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fas, baa fc, •Hios* i^teStinkA^ •"•-IHIB^ulll •TLf » ii^SMit Bqtfat OrndL W W » ^ TW* l ly fWawnlia^ Alji^ Fwhw. - MrinMH. rtKw.CMjott [thbMie '-nitiwBi . »Ji daatu-. ^'"TH- ^ w , J. - f Imv* W n ftwH ia jp^p. Lb ht ni»tu£imf*«i kjr B • rj<meir«f it < •rOod? 8Hfti|ttWd<MtriMymk«iU^ Y M M f H UM r«r aitifciUBitM^ n sftkaarigi- MlHiAtMr.- BnAw&r MtiatTairiw. finik iwcog*. nytuilljr tte lif dn^Ml finvtlM eriglwl mknw, it MMnt aai ia^ Ml iiMMiB. aad km exttniMif is liw TH^Jw •fcwhir^y uniliit l}r"llte IMinr frT rm-V-f Um «Mik isBgMge. OM«f Ik* i»«*«f Um litealw tiM t (bat mdMs kia m GTMIL.'** L (hut G m ^ «aa M * UM !«{ PskaliMai tin litteaa ailanrta aaduataad dw 6n*k dMtmlMcr M lit e m PmJ. jmu tte C M i x - ^ rf JuM. •njitiwing with m m U k wtk •bw tXMB MUrrftitS }<if Hlt& - I»ti. anncsd narlf ui tlwfr ofcM'SBfc. "p rdf aM nft-abd: aMwi Wrr-fcilnw tyymt ri>»<mttai mviumj, mf HiT-irtMrt KBT* wlj IMT .fc- f -mirjrv tkm mhl OK sikiKfe ; JAJiei e ATM, f JJM ^ tml n •111^, I «>3r aU thm Ung. tlMtt^mk Giwkrt Iliwf — • •Iiiitj t» Im czgMH ' • MktaWaikMiarfnitfad. itt- ami Ina,. W. biSELE. CiumUIA CMiUL. ISpm.tiH. AwcMrta j ibuU DiraifrfatPaiaM. ; brrfaMT*. D^ an». Hit bmIfieotaiilMtv- ~ BFiwtcn. nd TTU— Hatienw. rk>aii- '.aeteMel; far Rnw. Biaa 6mm, Wtjtt: MKiyiikaakii tlM MMifcttf tkcirddkiew^iiitis t tkat k m m Om OsMk , imtim< w af ChriK M i tonfw of fiwfciwi.a—» > Md plHkMDfkfk wM ant Om kB wkiek dw Jen. to IB m d u d bur Ike Old TattniMt a«ir tm. Tke caw— hegwiaf Pahatae. •e Aal *ae what Leke eOk "di* He- Btow dialaBt;^ > b k k kaa beca faaaaiiwlBd Spn-Chaldaie, P»- kiiiiM f!j I iaa.md PafcMiBMi.AiM«iia U Ae &krew as itcziMd ia FU«tiaa after the SakfinaUi aapdntj, iM M «« mm kava Maariioat xuaaina ia Mwiiaakaof Oamei aMlBto. Witk ndh ^aecaaw «f tka Greek wiiknekpn3ii£«»agaiBi*i^ awl Aa gapuagiBW tte-^lews.'aa w^H* laid. Tefaaael «*raad from lim Onak wraiun. aad ad apim Radian Hebn« HIThaiker a teak wnioB e«ec «a» nad aotAf w d W tkat m U taaitstaaC tka e^aalyi ak- •nd tkeorj tkat tk» Htdy S p m ibmetmi tike afMKfaatocite Oat at da awtf 6m<, «kidi dier kaaar e a M aaljftaaiaaia- ajpind tnaakiora. aad keaee waaaot dM VQcd af Gad* It » « M dMUMNBa qaotatkmafrooili» Septaaf^ at fowd ia tka New TaMuMat. i for. widiatt mppom^ Aat tka laipfcail apeadeaiaeerperaied dwedatikas •ad ewiaiidowa af aferityvanioa iato dM iafaffikla ettoo of dw Mew Tartiraaat—] TiAafarexaapia dM pvaaga n iS:' 3S. -TWa wiatmat-nMr tky Haly Oa*to rtadariiip af n ••inipii»d TaiwNU & CiAna w Fonsa Foua AaAORT Bmuoii. - W k m Pari deivmiaedtolakoriaFer. aig> nUkerthaa a Home lliwiona, aotlnnld- lag 08 aaotkeral^foudadw. aorpieaeb- iaf CkriM wkere ke waariraadynamed, did d* Mt aftee wkk Aa Hebrew text aa w« Mwliave bwt tkcaa i ai iaiiwa are all eomplioa.'* wkiek agreaa witk dM «Me tbk Habriw readi. IS: IQ^rtbow wfltiMtaafttr % mmmta U> aaa uatiapUoa." Kow ara wa to regard tke New Taata* iBt writer bare, aa HMetMiuag or tolant legaa OToaeowB tfaaihtioo ia tka giat. beoaaaa ba **ct(ea withoatenaiwi ntor , tbe readoiag of diatScptam^ wbea it waa aat a ekiaa and uaet of dM o r ^ ^ Hetoewr* By i la tk» flaaa dM Septaagiat ta right and dMHekrawif itbaaol dM phiralfar dM ngnkr. kaa been i%bdj altered. pn^M- b^ by tke eafSJ^ dooagh aeeideot. Dr. Gerard »ayK -Tka Btfta^t. kar- iag been trandatadfroat very aadeateopiaf, •bowa ta wbtt aaaaer diey read the text, aad tberefcte aay aerrafardataetng eor-' mptaoBt. whieb baTa anea enptiato tbe Hebnw eopiea, aad far poiadag oat dM geaaiaa nadiag: aad aooordiagty. saay or dM ita&«e ti^Mi it ponta oatare atiU Jnadla dM oUcat aad beat Haa. aad oogbt to be adopted."* j Wbatewryow May duak aboat tka apoa- dea qaodagfroBa Cralty veniaa. "wkbMt eoanaeat or eorrectiaa." wafeelboaad to befievetbat tbe New TeataaMat wriMrt, keraaHy doboaugelaa few expedieiMyT Toa aUow widt aa that iia ckaioe waa jaaC Sow, wai lua piafereaee of tka awat aeedy laid aa de«aadtK tke £nt labors, veiy atf ke oar owa reaolotioa, that tbe aa^y of dM ofaaTa^liaed beadiea widi fdoira,^ yoor ^ Cherokee, Bnrauu^l|ilice,aad Okuiaii BMb, it aa objeet of htglMr aad eaitiw ob- Sgati^ wbiiat wo poaipaae ta the fittiiw tioM tbe beuetiif of aa So^iak' Bible, a)- ready by year owa aeknowladgmeBt -aooa?* Are we jaatifled ia Ibraaking tbe terww* fbrRaa^ooaaad Hoay-Kuaa.aadialiaaU- kig dowa Aa orgaaiaadea ^ dotfiaort to npi^y tbeae Tennoaa, ia order to ceatrata oar streagtk oa tka oae or mora projeeMwat varioaa tiaMS aabMiUed to as, ibraaewTMmiittofdMEaglbbBible?" ~ In dM begiaaiag af yoar latter wa were ebaiged witk aaittdy diaparagiax oar lag- iiA Tcraiea, wiibaot racoftaiiiaf iu laerfaa; bot^bei* ye» dedara fk** wa have pf«»> aoaneod tkat venioa "aoaa." U it paa«> bfe tbat yottae* ao intuaiialaBay ia aoeh eaatwy ^argeat Too **paatpoD«" yaa aay "to dM ittmg doM tbe betiariagof oar£ag)iakver«oa. la-tkis yoa adait tbat tke vantoa ia aot good eaoagb aa it ia; tbat it aaeda feMMr* iag. Batboweaa yoa raeoneile tUi ad oiiMioa with what yoa have said to proee" dMt there is BO ae^ of rerisioB? Do yaa paatpoaatoaomefiitaretime A a perform aaoa of a work wbiek Aere is ao aeed of daiRgatall? Toa prefer to mpply Ae beadMa wiA dM Seriptoraa. rather dun do any Aiag to- warda rerisioa at boose; andtojastify Aia poaidoayoa refertoPaol aa eboosiagtobe a fbra^ piisaioaary rather Aaa labor at kooM; aad yoa ask: "Did ka rarily dtf koaagetoakilitaqpedieacyr' latkefirst place, it iaaattrae. Aat. Pari regaadcd tbeforeigaidd aa **demaadiag tbe fiiat laban;" aad ia tbe aext plaee, be bad no aboieeia tke aiatter. battoobey God. Vater Fmat faiaK .Oil; <,BM.kaa<iCar<iT>k>. ' Pin«.rtoc«ewT«Mk. iliaan. *r >mh. Mttmd r. "h WatA BEilMmi rtBTCBEK i»Aa ayaagogaaa." mtf* a lato •nkara enta a» aactan pmf^ ^obaUy iwhra profeasiiigtoettotfewardtof AeOld Mt.**^ Qartoiaiy tka Talisad aawkare faatameat Seiiptaras, ware grided by Aa ioapiratMa of the Alirigb^. aad ga«a Aa Teiy ward* orvMJ^ spokn "by boty aM-a 9f oidaaAey ware Mored by Aa Holy Spirit" ia •*a efeae aad exact aernoa of tbe U Briirew,-" wkeAer tboee warda eomapoad wiA Aa Qieek or wHk Aa Heteew O H TeataaMat. mt wt mom af Aa aaa aT Aa Old T( iatkaajaagagaaaia tka Greek laagaafa. Tka aeaptaiea. Aaa, wbiek Aa apoadea -eeeiywfcea twd" ia A* syMgogaeaof Aa Jawa. (aad bait few aapfcaaarid b« riaewketa.) aa tkery wat^'-eeary- . wkaatfiwnktaaatotiM* tkay were r AaSew Te«.»aa»," waa aat Ae , aa yoa laiB asw aad kaea fiv- fndy: .iUfeni CMa^fwiTf. Heaaa wa fad Aeir t tba O U Teataaaat aMn fra- •adaftaatAaHebraw text, aad Aa Greek, aa ye® tappaaa.— ,ia ac^Iatiag tbaaa ^adoaa. Ineaa Aft Hebnw, aad aaiy ItitoAa GMBkaf A* Old Teatawaft aad aaeAcr aUa taidlB mpa "Wa caa. pre«a Aat a mm of dMaa paaaagea tkat an Aa Sew TaMaaaaat an takea am tka Bebtur laxt, aad itiafnAabie Aat Aa 9cw Ti woa aeqaaiatad wiA boAllA He- Itaw aad tka Gfnckof tke Ohi Ti aad tkat wbea they weca addreaaiag dM er writiag booka daaigaed •afiatriyfarAitr beaiit. Aey prifemd <tiMlaticaa fioaa tbe Biebiew. btt wkaa fjHsakk^ or wx&DiK to tkoaa Bon ftmiW WiA Septaai^ tkey qaotod fras tka IT wa do aot aisUka tka geaanlaeopa. «iAa jparAs^ irieat af yoarkagaafB, « itii pd&t. yaa' aiaaatoeaany AaHaa. jii,Pari.iaaaaMartt M, B. mess. iitm. ^ a M h ^ nadar^wittaatifrtlf Aafid! nA tafAe Sack Ml idMa of AHaa ezaaoii iaeaM to Wken Christ irat eomaussioaed kis db eipleatopreaek. be resirietad tbam to tbe lost sheep af the hooae of Israel. Aad wbea be aiterwards comaMaded tbaaa go iaio all the world. Aey were to "pnach ia his aaaM amoag all aatiooafegitaatyat JerasaMa." tkat ia wiA Ae Jew*. Ae- wrdiagty. Aa apoade wbea praaehiag to tbe Jewa at Aatioeh. says: "Ji mrytkmlUt word^ GadsWd/r*( imm^oimHfamitmltmmfjfipmtit/rim fmt, mmdjmif* yearM^ unwortAf vf Imttma f^e.fa.— <ar» «a tUfmtUn. For mJ^ tit Lord eaaaaearfid at." Tbaa it is evideat Aat Pari bad ao re wbeAw tbey diflw from tbea i gard to aMre lyyidTnfj). ia detenaiaiagthe ' place of kia auaisary; nor to what aught aeem to bia tbe eaaspaimtiTe daiaM of dM B OOM aad tba Foreign ield. Ha preached >«<to^Aalewa. beaaasa <'tt rjr;" be Aea tanMd to Aa GeMilea. be- eaiaaa "dM Lord ao luaaiiaifid" Now, yaafeeleaOad, aa disAMdy aa waa Pari, to labor ia tbe fore^ frid. when ia Aia apoatolie axaapla do yoa fad afrcaedent for of^MBg tkoaa wbo labor to revise tbe eoauKM tetaiaa at koaaa? Did tka ^ca^ da to tka daatOaa. wbBa laboii«f ia tba fotaiga frid. rcpraaeb hiatoethnaia Jeni aafea, aad do aO be ooald to biadar tbair woritt Did ba aot taAer take eoOeetioai la Oestikriiarekeaaad aead to tke pow aaiatf ia Jerasafeaf la wkatnapaetdoea boA. Then is aaotkerriaaaof eitadaaa, wbera' a vetbri qaotatioa waa erideady aot ia- ^ toadad. bat ariy a refereaea to soBMAhig writtoa iaAaOid Taataaseat. while Ae| Ifew Teetaasaat writer ia iaspindtoaaka kaawa a kiadiad traA a laagaaga aMaa-| wkatdifaMt.keaease dealgncdfara dif-1 fcrent appBeaiioa Bet daaa pasaages an | tba kind wkid yaa repnaaataa qaoted ham tka SeptaagiiA. AB Aa aetari qaa- by Aa Saw Tastaaaat writ. Ae OklTeriaaMBt, aaatbe sap- poMdtogiiatkaexaataeaaiagoftba a* apind Babtww. W a an bappy to fad oaxaeHea sastaia- ad ia tkeaa riawa bysaob aaaaa GiQiert r^Gemd aad Tkoaua HartweQ Hone. Dr. Oaraidsaya: "Tka writeraof AeKewTea- toatoataaeatokara beea sa earefri to F*a Ae trae aaaae of Aa Old Tcaiaaeat, Aat tki^ fanaka tka Sqcoagiat mriaa, wkarater it gara aat tkat aaaae. aa br aa A ^ badaecaaatofaoto it.''t Dr. HoRMv^Makaf of Ae New Teatar attt wi^eia. nya: "Aa dair aaw ewea^aed witk Ae Hebrew, w j fra. qpaa^ a ezpraea wards, and gaaeirilr iit Ae anae; an it ia kigk^ piobabk that tbey aaifaa»e>w<riat fiat, aadAaiwiAcn tkaHakwiw waaisaparly expnaead ia the flwak I iiiiiie. tkey and Ae warda of Aat Bat wben it aatoriagy iaried fima dbewaaiiv of tke Hebnv SatTtaras^ tkey atter gara tka aeaaa aC A a fitad.iB tkeir awawaida, Ac% bow die exaapk ef itkeOkiTeala- Vlak««»dwa%A» aataa^ta ;e|Jtekl||nt apaa tka a a m lariaMa. kiiyiiB^viirikate tke 4ll|^Ckit.|80. Aat ki •boridaUatoMe.oo AafiA" dnwri of Dr. Ooaa aad bis eoadjatanibef coBM the ekaapm adrocato of tkatSooia- ty: apbraiaiac Aa Bibia Uaioa fir ^teak- iof doaa Aat onaaiiitiaa QuaAfliaa «r wt tas Unok "Tbariteradoaaaak aoagbt bf taaaMd bieArai aara^ yoa. was ia Aa word deanWaj; tkafeatardAance ^ Ae CbrisdaBcbar^.^ • • Aad I7 lading ia arid by its frieads aad oOem to b a ^ l ^ itdowak Aat Ae nadeiiag of tbe Gaaek word for baptisa by aaothar wordfeaa kn^beld "aa opea aaidoa^'^bat tbat ia affect "iaimem" i««t take plaee of '-bafuse.** doel aot yoor eaterpriae iaear tbe very ceanua mViOi yoar advoeatea east apos^ Kii^ iastraetioDt to tnaslaton' •a liahK^ eonicisacas aad lestrain Ae —fctta^ad jodgoMat af jontvf 'mg*-' Toasr Aatwe "Emit Ae eoasciaiew and restrain tke vafettMred jodgbent of oar nTison," byteqeiriag tben to»Bpplant •baptiie" by "immerae.f' as Jama eommaoded it to be kspi istoassert wbaf^ yoa euaot prove, aad to testify to wka| yoa lave no resMjatobeKere. Ia Ae first Address of Ae Bible Priw. paf forA eoil»- urmponaeoosly wiA Ha organltatioa, and pabtished i& tl^ same pamphlet flhom whldt yoa qoote. (pp. 10. 11.) is AerfoUcmig plain deelaratioo oa Ait p^ri: "In tbe coaMderatioo of A U sabjeOt, aone bare endeavored,to"^pobe'tbe wki»)e qae«tioB of nTi>toB apoa the tetratioe or ii*pliieefBeat ef Ae waad "baptiia." But Ais does great iajastias to oar Tiaw* and aioM. For alAo^h wa jaaist npon tbe ob- servance of a amform principle in tHe full •ad faiAfnl trands^'of God's word, ao M to express ia pkda Eaglish. widraat aa- bigrity or vagaeaeae. Ae ezaot aoaaiBgef Baptito, aa well aa pf all oAer word* re- lati^ to Um cbriattaB ordiauice*; yet Ais ia bat ooe of Bumeroas eiTors, which, ia oil- esAaatioa. iliajiailioirnfTinii Aad tach are our views I W priaeielea ia Ae pRisaentioaer Aiawa^ Aat.trAerew«ee BO sodi word as "bapdae'* or Baptiso ia ibe Scriptaiea, AaaceeeMtyjof reviving oar Eaglisb verrioa worid a p p ^ to as no lea reu and imperative.** Here, in this oflleiri deeaaieBt, lytog open before yoar eyes at tbe Jdrae yoa Wcm ritieg.it is ilisdac^ kUted Aat Ae ehsBge ^ "baptixe"for••iannriae" waaaot "Ae riter^oa most soaght" by Ae Bibb iTaioe; Aat an changes, fefrired by Ae exact meaniag t^ isspired origiaris. an plM- ed aa Ae saase grooad. s a b ^ tooaerid form prieoiple. Aad ia Ae Srfond Avntf Report, p. S9. Aat prine^ was embodi- ed aod pablisbed. as pai^ by Ae Bobd •ad Ae tTaioa. ia tke fdlowiaglanga^ befentkeBoiceroarSee- to le^iaaMt •• affr^^ wiiitiM; Aoagk wean aot can ifaS'lMfHm^M'm^m^umrn-^. kad eeaa aader yoar aotiee. Now, bntkrea aad nsteia, win yoa koa* •edy and candidlytonas what dan la ia •B Aia. Aat W a aay reaeaAIaacetotbe' mlea of Siag J a ^ whicb n q a M •nka old eedeaieatieri weide to befcqit.aotto be atraaflated." What is then iMn wkick empta 'baptise,fay odwr t^orl, froa Aa o«e aaftra piaci^ of giviBg "Ae exaot aataaiag oC Ae inspmd texIL^ W e kave never said to ear nviaprs—we nefer eaai^^y to tbea—"yoa titdl "nkm A9 wwd," or. "yoa eAai^e"^ woid." Nor do .w^ a^ertaketoiatepret tar dmn tbf original tezL Bat we reqain dMm to determine, ia tbefearof G ^ and tbe law of Ae trfd^ "Ae exact aeariag of tba iB- spiii^tt«t,'**and tkeato give diatBHMa- ing in "corresfoaAag words aad pbrase% to fe'M UMy eaa bafaairi.in the veraae- alw toagoe of Aoeeforwbom dte verAoa ia des^gaed, wiA the least poMtUe gbeear- il^ or iadefiuteness. Toar chaqje against tbe Bible U i ^ tm Ait point is m vnfoaaded aa it u aa^aad anreasonaUe. And we cannot remt tlM eonvictioa tbat A e ^ u e whicb arrays ite aMest advocates, aracd wiA boM aaaer- tioas, agi^Bst tba plain docnmeata^ m - deace of fadeaiable fMts. most be at war vitktkotnUb. 7. Was Da. Cjiaaoa Orroaxn to Bxn <. Aaeaann or Bxv. Taucu "Noaiari tasadsririas aay be nrily, aad kave efaa beea. viaM of Ge^a trrik. T«a worid aToif admiaioa eT iaA aaooogst yaar SatBMtveaotbeearaeat ia4a Aaa tkaaUowed koees% af jori^pleatiaaa? Men pie^ wiAow laiai^. or aten leaniag wiAoat pie^. worid MoaUy eadai^ as, ad to I^Aeaeae^ to be added. ' itaeie. aad aaatary ef ear owa ta* Dawareeocriaa^ke pnaaoe of Aaa ia ef tkeaivri wrriaai towbjckyaay periasif wiAadWradoat Wefadta^ veiy paaipldft priced bcoeaeetioawiai Ae proe^mgs it yaar uijsniiaArn A 1850. Enweia aeeadoB aa* (p.t7) af nbeaaaAgedlyaBd IpuaedaMB." wbo, itisarid,ka«abe« dtawAfted witk tke reeeired eanM. aad tkea. amoai^oawra. are re«M«tod dMaamesoT'-Sdailei^ WAe- feld. aad DidHBsaa." • • • • Saws* «caabe aaMac«ke waaea wWek tkaJa* «erer> af yeaPSociety Me it toqaeto ^ hbaor.«a isfeifoeafan wn ast^ai n . aait re»pt«to Ae aeandiMae of jwlg- aMBt. and parity doctrine, aad perfee- tKM of lasgaagetohiserpeetidfjaaniire- jwt heralded aacb oatrideta aad fetc« raaaera." pp- 4. Tkat the ii^tieeal Aispanqf^aay png^ t«» as. wky ia H, Aat^jW ? ae Aaatk.tfftepiBiii1 "mk- gwd" be IteatAed. aad Aas^iaea SIOV7 "Aad aa to other chaa^ gutns be- yond Ais oae tera. can wa ofverloiA Ae aing tesdmoay of Cstreo^ astooaaeh r which BNden over w^ich BMd^fn eridatan Twnta a be- iageaaadatfoat "Maayreriiaprov {be has said] of ear tnailaliqa iapertieriar liaaagas kave andoabiedly beta ouMle, but XT FAB A epaATxa xcaaaa «f fMteaded imprarmenu are ^nee eomv<ie" *' • "He «»M<awe»is# yeU ia«yiMrf teriiW •assadtfetfea adeaad tkatUxtnprmtiHtAmt Meoryaaf aiyfei iiriltr aMf /inlwhmm. awat b fi aiiis<a<i/ tf*»rrtt- poaday wardiwamf jArea*. tofar o*tkm cm» Ir /oaad. ia tkt iwraantfctr km^ if r/or Moas Oe acniM it dtoi^pad. Um$t at jmsnUe alaeariliy ar Thiapriad]^waaa6ttobe appBed If Ae IhaoB. or by ia Board diieady; it w to gaide aad geven Ae traaslatora aad re- ^ m a employadby Ae UBioa; it was tobe applied by tkea to a m y aealeaoa, aad evesrypknae. aad every ward,iaall,^ vmioaa amda far. or patreaiaed by Ae UaioB. Tbe eafy additioDri^ tries pra- seribedfarear nvisenanfoaadedoa Aat gnad priadple. aad ken tkey ace: •fWherever Aeta is a vwnioa ia eomawn ase. it AaU be aade Aa jbasia of anriiioa. aad all aaaeeeasary iaterfereaca wvb.tke aaiaUisbad pkraarion. slaU, be avrided^^ aad oaly saeb aheraaoaa akaB beaade aa Besides. U is ia saeil Batten A ^ ta aaaoers of tka aieaaat lareatAjiai tkey peraarfaad ttnmft." So wrote Carwa ta Bdinbargb R e v i e w * We bare been rikAer eoala^la aefal- eaee ia A a apiaiee af Ckraoa. aa leaaat or iaoaapataat eriOa. tkat "ao nde eaa be bmh«gaaenl.*' or,ia oAer woida. adaut fewer txaaptieai. tkaa doaa tbe aaxia Aat ba who is perpetaaOy aaaailiB^ tbe ena* aoa vernoalsbat aaoriaekt critteiaa.** pp. 4. 6. This ia aot Ae frat Aaa tkat Dk. CaiaoB bn beea referred to ta aaAeri^ afriaat raristoa: and after what ba kaea pmred befon the paMie {ft nfistotiaa el sadh pea- taasioa. H is reelly swipiBag that y«a Aoridagaiabriag ferwaid aadi a brief seateBcefiroaAe wridnga af tket jaady eeMwatod adtolw aad eride. «e|n«»AA nrisiMt ia aotaeeded; or Aataaya^pma- aeat of oar aaaaaa maba is ble. WekwreAeaaatdiraat panllaati- ToarooadacttawardadM Bikte Uri* i»- . .-/. . ^ - Aeewstaeaaiagof tkeaqdlaitextaad aable Aat^ Pari tosM k* k n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ iaagwge aay n- aJadaa? Teaworiiaotbejasdfed.yoa tbiriu "iafeaakiagthe vensoaaforBaa- gooaaad Ha^ Xoag. aad ia braakiag Ae Aa. aid Var. Bible Society.— %a dAA it is aotaacasaarytoforsakeoar fanigBTetaiaaa,iaadeitocany ca Ae warkofnviakaatheae. Tkeaoaey^ kaa beea spaaliB ageeiBS Ae Bibk Ualea WM^goferiowatAidrinm Ae whole eapeaaeof a|*riaed vwaioo. Tbe eeatof jri^liig aad A^riatiaf yoat latter akae. waridbava aada a.mMrri eoatribodoa to mttnmx}. Aadlaa to e v aatarpriaa -knakiiV d«wa Aa otgaaisaata" referred UK we aaat i ^ the iaaiaaadoe as eoa- wiA aa' ill-grace from tbe aatbor ot yaorlatter. It aaat appear atnaga, k- deed,toAe Bapdattof Aea Uritod Statea. Aat W«. a. WnUAaa. D. D , who atreaa- •Mly apBoaad tbeefgaaixatiaa of tbe Aas. a U t v . BAla Society, aad for Airteea aaaaa||v« yean dedaed co^operadca atteJITl^w^ ee^^^oL aaa liffdadina^jeat Af Maaagen of to A* maioaaiy Board la ia iM vert ef keae ori foi^ ^ain." "Traaslatinas ae nvisioaa of Aa New TestaaMBt sbaJt te aada from tbe recete^ Greek text, erid^y edited, wiA knows ^iTon *«la A a S a ^ A Isagaage, Aa niaa most ba tba baaia of the revinQa; to Ae# A M Caiaea was Atwor ef nvkaoa. Bat w« AaffieaktkeeeaaatAii dae oa kis written wetfis; eeafriaf ear qaatadoaetoKe work ea Baptiw eepri^ Wbed by Ae Aa. Bap. Pwk Sodetjr, ed. im {^[wakii^ of A e term readered DAu 4: 33. (Grad 4: ».} ba aays.-p.3^ •"It ia by BO aeaas atraostodaa efAewoid la Ae or^iari. aoref Aateapioyaikf the SeptnglM. iloivAfto aeoofdiBg tf Ae aMal wKdi,tosteadof belag bank, warid kava foaad earaqMading expnadaae A aB Imi- gaagee. Byeaployi^a tM« nerlnweliit^ ba* ladl dM peculiar beauty of itM engiaeJi, wiAMR ia Aelewtaddngtotbe perapicai^. Ike vordMtf AeSepoagietan. 'Hisbodywaa iaarradiatkadeW" Spaakiagef Late H; 58. ke aaya.p. 97. "Tbe pawy,Aea. oagbttokave beea tnaalatod. 'Aaiwbea Ae J^ariaee n w it. he a a m M that be was aot ianriad befendiaacr.'" Sjpeak- iBgof Mark?: 4. wben earvenaaa kaa, "elnept Aey wmA. tkey eat aat," Oaraoa befeiriye^waed, we wS qaete Ae pea- lageiefemdto. ItisfeaadaAeaddaa ofRev.Tbos. A n n l ^ ddivered befon Ae Bible Ueioa. ia t}l«Bapd|d.Tabenat!le. une to. 1850, aad pabBAeditt ibe oOdri reportef Aat meetiag. He ai^ Let as tihor and letos pve, topmcare. if poadble. aaeh a traailation of dM W a d of God as wOl ^re ooe acaae«wad bat oae. aadtbat ioda^, a toeaaMa Aeaal^ Mfed to aadsndaad Ibe wofdaf God. ori the aaaf aaito, or coaaaat. ot or of Ae liriBg taaAer. wben Ae baadMwaed no laexplieable ayatafy. to I w ^ we aart sabrnwavely bow. Aad not God be Aaa giacif^ miOukf • UaiMpnaotodt C If ire caa, wty the *8aa&&ane wlA l%bidi bas llwaya exiriedtatke a M h ^ Aa aeatfediTMd «Bt kaa A* tuae^jt watfifaBf Wky tbe aaaber of ji^ tnadadoae. ia port ortawhole, by saekawi iasriett.^ WabefiA. Webaat, A.Clark. Stowai*. Deddridito. Lowtk. Sanaa, and aridtadM of aAwi? Wky Ae pte «f Ooaaeala. Netoa. Eaaya. aad Bxegeds, aiAeraetoapaayteg Aei» tnildaAas ec goiag teA trradagef Ae a m ^ Sta^aAiia. aad asekta^to aaoae Arat > kM ah Ads disaatisfce- Aaaiiaa?"|f.«7,«. ToaaaadeaB "SeariHt. WaheSdd. pd istiii—-n acaowt ef Asir katerodoxy; battAatakalbedeaewiAFedv.W^iater. Ckuke* llaeha%^ Doddridge, i^vth. Md Aeaadtitade ef etheo. wta> hata ndea. trizatonvia oar venaoa,ectoatraaa^ lateAaaitaria? A n yea aa kSaM ly pnjadiae i«riBtt Ae Kbta Uaiaa. m «e tkat Ae impeadMsea|of Arataft- eM ^ a baadred. taiS^ to A* 8aaMAiaf.braalB dowa Aa taodan^ af aOthenatf T<ianpMtllr. A n ^ ateUSac ^Aea beradea mm$g^,aai Iseiiad r Bat A h ejt|nMiw wie w» affS- adby^toaay eldMaea Mped. Be ^peab to Arte ilsnsii of yito'" iiiiiBiiiij,.V Ataks. fukm Aa* liA Miaea ia^ « AiiMto Ae o r ^ asHeaabaaade. ii^ ehahi da- aigaaleaaa r r i ^ bavahmdiaa&M wiAAis la A»iiin4 diiske aaaaa aopa of Ae wkakate aot oaly wiA Ac enaaMa verAea. katkan roa be wSiagto ndettriKwiAiiatMil; 'wkk* yoaaayla aatANdeif Altbea^ wa bare aa ok^efinala laka««asri of Aoaa «ko am ifpo^ it is pro'emd. respeedag lka""^sir|^tfhai <tf work; wilaal ^ •xpeetad of coaraa, Aat we AaB aAiad- tweolr AaaewhokasFdMad nlaatota- opcnto wiA as. We apaA TO-ttiaary to obtaa iidasaudaa ra^yd^ tkaapk toiw dcw^aaito accan Ai iMt> ^ ^aea wallqaa^'aA jSa^li^ jadgaeat. taata. ••wumrfat^ owa aril kmgm^' iptbbdox >$ewa, Ac., fcu auidni^ we aay aat la ao kapfnr as to eijgf yoar Cam taAa citorpriae, wekope to keep aaradfa^iffi^ the work ef «ar n- riaora.topkda^M||iipiat^ as to mastw ao aqarj froa yov Aja. ,, 9. lalsKBBurr eauutautaaqt at 1 na Tatwi.tTaaa? "Bat yea efiege that rtke and aeataAi^va aqpnaeata of ai aad accptadaiB .aaMng the cammoa ] kn fowded ate " wwddtiriafAadat.** lim.ta«,i to the pkadii^of iafd^. VBd tbeeaia- kadtags of Aaa «ke bare ' ' refeMit. SanefewteadcriBfti pilbapa be aibn feiidtoBs. ! aid Aew aaawiAiaHwiiH. BattalriiaM Aair keyaBd aB fani#taattB«^^ tka^lfef er*Vdeiaa is agataH fw# a^d oucuuea tku ao. j M tnadatiaa caa j M jwtof Ae aad Aat aa aiaat Aaefc ^ er w n M wisbHit ffKAftl Ta«iidtaly :ar iriiwBa m»M aad al anA aa Aair 'Vktaffa^ aad doobUmtt.- Jfym. m»f be ^ H e a a o t l M darisd Aat« ii prnwri tatoittaerviea. with aiiuaiil II 1 I II «Ma; ladwbo tiMalaf Aaa^ Udtepoaiitfti^. waAiaga.*' Jfce..ta Aeaa« iiiw.Caraca ays. p. 71. -eaptt la If liSBilaWi irnm HM^y la Heb. I!: W^ ketaya,^-m traadadofalwyfafefe'difcitBliaanrrfia atfdigbKat wasktaga^'" »ktatao Ae Greek text. Bagster's aad Soas, ooUvaf-"* i^Tta aadrrs, tkey eat editioaof 1851. Aal wkat oa, vera»L ••Wkeaiter aarilendoohorn Aat vero ma is aade ea a ^ aaAoriw addidoari to that af tkenviaar. sadi aaAori^ anst be eited a ^ aaaaanipt, ddMur oa Ae ' ^ Z n G n S n ^ or phrase, ta Ae tnaabidoa of wkidnbe pbraseok^ of Ae eoaaeaveraieaieAaiBd, aastbeeare- iiDy exaained taewy etkwpleeea wkich it eeean a tbe New Tests aent. aad the viewa of tbe nviaar te givea aatoiu prop- er traasladoB hi eack piaee. -Aa seoa ae Ae ntaaoe of aay oaebook of Ae New ttoMtoeat ia faaki il. itakril ka aaattoAe Seealary ef tke BAieOaiaa. ar saak aAar dazaaf aa akaU be daigdtMd by tbe CSeeCaatoKgia Ymmiom^ ta.oni« tSatceiiSpipSiBiaaditariiAejtoAp MAka. to be Ktaned WiA tbakr lanartliiirAe asriaar er le- eS thatVek. A * a batag ra^evta- bf AeBMsd, yikta-iioaebleii^ «paafciagaf Matt S: If, Canoe eay*, p. 1«. "ladart Aat dM proper tna^ ladoa of is 'froas.' aat -iMt of.' ear versioa^kaa it Sperid^iTAoae wbo mderataad 'eriy Ae Ea|^ lai«aaga. be aya, p. lis. "They do aot aadentaad the MigiaaV,M Om adoptiai of Ae hjfft 11J inpft'iai. rsB taeek Aeaaetk- i^. iFmiatatota, by adopdi^ Ae 6xei^ m d , kata jeoBtrind to Ude H^^aaWafaed." t h ^ an eafy exaapin ef Ae CBetiipliirn wkan'Canca earH-^lih^^^ aeaitaf. er ykrraitiaf Ae lr«A, by ly aade aewtnadatinas; tafaneof wkiak. kowever. does ]m "appeal aa ^witl idai- radoa.". Aad Ae Aird dan referred to an tim wbo have writtea aaxaeatario. Dates, ike, goiag to Aow Aat A* eoa> s venaoa is afl( at ptaia aailaii^ to kr. A r w t ^ Aea. aade ae aartf Ae ar Scaiieft. WakeMd. aad B i ^ adh. excepttopoialoat A n d ^ ^ S r i A ^flaakad a A aew traasiadiis: wiAoal aeyiig wkaAtt Aky wen godajrattonod- Ij aea. Naf M Ae feat, wkatetar H aay be. m regardtoA ^ otAado^ or ket- ertido:^. fte^ ortaqae^.aflbet AeTrii» ty^AciriBatfaoayaAe petattowbiek it waa dtrsetad If. a pnmagAaaria- a a Safreae Bdag fiaa «lNato- ir ^ iaboM wkebave bdievb«% aadt a tod. we wen Ss Miaaerafe "^e de- rik." whok it ii aaad.-4dMa i*d1»a»> ki^^Alir laeiAiiiy «add ka driU.ta ^ tor dax< tt te Ltota n vetBoeOfkiBtBiihtry.' paaageta lhM».«9e Sf, tbe wtaegimA He adar a Ae a tbe iat MneflAi taiM*w.>> Ae be#l* PtwveAeWto'af 1 0m m^' foaad a tka] Ae aigiia aari wfckoat daBaAaAaaatoririefwkakit % hbI. Afiii ^pniNA'Ui ywi It H «

