evaluation report, 2028 summer olympics, 127th ioc session

TOMORROW’S GREATNESS TODAY _____________________________________________ Evaluation Report by the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee regarding the hosting rights for the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad in 2028, for the perusal by the 127 th Session of the International Olympic Committee on 4-5 April 2015 in Vienna

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The Evaluation Report for the fictional 2028 Summer Olympics bidding contest between Melbourne, New York City and Sapporo. (NOTE: This was part of a simulation of the bid process).


Page 1: Evaluation Report, 2028 Summer Olympics, 127th IOC Session


_____________________________________________ Evaluation Report by the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee regarding

the hosting rights for the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad in 2028, for the perusal by the 127th

Session of the International Olympic Committee on 4-5 April 2015 in Vienna

Page 2: Evaluation Report, 2028 Summer Olympics, 127th IOC Session

Evaluation Report re: 2028 Summer Olympics



The decision to award the Olympic Games is never an easy one: every time, the International Olympic

Committee is faced with the choice between several high-quality bids – and this time was no

different. This contest saw seven bids overall, with three making it to the voting rounds at the 127th

Session of the International Olympic Committee in Vienna. These cities are: Melbourne

(AUSTRALIA), New York City (UNITED STATES) and Sapporo (JAPAN). They submitted their bids for

the 2028 Olympic Games with great care, passion and enthusiasm for the values of the Olympic

Movement. These values reflect the very best about sport and humanity in general.

This evaluation is of a technical nature, attempting to provide the whole Committee with a working

basis upon which to base its decision to award the 2028 Summer Olympics to one of the three

Candidate Cities. However, as always, there is more to such a decision than the technical aspects –

vital as they are. We thank the three Candidate Cities for providing us with the information needed

to enable us to get a better idea of what Pierre de Coubertin’s dream will look like towards the fourth

decade of the 21st century. Indeed, we are aware of the high benchmarks we set for qualification as a

Candidate City and permission to proceed to the Olympic City Election – that’s what makes each

Candidate City’s effort all the more remarkable.

I commend the three cities who have set themselves the task of hosting an event that is so much

more than a premier multi-sport event with high marketability. The Olympic Games, just like their

precursor in Ancient Greece, are a reminder of humanity’s better angels, a triumph of unity over

division and a powerful symbol shining a ray of hope to the darkest corners untouched by humanity’s

collective progress and prosperity.

Regardless of who wins these Games, it’s the Olympic Family that has triumphed in this contest. That

bodes well, for our future, and the future of sport overall.



President of the International Olympic Committee

Chairman of the Executive Board

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Evaluation Report re: 2028 Summer Olympics


MELBOURNE NOC: Australian Olympic Committee

Population: 4.4 million (2014)

Dates: 22 September-8 October 2028

Slogan: Faster, Higher, Stronger. All Together.

Motivation, Legacy and Ability: As it were, Melbourne is an experienced city when it comes to the

hosting of sports events. These include the Australian Open, the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix,

the 2015 Cricket World Cup, the 2006 Commonwealth Games, the 2012 UCI Track Cycling World

Championships and the 2005 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships. Boasting 15

professional and semi-professional sports teams, the spirit of sport is alive and well in the city.

IOC members have remarked on how Melbourne 2028 was able to “go beyond the clichés” in

making a “compelling” case for the Games to be awarded to the city. Its venue and legacy plans

have been remarked upon as “exemplary”.

Venues: Melbourne plans to host Olympic Games with an emphasis on environmental

sustainability. Consequently, it is planning to primarily rely on already existing venues.

Additionally, the bid seeks to bequeath a social legacy upon the Fisherman’s Bend area, which is

currently underdeveloped: upon conclusion of the Olympic Games, the Olympic Park will

become the site of a major project of urban renewal. The city has presented a detailed plan of

venues spread across four clusters, with the central cluster to be located in Melbourne Park.

Members of the IOC have praised the “compact” and “convincing” nature of the plan presented.

Politics and Finance: Australia is a parliamentary monarchy within the Commonwealth, with

Queen Elizabeth II as the country’s head of state. Usually, the monarch is represented by an

Australian citizen acting as the country’s Governor-General. The government is de facto led by

the Prime Minister – currently Tony Abbott (Liberal). The next federal election is scheduled for

2015. Further, Australia is a federal country, divided into six states and three territories.

Melbourne is located in the State of Victoria. The Melbourne 2028 Committee did not furnish this

information, nor did it provide any indications regarding the financing of the Olympic Games.

