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Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin


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_______________________________ Name: Name of Candidate


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_______________________________ Name: Name of Supervisor Date:

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Development Of Particulate Matter Air Quality Monitoring Using IoT System is a

system that works for everyone who wants to know the current air quality. This system

introduced because people do not know whether or not they breathe clean air. Thus, it

is hard to know the API on a daily basis. In addition, this IoT system giving convenience

to everyone because they just need to view the dashboard to know the air quality

information without the need to apply their information into the system. Air quality

monitoring is a facility that can be use to measuring atmospheric conditions like air

quality value and air quality status to provide information for the dashboard. Moreover,

without air quality monitoring, user can’t be alert of the hazardous air or any other that

related to air quality status. This means that we need air quality monitoring system to

know how good or bad the air quality. The method used in this IoT system is Rapid

Application Development (RAD). To achieve the objectives, this IoT system will use

low-cost equipment and air quality sensor only.

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Pembangunan Pemantauan Kualiti Udara Partikulat Menggunakan Sistem IoT adalah

sistem yang berfungsi untuk semua orang yang ingin mengetahui kualiti udara semasa.

Sistem ini diperkenalkan kerana orang tidak tahu sama ada mereka menghirup udara

bersih atau tidak. Oleh itu, sukar untuk mengetahui API setiap hari. Di samping itu,

sistem IoT ini memberi kemudahan kepada semua orang kerana mereka hanya perlu

melihat papan pemuka untuk mengetahui maklumat kualiti udara tanpa perlu

memasukkan maklumat mereka ke dalam sistem. Pemantauan kualiti udara adalah

kemudahan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur keadaan atmosfera seperti nilai

kualiti udara dan status kualiti udara untuk memberikan informasi untuk papan

pemuka. Selain itu, tanpa pemantauan kualiti udara, pengguna tidak dapat waspada

terhadap udara berbahaya atau yang lain yang berkaitan dengan status kualiti udara.

Ini bermaksud bahawa kita memerlukan sistem pemantauan kualiti udara untuk

mengetahui seberapa baik atau buruknya kualiti udara. Kaedah yang digunakan dalam

sistem IoT ini adalah “Rapid Application Development (RAD)”. Untuk mencapai

objektif, sistem IoT ini hanya akan menggunakan peralatan kos rendah dan sensor

kualiti udara.

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1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Project Background 2

1.3 Problem Statement 3 1.4 Objectives 4 1.5 Scope 4 1.6 Limitation of Work 4

1.7 Expected Result 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 6

2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Internet of Things based Smart Environmental Monitoring Using the

Raspberry-Pi Computer 6 2.3 A Modular IoT Platform for Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring 7 2.4 Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System based on IoT and

Fuzzy Logic 8

2.5 Summary 9 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 10

3.1 Introduction 10 3.2 Rapid Application Development (RAD) 11

3.2.1 Phase 1: Analysis & Quick Design 12 3.2.2 Phase 2: Prototype Cycle 12 3.2.3 Phase 3: Testing 13 3.2.4 Phase 4: Deployment 14

3.3 System Requirement 14 3.3.1 Software 14 3.3.2 Hardware 15

3.4 System Design 15

3.4.1 Framework Design 15 3.4.2 Process Design 16 Context Diagram 16 Data Flow Diagram (Level 0) 18

3.4.3 Data Model 19 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 19 Data Dictionary 20


4.1 Introduction 21

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CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 22 5.1 Introduction 22


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Table No. Title Page

Table 3.1 : List of Software Requirement 14

Table 3.2 : List of Hardware Requirement 15

Table 3.3 : Admin Table 20

Table 3.4 : Sensor Table 20

Table 3.5 : Location Table 20

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Figure No. Title Page

Figure 2.1 : Internet of Things based Smart Environmental Monitoring using

the Raspberry-Pi Computer. 7

Figure 2.2 : Show gateway for A Modular IoT Platform for Real-Time Indoor

Air Quality Monitoring. 8

Figure 2.3 : Shows that Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System

based on IoT and Fuzzy Logic implementation. 9

Figure 3.1 : Rapid Application Development (RAD) 11

Figure 3.2 : Framework Design 15

Figure 3.3 : Context Diagram 16

Figure 3.4 : Data Flow Diagram (Level 0) 18

Figure 3.5 : Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 19

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1.1 Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global “smart machine” system that can sense

and communicate with its environment and interact with users and other systems. One

of the big issues of our era is global air pollution. An IoT ecosystem is made up of web-

enabled smart devices that can capture, transmit, and act on data they obtain from their

environments using embedded systems, such as processors, sensors, and

communication hardware. By attaching to an IoT gateway or another edge node, IoT

devices transmit the sensor information they collect as data will either be sent through

the cloud for local processing or evaluation.

