expo dalat partie 1

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Expo Dalat Partie 1, thuo ban so


  • 1881 - 1901 1.1


    Lt - Et la carte cra la ville... Lt - Bn sng lp thnh ph...

    Lt - And the map created the city

    Avec le soutien du Snat franais et de lInstitut Franais


    Organise dans le cadre des festivits clbrant le 120e anniversaire de la fondation de la ville de Lt, lesquelles concident avec lAnne croise France-Vietnam 2013 , cette exposition a t conue par le centre de lcole franaise dExtrme-Orient (EFEO) au Vietnam en collaboration avec la Direction dtat des Archives du Vietnam et le muse de la province de Lm ng. Lambition de cette exposition est de mettre en dialogue les questions de prservation patrimoniale et de prospectives urbanistiques en proposant aux visiteurs une lecture cartographique de lhistoire de la ville. Si plusieurs vocations essentiellement photographiques, ont t consacres larchitecture coloniale de cette station daltitude, lhistoire urbaine na t jusqualors que partiellement aborde et illustre. Les documents cartographiques, iconographiques et les crits mobiliss proviennent de di rents centres de documentation et darchives implants au Vietnam (Direction dtat des Archives du Vietnam centres n2 & n4-, Muse et service de la Construction de la province de Lm ng, collection prive de Tam Thi), en France (Archives nationales dOutre-mer, Photothque de lEFEO, Archives de lInstitut Pasteur, Archives des Missions Etrangres de Paris, Fonds iconographique de la Nouvelle Association des Amis du Vieux Hu -avec laccord de Jean Cousso-, Archives de lInstitut franais dArchitecture -fonds Pineau avec laccord dElisabeth Pineau-, Institut Gographique National, Cabinet durbanisme Interscene, Archives de la Congrgation Notre-Dame -couvent des Oiseaux-, archives prives de Paul Veysseyre -avec laccord de Jacques Veysseyre-, collection prive dEric Jennings), en Suisse (International Congress of Modern Architecture Zurich) et au Japon (Centre of Asian Area Studies, Rikkyo University, avec laccord de son directeur Makoto Ueda). Que tous les responsables de ces centres de ressources en soient ici chaleureusement remercis.


    c t chc trong khun kh cc hot ng k nim 120 nm thnh lp thnh ph Lt v trng hp vi s kin Nm Php-Vit 2013 , cuc trng by ny c Trung tm Vin Vin ng Bc c Php (EFEO) ti Vit Nam, Cc Vn th v Lu tr Nh nc v Bo tng tnh Lm ng cng xy dng tng thit k.Tham vng ca cuc trng by ny l trao i nhng vn v bo tn di sn v v nhng vin cnh th ha bng vic cung cp cho ngi xem bn v lch s ca thnh ph. Nu nh nhiu s gi li ch yu bng hnh nh v kin trc thuc a ni ngh mt trn cao ny th lch s th cho n nay mi ch c cp v minh ha c mt phn.Nhng t liu bn , hnh nh v nhng bi vit c thu thp t nhiu trung tm t liu v lu tr khc nhau Vit Nam (Cc Vn th v Lu tr Nh nc trung tm lu tr 2 v 4, Bo tng v S Xy dng tnh Lm ng, b su tp c nhn Tam Thi) v Php (Lu tr quc gia hi ngoi, Th vin nh ca EFEO, Lu tr ca Vin Pasteur, Lu tr ca Hi Truyn gio hi ngoi Paris, Phng nh ca Hi nhng ngi bn Hu xa- vi s ng ca Jean Cousso-, Lu tr ca Vin Php v Kin trc,- Phng Pineau vi s ng ca Elisabeth Pineau-, Vin a l quc gia, Vn phng th ha Interscene, Lu tr ca Gio on Notre-Dame tu vin des Oiseaux-, lu tr c nhn ca Paul Veysseyre- vi s ng ca Jacques Veysseyre-, su tp c nhn ca Eric Jennings), Thy S (Hi quc t v Kin trc hin i Zurich) v Nht Bn (Trung tm nghin cu khu vc chu , i hc Rikkyo, vi s ng ca Gim c Trung tm Makoto Ueda). Nhn y, xingi li cm n chn thnh ti tt c cc v lnh o ca nhng trung tm t liu trn.


    This exhibition, which was organised within the framework of the festivities marking the 120th anniversary of the foundation of Lt and which coincides with the 2013 Franco-Vietnamese Year, was designed by the cole franaise dExtrme-Orient (EFEO) in Vietnam with the collaboration of the O ce of the State Director of Archives in Vietnam and the Lm ng provincial museum.The aim of the exhibition is to establish a link between the challenges of heritage preservation and urban prospective by o ering a cartographic reading of the citys history to visitors. Although several other photographic exhibitions have examined the colonial architecture of this hill station, its urban history has, until now, only been partially addressed and illustrated.The cartographic, iconographic and written documents used come from di erent centres of documentation, and from archives kept in Vietnam (O ce of the State Director of Archives of Vietnam, centres n2 & n4 -, Museum and Construction O ce of Lm ng province, Tam This private collection), in France (Archives nationales dOutre-mer, EFEO photographic library, the Institut Pasteur archives, the Missions Etrangres de Paris archives, the Fonds iconographique de la Nouvelle Association des Amis du Vieux Hu (with the permission of Jean Cousso), the Archives of the Institut franais dArchitecture (Pineau collection, with the agreement of Elisabeth Pineau), the Institut Gographique National, the town-planning cabinet Interscene (Paris), the Archives of the Congrgation Notre-Dame (Couvent des Oiseaux), the private archives of Paul Veysseyre (with the permission of Jacques Veysseyre), the Eric Jennings private collection, the International Congress of Modern Architecture of Zurich, Switzerland, and the Centre of Asian Area Studies, Rikkyo University, Japan (with the agreement of its director Makoto Ueda). Our warmest thanks to all those in charge of these centres of documentation and archives.