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i i ^ S M i t Bqtfat OrndL

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l ly f W a w n l i a ^ Alji^ Fwhw.

- MrinMH. rtKw.CMjott

[thbMie '-nitiwBi . »Ji

daatu-. '"TH-^ w , J.

- f Imv* W n ftwH

ia jpp.

Lb ht ni»tu£imf*«i kjr B • rj<meir«f it <

•rOod? 8Hfti|ttWd<MtriMymk«iU^ Y M M f H

UM r«r aitifciUBitM^ n

sftkaarigi-MlHiAtMr.- B n A w & r MtiatTairiw.

finik iwcog*. nytuilljr tte lif d n ^ M l finvtlM eriglwl mknw, it

M M n t aai i a ^

M l iiMMiB. aad k m exttniMif is liw

T H ^ J w •fcwhir^y uniliit l}r"llte IMinr frT rm-V-f Um «Mik isBgMge. OM«f Ik* i»«*«f Um



t (bat m d M s kia m GTMIL.'** L (hut G m ^ «aa M * UM !«{ PskaliMai tin

litteaa ailanrta aaduataad dw 6n*k dMtmlMcr M lit e m

PmJ. j m u tte C M i x -^ rf JuM. •njitiwing with m m U k


•bw tXMB MUrrftitS

}<if Hlt& - I»ti. anncsd narlf ui tlwfr ofcM'SBfc. "p rdf aM nft-abd: aMwi

• Wrr-fcilnw tyymt ri>»<mttai mviumj, mf HiT-irtMrt KBT*

• wlj IMT .fc-f -mirjrv tkm mhl OK sikiKfe ; JAJiei e A T M ,

f JJM tml n •111,

I «>3r aU thm Ung.

tlMtt^mk Giwkrt Iliwf — • •Iiiitj t» Im czgMH ' • MktaWaikMiarfnitfad. itt-

ami Ina,. W. biSELE.



ISpm.tiH. AwcMrta

j ibuU Diraifr fat PaiaM. ; brrfaMT*. D ^ an». Hit bmI fieotai ilMtv-~ BFiwtcn. n d TTU— Hatienw. rk>aii-

'.aeteMel; far Rnw. Biaa 6mm,


MKiyiikaakii tlM MMifcttf tkcirddkiew^iiitis

t tkat k m m Om OsMk , im tim < w af ChriK M i

tonfw of fiwfciwi.a—» > M d plHkMDfkfk w M ant Om kB

wkiek dw Jen. to

IB m d u d bur Ike Old TattniMt a«ir t m . Tke c a w — hegwiaf Pahatae. •e Aal *ae what Leke eOk "di* He-

B t o w dialaBt; > b k k kaa beca faaaaiiwlBd Spn-Chaldaie, P»-

kiiiiM f!j I iaa.md PafcMiBMi.AiM«iia U Ae &krew as itcziMd ia

FU«tiaa after the SakfinaUi aapdntj, i M M «« mm kava Maariioat xuaaina ia Mwiiaakaof Oamei aMlBto. Witk ndh ^aecaaw «f tka Greek

wiiknekpn3ii£«»agaiBi*i^ awl Aa gapuagiBW

tte-^lews.'aa w ^ H * laid. Tefaaael «*raad from lim Onak wraiun. aad ad apim Radian Hebn« HIThaiker a teak wnioB e«ec «a» nad

aotAf w d W tkat m

U taaitstaaC

tka e^aalyi ak-•nd tkeorj tkat tk» Htdy S p m ibmetmi tike afMKfaa to cite Oat at da awtf 6m<, «kidi dier kaaar e a M aalj ftaai aaia-ajpind tnaakiora. aad keaee waaaot dM VQcd af Gad* It » « M dMUMNBa qaotatkma frooi li»

Septaaf^ at fowd ia tka New TaMuMat. i

for. widiatt mppom^ Aat tka laipfcail apeadeaiaeerperaied dwedatikas •ad ewiaiidowa af a ferity vanioa iato dM iafaffikla ettoo of dw Mew Tartiraaat—] TiAa far exaapia dM pvaaga n iS:' 3S. - T W a wiatmat-nMr tky Haly Oa*to

rtadariiip af n ••inipii»d TaiwNU & CiAna w Fonsa F o u a AaAORT

Bmuoii. - W k m Pari deivmiaedtolakoriaFer.

aig> nUkerthaa a Home lliwiona, aotlnnld-lag 08 aaotkeral^foudadw. aor pieaeb-iaf CkriM wkere ke waa riraady named, did

d* Mt aftee wkk Aa Hebrew text aa w« Mwliave bwt tkcaa i ai iaiiwa are all

eomplioa.'* wkiek agreaa witk dM « M e tbk Habriw readi. IS:

IQ^rtbow wfltiMtaafttr % mmmta U> aaa uatiapUoa." Kow ara wa to regard tke New Taata* iBt writer bare, aa HMetMiuag or tolant

legaa OToaeowB tfaaihtioo ia tka giat. beoaaaa ba **ct(ea withoatenaiwi ntor

, tbe readoiag of diatScptam^ wbea it waa aat a ekiaa and uaet of dM o r ^ ^ Hetoewr* By i la tk» flaaa dM Septaagiat ta right and dMHekrawif itbaaol dM phiralfar dM ngnkr. kaa been i%bdj altered. pn^M-b^ by tke eafSJ^ dooagh aeeideot. Dr. Gerard »ayK -Tka Btfta^t. kar-

iag been trandatadfroat very aadeateopiaf, •bowa ta wbtt aaaaer diey read the text, aad tberefcte aay aerra far dataetng eor-' mptaoBt. whieb baTa anea enptiato tbe Hebnw eopiea, aad far poiadag oat dM geaaiaa nadiag: aad aooordiagty. saay or dM ita&«e ti^Mi it ponta oatare atiU Jnadla dM oUcat aad beat Haa. aad oogbt to be adopted."* j Wbatewryow May duak aboat tka apoa-

dea qaodag froB a Cralty veniaa. "wkbMt eoanaeat or eorrectiaa." wa feel boaad to befievetbat tbe New TeataaMat wriMrt,

keraaHy doboaugelaa few expedieiMyT Toa aUow widt aa that iia ckaioe waa jaaC Sow, wai lua piafereaee of tka awat aeedy laid aa de«aadtK tke £nt labors, veiy atf ke oar owa reaolotioa, that tbe aa^y of dM ofaaTa^liaed beadiea widi fdoira,^ yoor ^ Cherokee, Bnrauu l|ilice,aad Okuiaii BMb, it aa objeet of htglMr aad eaitiw ob-Sgati^ wbiiat wo poaipaae ta the fittiiw tioM tbe beuetiif of aa So^iak' Bible, a)-ready by year owa aeknowladgmeBt -aooa?* Are we jaatifled ia Ibraaking tbe terww* fbrRaa^ooaaad Hoay-Kuaa.aadialiaaU-kig dowa Aa orgaaiaadea ^ dotfiaort to npi^y tbeae Tennoaa, ia order to ceatrata oar streagtk oa tka oae or mora projeeMwat varioaa tiaMS aabMiUed to as, ibraaewTMmiittofdMEaglbbBible?" ~ In dM begiaaiag af yoar latter wa were

ebaiged witk aaittdy diaparagiax oar lag-iiA Tcraiea, wiibaot racoftaiiiaf iu laerfaa; bot bei* ye» dedara fk** wa have pf«»> aoaneod tkat venioa "aoaa." U it paa«> bfe tbat yottae* ao intuaiialaBay ia aoeh eaatwy argeat

Too **paatpoD«" yaa aay "to dM ittmg doM tbe betiariagof oar£ag)iakver«oa. la-tkis yoa adait tbat tke vantoa ia aot good eaoagb aa it ia; tbat it aaeda feMMr* iag. Batboweaa yoa raeoneile tUi ad oiiMioa with what yoa have said to proee" dMt there is BO ae^ of rerisioB? Do yaa paatpoaa to aome fiitare time A a perform aaoa of a work wbiek Aere is ao aeed of daiRgatall? Toa prefer to mpply Ae beadMa wiA

dM Seriptoraa. rather dun do any Aiag to-warda rerisioa at boose; and to jastify Aia poaidoayoa refer to Paol aa eboosiag to be a fbra^ piisaioaary rather Aaa labor at kooM; aad yoa ask: "Did ka rarily dtf koaagetoakilitaqpedieacyr' latkefirst place, it iaaattrae. Aat. Pari regaadcd tbe foreiga idd aa **demaadiag tbe fiiat laban;" aad ia tbe aext plaee, be bad no aboieeia tke aiatter. bat to obey God.

