDB

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to serve as a control. Growth was quantified by dry weight measurement following

lyophilization after three day s of culture (25T) on a rotary shaker (1 50 rpm).

To assess spore germination, fûngal spores were suspended in 50 ml of PDB. CHDA

was added as a DMF solution at a concentration of 0.15 mg/ml. DMF alone (0.5%) serveà as a

control. Percent spore germination was detemined after a 24-h incubation period at 25OC. One

hundred spores were assayed for germination. Spores were considered to have germinated

when the length of the g e m tube equaled or exceeded that of the spore itself.

3.2.4. Extraction of lipids.

Total lipid extraction was carried out via a modified Bligh and Dyer method (6).

Lyophilized fimgal cells fiom the above-described expriment were suspended in chloroform-

methanol-water (100:100:50 mllg of dry weight) and homogenized with a Polytron

(Kinematica; Brinkrnan Instruments, Ontario, Canada) for 1 min on ice. The homogenized

solution was protected from light and extnicted for 3 h on a rotary shaker (150 rpm) at 2S°C.

Solvents were separated fiom fùngal biomass by filtration (Whatrnan paper no. 1), and the

extraction procedure was repeated with chlorofonn-methanol-water (200: 10050 mVg of dry

weight) overnight. The combined extracts were diluted with chlorofom and water (1: 1 by

volume), thus partitioning the water-soluble contaminants into the aqueous phase. Trace

amounts of water were removed by dilution with benzene. The organic phase was evaporated

on a rotary evaporator and taken to dryness under a strrarn of nitrogen. The resulting residue

constituted total lipids.

3.2.5. Anaiysis of lipids.

Neutral and polar lipids were separated by acetone precipitation as described by Kates

(2 1). Lipid fractions were separated by thin-layer chromatography on Silica Gel 60 (0.25 mm)

using hexane-diethyl ether-acetic acid (78:20:4 by volume) for neutral lipids and chlorofom-

acetone-methanol-acetic acid-water (10:4:2:2:1 by volume) for polar lipids. Neutral lipid

classes and individuai polar lipids were visualized by iodine staining and were identified by

comparing Rfvalues with authentic standards (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.).

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Fatty acid methyl esten (FAME) were prepared directly from phospholipids by

transesterification using BFj-methanol (14%) for 60 min at 70°C. Individuai FAME were

quantified by a gas chromatograph (GC) (Mode1 5890 series 11; Hewlett-Packard, Mississauga,

Ontario, Canada) coupled to a flame-ionisation detector (FID), using a 30-m DB-225 capillary

column (J&W Scientific, Rancho Cordova, Calif.). Peaks were integrated with a HP

integrator, mode1 3392A. The oven temperature program was as follows: 100°C, 20°C/Mn to

2OO0C, held 5 min, 10°C/rnin to 240°C, held 5 min. H2 injector and FID temperatures were

230 and 250°C, respectively. FAME were identified by comparing retention times with those

of authentic standards (Chromatographie Specialties, Brockville, Ontario, Canada) and

quantified by calibration c w e s of individual compounds. Methylheptadecanoate (1 7:O) was

used as an intemal standard. The degree of unsaturation (Nmol) was determined as previously

described (3 1). where Almol= [% 1 8: 1 + 2(% 1 8:2) + 3(% 1 8:3)]/100.

Sterols were obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of neutral lipids using 1 ml of KOH (33%

wt./vol.) in 10 ml ethanol (95%) for 2 h at 90°C (5). The unsaponifiable fraction containing

sterols was obtained by washing the hydrolysate with hexane. The hydrolysate was then

brought to pH 1 to 2 with HCl (6M), and the saponifiable fraction, containing the fiee fatty

acids, was obtained by washing with hexane.

Total sterols were quantified by gas chromatography using a method proposed by

Rangel et al. (28), with the following modifications. The oven temperature program was

100°C, held 2 min, 20°C/min to 200°C, held 1 min, 10°C/min to 300°C, held 5 min. He

injector and detector temperatures were 290 and 300°C, respectively. Peaks were integrated

with ChemStation software (Hewlett-Packard). Using this method, it was possible to separate

C27, C28, and C29 sterols. C27 and C28 stemls were identified by analyzing mass spectrum

data and comparing retention times with cholesterol and ergosterol, respectively. Sterol classes

were quantified using calibration curves of cholesterol and ergosterol. 5,î4[28]-stigmastadien-

38-01 (C29) was used as an intemal standard and was not present in any of the fbngi. The

steroWphospholipid (S/P) molar ratio was determined using an average molecular weight of

725 for phospholipids (P), 386 for cholestane (C27) derivatives, and 396 for ergostane (C28)

derivatives as follows: S/P molar ratio = (C271386 + C28/396)/(P/725).

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3.2.6. Evolution of phospholipid unsaturation.

I. bolleyi and P. aphunidermutum were subjected to m e r analyses of phospholipid

unsaturation in the presence and absence of CHDA. Two agar disks (15 mm each) of fimgal

mycelia were suspended in 100 ml of PDB. CHDA was amended to the broth at a final

concentration of 0.15 mg/ml in 0.5 % DMF. DMF alone (0.5 %) was added to the culture

media to serve as a control. Growth was quaatified daily over a 7&y culture period (2S°C) on

a rotary shaker (150 rpm) by dry-weight measurement following lyophilization. Growth

curves were plotted and phospholipid maturation of some samples was analyzed based on

their growth stage (early and mid-logarithmic, early stationary, and stationary growth phase).

Nmol of b g i were calculated as describcd above.

3.2.7. Analysis of CHDA.

Following incubation of fûngi with CHDA and extraction of lipids from both the

fimgal mass and the culture medium, free fatty acids and phospholipid fatty acids were

analyzed for the presence of CHDA. FAME were prepared from both fatty acid fiactions with

BF3-methanol(14%) and were gas chromatographed as described above. CHDA methyl ester

was identified by comparing retention time with the synthetic standard and quantified by

calibration curve.

3.2.8. Statistical analysis.

Al1 experiments consisted of two replicates of each fungus and were repeated three

times. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, and Fisher's protected least significant

difference (LSD) was used as a mean sepmation test.

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3.3.1. General effects of CHDA on fiuigi.

CHDA exhibited activity against al1 tested fungi, although the degree of sensitivity

varied considerably. For the concentration used in this study (0.15 mg/ml), growth inhibition

was significantly higher in P. infistans and P. aphanidermatum than in the other fungi (Table

1). Mycelial growth was significantly more hhibited for B. cinerea and C. cucumerinum then

for 1. bolleyi. P. rugulosa had only minimal growth inhibition. Inhibition of conidial

germination was nearly complete for S. fuliginea, elevated in B. cinerea and C. cucumerinum,

and minimal for I. bolleyi and P. rugulosa (Table 1 ) .

3.3.2. Total lipid composition.

Quantitative analysis of total lipids indicated that I. bolleyi and P. rugulosa had

significantly higher intrinsic lipid content than did the other five fùngi (Table 1). P. infistans,

P. aphanidermutum, and S. fuliginea had comparable lipid content whereas C. cucumerinum

had lower levels of total lipids. B. cinerea had the lowest lipid content of al1 fûngi tested. I.

bolleyi and P. rugulosa also had the highest proportion of total sterols, whereas B. cinerea, C.

cucumerinum, and S. fuliginea had statistically similar content (Table 1). P. infestons and P.

aphidermatum contained no sterols. Thin-layer chromatography analysis revealed that

phospholipids were the most abundant polar lipids in ail b g i . Phospholipid contents varied

twofold between the highest (S. filigineu) and lowest (C. cucumerinum) values of tested fungi.

S R molar ratio was significantly higher in I. bolleyi and P. rugulosa than in B. cinerea, C.

cucumerinum and S. fitliginea. Because sterols were not detected in P. infestans and P.

uphanidermatum, SIP molar ratio was 0.0 (Table 1).

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3.3.3. Phospholipid fatty acid composition.

For al1 tested fungal controls, palmitic acid (16:O) was the most prevalent saturated

phospholipid fatty acid. The most quantitatively important utl~aturated fatty acids were oleic

acid (1 8: 1) in P. infisruns and P. rugulosa, linoleic acid (1 8:2) in B. cinerea, C. cucumerinum,

1. bolleyi, and P. aphanidermatum, and linolenic acid (18:3) in S. fuliginea. Overall, B.

cinerea, i. bolleyi, and S. filiginea had a significantly higher degree of faiîy acid unsaturation

due to their high proportions of linoleic or linolenic acids. C. cucumerinum had an

intermediately high Nmol value, whereas P. infistans, P. rugulosa, and P. aphonidermatum

had lower values (Table 1). Among h g i treated with CHDA, the A/mol value remained

unchanged for I. bolleyi and P. rugulosa but was significantly higher than controls (P = 0.05)

for B. cinereu (1.9 versus 1.6), C. cucumerinum ( 1.5 versus 1.1 ), P. infistans (1.2 versus 0.9),

and P. aphanidermu?um (0.9 versus 0.8). Only in S. fuliginea was Nmol value significantly

lower (1.3 versus 1.7) than in controls (P = 0.05).