    La dcouverte et les missions dexplorationS khm ph v nhng chuyn thm himThe discovery and the exploration missions

    Les prmices dune ville en devenirNhng tin ca mt thnh ph tng laiLes premises of a future city

    Lmergence de la villeS tri dy ca thnh phThe emergence of the city

    Les ambitions contrastes dune ville en devenirNhng tham vng i lp nhau ca mt thnh ph tng laiThe contrasting ambitions of a burgeoning city

    Bilans et dpassements dune plani cation colonialeCc bo co tng kt v chi tiu qu kh nng ca chng trnh quy hach ha thuc aBalance sheets and overruns of a colonial planning

    Les dveloppements dune urbanit Vietnamienney mnh quy hoch th theo phong cch Vit NamThe developments of a Vietnamese urbanity

    Les projections du Grand Lt au XXIe sicleK hoch nh hng Lt m rng th k 21Projections for Greater Lt in the 21st century

  • Table des abrviations / Bng ch vit tt / AbbreviationDEAV Cc Vn th v Lu tr Nh nc, H Ni DEAV Direction dEtat des Archives du Vietnam, H Ni

    TTLTQG2 Trung tm Lu tr quc gia 2, TP H Ch Minh C2ANV Centre n2 des Archives nationales du Vietnam, H Ch Minh ville

    TTLTQG4 Trung tm Lu tr quc gia 4, Lt C4ANV Centre n4 des Archives nationales du Vietnam, Lt

    ANOM Lu tr Hi ngoi quc gia, Aix-en-Provence ANOM Archives nationales dOutre-mer, Aix-en-Provence

    AOM BB Phng Th vin Lu tr Hi ngoi quc gia AOM BB Fonds de la Bibliothque des ANOM

    ANOM GGI Phng Ph Ton quyn ng Dng ANOM GGI Fonds du Gouvernement Gnral de lIndochine

    ANOM RSA Phng Khm s Trung k ANOM RSA Fonds de la Rsidence suprieure de lAnnam

    IGN Vin a l quc gia IGN Institut Gographique National

    ACND Tu vin c B Couvent des Oiseaux ACNDCouvent des Oiseaux, Archives gnrales, Congrgation Notre Dame, Chanoinesses de St Augustin Tous droits rservs

    AIP Lu tr ca Vin Pasteur, Paris AIP Archives de lInstitut Pasteur, Paris

    CAAS Trung tm nghin cu chu , i hc Rikkyo, Tokyo CAAS Centre for Asian Area Studies, Rikkyo University, Tokyo

    CIAM i hi quc t v Kin trc hin i, Zurich CIAM International Congress of Modern Architecture, Zurich

    CP- CP Veysseyre- CP Jennings- CP Tam Thi

    B su tp c nhn- Ti liu ca gia nh Jacques Veysseyre- Ti liu ca Eric jennings- Tc phm v hnh nh ca Tam Thi

    CP- CP Veysseyre- CP Jennings- CP Tam Thi

    Collection prive - Papiers de famille de Jacques Veysseyre- documents personnels dEric Jennings- photographies de Tam Thi

    FIAMEP Phng tranh nh ca lu tr Hi truyn gio Hi ngoi Paris FIAMEP Fonds iconographique des Archives des Missions trangres de Paris

    FINAAVH Phng tranh nh ca tn Hi nhng ngi bn Hu xa FINAAVH Fonds iconographiques de la Nouvelle Association des Amis du Vieux Hu

    IHI ng Dng tun bo IHI Indochine hebdomadaire illustr

    InSc Cng ty quy hoch th v cnh quan Interscence, Paris InSc Cabinet durbanisme Interscene, Paris

    JOIF Cng bo ca ng Dng thuc Php JOIF Journal officiel de lIndochine franaise

    PEFEO Th vin nh ca EFEO, Paris PEFEO Photothque de LEcole franaise dExtrme-Orient, Paris

    SIAFSIAF, Khu Kin trc v Di sn/lu tr ca kin trc th k 20, phng Pineau, Paris

    SIAFSIAF, cit de larchitecture et du patrimoine/archives darchitecture du XX sicle, fonds Pineau, Paris

    SIUP Phn Vin Quy hoch th Nng thn Min Nam, TP H Ch Minh SIUP Southern Institute of urban Planning, H Ch Minh ville

    SXD S Xy dng tnh Lm ng SXD Service de la construction de la province de Lm ng

  • Les premires missions

    Conscientes de leur ignorance de la majorit du territoire devenu colonie franaise en 1867, les autorits de Cochinchine lancrent au dbut des annes 1880 une srie de missions dexploration dans la rgion des Hauts Plateaux. La premire conduite par Nis et Septans atteignit en 1881 le plateau du Lang Bian en remontant le cours suprieur du fleuve ng Nai jusqu sa source. Quelques annes plus tard, lofficier Humann dressa, sur la base des informations collectes entre 1884 et 1889, une carte des Valles du Langa et du Haut Dona .

    nhng chuyn thm him u tin

    thc c s thiu hiu bit v phn ln lnh th tr thnh mt thuc a ca Php nm 1867, chnh quyn Nam K a ra mt lot cc cuc thm d ti Ty Nguyn vo u nhng nm 1880. Chuyn thm him u tin do Nis v Septans ch huy n c cao nguyn Lang Bian nm 1881 v ngc thng lu sng ng Nai ln tn u ngun ca sng. Vi nm sau, s quan Humann lp mt bn Thung lng sng La Ng v ng Nai Thng, trn c s nhng thng tin thu thp c t nm 1884 n nm 1889.

    The firsT missions

    Aware of their ignorance about most of the territory that had become a French colony in 1867, the authorities in Cochinchina launched a series of exploratory missions in the Central Highlands (beginning of the 1880s). The first of these, which was led by Nis and Septans, reached the Lang Bian plateau in 1881 and followed the Upper ng Nai River to its source. A few years later, the naval officer Humann drew up a map of the Langa and Upper Dona Valleys on the basis of information collected during his peregrinations between 1884 and 1849.