Vater Fmat faiaK .Oil;

<,BM.kaa<iCar<iT>k>. ' Pin«.rtoc«ewT«Mk.

iliaan. *r >mh.


r. "h

WatA BEilMmi

r t B T C B E K

i»Aa ayaagogaaa." mtf* a lato •nkara enta a» aactan pmf^ ^obaUy iwhra profeasiiigtoettotfewardtof AeOld Mt.**^ Qartoiaiy tka Talisad aawkare faatameat Seiiptaras, ware grided by Aa

ioapiratMa of the Alirigb^. aad ga«a Aa Teiy ward* orvMJ^ spokn "by boty aM-a 9f oidaaAey ware Mored by Aa Holy Spirit" ia •*a efeae aad exact aernoa of tbe

U Briirew,-" wkeAer tboee warda eomapoad wiA Aa Qieek or wHk Aa Heteew O H TeataaMat. mt wt mom

af Aa aaa aT Aa Old T( iatkaajaagagaaaia tka Greek laagaafa. Tka aeaptaiea. Aaa, wbiek Aa apoadea

-eeeiywfcea t w d " ia A* syMgogaeaof Aa Jawa. (aad bait few aapfcaaarid b«

riaewketa.) aa tkery wat^'-eeary-. wkaatfiwnktaaatotiM* tkay were r AaSew Te«.»aa»," waa aat Ae

, aa yoa laiB asw aad kaea fiv-

f n d y :

.iUfeni CMa^fwiTf.

Heaaa wa fad Aeir t tba O U Teataaaat aMn fra-

•ada ftaat AaHebraw text, aad Aa Greek, aa ye® tappaaa.—

,ia ac Iatiag tbaaa adoaa. Ineaa Aft Hebnw, aad aaiy ItitoAa

GMBkaf A * Old Teatawaft aad aaeAcr aUa taidlB mpa "Wa caa. pre«a Aat a

mm of dMaa paaaagea tkat an Aa Sew TaMaaaaat an takea am tka Bebtur laxt, aad

itiafnAabie Aat Aa 9cw Ti woa aeqaaiatad wiA boAllA He-

Itaw aad tka Gfnckof tke Ohi Ti aad tkat wbea they weca addreaaiag dM

er writiag booka daaigaed •afiatriy far Aitr beaiit. Aey prifemd <tiMlaticaa fioaa tbe Biebiew. btt wkaa fjHsakk or wx&DiK to tkoaa Bon ftmiW WiA Septaai^ tkey qaotod fras tka

IT wa do aot aisUka tka geaanlaeopa. « i A a jparAs^ irieat af yoarkagaafB, « itii pd&t. yaa' aiaaa to eaany AaHaa. jii,Pari.iaaaaMartt

M, B. mess.


^ a M h ^ nadar^wittaatifrtlf Aafid!

n A tafAe

Sack Ml idMa of AHaa ezaaoii iaeaM to

Wken Christ irat eomaussioaed kis db eiplea to preaek. be resirietad tbam to tbe lost sheep af the hooae of Israel. Aad wbea be aiterwards comaMaded tbaaa go iaio all the world. Aey were to "pnach ia his aaaM amoag all aatiooa fegitaaty at JerasaMa." tkat ia wiA Ae Jew*. Ae-wrdiagty. Aa apoade wbea praaehiag to tbe Jewa at Aatioeh. says: "Ji mrytkmlUt word^ GadsWd/r*( imm^oimHfamitmltmmfjfipmtit/rim fmt, mmdjmif* yearM^ unwortAf vf Imttma f e. fa. — <ar» «a tUfmtUn. For mJ^ tit Lord eaaaaearfid at." Tbaa it is evideat Aat Pari bad ao re

wbeAw tbey diflw from tbea i gard to aMre lyyidTnfj). ia detenaiaiagthe ' place of kia auaisary; nor to what aught aeem to bia tbe eaaspaimtiTe daiaM of dM B O O M aad tba Foreign ield. Ha preached >«<to^Aalewa. beaaasa <'tt rjr;" be Aea tanMd to Aa GeMilea. be-eaiaaa "dM Lord ao luaaiiaifid" Now, yaa feel eaOad, aa disAMdy aa waa Pari, to labor ia tbe fore^ frid. when ia Aia apoatolie axaapla do yoa fad afrcaedent for of^MBg tkoaa wbo labor to revise tbe eoauKM tetaiaa at koaaa? Did tka ca^ da to tka daatOaa. wbBa laboii«f ia tba fotaiga frid. rcpraaeb hia toethna ia Jeni aafea, aad do aO be ooald to biadar tbair woritt Did ba aot taAer take eoOeetioai la Oestik riiarekea aad aead to tke pow aaiatf ia Jerasafeaf la wkatnapaetdoea

boA. Then is aaotker riaaa of eitadaaa, wbera'

a vetbri qaotatioa waa erideady aot ia- toadad. bat ariy a refereaea to soBMAhig writtoa iaAaOid Taataaseat. while Ae| Ifew Teetaasaat writer ia iaspindtoaaka kaawa a kiadiad traA a laagaaga aMaa-| wkatdifaMt.keaease dealgncd far a dif-1 fcrent appBeaiioa Bet daaa pasaages an |

tba kind wkid yaa repnaaataa qaoted ham tka SeptaagiiA. AB Aa aetari qaa-

by Aa Saw Tastaaaat writ. Ae OklTeriaaMBt, aaatbe sap-

poMd togiiatkaexaataeaaiagof tba a* apind Babtww. W a an bappy to fad oaxaeHea sastaia-

ad ia tkeaa riawa bysaob aaaaa GiQiert r^Gemd aad Tkoaua HartweQ Hone. Dr. Oaraidsaya: "Tka writeraof AeKewTea-toatoataaea to kara beea sa earefri to F*a Ae trae aaaae of Aa Old Tcaiaaeat, Aat tki^ fanaka tka Sqcoagiat mriaa, wkarater it gara aat tkat aaaae. aa br aa A ^ badaecaaatofaoto it.''t Dr. HoRMv^Makaf of Ae New Teatar

attt wi^eia. nya: "Aa dair aaw ewea^aed witk Ae Hebrew, w j fra. qpaa^ a ezpraea wards, and gaaeirilr iit Ae anae; an it ia kigk^ piobabk that tbey aaifaa»e>w<riat fiat, aadAaiwiAcn tkaHakwiw waaisaparly expnaead ia the flwak I iiiiiie. tkey and Ae warda of Aat

Bat wben it aatoriagy iaried fima dbewaaiiv of tke Hebnv SatTtaras tkey atter gara tka aeaaa aC A a fitad.iB tkeir awawaida,

A c % bow die exaapk ef itkeOkiTeala-

Vlak««»dwa%A» aataa^ta

;e|Jtekl||nt apaa tka a a m lariaMa. kiiyiiB^viirikate tke

4ll| Ckit.|80.

Aat ki •boridaUatoMe.oo AafiA" dnwri of Dr. Ooaa aad bis eoadjatanibef coBM the ekaapm adrocato of tkatSooia-ty: apbraiaiac Aa Bibia Uaioa fir teak-iof doaa Aat onaaiiitiaa

QuaAfliaa «r wt tas U n o k

"Tba riteradoa aaak aoagbt bf taaaMd bieArai aara^ yoa. was ia Aa

word deanWaj; tka feat ardAance Ae CbrisdaBcbar^.^ • • Aad I7 lading

ia arid by its frieads aad o O e m to b a ^ l ^ itdowak Aat Ae nadeiiag of tbe Gaaek word for baptisa by aaothar word fe aa kn^beld "aa opea aaidoa^'^bat tbat ia affect "iaimem" i««t take plaee of '-bafuse.** doel aot

yoor eaterpriae iaear tbe very ceanua mViOi yoar advoeatea east apos Kii

iastraetioDt to tnaslaton' •a liahK^ eonicisacas aad lestrain Ae

—fctta ad jodgoMat af jontvf 'mg*-'

Toasr Aatwe "Emit Ae eoasciaiew and restrain tke vafettMred jodgbent of oar nTison," byteqeiriag tben to»Bpplant •baptiie" by "immerae.f' as Jama eommaoded it to be kspi is to assert wbaf yoa euaot prove, aad to testify to wka| yoa lave no resMja to beKere. Ia Ae first Address of Ae Bible Priw. paf forA eoil»-urmponaeoosly wiA Ha organltatioa, and pabtished i& tl same pamphlet flhom whldt yoa qoote. (pp. 10. 11.) is AerfoUcmig plain deelaratioo oa Ait p^ri: "In tbe coaMderatioo of A U sabjeOt,

aone bare endeavored, to " pobe'tbe wki»)e qae«tioB of nTi>toB apoa the tetratioe or ii*pliieefBeat ef Ae waad "baptiia." But Ais does great iajastias to oar Tiaw* and aioM. For alAo^h wa jaaist npon tbe ob-servance of a amform principle in tHe full •ad faiAfnl trands^'of God's word, ao M to express ia pkda Eaglish. widraat aa-bigrity or vagaeaeae. Ae ezaot aoaaiBgef Baptito, aa well aa pf all oAer word* re-lati^ to Um cbriattaB ordiauice*; y et Ais ia bat ooe of Bumeroas eiTors, which, ia oil- esAaatioa. iliajiailioirnfTinii Aad tach are our views I W priaeielea ia Ae pRisaentioaer Aiawa^ Aat.trAerew«ee BO sodi word as "bapdae'* or Baptiso ia ibe Scriptaiea, AaaceeeMtyjof reviving oar Eaglisb verrioa worid a p p ^ to as no lea reu and imperative.** Here, in this oflleiri deeaaieBt, lytog

open before yoar eyes at tbe Jdrae yoa Wcm ritieg.it is ilisdac^ kUted Aat Ae ehsBge

^ "baptixe" for ••iannriae" waaaot "Ae riter^oa most soaght" by Ae Bibb iTaioe; Aat an changes, fefrired by Ae exact meaniag t^ isspired origiaris. an plM-ed aa Ae saase grooad. s a b ^ tooaerid form prieoiple. Aad ia Ae Srfond Avntf Report, p. S9. Aat prine^ was embodi-ed aod pablisbed. as pai^ by Ae Bobd •ad Ae tTaioa. ia tke fdlowiaglanga^

befentkeBoiceroarSee- to le^iaaMt •• affr^^

wiiitiM; Aoagk wean aot can ifaS'lMfHm^M'm^m^umrn-^. kad eeaa aader yoar aotiee. Now, bntkrea aad nsteia, win yoa koa*

•edy and candidly ton as what dan la ia •B Aia. Aat W a aay reaeaAIaace to tbe' mlea of Siag J a ^ whicb n q a M •nka old eedeaieatieri weide to be fcqit.aot to be atraaflated." What is then iMn wkick empta 'baptise,fay odwr t orl, froa Aa o«e aaftra piaci^ of giviBg "Ae exaot aataaiag oC Ae inspmd texIL W e kave never said to ear nviaprs—we nefer eaai^^y to tbea—"yoa titdl "nkm A 9 wwd," or. "yoa eAai^e"^ woid." Nor do .w a^ertake to iatepret tar dmn tbf original tezL Bat we reqain dMm to determine, ia tbe fear of G ^ and tbe law of Ae trfd^ "Ae exact aeariag of tba iB-spiii tt«t,'** and tkeato give diatBHMa-ing in "corresfoaAag words aad pbrase% to fe'M UMy eaa ba faairi. in the veraae-alw toagoe of Aoee for wbom dte verAoa ia des gaed, wiA the least poMtUe gbeear-il or iadefiuteness. Toar chaqje against tbe Bible U i ^ tm

Ait point is m vnfoaaded aa it u aa^aad anreasonaUe. And we cannot remt tlM eonvictioa tbat A e ^ u e whicb arrays ite aMest advocates, aracd wiA boM aaaer-tioas, agi Bst tba plain docnmeata^ m -deace of fadeaiable fMts. most be at war vitktkotnUb. 7. Was Da. Cjiaaoa Orroaxn to Bxn

<. Aaeaann or Bxv. Taucu

"Noaiari tasadsririas aay be nrily, aad kave efaa beea. viaM of Ge^a trrik. T«a worid aToif admiaioa eT iaA aaooogst yaar SatBMtveaotbeearaeat ia4a

Aaa tkaaUowed koees% af jori^pleatiaaa? Men pie^ wiAow laiai^. or aten leaniag wiAoat pie^. worid MoaUy eadai^ as, a d to I ^ A e a e a e ^ to be added. ' itaeie. aad aaatary ef ear owa ta* Dawareeocriaa^ke pnaaoe of A a a ia

ef tkeaivri wrriaai towbjckyaay periasif wiAadWradoat Wefadta^ veiy paaipldft priced bcoeaeetioawiai Ae proe^mgs it yaar uijsniiaArn A 1850. Enweia aeeadoB a a * (p.t7) af nbeaaaAgedlyaBd IpuaedaMB." wbo, itisarid,ka«abe« dtawAfted witk tke reeeired eanM. aad tkea. amoai^oawra. are re«M«tod dMaamesoT'-Sdailei^ W A e -feld. aad DidHBsaa." • • • • Saws* «caabe aaMac«ke waaea wWek tkaJa* «erer> af yeaPSociety Me it toqaeto ^ hbaor.«a isfeifoeafan wn ast^ai n . aait re»pt«to Ae aeandiMae of jwlg-aMBt. and parity doctrine, aad perfee-tKM of lasgaage to hiserpeetidfjaaniire-jwt heralded aacb oatrideta aad fetc« raaaera." pp- 4. Tkat the ii^tieeal Aispanqf^aay

png^ t«» as. wky ia H, Aat^jW

? ae Aaatk. tf ftepiBiii 1 "mk-g w d " be IteatAed. aad A a s ^ i a e a

SIOV7 "Aad aa to other c h a a ^ gutns be-

yond Ais oae tera. can wa ofverloiA Ae aing tesdmoay of Cstreo as too aaeh r which BNden over w^ich BMd^fn eridatan Twnta a be-

iageaaadatfoat "Maayreriiaprov {be has said] of ear tnailaliqa iapertieriar liaaagas kave andoabiedly beta ouMle, but XT FAB A epaATxa xcaaaa «f fMteaded imprarmenu are nee eomv<ie" *' •

" H e «»M<awe»is# y e U ia«yiMrf teriiW •assadtfetfea adeaad tkatUxtnprmtiHtAmt

Meoryaaf aiyfei iiriltr aMf /inlwhmm. awat b fi aiiis<a<i/ tf*»rrtt-poaday wardiwamf jArea*. to far o*tkm cm» Ir /oaad. ia tkt iwraantfctr km^ if

r/or Moas Oe acniM it dtoi pad. Um$t at jmsnUe alaeariliy ar

Thiapriad]^waaa6ttobe appBed If Ae IhaoB. or by ia Board diieady; it w to gaide aad geven Ae traaslatora aad re-^ m a employadby Ae UBioa; it was tobe applied by tkea to a m y aealeaoa, aad evesrypknae. aad every ward,iaall,^ vmioaa amda far. or patreaiaed by Ae UaioB. Tbe eafy additioDri tries pra-seribed far ear nvisenan foaaded oa Aat gnad priadple. aad ken tkey ace: •fWherever Aeta is a vwnioa ia eomawn

ase. it AaU be aade Aa jbasia of anriiioa. aad all aaaeeeasary iaterfereaca wvb.tke aaiaUisbad pkraarion. slaU, be avrided ^ aad oaly saeb aheraaoaa akaB beaade aa

Besides. U is ia saeil Batten A ^ ta aaaoers of tka aieaaat lareatAjiai tkey peraarfaad ttnmft." So wrote Carwa ta

Bdinbargb R e v i e w * W e bare been rikAer eoala^la aefal-eaee ia A a apiaiee af Ckraoa. aa leaaat or iaoaapataat eriOa. tkat "ao nde eaa be bmh«gaaenl.*' or,ia oAer woida. adaut fewer txaaptieai. tkaa doaa tbe aaxia Aat ba who is perpetaaOy aaaailiB tbe ena* aoa vernoalsbat aaoriaekt critteiaa.** pp. 4. 6. This ia aot Ae frat Aaa tkat Dk. CaiaoB

bn beea referred to ta aaAeri^ afriaat raristoa: and after what b a kaea pmred befon the paMie {ft nfistotiaa el sadh pea-taasioa. H is reelly swipiBag that y«a Aoridagaiabriag ferwaid aadi a brief seateBce firoa Ae wridnga af tket jaady eeMwatod adtolw aad eride. «e|n«»AA nrisiMt ia aotaeeded; or Aataaya^pma-aeat of oar aaaaaa m a b a is ble. WekwreAeaaatdiraat panllaati-

ToarooadacttawardadM Bikte Uri* i»- . . - / . . ^ - Aeewstaeaaiagof tkeaqdlaitextaad aable A a t ^ Pari t o s M k* k n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ iaagwge aay n-aJadaa? Teaworiiaotbejasdfed.yoa tbiriu "ia feaakiag the vensoaa for Baa-gooaaad H a ^ Xoag. aad ia braakiag

Ae Aa. aid Var. Bible Society.— % a d A A it is aotaacasaary to forsake oar fanigBTetaiaaa,iaadei to cany ca Ae warkofnviakaatheae. T k e a o a e y ^ kaa beea spaaliB ageeiBS Ae Bibk Ualea WM^goferiowatAidrinm Ae whole eapeaaeof a|*riaed vwaioo. Tbe eeatof jri liig aad A^riatiaf yoat latter akae. waridbava aada a.mMrri eoatribodoa to mttnmx}. Aadlaa to e v aatarpriaa -knakiiV d«wa Aa otgaaisaata" referred UK we aaat i ^ the iaaiaaadoe as eoa-

wiA aa' ill-grace from tbe aatbor ot yaorlatter. It aaat appear atnaga, k-deed, to Ae Bapdattof Aea Uritod Statea. Aat W«. a. WnUAaa. D. D , who atreaa-•Mly apBoaad tbeefgaaixatiaa of tbe Aas. a U t v . BAla Society, aad for Airteea aaaaa||v« yean dedaed co operadca

a t t e J I T l ^ w ^ e e ^ ^ ^ o L

aaa liffdadina^jeat Af Maaagen of to A * maioaaiy Board la ia iM vert ef keae ori foi

^ain." "Traaslatinas ae nvisioaa of Aa New

TestaaMBt sbaJt te aada from tbe recete^ Greek text, erid^y edited, wiA knows ^iTon *«la A a S a ^ A Isagaage, Aa niaa most ba tba baaia of the revinQa;

to A e # A M Caiaea was Atwor ef nvkaoa. Bat w« AaffieaktkeeeaaatAii dae oa kis written wetfis; eeafriaf ear qaatadoae to Ke work ea Baptiw eepri^ Wbed by Ae Aa. Bap. Pwk Sodetjr, ed. i m { [wakii of A e term readered

DAu 4: 33. (Grad 4: ».} ba aays.-p.3^ •"It ia by BO aeaas atraostodaa ef Aewoid la Ae or iari. aoref Aateapioyaikf the SeptnglM. iloivAfto aeoofdiBg tf Ae aMal wKdi, tostead of belag bank, warid kava foaad earaqMading expnadaae A aB Imi-gaagee. Byeaployi^a tM« nerlnweliit^ ba* ladl dM peculiar beauty of itM engiaeJi, wiAMR ia Aelewtaddngtotbe perapicai . Ike vordMtf AeSepoagietan. 'Hisbodywaa iaarradiatkadeW" Spaakiagef Late H ; 58. ke aaya.p. 97. "Tbe pawy,Aea. oagbt to kave beea tnaalatod. 'Aaiwbea Ae J^ariaee n w it. he a a m M that be was aot ianriad befendiaacr.'" Sjpeak-iBgof Mark?: 4. wben earvenaaa kaa, "elnept Aey wmA. tkey eat aat," Oaraoa

be feiriy e^waed, we w S qaete Ae pea-lageiefemdto. ItisfeaadaAeaddaa ofRev.Tbos. A n n l ^ ddivered befon Ae Bible Ueioa. ia t}l«Bapd|d.Tabenat!le. une to. 1850, aad pabBAeditt ibe oOdri reportef Aat meetiag. He ai^