Furthermore, Malaysia has one of the highest per-person fuel consumption

countries in the world, leading to an exceptionally high rate of carbon monoxide

pollution in all its metropolitan areas(RESYA HANI AHMAD, 2019). In this case,

people do not know whether or not they breathe clean air and it is hard to know the API

on a daily basis. Factors such as emission gas from cars and factories as well as dust

and debris contribute to air pollution, which often contributes to health issues for people.

Hence, air pollution is increasingly becoming the focus of concern for the environment

to be discussed.

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1.2 Project Background

Air pollution is known to be the pollution with the highest effect on the

ambiance. To know the current quality of air around us is the most important thing.

Toxins and unhealthy gases and radiation, which in many cases could not be identified

by smell or sight surrounded by individuals, are attributable to industrial and fossil fuels

worldwide. There are many possible hazards of those kinds of gases and radiation,

including lung damage, skin damage, or even cancer and death, not to mention the risk

of explosive gas serious harm(RESYA HANI AHMAD, 2019). For this project, this

system will let us know the current air quality in the provided area and can also detect

air pollution in the measured area.

The air quality will be detected by air quality sensor and raspberry pi as a server

that will let us know current air quality. Raspberry Pi (RPI) is another component that

will be used to read the sensor and send the data to other servers. The server will turn

the data into information and will share it with the website. The main aim of this project

is to develop a low-cost air quality monitoring using user-friendly, affordable, and low-

power equipment and hardware. Then, create a website with the information of Air

Pollutant Index (API) with a user-friendly interface. Development of particulate matter

air quality monitoring IoT system is the implementation of the particulate matter air

quality control IoT scheme.

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1.3 Problem Statement

There are a few problems that need to be resolved in this IoT system. First thing

first, the problem is difficult to know the quality air of a certain place. Nowadays there

are many causes of air pollution such as factory waste, fossil fuels, and others. Air

pollution has the most influential place in harming people's health. Everyday people

breathe without realizing if the air is either fresh or not. They are also responsible for

multiple forms of respiratory diseases such as asthma), also of various forms of cancer

in people who have been not protected for a long period by these contaminants or

chemicals. Thus, it impacts other existing species, like food crops or the ecosystem or


Next, the problem is requiring a lot of costs. To develop particulate matter air

quality requires a lot of production costs especially for hardware and software products

to be used. Besides, the installation time takes a long time and slows down the

completion of the device. Most organizations do not take risks to a broad financial

system. So, this is hard for organizations to develop this project.

Furthermore, the unpredictable weather which has taken place across the

country in recent months also led the atmosphere to natural disasters, especially flame,

that has led to a blurry environment. Haze would certainly affect the API also in this

specific area at which fire occurs.

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1.4 Objectives

• To study the technology and issues in air quality monitoring system.

• To design a low-cost air quality monitoring internet of things system that can

cater to several air quality stations.

• To develop a low-cost air quality monitoring internet of things system that has

been designed.

1.5 Scope

In this project scope, the admin will concentrate on using this system to detect

the API level in the environments especially in the provided area that causes air

pollution. The reading of the air quality would consist of the level of the air particles,

such as dust content, which will be detected by the sensor being located in a provided

area. Then, only one admin can manage the website to view the information on air

quality (API) in the provided area. Users can view the website to know current air

quality anywhere and everywhere they go with an internet connection. The system will

collect the data from the air quality sensor, humidity sensor. Finally, the server gets data

from the sensor and will be transferred to the website.

1.6 Limitation of Work

The limitation of this system is there will be one admin who will able to control

the device and the website. The admin will be monitoring the website with an interface

that provides information about air quality only. The website does not require users to

log in and sign up. This system does not provide an application. This system only tested

in the provided area only.

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1.7 Expected Result

Based on the objective of the development for this project, this particulate matter

air quality monitoring IoT system will give benefits to the user. First, people can easily

access the website to know current air quality wherever they go with an internet

connection. Hence, most people nowadays have their smartphone data to be accessible

anywhere and everywhere they go.

Next, using user-friendly, affordable, and low-power equipment and hardware.

This system can save instead of wasting money on expensive hardware. This system

also simple because it is user-friendly by that the system will be not overly complex.

The website will show a simple way interface that users/people can view information


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2.1 Introduction

This chapter discussed and describe the selected paper and previous journal that

trace a similar technique and topics that can be referenced for the Development of

Particulate Matter Air Quality Monitoring. This chapter also provides research based

on the farming background and technology in this industry and also similar sensors


2.2 Internet of Things based Smart Environmental Monitoring Using the

Raspberry-Pi Computer

The first article is about Internet of Things based Smart Environmental

Monitoring using the Raspberry-Pi Computer. This system is more to environmental

monitoring services of the IoT usually uses sensors to prevent pollution by monitoring

parameters such as air or water quality and atmospheric or soil conditions(Ibrahim et

al., 2015). This system also uses the Raspberry-Pi to get data from the sensor. Then the

system was created using Python Programming Language and it can be controlled

remotely and accessed through the IoT platform. It requires information from the

surrounding environment via sensors and uploads it directly to the internet, where it

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could be accessed anywhere and anywhere else on the internet(Ibrahim et al., 2015).