    1.1 - 1.2

    La dcouverte et les missions dexplorationS khm ph v nhng chuyn thm himThe discovery and the exploration missions

    1881 - 1901

  • 1.118811901

    La dcouverte et les missions dexplorationS khm ph v nhng chuyn thm himThe discovery and the exploration missions

    Extrait du rapport Un voyage dexplorations aux sources de Dong - Nai docteur P. Nis et lieutenant Septans 1881 [Excursions et Reconnaissances, n10, Saigon, 1881]

    Extrait de Excursion chez les Mos indpendants R. Humann 1884 [Excursions et Reconnaissances, T8 n9, Saigon, 1884]

    Les premires missionsnhng chuyn thm him u tinThe first missions

    Trch on trong Bo co chuyn i thm him ti ci ngun sng ng Nai, bc s P. Nis v trung y Septans - 1881Bao quanh pha Bc ca cao nguyn ny l mt ngn ni c hnh dng c bit, t xa nhn bit c, phn pha Ty l ni trc nhng phn pha ng l rng cy, l gnom Lang Bian; y l ngun gc ca sng ng Nai cha h c bit cho ti lc .

    Extract from the report An exploratory journey to the sources of the Dong - Nai, doctor P. Nis and lieutenant Septans - 1881This plateau is crowned to the north by a very peculiarly shaped mountain that is recognisable from very far away, as its western face is devoid of forestation and its eastern one wooded, its gnom Lang Bian, which is the previously unknown source of the Dng Nai River.

    Des chutes sur le plateau du Lang Bian [PEFEO VIE04790_3&4]Nhng thc nc trn cao nguyn Lang BianWaterfalls on the Lang Bian plateau

    Trch on trong Du hnh trn t nc ca ngi Mi c lp, R. Humann - 1884Nhng thung lng hp m chng ti li pha sau mnh, v Damr u l ch lu ca sng ng Nai; sau ba phn t gi trn con ng d dng v d chu qua nhng cao nguyn mt m v y c, sau khi i qua hai con sng kh mnh v u chy v pha ng cung cp nc cho La - Nga v con sng u c tn Da - xa , con sng th hai l Da - laos, chng ti ti ni dng l Sohou vo 3 gi 15 pht.

    Extract from Excursion among the independent Mos, R. Humann - 1884 Extract from Excursion among the independent Mos, R. Humann - 1884 The incised valleys that we leave behind us, as well as the Damr, are tributaries of the Dng Nai; after walking for three quarters of an hour through fresh and grassy plateaus, and after having crossed two strong running streams both running towards the East to join the La - Nga, the first called the Da - Xa, the second Da - laos, we arrived at the halleSohou at a quarter past three.

  • Valles du Langa et du Haut Dona, 1884 & 1889 [ANOM 1PL 1439] (Taille originale x 3)Thung lng Lan G v ng Nai Thng, 1884 & 1889 (Kch thc tht x 3)Langa and Haut Dona Valleys, 1884 & 1889 (Real size x 3) 1.2

  • ALexAndre yersin et Le pLAteAu du LAng BiAn, Le 21 juin 1893

    Si Alexandre Yersin ne fut donc pas le premier europen atteindre le plateau du Lang Bian, sa mission de 1893 savra dterminante pour la future Lt puisquelle constitue son acte de naissance . Aprs un premier priple qui le mena en 1892 de Nha Trang Stung Treng, il se vit confier lexploration scientifique de la rgion comprise entre la cte du sud de lAnnam et le Mkong afin dvaluer les potentialits de sa mise envaleur. Cest au cours de ce priple de 7 mois que Yersin dboucha le21juin 1893 sur le plateau du Lang Bian.

    ALexAndre yersin v cAo nguyn LAng BiAn, ngy 21 thng6 nm 1893

    Ngay c khi Alexandre Yersin khng phi l ngi chu u u tin t chn ln cao nguyn Lang Bian, chuyn thm him ca ng vo nm 1893 vn c ngha quyt nh i vi Lt tng lai, bi chuyn i ny c th coi l tin cho vic khai sinh Lt. Sau mt hnh trnh u tin vo nm 1892 a ng t Nha Trang n Stung Treng, ng c giao nhim v thm him khoa hc khu vc gia b bin pha Nam Trung K v sng Mkng nhm nh gi tim nng pht trin ca vng ny. Yersin pht hin ra cao nguyn Lang Bian vo ngy 21 thng 6 nm 1893 sau cuc thm him sut by thng ny.

    AlexAndre Yersin And The lAng BiAn plATeAu 21sT June 1893

    Although Alexandre Yersin was not the first European to set foot on the Lang Bian plateau, his 1893 mission proved to be a determining factor for the future establishment of Lt, as it constitutes the birth of the city. After a first journey that took him from Nha Trang to Stung Treng in 1892, he was entrusted to scientifically explore the region from the South Annam coast to the Mekong to evaluate its development potential and its resources. It was during this seven-month journey that he reached the Lang Bian plateau, on 21st June.


    1881 - 1901

  • 1881 - 1901 1.3

    Rapport de la 2e expdition dAlexandre Yersin en Pays Mos [AIP 38342, pp. 33]

    Bo co chuyn kho st th hai ca Alexandre Yersin t nc ca ngi Mi

    Report of the 2nd expedition by AlexandreYersin in Mos country

    Voyage chez les Mos - Journal de voyage dAlexandre Yersin [AIP 38347, pp. 118 - 120]Chuyn i trn t ca ngi Mi - Nht k chuyn i ca Alexandre Yersin Journey among the Mos - Travel notes of Alexandre Yersin

    Cao nguyn Lang Bian cch pha Bc Rioung hai ngy ng. Trn ng, cao nguyn mp m; v cao t 900 n 1200 mt. 15 n 20 km trc khi ti chn ni, chng ti ra khi rng v ang mt ni hon ton tr tri v y c. Nhng ng t un ln lm ta tin rng chng ta ang i trn mt bin dy sng ln. Lang Bian nm gia nh mt hn o v cm gic cng xa dn mi khi ta tin ln. Chng ti kh tnh c nhng khong cch trong vng ng bng rng ln ny. nhng ch thp, t en v than bn.