Let as tihor and letos pve, topmcare. if poadble. aaeh a traailation of dM W a d of God as wOl re ooe acaae«wad bat oae. aadtbat i o d a ^ , a toeaaMa Aeaal^ Mfed to aadsndaad Ibe wofdaf God. ori the aaaf aaito, or coaaaat. ot or of Ae liriBg taaAer. wben Ae baadMwaed no laexplieable ayatafy. to I w ^ we aart sabrnwavely bow. Aad

not God be Aaa giacif^ m i O u k f • UaiMpnaotodt

C If ire caa, wty the *8aa&&ane wlA l%bidi bas llwaya exiried ta tke a M h ^ Aa aeatfediTMd

«Bt kaa A* tuae jt watfifaBf Wky tbe aaaber of ji^ tnadadoae. ia port or ta whole, by saekawi iasriett. WabefiA. Webaat, A.Clark. Stowai*. Deddridito. Lowtk. Sanaa, and aridtadM of aAwi? Wky Ae pte «f Ooaaeala. Netoa. Eaaya. aad Bxegeds, aiAeraetoapaayteg Aei» tnildaAas ec goiag teA trradagef Ae a m ^ Sta^aAiia. aad asekta^to aaoae Arat

> kM ah Ads disaatisfce-Aaaiiaa?"|f.«7,«. ToaaaadeaB "SeariHt. WaheSdd. p d istiii—-n acaowt ef Asir katerodoxy;

battAatakalbedeaewiAFedv.W^iater. Ckuke* llaeha%^ Doddridge, i^vth. M d Aeaadtitade ef etheo. wta> hata ndea. trizatonvia oar venaoa,ectoatraaa^ lateAaaitaria? A n yea aa k S a M ly pnjadiae i«riBtt Ae Kbta Uaiaa. m «e

tkat Ae impeadMsea|of Arataft-eM a baadred. t a i S ^ to A *

8aaMAiaf.braalB dowa Aa taodan^ af aOthenatf T<ianpMtllr. A n ^ ateUSac

^Aea beradea mm$g^,aai Iseiiad r Bat A h ejt|nMiw wie w» affS-

adby^toaay eldMaea Mped. Be ^peab to Arte ilsnsii of yito'" iiiiiBiiiij,.V Ataks. fukm Aa* liA Miaea i a ^ « AiiMto Ae o r ^ asHeaabaaade. ii^ ehahi da-aigaaleaaa r r i ^ b a v a h m d i a a & M wiAAis la A»iiin4 diiske aaaaa aopa of Ae

wkakate aot oaly wiA Ac enaaMa verAea. katkan

roa be wSiagto ndettriKwiAiiatMil; 'wkk* yoaaayla aatANdeif Altbea^ wa bare aa ok^efinala laka««asri of Aoaa «ko am ifpo^ it is pro'emd. respeedag lka"" sir| tfhai <tf

work; wilaal ^ •xpeetad of coaraa, Aat we AaB aAiad-tweolr AaaewhokasFdMad nlaatota-opcnto wiA as. W e apaA TO-ttiaary

to obtaa iidasaudaa ra^yd^ tkaapk toiw dcw^aaito accan Ai iMt> ^ ^aea wallqaa^'aA jSa^li^

jadgaeat. taata. ••wumrfat^ owa aril kmgm^' iptbbdox >$ewa, Ac., fcu auidni^ we aay aat la ao kapfnr as to eijgf yoar Cam taAa citorpriae, wekope to keep aaradfa^iffi^ the work ef «ar n-riaora.topkda^M||iipiat^ as to mastw ao aqarj froa yov Aja. ,, 9. lalsKBBurr eauutautaaqt at 1

n a Tatwi.tTaaa? "Bat yea efiege that rtke

and aeataAi^va aqpnaeata of ai aad accptadaiB .aaMng the cammoa ] kn fowded ate " wwddtiriafAadat.** lim.ta«,i

to the pkadii^of iafd^. VBd tbeeaia-kadtags of A a a «ke bare ' ' refeMit. Sane few teadcriBfti

pilbapa be aibn feiidtoBs. ! aid Aew aaawiAiaHwiiH. BattalriiaM Aair keyaBd aB fani#taattB« ^ tka^lfef

er*Vdeiaa is agataH fw# a^d oucuuea tku ao. j M tnadatiaa caa j M jwtof Ae aad Aat aa aiaat Aaefc ^ er w n M wisbHit


Ta«iidtaly :ar iriiwBa m»M aad al a n A aa Aair 'Vktaffa^

aad doobUmtt.- Jfym. m»f be

^ H e a a o t l M darisd Aat«

ii prnwri tatoittaerviea. with aiiuaiil II 1 I II

«Ma; ladwbo tiMalaf Aaa^ Udtepoaiitfti^.

waAiaga.*' Jfce..ta Aeaa« iiiw.Caraca ays. p. 71. -eaptt la If liSBilaWi irnm H M ^ y la Heb. I!: W^ ketaya,^-m traadadofalwyfafefe'difcitBliaanrrfia atfdigbKat wasktaga^'" » k t a t a o

Ae Greek text. Bagster's aad Soas, ooUvaf-"* i^Tta aadrrs, tkey eat editioaof 1851. Aal wkat oa, vera»L ••Wkeaiter aa rilendoo horn Aat vero

m a is aade ea a ^ aaAoriw addidoari to that af tkenviaar. sadi aaAori^ anst be eited a ^ aaaaanipt, ddMur oa A e ' ^ Z n G n S n ^ or phrase, ta A e tnaabidoa of wkidnbe pbraseok^ of Ae eoaaeaveraieaieAaiBd, aastbeeare-iiDy exaained taewy etkwpleeea wkich it eeean a tbe New Tests aent. aad the viewa of tbe nviaar te givea aa to iu prop-er traasladoB hi eack piaee. -Aa seoa ae Ae ntaaoe of aay oaebook

of Ae New ttoMtoeat ia faaki il. itakril ka aaat to Ae Seealary ef tke BAieOaiaa. ar saak aAar dazaaf aa akaU be daigdtMd by tbe CSeeCaatoKgia Ymmiom^ ta.oni« tSatceiiSpipSiBiaaditariiAejtoAp

MAka. to be Ktaned WiA tbakr lanartliiirAe asriaar er le-

eS thatVek. A * a batag ra evta-

bf AeBMsd, yikta-iioaebleii^

«paafciagaf Matt S: If, Canoe eay*, p. 1«. "ladart Aat dM proper tna^ ladoa of is 'froas.' aat -iMt of.' ear versioa kaa it Sperid^iTAoae wbo mderataad 'eriy Ae E a | ^ lai«aaga. be aya, p. lis. "They do aot aadentaad the MigiaaV,M Om adoptiai of Ae hjfft 11J inpft'iai. rsB taeek Aeaaetk-i^. iFmiatatota, by adopdi^ Ae 6xei^ m d , kata jeoBtrind to Ude H^^aaWafaed." t h ^ an eafy exaapin ef Ae

CBetiipliirn wkan'Canca e a r H - ^ l i h ^ ^ ^ aeaitaf. er ykrraitiaf Ae lr«A, by

ly aade aewtnadatinas; tafaneof wkiak. kowever. does ]m "appeal aa witl idai-radoa.". Aad Ae Aird dan referred to an tim wbo have writtea aaxaeatario. Dates, ike, goiag to A o w Aat A * eoa>

s venaoa is afl( at ptaia aailaii^ to

kr. A r w t ^ Aea. aade ae aartf Ae ar Scaiieft. WakeMd. aad B i ^

adh. excepttopoialoat A n d ^ ^ S r i A ^flaakad a A aew traasiadiis: wiAoal aeyiig wkaAtt Aky wen godajrattonod-Ij aea. Naf M Ae feat, wkatetar H aay be. m regard to A ^ otAado^ or ket-ertido: . fte^ or taqae^. aflbet AeTrii» ty^AciriBatfaoayaAe petattowbiek it waa dtrsetad

If. a pnmagAaaria-a a Safreae Bdag fiaa «lNato-

ir iaboM wkebave bdievb«% aadt a tod. we wen Ss Miaaerafe "^e de-rik." whok it ii aaad.-4dMa i*d1»a»> ki^^Alir laeiAiiiy «add ka driU.ta

^ tor dax<

tt te Ltota n vetBoeOfkiBtBiihtry.' paaageta lhM».«9e Sf, tbe wtaegimA He adar a Ae

a tbe iat M n e f l A i taiM*w.>> Ae be#l* PtwveAeWto'af 1

0m m^' foaad a tka]

Ae aigiia aari wfckoat daBaAaAaaatoririefwkakit

% hbI. Afiii ^pniNA'Ui

ywi It H


Page 2: fas, •TLf » YM Mf Hmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1853/TB_1853_June_18.pdffas, baa fc, •Hios* i^teStinkA^ •"•-IHIB^ulll •TLf » ii^SMit Bqtfa Orndt L WW »

H ^ I L I X T H E E S S E E B A P T I S T . J T O E 1 8 , i s s a

S i ^ H T I U X . T I N S . U T V A S B ^ T . J W W I M S .

ItimiwiT lepaoatidB.

air J; i e w j n n

Steptei. vkcK i^pmsted. » f. to tkB Profe>»nhip rfHk

at Om CuMtridg* Usi fcmtr . is oM life Emmy m Eedeaiaatieal Biogti4>)>7,

v k i b neordng tlw vTrata m Frucw Zs-

t r a t o

Urn asfaKriptiM priM ti ddfl A . .ixA e»n

ject i t«Kog>t^. T W t i * ^ • t roaf e o w m U i r e ia f lwMe^

J k f f m : UM m p t m l dooMiM* flffciiawB i e f n r k f . n g n m A M h j O M ^ M i t l f»«i. n d jwtttMtkw b]r faith. >ra M ^ b U j praii4ed n mmmy {mlpitiu ami hm^m taken s deep iMld vpgn a m a j miwU en^^ tMed from above. Vfctre Uww **triae« ojw-rmi« witk lOi tlMir t n e t f j . i Imj . ia a g n ^ acarare, Mtttndbe or boid ia check tW tmdanej of in&at bapdno.

A»d Bot» ilight taflneBas k eJDBTted tipoB Pedobikpiiift dcBUBiuiioaabj tbe tea^iBfr and K»e« UieM wk® "from dm day* of

have pmeli<

Siiet iKi M K PediAirUst Book.

t r t . u. PBnutKW. » o w u w awMmm, nr.


• i ' A i M ^ Um IrituBflMi of Ut* fcapii

trith e z p K M M of deBghtto the n a l a«iatwiea«# infaBts whom he baptis-1 joha the Bafrtirt natil BOW, ed. and who« dfath had traaafenred to! ed " r epesUM toward* God aad faith fa Paradise, m the ntaxsished hioom oi their our Lord Je«»t Chrisi" as prerequiwiea for

iaaoaeaej: aad h« TchcBieBiIy i i ^ lona h» geBctal (IgwUiM Loyola) »Bd where apokea againat.

tn iacrease the B«mber of mi<-m the MiBte i d d . from which by

proecM, raat a harreit of theae tkadcr piaaia might be oaatiaBaQy j a t h m d IBIO the heavcBly gBmer

Those who bcCeTe wiA bim ia the aa-umadiBg eOcaey of the saeraaieatof bap-

b^pt^.m Xbey bare been "a wet e»ery-They bare beea

whipped, aad aeoarged. asd impriwoed, e*«a ill tlii* cuuatry an ibey now a n ia Ettrope. They hare beea drirea to l i e BoBBtaiaa, and bare aet up the worship of Oud ia tb* deaa aad cares of the earth.— They haTB endured erery torture that ia-genusty coaid inreBt, and have saffai^

Our readers asegr wish W b o w how the i»BTeni«n ^ «ar aaoayaMMa ewnfeesor

from BaptiNi m w t m to B ^ m witb water*' was uiwinametad I t a a M w t b a | he bad wilaeaeed the immenieB of tererai persons—the <%bt not beiag very pleaecat to his eyes, doabdess beeaaae bis heart wA^iiM 8a«day School Bot right—and be coneloded to go into aa Paator suggested t<

opea glade** aad gt*e hinuelf to rt-flec-IresigBing his office tioB. He tematbs. "While I was mu»tngTti(«." Tt.. t-Vurrl

Oflee if *B T e e w s * B b ^ e w tie Biy-tiKBMk sum mid Defoiitorr «f the 9 * t b «

• a ^ e f "

t r a e * . J » B Cjum. to ••! usniMfct n i a t farsMdry m i i w i i ^ t ^

» n » « . South. « fcw »

Hctleck CrSoeas sC dtaBMik of

. r i f t ioaa t . tha " T t m - s - e Bi^ti'*^" Saatss A amim^n-

X-r 7.103.

BtUe Cnaa'a ln^li l » t i c i n i ^ J

P r . 1?lIlBn» ebarges die Paioo wift » dis|iiwiiieii tn We b««« seea BO eridenee ef the t ra l i ct w A a ebarge.efther ia their ••pUllww,'* or t M r -publicalkiBa.- We haw not the least doabt, but that the friMtdaofiwm-ioa eatert i^ «iaite «• maeb respect far mir "adanrwbfe mc«i«ed fewaan.- m Dr. WA-

vr awT of those men aad brethrea wbB oppose HeroioB.

ia it aoi paasiBjf strange, that Dr. WiT-Cams. ia b k M a l le b«wd ika BMe U m . and prejiafiee the werU af«aa l Bwiwoo, M d hnw Rfi imd t» t i e faet. that MOB bAst the preaeBt TenioB waB hwBgbt oat, fe^&Ma. wwe seat »p Tar«B» parts Bl lfaB E B g d o a ^ cafliBr fce»»»ii«M«f A*fRscBt "mbmrmth tmamti asraiw,-" •bd Chat SB» yean ago. 40 y i a » after tba •comoa Tersiai waa made, dariag the J k f ^ t u w f XfaMt af E^piacc;)*-«T, WaiMB. C M d i aad Cadworth. three ef tfce maat OMMBrtiBdMte* of tbe age. (ac-eonfinff to B r - W , ) www aetBafly engaged

by the Brifeb PaifiiBaeat to rwwe^^w

• J ' J ^ J ^ ^ J r B ^ ^ K ^ i M wodd bemaw «» bang Ma e i aa t . thBB t® eiear h i « a t im t t e -ByeBer aa impartial jury. S t^ WSSmmi' atteaipt to fisparage the

of the presBBt w%AlluttngU»t9* and

yVaiiiii itf i f - -••• - • — ^ " r r ^BW^wbBB tiay Ktnwrf Aawtftft, kexeeed-Bgiy imfiHteBBM far himself at leaat. if he d a s m t o ba aa a maa oC acAU-siwlfjr s - i - ' / " ^ — * Gartsiaty. aa im-f u ^ a n . wwM sa^ee t Dr. vriffiamaef hcmg^B fair expBBent of the tclwfartty mnf >i^aM8( of dw pneeai. age. if bis let-I v IB t l » Bibie Gatoa .« to be the eriterioa Bihiaicbeiastirabffi^.

m * iwiigiitiilptr tbe Bible Catos. that A ^ b O T * beea^ fateni with sopqp t iBBa

mm iijiBilBiiitf of mtdag fattb Ibe impor-amaBfTBeiaiBS obt pieaest "adasable

thiak they Br. WiHiawi. b r f n u M -

B g r i a a t B e m -W* Msml DfcWUfiaa»s'ktt» iB-

te.adatadBdiy-iageBiiMi ai-jBaiiBf i a fa -wurtf BBeisiaa. No caadad man eaa read il^ MiMiA B i ^ tbe iaspertaaee of B«ffis-iBB. aad faaSagsSwdier sympathy with ^ f c i e a d a ef a p m waiaB of the word mt fimL , '

mast Bce^ naaiber bim among the: death ia erery imagiaable forau pcates^Ni^factofs of his i lBBies: far no g m the midst of eoafiseaiion of prop> oAer man e»er broagbt down by bis min-1 ^^y. and banishment from borne and COBB-i rtr**^ a' bfesstng of such «B«tterable; tit^ midat of ignominy, ridicule, and ougaitade <m so vast a multitade of babes | nisrepresenution, they have, with nn-and sBcUiags. It is, iadeed, a sabjeet of j ,hriisluBg fidelity, given tbeir testimony f w earioBs iaqairy. why the sdbertntorf iJi^^ ja livrng, active, practical faith in Jesw doetriaa do not arise to the BMre U>an bu- (jhrist. as the cssenttid qualificatioB for

aad yet easy oScB of love wbicb ia- ) ptiMn. This testimony ia not withoat mflaenee.

l^cre is a moral power in it. I t is a deep-toBed. perpetual rebuke to tbo»e who by

vileatbem. By empteyiag a few active emissaries to baptise infast Hindoos, they woBld confer on the race of man. benefits i a t o t d j eelipsiag all the rcsalu of a& the , tradiiiona make void the law of Christ, lahora of ail the {Ailanthropistt who have; i t i , the voice- of God, keeping men back troddea this earth from the days of Adam ' ih« coaseqaenccs to which their prin-to oar owB. Why, thea. is this m%bty ^jpi^, lead. God may not be seen, v o r k of benevoleace aaaUempted? I t ia Qod may not be regarded, but God is stand-

saaaa they who are driven by a tyranni- ing in the midst of tite burning bash aad eal kgic to Aeae BMSt marvelloBa coaae- ^^t attract attendon to himself, ^pences, escape the pressBre of them br f h e moral influence of Baptists upon »•-t o n e thing whfcb is saperior to ail logic,, ^nd the predoeaiaence given by many « H i p m r against all argnatentatkm: even t ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ essential doctrines of the gos« hf those iadistmciiWe instinett of our na- p^j^ . j j i »ccouBt for the fact that several tatB, aad by that free spirit of the gospel. denomiBationa of this coBBtry maiataia B vbieb will dash to pieces the inference a ad piety, notwithsunding their faitb the belief that tbe Almighty Faiber of in iafgat baptism. an baa reaiy nude th^ eternal weal or wo g , ^ aotwitlistandin^ this coRservative in-• f oar ehildren to depend on the obeer- flaeaci-, ihowi churches which hold tWa ranee or aegiectof aB ablatioB to be sprmk- Jojpjj^ wdl sooner or later, become cor-led by the hand*, and of a benedictioB to be j j ^ ^ ^ with every cliurch that pronoaneed by the fips of mortal man. embrac*^! it, after iu introduction in the

T T T T T T u 'churches which were comparatively part o A r r 1 o j l .

O a ^ M M u V ^ B Cemmrt/^StflumlS Bwfcr to najijtiir WITH wBBr. tie seeearf Jtiyii** JBiiliee. Pb i l^b i . -wia: J*t m l ^ m Bcmrd^ PMcmtimi.

=5= Wbattbes? Them is a bwrial. aad the b«r iaIkef lec ted^tbebapt ieB. If tbea.

PeAiibyists Bay, the ootward baptism ia a siga of the iaward. immersioa I s the OBly t l m g t h a t e a a iBprsseaiai^iriiBalbB-rial. Betweea immeiBioa aad a barial there is a atriloag resemblaaee. Between i^riakBi^or poanifg aad a bar i^ t b ^ is

n a s w B M B take oaroppoMailiaB their «WB giOBM<»d ^ 4 b l e l i o f a igwea t .

OaraaoByaMU s«bor telb we of bis perscBBtions aad trials ia ecBseqpwBoe of bis (duMge of rkwB. Be fats as knOw dkat b* bad b e » the aatperinteadent of the Bap-

aad that the Bapdst Pastor sBiSested to- bim the peoprieiy of

This was "peraecu-^ e chnreb acted strangely m al-

thas, my Btteatkm w»s attaMted towards a^lowing a aoB-profesew of retigio* to be ku singular aad staated tree, which stood near the spot m whidt I was sitting. I u trank was knotted uad gaaried. Its brsscbes were curioosly twisted, and but icantily

achoob wiB aewttafiastbeezceaaesof Heftb-« n aad SoBtbera fecSaf. Every matf U at fibeity to form bis o M opiaka em tbi* qnestioB.