The sensor used in this system is temperature sensor TMP36 to detect the current

temperature, humidity sensor DHT22 with the measure in digital form, and lastly CO

Concentration to detect gas concentration.

Figure 2.1 : Internet of Things based Smart Environmental Monitoring using the Raspberry-Pi Computer.

2.3 A Modular IoT Platform for Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

The next article is A Modular IoT Platform for Real-Time Indoor Air Quality

Monitoring. This project is developed to enable the measurement of ambient

temperature and relative humidity(Benammar et al., 2018). The main objective of this

project is to perform a detailed analysis of the current state of the art of indoor air quality

monitoring systems based on the Internet of Things. This project has a few components

such as a Gas Pro Sensor, a set of calibrated sensors, and processing and data storing

board. From this project, there are also gateway firmware monitoring using an operating

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system that controlling the Raspberry Pi 2 and using Debian Linux. The secure socket

shell (ssh) server can be configured using the raspi-config command to access remote

the gateway via an Ethernet or Wireless connection(Benammar et al., 2018).

Figure 2.2 : Show gateway for A Modular IoT Platform for Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring.

2.4 Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System based on IoT and

Fuzzy Logic

The third article is Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System based

on IoT and Fuzzy Logic. This system's objective is by monitoring indoor air quality will

guarantee that the indoor atmosphere in the environment is secure for a stay or

activities(Pradityo & Surantha, 2019). This system components consist of is the

concentration of CO2 and PM10 density and also use fuzzy logic to control the fan.

From the sensor, raspberry pi 3 gets the data then locate to the cloud server and presents

the information in the dashboard. How this system work is if the AQI level reaches the

safe level and the system will work. The fan will move several times depending on the

crisp value using fuzzy logic. After that, if the AQI level back to normal, the exhaust

fan will be stopped. Device monitoring is to see how efficient a system has been made

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compared to a standard exhaust fan which is always running at any moment, even the

environment of the room is fine(Pradityo & Surantha, 2019).

Figure 2.3 : Shows that Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System based on IoT and Fuzzy Logic implementation.

2.5 Summary

This chapter provide an overview about the concept of the project. Literature

review is very important part in research or study of new thing. Literature review also

help in determining the idea and technology that will be used in this project to develop

a better project compare to the previous one.

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3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the detailed methodology used to develop this system is

described. The methodology is used to solve the problem and ensure the system will

work well as planning at the end. Plus, to ensure that the system is operating smoothly

and completely within the specified timeframe. There are many types of methods that

can be used and used in this scheme. The approach must be selected correctly so that it

is consistent with the development of the system. It is a very important step to direct the

researcher in the managing of the task. So, this project methodology that has been

chosen is Rapid Application Development (RAD). Rapid Application Development has

been implemented during the development process of Particulate Matter Air Quality

Monitoring IoT System.

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3.2 Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Rapid Application Development or RAD is the model that gives priority to rapid

prototyping and gives the fastest feedback over development and testing cycles. So,

developers can build several changes and improvements to the software quickly without

having to start a development schedule from the beginning of each period. Rapid

application development is the application that took the form of the Spiral Model, where

one or more development models have been used to operate on a specific project. Rapid

application development eliminates the problems identified in traditional software

development methods, concentrating on client satisfaction by early and consistent

delivery of useful working software.

Four main phases are involved in the rapid application development (RAD), first

is the analysis and quick design phase, the second is the prototype cycles phase, the

third is the testing phase, and lastly is the deployment phase.

RAD follow four main phases:

Figure 3.1 : Rapid Application Development (RAD)

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3.2.1 Phase 1: Analysis & Quick Design

The first phase of RAD is to follow up on the project scoping meeting. It requires

a high level or intelligent end-user to decide what the components of the system should

be. This should be a structured discussion of the business issues which need to be

resolved. This phase also includes what programming language, software, and database

to use to complete the system.

Laravel framework with PHP scripts and the MySQL database is used as the

development tools to develop a prototype. In this phase, it is important to decide what

to use and understand the requirements of the system before proceeding to prototype


3.2.2 Phase 2: Prototype Cycle

The second phase is all the information gathered during the Analysis and Quick

Design Phase is analyzed. This phase includes creating a design for the project and

mainly focuses on the translation of the design into programming codes. A code to

connect from Laravel Framework to MySQL Database Management System (DBMS)

is created.