    Lang Bian is two days walk to the North of Rioung. On the way, the plateau is hilly and rises to between 900 and 1200 m. We cover 15 to 20 km before arriving at the foot of the mountain. We come out of a forest and find ourselves in a completely treeless landscape covered in weeds. Long surface undulations would make one think one is walking on an ocean of enormous waves. The Lang Bian rises in the centre like an island, and appears to recede as we advance. It is difficult to calculate exactly distances in these vast plains. Below us the earth is black and peat like.

    ALexAndre Yersin et Le pLAteAu du LAng BiAn, Le 21 juin 1893Alexandre Yersin v cao nguyn Lang Bian, ngy 21/6/1893Alexandre Yersin and the Lang Bian plateau, 21st June 1893

    Carte II - De MSiao la mission [AIP 38340]Bn II T MSiao ti ch kho st

    Map II From MSiao to the mission

    Carte I Rgion du Darlac [AIP 38341]Bn I Vng c LcMap I Darlac Region

    Alexandre Yersin (1863 - 1943) en 1893 [AIP D2167]Alexandre Yersin (1863 - 1943) nm 1893Alexandre Yersin (1863 - 1943) in 1893

  • Le choix de LtDs 1887, la ncessit dtablir un sanatorium pour les personnels civils et militaires simposa. Dix ans plus tard, suivant les conseils de Yersin, le Gouverneur Gnral Doumer opta pour le plateau du Lang Bian. Entre 1897 et 1900, plusieurs missions topographiques, mtorologiques et mdicales furent conduites afin dvaluer les qualits sanitaires du site et son accessibilit par la route et le rail.

    Le capitaine Debay milita en 1901 pour le site de B N (contreforts montagneux de Nng) qui devint en 1919 une station complmentaire de celle de Lt et intgra ainsi le rseau des stations daltitude de lUnion indochinoise : Sapa, Tam o et Mu Sn au Tonkin, Bokor au Cambodge, Tranninh au Laos. Le choix dfinitif de Lt au dtriment deng Kia fut act la mme anne.

    LA chn LtNgay t nm 1897, yu cu phi thit lp mt trm iu dng trn cao nguyn cho cc nhn vin dn s v qun s c t ra. Mi nm sau, theo li khuyn ca Yersin, Ton quyn Doumer cao nguyn Lang Biang. T nm 1897 n nm 1900, nhiu phi on kho st v a hnh, kh tng v y t c c ln cao nguyn, mc ch l nh gi cht lng v sinh y t ca khu vc ny cng nh kh nng tip cn bng ng b v ng xe la.

    Nm 1901, i y Debay vn ng cho khu B N (ta lc trn dy ni Nng). n nm 1919, B N tr thnh mt khu ngh h tr cho trm ngh dng Lt v nh vy cng nm trong mng li cc trm ngh mt trn ni ca Lin bang ng Dng : Sapa, Tam o v Mu Sn Bc B, Bokor Campuchia, Trn Ninh Lo. Cng trong nm , quyt nh cui cng l chn Lt thay v ng Kia c cng nhn.

    The ChoiCe of lT From 1887, the need to establish a sanatorium for the colonial civil and military personnel was clear. Ten years later, following the advice of Yersin, the Governor General Doumer chose the Lang Bian plateau. Between 1897 and 1900, several topographical, meteorological, medical and other missions were carried out to evaluate the salubrity of the site and its accessibility by road and rail.

    In 1901 Captain Debay campaigned for the site of B N (mountain foothills near Nng) that became a modest hill station complementing Lt, along with the other hill stations of the Indochinese Union: Sapa, Tam o and Mu Sn in Tonkin, Bokor in Cambodia, Tranninh in Laos. It was in 1901 that Lt was definitively chosen to the detriment of ng Kia.

    1881 - 1901


  • 1881 - 1901 1.4

    Le Choix de Lts la chn LtThe choice of Lt

    Mission du capitaine Thouard et du lieutenant H. Wolff, 1898 : itinraires suivis par la mission du Lang Bian [ANOM GGI 5969]Chuyn kho st ca i y Thouard v ca Trung y H. Wolff, 1898 : l trnh thm him cao nguyn Lang BianMission of Captain Thouard and Lieutenant H. Wolff, 1898: Itineraries taken by the Lang Bian mission

    Route suivie de Saigon au mont Lang Bian par le bassin du ng Nai [ANOM GGI 5954]Con ng t Si Gn ti ni Lang Bian qua lu vc sng ng NaiRoute taken from Saigon to mount Lang Bian via ng Nai basin

    Itinraire suivi par M. Oddera pendant son voyage dexploration dans le bassin du Dng Nai [ANOM GGI 5954]

    L trnh chuyn thm him lu vc sng ng Nai ca ng Oddera

    Itinerary taken by M. Oddera during his exploratory journey in the Dng Nai basin

    Mission Debay (1900) - Rgions signales pour ltablissement dun sanatorium dans lAnnam Central. [ANOM GGI 5963]

    Thm him Debay (1900) - nhng khu vc c nh du dnh cho vic thit lp trm ngh dng min Trung

    Mission Debay (1900) - Regions singled out for the establishment of a sanatorium in Central Annam

    Gaide (docteur), 1931, Les stations climatiques dIndochine, p.31Gaide (bc s), 1931, Nhng ni ngh mt ng Dng, tr.31Gaide (doctor), 1931, Hill stations in Indochina, p.31

    Mission du capitaine Thouard et du lieutenant H. Wolff, 1898 [ANOM GGI 5956] Chuyn kho st ca i y Thouard v ca Trung y H. Wolff, 1898Mission of Captain Thouard and Lieutenant H. Wolff, 1898

    Itinraire de la mission topographique Bernard [ANOM GGI 5954]L trnh thm him a hnh BernardItinerary of the Bernard topographical mission

  • Les premiers trAvAux dAmnAgement de voies dAccs Lt

    Entre 1898 et 1900, la route Phan Rang Lt fut empierre et carrossable sur 48 km jusqu Xm Gn puis prolonge sur 45 km par un sentier muletier. Mais un tel chantier men marche force eut un coup humain exorbitant, tel point que H Ch Minh le cita en exemple pour illustrer les monstrueux abus coloniaux commis en Indochine dans son plaidoyer de 1925, Le Procs de la colonisation franaise.

