explicit methods in the theory of jacobi forms of lattice ... · explicit methods in the theory of...

Explicit methods in the theory of Jacobi forms of lattice index and over number fields Nils Skoruppa Universit¨ at Siegen September 29, 2015 ICERM Modular Forms and Curves of Low Genus: Computational Aspects Sept 28 – October 2, 2015 Nils Skoruppa Explicit methods September 29, 2015 1 / 23

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Page 1: Explicit methods in the theory of Jacobi forms of lattice ... · Explicit methods in the theory of Jacobi forms of lattice index and over number elds Nils Skoruppa Universit at Siegen

Explicit methods in the theory of Jacobi formsof lattice index and over number fields

Nils Skoruppa

Universitat Siegen

September 29, 2015

ICERMModular Forms and Curves of Low Genus:Computational AspectsSept 28 – October 2, 2015

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Jacobi forms over Q: Basic example. I

Jacobi’s theta function

ϑ(τ, z) =∑r∈Z




8 ζr2

= q18(ζ

12 − ζ−


(1− qn

)(1− qnζ

)(1− qnζ−1


q = e2πiτ , ζ = e2πiz for τ ∈ H, z ∈ C


ϑ ∈ J 12, 1


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Jacobi forms over Q: Basic example. II

Automorphic Properties of ϑ(τ, z)

For all A =[a bc d

]in SL(2,Z) and all integers λ, µ:

ϑ(Aτ, z


)e(−c 1



)(cτ + d)

12 = ζ8(A)ϑ(τ, z)

ϑ(τ, z + λτ + µ

)e(τ 1

2λ2 + 2λ1

2 z)

= e(

12 (λ+ µ)2

)ϑ(τ, z)

12 = weight,12 = index

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Jacobi forms over Q I

Theorem (Zagier-S.)

For every m > 0 and (integral) k ≥ 2, there exist Hecke-equivariantisomorphisms


where M−2k−2(m) is a certain subspace of M2k−2


), containing all

newforms whose L-series have a minus sign in their functional equation.

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Jacobi forms over Q II

Let f be a newform in M−2k−2(m), let

φ =∑


cφ(n, r)qnζr

be its associated Jacobi form.

Theorem (Waldpurger,Gross-Kohnen-Zagier)

For every negative fundamental discriminant D ≡ � mod 4m, say,D = r 2 − 4mn, one has

|cφ(n, r)|2

|φ|2= const(k ,m,D)

L(f ⊗ χD , k − 1)

|f |2.

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Computation of Jacobi forms over Q

Generating explicit formulas for Jacobi forms is as easy as for ellipticmodular forms (over congruence subgroups) — in fact, easier.

Methods for generating Jacobi forms

1 Theta blocks,

2 Taylor expansion around z = 0,

3 Modular symbols,

4 Vector valued modular forms.

5 Invariants of Weil representations and pullback.

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Computation via theta blocks

The first elliptic curve over Q of positive rank is

E : y 2 + y = x3 − x conductor = 37.

The associated newform f (so that L(E , s) = L(f , s)) is

fE = q − 2q2 − 3q3 + 2q4 − 2q5 + 6q6 − q7 + 6q9 + O(q10).

The associated Jacobi form is a theta block:

φE = ϑa ϑb ϑc ϑd ϑa+b ϑb+c ϑc+d ϑa+b+c ϑb+c+d ϑa+b+c+d/η6,

where (a, b, c, d) = (1, 1, 1, 2), and where ϑa(τ, z) = ϑ(τ, az).


ϑ(τ, z) =∑r∈Z




8 ζr2 = q








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Computation via periods


The elliptic curve of congruent numbers: C : y 2 = x(x − D)(x + D).

Associated Jacobi form φC is in (spans) Jcusp,+2,32 ,

cφ(n, r) = ν+(r 2 − 128n, r)− ν−(r 2 − 128n, r),

For D > 0, D ≡ r 2 mod 128:

νε(D, r) = #{

(a, b, c) ∈ Z3 : b2 − 4ac = D, b2 < D, εa > 0,

a ≡ 3b + r

2mod 32, 3c ≡ b − r

2mod 32



Slightly cheated: we used skew-holomorphic Jacobi forms.

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A first long-term project


Develop a similar theory for Jacobi forms of several z-variables (which weshall call “Jacobi forms of lattice index”).


Seemingly complicated Jacobi forms are pullbacks of simple universalJacobi forms of several variables (e.g. the m = 37 example andinfinitely many others.)

This yields a unified arithmetic theory for all kind of (elliptic) vectorvalued modular forms, namely:

Theorem (S. 2012)

Any given space of elliptic modular forms of vector valued elliptic modularforms of integral or half integral weight on a congruence subgroup can benaturally embedded into a space of Jacobi forms of integral weight on thefull modular group.