We wiU a ^ ^ that if aa effort is made to remove the InstiWe it sboBld be made hoBOTaWy aad Cudy. It woald be abeard for aay of tbe TrBBtees to asake tbaauelres

,proetotelmitihe•tatter. Fer a s a j o i l ^ a t OHf Keataekr Tms«MB (far aaarly aBof Ibe 8 B B H P * B TfWiteee in Saatael^} I D

rem«r<Ltt wwrid be aa tairasiB BB all f t » priety. We write tbis as B Kortac^iaa.—

^Oceuq^fi^ as ww d o B ^ jiaosqpMeri "atsHade—having jaat called ov^ the nsmrt of alt llic States i a t e r e ^ in tbis matter— havinjr ao special partiality for Tbeolagieal Schools—remembering bow auay mmaf

-«uay* we bare besird rawd V stodenta—^we are certainly one of the few who can look OB this sahjeet of removal

«Br pqpolaAy axxxf Ageata. fieeietanes, Prafesao(*iBOeOeges.*e^hBtiiis r%k far aoMflB%tB speak BBt. Bad w «aadb« fede r ^ i ' l f o . w bat liarrairiteriiK. spoaaM fieri

P . QmaktMiii

' IA. " I s it ri|^farBBaptiBti to ba jp te PedBoafSisas «idi die a i ^ d k c A a t t b e i r A B r e h i d B B B W B R I O j r e m ^ n t l n n g e d r *

AMMt. J V / « » i ! 5 0 ! ! l Wehav* kBBWii good men to do Ibis ^nng. aad bave beea impressed with the idea thai a pioaa Wait a ^ a soaad jadgateat do aat always go together. Every^Bt^tist mi i^ ter rq^rards ^iriakling or poBiia>f m a kiad of baitesque m bap&RB, aad c o a n l m ^ fast bapiMB peomincBt among baama t» . ditioBs. The Bapust preacher dwa »h« baptiaes Fedob^pSists wi Jt tbe sadeniaai-iag referred to ia dw QBery. doca b b ^

clothed with tiftige: aad ic ita general ap-! able specimen of eool. aadadoestmpedeBee learance it presented a very striking con- of which we have heard since the aetUe-

trast to several Boble elma mad oaks whieh | ment of Kentacky. flouri»hed artMad i t Curious to aseertain Our author, it seems, received abB^re the cawe of this diflFere»ce. I Wft my seat, jetiers from Bapdsto BBd fiaiteiag k«ers and proceeded to the spot where this d«- from Pedobaptists. He gives spetamensof formed tree was growing, whea tbe expla- these letters. Of coarse he makes i h ^ BstioB immediately presented itself. OB gscnbed to Baptisto iadicate a b ^ »pirit the one side, near a hedge, withia • few ^ d an inferior scholanbip. Tbb might foetof wbicb it stood, a deep diteb hiid bare been expected, been dug, wbkh, some years before, had We BOW uke leave of this /idb severed suaie e l ite main roots, and cut off fijUy eonvinoed that it is fictitious. We a krge portioo of iu sapplic*: whilst on think it probaKe that it was written in A-tbe other side th^re was a fooipath, which merica though it purports to be an English bad been mach Bsed when the tree was v^rk. We have had a little ez(«rienee in young, and bad malerially impnired iu wing books; but we have never before rigor. Here. tboBght I. do I see a tnie condeseended so low as to notice sBd> a emblem of the system from whieh I had contemptible book as ibis. We repeat our beea so strongly repelled. Tboagb. Uke . p ^ y i© our readers. We would not this tree, pbmted in a Urge place, aad in a ^ have written a line aboat »«eA a book l ad fruitful soil, and poMessing tboee esseadal jt aot issaed from the Press with the s u c -imtbs, and that vital spirit, which m ^ lion of the "Pr»bytcri«n Board of Pul^-have secored its generous growth, i u range catioa." has been restricted, iu roou impaired by ' — ^

T b e d e e p d i t c h o f a n e x c l u a i v e c r e ^ , , Cov.nstOB Tbfolopcal latUlBte.

perintendent; bat for him. after his coover-sioB ••from baptism ia water to baptism with f with eool impartiafity. water." to wish to contiaue ia charge of a \ We saggest then tbat a Conventio® be ^ p U H Sunday Sebool, is the most renwk- ; held at a convenient place to consider tbe Hevii^ that they iniend to live ia i inbt .

« — I queetioB: jiisiidid. tbat plaoe eaakaa BO dicBce. Bad eaert Aeir i a l a fBs ia few application for the lasti'ate. We sappoee of tmscriptBnd ptactices. Wesse aotwhy tbat LoaieiaBa. liiBiissip|)i, AAawas. Mis-•oori. Tenaeseee aad Keatacky are tbe oo-ly States interested ia ibis mauer. By the way. what right bad the late Coarentioa at Balumore to a d oa tbe sahjeet? wbebaiag »a j« i ty of tbat Oonveitioa were

I visb tB'fce bi^idaed tbeawites. wlw are willing to five iadiBKb fellowsh'^ wii| ^>riidded ChrislMBS. To place ikis oui. ter ia i u trwe Ugbt, let as sappoae (thn^k

An over- tbe case ia scarcdy si^pfiaaabie,) duu then

fttun Virginia. Maryland. North u d So«h Carolina, Georgia aad AUbaaut, aad what bave tboee Statea to do with tbe CoviagtM Institate? Nothii^, certaialy

had beea a eoagreg^iaB ef

man. and the ooasunt tramp of sectarian feel i Our readers are aware that there is at

during the reformation, and tuch is tbe The CbBwh of Rome and the Church of' tendency of tbe Pedobapust churches at

EairUBd do not stand alone in their worid-l tbe present day. ^ . ^ .v 3 r \ « I corruption. The Reformed j Engl«.d many are ^ g back to tho

whieh d L their origin from Lu- Holy Mother, the Church of I W In .b.r.C.iB,and Z«.ingfe. bave fon .ke . ^ ^ « ^ i l — . ^ t T r :

of God. the pat* doctrines of tfaoee men aad hswB retained tbe erro« wbicb tbey

IV tba mMrfc. tbat . - tbe p r a y iaiheipinaBttbermomattr of

t * .. I t telfa witb iliwost perfect a m n « y s J w ^ t B B l e«KlitiaB«f iia BW»-hsB. WbM piety JnrMm, tbeeodal •ut iBit far prayer ia tfasBged—whea U h m g m i ^ Aat meeting iBdeserted,ex»pt

Ibe faitbM few wbo bear the beat and bardea of the day.

H w eaal tbat ia bE«« to God ktrss pny-BBfettB SOBI ditft ia lisiitifiiMiiB bas ao j n t t ^ far a0a«»ieisB. Beader. do yoB

. ,iiiBatbe prayrr • m i n g t i a a i

bioBgbt witb them from tbe Cbarch Rooie. Refigion has become a dead form SB the CoBtiacat. Tbe doctrine of jastifi-f^^t^ that oBce thandered from tbe lips of tbe reformers in Germaay. Switierlaai u d Fiance, bas fpvea way to tbe command-menu aad traditiona of men. And BOW BothiBg CB8 BMet tbe eye bat eonforaiity to the world. cocrupuoBiB doctrine* and mor-

ak. and gross ignoraaco of God's werd.— WhcBCB this corruption? It can he fuOf.d cbidly ia iafaat bapdaak—tbe doctriae tbat ^ . . - i M M s in&au are regenerated and made members of Cbriat's body, tbe C.HBreh.

o O a tbe Coatiaent of Europe. yoB could BOtfad amaa ia a milKoB. aalesahe was a Jew, wbetber ia Papal or Prolestanr eoBBtrieB, wba is not a member of the ehuirb. Infaat bsptism bae bwwgbt whole aaaons iato tbe ebareb in aa WMsoitvertcd state, in a state of ignocance and anbelief aad eoBUty i^ainst God. Tbey are diitaf faeted ia heart to true grace, aad are pre-pared lo prefer any tep itM trf wiperstitioB aad heresy to e v a o g ^ a l trath. it being m<»e eai^«da] to their caraal and unre-newed hearts.

I was iaformed that there were SOOdaaee boBsea ia Hsmburg. open OB tbe LotdV day. Many of them were dens of poQu-

I. But all wbo kept tboee houses, or wbo freqweated tbem. both men aad wo-nee. were aiembers lb good standing ia tbe EstaUished Protestaat Church Tbere were S.OOO prostitatea- publicly lieeMed, wbo p i ^ f 100 a moBtb. f36.UOO a year, iato tbe State Treasury. Aad the ckrrgy of the Estab&abed ChBTch, reeeive tbeir salariea m t of this comaioB treasury. And aot «M of tboee women is alfowed to enter ber name as a pubKe p r o s ^ e In tbe po-1 lice pfEee, uatO she is regaferly coartaxso

H are

Pnniiig and bhias.

Several Proteatant EpiwH^ Bishops have embraced the views of Dr. Pasey, and are carrying clergy and laity witb ibtm. They are almost BZnanisU now, and one or two Btore steps, will make the iUentitr com-plete. We bear of Priestly abfohuion, aaricBlar ctmfcesioo, the subjecUoo of the laky to tbe clergy: l u d we ree not a few imitatioM of the Roman Church, in almost erery village, town and city. Notwith-staading the powerful efforts of sach men as Bishops Meade, Johus, sad Mcllvaine; Drs. Tyng and Johns, of Baltiajore, and others, the Episcopal church ia this coun-try. as well as ia Europe, finds ia the Rom-isb church, irresiatihie points of atiraetion.

Other Eoclesiasticai bodies bave more vitality, aad many remain longer in posses-sion of wdeemiag truOi. but so long as they hold infant baptism, they nourish U»e element of their decay aad rain. The pasaiBg^ history of the Luiberaa and Ger-man Reformed Charcbes is aayibing but cWriag: and w other quarters "the signs of* the titnea" are not much more Micour-aging. There U mach in tbe evangelical cbardtes of this laad to comnund oar ad-minuioo; their benevoleiice and seal ia every eBterprise; aad tbeir gidieral soBadness is tbe vital elemenU of cbristi-an i^ . are worthy of all praise; and while we see so much to awaken our esteem and k> stiengtben oor, regard, we can bot re-gret that they shoBld cherish any doctrine that masteveataally prove disastroas totbeir spiritaality. We honestly bebeve tbat ao-tbiag bat the entire abaadonment of this BBScriptaral dogma, and B strong adher-eaee to the reqwremenu of Jesus Christ ean save tbem fr>.m foUowing ia the wake of those bodies, both Papal and Eeformed, which are now the shame of ehrisdanity

; aad tbe earee of tbe world. Wbea Bafrtists. therefore, contend for

nuuBUin the

along iu narrow pathway, have cheeked tu | ^y . . a Baptist T h e o k ^ a l Sem-growth, Changed iU form, covered »>>•« ^hose hisiorv, if faithfully written. m«ht have been a siraiglit aud sturdy trunk ^ „ »i«nge as a romance. It re-with unsightly excres. nces. and left «{><« j comparativ, ST BO expenditure of iu crooked boughs but a sickly and scanty ^ ^^^ ^ ^suWi^h .v. Rev. Ksra Going. foliiMje." Am-nt of the Wwiern Baptist EdneaUon

Who ean BOW wonder at the converswn g ^ j ^ y . faromWe purchase of some of our nameVess author "from b^pUNtn in ^^^ ^ ^ ,winiiy of Covington, and thus water to baptism with water?" That ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ •'stunted treer* D.>es not everj- one see ^ increased in that it proves that the Bsptists are wrong? , degtre almost unprecedented, Those "wAle elms and oak»! ' Do they ^ ^ ^ ^ probably worth to-day &600.000. not indicate Uiat the I'edob»p<i«t» are right? purpcwe of erecting the C*ruinly. Who would wish stronser proof? ^^^^^^^ bu.idmgs for the laaiitute, «ad to AndyettheB«ptisw.embWm«lii«lby tbe ^ . ^ expei.««, one-b«lt more or "stunted tree." are doably as Bumerou, a. ; ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ all the Independeau and Pn:^byurlans in . ^^ „,B»embrrfil that sonie years the world. That "deep ditch!" That j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ »boliii<«ism wa. brought •foot-pathr' The tree made neither. The ^^ Pa,ii>on. Pr«.ident of Um In-

tree was not tn Wame f.»r either. If t » » « , 2 t a t e au.l that Rev. Mr. Ft«4, at «h»t is any tluBji about the Bapusts analagous ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Cov-10 the "ditch" and the • foot-path" Pedo- j.^ ^ ^ p,e«ched and published « S roK n bapUsU bave made it. HUtory knows that ^ in i1«ith he att^rmpt-therhave tried to dig ^ I u> trace that charge to thedi vd, and tree" and trample its vitsHty out of it; but< ^^^ responsible f .r it. Subsequent our impression is that it sUll sUbJh. and •• ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^e charge was not al-

. al.... tr^ artrs ft/i Atlt ' . i .

apoeuAc ^Bea, wbB.vUioBt Bay good m . •oa for il,imagiBed dwt ^riakSng ai i poaring were haptiMB, aad tbat

' OBgbt to be bi^iaed. aad wbe { Let tbe States whom it cooecras held a ' wcordbigly; if U in r r* bad 'geas to tfce Convention. Let tbere be one rota girea; sposOe Pa i^ demaading baptism at ba for erery thoBtaad Baptists, aad ereiy;i,aada, lettiag bimkaowat tbesaaietiai frac^ of a thousand over five haadred that tbey iateaded to ideatify tbsnnlva ia eacb State, la this way let the qaea-; witb that cei^jregBtioB. is tbere a BafOM Don of k>eauaa be settled. Let the Coa-^ minister froBi iiaiae to CahfatBia wbo b^ ventiun sar whether the Institate shall ra- Serea t b a t l ^ woaM bare b q t t M thcai? main at Covington or be removed to some We gaess BOt. Aad tf aat. why duatt other pdnL B u t if p e c u n i a r y faducemeBU Baptist ariniateTs aow do wbat Paal.4hf are presented to secure the locatioB of (be'greatest of Baptist pivasben, wsidd «H lastitBte, then let te be given to tbe place |,a<re done?

• that sabscribee tbe lajgeit Bmount of moo- i g j . -Does tbe expreasioo m HtAieaa, er , or iU equivalent, to Iw addod to tbe f , know me, from the baa Covi^toB land, yroMtd tbere may Bot be, to tbe greateM.' refer to the MiUeBiaai?" in the judgment of tbe ConveatioB. insape-j Answer. It does not. It relers to sfi rable objections to that place. ' tlw bneSdaries of tbe Kew OovenaBt-Ha

I We know not bow the questioo of remo-|]Bare,Boless. Every one into wboae aaai vs} and locauoB can be more fairiy andim- God paU his laws, and apoa whose i.eM p a r t i a l l y aettlrdtbaa in the manner we bare 1M writes tbeau kmmi tk* Lard, fk t -iadicated. All we bave to say ia concla- young aad tihe old. the rieb aad tbe peat, sion is. that if any brother can suggest a the bond aad tbe free. ^ kaowtbe Janri. beuer plan, tbe oolamns of tbe "Baptist"' persoaa may make a piefeMioo of rtiigiB are open to him. "Dressed ap in a littie vithout knowing tLe Lord, bat ^ y mm-brief authority" dariag tbe Ediior's ab-j ^ot eater into die careaaat witboat kaea-sence, we invite aB ooocemed to express jag him. How absard to t ^ k rf tei^pHf their views in reference to tbe Covington iafents iato this euvenant, when tti^ Theolagical InsUtate. Remember tbere are act poiwiUy know the Lwd! Howta^ aboM f lt5,000 to be ased for parpOHB of wBI it be before soB»e meB wflj exnasea T h e o l o g i c a l Education among yoB. <Btlte CMBBMB aeaae in interptenng dht I P- i Scripture*?

Sd. "DflBs the idiraiw in L Thea. 4: i t . AmeficM Mistion AnodatioB. •Tbe dead in ChriiA shall rise J b A ' wak

tbat tb« r%bte«Bs will rise faefam the wick-ed."

even more likely thsa ever to withoat foaadation; and we have deeply indebted to tbe various ladia . tribes. ^ ^ Tbe d e « ! w i l l ^ ita luxuriant branches to the tas t " esi, &AV lillfct Mr. ai' 1 J sV...^ tt MTMli^l MkMWr* . ^ . i u luxuriant brashes to the East and v» est, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ aad North and South. Frost owes an apology U> his Satanic High-

Our author's change of views seems to ^^ ^ ^ have been d e c ^ after he .aw t h a f - s t B ^ ^ " ' ^ to the proof in

us try: The writer o^^th.s httle ^ t ^ ^ ^"xheologicU Bu.ldiag- w i Z v i e w iutoan J «„ova l of the l o . t H ^ of tbe flection; "Whde mustng" l e saw a 'Hun M.anwhile the TruWees on

tree" wtth a "deep dttcb on o n ^ . d e ; O ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

This is a benevtJenl society in whose pwperiiy and sucoess webave W t a deep By ao meaaa. Theieisaet interest. Tbe abor^iaes of oar country ^ tt-ferenee to tbe w i i M ia ouj-ht to have the g o ^ L Xotliing but lU, p ^ tewshe. that tbe rich and priceless We«ngs can either c«v- ^ ^ ^ ^ of the Lwd wiM iliseorcbristiaaiaetberedmanof tbefor-, . est. If we BBdemtand tbe phikaophy of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Christ will risejta*-obiigation at all. American Christiana g ^ t is, befara tbe iving in Ckmn an deeply indebted to the various ladiaa tribes. xbe desd will be raind. aad the We woald that there was a praotical rscog- ehanifed ia a moment, and a&«Bi«hl niiion of this indebieJnesa. ^^ togetber to ineet tbe l « d m tbe

i The recent annual meeting of the Indian , 5. j j ^ t i p t Mission Assot-iaiion was helU in* Jackson, of tbe rigbteoM aad lbs

Wi,.. hensive that the sale WOBM «»e mane, ap-and obtained from, the Kentucly

and a upon M, but w M water. How cimclusive! Who can doubt longer? CouU reasoning be wore to, ana 01 •aauouukiu » o LeffistatBfean amendment 10 the charter ^tormuslysattsfactory? t ^ ^ r h t T L t e e n additional TrB«ee. were O u r a a t b o r r e ^ u B a p t ^ a s c o c t e n d - b ^ w ^ c h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b g that going down tnto and up ^ have racently pro-out of the water w positive and ab«.lntc tbe t ^ r t oi t h l or«>f of immerrioo. W r ouglu to know nonneed nncoosututional. and t b w t l « ^ u c t a . h e ^ We do not - .bon. of tbe.> L k tbey argue T h e repr^^en.. t h e m - The

^ ^ t ^ L inu. the water " t o alter, ametid, or abolMk" the c ^ . , but tbe subrtance of the Coart'a dect«on is that an ameBdmeat to the charter asust be

Miss., tbe proceedings oi which have been ^ ^ k e j ^ b e simidtHieoBs. AfliB ftar published. , graves shaH bear tbe voice af fisa of

The "Adiea for May is be- .^bet® is itrferenee 10 one roma,adl fore us. and coatstns tbe Treakurer'a Re* ,,ipecific bow ismferrtid to Tbeataa-port for the last year. Tbis docua*at ^f afl tbe dead wiU he bretea «a have read with surprise and sorrow. E. seems that the reeeipU for ibo last year, in- j eluding tSSd*!? OB band at Ae beginning of the year, wtare tI4 .030 4S.. Of tbis . . j r ^ / ^ ^ a ^ imttmUf.'^

Bt uplnrt EeaiBisi—By a

BaptisU insist tbat descent into the water and ascent out of it are strung cireamstan-tial proofa of ianoersina: bat tbey have - , sa idJ tboBsaBd times (wiU P«d"bap t i .u ! g e r m a i . to t t o « ^ r « r hear them?) tbat the word " b a p t i ! ^ • ^ h l

what was doae after Philip T d t h e { « - . » » ? . germaia to t ^ S ^ b wcBt down into the wa J r . What Court al«. c o m p r o m , ^ . smt b r o B ^ by d^d tba t word as by the «tcred

witb enerer of rested a certam sam of awwy to be paid to historian? BaptiM say with energy emphasis, tiamerss. If tbey cannot prove ; nothing caa. be proved. If h0plim in

Greek does aot aiean immerse mympao does

it is to . . purity of Christ 's churchee—that they may

as a m « m b « in g ^ s t ^ m g m the E - ^ . ^ ^ ^f ^ ^ ^ . ^ o a re 'new crea-mbUsbed aaTch ." l ^ P r . ^nd. furUter. they

Dr. JyddcB m tf,e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «i«.rable delu CinMkm Ayoritor,, 185*.) | ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^e "regea.

Xba evils of Infant Baptism are not eon- ^y^ed." beoome the ehildren of God. and fined to tbe Other side of the Atlantic— inhtritMS of bis kiagdom; for while they Wbo oa tbis coBtiaent bave been the t ^ m a i a aader ibis delasion. all efforta for aad releatleas perseeators of a pure cbris- ^ ^ cMWSiioB to God, must be tiaaUy? Let U>e Puritans of New Eng vatn.

S B M I I . A B K B i a a a b i r

laajtia—MiiBg- Tbe i a n d n i r a f t b a K B a B o a p -

feed a a d ^ieeopaliaas of Virginia aaawer. w * IsBvaesHr readers to judge , wbo make A m o ^ wbom does a r e f i l l of knposing ^ ^ ^ ^ baptiuo—ibosa who wttbost

jfacm fiBd BMist admtrtrs? -AawBg t b e j ^ ^ j j ^ y IJ ^ UBCOBSOOBS ia-fekada of iafaat baptisBt. A m c a g w h a t j ^ ^ ^ ^ tbea far beavea. or zciiginH ccBUBBttiosa atay those be kmad; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ obedicacB to Jesaa Christ, ad-wbo pride tbcBuelvee apoa conformity to the wodd; wbo b a r e BO scmplea aa to the

jfwopriety of p a t w o i n a g the t b ^ . t ^ & feeiias poor, bad givea idaaee . the gamUiag hall: ^ » » » «p«rit-t b ^ c b a a n a a e a l W e a b i m aal n ^ q ^ • • a delusion, aad a change of

heart aa footisbaess? TI-OBB wbo tescb •tbat bapdsmai r«ceoeratioa is tbe doctrise of oa r c b a n ^ "

I t IB t n w tbat ia B0WB deaan' taafioas. ia w b i A a f a a t b i 9 l » m ia beld, there is foand m a c k " a r a a a t i t i » i a JeBBS.** maeb of

faitb OBce d e S v m d to tba H M K ? fcw%litfniil baaerolraeo. n -

t a L G b r k t i U p i i t f y . B a t ihia ia 9 a i i « *WBiB wbidfc|BBTeU tbaki^tiautfe

yi I I j w r • ^ bald by a

minister it to "whosoever believetb." H .

HEBI^ tbisaeat . i a laa pocketa.—


Rcaono rax BIBLE » Cotnux-—Read three chapters every week day, and five erery SabbaOi. and you will go through tbe Bible ia a year.

