every coatlib.catholiccourier.com/1946-november-1948-february-catholic-courie… ·...

>|a>H'rtiiiHi>wi ! • > » " "W« "*AA il« ^ ^ -^WA..^'.-**.:.^. « •w3s*^«.Vtf**» i**? <iy*? 4 4 jgmM" 11 , 'iyt jnf<p;crs & J* I fciiS PSSSS S lip ft§tfl wreesssssssseas. ^BSW*^^^^B*S^eSSej ;jplp^-***»$># SS^V^J^fl*' 4tiW -. -rf»**. -• fi ^*e*s*W|f«V | e i a t f leoc/s Mobilization Cli(# Unify Rites ftt Crttfti &gh Italy Set EEE45IT«" 'f*!^*; CZECHS NOTE JS^BriUSjlSJsSSKOe. J|^^^^^ AS*. , * II IK ttf • SEM*£ MiMg llifiiHiililiii' Isii • t nMliUkto Mniai testtlnawiisr - frsaeaMa **•= f-—i. *!, *"!"^ a "WW K "Pffw a* , erswf*jl*a?l»e*jB*- Msne^ssejea 'B' ^J"^^*^r* *i^^^* w^^w lt^»WP**Tr fBW*f>Wt *,*r*tt ^»W Qtanti jriii ww' h u r t tffIk - thi wB IK "Oiiiliiiilnitli- -fww m^S^BrCnStTBttii I :»• t*t-t**f '""'"'•"•Ai •1ft Jtrwiiiiniiif 5 ypW ,lWp' IPfW" '"plIH. ^^p^MBjn^^w ^^^* :i 4^pppnppi •CTFJ^HBHW w-fl'ipjfw^ *n$i^- /^W^F |w*|Krty wkjwt to IbMDMk "fit' tAltW *tlfflUWWI 'feint" iw*ttM«i»ttl etoltMiikMi. Want Holiday Cw«Jt j IhrftW *w»y tho*» clit ChrUt- JUMMt^nHMt^litink MrlMM ifciif MM*iva4 mitt VV' w^BiwPWIlllw f^RRV #w y^WHTW pp£w HPKV SffPn tt^^rPO^Av^s. V » *• *i'*«t ARANCE W>' P«NK| r «W1WJ MM, «J1 irt •• #H^N«Mt':(NMi' -IP' fid* fcr «rttt)M« WlJ * by f*l|ht *t" MtWr ftApyM'. % wtn, vl« Th# r*i, Mn.nltob«, STERILIZATION ARTICLE HIT K*i(«m*, Iwt (NO — An «rtkk In th» J»iiu«ry IHUI of Xiytii Rtaguliw booicinj; it«i> llttttkSfl M timet* oMrniiofl wltN Ulfk ritk of tmmcdUitt or mlhWijwnl Ilkffecii and omit- litlf nit Mmtm to the mum) I#tw« Involved tm* bttn pnitxt- > #4 h#« by c Cutbolk! *dJtw who 1 i# t?*a t ho*iMt»J chaplain. M«tf«U Aa«wl*ilon pMWlctfl(W.|t» «P«»t R«m» and ita an- O l t a ¥ . JaiBW C. <3ulBn. chap-jvlnmi, Bttidm St P*ter*a. the N'i»twwJ otj^fvaoea cf tfca Chiutb t'nitr 0- h«M *i Wv# Katfc«*l Slsrift* of tlvt Immmmm .AmaMftffl^f intrmj, Bt C, 'WS a$«a «n -IWRK* Rieh*ra * .CMHwi' •r-'PMlMl.dnjr. iaau»o % wttfc itw D ^ r any •# $#-•#&&*. UrwM:-*s*\by AfSfl^op tta/fn^k^' atet.-f (»*«*« w-ain Hwa*. -ta late, a,; topolita;: «f Trivimnsm Ifflia,! ^^ixi»gp«f <s* ©wft»f«fBKjf*ujrf vctiz&uiiczi b**& of aw ef CtHWtait Dwtrtw to £wo»i»: catfetrftai of ifte SymM«iaJnraa« neat Au*i»!. ' rtw ft u «x»a«c«4 thai c*» r Th# Ar.afiiHiov >^f»«>« cutvnr §««*»• Witt ««ni»J»# CM «1 f- tfcm to fh# Cathoilr £»ith Tjaif fb* Urrati pronafa el Amtfietnat w«* fottowed by th* rpcepfkm or «vf » «j*k« pich a trtp. They j many thouaaal* of ht» foHowtra, «U) vtitt ftott* una Leu/tttn. I n<j W n is Ut* Un««l Stalaa tm actjuaii* lhaftr Tte Qoftii hary. wit* a e»! a protMrt*d tour to IMtcity ei nwr» (ban 2.089 aaa- f Amenrtean Catliolks wtth aaafara. win Mil from New Yorts bwftren In South fadia o Aufmt 14. Iia roa«tr ol ^i.