facebook: view and delete search history

Facebook: View or Delete Search History This presentation will show you how to VIEW or DELETE your facebook search history. Now this is your choice you want to just view history or delete history in facebook. Go through the

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Post on 29-Aug-2014



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Facebook keeps your facebook search history for future reference. Next time whenever you search, facebook use the history to produce the result. You could see this facebook history and if you wish you could delete those also. But we generally recommend not to delete history because that may bring little problem in giving you more relevant result you are looking for. The presentation is made in Quatumpcsupport’s https://www.quantumpcsupport.com own workshop. You are invited to give your valuable opinion and share if you are satisfied.


Page 1: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

Facebook: View or Delete Search History

This presentation will show you how to VIEW or DELETE

your facebook search history. Now this is your choice you want to just view history or delete

history in facebook. Go through the presentation


Page 2: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

Click this down arrow or a Gear

Button then Click “Activity Log”

Page 3: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

Alternate Method: You could go to accounts

timeline page and Click Activity Log button.

Page 4: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

From Activity Log list click MORE

Page 5: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

From the extended list click “Search”

Page 6: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

Look your all search history by date

Page 7: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

Go Right side of every search history, Click the Circle and then Click Remove to delete history

Page 8: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

Click “Clear Searches” to Delete Whole Search


Page 9: Facebook: View and Delete Search History

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