A better method still is, to divide the Bible; to begin with Geaetfe, Job, and Matthew, to read three ebapters ia a see* t m daily, ia CMuective order, and five in an. every Sabbath, tbas finisUi^ attbaend Bfttbe year. Tbis is far more protoUa Om to read the BiUe at raadooi. witboBt regard to coaaexioa, a e i ^ or BBbject


thfm. though tbey saed for lead ia pa«ea> sioa of the Instituie. The carious might tnqwire why, if they bad a title to the land.

amoBat f 5 597 OS were reouved from tbe gim* mM I nmemitr ao aawe." fat United Slates Govemmeat, aad tbe CSioi- 31: if woald i a n t ^ o a r Bes»<-Mw Nation, for educatiooal purposes, awt jy p^jjier. we autk forget tbe injariesi^i 8100 bybeqTOst. These sums were re-, ^ ^or fcUow-crBatarts. ceived of course without the interveni'mn ^^ sot eaScr oar tboogbta to dwefta of the published AgenU of the Assoda- ^ ^ yf^ ^ g^riy dtiags; tioo, and added to tbe t836 17 oB band ^ e may entirely forget ofii at the brginniag of tbe year, they aiake as if m freely and fB% t6,5S3 19. This strtn sabtracted from ^ ^ 814 030 63, leaves •7.497 3«. Of the ^ ^ ^ last amonnt . probably one half , ba t we wtU Bev. 14: S. Whiksoomf* ' say one tbad. was WT coUeeted by tbe ioa«a.snaa Agenu of tbe B^ard. One third sabtract- ^ft^shed by a glitopse of tbe Redeomad ii ed leaves e4.998 Of thia s a m * ! . - »ECB«BG eoBscieBoe # «

894 04 were paid to Ageatawbile tbeir j j ^ . ^ »vea a tliriea t f ^ iravefliug expeaees witb those of tbe Cor- , Q^J „ ^ ^ responding Seeretary w e w t W S «3. amk- J , ^FLEETED by every sahB. ing«S.177 87. and aaoaat i i^ to aeariy, ^ one half, to say tbe least, of the coUections! Tax Mxauia Tbe made b r the Ageoto. Indeed one Ageat, M. «bat Gov. Trias bas (we c j l w*bis aame.) is I«p.tBeated ia Paeo. aad tbat Gen. Garland'sANLI^ I - . . — . ,AT TO BBEAPFI*^

not meaa lore, and it follows that God dM! they did get .t, ami bow, if t ^ bmi not love the world. We say boldly, if by! no title to it. thoy g o t , u e q m ^ l « i t » X p ^ of ai^mcBtalion it can bejey? We, bowever, do not piBage mto the showB that fa^ in the New Tustaownt mystenei of law. does not mean immerM, it may be shown in The property of tbe lastitate Na<w worth the same way that there is aot ia tbe whole aboat ttSO.OOO. Tbe Trustees oa both volume one verb of definite import. jsMes of the Ohio bave agreed to dinde it

Our author urges t h a J o b . did not bap- equally between Ibe ^

faarfidtomerityiaporitirely e c o t r « l i c t i B g ; « « K « o f t b e C o m m « . ^ what tbe Holy Spirit sayBthioagb tbe "be- Tbe operatioos of tbo InsUtate are at loved disetple." Oar "Coafesiw" ad present suspended. Wbat is to be done? dresses a kmg fetter to Mr. N., a Baptist The Soatbeni T r a ^ a r e in tbe nmority.

This letter coovincesus as mucb I Have tbey tbe rigbt to aet at all in tbe as anything else that tbe bocA is fiction j premises? This is a Bwtter of some frombegiBBiBf toewd. U Mr. N. is a real'doubt. Legislative acfiitt may firtt be ae-persoBi^. and actaally recHved tbb letter,' cessary. . he must be a very meek man or be would | Tbere is one matter conaeeted witb the have reseated aoBw thiags in it. But if be! Institute that deserves profoand eoo»»dera-

dewribed to be ia ooe! tioo. We refer to iU removal from Cov-1 M a n y bre&ren think it oBf^t to

the Report as mseiving more.thaa be from our government aie a o ^ a ^ ^ col lec t^ Is this « » « Of tbinga to b . take po«««ioa of the M e ^ V d ^ tolerated? Our beaeroleat opnatioBS »«> auintaiB.wbeBbe geu matt be managed bettor, or tbey wffl goto Beatrality." The positioa o f ^ ^ rwiu. Who wiH give an Indian Misaica ^ ' - ' ^ J Ajeent tSOforOie Mtssion.if bebefieves

iH go iBto tbe ^ ? ? r "caied aocordii*

aretoo maay SocietieB. We are not «B«B «1>* . t » t the Indimi Missioe Aaaodatiaa o o ^ goverameata abould fail to 1 to be appended to tbe Domeslie Boerd. Marios, aad tben if tbe Mariaa Board aad, ^ -tbe Kasbrille Bible Board were B K I ^ j^, witbcat a resort to Hoodsbed eaf tbt Riebowad Board of Miseioet. wa ilo| ^ a t O i .

'not see tbat way partaeBlar harja wwiH be | dene. One set of oBcers


thabsMBbas BT ^ these Boards. L. A. Wi

We soe: Lows, addieasod a aad

^ A G R K T B B T . fa^ f t r n f l a U e aot a fev'BI»ben re-

is the Bwa be is partoTtbe bo«A. be b»d ao meekness a-'ington bout him. If tbe descriptioa be eorrect, Mr S . woald ve l j jwobaWy havecoBrinc-OB OUT Coafeseor tiia»>e (Mr. beloog-ed to tbo ebaidi mMUntt. Ia tbis fetter tbe writer, wbo bad aot yet

'preildbrni St. loBls. is appointed poBdiair Seeietaiy of tbe MarioB Board, ia; ^ ^ ajialH a U r aad r

'place of Rev. T. F . Cards res^aed.- Wajaf iba a

"WiM baa aoi a good to^pae BBgbt to bare good ^ a d s .

be'remoT^. and msnr th'mk H oagbt aot. jxegret Uti*. Why coald aot aome l ^ T ^ n j l f ' ^ ' ! ^ Tbose of r ^ o v a l aiy tbat tbt | f « t t e a t We deffcre tbe bretl*ipta% the other side of tbe rivwwffl iprodigalaad anodfed for expe^ffiure of>, in w H f ^ short thae bare fa operaiioo a AainkterisI tdent upoa O e u e t a t y i ^ Pta-^

a pabCc! Theological SennBaiy at F u r MoBBt. ia ! fesaonbipe *ia f^gkgt t , *e . formal! tbe Tieinhy of GaeiaBBti: aad that tbe jisters of Jesas Christ ealmder

- «Tbe Qoepi^ tbeir great bBBBBBh Xt felbeb-

Bf m X ^ oar COBB By—« _ . _


Dr .Laaaf tAMcdiaaai L * a d B - U , - k — r i a a

profeasioB of wMemfit a . er to Mr. K.S s e r i a l dttfai^iiBi He preximl^ of the two sAoofa would be de-

iasista that tbe p b r ^ H ^ f e i a p t i s m - U k d l y "foTorabfc. t f e e e opp-wHo i L I U j . J l i l i I IIIII fyiliiiii'ii I a m r i n - r ' ' — *

to a d a J f a a i i f a S ^ ttiTlia ^ S t B d r t t e o r & two we bave said wiUaptba Skafy ta{nHaotol

greatbaMBea. > • both ADDRAAI W E W R U E P K I ^ . F A B J ^ S A A I B ftak VBATJ^JAWAT W I

ataie from j t i proper

botb addnwea: and

V O l k


Ifiadl Al Bwobdl TkeJ

oitri Ttaaesi Xrhos t i Aad]

Bright. iriHitci OK!

We bare! fiekie»e«i< acttoBof


l e tbe I defealcdV Webstort tbe idol eon by l y a i t f proclaimed I stiuuiBo;'* •.Tve lite abide by alavery as 1 Buunord hii| af ber that bis Vi and < e»Uy aetUirilli baeaase Wd

Tins ba« on oat I Paul and

t imeot I " H o howe^Fcr. i "crwdly

H« poptdar! is tbe only^ tiou.


sterns; they gave] sanaly tSd i H o n ^ ter on 80 < ^ s e s d s i and jB(ige| bistoij: jMSt. all and Go H i l t - « B d 1 Tbe stmgjg^ I with the I land to< forrm-.'

But w«| to «vet a j oae at BBid, "Tk

opiniaB iaj featnedi

J i Wbali

scr^ss i^


MV peeiB %

t ing coatml T x x a n r :


BR to

Bat baa,

Page 3: fas, •TLf » YM Mf Hmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1853/TB_1853_June_18.pdffas, baa fc, •Hios* i^teStinkA^ •"•-IHIB^ulll •TLf » ii^SMit Bqtfa Orndt L WW »

ir |[|i I'l I iiiT]iiiillpiHi|ii t j i '

T H E T E N N E S l F t i 1 8 . 1 8 5 3 . V U L . I X .

m s y.'^isaBSB^^^sssmisss^z- -•.'ses-?

l a v i n i B j l T f c t C i w t ' t F a t n r A

THZ u n > f » n .

P .

w i i te w d e r . WB to

| t S O t ! ! W . i , ^ k ^ ttinir. s a d w« ' ' l ^ idea Uutt «

da not j»MT B-»pt«ar iB»-- powfe , ' » m kiad

«wf aoawJwn a . > amoBg h s a a tni»

I f m a c W abttn. wha «aUeHHMd.

! q ^ U T . doc* Mr I * . ' & i s dlMbe.


T » ^ a c * tikis mat-

CfcftMiam n • y g w w i w .

• y u f c f i o ^ tb t f a f t o t a

n d whs p a i i i u j kadi vmmim ttm

I M A* p t k d b A t» amvat iK


A f t n a a VaUaali* MiCiir Cmamtf l TbalMri a r n r a l i M t * MB. Aarf dMira taadU i n A f « M .

r t rhrvOI

Yatevall. dMr Ththamml wmk it itm mnr. T t a n i s « * I casMt W— T k a t l n d i t >M t ^ far M .

T k m b m l a a a i •n»pr iM«a»pa4Mi Qri«arT: I W I hop* te « • . .Ind tk«r* tlH Iw<i. tfcs lawl I n - M .

rtraiwte ta CM; w h n v a r a ^ f y . I r igH layrfa iiBr>

luItkMMd. a a d Hka A i u i by U»

mtm UtFBSZA&f^ I - H M v i M m m m m . h y ^ > p m k

^ i n bdMlf af d w M a t M i a t C M n k Stwth. . i a t t e g n a i U o k find w d t a W v i : » M r .

W o k j ' a p o v t r w m m M m H aver i k t a t e c b . Ha d * g a t e l l i b M m n i c a p o v -

. a r l a G a a a n l C<aiM«Ma.** I " 1 6 e O a i w * ! Coafarowa of 1844

< Mi t l* fii^ i n a f a a r a n ^ ^ **TIHI Qtmmnl Caafitraaaa N atwAot i a amoauue t o r r u A c a t s a . T W U i t j k m ao « « a a , aad t b a ; katra n b m i t t t d l a i t far a taay j a a n . "

Jodga N u a o c . af ter a laberiow i a m t f -gtaim af ifcelKiMipIiaa. saya, waehelaeee , Uie aaaw th i a f .

Dr . Coaa i t o d a m i . " T h a •jMeia of ; IfMhacfoai i> a a arbitrary ariatoeraey.

D k . J a s x n m a m U : " M a a j pataahra (Kausetiy tiM tmitmj ot Uw p i a a n t aya-T M to prepare D B p a o ^ WMEM day to «p-

a i e a l aad ataoanthwal prta-

ka*a haowB f c i l i of Uflb f a r i M wboM it h u t bo—a h a kaa w « a A m tlw gal-ta^aadahiaiatatyeiitabarttkairdaTa. I kava k s o v a t t i t e a M B , l a « 7 a n . M A ^ g c * v l i o a H l M i l f M I ha«a laawB kind baafaaada aad ftttbaia » b « B it baa taraed isto BMwatars. I b a r a kaowa hoaatt awa wboiB h baa n a d e vtBaina, I bava k a o a a • I q p a t aad Cbriatiaa ladita vhoa i it baa «o«««tad i a t a U g a u d w U . "

8 f e e i t l J I t U c e i .

Oh! iihaf«il>«Iaa4.4iwUBdfcr M .

F k i i f M af p«f*i i r

etplea ia eiri} gwrenuaaat. ' Dr. ftaaooa aaifc " C M aad ratigioBa

| H b u ^ are iiiliwarily eoaaacted, ' a a a ^ f i v a a H i ia tb« friend of t t teoM eaaaot be Uie e a a a y

i a i tba a l b e r ; " aad eaaTeraely. if Metbo-' C a t a a r e tba frieadaof a rdigioaa daepo-tiaai. aaa tbey be tlw friaada af e m i fibertj?

la aot Matbodiaai a Clerical Oespottam? Bawl tiua ta y e a r aeigkbora. aad o b u i a

• tbeir deeiaiaa^^

i T E i r i R l J I C l .

C a o u ^ T b a additiaaal a e v a by tba Ckaada a t Bal tCu f ivaa a i a d i iatertat lo tba praaaat atata of U M Cbiaaw rebeUioa, M d dw Tarkiab qwelioB. I t ia mtiauited tbat tba p a n wbieb tbc Uaitad B n t m may take ia tke allaira of C k u a , s iay g i re ker

n t m m n n i A U i w m T C T t .Miewe, AM Tlw Feenawith Aaaeal IwrtaattMa af iha

Jadaaa rtawJe laatitma. wCtt n e i a i a n eaget . ardiy. tba awia l day af Ja>y. aaddaaaea tha tgUaerlacTkenday.

Oa tha lert day. «iU ba a a M M tba Xnaeua* ae tea Oaw«Miaa Cuaa

The AamtaMua* Aaaaaa «iU he.Mifarad tqr Wm. B. 8 m r . M. D , e( iaefcwia. Ultm.

OtrnemmmMmm «iU k a i i n a aa Taeaday aadtradaaaAkyaichta.

M. P. rtWBTT. Jaaa I I . lSS»-4t

CTBar C«aaty.)U..U i t e - T i

n i i a n . it


v R i v c B a m r M J U f l m i U A "^IMTIf . MieAMTMXilT'

i r p U E T * W Aia«al Omit^ "f M f f i ^ f t S " I JL p» peitaiaat afl l ewPMain ** rgMMATi

B B U W X ' B ITTFTKCK OR J A I U K A G Q U N . ' I P ^ ^ ' R

MART SBARP FKMALS i m T I U m . m a III air. Timm.

Tb» IzaaUaatioa of the atadcaU af tkt Mafy Sharp FWal* laaUtatt villMaHaaaeaaaiWSOth

eome prepi^dermace o w AUtlMpatnmaaaA,

' i d e a t i f j t k a a w a J w . ia ikafa a SaptaM r Cafiferaia a r t e ba-

[ kaT« !i«pcu»dl t)ie«ff if aot. w i i r sikuaid

i a »lias Paa i . tka

W a b a r e a toihimf i O m m m M o T t e fekkaeaa (tf pidi&e aaBdoNM IB tba n w n t aetkaiof tba Maaaadwaa taHaaaa o l Sep-a i i e a t e t m i i n rvfimnea to tka H a a J D a m l WaiHter. A reaatatiui p m i d k i s fa r aai

D a T i d P a a l Brova . Esq., Pkt laddpkia . a lawyer df diadactiea. cappoita the Maine Law. aad ikinks tkat iatoxieatiag driaki ikoald be prohituted, becauae— j

t . Tbry deprive m m of their reaaoa for

of Eaglaad aad Franea. U w approaeli of oa r Japan expedition, and tka ill faelisf wkiek tbe CUaeae may atiO ekeriak to-warda Great Britain, laay gire oar gov-ernawat aome advaatagee in paeifieatiag aziatiag diffienltiea, and ia fa tare eoouMr-d a ] aegotiaiioB*.

Tka Baaaiaa Minialar kad left Coaaua-t iaupk, bccaaaa ike Saltan kad refoaed to gnort tba peateetorate wkich tke Emperor of Batata elaia>ed o*er Tarkiak aubjecU of tke Greek Cbarck. Thia woaW be eqai»-aieat to makiag Tarkey a Raaaiaa proT-inee. England and France woald not per-aiit tka itaitan to accede to anek a r r q o ^ • l e a t ; aad tkeae goeamateato appear ta be deteratiaed to maiotain the integrity of Tarkey.—

Worda fima tke aiaatk oa l r , die in tlie aars, b a t worda proceeding from tke heart aUy tkere.

BY Ti£Ll6iUi'H.

I Sfekaewa. r . fiiaca ciie feaat

'^le lite M i i l e m a s ! " I t relera to l i l

rose iotar wkoae apoat whaae ueasTt

Imd. rtm nek aad tka poar,

r . ailkaoarUMLPML iiaftiuaiiui. of l a l tg iw hard, fatf^thiij a— laaft m a a a i Jtaaw-k> Udkof kiiagiajj,

wt:iea. tlHiy eaa-L i ^ l How kag^

a e B w3i eaeRaaa a ia .nUsrpTCtnof ihe

i h t L T k e a 4: K . | a i n ] l rirm j i n l . ' aeaah

E na* b e t e * tke wiek-

Tke i a • not ) ta tke wieked ia A e

t i M tke k n ^ [ lyf tkti L n d wiB aot

liTtts ro b e a n r s . The i C ^ n i s t w j B a a e j M —

S n a g ia Ckiart are ^ wiit be n r n d , a a d tke

. aad aH eaiagkt I t be Lofd ia tbe

S ^ tbat ngk tcoaa aad tka

AS im Aot of ' tk« ^ of

a f p r « ^ n a ^ ^ •lO.fiOOaaeica* a atataa ^ t i »e being, t a die aeaaocT of tke g a w t Kateaaiaa waa j xhey deat ro j mea of the greataet la d r f e ^ n H Wlw^weald ba«« tkoaght O? teneetaai a tRngth. WeiNtar waa oaea A e pi ida. tka g k ^ . aad 3. j ^ j foet<rr and eneocnge eTerr »pe-dar idol af Maaaaebaaetta. T b a i ^ ke r ^ M m o n J i t y . MB by adaptiGBibe ekenabed kirn asfiMd> 4. f i K y bar tbe prt^freaa of ei*iiixatian ^ aa if kers kad b e m kia natal aoiL ^ aad ic i i^ im. i n a u a i i e d k i m ike '^Defdider of tbe Cua j 5. They deatroy the peace aad kaftpiaeaa ^

i ; ' ' b « b e e a « * r b e a a i d t b a l , l e | e B - of mUiiyesef fiunSies. | tile UaiMt af tbe Stalea, wa BMat' g Tkey ledace n a a y r i r taoaa wires aad |

aiiiie by <ba£ CnaaHtaiioa i « » . ehiklren ta beg^a r r . riarery aa weS as ia ixber tkinge. aiw da- > 7, X h ^ eaase aiany tkoasanda of a a r -Bi.a»cc<i k im. Aad aew a u M i l ma^Jiibj of bee Bepnraeataliwaa kaac d a ] « i « B « d . g . -jkey p re ree t all aefanaauaB «rf Aar-t f e a t k k a e « i r r a h a i l a o t b a perpetaaled! M t w . Tiaa , iatpataat de teramHiaB! T h e aame reader dKMtire tke atroagett awt scrrieea of Daniel Webater are i r rera- laMlukiBa. e a % h i 8 t a r i c a L Aye awre. Maaaacka-; 10. The miHioaa of propeny expended' •MtawiJI h a seMeaifaered ia aga* la ogaae „ ^ joat.

rWakalerwaa ker grealei* ^ a l a a . j i . xkey eaaaa tbe B M ^ t y of eaaeaof Haw amtaUe is pcbBe «fiaiaB!— j^siuuty.

Tkia lwawiaapmpataUeaaf aai bM*. laeidiaatydiankM. ladyiaat akelanu la ihiiiL til i J uaaai af | imlieilia ^ I k t ^ l f m h lira Martiaaa. h to af la lariw i l l i rr tea. I>ariat fks pvyvttWwMi C i nAMiic HIA h m b w eeaiVUkrtaef Aildiaa.lt la paaeUaHyeeaeeleae; a* bwaUy er iadiridwd Aeehl be wiikewt It.

OawiBa Ba aara ta gat ih*geaaiaeaaaa**> ^kiah ia ptapaiad aaly by T. BKOWV. at Ua Or«y«ad OMwiiaf « a n . JT. M. C m m ^ J P f H aMTCkwaei Ok. WiUiibMi. aad fceaatoky rii tbateipeetitie A|M«bacariaa ia the 0.

M d by DraoiMla aad Daaicra ia •vwywhMa. 19.18S»-ly

, P r i a d i ^ Md Aaetiaa a f

^ ' i r . aad Tjmi i* af Midieiae.

a K. Vaaf«a.M.D.MalMtelMicaaadllad-(cJ^JaritMMlrBta.

- P.a«M(alaa«%teial

triaada of Aa laatitaaiea ai* iarttad la altead Tka Mtowiag geattwaaa hare beta appiiatid

a Beardef tsaaAwTK Ker Dr b l s a . fa ioa Vairaratty; ACT Praf BkeUaa. -T n t Dodtoft. l e e Or BAw. VaAriUe; Bar W a 0 Back, B e r J f t O r a r a a . Ber Dr Daytoa. BkdbyrilW; Dr CUrfce. Her J A a PomU, JfcKiurf l te : Bar Mr Ceo|Mr. New MarkH. AU; Mr Fawlar. FaiArld. Trai>: O H Baarfattan. MalbnTy, Teaa; Bar J H Bdaiialfa. Daeater, Ala; Mr DiekiaaoB, PayvUsviU*. Tana; Bar B Strads, Clianaaeofa. Tana.

The aasi m A a af the laatitau wUl aeai-Bcnoe aa tbe 8tk af Aagastavst.

WM. K. VEX ABLE, T. « . T. A. 0 . TB1MBLS,8.&.T.

J a a t U . i e x t .

