evaluation of fragmental


Upload: jmichealangelo

Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation of Fragmental


Page 2: Evaluation of Fragmental

Looking at what my group have produced I Noticed some very strong aspects in the sequence for instance we made use of different camera angles and we may them in variety shots.  What made me happy in this sequence is that the result of the sequence came out the way we wanted it to be shown to our target audience.                                                                          Also the sequence covers most of the media technical parts that we had to use however these were only the basic ones. The opening title and the end title were very attractive because it was the kind that wasn’t made before and the whole idea behind it made it look brilliant.The opening sequence also contained some of the basic editing ways and we made very accurate use of them in this sequence. On the other hand what didn’t go so well is that a lot of the editing parts were the same but because of the sequence we couldn’t use many varieties at once to make it more interesting.The music we fitted with the clip was very creative and because it was produced by one of group members we had a chance to express how the situation is occurring through the sound.The location we picked was also brilliant because not many sequences too place in a actual house.

Page 3: Evaluation of Fragmental

On the other hand what didn’t go so well is that a lot of the editing parts were the same but because of the sequence we couldn’t use many varieties at once to make it more interesting for example we got feedback at the end of the products saying that we should have used more transactions to make it more interesting .

Another thing that I wasn’t really happy about is that we could have captured more advanced shots in the time we had but we never thought of it we just did the basics and when it came to editing we tried to make it look excellent and different.

Page 4: Evaluation of Fragmental

In this shot for instance we used a close –up shot to make sure that the audience felt involved by entering into the door with them. In this shot the music is still very calm and the beat hasn’t dropped yet so it creates that kind of curiosity for the audience wanting to know what's going to happen inside this house that we are showing. We didn’t add any props in this because its just to establish the scene of us entering the house.

Page 5: Evaluation of Fragmental

This is a point of view shot which allows the audience to participate in what is going on in this shot and we had it close up so that our target audience could see exactly what the character was doing. We added in the extra props on the side to show that this is an actual bathroom.

Page 6: Evaluation of Fragmental

I personally love this shot it brings so much to mind and it tells a bit of the story line already because the wine glasses portray that some one is alcoholic but who? Which is what you would find out if you continued watching the film and in this shot we used a wide long shot so that everything in the shot could fit in perfectly.

Page 7: Evaluation of Fragmental

The title appears at the end of the opening sequence and what made this successful is that the word isn't a real English word but it brings a idea to the target audience.

And the glass breaks and we can hear a sirens go off which shows that some kind of trouble / accident has happened.