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Evaluation Report re: 2028 Summer Olympics


MELBOURNE (continued)

Climate, Weather and Dates: The IOC has clarified that it retains an open mind regarding the

hosting of Olympic Games during dates which are somewhat unconventional. Melbourne

proposes the Olympic Games to take place between the end of September and the first full week

of October 2028. The Games would take place during the autumn in the Northern Hemisphere

and the onset of spring in Australia. Temperatures will range around 14-16°C on average, with a

typical September to see around 14 days of rainfall. In Melbourne 2028’s own words, “the city

can face heavy rains of cold temperatures close to 0°C, although this is very rare”. This was the

aspect most critically remarked upon by most IOC members.

Transportation: Melbourne possesses an excellent transport system, including Melbourne

International Airport, which will serve as the hub of the 2028 Olympic Games, should the city be

selected. With the largest highway network in Australia, a suburban rail system and a

comprehensive tramway network, the Melbourne has a solid range of transportation modes on

offer. Melbourne 2028 proposes the integration of complimentary public transport for

ticketholders and the prevention of highway congestion by the temporary decommissioning of

cars on a licence plate basis.

Accommodation: Melbourne expects to have 35,000 hotel beds ready by 2028, a figure deemed

sufficient by the IOC members.

Tickets, Marketing and Ceremonies: Melbourne 2028 promises “affordable” ticketing for all

visitors to the Olympic Games. The opening ceremonies are to focus on Australia’s cultural

heritage, from the Aborigines to Australia’s nature and wildlife – the closing ceremony is to

adopt a more international feel and serve as a celebration of the athletes’ achievements.

General Impression: The IOC members remarked positively, though added that a bit of

added flair would not have hurt the overall impression.


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Evaluation Report re: 2028 Summer Olympics


NEW YORK CITY NOC: United States Olympic Committee

Population: 8.4 million (2013)

Dates: 28 July-13 August 2028

Slogan: Dream Big

Motivation, Legacy and Ability: New York City needs no introduction. A renowned city across the

planet, it has played host to many sports events which have included the US Open, the New York City

Marathon, uncounted matches in the Major League Soccer, the Major League Baseball, the National

Hockey League and the National Football League. Immigrants have important sports as varied as

cricket, lacrosse, rugby and Australian Rules Football. The city’s sports teams including the Yankees,

Jets, Giants, Knicks and Giants are the pride of the city. IOC members have remarked upon the “well-

presented” case for the Olympic Games to be hosted by New York City, while others praised the bid

for demonstrating NYC2028’s potential to benefit the Olympic Games as a whole.

Venues: In its plan, New York City proposes locating the Olympic Park in the borough of Queens, with

three further clusters envisaged around Flushing Meadows Park, the Bronx and Manhattan. The

Olympic Village is to be located at the shores of the East River, offering athletes a view of the

Manhattan skyline on currently disused land featuring parking lots and abandoned warehouses.

Members of the IOC have stated their pleasure at NYC2028 having come up with a workable proposal

for Olympic Games. There have been IOC members who have remarked critically upon the

necessitated construction of a brand-new Olympic Stadium.

Politics and Finance: The United States of America is a presidential republic with a federal system of

government. Its President, currently Barack Obama (Democratic), is elected via indirect popular

suffrage by an Electoral College consisting of delegates from all 50 states and the District of

Columbia. The next election is scheduled for 2016. The country’s legislature is Congress, consisting

of the House of Representatives (all members elected every 2 years) and the Senate (one-third of all

members elected every six years). Any spending, including a guarantee to be given by the federal

government to the IOC regarding the operating overruns of any Olympic Games to be held in New

York City, would have to be authorized by Congress. The NYC2028 Committee plans to fully fund the

Olympic Games from private investments. No information has been provided regarding any intention

of the bid committee to request federal assistance in the event of any cost overruns.

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Evaluation Report re: 2028 Summer Olympics


NEW YORK CITY (continued)

Climate, Weather and Dates: The proposed dates are within the traditional Olympic date range.

Average temperatures tend to be well within the mid-20s range, which is likely to facilitate peak

performance from Olympic athletes. The IOC members expressed praise for the choice of dates


Transportation: New York City has a comprehensive transportation system featuring modes as

diverse as subway, bicycle, ferry, rail and air. The city boasts three airports, with the John F. Kennedy

International Airport having been designated as the principal aviation hub for the Olympic Games.