    Pour sa part, la mission Thouard tudia en 1898 la faisabilit dune voie ferre reliant Nha Trang ng Kia. Au grand dam de Yersin, le trac dut cependant tre abandonn au profit de la liaison Thp Chm ng Kia. Les travaux dbutrent ds 1903 mais furent interrompus pour des raisons financires et par manque de main duvre effraye pas des conditions sanitaires dltres.

    nhng cng trnh quy hoch u tin cc tuyn ng n Lt

    T nm 1898 n nm 1900, tuyn ng Phan Rang Lt c ri v tri nha trn chiu di 48 km n tn Xm Gn v sau ko di thm 45 km theo mt con ng la i nh hp. Song mt cng trnh xy dng nh vy c trin khai buc phi c mt ngun nhn lc vt qu mc, n mc H Ch Minh dn v d v vic xy dng con ng n Lt minh chng cho nhng ti c gh gm m thc dn phm phi ng Dng trong tc phm Bn n ch thc dn Php (1925).

    V pha mnh, vo nm 1898, phi on Thouard nghin cu tnh kh thi ca tuyn ng xe la ni Nha Trang vi ng Kia. Tuy nhin, tht l thit thi cho Yersin, tuyn ng ny b b chn tuyn ni lin Thp Chm ng Kia. Cng trnh bt u t nm 1903, song b gin on v l do ti chnh v thiu nhn lc b iu kin v sinh y t c hi cho sc khe lm cho khip s.

    The firsT developmenT work for ACCess rouTes To lT

    Between 1898 and 1900, the Phan Rang Lt road was usable and paved over 48 km until Xm Gn and then continued over 45 km by mule trail. But such an enterprise had been implemented at forced pace and at a high human cost, a figure that H Ch Minh used as an example to illustrate in 1925 the terrible colonial abuses committed throughout Indochina in his work LeProcs de la colonisation franaise.

    At the same time, the Thouard mission in 1898 studied the feasibility of a railway that would link Nha Trang to ng Kia. To Yersins discontent, the project was abandoned for technical reasons and for its costs, in favour of the Thp Chm Lt ng Kia line. Work began in 1903 but was interrupted because of budget overruns and lack of workers, who were scared off by life-threatening health conditions.


    1881 - 1901

  • 1881 - 1901 1.5

    Samgon, sur la route du Lang Bian en 1899. Un groupe de Vietnamiens procde des travaux de nivellement. [Etienne Tardif, La Mission du Lang Bian, p.102]Samgon, trn ng Lang Bian nm 1899. Mt nhm ngi Kinh ang san dm ngSamgon, on the route to Lang Bian in 1899. A group of Vietnamese workers carrying out levelling work

    Croquis schmatique de la route et du sentier muletier de Phan Rang au Lang Bian, 1900 Guillaume Capus, directeur de lAgriculture et du Commerce de lIndochine [ANOM GGI 5963]K ha ng ln v ng nh hp t Phan Rang i Lang Bian, 1900 (Guillaume Capus)Diagram sketch of the road and mule path from Phan Rang to Lang Bian, 1900 (Guillaume Capus)

    Les premiers travAux dAmnAgement des voies dACCs Ltnhng cng trnh quy hoch u tin cc tuyn ng n LtThe first development work for access routes to Lt

    Plan dassemblage des itinraires de la mission du capitaine Thouard [ANOM GGI 5969]S tp hp nhng l trnh thm him ca i y Thouard Assembly plan of the itineraries for the mission of Captain Thouard

    Chemin de fer Saigon Khnh Ha Lang Bian 1899 [C4ANV] ng st Saigon Khnh Ha Lang Bian, 1899 [TTLTQG4]Saigon Khnh Ha Lang Bian railway -1899

  • LA dcouverte et Les peupLes Autochtones

    Tous les rcits retraant lhistoire de la ville de Lt ont le mme point de dpart : la dcouverte par Yersin du plateau du Lang Bian le 21 juin 1893. Cette notion de dcouverte constitue un monument deuropocentrisme, cest--dire duniversalisation de la reprsentation occidentale de lhistoire. Une prsence humaine tait en effet atteste bien avant cette date, quil sagisse de Lt, Sre et Mnng Chil appartenant au groupe ethnique C Ho, ou des Bih (Pihs). Le nom Lt peut dailleurs est traduit par rivire des Lt .

    s pht hin v dn Bn x

    Tt c nhng cu chuyn ti hin lch s thnh ph Lt c im khi u ging nhau: cao nguyn Lang Bian c Yersin pht hin ngy 21 thng 6 nm 1893. Khi nim pht hin ny l mt kit tc theo trng phi u ha trung lp, tc l ph bin tnh c trng phng Ty v lch s. Tuy nhin, s xut hin ca con ngi cng c chng thc trc ngy ny, chnh l ngi Lt, Sr v Mnng Chil thuc nhm tc ngi C Ho, v ngi Bih (Pihs). V chng, tn Lt c th c dch l sng ca ngi Lt.

    disCoverY And The indigenous peoples

    All the narratives recounting the history of the city of Lt begin at the same point: the discovery by Yersin of the Lang Bian plateau on 21st June 1893. This notion of discovery constitutes the epitome of Eurocentrism, that is to say the universalization of the Western representation of history. However, human presence had been documented there well before that date, whether we are talking about the Lat, Sre, and Mnng Chil belonging to the C Ho ethnic group, or the Bih (Pihs). In the local idiom, Lt signifies river of the Lats.