| th# fatttotto rtf* of wWcli grlm» »*tU haadKdfryAreto- Archoishop Mar ryanioa la he*4 ¥thep GffHitnf, eatraa «f t>w ; tnem lu njs^ry Wca S*i«l pilpttMS* «»a) BtaAepl Wwta.Th»rai«» tha Apoade whets trav V. Wlltr* of Kaiua* CKy. Mo., dltkm hokto as tha fathar of tlw M£*|iia»aw F. Brtdy ef Jca» jCfturtH in ; IIM«». Kp6cof«ICemiwl«ae of tha Cop, Bl ^5rf« -T 1 ? tS"!! 0 *! *** ^^^ .-fiu-F. ,»J^2^ i P ar * r * tint touch«d tha ahonm of taN»a In Ttemaa ChrtaUaaa aa araiUftn, - _•* —••-—: »_ Y M,*nix*lim Mv* ennounoatf. T a t r « M » ataattnatioa Qf/tfc* ilfrimaj* wUi aa tha (amt> of opa f>lM X te tha Baatttee of ft. Pattf In Reana. Popa Ploa X tfvfvMi and,ft tha modern pa- tron of the Caslrattratty, wftfeb haa iMficftei a ertwada af pray- ar for Mi Mmnteiifio. "Tv* pjUxrbna#i waaftrattut ffe|f<§ at tha national convtntJon of tha Confraiarnlty to •oalon in Octoaaf 1MI, and raeaftred tha apprwai ef Hka BoUmaa Pope Plua XII ,but numroer whan Bi»hop Jfohfl J. Wright. Aux- iliary of Beaton, vltltlnt Europe to nwlta arrangtmenta for the ptigrlmaga, rtlatad plans for tt to tha Holy Father Tha main lUnarsry will cover four-weak parted an* Includes visits to Italy, France, and fwttxtrJand. Other lUnararks of flvo to eight weeks, wtth titta trip* to other countries, Includ- ing England and frttand, are alto oeiitg arranged tha. early tf4» ten- tfcay ware fttSad ay tfco at; ' mem. -(RN*S>~ FatAer :«rdo LftrnixftSi, g, j , acts ; bajyi hmmt pvblkbm, im a sounwd a pSafl for a "gcoet moMizattoa a? aJ Cathai ' tortwi ta the cnustry Jp tirtpg 'fttwut* revtvaj af nellgsesi « P 1 : owrwan* ConanuaJrt ani ottwf dssrupUvc Lnfla«nc*». The pliui is egp&iacd by tWi prUt»» rwfirtcps three Hiaje*' . phaan The ft/tt atEs for th{ coordtnaticm of the w^ril of • # Catholic orgsnttattont csa^oerse* with IOCU: prooiem*. The eccorf look* •-> 'He eera^aJ tmptvvt- riMwt of f«j« rathoISe preea. H cSudtn; ru-uipaper*. magadnraj and fw<>*3 ^,n) r«rttrf cnorttiB^ tion of rei^luus teacMnt- Th# trUrd pnaaa rcfaxtted H Father Uoro&«r<tl u tlw pes' Important involves pray* "Everything heftns with prayer ha said "C* THJ. SOW.' Father Loca! hardi »*4il tAe p-*n h*s been >i the thcor«tjc4l siajje in Feferu axy are wilJ tafce tha first atap. toward putunj tt