3.3.4. Evolution of phospholipid fatty acid unsaturation.

For 2. bolleyi and P. uphanidermatum, the degree of fany acid unsaturation evolved as

a function of growth stage (Table 2). For I. bolleyi, both mycelial controls and mycelia treated

with CHDA entered different growth phases afier equivalent culture periods. For 1. bolleyi,

there was no difference in Nmol between treatments at any growth phase. However, in the

presence of CHDA, growth of P. aphunidermutum lagged behind that of the control. Thus,

after 3 days of incubation, the P. uphanidermatum control had entered early stationary growth

phase, whereas the CHDA-treated mycelia was in the mid-logarithmic phase. At day 4, the

CHDA-treated fungus was in early stationary phase when the control was well into its

stationary growth phase. The Ah01 value varied accordingly with the growth phase of P.

aphanidermatum. Ah01 was higher in mid-logarithmic phase than in early stationary growth

phases at day 3. Also, the stationary growth phase was associated with a lower Nmol value

than the early stationary phase at ûay 4.

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CHDA was not detected in the culture medium or in the phospholipids of any fungus.

However, CHDA was found in the fiee fatty acids in quantities consistent with the dose of

application (P = 0.05) for al1 fûngi.


P. jlocculosa produces antifungal fatty acids known to affect the mycelial growth and

conidial germination of h g i (2, 5, 17). Thus, understanding the mode and site of action of

these antifwgal fatty acids is of major importance in the development of P. flocculosa as a

biocontrol agent. The sensitivity of fungi to these antifhgal fatty acids was recently

hypothesized to be linked to low sterol content and a high degree of phospholipid fatty acid

unsaturation, factors which contribute to an elevated membrane fluidity (5). Here, we have

tested a range of fûngi differing in their specific lipid composition and their sensitivity to the

antifungal fatty acids and have monitored CHDA, one of the antifungal fatty acids, in fùngal

membranes. This has allowed us to present new evidence on the relative sensitivities of h g i

to this compound and provide insight into its specific mode of action.

1. bolleyi and P. ruguiosa, the fhg i most resistant to CHDA, had markedly higher

sterol content than al1 the other fungi, while both P. infetans and P. aphanidermatum, the

most sensitive fungi, lacked sterols altogether. These data support the concept (5) that a low

proportion of sterols is linked to higher sensitivity to P. jlocculosa antifungal fatty acids.

These results were expected because sterols are known to buffer stress-induced modifications

in membrane fluidity (7), thus protecting the fungus in the presence of potentially disniptive

toxic fatty acids. This is of particular importance in the context of the use of P. flocculosa as a

biocontrol agent of S. fuliginea, the pathogen that causes powdery rnildew of cucumber.

Indeed, the low sterol content in S. fuliginea relates well not only to its CHDA sensitivity but

also to the effective biocontrol of cucumber powdery mildew by P. flocculosci.

The degree of phospholipid unsaturation did not correlate with the sensitivity of the

h g i to CHDA. These results suggest that an elevated degree of phospholipid unsaturation is

not as closely involved in sensitivity as was suggested previously (5). To address more deeply

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the involvement of phospholipid fatty acid unsaturation in CHDA-mediated events, untreated

h g i were compared with those cultured in the presence of CHDA. In the most CHDA-

resistant fungi, P. rugulosa and I. bolleyi, then was no change in the degree of unsaturation

between treated and control mycelia, but sensitive fungi, with the exception of S. fulginea,

demonstrated a surprising elevation in the Mm01 value. When a stress-induced elevation in

membrane fluidity occurs, cells are expected to compensate by IoweMg their phospholipid

unsaturation to maintain optimal membrane fluidity for growth (25). Results fiom I. bolleyi

and P. aphunidermatum revealed that this elevation in the degree of phospholipid fatty acid

unsaturation does not seem to be an adaptive response to the toxic effect of CHDA but rather a

consequence of growth lag in sensitive fungi. Indeed, slower growth of sensitive fbngi in the

CHDA treatment led to sampling of these fungi in their most active phase (log phase), where a

higher degree of fluidity is necessary. Other results (23, 30, 31) have demonstrated

conclusively that cells need a higher degree of fluidity for such biological processes as

germination and growth. This also explains why S. fuliginea spores treated with CHDA, which

did not geminate, had a lower phospholipid fatty acid unsaturation than the germinated spores

in the untreated controls.

Our results clearly indicate that sterols are not the targets of CHDA, since P. infistans

and P. aphanidermatum, which do not contain or produce sterols, were very sensitive to

CHDA. If sterols were the active sites of CHDA, these fungi would be unaffected by the

treatment .

At the dose used in this study, CHDA was not retrieved fiom the media in which fùngi

had been cultwed, indicating its uptake or insertion into fùngal cells. When fimgal lipid

fractions were analyzed, CHDA was never present in the fatty acyl chains of phospholipids.

This indicates that modification or utilization of CHDA in fungi is not involved in its toxicity.

Moreover, CHDA was completely recovered from the fiee fatty acid fraction of fungi,

indicating that CHDA is present in fiee form in fûngal membranes. As described previously

(22,27), fatty acids, in general, are known to fmly partition Uito membranes. Previous reports

indicate that cis-unsaturated fatty acids induce disorder in neighboring acyl chains due to their

bulkiness caused by the high motional freedom at a certain distance fiom the carboxyl group

(24,29). The cis double bond produces a fhed kink or bend in the fatty acid. Rotation of the

molecule causes disorder in the neighboring membrane acyl chains, thus causing an elevation

Page 54: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

in membrane fluidity (9). Nonspecific changes in physical characteristics of the bilayer could

therefore induce conformational changes in membrane proteins and thereby aiter their normal

function (12, 13). These results also explain the higher activity of other P. flocculosa

antifùngal fatty acids (4) which possess additional methyl branch structures capable of

disrupting membrane chain packing by occupying a larger cross-sectional area in the

membrane bilayer (24).

Overall, our data and that of previous reports (5, 17) are best explained by a model in

which the lipid bilayer of h g a l membranes are the primary target of the action of CHDA and

the other closely related fatty acids produced by P. jlocculosa (Fig. 1). At the molecular level,

current data suggest that a sublethal dose of CHDA would readily partition into fimgal

membranes. It is not modified or otherwise utilized but causes an elevation in membrane

fluidity in its free form. Fungi with a high sterol content can buffer the stress-induced

elevation in fluidity and can grow at their maximal rate (7). By contrast, fungi containhg little

or no sterol cannot deal as well with the presence of CHDA, and the ensuing loss of membrane

integrity retards their growth rate. At higher doses of CHDA, the greater elevation in fluidity

(higher disorganization) (5) would cause changes in membrane penneability. This would

cause the release of intracellular electrolytes and of proteins (1 7) and, eventuaîly, cytoplasmic

disintegration (1 6) of mycelia and spores.

This study, in which living fûngal cells were used as model membranes, is the fust, to

our knowledge, to propose a specific mode of action for unusual fatty acids and the molecular

events involved in their toxicity. This is of great relevance in understanding the bais of the

antagonistic effect of P. jlocculosa on S. filiginea, one of the targeted pathogens for use of the

biocontrol agent. This study gives greater insight into the means by which P. flocculosa

protects its habitat on the leaf surface and thus how it is able to exert its biocontrol activity

against powdery mildew h g i , such as S. fitligineu, with which it shares its ecological niche.


This work was supported by a grant fiom the Natural Sciences and Engineering

Research Council of Canada and Plant Roducts Co. Ltd. We thank R. Boulanger, S. Caron,

and S. Couture for technical assistance, C. Labbe for graphic work, T. Carver for proof idhg

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the manuscript, and C. Willemot and M. Paquot for critical nview of the manuscript and the



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20. Jarvis, W. R, L. A. Shaw, and J. A. Traquair. 1989. Factors af'Tecting antagoaism of

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30.Watson, K., and A. A. Rose. 1980. Fatty-acyl composition of the lipids of

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TABLE 2. Evolution of growth phase and phospholipid fany acid unsaturation of selected

h g i in absence (control) and presence (treated) of a sub-lethal dose of CHDA.

L bolleyi 2




P. aphanidermutum 2




















"EL, early logarithmic phase; ML, mid-logarithrnic phase; ES, early stationary phase; S, stationary phise.

Ydlmol = [b/. 18: 1 + 2(% l8:2) + 3(% 18:3)]1100.

=Within control and matcd fungi at the samc gowth period, = significantly differcnt at P = 0.05; ** =

significantiy ciiffernt at P = 0.01.

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Figure 1. Proposed model of activity of CHDA, an antifungal compound produced by P.


(A) Susceptible fungi. CHDA partitions into the hydrophobic region of fungal membranes,

producing significant changes in packing of lipid molecules by inducing disorder in

neighboring acyl chains due to its high motional fieedom. The resulting change in membrane

dynamics would affect the activity of membrane-bound proteins. These effects result in

alteration of membrane potentials which leads to its collapse, as reported in susceptible fùngi

exposed to P. /locculosa (1 7). (B) Resistant h g i . Sterols b a e r stress-induced fluctuations in

membrane fluidity by ordering fatty acyl chains. This would maintain more optimal activity of

membrane-bound enzymes and proteins by minimizing the impact of the CHDA-induced

disordering effect . Minimal membrane alterations are induced, and resistant fungi can

overcome this stress, as observed with 1. bolleyi (2). This model is consistent with the activity

of the other related antifungal fatty acids produced by P. jlocculosa, namely 6-methyi-9-

heptadecenoic acid, whereby its methyl branch wodd cause an even greater disturbance in the

lipid environment which would explain its greater activity in vitro (l,5).