However, based on the Candidature File presented, the NYC2028 Committee has not finalized any

plans regarding free public transport for ticketholders, nor was any special use of Olympic Lanes

discussed in the bid documents. Members of the Executive Board agreed that the public transport

offered by New York City is “solid”, but would have liked to see more in terms of innovative measures

designed to encourage use of mass transit.

Accommodation: Overall, New York City can dispose of more than 70,000 hotel rooms across all

categories. This has been remarked upon positively by the members of the Executive Board.

Ticketing, Marketing and Ceremonies: NYC2028 plans to enable smartphone-capable tickets for the

Olympic venues, as well as multiple points of sale across the city, America and the world. The

proposed torch relay will also include the neighbours of the United States, Canada and Mexico. The

opening ceremony is to feature a tribute to the city’s history, including such seminal events as the

colonization, the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights Movement and the September

11 attacks on the city. The Closing Ceremony would be a representative sampling of American music

through the ages and genres. IOC members praised the technological aspect of the ticketing

arrangements proposed, whilst also commenting that the ceremonies would fit well with New York

City’s overall plan.

General Impression: The Candidature File has been praised for its high standard of presentation. Some

IOC judges criticized the artistic virtues of the logo propoed for the Olympic Games.


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Evaluation Report re: 2028 Summer Olympics


SAPPORO NOC: Japanese Olympic Committee

Population: 1.9 million (2013)

Dates: 1-21 July 2028

Slogan: North

Motivation, Legacy and Ability: Having previously hosted the 1972 Olympic Winter Games, Sapporo

bases its candidacy on a desire to promote a more international mindset in Northern Hokkaido and

to support efforts towards a healthy lifestyle among all members of the Japanese public. It is argued

that the Northwest Pacific region of Japan would derive a great benefit from hosting the 2028

Summer Olympics. It seeks to demonstrate the ability of a medium-sized city to host the Olympic

Games successfully, whilst also proving that existing venues can be repurposed for that objective.

Indeed, Sapporo 2028 essentially begins with the premise of being called upon to host on very short

notice and developed its plan according – whilst adjusting for the usual 7 years given to prepare for

the Olympic Games. IOC members praised the city’s demonstration of its ability to host.

Venues: Sapporo is proposing to effectively turn the entire region of Hokkaido into the host of the

Olympic Games. In concrete terms, there will be four zones: Sapporo proper, Hakodate, Tomakomai

and Otaru (where all aquatic events will be based). In terms of post-Games use, the venues concerned

will either be continued at Games levels or, where no longer required, scaled down. Only six of the

venues proposed will be brand-new. Sapporo’s Olympic Stadium will be a temporary addition to the

cityscape. IOC members have complimented the Sapporo bid on showing how an existing

infrastructure can be used for staging successful Olympic Games, calling the plan “brave”.

Politics and Finance: Japan, governed by its post-war constitution is a parliamentary monarchy

headed by the Emperor (Akhihito) as the representative head of state. Executive authority is held by

the Prime Minister, currently Shinzo Abe (Liberal Democratic), who also happens to be the leader of

the largest parliamentary part in the Diet – the nation’s parliament. Japan is divided into 47

prefectures, of which Hokkaido is one. Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido Prefecture. The next

general elecion is scheduled for 2018. The Japanese government has given full guarantees for the

hosting of the 2028 Summer Olympics, should they be awarded to Sapporo. Where venues are owned

by private investors, costs related to their upgrades are to be shared between those private investors

and the Sapporo 2028 Committee.

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Evaluation Report re: 2028 Summer Olympics


SAPPORO (continued)

Climate, Weather and Dates: The Olympic Games will take place during 1-21 July 2028, and will be

preceded by the Paralympic Games. Temperatures range from a minimum of 15°C to 25°C, which

would be suitable for good athletic performances. That said, July also tends to be one of the rainiest

months in Sapporo (125 mm).