into practice At that time sfl types of chan ! ty organizations will be coardin ( ated ami tnvltrd to hold regiiai conI*nnt-e» in every diocese." By coordinsiuif Catholic agen '. cjes concemeti wtih toctaJ proa \ lema. in which field Catholii \ •hd aiarrloutad Holy C&mmunloo dtoUateajoaBj pradpttattdtaaoma roreei w matt «rtmgly oppoa« . under bath forms, broad andl tMtww** W PrateBrtaat mimion-< ^ r immantsI trauvlk t^ Jwnl | WttWn . lew years .ha untor- Tho f*"«t ArchhUhop of Trt ^pes .prr.d Catholic aod. tunato attempts of European ;vandrura was ordaUiitd a prleai ductriwi to evmy part of Itaij clergy and lay leaders to force' of tho dissident Church In ^90* and tt) bring *t>out aa latin custom* on tha natlve'He «u entruited with tho work creator s«rial Justtr* ChrlaUans otoaed a schJaro. to of training young men for the' Father Lomhardl c«preaset| whkh most of tha St Thomas' prlrathood and spplkd htoself the op.nton that every IulU ChrUOana adhered Whil* the : to it wtth davoOon. In 1*19. when workinj man and woman ehoai ochkrn was healed in part a gen- head et tha principal JacoMtt belong to one of trie two ieadin eratkm later many of tha South; seminary, he organised a. group India Chriatiaru reroarfwd out , of fallow priests and students sMe tha fold, contacting the Into a religious congregation Jacobite Petrtarrb of AntJoch to known aa the Order of tha ImiU- and protectors Bond* of unity in Ttoma, which had bawn dlaruptad by dlatanea andfcsotatlon,wera rinawod. ts eplt* of tit* faet that many of tha Portuguaa* aitonlahed at tha outward di(-[ ferenee* batwato the St Thomaa'' __ „ .. . Chrtatlan* ami thaaaelve* Tha affafta af fax-awing Jaw* Tht ft Tfcomaa Otrlatiana; ^^^iS' •* *• ^*L^?^P used tha OM 8yrt*» tongue In » »«^ thtk Qeelt. baclt la ail9- their Uturgy. mad* to* af un-ifta** «• «&• 8*?** •«• totvened breid in tha Eachartet.' thwarted by imaraal fricttoa and era lain,pf-St. J******* Memorui Hospital tort and editor of the Lafayatte, fad* edition ef Our tWmx Visitor, daelaredi ^JNiaJaly tht utler dtaragard «t **J#ctlV* morailty and the •xcluaian of Qid'n right* over aiihMtn beings avWtnced in this arttcla £1 neither a persona! *•• m *t /our awn nor expressive of ait eifkleJ A.M~A. stand on th* af tuatlaw. yet Us Inclusion in ~~ rafwcwnMtUva fplfgrlma *W vUlt tha SatUne Chspel, tha Vatlan mvuaums. the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Cojoaaeunt. tha Arch of Con- stantia*, and tto fsraoua Basil- kraa af Sft. John