K o n c B . Ataia(ul>r aMaAif af the Baptiat CkarA at

AaUneb. Oalaatbia aeasty. Ark., bald oe Batur-day, 1 l A af M « A . 1«S3. a raaaiatiaa waa yaaacd, u> caO a eoaMatioa af aiMk chorelMa a* are i«-: toiraud. to aM«t as at Aatiaeli, scar Oalfcaua P. < O . aa Satetday bafaie tha fifth SAbaA ia Jidy;

L e t t e r t B e c e i f e i .

A—J r ArUdcaaad leaittasM J J AadMwa aad NHiHsaai

• - T J B t i d « a a a a d i ABtawalae K W DM] t M Baaaatt and rMaitti

J . Bwnoi Lotaamr. M. D.CIwlebyaBdPbar.

T. Baiaaa. M. 0 . Diaiaaatratar af

wiUAaiiaasdlwala-d « a i a . a a A a i r A M a M l a y « r < > e ^

A fall P»Aaii»»»| w r a t af Lteturaa WBl ks eirea by Aa I W e w a . eeeeaaaeiiig aiaaaaifea, iiat MimuUj af O C I A T R .

Th . StadMta wm bara ftea accaaa ta Aa I Haaaital.

f C r f a a A r » o f a e » a r » » MatrictdaAai tiA-•tBS; D«N«aa( tirkat • } • ; Ofadaattaa

Uaed boani. eaa ba oAaiaad ia Iha aity at t 9 M to par *aA. Fazthar iafanaatiaa a*y A aUaiaad w addraaatsr tha D«aa.

^ J . K U t f l W U n r . M. D. Daaa. KaArUla. Teaa. June I®. -SJ-till l«t Ser .

MoimxAL, J a n e 10. A t Garaaxi 'a teeoad laetare a mob cirf-

looted. A large aaaiber alter the lectare ' S T h y ^ / t ^ S T f a ^ T T fired pimola. The miiitary waa called oa t ; HENBT 8IMM05S. JfaaCr. aad firtrd one roand into tke mob. killing: U V . BAsaa. C. CUrt. fire. Military s t iHgaardiag the ekurek.— ; " ^ O T I C R Mob coUectod ne«r « d aaother attack! w U be a pratraefl meeting M d wiA^ iiewred. j u ^ ehuiA at Eldad, tiihaea eaaaty, Tasa., eoai-j

LoviSfILLE. June 11. | aieoeiBf Friday beibni the tliird Sabbath in Jaly.r

HAROT H05T . C. Ckrk.

Montreal papers condemn tbe firing of! Miniwertae biethrea are iarited to c m a aad tke troops aa wiikoot jnat caaae—7 per-! aotta killed and I I wounded. The city iai j , „ i , i e 5 3 . gaarded by the miliUry. All ia now qui-et. bat Aere ia great senaatioa aB»ong»t the

Later accouAU stata tbat fit) per

C r By »n ot»!«r «fce Boanl of Tw»»«e» of the J Mary WasKtagton CulWgc. tha f l a w i n g gentle-awa are revpMtfuUy aaUeitod. as a Baaid el Via-

^atiaa ia

T I m kaa e r e r k e e a A e ease. Tka peaffe • a one aecaaiaa wiAed o & r aactiieea to^ Faa l s ad Ba r saba .—ba t a Bttie a f i « t b a j saMe people BioMd A e m . T h a p « b 6 e a » - !

I t onca expi«saed i taeS b akoata oC' ,10 tha Sea of Da»id"—aeon. ;

koweeer. i t »aa aa ekaaiied a a t o d a a w r •"cracify hwa, cxmtifK btrnf*

H0W pi i i abk the esaa who leeka to be p«palar! A d e m e to pknne God. nataaea. A tka eBly ceeroct priiwtipbr of kaman a«-

W e A » k the Xaaaacfaaaetts Hoase of iU-pnacBtalires mast h a r e torgottea Web-s » ' a great speeckto r e p ^ to Uayae wbea

tZ. Tbey destroy boA tbe body and the aoid.

IS. T b e r bardea aober people ariA ma-Bona of paapers.

14. Tbey caase imaaaaae e jyeadi tarea t« preres ternBe.

15. Tk^yeoBtioberpeopIeimBWBaesnma in charitT.

!6. They barden A e e e u t r y wiA enor-aMMs taxes.

17. Beeaase moderate dikAeta want A e temptation remored.

18. Drankards was t A e ayyaitunitT re-aM>red.

19. Sober p e ^ I e want ibe naisance re-

aoaa were killed or mortally woanded.— [ ito». to attend the Ansaid Ezai The Mayor denies h a r i a g given A e order! ln«iitoti«B.c«m.i»eiicitH£onTne«lar.KUiofJidy. for A e miUtary to fire-it U - t known; who did. An indignation BMetiag was keU by tha citisens. and A e Maror waa

J llwVaUwMl rwmmaaiM 0—J W Cnath and ntauuaaca

B C Ciaft aad reauttattca S Chap{M-U aad raadUaoea J B Clarit and waajtlanea ACaaaiachaai aad maittaBea 3 e ( topball aediaaMttaaae W V Obaaikan aad iwaittaaea S A OwMm aad Mouttaaoa W T Cartvrifbt and irmittaaea

D—E Dudwe aad maittaara 0 i>BdM» aadraBittaaae 1 Davin aad raaiittaaaa B PI>aa»eU aad maittaaas

B—B Elkia and raaiittaBee H H iSlHiit aad nwiuaaca D V EU>efld«e'and lemilteBee

F—jyeh^ J W roneM and remittiaaa J t'aldeaand reaiittiuic* J f c r i j R FrWr. Ac S yoo noticed waa tha aoaAar

of sabocribeTk yon MOit. aad a •f moaer.

G - J BUfinaea J O Gwdvifa aad reorittaace

H—lierrtiigwa uid remtliaMe S £1} ui"tt aad rvtuittance A ) H ileombe aod rporittaaea J T |l<4Hn aad n i i t t aaca J Uaavjutd reminara K S iiarukiMvw aad niBittaa GUUsAer E Uolwuiaiul leaiittUiC*

1—H M Ivy J—J A Juhnwa

T JukiMuii and taaaittaaca J H Jack<«o aad m m b

C B l l c c a . Taa aaA uailoa af Eoea OaOef* «>II

•cacc Megour, Jsly 18th. iaalsadaf Jaly 4A.aa heiatofoie aaaoeiiced.

IW order af TraSMa. J . A. 40XB8. SM-y.

n j t r 9

l i g w ^ h p r i i r P i W i f i i i B i i •waa

TVVTlBBOr CeCBOUCT TU Ti X / T O t o . Br Bav. FraaUia w l U S S m . M . A i W i > a a & . « y . t %al Prise

• B t l e t y

T H n i F A f i

Pf A e -

Thu pHaa Euay i* aaahir d t . * ^ * «ra>>r|r-t i ^ . r tw datiaa ha^

a t a a c a a i H M ^ i u d h i a t|aO writ taa. and fa

TM- baA is h y M K r a i H i a ^

k i r a la l i lMr.

D t t M a r F a M B . - - - . T . a J « a r a . a f B a A d k - V a Atimium. l>at p a . m . FAsSSc. .

ThiTSiiar n« ia toaae<r t k e w t l a ^ p a ^ ralatiaaaaBMrtb. Tka rariad Bmeaaaa af iha PaHaraiaUiMtraMlaad a a * w t »» jA<ci"«* h i a f . aad oigaat taanwafaga aad apf laiii.

M n i a a BMSMB. Bp FraT F. B . M ^ a f M r r ^ errUaivaraiir.iiaa 4 *e i . lCaa . fp aM, r n r e tiOf

l iua wark aAiUto the prsiaat State a f tb rBa» tiaaMl (Matiavmv. s a t ia aaB Is a n)>l> totkaniaaifcawdf Pr . l f iai i i . lw«M»wa i l M an at ease laaisai aad yantsi; . a a d M U i * • I addab*al u S m t n m a n A W >4 tea*. Saariy t j M eapiaa adid ^ m A after ba I m w .

Kma ar laeast B«MWi By Bar. 1 . B. O. SaaalL D . D , a l Biatia.aad. t r a t li-M. p p . m n i s a M t . ^

Thtaiaaaaaf t t o a M s a i a i a d seAsampVia

O a k W M 7W MUm /nm BrmmnOlt,

r r W E EigkA Snsiaa af this BahssI will X thefintMaaoM ia

J a a e t t . T. a


r j ^ F a U

FaU af thia laaHtariaa wffl ^ >aaMaaMV.Aii(sia8.Badartba

at the Nacipal. Lca<w BSMXrr. A B., Willi an Auiataat, if aecevtary.

^ e terau of •nitieo. per eeaaiaa of W waAa. are aa followa, via:

Pnoutry EnpliA $5 CouiBM.« -Higi»-r " 8 A L^naadGrevk 10 « lacifiisnTi 141* A

Boarding can lie abuiwcd (or fNMn (1 $1 per vn-k, aad th«Teaiv good effoil FORAUUIIAG. AMBAUI'HUAMPHIOALSBD calAppam-J* win be naearMi in tiM far tha m m m L R ^ BKSKETT.A.B.

FaU Bn»tk. Wm-Jdm^ Tn. Jmm U , W

B!rB.v. »vaLI«a».

! A


t i a to.

twffi be T b e a l a m -

brakas A a F -

Cier gave their d isgracef idrole . T h e y j ^ , , , ^ •Moiy sf idaotremMBber the firfkiwiBRim- so . T a x payers want tbe harden remor-mortaf wafda: '•Mr. Presideat. l a k a B e a - i ^

t l . Tbe prokibitJoa would saretboTOaads aowf iOfog .

The sale exposes oar peraon to ia-sa i t . .

13. The sale expoaea tmr fiunikes to m-

H ao e B o o n i a n apoB Mas needs •oae . There abe to-jadge fe f o n a e l r e s . There i

ceasared. G a r a u i left for New York.— T b e s t r r t t was patrolled last night b r A e l l y i ^ artillery.

New Yoaa, J a n e 11. Tbe Trestle work bridge a t Albaay, oa

A e Nortbera Railroad, fell Ais morning, {atally injuring several persoos.

N i w Yoaa. Jnn» 13 Hews by the "Pacif ie ." The British

g o r e r e m n t refuses to sUte to Pariiament. | wheAer ornot A e Mediterranean fleet has! been ordered to assist Tarkey.

Discttssiaa ia the Hoase of Lords r e k -t i re to Captains implicated in A e slave trade. Spain remoastrated wiA promiised ameadmeat .

Tbe BriinA fleet l a Caba is u> be aug-mented.

Large arrivals of gold

Maj T G ttleweU. Willi* Saud«», Eaq, Re* S S tauimore.

UoaJ Dbroaka, Dr RO Brown, Dr C'PMontgoaaery, Gea J L Oweo. Dr JoKph Hrard. B«T L B Millikea, Dr J A Ware, Dr C P Coffin. l>r J B Tardy. Eev L B IJWMIB, B K Webb. KMt. K,v A L ^ v a l l . Col Geo H Young, Gen B Oriltuo, Rev V « H Hokuxbe. Bun J HBeny, Rrv U G Spencer.


CalaaitMu. MIM Kcsparco. " Macon,

Wiaataara. -SlarkviUe, -

. M Abrrdeea, "

M M Pontotoc. "

Waverly, Tipp«k CO,

BE>'J. BUtiC. Stc-y.

Taa AraiCAii Maaraa Caraca—Oor brethim from AasCraRa.: uf tbe Colored MiseioB of thio city have ereciesi


- a r a ta i jy .

Aei r mifmir^ m d mmn." fcr.

L ta i i ta te«ar Hesw> -fcr^ A e is^jariea n d

rSaAw-enmiaraa.^ - A a a s b t a so l i ^ d l 6B

| r w y aniBy l o r e a e e a e a i i u B i t ^

(iy aad faOy i b n ^

. M J S . Wteliii iniaipas»» I AsaraJaef t a a a ^ w a a n

t af AaBedeeaeai is •anil III, n Aeia

a ihriaa B o i j t^wttb l^m. Wm um*

e b a U k e r aad jadge fe yoaae l r e s . Tkere ia ker MHufy: t k e w a r f d k a o w a i t b y h e a r t . T b e past, a t ieaat, IS aecore. There ia Boatea. aad CoacanL. aad L e n g i o a . aad Baakt r H i l l — s a d t b e i e t h a y wtO m a w fiwerer. ' «4 The sale apbcdds tke rieioas aad idle j The iame»<d k e r •oaa. & r a i g m the great ^ the expense of tke Tirtaoas and indas- • a r u g ^ far IndepeadKBcc. BOW Se w a g M t r a w . i a i i A t h e a e B a f a v e r y S t a t a . f i v m N a w ] ^ - ': » s . T b e s ^ a sabjeeto tbe sober to great k a d t o G e K g i a ; a a d t kam tbey will ba]«,ppRa8ian. fcterar." j 26. I t tabea the aober maa 'a earamga to

Bat we tarbear . MassaebosetU refosea gmppon tbe drankard . a » » e e t a monaaient toWakater. ba t aai g j . I t sahjeeta aaaaberlan wires to aa -eae af E e a t a i ^ ' s aM«t gified sons kaa t d d saflertngs. aa id . -Thaaa w b a a r a a x i r t d e a a T a i g af a ' gs . I t is eoatrary to tbe BiUe. ^manaewt m h e i need aoBe." Pa lAe 29. i t ia coacrary to eomnoa sense. «pBikm is S d J e . This is tbe Act 10 be; 30. W e h a r e a rigbt to rid oarselrea of Earned kvm A n artieie.

Switzerland hss ordered oat all her men to figbt Aa^tna, if arcessary.

Meaxikoff left Constantinople on A e 22d a k . T h e Raseiaa army is lUO.OOO strong eoaceatrat i i^ on the Turkish froatier.—

a fine briek ckapei. located hack of Cafiitol BiU^ and finiohed it iu a neat «tyle, and fid > r it a laoor tkemialvsa. They are naiwA ajaoaperoua eonaiiMB. witb a Boetialung Sahhath »cba(4 af 75 or H) rcbolan. BmUwt Kelaoa Maty is the Uoderaior. '

The Ministers of Englsad. France. P r a « i a , Thev cordially tnriie«tni«uriBg biethrea vis-

eahy , ba t Mea«koflf and Divan are mflex. W y c f b w A m . . ,

^ T h e Ot tom«i fleet was despatched U,; 5 < « a - W- • / T \v Sorth LouisianaBaatiatOonvaatioa waiawai oo

Egypt tor troops. T h e Mmister of ^ a r , ^ ^ ^ witk U . i called oat aU waHlka m o a r e e s . : Gbarsk, Mowit Lefasaaa.BieaviUcpsiiA.iBaiasd

All iqaiet a t tbe Ciq»e of Good Hope,— i af wiik Ux Mioden ckiuch. a* ^ i o a a l y ^>poiaV'

J JubbMin G L iecuii i^ aud reniittnes J Jamagin aud remtttaue* li F Jones aud reanttabca

L-41 Lamb and reuuBnuea AXcdbeUet and ivmiuanca

M—J M U w y and rcauuauca J McDaaiei A 3 Hoorr and remittance W « Miller and raailtaBca 3 F. M w i t a ^ aad naaittsace D £ McBhrath and naumaca

J W Xn>h a»d laiainaBca O—J 8 Oiiver aud remiuanca P W L Powrt-andrewttanea

W UPeaiee A W Pat tenwB E B Paraonter end i»»ittai»ea (5 O Perrin iind rrmitl»»c* R Foiand aini reotittwce 3 Pwiywaa and reuinaBca

Q—B QaiM-nhenry and reminaiice K—J BM^luid and rnniltaacc

J RaicliSc aaid reaiitlucr J r RichaidAaa aad reaaittaBca

L Stuart aiidieaaiitaace D U Si>na and rwtttaara A A a»vaU aad KBittaace 5 Slieltoa aad rcBittaara A S £3BiiA aad reauttaaea I N Shephard aad reaaittaMa

T—R W Tkomaa J P Taylor aad reauttaaea JCTatBBN J J Taraarasd mi t laoce

V—K Viaiaf a. aad rMiittaoee ia two W—S Wilaoaaad Ma'tttancc

K Woodward aad naaittaace P S Q V a t o o a u d fiaiittiara O WibooaBii icaaiBanco

T B A C N S B S W A N T GSSTLEMAK aad LABI totabaihagaaf tke LaFayatlc Female AcaJsiW.TatiraiiC*' Addr«a A a. TCBBEBJ

Pmaidcnt iioard af Tiactoea. June A IdiGrsagv. Ala 1

' T c LiJCE ICii.—The aahi«Tiber»

_ iU he mady to deliver lea oa awl after] Mumlay, tlie KUT ai U^. 'U. at ^ceaU {lar pfMind.

Ice Tickets «aT V li»-1 la :ke t i U U. Sc>»et.iu>4 at lite lot l><4ial. Rat c< Jttka U S<<.aa'»St£M<-

c r ice Drpot offire open at all kmm dar aiKi

j ^ O R r H E k S

tti S5—hi

haKLtiX « i>AU>alS.

' i e rAe acesa.]

l - i \ IOIk U A L L , Mmrbi StmH.

D A V I D T.- W l S S T O J f . Proprntw.

SIKCKlbeSrw this baa beea Ifcaruaghl} refaumd, aad m aow rjMdy (ar pabtic afrrni

laodaliirii ' TV> Ladies' l^^rtraeat are t a i ^ aad tuadaW.

ahfe.aadao |iaia> bi>aU be>|>o»d toasti^y sU wke may five oae Utt-ir 1-ainii.in.

&ttacMiisawell ke(M«alSe awdiTisi of kaswo.

a i u . o r caaacaa . < Board per d ^ f l • • Boaid w w e d t . . . . SiogleMeal*. 35 i Ludra r po' — 9S Day BMnki» per week . 1 Horaeperiiay SO Single feed B

I A4>HI ly

n i L L S A!«I» r * K SAE.E.

I OFFER for sale mx Mi!l» on Mill Oeek, •« tbe LeWooa Tani(>tke. Caar a i i w 6«ai iiaUi

viUe. witk or vithoat iai.d «tuAed l« Ihem. 1 atro off^ ibr sale the tract of land a ^ i a i ^ ; ;

Ae arilik—Ike Taiapike raaatkraaf^the jaiddli-, uf it. Tl»e aui} is »«i|*f»BC, the ia4H»««ti]eat>' 1 gn»d. and •' rvenl (SCeUea* spRnga.

;e*Blaink ITU acres; it wiU be diviacd

PersonF wikkiag to parchaae niDa. are reaaeat ad tocaU aaaa. as 1 aa> deMOBiaad to aifl.

i xa rrar aabUAai n a a t s a i a a f S ^ eop i t f i a lSaM tiaaaf it« high and papular«'

Fcujm m Bamas a«at R FnUar. U. P.,of BiJtiai aa,Md. PI* M a e M t .

Thia waih la aa h i A — . af tha aaiaaaira H nawAi it saAadfa*. apd tka eampaetoaMtd argaawat to whiA thaaa sir ia-daoird.

BtfeawPkAUwar. A aAattoa aCMjWM %r t h T v ^ p a f tiad.%Be«.aaBUM^» D. aad Bar. baal Maaly. J r . J t e a a a d Xkaa. pp.

Peweditioa.lSaM.AMfi. - t * - - lttoo.iaai^ i W - - iilaia. ^ y i y l a a r f ^ s a J T ^ ^

- •< a-wa.neat. " - Hi

• t »

Tat V a i tw SALtanm. fey fcv.dt. ». C H. * •

Dv-tua ur Maanaa to figwaasa.

Sairgi^. aad Rcv. A. T. HJawa. l«-J». FlAaSSc. • sAnui R a r u ios Fumxaa C«*«*aa*noaB r>« C a u M n . by Ci.«toflhailaa A'Aifwatorian-I ^ J b ^ l a r j u u n g p s a f d a . t > r « I . H ^ ] j < te .

pMa«Tij»«no» as* SuKt'a r u T i i j i i - s , Iff Fiaf F. H. JWi. l a saMp. >*

Taa Ai-vamasa ar Suuuia &SMM. Isaars-ana.. W Rev. C It. Mdtsrr .D D. Sm.4 edi-tkW. It-UM. pp * ^ c .

A Uscans AasraaaraiuicxT B u i a a i l j v. Jtdii. L. Umgg. U. iJ- fittW oduwfc. teaia, 53 tat.

A UREBAI. OFFER. Fort ioe iiMiii i m advsM*, »e wiQ i^td

: $I«I ww-.h ul tke abuvc at t ^ x ^ d

I5I9QC&;. JlW ieia«c jMiwa aa«hr J b y . * rutoae

af i inaaaH t f tba Brv J . J Oualiu- lv«l.iaiiiu.l».»hiwii33»-. «ill.»iN«-tni i . Prwe 1 2a.

Anv tha fowMiay Unik» saatbj Jaa3 laet ^pmU, apsa tke ( c e a ^ at tW-

ptio: ail Uk bui>k. Al-o alan^Mark af A % i i a s and t i m i ' ^ i -

ta ihmk* rwnraatlT an fauid aad mM ^ \ > » Yoik aud PiiTiadrlpa'ia i*io«».

G ^ m r r A M a i * o n . J ^ l a Sapi r ah

llaTS^-Sai Char t i . i ^ .« C.

B A P T I S T B O O I I - W T A B T K .

l t M ) N k BOOKStlXHSS 4KD S I A I I O K I W

Hw. 4 4 . r a l M S Bxreea. R a a i M n i l r . T r .