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'~é~artement de phytologie, Centre de recherche en horticulture, Universitt Laval.

un entra al bureau voor Schimmelcultures, Yeast Division, Delft, The Netherlands.

'centre de Foresterie des Laurentides, Natural Resources Canada, Sainte-Foy, Quebec.

Ce chapitre a dté publit dans la revue Phyto@oIogy (2001) 91 :249-254

Page 64: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

Lors du développement du biofongicide Sporodexm par le laboratoire de Bio-contrôle

de l'université Laval, seule la souche de Pseudozyma jlocculosa (Traquair, L. A. Shaw &

Jarvis) Boekhout & Traquair (Boekhout, 1995), isolat A22, a été dtudiee quant A son potentiel

d'utilisation comme agent de lutte biologique contre le blanc. Cependant, d'autres isolats de

Pseudozyma ont Cté identifies depuis ce temps, et n'ont jamais Cté caractérises pour leur

potentiel antagoniste au blanc. Il a dté montre précédemment que la selection de l'agent

antagoniste le plus approprié dans un programme de lutte biologique pouvait dépendre de

l'évolution du contexte agronomique d'utilisation (Kiss et Nakasone, 1998; Grondona et al.,

1997). Par exemple, un agent antagoniste effcace dans des conditions agronomiques précises

peut être moins performant lorsque certains facteurs changent tels l'agent pathogène ciblé, les

conditions culturales et les régions géographiques d'utilisation, d'où l'importance de possdder

plusieurs candidats potentiels différents.

A h d'identifier et de selectiomer le(s) individu(s) le(s) plus efficace(s) et approprid(s)

dans le cadre du développement d'un produit de lutte biologique il faut avoir des outils de

sélection précis.

Cette recherche s'intéressait donc a l'étude de la variabilité des isolats connus de

Pseudorynuj7occulosa en ce qui a trait à leur potentiel antagoniste ainsi qu'a leur pertinence

pour leur développement dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique contre le blanc.

Ainsi, des caractéristiques phénotypiques et génotypiques ont été utilisées dans le but d'établir

l'identité et la diversité de cet organisme.

Dans une première partie, différents isolats de P. jlocculosa et d'autres especes très

voisines, ont et6 analyses. L' Ctude de séquences d'ADN ribosomique a permis de discriminer

P. jlocculosa d'autres espèces du même genre, et a permis d'identifier deux isolats de

Pseudozyma non identifies comme appartenant B l'espéce flocculoso. Les empreintes

génétiques basées sur les microsatellites ont t6vdlé trois souches distinctes de P. jlocculm

panni les isolats testés.

Dans un dewieme temps, les propriCtés biologiques et la production de métabolites

antifongiques ont et6 Cgaiement Ctudiées. De ces travaux, seuls les différents isolats de P.

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flocculosa ont montré une activitb antagoniste et &galement, la production d'au moins un des

deux acides gras antifongiques préalablement Ctudids (voir chapitres précedents).

Cette étude a finalement permis la production de marqueurs mol~culaires utiles pour

distinguer P. jlocculosa d'autres espèces voisines et pour identifier différentes souches au sein

de cette espèce. Suite ces travaux, il a Ctk possible d'identifier de nouveaux candidats

potentiels, bien qu'ils soient gendtiquement diffbrents, comme agents de lutte biologique

contre le blanc. Enfin, la production de marqueurs génétiques permettra Cventuellement de

construire des outils moleculaires spécifiques aux isolats afin de faciliter la recherche et le

développement de P. jlocculosa comme agent de lutte biologique contre les champignons du



A nurnber of phenotypic and genotypic characteristics wen used to ascertain the

identity and diversity of Pseudoryntajlocculosa, a natural antagonist of powdery mildews that

has received littie attention in tems of taxonomy. To this end, several putative isolates of P.

jZocculosa as well as several closely related species were analyzed. Ribosornal DNA

sequences distinguished P. flocculosa from other Pseudozyma spp. and identi fied two

previously unknown Pseudozyma isolates as P. flocculosa. Random amplified microsatellites

revealed three distinct P. flocculoso strains arnong the tested isolates. Biocontrol propenies

and antifungal metabolite production were limited to the P. j?occulosa spp. Results produced

useful molecular markers to (i) distinguish P. jlocculosa fiom other related h g i , (ii) identiQ

different strains within this species and, (iii) aid in the construction of isolate-specific

molecular tools that will assist in research and development of P. jlocculosa as a biocontrol

agent of powdery d d e w fimgi.

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Pseudorymaflocculosa (Traquair, L. A. Shaw & Jarvis) Boekhout & Traquair (syn.:

Sporothrix jlocculosa Traquair, L. A. Shaw & Jarvis) (6) is a yeastlike fungus with strong

antagonistic activity against powdery mildew fungi (3, 1 1, 12, 1 6). Cytochemical observations

revealed that the antagonist induces rapid collapse of powdery mildew conidial c h a h and

cytoplasmic disintegration of fimgal cells (13). The biocontrol agent produces extracellular

fatty acids with antifungal properties (4,7). Bioassay of these fatty acids confmed that they

induce the same toxic effect in fungal cells as P. flocculosa itself (1, 14), confirming their

importance in the biocontrol potential of the antagonist.

Current development of this fungus as a biocontrol agent has highlighted the

importance of assessing the identity and diversity of P. flocculosa isolates. First and foremost,

taxonomie confusions have hampered basic research and development of the fungal antagonist

as a biocontrol agent. The fungus was initially classified in the Sporothrix genus (20), though

recent studies have suggested that it is more closely related to the genus Pseudo~yma (2, 5).

Assessing identity and diversity is also of great importance in the selection of suitable

biocontrol candidates as well as in authentication of P. flocculosa isolates for industrial

procedures and registration purposes (9). Indeed, the efficacy of different isolates may Vary

with changes in crops and geographic regions of intended use. This may require the re-

evaluation of the most effective isolates of the fungus as these conditions evolve in agronomic

practices (1 7). Furtheme, authentication of fungai isolates is critical for consistent results in

eficacy in research and commercial trials as well as in the process of mass production in an

industrial setting (19, 23). In al1 of these processes, it is essential to have means for the

discrimination of P. flocculosa fiom other closely related organisms and to assess variability h

within the P. jlocculoso spp. In this context, DNA fingerprinting seems to offer a sensitive and

reliable approach to genetically characterize the biocontml agent.

Our objectives were, thenfoie, (i) to assess ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences and

randorn amplified microsatellite (RAMS) fingerprints as tools in identityldiversity studies of

P. flocculosu and related fungi, and (ii) to correlate this information with biological activity in

an attempt to provide a basis of selection of pruper candidates for biocontrol programs.

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4.2.1. Biological Materials.

Fungal isolates listed in Table 1 were derived fkom single-spore cultures and were

maintained on slants of potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 4OC. Cells were cultured in potato

dextrose broth (PDB) on a rotary shaker (150 rpm) at 25OC. The fimgal biomass was

centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 min, and the culture medium was discarded. Fungal cells

were washed with sterile distilled water and centrifbged for an additional 20 min. The water

was discarded, and the fimgal biomass was transfemd to sterile 1.5-ml microtubes. The cells

were lyophilized and stored at -20°C until use.

4.2.2. DNA extraction.

Genomic DNA was prepared as follows. Lyophilized h g i (= 10 mg) were mixed with

an equal amount of diatomaceous earth (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis) and ground with a

pestle. Six hundred microlitres of extraction buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl at pH 9.5, 2%

cetryltrimethylammonium bromide, 1.4 M NaCI, 1% polyethylene glycol 8000, 20 mM

EDTA, and 1% D-mercaptoethanol) was added to the macerated cells and incubated at 65°C

for 1 h. The mixture was extracted with 600 uL of phenol/chloroform/isoarnyl alcohol

(25:24:1) and centrifuged at 10,000 X g for 5 min. The supernatant was transferred to a new

microtube and re-extracted with 400 uL of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol. The

supernatant was precipitated with 1 vol of cold isopropanol and centrifuged et 10,000 X g for

5 min. The precipitate was washed with 70% ethanol, vacuum-dried and resuspended in 50 uL

of Tris-EDTA b d e r ( 1 W Tris-HCI and 1 mM EDTA, pH 8). Al1 DNA was diluted (1 : 100)

to a dilution detemined to yield the most reproducible polymerase chain reaction (PCR)


4.2.3. PCR amplification conditions.

The regions of rDNA were arnplified (Table 2): the entire region containhg both

intemal transcribed spacers (ITS), partial sequences of the large rnitochondrial subunit

Page 68: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

(mtLSU), and partial sequences of the small nuclear subunit (nSSU). PCR reactions were

carried out by the Taq DNA polymerase system (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemica,

Mannheim, Germany) in volumes of 25 uL containing 1 X the supplied reaction bufier

(including 1.5 mM MgC12), 100 uM each deoxynucleoside triphosphate, 1 uM each primer, 1

unit of Taq DNA polymerase, and 1 uL of the template DNA. Amplifications were performed

in a thermal cycler (MJ Research Inc., Watertown, MA) programmed for an initial

denaturation step at 95OC for 3 min, 35 cycles of 92°C for 30 s, 58OC (ITS and mtLSU) or

52'C (nSSU) for 30 s, and 72OC for 1 min. The amplifications were completed with a IO-min

final extension at 72°C.