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Definitions, notations


(Even integral positive) Lattice L = (L, β):

Finite free Z-module L,

symmetric, positive definite Z-bilinear map β : L× L→ Z and

β(x) :=1

2β(x , x) integral.


Jk,L (k integral): space of holomorphic φ(τ, z) (τ ∈ H, z ∈ C⊗Z L) suchthat:

φ(τ + 1, z) = φ(−1/τ, z/τ) e(− β(z)/τ

)τ−k = φ(τ, z),

φ(τ, z + τx + y) e(τβ(x) + β(z , x)

)= φ(τ, z) (x , y ∈ L),

φ holomorphic at infinity.

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Fourier expansion

φ is called holomorphic at infinity if its Fourier expansion is of the form

φ =∑

n∈Z, r∈L]n≥β(r)

cφ(n, r) qn e(β(r , z)


(L] = {y ∈ Q⊗Z L : β(y , L) ⊆ Z})


For fixed D ≤ 0, the map Cφ(D, r) := cφ(β(r)− D, r) forD ≡ β(r) mod Z, and Cφ(D, r) := 0 otherwise, depends only on r + L.


Let Z(2m) := (Z, (x , y) 7→ 2mxy). Then Jk,Z(2m) equals “classical” Jk,m.

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A simple effective construction method

Let α = (α1, . . . , αm) be an isometric embedding of L into Zm. Then, forsufficiently large (possibly negative) t ≡ −3m mod 24, the functionϑ(τ, α1(z)) · · ·ϑ(τ, αm(z)) ηt defines an element of Jk,L.(If zj are coordinate functions with respect to a Z-basis of L, the αj(z)become linear forms in zj with integral coefficients.)


ϑ(τ, z1)ϑ(τ, z2)ϑ(τ, z1 + z2)η15 ∈ J9,A2 ,

ϑ(τ, z1)ϑ(τ, z2)3ϑ(τ, z1 + z2)η9 ∈ J7,”[ 2 1

1 4 ]”,

ϑ(τ, z1)ϑ(τ, z2)ϑ(τ, z1 − z2)ϑ(τ, z1 + z2)ϑ(τ, z1 + 2z2)ϑ(τ, 2z1 +z2)/η(τ)4 ∈ J

1,”[ 8 44 8 ]”.

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Basic features of the theory

What is known

dim Jk,L = explicit formula (for all k, including singular or critical)⊕k∈Z Jk,L is finite free C[E4,E6]-module with explicit Hilber-Poincare

series p(x)(1−x4)(1−x6)

. (p polynomial of weight < 12, coefficients give

number of generators in a given weight.)

Various methods for generating explicit closed formulas for Jacobiforms:

1 ⊗-products (≈ orthogonal sums of lattices),2 pull-backs (≈ isometric maps between lattices),3 Taylor expansion in around z = 0 yields Jk,L as finite direct sum of

spaces of quasi-modular forms,4 Forms of singular (k = n

2 ) and critical weight (k = n+12 ) are in 1–1

correspondence with invariants of Weil representations.

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Hecke operators: odd rank

Theorem (Ajouz-S. 2015)

Let L be a lattice of odd rank n, level N, discriminant

∆ = (−1)n−1

2 2 det(L), and let φ be a Jacobi form in Jk,L. For a positiveinteger `, relatively prime to N, let

T (`)φ :=∑

D≤0, r∈L]D≡β(r) mod Z

CT (`)(D, r) e((β(r)− D)τ + β(r , z)


whereCT (`)φ(D, r) =


a2k−n−1 ρ(D, a) Cφ( `2

a2 D, `a′r).

Here a is over all a|`2, a2|`2ND, a′a ≡ 1 mod N, and ρ(D, a) equals(D∆/f 2

a/f 2

)if gcd(ND, a) = f 2, and it equals 0 otherwise.

The application φ 7→ T (`)φ defines an endomorphism of Jk,L.

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Hecke operators: even rank

Theorem (Ajouz-S. 2015)

Let L be a lattice of even rank n, level N, discriminant ∆ = (−1)n2 det(L),

and let φ be a Jacobi form in Jk,L. For a positive integer `, relatively primeto N, let

T (`)φ :=∑

D≤0, r∈L]D≡β(r) mod Z

CT (`)(D, r) e((β(r)− D)τ + β(r , z)



CT (`)φ(D, r) =∑

a|`2, ND




)Cφ( `


a2 D, `a′r).

The application φ 7→ T (`)φ defines an endomorphism of Jk,L.

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Jk,L possesses a basis of simultaneous Hecke eigenforms for all ` (withgcd(`,N) = 1).