    1.6 - 1.7

    1881 - 1901

  • 1881 - 1901 1.6

    ethnie Ltdn tc Lt

    Lt tribe

    1re maison en torchis construite par les moines de la mission de ng Kia, Jacquet 1898 [ANOM GGI 5956_17]Ngi nh vch t u tin c cc thy tu ca Hi truyn gio ng Kia xy ct 1st mud brick house built by the monks of the ng Kia mission

    Petite case appartenant au chef du village de ng Kia, Jacquet 1898 [ANOM GGI 5956_17]Ngi nh nh ca Trng bn ng KiaSmall hut belonging to the ng Kia village chief

    Vieillard Mo de ng Kia, Jacquet 1898 [ANOM GGI 5956_17]C gi ngi Mi ng KiaAn old Motribesman from ng Kia

    Chef du village de Krot, Jacquet 1898 [ANOM GGI 5956_17]Trng bn KrotKrot village chief

    LA dCouverte et Les peupLes AutoChtoness pht hin v dn bn xDiscovery and the indigenous peoples

    Sept mois chez les Mos de lIndochine Alexandre Yesrin rapport de la 2e expdition fvrier - octobre 1893, p. 34 [AIP 38343]By thng trn t ca ngi Thng ng Dng, bo co ln th 2 thng 2 - thng 10/1893, tr. 34.Seven months among the Mos of Indochina, report of the 2nd expedition february - october 1893, p.34

    [PEFEO - VIE04779]


    t t ngi ; mt vi lng ngi Lt (ngi ta gi tn nh vy nhng ngi dn sng vng ny) tp trung di chn ni ; H lm rung nc. Phi i qua sng ng Nai, con sng khng ch cn l con sui rng 3 mt na v ta ti c Lang Ya (hay Dan Ya) l ni sng ca Trng tng.Ngi Lt ni ting Siame tt nh ting M. Nhng ngi ph n c di tai c bm mt l ln v xuyn qua l nhng chic vng pha di treo nhng chic vng xon bng thic rt nng

    This region is scarcely inhabited; the few Lat villages (as the inhabitants of this region are called) are grouped at the foot of the mountain. They have cultivated beautiful flooded paddy fields. We have to cross the Dong Nai, which is scarcely a three - metre wide stream, and we arrive at Lang Ya (or Dan Ya) where the canton chief resides. The Lat speak both Cham and Ma. The women have enormous holes pierced in their earlobes through which they thread veritable barrel hoops or suspend extremely heavy pewter tubes.

    Chef du village de ng Kia et lune de ses femmes, Jacquet 1898 [ANOM GGI 5956_17]Trng bn ng Kia cng vi mt trong cc b vng Kia village chief and one of his wives

    [PEFEO - VIE04768]

    [PEFEO - VIE04769] [PEFEO - VIE04790]

  • 1881 - 1901 1.7

    [PEFEO VIE04776] [PEFEO - VIE04773] [PEFEO - VIE04774] [PEFEO VIE04775]

    [PEFEO - 04792_2] [PEFEO- 04792_1]

    Sacrifice du plomb [PEFEO - 04590_1] [PEFEO - 04593]T chLead sacrifice

    ethnie mnng ChiL dn tc mnng ChilMnng Chil tribe

    ethnie sre dn tc sreSretribe

    ethnie mnng ChiL dn tc Bih (pihs)

    Bih (Pihs) tribe

  • LA prdominAnce des miLitAires

    En 1901, Prosper Odendhal qualifia Lt de ville en esprance , cette dernire tant plus une vue de lesprit quune ralit. La ville ne comptait alors quune poigne de btiments administratifs, quelques baraquements militaires et une btisse en bois dnomme Sala qui faisait office dhtel. Si le champ tait donc propice ldification dune vritable cit europenne, tout restait faire pour dsenclaver et quiper cette zone demontagne.

    u th cA nh Binh

    Nm 1901, Prosper Odendhal gi Lt l thnh ph trin vng, thnh ph vi quan nim mang tnh tinh thn hn l thc t. Thnh ph lc by gi mi ch c mt nhm nh vn phng cng chnh, mt vi ln tri dnh cho qun lnh v mt khi nh ln bng g c gi l Sala , c s dng lm nhim s khch sn. Nu nh vng ny thun li cho vic xy dng mt thnh ph thc th mang tnh cch chu u, vy th cn rt nhiu th cn phi lm nhm ph th c lp v trang b cho vng sn cc ny.

    dominATion BY miliTArY personnel

    In 1901, Prosper Odendhal spoke of Lt as a city of hope, which was more wishful thinking than the reality. The city had only a handful of administrative buildings, a few military barracks and a wooden edifice referred to as Sala that served as a hotel. Although this virgin site was favourable to the construction of a real European city, everything remained to be done to open up and equip this mountainous zone.


    Les prmices dune ville en devenirNhng tin ca mt thnh ph tng laiLes premises of a future city

    1901 - 1916

  • Le pLAn chAmpoudry (1906) : une vocAtion BicphALe

    Paul Champoudry, 1er Rsident-maire de Lt partir de 1900, est linitiateur du premier plan durbanisation conu pour assumer une double vocation :- Militaire : Lt devait accueillir la majorit des effectifs des troupes europennes de Cochinchine, seules quelques units restant stationnes Saigon et au Cap St-Jacques.

    - Civile et administrative : le Gouverneur Gnral Beau estima en 1904 que Lt serait appele devenir une vaste station daltitude pour les civils de toute lIndochine et la capitale dt du Gouvernement Gnral.

    s chAmpoudry (1906) : khuynh hng hAi u

    Paul Champoudry, Th trng u tin ca Lt t nm 1900 v l ngi khi xng n u tin v th ha th hin khuynh hng kp:- V mt qun s : Lt c bn phn phi tip nhn phn ln qun s i qun ngi u Nam K, ch c mt vi n v li Si Gn v Cap St-Jacques.

    - V mt dn s v hnh chnh : vo nm 1904, Ton quyn Beau d kin rng Lt s tr thnh a im ngh dng trn cao cho nhng cng chc dn s ca ton ng Dng v l th ph ma h cho Ph Ton quyn.

    ChAmpoudrY plAn (1906) : A duAl purpose

    Paul Champoudry, the first Rsident-maire of Lt since 1900, was the initiator of the first urban plan conceived on the basis of a dual purpose for the city:- Military: Lt had to host most of the troops of Cochinchina and only afew units were to be maintained in Saigon and at Cap St-Jacques.