RAMS fmgerprints were produced using single-primer amplification with GT and

CCA primers (Table 2). PCR was carried out (Expand Long Template PCR; Boehringer

Mannheim Biochemica) in 25 uL volume containing 1 X the supplied buffer (including 1.5

m M MgC12), 100 uM each deoxynucleoside triphosphate, 0.4 uM primer, 2% dimethyl

sulfoxide, 1 unit of Taq Expand DNA polymerase, and 1 uL of the template DNA. The

thermal cycler was programmed for an initial denaturation step at 95°C for 10 min, 34 cycles

of 94°C for 30 s, 58°C for 1 min, and 68OC for 2 min. The amplifications were completed with

an &min final extension at 68'C. Amplicons were visualized on 1.5% agorose gels in Tris-

acetate-EDTA buffet at 3 Vkm for 1.5 h. Gels were stained with ethidium bromide and

photographed under W light.

4.2.4. Nucleotide sequencing determination.

rDNA PCR products (ITS, partial mtLSU, and partial nSSU) were purified on minispin

columns (QIAquick; Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and directly sequenced using an aflatoxin

biosynthesis inhibitor automated sequencer (373A Strech; Applied Biosystems, Mississauga,

Ontario, Canada). Multiple sequence alignmeut was performed with Clustal W, available on-

line fiom the Baylor College of Medicine. Following visual inspection, final alignment of the

sequences was performed by hand. Nucleotide sequences are available in the GenBank

database as Accession Nos. AF294690 to AF294724.

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4.2.5. Phy logenetic analy sis.

Phylogenetic analyses were performed by phylogenetic analysis using parsirnony

(PAUP 4.0bl; Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA) on rDNA sequences of the entire ITS

region, partial mtLSU, and partial nSSU, both as individual and combined data sets. Indels

were coded as single events. Unweighted parsimony analyses were performed on the

individual data sets, excluding uninformative characters, using the heuristic search option with

1,000 random addition sequences with MULTREES on and tree bisection-recomection branch

swapping. Maximum parsimony analysis of the combined data set was by the branch-and-

bound option in PAUP for exact solutions. The nSSU data set was comprised of a 14-taxon

matrix, including sequences fiom Sporothrix schenckii (GenBank Accession No. M85053).

The combined rDNA data set was comprised of an Il-taxon matrix, fiom which the three

Sporothru spp. were excluded. Saccharomyces sp. (GenBank Accession No. AB040998) and

Tilletiopsis washingtonensis were selected as outgroups for rooting the nSSU and combined

rDNA trees, respectively. Clade stability was assessed by 1,000 parsirnony bootstrap

replications. Neighbor-joining trees were also infened with uncorrected "P" and maximum-

likelihood distance methods. Concordance of the three rDNA datasets was evaluated with the

partition-homogeneity test implemented with PAUP, using 1,000 random repartitions. The

Kishino-Hasegawa likelihood test implemented in PAUP was used to compare various

constrained and unconstrained topologies (Table 3).

4.2.6. Production of antifûngal fatty acids.

lsolates were tested for the production of 9-heptadecenoic and 6-methyl-9-

heptadecenoic acids, two antifungal fatty acids produced by P. jlocculosa (1). Fungi were

cultured in PDB for three days on a rotary shaker (150 rpm) at 2S°C, followed by a 28-day

still culture, protected fiom light. Culture media was separated fiom fimgal biomass by

centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 20 minutes. Culture media was extracted (3 X 50 mi) with

chlorofom (4). The combined organic phases were roto-evaporated and taken to dryness with

a Stream of nitrogen. The oily midue, containing both antifùngal fatty acids, was derived with

Phenacyl-8 (Pierce Chernical Company, Rockford, XL) (8). Phenacyl ester fatty acids were

analyzed by reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatopphy (Nova-Pak C-18 column, 60

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A, 4 um, 3.9 x 300 mm) coupled to a photodiode array detector (Waters Limited, Mississauga,

Ontario, Canada). The eluent was a gradient of 80 to 100% acetonitile, acidified with 0.1 %

H3P04, at a 1 .O d m i n flow rate, as follows: 80 to 100% over 15 min, 100% held foi 5 min,

and 100% to 80% over 2 min. 9-heptadecenoic and 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acids were

identified in fungal culture medium extracts by comparing retention times and W spectra

with authentic standards (1). The experiment was repeated three times for each fungus.

4.2.7. Biocontrol activity of h g a l isolates.

Fungal isolates were assayed for their ability to antagonize Sphaerothecu fuliginea

(Schlechtend.:Fr.) Pollacci, causal agent of cucurnber powdery mildew. Foliar disks (5 cm)

were cut from S. fuliginea-infected cucumber leaves and placed on 20-20-20 agar containhg 2

gniter of 20-20-20 'al1 purpose' soluble fertilizer and 8 g/liter bacto-agar. Disks were cut from

the leaf portions covered by at least 95% with colonies of S. fuliginea. Spores of tested isolates

(1 x 106 spores/ml) were placed in water with 0.02% Aqua-Aid (Ken Crowe Inc., Montréal,

Qudbec, Canada). Spore were sprayed directly on the infccted cucumber disks and monitored

daily over a 7-day period for antifûngal activity evaluated as collapse of S. fulginea conidial

chains. Aqua- Aid alone (0.02%) served as a control. The experiment was repeated three times

for each fungus.


nie partial nSSU of rDNA data set consisted of 812 nucleotide characters, 65 of which

were parsimony idormative. These data yielded a single most parsimonious tree (MPT) (Fig.

1). Neighbor-joining tzees were found using the unconected P and maximum-likelihood

distance options and were topologically concordant with the MPT. Clade stability, as assessed

by 1,000 bootstrap replications, identified strong support of two independent groups: the

Pseudozymu clade that included the four P. flocculosa isolates, PBC, and PH, and the

Sporothrîx clade.

When the Sporothrix spp. were excluded, there was extensive variability within the

three rDNA sequences in al1 tested Pseudoryna spp. 'the ITS rDNA data set rrvealed that PF-

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A22, PF-1, PF-RM, PF-IS, PBC, and PH had identical sequences, with the exception of a 2-bp

insertion at positions 1 30 (T) and 13 1 (T) for PH. Sequences comprishg the 1,183-bp partial

mtLSU of rDNA data set contained a large intron of 733 bp for the four P. flocculoscl isolates,

PBC, and PH at the 3' end of these sequences. Partial sequences of the nSSU of rDNA

revealed that P. prolifca contained a large intron between position 64 and 480. Results of the

partition-homogeneity test (P = 0.072) indicated that the three rDNA trees reflected the same

underlying phylogeny . The three data sets were thus combined and analyzed by several tree

building prognuns.

Maximum parsimony yielded five equally parsimonious trees for the combined data set

(Fig. 2). Neighbor-joining trees were topologically concordant with the MPTs. Clade stability,

as assessed by 1,000 bootstrap replications, identified strong support of multiple independent

grouping of al1 Pseudozyma spp. as well as grouping the two unidentified Pseudozyma spp.

(PBC and PH) in the P. flocculosa clade in a polytomy set of relationships. Topological

constraints forcing the monophyly of different P. flocculosa groups were not significantly

different than the unconstrained MPT when subjected to the Kishino-Hasegawa likelihood test

(P = 0.05) (Table 3).

RAMS analysis revealed extensive differences in microsatellite fmgerprints between a

group consisting of the four P. jlocculosa isolates, PBC, and PH and a second group

comprised of the other Pseudozyma spp. GT primer yielded differences in banding patterns

between the four P. fIocculosa isolates fiom Ontario and Québec (PF-A22, PF-1, PF-RM, and

PF-1s) and the isolates fiom British Columbia (PBC) and the Netherlands (PH) (Fig. 3). With

al1 other major fragments the sarne, a PCR product of approximately 620 bp was present in the

four isolates from Ontario and Québec, whereas in PH and PBC, the "equivalent" fragment

was of approximately 600 bp. Moreover, CCA primer provided an amplicon positioned at

1,500 bp in PH and PBC that was absent in the four P. flocculoso isolates (Fig. 4). With CCA

primer it was also possible to differentiate the PH and PBC isolates fiom each other. Indeed,

the PBC isolate yielded a fragment of approximately 600 bp which was absent in the PH

isolate. Neither RAMS primer distinguished differences in banding patterns between the four

P. flocculosa isolates from Ontario and QuCbec.

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Analysis of both antifbngal fatty acids revealed that PF-A22, PF-1, PF-RM, PF-IS,

PBC and PH produced 9-heptadecenoic acid (Fig. 2). 6-methyl-9-heptadecenoic acid was

produced by PF-A22, PF-1, PF-RM, PF-IS, and PBC. PH did not produce 6-methyl-9-

heptadecenoic acid. None of the other tested fungi produced either of the antifungal fatty


When selected fbngi were bioassayed against S. fuliginea, only the four P. flocculosa

isolates, PBC, and PH induced collapse of S. fulginea conidial chains (Fig. 2). The remaining

h g i showed no evidence of biocontrol activity against S. fuliginea under our experimental



P. jlocculosa is a recently characterized yeastlike fungus with the potential for

biological control of powdery mildew disease. When selecting h g i for a specific purpose or

function it is essential to correctly classify and identifi isolates for the selection of appropriate

candidates in given situations. This precise identification is also necessary to ensure

consistency in experimental, industrial, and commercial processes. In this study, a mixture of

phenotypic and genotypic characteristics were studied to ascertain the identity and diversity of

the known P. flocculosa isolates in order to gain insight into the strains that are of interest in

biocontrol prograrns.