Lararah. St. Mary Msjcr tntt St. Paul Out- side the Walk Their stay in tha Eternal (Sty will be climax ed by a private audience with enure themselves of spnstollc ttaa •*" Chrss*. Cathollt agenrlcs W the soda field* There are the Associs of ChrtrtUn Workers^ IACLI and the Cathoiir Woman's Qui (OF). talrdT^ffi ta I ]r^r^rjH ip0 J ) * *>* KTl m Bm lt »™ SSw^Wa^SuUolilK^ C^lnal Canall. a Ufa to fha> counfiry."* jtong friend of Pope Plua X and "f*o matter ho* facile or how President of the Pontifical Com free from compllcattona modern 1 mfogjoa tor the government of ; lrt*ttU»Uen may hedomc or acM^ , _. H »#r.~-i .„ ually la, au^rToperaUona W iU, v * Uc,n <-*>• *** otttn * t0 t»vtrfcapwformtd in Catholic, celebrate Mass for the pUgrlms hospital*, I during their sojourn in Rom*. Ms A* W*M$ AftMfiKts tk* QHAND PRIZE WINNERS Of f»V« LOUIS A. WEHLE FISHING CONTEST i Nert-fYwV Stflh* fWtijmttt wen $ 4 , 5 7 0 in Htm LCHA A. WaWa FfsrJng CWr*«4i whwh 0)>tMM*j AprH l, 1947, ood cteaad Octobar 31,1947. $*v**04Wityl^A.Wt^ Itt) aVtwvirHl Compony, int, th*> Con»*jf is opantorealcknis of r W York S*or» for (Uh «wghf In (nt> waters ot N»w York Stats. OMfVD Ptlll WINNtU ln*I «IIff-$3».O0 •mors ptizi—ido-oo MCKMUn j&;i; _„., •Nr ^eWiMrT VMM*V *i>WP«*> *S»WIB**M|' EVERY COAT AT CLEARANCE PRICES! REDUCTIONS UP TO A GiWin Opjrtriyilty tt Trtit Ywrttlf tt i Fur Cut •f Wet VMI *Wt Evtr Diplicittl M PtiU fAI.00 s t aw-«**M.ta4«*h •awMea ablMpe> •Htt**^*sMk f*fl%tsi» .»» mn Msirn* stii ••••SI *^**^ ™L '?w'Wr'w. "WV "S** **y' *•*•*»- aaaaa ejswssssesssseaeqr^™ *rt i^W8»SSli^iiir Tt«.art,iwa*i>»' . t^^^^tAk^SiSAm- -J^JJ-V «.•. ku. !• ^^ K^lJt. lasMsssssssssssssseas^l'sessV ^ptifcflHeaSawaaHe*fl^ *lr^s>a^^p!*a'**aeaeswi^sj V^SSBV ^7!W'^-J^^!-^f^^ jf-Wf. *J*Wa* award u t > ha omou?K*d »h*rHy. »"'Jp|il^f pRppr id lipw 1 ' 4*|ir 1fNr^l iou/s A wtHtf fllimf CONTfsr Mf G€N£SIE BREWING ' COMPANY.. INC .><* V 'feSira?--'- Come in Now! Wklrt Otw StlKtitfi Is Cfjmprtft! aVttt Ftfftt Thtn'j Pitnty tf Witter Ahtttf! Ytt Will Rtm Kit! A Cnittt Ukt This A^in! SPRING FURS! 4 NO, It* NOT .fOO RARLY 10 THINK ABOUT A CAJPE CUt STOLE OR A GLAMOROUS JACKET. THgY ARK ALL READY FOR YOU NOTHING ADOS SO MUCH 1X> YOUR SPRING COSTUME M «q*^ri|iL,fii>liii1iaaaa-!i fiwVissKlajiiiiiiHiiiai-i rMilislsiiiwj*wa iKENfmmci!- 41 «|W YORK FUR SHOR •WMMNMW4 ^SW-VJ*^"^" W^W™- i -1* * *"H iSto^^aae^W. ! *w<j»iinMin|-i(Miiiii>riw 4. ^ ^ 4 ^ ,^«. ! ij2™ •MIMMiM PKMIW *( lit < J* "-^•-K-''>-,'<>Vv4I,.^, '. ' .'W-Jt*,'-..