Let φ be a simultaneous Hecke eigenform with eigenvalues λ(`), and letL(φ, s) =

∑gcd(`,N)=1 λ(`)`−s . Then one has, for odd rank n,

L(φ, s) =∏p 6|N

(1− λ(p)p−s + p2k−n−2−2s)−1,

and, for even rank n, with λ′(p) = λ(p)− pk−n/2−1(


)L(φ, s) =


∆·), s − k + n/2 + 1)

ζ(N)(2s − 2k + n + 2)

∏p 6|N

(1− λ′(p)p−s + p2(k−n/2−1−2s))−1.

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Consequences: odd rank


For each k > n+12 and each L, there are Hecke equivariant injections

Jk,L → M2k−n−1(N/4).


The conjecture is true if L is stably isomorphic to a rank 1 lattice.

The conjecture is true for Eisenstein series.

The conjecture is true for many examples.


More (new) finite closed formulas for L(f ⊗(D·), k − n−1

2 ) for Heckeeigenforms f in M2k−n−1(N/4), in particular, for f with +1 in functionalequation.

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Consequences: even rank


For even rank, the shape of the L-series of a Hecke eigenform φ is like theL-series

∑ξ(`)γ(`2)`−s , where γ(`) are the eigenvalues of a Hecke

eigenform in Mk−n/2(N, ξ(

∆·)) for some ξ.


For each k > n2 and each L, there are maps Mk−n/2(N, ξ

(∆·))→ Jk,L

such that T (`2) on the left corresponds to ξ(`)T (`) on the right. Thespace Jk,L is the sum of the images of all these maps


The conjecture is true if det(L) is a prime.

The conjecture is true for Eisenstein series.

The conjecture is true for many examples.

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A second long term project


Develop a similar theory over (totally real) number fields.

Problems to be solved (joint with Boylan, Hayashida, Stromberg)

Correct definition of Jacobi forms over number fields. XX

Answer various natural questions concerning Hilbert modular groups:Non-trivial central twofold extensions, Weil representations, linearcharacters, . . .XXbut ... H2(SL(2, o), {±1}) = 2?, [SL(2, o),

∏v |∞ κv ] does not split?

Hecke theory. ?

Kernel functions, dimension formulas, trace formulas. X

Generate examples of Jacobi forms over number fields. X

Develop algorithms to generate such examples systematically. X

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The correct definition

Remarks1 The definitions of Jacobi forms over number fields found in the

literature were incomplete.

2 In the literature there were no examples - except for some Jacobitheta series associated to lattices (H. Stark, O. Richter, . . . ).

For the correct definition

Recall: The index of a Jacobi form is actually the Gram matrix of thelattice (Z, (x , y) 7→ 2mxy).

A lattice over a number field K is in general not free, and thus has noGram matrix.

In general one has to consider JFs over

SL(g⊕ o) =[o g−1

g o

]∩ SL(2,K ), where g is an ideal and o the ring of

integers of K .

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Examples: The forms of singular weight

Theorem (H. Boylan)

Let a be a fractional o-ideal and ω a totally positive element in K suchthat 2m(= a2ωd) = g for a product g of primes of degree 1 over 3.Suppose 2 splits completely in K . Set

ϑ[a,ω](τ, z) :=∑


χ4g(s ′)q18ωs2ζωs/2.

Then ϑ[a,ω] is a Jacobi form on the full modular group of weight 1/2,index [a, ω] :=

(a, (x , y) 7→ ωxy

)(with a certain character ε[a,ω]).

Here χ4g is the totally odd Dirichlet character modulo 4g, and s 7→ s ′ is anisomorphism of o-modules ag−1/4a→ o/4g. and

Theorem (H. Boylan)

There are no other Jacobi forms of singular weight then the ones above.

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A glimpse on a beautiful theory

Construction method: Taylor expansion around 0

A classical Jacobi form φ(τ, z) of index m has, for fixed τ as functionof z , exactly 2m zeros in C/Zτ + Z.

Therefore, writing φ(τ, z) =∑

n≥0 αn(τ) zn, the first m many αk(τ)determine φ.

The αj(τ) are quasi-modular forms (i.e. elements of C[E2,E4,R6]).

Leads to useful description of Jacobi forms in terms of quasi-modularforms.

Somehow surprising fact

This holds true for Jacobi forms over number fields too.


For given lattice over a number field the Jacobi forms of this lattice index(and arbitrary weight) form a finitely generated module over the ring ofHilbert modular forms on the full Hilbert modular group.

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S., Boylan: Jacoby forms of lattice index, monograph in preparation

Ali Ajouz: Hecke operators on Jacobi forms of lattice index and therelation to elliptic modular forms.http://dokumentix.ub.uni-siegen.de/opus/volltexte/2015/938/

Hatice Boylan: Jacobi Forms, Finite Quadratic Modules and WeilRepresentations over Number Fields. Lecture Notes in Mathematics2130

Thank you!

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