P. jlocculosa was initially classified in the genus Sporothrix based on classical

mycology techniques (20). Recent studies have suggested that the fungus is in fact fiom the

genus Pseudoryma, based, in part, on sequences of the large nuclear subunit (nLSU) of rDNA

(2, 5). In this work, the nSSU of rDNA was used to directly compare Pseudotyma isolates,

including P. flocculosa, with three Spororhrix spp. These results conclusively demonstrated

that P. flocculosa is indeed distant from Sprothrix spp. and is more closely related to the

genus Pseudoryma.

Cladistic analysis of the combined data set of three rDNA sequences clearly

demonstrated that the tested Pseudoqma fungi are distributed into five distinct species based

on their high bootstrap values (95% or greater). This is consistent with previous reports that

have used the nLSU of rDNA (2,5). Moreowr, the Kishino-Hasegawa likelihood test forcing

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the monophyly of the unknown Pseudotymu isolates fiom British Columbia (PBC) and the

Netherlands (PH) with the four P. jZocculoso isolates indicated that both PBC and PH should

be considered as belonging to the P. jlocculosu species.

Microsatellite fmgerprinting of P. jlocculosa isolates suggested that the four isolates

fiom Ontario and Quebec are very closely related. These results were expected beuiuse these

four isolates were initially derived fiom a single strain. Also, microsatellite fmgerprints of

PBC and PH indicated that they are both distinct strains of P. flocculosa. Previous results with

random arnplified polymorphic DNA analysis also nvealed that PH was distinct fiom PBC

and PF-A22, although this analysis could not distinguish the latter two isolates bctween each

other (2 1 ).

Under the test conditions used in this study, biocontrol activity against S. fuliginea,

causal agent of cucumber powdery mildew, was limited to the six P. /locculosa isolates,

including PH and PBC, indicating that biological control properties are not a general

characteristic of Pseudoryna spp. but are specific to certain species. Although P. rugulosa has

been reported to antagonize S. fuliginea (1 1). this was not demonstrated in our experiments.

Two of the antifhgal fatty acids that mediate the biocontrol properties of P. flocculosa

were produced in a11 P. flocculosa isolates, with the exception of PH, which only produce 9-

heptadecenoic acid. This may play an important role in the selection of the most prolific P.

flocculosa isolate in biocontrol programs. P. rugulosa produces a related antifbngal fatty acid,

4-methyl-7,ll -heptadecadienoic acid, but did not produce either of the two antifungal fatty

acids tested in this sndy. This may well effect the general biocontrol property of P. rugulosa,

which has been known to be less effective than P. jlocculosa in controlling powdery mildew

(1 1)-

Overall, this study indicates that P. jlocculosa can be genetically and biochemically

discriminated fiom other related fungi. C m n t results demonstrated that there are three

distinguishable P. flocculosa strains capable of biocontrol activity against S. fuliginea.

Although this biocontrol fimgus has a very limited genetic base, i.e., there are few known

isolates, these findings provide a basis to ideatm, authenticate, and rnonitor these isolates, and

possibly others yet to k discovered. This is of paramount importance in the production and

release of P. jlocculosa in a biocontrol program. For example, as experimental and

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commercial-sale testing of these isolates against other powdery mildew h g i as well as in

different cultural and geographical conditions continues, these molecular markers will be

useful in the selection of the most effective isolates to use in a given situation. Moreover,

should more than one isolate of P. jlocculosa be mas-produced in an industrial setting, these

molecular markers would be instrumental in the detection of cross contamination between

isolates in a quality control test (18). These findings could permit the construction of

molecular tools based on isolate-specific sequences. This may allow the possible detection of

mutations which could, if followed by selection or genetic drift, alter the genetic integrity and,

potentially, the biocontrol property of the fungus. The discovery of specific and usefbl genetic

markers in this study will, thus, be instrumental in gaining insight into the diable use of a P.

flocculosa-based biological fungicide against powdery rnildew diseases.


This work was supported by a gant fiom the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council of Canada and Plant Products Co. Ltd. We thank D. Auclair, H. Germain, and N.

Lecours for technical assistance, and K. O'Donnell for assistance with phylogenetic analysis.


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13.Hajlaoui, M. R., and Bélanger, R. R. 1993. Antagonism of the yeast-like phylloplane

fungus Sporothrix flocculosa against Erysiphe graminis var. tritici. Biocontrol Sci.

Technol. 3:427-434.

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antagonistic activity of Sporothrix jlocculosa on rose powdery mildew, Sphaerotheca

pannosa var. rosue. Phytopaîhology 82583489.

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14. Hajlaoui, M. R., Traquair, J. A., Jarvis, W. R., and Bdlanger, R. R. 1994. Antifungal

activity of extracellular metabolites produced by Sprothrix flocculosa. Biocontrol Sci.

Tecbnol. 4:229-237.

1 5 .Hantula, J., Dusabenyagasani, M., and Hamelin, R. C. 1 996. Random arnplified

microsatellites (RAMS): A novel method for characterizhg genetic variation within fungi.

Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 26: 1 59- 166.

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cucumber powdery mildew by Stephanouscus flocculosus and S. rugulosus. Mycol. Res.

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powdery mildew h g i . Curr. Genet. 33:362-367.

18. Markovic, O., and Markovic, N. 1998. Ce11 cross-contamination in ce11 cultures: the silent

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Applications. T. Burke, G. Dolf, A.J. Jeffreys and R Wolff, eds. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel,

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20. Traquair, J.A., Shaw, L. A., and Jarvis, W. R. 1988 New species of Stephanoascw with

Sporothrix anamorphs. Can. J . Bot. 66:926-93 3.

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Table 1 . Fungal isolates and species used in this study.

Species Designation Isolatea Host of origin Geographic origin


P. /Iocculosa

P. floccu losa

P. /Ioccufosa

Psdozyma sp.

Pseudozymu sp.

P. mgdosa

P. antariica

P. aphidis

P. prolijka

Spïmîrhrir infita

S. nivea

Tilletiopsis washingtonensis


PF- 1












CBS 167.88

This study

ATCC 74320

This study

This study

This study

CBS 170.88

CBS 5 16.83

CBS 517.83

CBS 3 19.87

ATCC 24422

ATCC 76232

ATCC 96 1 56

T w u m paterne


Not applicable

Not applicable


Cucumis sativus

Zea mays


Aphid secretion

Scirpus microcarpus



Cucumis sativus

Ontario, Canada

QuCbec, Canada

Québec, Canada

Québec, Cana&


British Columbia, Canada

Ontario, Canada





Saskatchewan, Canada

British Columbia, Canada

%BS = Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures; ATTC = American Type Culture Collection.

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Table 2. Polyrnerase chah reaction-amplified regions and primers.

Genomic regiona Primer sequenceb ~ e f ?


Entire ITS


Partial nSSU




'ITS = intemal transcribed spacer, mtLSU = mitochondial large subunit, nSSU = small nuclear subunit, and RAMS = random

amplified microsatellites.

bnie following desigat ions are used for degenerate si tes: V (G, A, or C), H (A, T, or C), D (G, A, or T), and B (O, T, or C).

'TS = this study.

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Figure 1 . Single most parsimonious tree inferred fiom partial sequences of the small nuclear

subunit (nSSU) of rDNA. Bootstrap replication frequencies > 50% are indicated above nodes.

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100 P. flctc~laro isolrtc A22

Production of 9-hcpfadcccnoic





Roduction of Coll~pse of 6-Wyl -9 - S. filigintu

heptsdccaroic conidia acid

Ycs Yes

Yes Ycs

Figure 2. Strict consensus of the five most parsimonious trees based on the combined dataset of three rDNA sequences. Bootstrap

replication frequencies > 50% are indicated above nodes. GT = GT-primed microsatellite fingerprint (Fig. 3); CCA = CCA-primed

microsatellite fingerprint (Fig. 4).

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L'objectif global de cette recherche visait l'étude des propriétés et de la spécificité des

mecariiismes de l'activite antagoniste de l'agent Pseudozymo jlocculosa, afin de produire des

outils de sélection d'isolats les plus appropriés à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de

lutte biologique contre le blanc des cultures serricoles.

Pour aborder cet objectif, nous nous sommes d'abord intéressés à la caracttrisation de

l'activite biologique des acides gras antifongiques produits par P. flocculosa. Lors de travaux

précédents, les acides gras antifongiques n'avaient pas 6tC spécifiquement testés quant a leur

activité biologique contre des champignons de blanc mais plutôt contre des champignons

modèles, ce qui avait permis alors de simplifier leur détection (Benyagoub et al., 1996a). Il

s'est ensuite avéré necessaire de déterminer si les acides gras étaient des principes actifs dans

l'activité antagoniste de P. flocculosa contre les agents pathogènes du blanc, maladie contre

laquelle l'agent antagoniste est développe comme biofongicide.