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Page 1: EVERY COATlib.catholiccourier.com/1946-november-1948-february-catholic-courie… · >|a>H'rtiiiHi>wi !•>»" "W« "*AA il« ^ ^ -^WA..^'.-**.:.^. « •w3s*^«.Vtf**»

>|a>H'rtiiiHi>wi ! •>»"

"W« " *AA i l« ^ ^ - ^ W A . . ^ ' . - * * . : . ^ . « •w3s*^«.Vtf**»

i **? <iy*? 4 4

jgmM"11, ' i y t jnf<p;crs

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wreesssssssseas. ^BSW*^^^^B*S^eSSej


S S ^ V ^ J ^ f l * '

4tiW -. -rf»**. -• fi ^*e*s*W|f«V |

e ia t f leoc/s Mobilization

C l i ( # Unify Rites ftt Crttfti &gh Italy Set


' f * !^*;


JS^BriUSjlSJsSSKOe. J | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ AS*.

, * I I IK ttf •

SEM*£ MiMg llifiiHiililiii' Isii • t nMliUkto Mniai testtlnawiisr - frsaeaMa

**•= f-—i. *!, *"!"^ a " W W K " P f f w a*,erswf*jl*a?l»e*jB*- M sne^ssejea B» ' B ' ^J"^^*^r* *i^^^* w^^w lt »WP**Tr fBW*f>Wt *,*r*tt • ^ » W

Qtanti jriii ww' h u r t t ff Ik- thi

w B IK "Oiiiliiiilnitli- -fww


I : » •



•1ft Jtrwiiiiniiif

5ypW ,lWp' IPfW" '"plIH.

^^p^MBjn^^w ^ ^ ^ * :i4^pppnppi •CTFJ^HBHW w-fl'ipjfw^ *n$ i^- /^W^F

|w*|Krty wkjwt to IbMDMk "fit' tAltW *tlfflUWWI

'feint" iw*ttM«i»ttl etoltMiikMi.

Want Holiday Cw«Jt j

IhrftW *w»y tho*» clit ChrUt-

JUMMt nHMt litink MrlMM ifciif MM*iva4 mitt

VV' w^BiwPWIlllw f^RRV #w y WHTW pp£w HPKV SffPn



» *•



P«NK|r «W1WJ MM, • «J1 irt

•• #H^N«Mt':(NMi' -IP' f i d * fcr «rttt)M« WlJ * by f* l |h t

*t" MtWr ftApyM'. %

wtn, vl« Th# r*i, Mn.nltob«,


K*i(«m*, Iwt — (NO — An «rtkk In th» J»iiu«ry IHUI of Xiytii Rtaguliw booicinj; it«i> llttttkSfl M • timet* oMrniiofl wltN Ulfk ritk of tmmcdUitt or mlhWijwnl Ilkffecii and omit-litlf nit Mmtm to the mum) I#tw« Involved tm* bttn pnitxt- > #4 h#« by c Cutbolk! *dJtw who1

i# t?*a t ho*iMt»J chaplain.

M«tf«U Aa«wl*ilon pMWlctfl(W.|t» «P«»t l» R«m» and ita an-O l t a ¥ . JaiBW C. <3ulBn. chap-jvlnmi, Bttidm St P*ter*a. the

N'i»twwJ otj^fvaoea cf tfca Chiutb t'nitr 0-h«M *i Wv# Katfc«*l Slsrift* of tlvt Immmmm

.AmaMftffl f intrmj, Bt C, 'WS a$«a «n -IWRK* Rieh*ra * .CMHwi' •r-'PMlMl.dnjr. iaau»o % wttfc itw D ^ r

any • # $#-•#&&*. UrwM:-*s*\by AfSfl^op tta/fn^k^' atet.-f (»*«*« • w-ain Hwa*. -ta late, a,; topolita;: «f Trivimnsm Ifflia,!

^ ixi»gp«f <s* ©wft»f«fBKjf*ujrf vctiz&uiiczi b**& of aw ef CtHWtait Dwtrtw to £wo»i»: catfetrftai of ifte SymM«iaJnraa« neat Au*i»!. ' rtw

ft u «x»a«c«4 thai c*» a« r Th# Ar.afiiHiov > f»«>« cutvnr §««*»• Witt ««ni»J»# CM «1 f- tfcm to fh# Cathoilr £»ith f« Tjaif fb* Urrati pronafa el Amtfietnat w«* fottowed by th* rpcepfkm or «vf » «j*k« pich a trtp. They j many thouaaal* of ht» foHowtra, «U) vtitt ftott* una Leu/tttn. I n<j W n is Ut* Un««l Stalaa tm actjuaii*