During this phase, the developer needs to work hard because the project needs

to meet every requirement. Customer is everything to the developer. So, the developer

needed to design a prototype of the project to fulfil customer expectations until the

project has been agreeing.

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3.2.3 Phase 3: Testing

The third phase is testing the prototype to validate the Development of

Particulate Matter Air Quality Monitoring IoT System process. When the project is done

to develop, the project will be tested. The project is tested by how the project is working

with the function. Next, the system flow is tested to ensure that interfaces between

modules work (integration testing).

Furthermore, the analysis report of the system needs to be compiled. Then, need

to be done the error correction of the prototype if the prototype has a problem. This

stage will be repeated until the prototypes meet the objectives. For this stage, it is to

make sure the project will work smoothly without a problem, and in the end, the result

will be satisfied with everyone's expectations and objectives.

The suggestion also needs to be alert because we need to change the project as

the requirement is needed. Changes and even new ideas still can be used to solve every

problem that arises.

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3.2.4 Phase 4: Deployment

For the last phase is deployment, the features, function, and interface of the

project are finalized. During this phase, the project is released to be used by the user as

their expectation of the project. They will give their feedback on whether the project

needs to be improved or there is anything problem or that needs to be modified. After

that, the modifications are being made via their feedback to make sure the project will

be fulfilling the requirement.

3.3 System Requirement

3.3.1 Software

Table 3.1 : List of Software Requirement

No. Software Description

1. Arduino IDE Use for writing code interface for Arduino


2. Php Storm Laravel Framework tools for developing PHP

Programming and MySQL language.

3. Xampp i. Tools for connecting with MySQL


ii. Tools that support PHP Programming.

4. Microsoft Office

World 2019

Platform for documentation.

5. GitBash Modern command prompt for Laravel

Framework installation.

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3.3.2 Hardware

Table 3.2 : List of Hardware Requirement

No. Hardware Description


Arduino Uno

The device compiler appropriate for this

project is Arduino Uno, based also on microcontroller ATMELATmega328-p.

2. Raspberry Pi Use to read a sensor, such as the air quality sensor.

3. Breadboard A breadboard is for prototyping circuits.

4. Laptop Lenovo Laptop

5. Air Quality Sensor To read particle matter.

6. Wires kit To connect to the pin.

3.4 System Design

3.4.1 Framework Design

Figure 3.2 : Framework Design

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Based on the diagram above, the Air Quality Monitoring will send air quality

details to the database and will be updated to the dashboard every 1 hour. Next, the

database will save the air quality data and sent the air quality data to the dashboard.

Moreover, the user will request the air quality data using their laptop /smartphone

through the website to display the dashboard. Then, the dashboard will request the data

from database and sent back to the end user.

3.4.2 Process Design Context Diagram

Figure 3.3 : Context Diagram

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From the diagram above, admin will manage the sensor details and location

details for the IoT system. The air quality sensor will send the air quality sensor data to

the system. Next, from the system will return dashboard info and air quality’s

information to the user.

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18 Data Flow Diagram (Level 0)

Figure 3.4 : Data Flow Diagram (Level 0)

Figure 3.4 show the data flow that consist of 5 processes and five data stores.

The processes are register, login, manage sensor, manage location and lastly show

dashboard. Dashboard will show all the information of the air quality of provided area.

Moreover, the entity for this system is admin, air quality sensor and user.

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3.4.3 Data Model Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 3.5 : Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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Based on the diagram above, an entity relationship diagram (ERD) illustrates

system’s entities information and entities relationship. ERD composed of three things

such as identifying and defining the entities, determine entities interaction and

cardinality of the relationship. Data Dictionary

Table 3.3 : Admin Table

Attribute Explanation Data Type Size Remark

adminID Identification for admin.


name Admin Name VARCHAR 30

password Admin Password VARCHAR 20

Table 3.4 : Sensor Table

Attribute Explanation Data Type Size Remark

sensorID Identification for sensor.


sensor_name Sensor name VARCHAR 30

date Sensor date DATE

time Sensor time TIME

Table 3.5 : Location Table

Attribute Explanation Data Type Size Remark

locationID Identification for location.


address Location address VARCHAR 100

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4.1 Introduction

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5.1 Introduction

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• Benammar, M., Abdaoui, A., Ahmad, S. H. M., Touati, F., & Kadri, A. (2018). A

modular IoT platform for real-time indoor air quality monitoring. Sensors

(Switzerland), 18(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18020581

• Ibrahim, M., Elgamri, A., Babiker, S., & Mohamed, A. (2015). Internet of things

based smart environmental monitoring using the Raspberry-Pi computer. 2015 5th

International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications,

ICDIPC 2015. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDIPC.2015.7323023

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