Transportation: The Sapporo 2028 Committee proposes the use of the New Chitose and Ishikari

airports (which will be elevated in status to an international airport), whilst also pledging the upgrade

of the former Chitose Air Force base to a dedicated VIP, Athlete and Olympic Cargo Terminal. The

New Chitose Airport is the third-busiest in Japan and welcomed approximately 16 million passengers

in 2007. It will have been upgraded to 24 gates by 2017. Further, the air route between New Chitose

and Tokyo-Haneda is one of the busiest in Japan. Rapid trains from/to Sapporo station take around

35-40 minutes and currently cost $8.75. In the event of the Olympic Games being awarded to

Sapporo, planned extensions are to boost the airport’s capacity to 22 million passengers. On the

ground Sapporo is served by an integrated subway-bus system as well as a recently completed light

rail. Both airports are linked by train and road to the city centre. During the Olympic Games, these

services will operate on a 24/7 basis and will be integrated with the satellite sites in Hakodate,

Tomakomai and Otaru. All ticketholders – even those attending events at the satellite sites – will

benefit from complimentary all-day public transport access. Finally, the city has already effected a

car-pooling incentivization programme to reduce congestion further and will ban parking at Olympic

venues to encourage the use of public transport. Some IOC members expressed their reservations

regarding the ability of New Chitose Airport to cope with the additional number of visitors. Others

remarked upon transport to and within the region remaining a challenge for Sapporo.

Accommodation: In its plan, Sapporo disposes of 31,000 rooms in 5-, 4- and 3-star hotels, with another

12,000 rooms in 2-star hotels. The secondary and satellite sites add another 15,000 rooms to the mix,

while a home-stay programme with Japanese families is to add yet another 10,000 rooms. Dedicated

accommodation will be constructed for judges, IF officials and IOC personnel.

Ticketing, Marketing and Ceremonies: Sapporo plans to offer 70% of all Games tickets for a price below

$40, with 50% of all seats at the Opening and Closing Ceremonies being allocated to the below $100

price range. Indeed, 2028 seats at each ceremony are to be drawn in a lottery and sold for a price of

$12.50 for the lucky winners. Detailed ticketing and marketing plans have been presented by the

Sapporo Bid Committee. The Opening Ceremonies will see the athletes take their seats early on, in

order to enable them to witness the proceedings. Satellite events are to be held in each of the

secondary locations. The Olympic Cauldron in the stadium will be joined by cauldrons at the five

highest points in Sapporo, therefore creating a ring of fire in Sapporo for the duration of the Olympic

Games. Finally, the Closing Ceremony will be a community event spread across the city, with the

future hosts of the winter and summer editions being given prominent roles in Sapporo’s finale. The

plans drew a mixed response from some IOC members, as some had hoped for more flair, while

others praised the innovative approach to the ceremonies and ticketing.

General Impression: On the whole, IOC members tended to be impressed by the effort made by the

Sapporo 2028 Committee.


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Category A B C D E F TPPts Average Percentage

Motivation, Legacy and Ability 23 25 22 20 20 20 25 22 88%

Venues 27 30 27 30 23 29 30 28 93%

Politics and Finance 2 8 0 5 0 3 10 3 30%

Climate, Weather and Dates 7 14 10 13 10 8 15 10 67%

Transport 25 28 26 30 26 29 30 27 90%

Accommodation 14 14 15 15 7 13 15 13 87%

Ticketing, Marketing and Ceremonies 9 13 15 15 10 14 15 13 87%

General Impression 19 24 20 17 20 19 25 20 80%

TOTAL 126 156 135 145 116 135 165 136 82.40%



Category A B C D E F TPPts Average Percentage

Motivation, Legacy and Ability 24 18 18 24 23 23 25 22 88%

Venues 26 25 27 25 20 24 30 25 83%

Politics and Finance 7 7 10 9 9 7 10 8 80%

Climate, Weather and Dates 15 12 13 12 10 15 15 13 87%

Transport 23 27 26 30 28 22 30 26 87%

Accommodation 14 14 15 15 10 15 15 14 93%

Ticketing, Marketing and Ceremonies 14 12 15 14 10 14 15 13 87%

General Impression 22 20 23 15 22 20 25 20 80%

TOTAL 165 141 85.50%



Category A B C D E F TPPts Average Percentage

Motivation, Legacy and Ability 24 16 22 23 24 25 25 22 88%

Venues 26 25 23 25 26 25 30 25 83%

Politics and Finance 10 7 10 10 9 10 10 9 90%

Climate, Weather and Dates 15 11 12 15 12 13 15 13 87%

Transport 23 25 23 25 28 24 30 25 83%

Accommodation 8 10 11 15 12 11 15 11 73%

Ticketing, Marketing and Ceremonies 9 11 15 15 10 15 15 13 87%

General Impression 24 18 24 20 24 25 25 23 92%

TOTAL 165 141 85.50%


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(c) 2015 All rights reserved*


*DISCLAIMER: This document was created within the context of a purely fictional competition

simulating the bidding process for the award of the Olympic Games. No prejudice is intended towards

the existing rights of their holders.