lhaftr Tte Qoftii hary. wit* a e»! a protMrt*d tour to

IMtcity ei nwr» (ban 2.089 aaa- f Amenrtean Catliolks wtth aaafara. win Mil from New Yorts bwftren In South fadia o Aufmt 14. Iia roa«tr ol ^ i . | th# fatttotto rtf* of wWcli grlm» »*tU b» haadKd fry Areto- Archoishop Mar ryanioa la he*4 ¥thep GffHitnf, eatraa «f t>w; tnem lu njs^ry Wca t» S*i«l pilpttMS* «»a) BtaAepl Wwta.Th»rai«» tha Apoade whets trav V. Wlltr* of Kaiua* CKy. Mo., dltkm hokto as tha fathar of tlw M£*|iia»aw F. Brtdy ef Jca» jCfturtH in; IIM«».

Kp6cof«ICemiwl«ae of tha Cop, B l ^5rf« -T 1 ? t S " ! ! 0 * ! *** ^ ^ ^ .-fiu-F. -« ,»J^2^ i Par*r* tint touch«d tha ahonm

of taN»a In Ttemaa ChrtaUaaa aa araiUftn,

- _ • * — • • - — : » _ Y

M,*nix*lim Mv* ennounoatf. Tat r«M» ataattnatioa Qf/tfc* ilfrimaj* wUi aa tha (amt> of opa f>lM X te tha Baatttee of

ft. Pattf In Reana. Popa Ploa X tfvfvMi and,ft tha modern pa­tron of the Caslrattratty, wftfeb haa iMficftei a ertwada af pray-ar for Mi Mmnteiifio.

"Tv* pjUxrbna#i waa ftrat tut ffe|f<§ at tha national convtntJon of tha Confraiarnlty to •oalon in Octoaaf 1MI, and raeaftred tha apprwai ef Hka BoUmaa Pope Plua XII ,but numroer whan Bi»hop Jfohfl J. Wright. Aux­iliary of Beaton, vltltlnt Europe to nwlta arrangtmenta for the ptigrlmaga, rtlatad plans for tt to tha Holy Father

Tha main lUnarsry will cover four-weak parted an* Includes

visits to Italy, France, and fwttxtrJand. Other lUnararks of flvo to eight weeks, wtth titta trip* to other countries, Includ­ing England and frttand, are alto oeiitg arranged

tha. early tf4» ten-tfcay ware fttSad ay tfco at;

' mem. -(RN*S>~ FatAer :«rdo LftrnixftSi, g, j , acts ; bajyi hmmt pvblkbm, im a sounwd a pSafl for a "gcoet •

• moMizattoa a? aJ Cathai ' tortwi ta the cnustry Jp tirtpg ' fttwut * revtvaj af nellgsesi « P 1 : owrwan* ConanuaJrt ani ottwf dssrupUvc Lnfla«nc*».

The pliui is egp&iacd by tWi prUt»» rwfirtcps three Hiaje*'

. phaan The ft/tt atEs for th{ coordtnaticm of the w^ril of • # Catholic orgsnttattont csa^oerse* with IOCU: prooiem*. The eccorf look* •-> 'He eera aJ tmptvvt-riMwt of f«j« rathoISe preea. H cSudtn; ru-uipaper*. magadnraj and fw<>*3 ,n) r«rttrf cnorttiB^ tion of rei^luus teacMnt-

Th# trUrd pnaaa rcfaxtted H Father Uoro&«r<tl u tlw pes' Important involves pray* "Everything heftns with prayer ha said

"C* THJ. SOW.' Father Loca! hardi »*4il tAe p-*n h*s been >i the thcor«tjc4l siajje in Feferu axy are wilJ tafce tha first atap. toward putunj tt into practice At that time sfl types of chan ! ty organizations will be coardin ( ated ami tnvltrd to hold regiiai conI*nnt-e» in every diocese."