    - Civil and administrative: Governor General Beau estimated in 1904 that Lt would be called upon to serve as a vast hill station for Indochinese civilians and as the summer capital for the General Government.


    1901 - 1916

  • Croquis de Lt, Champoudry, 1906 [ANOM GGI 15094/10] (Taille originale x 2)Ha tng qut v Lt, Champoudry 1906 (Kch thc tht x 2)Sketch of Lt, Champoudry 1906 (Real size x 2) 2.2

  • et une douBLe sgrgAtion spAtiALe

    Sgrgation entre les ples militaires et civils, tout dabord. Aux premiers fut attribu le vaste espace situ sur la rive droite de la rivire Cam Ly qui pouvait recevoir le camp militaire ainsi que de nombreux btiments, des champs de tir, etc. La cit administrative et civile, implante sur la rive gauche de la rivire, fut dessine selon le second principe de sgrgation coloniale : la sparation stricte des quartiers europens et indignes qui fut cependant mise mal au fil du temps par le refus que lui opposa la bourgeoisie vietnamienne.

    v mt s tch Bit khng giAn kp

    Trc ht, tch bit gia cc qun s v cc dn s. Khng gian rng ri bn b hu ngn sng Cam Ly c cp cho qun i v c th tip nhn doanh tri qun i cng nh nhiu ta nh, trng bn ...v.v. Thnh ph dn s v hnh chnh, nm bn b t ngn con sng ny, c v theo nguyn l th hai v s tch bit thuc a : s chia r r rng khu ngi u v khu ngi bn x v cng vi thi gian, n gp phi s khc t ca tng lp t sn Vit Nam.

    And A duAl segregATion

    Segregation between the military and civil areas was a first priority. The military was attributed a vast space situated on the right bank of the Cam Ly River that could accommodate the military camp as well as numerous buildings, firing range etc.

    The administrative and civil city was planned on the left bank of the River according to the principle of segregation between the French and the indigenous population. This would prove difficult to implement in the long term because of the opposition of the Vietnamese bourgeoisie.


    1901 - 1916

  • 1901 - 19162.3

    Btiments et zones militaires / Cc cng trnh xy dng v khu qun sBuildings and military zones

    Sige du pouvoir et administrationKhu cng chnh v hnh chnhSeat of government and administration

    Enseignement (cole et collge)Gio dc (trng hc v trng trung hc)Teaching (school and college)

    Espaces commerciauxTrung tm thng miCommercial zones

    Espaces et services publicsKhng gian v dch v cng cngPublic spaces and services

    -A- 12e Rgiment dinfanterie Coloniale Trung on Lc qun thuc a s 12 12th Colonial Infantry Regiment

    -B- Justice militaire Ta qun s Military justice

    -C- Artillerie et infirmerie vtrinaire Qun chng Pho binh v trm th y Artillery and veterinaryhospital

    -D- Bureau de la Place Vn phng ch huy khu vc Head office

    -E- Infirmerie de Garnison Trm x ca tri lnh n tr Garrison Infirmary

    -F- 12e Rgiment dinfanterie Coloniale Trung on Lc qun thuc a s 12 12th Colonial Infantry Regiment

    -H- Annexe de la direction de lartillerie Khu t ph ca Ban ch huy Pho binh Annex of the artillery command

    -I- Services administratifs Cc vn phng hnh chnh Administrative services

    -H- Hpital (emplacement rserv) Bnh vin (khu vc c dnh ring) Hospital (reserved space)

    1 Collge Trng trung hc Secondary school

    2 Logement des professeurs du collge Khu nh ca gio vin trung hc Teachers Accomodation

    3 Ecole primaire Trng tiu hc Primary school

    4 Gare Ga xe la Train station

    5 Rservoir de distribution [eau] Bn cp [nc] Water tank

    6 Machine lvatrice [eau] My nng [nc] Pumping machine

    7 Bassins Bn cha Basins

    8 Poste et tlgraphe S Bu in Post and Telegraph

    9 Lavoirs Khu git l Wash house

    10 March Ch Market

    11 Htel-restaurant casino Khch sn-nh hng, khugii tr Hotel-Restaurant-Casino

    12 Abattoir L m Slaughterhouse

    13 Mairie Ta th chnh City Hall

    14 Direction de la sant Ban ch o y t Health Management

    15 Direction des travaux publics Ban ch o cc cng trnh cng cng Public works Management

    16 Douane S thu quan Customs

    17 Gouvernement Gnral Dinh Ton quyn General Government

    18 Gouvernement de Cochinchine Dinh Thng c Nam K Government of Cochinchina

    19 Rsidence Suprieure de lAnnam Ta Khm s Trung K Rsidence suprieure in Annam

    20 Rsidence Suprieure du Cambodge Ta Khm s Campuchia Rsidence suprieure in Cambodia

    Les projeCtions de ChAmpoudrY: une douBLe sgrgAtion s ca Champoudry : mt s tch bit kpChampoudrys projections: a dual segregation


    Les prmices dune ville en devenirNhng tin ca mt thnh ph tng laiLes premises of a future city

    Lt sous la brume, 1923 [FINAAVH] Lt trong sng m, 1923 Lt in the mist, 1923

  • Le tournAnt de LA grAnde guerre (1914-1918)

    Au milieu des annes 1910, la conjonction de deux facteurs tira Lt de sa torpeur. Tout dabord, le dbut de la 1re guerre mondiale sopposa au retour priodique des colons en mtropole qui se tournrent alors vers la station daltitude. En second lieu, des chantiers dinfrastructures routires furent achevs. Il fallait une journe et demie via Phan Thit Djiring pour relier Saigon Lt, en train puis par la route. Le trajet via Phan Rang restait plus long, 2 jours. Quant la ligne ferroviaire Thp Chm Xm Gn (38 km), elle fut termine en 1915, construction qui cota la vie des dizaines douvriers.