La réalisation de la synthèse chimique de deux acides gras antifongiques produits par

P. jbcculosa, i'acide 9-heptadécenoïque et l'acide 6-méthyle-9-heptadécenoïque, a dté un atout

majeur dans notre systéme puisqu'elle a permis de mener des expériences sur leur activite sans

les d i~cul tes liées B leur extraction et lt leur purification dans les filtrats de culture.

L'utilisation de ces acides gras a permis de montrer qu'ils avaient une forte activite

inhibitrice contre Sphaerotheca fuliginea, agent causal du blanc du concombre. En fait, ces

acides gras induisaient le même effet inhibiteur que P. flocculosa lui-même i.e. l'effondrement

des chaînes des conidies du blanc (Hajlaoui et Bélanger, 1991)' ce qui a confirmb leur rôle

dans l'activité biologique de P. flocculosa.

De plus, ces expériences ont permis de mesurer l'effet inhibiteur propre a chacun des

deux acides gras Ctudibs. Ainsi, une diffdrence structurale entre les deux acides gras, en

l'occurrence un groupement méthyle supplémentaire chez l'acide 6-méthyle-9-

heptadkenoïque, a r6v61é que ce groupement fonctionnel induisait une activité inhibitrice plus

tlevde que l'acide 9-heptaddcenoïque. A la lumiére de ces rdsultats, on pourrait sélectionner

des souches de P. jlocculosa ayant une production supCrieure en acides gras antifongiques

méthyles comme moyen de sdlection de candidats ayant un meilleur potentiel de lune

biologique contre le blanc. Cependant, la production Nt vitro de ces acides gras est

présentement longue et hasardeuse. En effet, il est fastidieux de détecter ces moldcules dans

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les filtrats de cul- de P. flocculosa, puisque la technique actuelle demande au moins 30

jours de croissance ou l'tpuisement du milieu. Une nouvelle mdthode de culture est

prdsentement l'essai au laboratoire de Bio-contrôle pour permettre la production de

métabolites toxiques en deçh d'une semaine, ce qui reprtsenterait un facteur non ndgligeable

dans le cadre d'un programme de criblage de souches potentiellement efficaces.

Afin d'etablir dbfmitivement le rôle de ces métabolites dans l'eficacite antagoniste de

P. jlocculosa dans la phyllosph&e, il serait révélateur de connaître l'importance de la

production de ces acides gras in situ. Cependant, la degradation rapide de ces produits en

conditions naturelles ne nous a pas permis de les detecter 4 la surface de feuilles de concombre

infectees et traitées avec P. jZocculosa. Une solution envisagée serait l'utilisation d'anticorps

spécifiques aux acides gras antifongiques préalablement complexés à une protéine (haptène).

Cependant, il semble tr5s difficile de créer un anticorps vraiment spécifique suite une

construction acide gras-haptène vue la taille trks petite des acides gras antifongiques.

L'utilisation de P. flocculosa dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

necessitait une connaissance approfondie de son mode d'action, ceci dans l'objectif de tenter

de prddire son efficacité a court et B long terme (Bélanger et Deacon, 1996). Ainsi. nous avons

entrepris une étude sur les mécanismes d'action des acides gras antifongiques de l'agent

antagoniste, et sur les propriétés intrinsèques des champignons ayant différents niveaux de

sensibilitd face à ces acides gras.

Cette dtude a permis de confirmer l'hypothbse Crnise par Benyagoub et al. (1996b) il

l'effet que la sensibilité relative de différents champignons face aux acides gras antifongiques

etait lide principalement il leur contenu en stdrols membranaires. Nos r6sultats ont montré

qu'un contenu faible ou nul en stdrols chez les champignons causait une sensibilitd accrue aux

acides gras antifongiques. De ce fait, le spectre d'activitt des acides gras antifongiques &tait liC

h une propridtd intrinséque des champignons ciblés. Ceci est similaire aux résultats obtenus

avec la gliotoxine, produite par Gliocladium virens, dont le spectre d'activitt etait lui aussi lie

A une composante intrins@ue des champignons ciblés, en l'occurrence, les groupements thiol

de la membrane cytoplasmique (Jones et Hancock, 1988). Ainsi, le faible contenu en stérols

membranaires du champignon de blanc, S. filiginea, semble dtterminer non seulement sa

grande sensibilité aux acides gras antifongiques, mais aussi sa susceptibilitt face A P.

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jlocculosu. Dans ce contexte, il serait de mise de tester si d'autres champignons de blanc sont

plus ou moins sensibles aux acides gras produits par l'agent antagoniste. Par exemple,

Sphaerothecapannosa var rosae, agent causal du blanc du rosier, semble plus susceptible il P.

jlocculosa (Bureau, 1999) que son homologue chez le concombre. Il serait donc intéressant

d'étudier sa sensibilitb face aux acides gras et d'ttablir le lien entre sa sensibilité supérieure et

son contenu en stérols membranaires.

Lors de ces travaux, il a aussi ét6 montré que les acides gras fongitoxiques s'insdraient

naturellement dans les membranes cellulaires des champignons, observation ayant été déjà

faite avec d'autres types d'acides gras (Pjura et al., 1984), et que leur activité biologique se

manifestait sans utilisation, ou autre modification, par les champignons ciblés. Les acides gras,

sous leur forme native, agissaient donc en provoquant une désorganisation générale, ou

augmentation de la fluidité, dans les membranes cellulaires (Benyagoub et al., 1996b). Ces

résultats ont permis de proposer un modèle d'activité des acides gras. Cette activité biologique

serait due à une perturbation des lipides membranaires causée par la rotation des acides gras

autour du double lien en conformation cis. Lon de leur rotation, les acides gras repousseraient

ou désorganiseraient les chaînes acyles des phospholipides qui sont, entre autres composantes

membranaires, responsables de l'intdgrité des cellules fongiques ( D e W et al., 1973; Burt et

al., 1991). Ce modèle est aussi en accord avec l'activité biologique supérieure des acides gras

méthylés. Ainsi, le groupement methyle occuperait un espace physique supplémentaire dans

les membranes fongiques (Macdonald et al., 1984), ce qui aurait pour effet de dbsorganiser

plus efficacement la structure membranaire.

La derniére partie de ces travaux consistait à dtablir l'identité et illustrer la diversité des

isolats connus de P. flocculosa et autres Pseudozyrna spp. Pour ce faire, un nombre de

caract6ristiques gdnotypiques et phhotypiques a Ctb choisi pour des fins analytiques. Au

niveau gdnétiqw, des séquences d'ADN ribosomique ont Cte caractérisées, et des empreintes

génbtiques basées sur les microsatellites ont bté produites. Grâce & ces travaux, il a ttk

possible de distinguer P. flocculosa d'autres champignons du même genre, en plus d'identifier

comme appartenant B I'espéce~occtllosa, deux isolats du genre Pseudozyma jusqu'alors non

identifiés. Le test des microsatellites a également pennis de mettre en fidence l'existence de

trois souches distinctes B l'int&ieur de l'espécejlocculosa. Ces dsultats sont d'une importance

capitale dans le dtveloppement de P. jlocculosu comme agent de lutte biologique. En effet, ils

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permettront de développer des tests de contrôle de qualitd afin de vdrifier l'identité du

champignon, la presence de contaminations et l'intégrité du produit h a 1 dans un contexte de

production industrielle (Avis et al., 200 1).

En sus des tests génétiques, l'activité biologique et la production des acides gras

antifongiques ont et6 égaiement suivies chez les mêmes isolats afin de relier les résultats

génétiques aux propriétés antagonistes du genre Pseudozyma. Suite à ces travaux, on a pu

montré que l'activité antagoniste contre le blanc et la production des acides gras etaient

limitées à l'espèce flocculosa. De plus, les trois différentes souches de P. flocculosa,

préalablement identifiées, avaient des activités biologiques distinctes qui pouvaient

potentiellement affecter, de façon positive ou négative, leur efficacité il r6primer le blanc dans

différentes situations d'utilisation puisque d'origines geographiques différentes (Kiss et

Nakasone, 1998, Grondona et al., 1997). Cette étude sur la caracterisation ghotypique et

phénotypique a aussi montrd qu'une des trois souches de P. flocculosa ne produisait pas l'acide

6-méthyle-9-heptadécenoïque contrairement aux deux autres. Toutefois, cette souche avait

montré le plus haut niveau d'activité biologique contre le blanc lors d'essais en laboratoire. Ce

résultat nous laisse croire qu'il existe peut-être d'autres molécules antifongiques qui n'ont

toujours pas été identifides. À la lumière de ce résultat, la création de mutants dbficients dans

la production des acides gras antifongiques serait une option pour déterminer l'importance du

rôle des acides gras dans l'interaction P. jlocculosa-champignons de blanc. Ainsi, il serait

possible de ddterminer si les acides gras sont les seuls principes actifs contre le blanc ou s'il

existe d'autres métabolites qui peuvent agir de façon additive ou en synergie avec les acides

gras antifongiques.

