excise taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_session 3 _excise tax.pdf · 9 excise taxes (3) socially...

1 Excise Taxes Jay K. Rosengard Kennedy School of Government Harvard University

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Page 1: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Excise Taxes

Jay K. Rosengard

Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University

Page 2: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Jay K. Rosengard

Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University

Please note: this is an unofficial translation

Page 3: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Types of Indirect Taxation

• General Sales and Companion Use Taxes (Subnational Level)

• Value Added Tax (National Level)

• Excise Taxes (Both Levels)

Page 4: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are

သြယဝကေပးေဆာငရေသာ အခြနအမးအစားမား

• အေထြေထြ ေရာငးခမႈ ႏင အြနလငးမ/ဖနးလငးမ ေရာငးခမႈတ႔အေပၚ အေရာငးခြန (ေဒသႏရအဆင)

• ထပဆင႔တးတနဖးခြန (ႏငငေတာအဆင)

• အထးကနစညခြန(ေဒသႏရႏင ႏငငေတာအဆင)

Page 5: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Excise Taxes (1)

• Selective sales taxes on the consumption of specific goods and services

• Extremely prevalent

• Can be state and/or national

• Commonly referred to as “luxury” taxes (for example, on yachts or expensive perfume) and “sin” taxes (for example, on alcohol and cigarettes)

• Also commonly levied on fuel

Page 6: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are

အထးကနစညခြနမား (၁)

• အထးသတမတထားသည ကနပစၥညးနင ဝနေဆာငမႈတ႔က သးစြမႈအေပၚ ေကာကခေသာ ေရာငးခြနျဖစသည။

• အလြနကယျပန႔သည။

• ေဒသႏရအဆငနင/သ႔မဟတ ျပညေထာငစအဆငတြငပါ ေကာကခနငသည။

• ဇမခပစၥညးမားအေပၚ ေကာကခသညအခြန (ဥပမာ - ရြကေလ သ႔မဟတ တနဖး ႀကးေရေမႊး) ၊ ယစမးကနစညခြန (sin tax) (ဥပမာ - အရက နင ေဆးရြကႀကး)

• ေလာငစာဆကလညး အထးကနစညခြနအျဖစ အခြနစညးၾကပသည။

Page 7: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Excise Taxes (2)

Economically Efficient

• Cause minimum economic distortion

• Low elasticity of demand (addictive)

• Lack of close substitutes (taste preferences)

• Correct for negative externalities (“double dividend”: raise revenue + discourage socially costly behavior)

• Actually improve economic efficiency

Page 8: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are

စးပြားေရးအရ စြမးေဆာငႏငမႈ

• စးပြားေရးပသ႑ာနပကယြငးမႈက အနညးဆးျဖစေစသည။

• ဝယလအားအေလာ႔အတငးက သကေရာကမႈနညး (ႀကကႏစသကမႈအေပၚ မတည - addictive)

• အစားထးစရာ ကနစညမရျခငး (ဥပမာ- ေကာဖမႈန႔ေစးတကလင အျခားကနစညမားက ေျပာငးလ

စားသးမညျဖစသည။ အရကကနစညက အခြနပမစညးၾကပျခငးေၾကာင႔ အရကကနစညေစးႏႈနး တကလာေသာ လညး စားသးသမားမာ ၾကကႏစသကမႈက အေျချပေသာေၾကာင႔ အရကကနစညအစား အျခားကနစည အစားထး လ႔မရေပ၊)

• အႏႈတလကၡဏာ သကေရာကမႈမား (negative externalities) အတြက ျပနလည ျပငဆငျခငး (အကး ၂ ဆရသည အခြနမးျဖစ - အစးရဝငေငြ တးလာျခငး + စားသးသမားသည

အထးကနစညခြနမားအတြက ေငြပမသးစြရမႈေၾကာင႔၊ အဆပါ ကနစညမားက သးစြမႈေလာနညးလာျပး အဆပါကနစညမားေၾကာင႔ ထခကေစေသာ အျပအမႈမား (ဥပမာ အရကေသာကသးျခငးေၾကာငကနးမာေရး ထခကမႈ) နညးလာမည။)

• အမနတကယ ေရရညအတြက စးပြားေရးအရ စြမးေဆာငနငမႈ တးတကလာေစ

အထးကနစညခြနမား (၂)

Page 9: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Excise Taxes (3)

Socially Equitable

• Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are larger share of consumption for low-income households, but….