    Bc ngot cA cuc i chin th gii Ln th nht (1914-1918)

    Vo gia nhng nm 1910, vic kt hp hai nhn t ko Lt ra khi s n. Trc ht, chin tranh th gii ln th nht cn tr kiu dn quay tr v chnh quc theo nh k v nhng ngi ny lc quay li ni ngh mt trn cao. Th hai, mt s cng trng h tng c s ng b kt thc. T Si gn i Lt qua Phan Thit Djiring, phi mt mt ngy ri i bng tu ha sau bng ng b. Qung ng qua Phan Rang di hn, phi mt hai ngy. ng st Thp Chm-Xm Gn (di 38km) hon tt vo nm 1915, cng trnh xy dng ny cp i sinh mng ca hng chc cng nhn.

    The Turning poinT of The greAT wAr (1914-1918)

    The conjunction of two factors brought Lt back to life. Firstly, the outbreak of World War I hampered the periodic return of settlers to metropolitan France, thus forcing them to remain in Indochina. Secondly, certain infrastructure projects were completed. It now took a day and half to travel between Saigon and Lt by train then by road. The more difficult journey via Phan Rang took two days. As for the Thp Chm- Xm Gn railway line (38 km) whose construction cost the lives of dozens of workers, it was finally completed in1915.


    1901 - 1916

  • 1901 - 1916 2.4

    Route ng Kia Lt. Rencontre insolite entre une voiture europenne conduite par un Vietnamien et une chaise porte par des montagnards, sans date, [CP Jennings]

    Tuyn ng ng Kia Lt. Cuc gp g l lng gia xe - t do ngi Vit li v ci gh c 2 ngi Thng khing (khng ghi thi gian)

    ng Kia Lt road . Curious meeting of a European car with Vietnamese chauffeur and a chair carried by hill tribesmen (undated)

    Route Phan Thit - Lt, 1915 [ANOM GGI 5971]Tuyn ng Phan Thit - Lt, 1915 Phan Thit - Lt road, 1915

    Le tournAnt de LA grande guerre (1914 - 1918)Bc ngot ca i chin th gii ln th nht (1914 - 1918)The turning point of first Word War (1914 - 1918)

    Les premiers jalons de Lt (1900-1915) [InSc-SIUP]Nhng mc u tin ca Lt (1900-1915) Lts first milestones (1900-1915)

    Rapport de linspecteur des travaux publics, sanatorium du Langbian, 1915 : croquis des itinraires pour atteindre Lt [ANOM GGI 5970]

    Bo co ca thanh tra s Cng chnh, trm iu dng Lang Bian, 1915 : ha cc l trnh n Lt

    Report by the public works inspector, Lang Bian sanatorium,1915 : sketch of itineraries to reach Lt

    Rapport de linspecteur des travaux publics, sanatorium du Langbian, 1915: projets de routes et de chemin de fer [ANOM GGI 5970]Bo co ca thanh tra s Cng chnh, trm iu dng Lang Bian, 1915: cc d n lm ng b v ng stReport by the public works inspector, Lang Bian sanatorium, 1915: road and railway projects

    Rapport de linspecteur des travaux publics, sanatorium du Langbian, 1915: croquis du Sud Annam donnant les tudes faites pour les routes et le chemin de fer [ANOM GGI 5970]

    Bo co ca thanh tra s Cng chnh, trm iu dng Lang Bian, 1915: ha phn Nam Trung K v nhng nghin cu xy dng cc tuyn ng b v ng st

    Report by the public works inspector, Lang Bian sanatorium, 1915 : sketch of South Annam showing studies carried out for roads and railway

    Deux routes principales reliant Saigon et rn Hai tuyn ng b chnh ni Si Gn v rn Two main roads linking Saigon and rn

    Le Grand Htel Khch sn Grand Hotel The Grand Htel

    LHtel Desanti et ses chalets Khch sn Desanti v cc bit th g The Htel Desanti and its chalets

    La rsidence du Gouverneur Gnral Dinh Ton quyn The Governor Generals residence

    La garde indochinoise n lnh kh xanh The Indochinese guard

  • vues de Lt entre 1919 et 1923

    Pour contenir laccroissement du nombre de touristes europens, la ville sedota dun rseau de voieries, dune usine lectrique et de divers btiments administratifs. la fin des annes 1910, Lt comptait 350 rsidents vietnamiens et 26 rsidents europens ; elle gardait un aspect rsolument rural. En 1919, fut cr le lac artificiel situ au cur de la ville par la construction dun premier barrage sur la rivire Cam Ly. Le barrage (pCu ng o) tel quil apparat aujourdhui fut construit en1935.

    quAng cnh Lt giA nm 1919 v 1923

    gi li s tng mnh s lng khch du lch chu u, thnh ph c trang b mt h thng ng x, mt nh my in v nhiu ta nh hnh chnh khc nhau. Vo cui nhng nm 1910, Lt c 350 ngi Vit c tr v 26 c dn ngi u ; thnh ph vn gi dng v nng thn. Nm 1919, h nhn to nm gia trung tm thnh ph c to ra bng vic xy con p u tin trn sng Cam Ly. Con p (Cu ng o) nh n xut hin ngy nay, c xy nm 1935.

    views of lT BeTween 1919 And 1923

    In response to the increase in the number of European tourists, a road network was built as well as an electrical power plant and diverse administrative buildings. At the end of the first decade of the 20th century, Lt had 350Vietnamese residents and only 26 French civilians; the city retained its rural aspect. In 1919, the artificial lake, which is situated in the heart of the city, was created thanks to the first dam built on the river Cam Ly. The current dam (p Cu ng o) was built in 1935.


    Lmergence de la villeS tri dy ca thnh phThe emergence of the city

    1916 - 1932

  • 1916 - 1932

    vues de Lt entre 1919 et 1923Quang cnh Lt gia nhng nm 1919 v 1923Views of Lt between 1919 and 1923


    Lmergence de la villeS tri dy ca thnh phThe emergence of the city

    1919 [FINAAVH]1919 [FINAAVH]

    1923 [FINAAVH]

    1923 [FINAAVH]