En rdswnd, l'ensemble des rdsultats fait ressortir les découvertes suivantes en ce qui

concerne les propridtds de P. flocculosa: (i) les acides gras antifongiques produits sont des

principes actifs dans le pouvoir antagoniste de P. flocculosa qui pourraient smir d'outils de

sélection des isolats les plus appropries et prolifipues dans le cadre &un programme de lutte

biologique, (ii) les acides gras antifongiques agissent sans autre modification dans les

membranes cellulaires et causent une perturbation physique (ddsorganisation géntrale) des

membranes, (iii) les champignons, avec un faible contenu en stCrols membranaires, sont plus

sensible aux acides gras; cela donne un outil potentiel de prkdiction de l'efficacit6 de P.

jlomlosa bas6 sur cette proptittt! intrinséque de l'agent pathogéne cible en l'occumnce

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différentes especes de blanc, (iv) il existe trois souches de P. flocculosa connues qui sont

identifiables sur une base génotypique et phenotypique, ce qui d o ~ e des outils d'identification

et de sdlection importants dans le développement de ces souches comme agents de lutte

biologique contre les champignons de blanc des cultures serricoles.

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1 Département de phytologie, Centre de recherche en horticulture, Université Laval.

*centre de Foresterie des Laurentides, Natural Resources Canada, Sainte-Foy, Québec.

Ce chapitre a &te publie dans la revue Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 23:8-12

Page 97: ET DE PSEUDOZW DE CONTRE LE BLANC · RÉsUMÉ COURT La sélection d'une souche de Pseudozyrnaflocculoso la plus appropriée à introduire dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte biologique

En agriculture comme en foresterie, un nombre sans cesse croissant de champignons

sont développés comme agents de lutte biologique contre les ravageurs. Ainsi, l'emploi

d'organismes vivants en phytoprotection a géniré de nouveaux dCfis pour les secteurs de la

recherche et du ddveloppement de l'industrie des produits de lutte biologique. Les marqueurs

moléculaires procurent d'immenses sources de dom6es pouvant assister les chercheurs dans le

ddveloppement d'outils pertinents pour assurer le suivi de l'évolution genbtique et

environnementale des agents. La sdlection d'une technique moléculaire appropriée repose,

d'une part, sur les caractéristiques spécifiques de l'organisme dtudié et, d'autre part, sur

l'information nécessaire pour évaluer une étape précise dans le processus de développement

d'un biopesticide. La connaissance de la ghétique moldculaire des agents antagonistes

fongiques est non seulement souhaitable mais essentielle pour assurer la fiabilité et l'usage

sécuritaire des produits phytosanitaires biologiques.


An increasing nurnber of b g a l biocontrol agents are being developed for control of

pests in agriculture and forestry. The use of these living organisms has brought new challenges

in research and development of biocontrol products. Molecular markers provide immense

sources of data which can assist scientists in developing tools to monitor the genetic and

environmental fate of these agents. Selection of appropriate molecular techniques should be

based on the specific characteristics of the organism and on the desired type of information

necessary to evaluate a particular step in the developmental process of a biopesticide. Genetic

assessrnent of b g a l antagonists is not only necessary but essential to gain insight into the

safe and reliable use of biologicai control products.

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The use of fungal biocontrol agents is becoming an increasingly important alternative

to chernicals in crop protection against weeds, insects, and diseases in both agriculture and

forestry. The discovery of fungal antagonists has led to new challenges in research,

development, and registration of biocontrol products in a market where chemical pesticides

dominate. Bringing a biocontrol product to market is a multitiered process which includes

discovery, eflicacy trials, toxicology testing, mass production, formulation, registration, etc.

(Woodhead et al., 1990; Cross and Polonenko, 1996). Through these different steps, there is

an increasing awareness that precise sampling of the (potential) h g a l antagonist has to be

routinely performed. As well, registration of a specific strain of an antagonist requires that the

identity and stability be ascertained with precision. This is of paramount importance to ensure

eficacy and genetic integrity of the product and to protect intellectual property. In this paper,

we outline the most important objectives and developmental processes by which the

phenotypic and genotypic qualities of a fimgal biocontrol agent c m be assessed. Potential

applications of molecular markers are discussed through case studies to highlight the

importance of molecular characterization of fimgal antagonists throughout the developmental



2.1. Discovery (identity)

The first step in developing a fungal biocontrol agent is the discovery, through

empirical or targeted screening. Potential fungal biocontrol agents have been identified in

numerous cropping systems or natural aosystems (Baker and Cook, 1982; Julien, 1992, Lipa

and Smits, 1999). Following isolation of potential biocontrol agents for a particular weed,

insect, or disease, screening of the fûngal isolates for biocontrol activity is generally

performed in vitro, dong with tests to establish identity and relatedness of the newly found

strains. This is most often accomplished using morphology, nutrient assimilation profiles,

enymatic activity, etc. These methds are now fiequently complemented by molecular data to

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allow classification of the antagonistic fungi into existing or new taxa (Samson, 1995). This is

important as the isolates may be closely related to other known fungi which may be pathogens

of plants or animals (in particular humans), or that are already present in the ecosystem. This

could eventually influence the applicability, if any, of the antagonist for the desired purpose.

23. Efficacy trials (diversity)

Once the identity of the fungus is established, it is often desirable to screen different

isolates to assess diversity within the species. This will aid in selecting the most efficient and

antagonistic strains for biocontrol ability in vivo. However, isolates with the highest level of

biocontrol in vitro may not perform as well in vivo since environmental conditions and

cornpetition with other microorganisms are much more restrictive. It is, therefore, essential to

select fùngal isolates under a range of conditions. Also, should the selection process be limited

to a narrow genetic basis, it is foreseeable that isolates with unknown potential could be left


23. Mass production and maintenance of Uolates (quality control)

Perhaps the most important role of genetic assessrnent of fûngal biocontrol agents is

during mass production and maintenance of long-tem cultures, which can lead to

contamination (Markovic and Markovic, 1998) or mutation (Becker and Schwim, 1993), and

if followed by genetic drift or selection, would change the genetic integrity and potentially the

biocontrol properties of the organism. Accordingly, it is essential to develop a quality control

system that allows monitoring of genetic stability over time (Stacey et al., 1991).

2.4. Post-nlease (monitoring)

Once the fungal biocontrol agent is released into the environment, one must implement

a system to monitor its impact on the receiving ecosystem and, in particular, on existing

microbial populations. In this case, one may be interested in following population dynamics of

the introduced fungus, especially if other strains of the same species are present. It may be

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important to monitor gene flow in existing populations, particularly if the introduced organisrn

has been geneticall y modified.

2.5. Registration (inteiiechul property)

Regulations conceming cornmercialization of biocontrol agents vary fiom country to

country (Fravel et al., 1999). As more fungal biocontrol agents become registered, the

scientific and industrial communities are increasingly aware that strain authentication is

necessary to address concems about intellectual property and commercial protection. Suitable

and reproducible strain authentication methods are therefore desirable and often necessary in

commercial procedures such as filing patents and product licensing.



3.1. Identity, diversity and relatedness of biocontrol fungi

An essential component for the development of a fimgal antagonist is selection of the

most effective isolate for disease or Pest conuol. For example, pycnidial hyperparasites of

powdery mildew fungi are most often regarded as belonging to one species, Ampelomyces

quisqualis Ces., although morphological and cultural differences exist among isolates. One of

the A. quisqualis isolates is now commercially available as AQ-10 Biofungicide (Ecogen hc.,

Langhome, PA). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (Kiss, 1997) and sequence

adysis (Kiss and Nakasone, 1998) of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) intenial transcribed spacer

(ITS) revealed high genetic diversity within A. quisqualis isolates which would not support

grouping of al1 isolates into a single species. These results indicate (i) that the applicability of

A. quisqualis isolates may be compromised without identification and selection of proper

candidates for use in biological contml and (ii) that only one or few Ampelonyces isolates

have been used while others have been neglected in biocontrol experiments. Future molecular

and field studies on these pycnidial hyperparasites may realize the biocontrol potential of this

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still misunderstood fungal antagonist or even highlight the

hyperparasites of powdery mildews.



of yet unknown

Other uses in study of diversity in fungal antagon ists include assessrnent of

applicability of candidate f h g i to different hosts or ecological zones. This is important not

only to ensure efficacy of the biocontrol agent under varying conditions, but also to minimize

the risks of large-scale introduction of biocontrol agents, in particular weed pathogens, which

may have undesirable effects such as spread of the fungus and unwanted disease epidemics.

Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.:Fr) Pouzar is an example of an indigenous plant

pathogenic fungus that has exhibited eficacy in biological control of some deciduous forest

weed species in Canada (Wall, 1990). However, C. purpureum has also k e n known to be

pathogenic on desirable tree species, though epidemics have never been reported (Gosselin et

al., 1999). The value of this biocontrol agent also depends on the applicability of selected

isolates to different ecozones. For these reasons, it is valuable to establish patterns of spread

and gene flow, as well as to develop a fingerprint of the potential biocontrol agent for

environmental monitoring (see following section). Diversity studies have recently been

undertaken to assess host or ecological specialization in this fungus. Previous methods, such

as isoenymes and rDNA anaiysis, detected little or no genetic variation among isolates of the

fungus. Therefore, Gosselin et al. (1996) used random amplified polymorphic DNA to screen

multiple regions of anonymous DNA to better assess the diversity within C. purpureum

isolates from Québec. Random amplified polymorphic DNA detected extensive

polymorphism, although there was no evidence of host or ecologicd specialization. Ramsfield

et al. (1996) used restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the large

nontranscribed spacer of rDNA repeats of a worldwide collection of C. purpureurn. The

distribution of identified auclear type patterns suggested that gene flow was occurring across

North America and the authors tentatively concluded that the relative nsk of releasing a single

native isolate of this fungus across Canada was likely to be low. A more precise evaluation of

the genetic structure of Canadian populations of C. purpureum was described by Gosselin et

al. (1999) using RAPD analysis, which provides multilocus f ingerp~ts and is more sensitive

to low variation. The analysis revealed that C. purpureum is a highly heterogeneous fungus

and there was no association betweea DNA profiles and ecological or host origin. The authors

concluded that the risk of disease epidemics should be low since the amount of gene diversity

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present within subpopulations should negate the risk of introducing new, highly aggressive

genotypes. This factor, and the lack of ecological specialization, has led to the conclusion that

any genotype fiom central or eastem Canada selected for its biocontrol potential should be

considered indigenous regardles of the region where its use is intended.

However, such wide-based applicability of fùngal isolates, as in the case of C.

purpureum, is the exception rather than the nom. For instance, Trichodermu harziunum Rafai

is a fungal antagonist that is registered or currently developed as a biocontrol agent of

numerous plant diseases (Chet and Inbar, 1994). One of the most widely asked questions in

Trichoderma research is whether the ability for biocontrol is a general property or a specific

attribute of a restricted number of isolates. Since T. harzianum is also the causal agent of green

mold disease (Ospina-Giraldo et al., 1999), the understanding of the nature and diversity of

this fimgus is critical for its potentially widespread use for control of phytopathogenic fungi

since there could be a risk of unwanted disease on nontarget hosts. Molecular study of T.

harzianum was undertaken to clarify this relationship (Ospina-Giraldo et al., 1999). The ITS

fiom rDNA of these isolates was sequenced, and although both green mold and biocontrol

isolates shared a ment ancestor, they could be distinguished as different phylogenetic groups.

In the case of biological control of chestnut blight by Trichodermu sp., positive biocontrol

isolates belonged to a few genetically defined groups as revealed by a variety of single primer

amplifications (designated as RAPD by the authors, though the primers were repeated rather

then random sequences; Arisan-Atac, 1995). Grondona et al. (1997) published a

comprehensive study of T. harziunum isolates to determine if there were distinct functional

groups within the species, which were correlated with biological activity, and if this could aid

in the selection of isolates for biological control. A combination of physiological, biochernical

(enzyme production), and molecular (ITS sequences) criteria were used to establish

intraspecific groups, which could be related to different levels and specrnim of plant pathogen

control. They concluded that the efficacy of panicular strains of T. hurziunum depended on the

intended target and the required functions for biocontrol. This again highlights the importance

of selection of the most efficient strains for each intended use. Other studies have used

molecular markers, such as RAPD (Zirnand, 1994) or microsatellites and ITS (Schlick et al.,

1994). as tools for identification of specific, mutant and patent strains of T. hanianum.

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Recent work with Pseudozyma jloccuiosa (Traquair, L. A. Shaw & Jarvis) Boekhout &

Traquair, an antagonist cumntly in the process of registration review in Canada and the

United States for control of powdery mildew in greenhouse crops, has highlighted the

importance of establishing correct identity of the biocontrol agent. The fungus was initially

classified in the genus Sporothrix based on classical mycological techniques (Traquair et al.,

1988). This caused some concem fiom governing bodies during the registration process as

some Sporothrix species, such as S. schenckii Hektoen & Perkins, are known human

pathogens (Bennett, 1990). Based on physiological, biochemicd, and molecular studies, in

particular sequence analysis of the large nuclear subunit of rDNA, Boekhout et al. (1995)

reclassified the fungus in the Pseuduzyma genus. Further studies to idenMy molecular markers

of P. jlocculosa (rDNA) and of specific isolates of the fungus which have been selected for

use in biological control (microsatellites) have confirmed that this fungus is genetically distant

fiom Sporothrix (Avis et al., 200 1).

3.2. Quality control and m o n i t o ~ g of biocontrol products

Following identification of a biocontrol agent and evaluation of its antagonistic

potential, maintenance of fungai strains is necessary to have a reliable source of authenticated

fungal strains (Stacey et al., 1991). This should enable consistency of experimental data in

research and the reproducibility required in industrial-scale production of the b g i . For these

and other processes, such as patent and production license applications, a quality control test is

essential to ensure the highest possible biocontrol efficacy. Also, it is important to have this

type of test to allow monitoring of fimgal isolates that will be released into natural or cultural

environments. Most of these quality control procedures are based on the use of DNA markers

that allow authentication of strains and permit monitoring of contamination (Markovic and

Markovic, 1998) and potential mutations (Becker and Schwinn, 1993) of the biocontml agent,

although morphological, physiological, and (or) biochemical testing must complement the

genetic approach.

An important consideration when authenticating strains and monitoring mutations is

the proportion and region' of the genome which are assessed by the quality control test. The

objective is therefore to mess a high number of meaningfûl (useful) loci throughout the

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fungal genome. There are two prevalent approaches in a genetic quality control test. One is to

survey a high nmber of hypervariable loci (Stacey et al., 1991) through the use of multilocus

fmgerprints such as mini- and micro-satellites. Another is to look into specific ngions of DNA

that have biological meaning in the system under study, such as genes implicated in relevant

biological hctions (Fratamico and Strobaugh, 1998) or DNA stretches which are specific to a

particular isolate (Hamelin et al., 1996).

In C. purpureum, a quality control system is under development by use of sequence-

characterized amplified regions in improvement of useful markers for the monitoring of

commercial stniins of the weed pathogenic fungus (Becker et al., 1999). These markers an

generated by sequencing the RAPD fragments that are of particular interest in isolates of C.

purpureum. When sequences are known, it is possible to design primers that are longer than

RAPD primers and are exactly complementary to both the 5' and 3' ends of the original RAPD

fragment. Amplification with these primers identifies a single locus corresponding to the

original RAPD fragment. Thus, fiom the original dominant RAPD locus, it is possible to

produce a highly reproducible, codominant marker which is specific to the selected isolates of

C. purpureum. The production of several sequence-characterized amplified regions, when

RAPD fragments are correctly selected, could then allow for the evaluation of C. purpureum

based on more usefid markers for the monitoring of industnally relevant strain of the fungus.

In the case of Trichoderma, the approach towards a quality control test is being

evaluated through production of polymerase chah reaction (PCR) fingerprints by use of semi-

random primers designed to primarily target intergenic, more variable areas in the genome

(Bulat et al., 1998). So called universally primed PCR (UP-PCR) uses single, 15 to 20-base

pair long primers which produce multiple amplification products without prior knowledge of

DNA sequences. When compared to ITS ribotyping (Bulat et al., 1998) and RAPD (Lübeck et

al., 1999), UP-PCR had the ability to better resolve very similar Trichodermu strains because

of the reliable generation of numerous fragments (60-100 per primer), which cover an

important portion of the genome. LQbeck et al. (1999) consider UP-PCR to be a powerf'ul tool

in monitoring strains of interest as well as for identification of industrially important (patent)

strains of Trichoderma. However, M e r refinement of the technique is necessary to identify

the most useful markers for use in a quality control test.

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In out laboratory, we are currently working with the multiplex PCR amplification

approach for a genetic quality control test of P. jlocculosa. Multiplex PCR is essentially a

cocktail of different primers which allows the rapid assessment of numerous DNA fragments

in a single amplification (Hamelin et al., 1996). Careful selection of DNA markers fiom both

hypervariable regions (microsatellites), conserved regions (rDNA genes) and, eventually,

genes implicated in the production of metabolites conferring biocontrol ability will aid in the

design of primers that produce specific fmgerprints to the industrial strain of P. jlocculosa.

Through carefùl selection of DNA marken and construction of relevant primers, we expect to

achieve a quality control test which should allow for the assessment of contamination and

mutation in the commercial production of P. j?occulosa. niese markers will eventually be

converted to oligonucleotide probes for use in rnicroarrays that will simultaneously sample a

large portion of the fûngal genome in a single reaction.


As more b g a l biocontrol agents are registered as alternatives to chernical pesticides,

it becomes increasingly important to develop tools that monitor the genetic and environmental

fate of these agents. Indeed, the use of living organisms as pesticides has brought new

challenges in research and development of plant protection products by pathologists,

entomologists, and weed scientists.

Molecular markers provide an immense source of data that can assist scientists in the

study of identity, relatedness, diversity, and selection of proper candidates for biological

control. Furthemore, molecular marken offer a means of constnicting quality control tests

that are essential throughout the developmental processes of these h g i . For such endeavors,

selection of the appropriate molecular techniques should be based on the specific

characteristics of the organism and on the desired type of information necessary for the

evaluation of a particular step in the developmental process.

The increasingly available molecular &ta for fimgal biological control agents has shed

light on the importance of genetic studies in research, development, and ngistration of these

biocontrol products. It is now clear that genetic assessment of huigal antagonisu is not only

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necessary but desirable to gain important insight into the safe and reliable use of these

biological control agents.


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