• Like VAT, compliance is difficult to enforce for certain demographics and in certain markets, lowering the effective tax rate

• Poor not acting in own self-interest (sin goods)

• Rich have capacity to pay (luxury goods)

Page 10: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are

အထးကနစညခြနမား (၃)

လမႈေရးအရသာတညမ • ႏႈနးေလာစားသးခြန အမးအစားမးျဖစ - အထးသျဖင႔ ဝငေငြနမ႔ေသာ

အမေထာငစမားတြင အရကႏင႔ ေဆးရြကၾကးအတြက ကနကစရတမာ ႀကးႀကးမားမား ပါဝငပါသည။ သ႔ေသာလညး ……

• ထပဆင႔တး တနဖးခြနကသ႔ပင၊ လဥးေရဆငရာအေျခအေနတစခ႕နင ေစးကြကအေျခအေနအခ႕တြင အခြနက ေလးစားလကနာေပးေဆာငရန ခကခ (ထေရာကေသာ အခြနေပးေဆာငမႈႏႈနး မရပါ)

• ဆငးရသမားသည မမတ ေကာငးကးအတြကအျမတေစ ေဆာငရြကၾကမညမဟတ (ဥပမာ အရကေသာကသးျခငး၊ ေဆးလပေသာကျခငး)

• ခမးသာသမားသည အခြနေပးေဆာငႏငစြမးရသည (ဇမခပစၥညးမား)

Page 11: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Excise Taxes (4)

Administratively Cost-Effective

• Raise significant revenue

• Easy to define

• Applied in regulated markets

• Large sales volume with few producers

• Both tax administration and taxpayer compliance costs are low because of “tax handles” (production facilities and ports of entry)

Page 12: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are

အထးကနစညခြနမား (၄)

ထေရာကမႈရေသာ စမအပခပမႈဆငရာကနကစရတ

• ရေငြက သသာစြာတးေစသည

• သတမတရန လြယကသည

• အစးရ ထနးခပထားႏငေသာ ေစးကြကတြင အသးခနငသည

• ထတလပသနညးၿပး အေရာငးပမာဏၾကးမားသည

• အခြနစညးကပရာေနရာ (ဥပမာ ထတလပသညစကရ၊ ဆပကမး၊ ေလဆပ) မားေၾကာင စမအပခပမႈကနကစရတနင အခြနထမးသမ အခြနလကနာေပးေဆာငရသညစရတနညးပါသည

Page 13: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Excise Taxes (5)

Key Policy Issues

• Optimal tax rate to maximize revenue

• Specific vs. ad valorem tax rate

• Revenue vs. regulatory objectives

Page 14: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are

အဓကမဝါဒ ျပသနာမား

• အသငေတာဆးအခြနႏႈနး (Optimal Tax)

• ေရာငးခသညကနစညတစယနစအေပၚေကာကခသည အခြနႏႈနးထား (သ႔) ထပဆငတးလာသညတနဖးအေပၚေကာကခသညအခြန (Specific vs. ad

valorem tax rate)

• ရေငြရာေဖြေရး (သ႔ ) ကနစညမားအား ဥပေဒရထနးေကာငးေရး (Revenue vs. regulatory objectives)

အထးကနစညခြနမား (၅)

Page 15: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are


Retail Sales Tax versus Value Added Tax

• Retail sales tax weaknesses in the United States – Low rate ceiling before it is not feasible – All revenue is at risk at a single stage – Audit/invoice trail is not strong – Revenue is not secured at the easiest stage – Excludes much of the potential tax base

• VAT weaknesses in the United States – Local Government: Usurps a state/local tax – Liberals: Regressive consumption tax – Conservatives: Supports and enables big government – Liberals & Conservatives – Federal & State: Harmonization and synchronization an

administrative nightmare

Page 16: Excise Taxes - fsppm.fulbright.edu.vn 3_Session 3 _Excise Tax.pdf · 9 Excise Taxes (3) Socially Equitable •Regressive consumption tax, especially since alcohol and tobacco are

လကကားေရာငးခြန Vs ထပဆင႔တးတနဖးအခြန

• အေမရကနႏငင၏ လကကားေရာငးရခြန အားနညးခကမား - တကယမလပႏငေသးခနတြင အျမင႔ဆးသတမတရမည႔ ေစးႏႈနးက ေလာ႔နညး၍

ေကာကျခငး - အခြနေငြအားလးသည အဆင႔တငးတြင လကလြတဆးရႏငမႈရသည။ - စာရငးစစ/ေငြေတာငးခလႊာမားျဖင အခြနရလမးကလကရန ခကချခငး - အခြနေငြသည အလြယကဆးအဆငတြငပငလင မေကာကခႏငသညအေျခအေနရ - အလားအလာရေသာ အခြနအေျခမားက မကကြယျပႏငျခငး

• အေမရကနႏငငထပဆင႔တးတနဖးအခြန၏ အားနညးခကမား - ေဒသႏရ အစးရမားမ ေဒသႏရႏင႔ ဆငေသာ အခြနမားက ခပကငထားျခငး - လစဘရယ : စားသးမႈအေပၚ ႏႈနးေလာ႔ခြန - ကြနဆာေဗးတစ : အစးရ၏ႀကးမားသည အခနးက႑က ေထာကခ - လစဘရယႏင႔ ကြနဆာေဗးတစ - ဗဟအစးရႏင ျပညနယမားအၾကား - လကေလာညေထြ ျဖစမႈႏင႔ စမခန႔ခြမႈဆငရာ ဆးကးမား ခနကကသားကမႈ