By coordinsiuif Catholic agen '. cjes concemeti wtih toctaJ proa \ lema. in which field Catholii \

•hd aiarrloutad Holy C&mmunloo dtoUateajoaBj pradpttattdtaaoma r o r e e i w matt «rtmgly oppoa« . under bath forms, broad andl tMtww** W PrateBrtaat mimion-< ^ r i m m a n t s I trauvlk t^ J w n l |

WttWn . lew years .ha untor- Tho f*"«t ArchhUhop of Trt ^pes „ .prr.d Catholic aod. tunato attempts of European ;vandrura was ordaUiitd a prleai ductriwi to evmy part of Itaij clergy and lay leaders to force' of tho dissident Church In ^90* and tt) bring *t>out aa latin custom* on tha natlve'He « u entruited with tho work creator s«rial Justtr* ChrlaUans otoaed a schJaro. to of training young men for the' Father Lomhardl c«preaset| whkh most of tha St Thomas' prlrathood and spplkd htoself the op.nton that every IulU ChrUOana adhered Whil* the: to it wtth davoOon. In 1*19. when workinj man and woman ehoai ochkrn was healed in part a gen- head et tha principal JacoMtt belong to one of trie two ieadin eratkm later many of tha South; seminary, he organised a. group India Chriatiaru reroarfwd out , of fallow priests and students sMe tha fold, contacting the Into a religious congregation Jacobite Petrtarrb of AntJoch to known aa the Order of tha ImiU-

and protectors Bond* of unity in Ttoma, which had bawn dlaruptad by dlatanea and fcsotatlon, wera rinawod. ts eplt* of tit* faet that many of tha Portuguaa* aitonlahed at tha outward di(-[ ferenee* batwato the St Thomaa'' __ „ . . . Chrtatlan* ami thaaaelve* Tha affafta af fax-awing Jaw*

Tht f t Tfcomaa Otrlatiana; ^ ^ ^ i S ' •* * • ^ * L ^ ? ^ P used tha OM 8yrt*» tongue In » »«^ thtk Qeelt. baclt la ail9-their Uturgy. mad* to* af un-ifta** «• «&• 8*?** • « • totvened breid in tha Eachartet.' thwarted by imaraal fricttoa and


lain,pf-St. J******* Memorui Hospital tort and editor of the Lafayatte, fad* edition ef Our tWmx Visitor, daelaredi

^JNiaJaly tht utler dtaragard «t **J#ctlV* morailty and the •xcluaian of Qid'n right* over aiihMtn beings avWtnced in this arttcla £1 neither a persona! *•• m *t /our awn nor expressive of ait eifkleJ A.M~A. stand on th* af tuatlaw. yet Us Inclusion in ~~ rafwcwnMtUva

fplfgrlma *W vUlt tha SatUne Chspel, tha Vatlan mvuaums. the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Cojoaaeunt. tha Arch of Con-stantia*, and tto fsraoua Basil-kraa af Sft. John Lararah. St. Mary Msjcr tntt St. Paul Out­side the Walk Their stay in tha Eternal (Sty will be climax ed by a private audience with

enure themselves of spnstollc ttaa •*" Chrss*.

Cathollt agenrlcs W the soda field* There are the Associs of ChrtrtUn Workers IACLI and the Cathoiir Woman's Qui (OF).

t a l r d T ^ f f i ta I]r^r^rjH ip0J )* *>* KTl m Bmlt»™ S S w ^ W a ^ S u U o l i l K ^ C^lnal Canall. a Ufa to fha> counfiry."* jtong friend of Pope Plua X and

"f*o matter ho* facile or how President of the Pontifical Com free from compllcattona modern 1 mfogjoa tor the government of

;lrt*ttU»Uen may hedomc or a c M ^ , _. H »#r.~-i .„ ually la, au^rToperaUona W iU,v*U c , n <-*>• *** otttn* t 0

t»vtr fca pwformtd in Catholic, celebrate Mass for the pUgrlms hospital*, I during their sojourn in Rom*.

Ms A* W*M$ AftMfiKts tk*


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Come in Now!

Wklrt Otw StlKtitfi Is Cfjmprtft!

aVttt Ftfftt Thtn'j Pitnty tf

Witter Ahtttf! Ytt Will Rtm

Kit! A Cnittt Ukt This A^in!


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