T A R h o e MBpaU; i r rnvA ihc Uowitg^ raluablr lioui» far Mtaittetft aaid Mcaamn-. ai.d iBdred all who «ui2 gvud buutr.cai. U-uifljikd hv .4-cdit.fu> their arAsai: F i T e H « i ^ r c d l f a k « « r i l r a ft ttbelctamw

or f«r«U ae rwuw. ae. P m t p t t r y U a p » < i a e a a d CbManAiia ; -

teTk' CwipsBMi. 3 -to

ThmacTj I toaaapar f

April 9 ,11^ . WM. G. M. CAMrSEU,. t Xi

I witk the consent aad |

P . - the bn r i en .

l a lapoi txat Qaatkai-

M Mfiaiitm a Cltrkml IhMfiAmt

? A S r a o a s T a a n a a a c a S t w a . — ^ W e

find m aa Eaatem paper the foOowing ar-. . . gBBiaats m A r o r of Temparaace, by Mr.

a d a t p o n s m ; Bishop ^ ^ of Engl« .d . who is A e ABK " A pro- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P „ f i « « . t . we beliere. for

British proapecu m Bocmab are black— ed. TkU chaaga u aade 1. A approval of the Slinden A a t A . for rauooaeaa * ^ ^ • . . ! ^ w i t h t h e i B t « « t o . f AaCoav^iiio..

Dates from fcAangha. to J f a y W t h . — t , ^rf^r of Aa Boaid. Kankw is Aaasted by Aerebela . Tke Im- M. A R D I 8 . 0 . &«. perial Comausaioner hired a Portagese I Biethrea and friend*. gcaenUy. ate iavHed to fleet to protect tke city, b a t was capiared [ attaad. aad will laeet wiA a coidul welcoaie. by tbe rebels. B e thaa sooght aid from A e Aaierieaa, E i ^ ^ fikd F i e a d i Con-

S s b s e r i p t i t i B e p t r t ,

/ •ar aaeit 0ndi»f ITsdassdaf, ISA. 1853.

X—3 r Ariedgo. B—TJ Btidgea.

T O T H E P V B U C . r r ^ H E nndendgBcd toMfeishia aerrieaa to hia J . fnenda ^ Om pnbBe aaamf l r fkr tha

mat aunt at aU kiaAi af C k a s ^ a a a e a , raa naii. Sore Eyas. Rhearaatic Paiaa, Scnfala, Vhitr Bwalliega. Dyn*|iaia, *e.

Aaaa eridnecaf hia of tlKdM>«a mentinaad

ihw' panoaa wte have 'l —asaw sf manv yean staadiaa. refemd to a r v ^ af tba: seaa who have wUaaaaad eine on cawa who have |dAcd A

, ThenOi Ik la a f ^ M a i w a A

I A U X T . — T k a a r a a BO* h A tadred i ram B fiariand's iaBBwAw*.

i are net to attafBf* •• [ A « M e i a i a T i ^ ^

i - ^ t a tb«a«. a a : « A t i « of tka B » i »

dy tb ts : T b . i i ^ 'r fiae k e t w a a a X e r i i *

kaa t terer l«Abi«« : to t b a t

abar of ParSaaseat, we Leeds. The following is aa extract from

-What in

•eri{«ira iegiatetira body. iiiakAf htwa.

h i . s p e e c h : - W O r , ^ . . to W gorerned h f t b — , » a D « i - rf

fanna! Legntatara witboat lua i l i to ian , * ^ p e c m a a d feOowa depatmg A e m aa tkeir topRseataiira aad ac tors—Am ( i n t i t a -ts ig tbemaedres a legiaiatare beyoad tba fBBtiol of A a people, ia a a ctkilKtioii of m i a a n xa o a a cor n a a o a r sAaexaocs

mtoxicatmg di iaks ia A Aear extreaM sedaetireaesa and IB tke an btttancMtquerable strengA of tke drinking hahit wken oace formed; aad Aeir peeaSar asaSguty is m their beiag the pa-rea t or narse of e re ry kind of o i m a . wiek-

. . . . edaess, a ad safiGniag. • B B A A . - - A g a m a a ^ a t B B i t i B f A a L e ^ - I « y boldlT. Aa t B O awa Bring, who iAAire, JadBdat aad Execatrre P ® * * " ' a ases intoxicatiag drinks, is f ree from tba ^ k a a d a a f tkaaasaa a w . » « abaanl- : ^ ^ ^ i f ^ ^ ftfAtkeory.aad m p r a e i i c a t i T a a B y " — I ^ n e k a saciety. tka people a e ra taaDy ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ frwklfcl AaUaeaa M a r a d . and B a U a t o k a i a t a a d a t ' ^ p ^ ^ b « a g b t into captiri ty to the kab-

i tha & a l K « e a ~ legisJarira body, aad M - b m B « ; »

k Doctor , a ad Biab-I Ilisn Iliiiiila 4 » e a o f A a f i B e a t p r o a M B a W k y t i a d n a k -

F iaa i A a p r i B t e d - S a p t a t o f D a b a l a B m . i 8 f k a k k « t o r i e a . r a ^ 1

i l ^ a l T i i sajB

A a Ganatal Qmfcraaea af W44J* a a fca» J w « k B « « a a k kaaatoa r i r t aa l p a m a i ^

i f e Hamlt«»a'«{afiHwanb B i A e p ) optaam, I kaaa kaawa m a y ttaieeawa w k e a m k a a ^ A i i s a b | e e C Mr. H M a l i a a a a i i : ' H ^ i a a u d e baakrapi . I k a r a kaowa a w d a y j»iilkiea>,>j. adjuacvCtatt r a n d y ) wiA A e aekobm wbata k kas led to p m i a & I Aanaal rimti n a a a . is aapraato. I t s ae- kaae k a a w a l e e d w m , aiwdaiaawparialeB-

I t kaa tegadalwe,. deals, wkom it kaa d i a a « i dowa,to pro-Ita figaay. 1 b a r a k i o w a p i a i r t « af l e l i ^

I at pow- gioa, in and oat of tbe e a U k B A w n t . a f ) « t o m ^ i « l B a B a d i « g a k u i o a a . ' a a t b a < y | b aeademte boaaia, o T e f d i a d U efc>-

war ia fa. T U a A fcl pawaralqaeaae^ s a y . of t a A wef i t l a a* . wboai k f a q m l i V ' s A M . Tl | a Coafewwae baa ha s fwi la •in it a ad b a t i i r f a r t t A a p r e e i -

AR aall o m b I . i j i i a f rf jobf ie i a t o y . l i l A | b e i * e y a a i | i a B . . with horror oa tiMdr Ato- I

^ ^ t i j ^ L ^ - ^ o f A a a t m n p a t a a d c i h a r -tka daefriai^ar

A A a t w p a i a t a A i l Aa cxectt ira^ iSfff

XT Bethaada C h u ^ Oktibbeha Oaoa^, Mias., j . three Dtlaa sooA of A s Cbtietaw Agency, haa;

sals , who a^^need to reader assistaaca. The : apfointod a meotiag t« counencaou Friday be Amerieaa eommisskmer p M A e frigate fare the fir« W s n U y ia a r t ; aad Sa^^aekaana before N ^ t E ^ K o - O B B t s j l ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ P ; : ^ o f t b a r e a a l t . . Baptist pfaaehsn ta attoad withaa at that t i M .

S a w OaLXAxa, J u m 13. The Sapreme Coart Aia moraing a a a n f

Botn ly d ^ d e d w foror of the eoastitntioo-ality of tba Bail Road Tax, reeeatly impo-sed by A e popalar rote . Uniretsal satia-Actaon.

Kxw Yoax. J o a e 14. Cotton deeSaed ooa-eighA. Urgt fire at Brooklyn last a i g k t Lost

• lOd.000 . S l i p " N o r A Bend" also bara t . One day later reports say tbat NaakiB

has blk-n. The Britisk CoaiBiaadtf refa-aes to k l British merehanU g o a p A e rirer w i A stores <>Mr either party.

Nxw OBtxam, J a a a 14 S a n e exciu-meat to-day, oecaawaed kf

tamors of an mteaded rising «f tka slares of Aia aity. Jafarmatioa was g t r c a to A e Poiioe last a i gk l a fraa ae-jro. who pointed oaB^^oee of A e ItagloadeT*, wha waa a m a t a d and feaad keat%^ armed— eo^fcaaed A a t Ae i r plan was to argaai ia t.fiOO aagroaa; to aitoek tba eky a t sere ta l poiats A e a rx t d s f , tocladiag tbe powder a u g a o a e , Miat aad pr iadpal kaaks . Tka e H f w a s to ba aA oa i r e , a t wkiek l ignal A a aagroaa n tbe a a i w a a d i a f e aaa t ry j a re ia to r iae .

T k a w b o i . atoty is coai i iWyt improU- ,

tba Poliea t b a a g b t i t e a e e a ^ S a t a k a aBt

In ea>«a af canear it ia aaacMial the patieeta oeme lo MB<6ae*oro". aiy plaee af laai-deace, aad (rauda ontU the (-aaeer u kiOed aad

4 aanmtotaheaent . Tka* a Ba ata alBietod with - .this m a t fcaufnl if tlwy daainaaaaady ' inri iafwoaldaowdltoaTafl theaHdreaaf aarrt-

itea aaaaaa a-aeeeiMe. t iaae a s a a thiaa isa-r , " J r 1 neetedwkh thLdaeaM that aU wha aR^i ie ted

: 8 diotidaedeifctand. mwBtheSedtheqawaeaa-TCartwnght ' j e*n<toe*atac«ia , theeaaea*d«mfc™Batan

SOCraft — - ' l A t e a i e e e d ; tkiaary eodieiaaAaee w i * e e t m -J ROark ] tag any paia to Ae patiaH. aM does aat daifaiv •• * t | S i l B i « e t h a , a a a d S 5 M i i a | » i a f c l a a i ;

« itcoiaeaiB D-EOadaaa .

who Uva w adjoiaiag conatiea. By otdir of tha church in conference. Sittnnlav

briom the fint Lord's day ia May, tIlS3. Um.<i|,'b her caauaittee.


DR. M L a s r s VERMIFTGE. CTDoring a pvactioa «f • a t e thaa twea^ years.':

Dr. M l u a had aMeadad inaaoieraMs pitfaau • aOistod WiA avety i w a af wwa disaaaa, aadj waa iadaaad to apply an lha aaa^fiaaof hia aiiad: to tha diaciwaty af a rarsriiafe. ar wur» daaroj . t «,eartaia u i u e l e c t a ; tha naatl ef hia lahnn ia tha Aaaricaa Wanal^acifte. now hafan the aaldic. which ia petfacay sals aad -aaF ka gi»ea alika to chOdna ef I b a a i ^ laadMrace,ertoihe . ^ •d adaU: it paigas adl^y aad aahdnea fcver, aaddasttoya watma with iarariahk aocsaaa. "

e a a y of admiaiatratiaa, aad a t i t dees aat4 tiaa wmrenf ta say tiaaa are ateaaaary wiA ngard to driakiag «eid

aema. iovaet.


Ja r r J it rntnrt ia rnarirt n r k rlia miii k ahiM ihs isa

O Dodaaa : « r b raawred. The laager thacaacerliBaMdi. J * todtoarnBdthegnMrw«lhalhetesa(AA. RPDonneU. . . . . . — - 11 aad a l a a f o tiaas ra^aiiad to ^

E—B -H U ' : DVEAaridge J b . C8.

»_J « M CAlfCES CURED WITBOVTPAiy! 3 ' . f l ^ m R l EEy veato aea. Aaw aaaaaHd aeaa^

H—J Hinior«a A. o*ro« t h a ' i i ^ m ^ of M) aaaa. BSM - .6 : tiBM after iUafpearance, I eaOed aaaotlt'hiattd

I L S ^ D ^ J S ^ I T S S T I R S S : ^ J ling it'oacwichcnnric. I tnfccdgMKlyl

f s ^ i e a d o a . and fNaatod aa hinaA Saea'tkat K 3 tiaie I havebaaa Bsatodbrathsridiyaictai*with B S Hanwaiwri-r i lhe«aKreMlU T h e d i i ^ C o a t » S t o ^ « a d . E HoJmaa - ' .iavaivmg lay enure a«e . aad fptvadaa i h H i ^

LJaontaga " iAaekaewt r " " " " •


tiaaa are ateaaaary wna lagara >« onosiBg m u wuat aeriaHeapahk afdatng the least injury to tha taadaraat ialhat. An iacradiMe aatoher ^ — — h M azMttodlvr thisevaat* '*^

isie the e«*. My haaoaaf a o n H ^ -S^kadaatiialy ded. M f l i h e W a f A i r aai

1 Dr. JsBtuay. of MaifitcOwra'.TaaB . in the Beat I Meet ol cauccr diwaae. Batwaea tva aad six

•«»T. Pfatnnl aadHwal—% Itc* Ja^. 3k CoA, A. M. a 35

P^lpnh-CaUictoBa of noaa f r ita aiist f i a r T Liviac'lMvu.eo^^ Engiaaa. I a e v A a m * ea fcy l eae i {Buemi Exprd. t iat i>-hrA E Uya.d.m. P.

A e a i w e * . i a » » dartary _ _

^ " S k a r i i S N ^ S ^ J t i r k y J a a . M u d i ^ .

D.D. ^ m m m m l . _ i toiheSoflniair l^ yleofOad k y i » s a . AWsati*w.» D.

n U i f r a a r r k T M I a B l t f - A a e t o t o s d» liveird at Ae LaiTcrHty ^ iqpma. IMS— byUDiviaaa. 3 »

T i K X i r m t a g r • f B u l l p l i . ar tha Doctnna of T j p a a - ^ Be* 'ftaiKk Faa-bobs.

r i r a i C p M S e a T T a l M , Tneiicall] & fiainrii—hy Dr Aagmtm, Sassder. Kc

• w r K l a a d I g i m i B B i i A t A ^ a l u i ^ B e v . E . Arvi»e.A iAlAdSeriptara lUdewa

KySocha di»'ct»itv df iitiAat aad iveyedin the fan

• .«8uaha ..n i r - afaaaatatosaaQAlsaad vm^BslaahlstoMraArTi aad BdAalfc B c W TSaAen. far AaMladkatiaaiarmih; alto catua hie far f u ^ laadiac.—Jha. Jas. A.M. J a l w t f c a B a p l t i t Tht'titt.w%mrmftm-ma4

i b M a r ^ a b a A s B s M of hi* Miaisay t« a * e t t ^ % B e r . F ^ C J ^ b b c i ^ A J ^ I M . of Taartitfm Sad Loatamiak l a d B B F C n -

B i p l e r * ! « • « • w 1

» «>L I

ia Akhati B r h n *

Jaaa4 , t aU .

B F Jaaea. T JAnasa '

_ • , j w . a . s i . c , l p i . e o d » i a e i f — ] | . . i l W Mfddlstoe.. . . . ' tdariaa wksh t ^ h e has takea aat thacwar—

A J ••^•••••• iAe ^aea whew Ac F>a«ar wsa waawad ba<: JKMaatwaa I a s ^ l y h a ^ e p . 1 ran a n A i a f i i ^ , „ M , Uaaddai t fa r thshewfcaf thaaAietod.)lhs»Dr. J M - i U -^aaAieiae gav««aaopam.w«aaa» |«ad a #

V ^ J B K a A t tbaesaeaaedpamiBatiiBriae ia t b a t e t J ^ aaaad dash. Ttoave l awr rew

ef wanto have h c a aipeltodhy tUsgtost faita.

t J i T h a ahara relaahl at Ae principal Diag Btom ia MaAviUa aad


l a a a A h a d

C r ~ T A whale I*sas , bvar af BaoAaad^l

af FhiUdaiphis aiaaal e m a a B f m , aa they

ngOttMH wham i l k a t p a t e waakar A a a a k i U r m or boik .

i i a H i A i B af i i l a i BilBtaa< C o t i n a e ^ i o k a k a p a i S A a A wk<w it k a a ihhas fd iato k n t c a . I

IwtasarirBii A U q a i a l

A m a A d soale i/eo b ^ r o e a . K o atbaia £ seo re red im-

ef Ais r shaUe rastody fm U sapptkM sJsaiAra

j m f U k a g aeadsd. The ^falters hava«»A-)

f lLUAM J & a u x . MurbveAaie', May t«A. l e a .

Aa smAat. sad A* d l a - a tbs daafsraf a^rflaeAn^

A l a a a A . a a i fcaiiJy lef t to-day oa S teaAt r JUIpM fcr W a A - l M | i f D n l g M * U ^ . v i a L a a i B r g l B : ^ ' > M | B b s t a .

.4 O - ^ dOlivar.»

F - ^ G P a i r i a — R B J j R F- j i sad . . . . , . - . Jg^. BBl J * F T ^ W i a W c«eti<y OMO,! __ J L F o b a r » J . wiA a <aaesr aa aiy Wft hairji. far A» last

B _ J BaaAOa. ' ' __ L * ' Minfuisi^iJii.'Tiiis . T Faa- u imi T>i"ai I T I f l i i D F sdearrAf i s d i b h a l . Dr.J tosarj h A

A A Stairan

ABBadA... . * Jf BtM riMMf o aeaaao •••aooooooaaaa-aaa-a W TlMMft aw'*^

- ' - ICTaa i - a ; j l ^ t l p . a b . i A i r i ' . l i y

t a h a a A a d l i B M i aad to aew Si a i w

/Vffjf "CSNiiil f

ftoto Ar I M If FAMaif to«f . •^Af tAah aiiiMiaisial

fir Ft — ' Ti h a » Al B ^ r i t s ^ lix^raawrtal M


aanaa^ aiil ou»«r M M^i^tiitrlfi^Sl^ktM^ •saha aad B M a a a ^ . 1a*tha lu^*dR|c«>.h

S.BLCtfShaiiaa r a a t B i a i S ^ S ^ S S R i h w s wtfiafg«aMii;-Afiilii<iiaii? m M B W W I 1 -Aal^MlBpi' f . .

B W t a a B l ^ a a r d .

I C i i A f t a m A a l

a a • • a • a-% a •• .AM iky- i ] ^ m

Page 4: fas, •TLf » YM Mf Hmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1853/TB_1853_June_18.pdffas, baa fc, •Hios* i^teStinkA^ •"•-IHIB^ulll •TLf » ii^SMit Bqtfa Orndt L WW »

t WUrMmsMi^ B A i f * t i s T . J U N E 1 8 1 I M i

1 4 I E I E B&Ml TO D i l l

T W n t e w ^ t e t t e a n a f *

BM n t e a r w a r iU) V k ^ tte bMk toM MMiBi b) .


a t t e ^ i M i tat

Ufcvr k n t e a BMt l iMn fctAMcmUavM;



laWltiiMULtaiiMdk: H M fed* M tear


I k C M r>l lltoMM.


BiT.wAed «1Il7«m»atr I N ^ l i T M t a r * *

«M af IB wdoa <MMte if Mt •If. k tiM pnotttioDn^ i a tn t iw— A* repotilMMi aT p t o l M Mlba. iM w k m : u d . HMB

M t l M h a m . " TUai^miog7».toMytlM iMat K idtofctber Boehut*: iknriMb i i i l i | i i i i i i i1yaf • a t t o t ' — ^ •WMtmwl ia d«eid«07 «atrM— ft p i t fibd oa eoamM MBM>

H<nr» H p o n t m f coorteoiuly ••k.tliat n telrifigrat braff « u Mt «> wkkcdlj, M kabknOT to n p w t Ui« prolwe oatlis of Uw wiekcd, vithoot ifUeatiaa? It ia iai-poa^>ia. I teaaaotbadoiW. Tliatafbol imy aet wHboat daii(« » adiutted. W t tba aaaa eas a a n r b a t n u o f a aun of miawfity. U iaobnoaa. tfcarafcra,tfcat

a «aa k wafttBy a B»oral inMgTC""-la eoodiwoii. 1 propwmd tbe qaaatioa:


f ^ MRft: w i m e w «»ed. by wkas . ad aadar all drtam*Uiieea. Pro-ecwi T' 01 from ika mooth of whtm

ly, i t a tkada ^ S B u n e t does h ta their qaafity—

Off J w a k / iutd their blaqthemou dcibr iity aad i^tiiaaa ia ta BO respect im-

ih«*gh they proceed erea froB« the Bpa of thoaa of whan it •hosld.<odter«tae) be s ^ •Old tfaiaga a n paned away, be-kuU aB thiaip a n beeaaM aew."

Thoafcra. » y t rm eoBTieiWi ia d e * ^

Btiliftj t f Chrtit.

By h h biUDaai^ ha vaa ia all potata iMDptcd like aa w« a n . aad by hia divinity ha bable to aaeoor tbeai that an tesp led . If b« vaa oa]y kaaaB, thea he la aet abk to neear t h m that a n tempted, aad t f l t e waa oaly diriara. d ^ a bawas notia all potalB taiqptad lik* aa « • am. O w 8a-n o a r i a a t a a a . owSavioar iaaGod. Wa ifjoiee ia the aaioa of hia a a t a n with o«r Batan,for it ia d>e paHadhm of oar ipiritaal UC^ the strong tower and refnje to whiA wa fiea aad we aafe. Deprired of thia end. w» a n of an mea the moat mieeraWa. tbe BftaiT of aar rt-ligioa i« Itoae. aad nought bat a gWUy eorp« i« Wft «». and \fO win beOde * e man Uie day he attnnpW ta cttt that aiyaterioiu k c ^ ikd by the A l m i ^ . I Cid»«rj'» crees. To tbe poor wnaet Calvary is a bane* OMUtaia. eorered wiik p e r p e t ^ anew, bat to the Christian it ia clothed with evergreen, a rainbow bangs apoaiubaae. aad gk>ry. ineffi^le glory, crowns iU ramisit. Calvary is the Mecca of tbe Chfistiaa'a aoaL O may wa all make daily piigrimages to Calvary. aa» cend tU height aad Be down at the foot of

i the eress. and when, by leawm of doabt. temptaUon ot sia. we can act ascend ila h ^ b t , may «a stand at ito baa^ and look with longing. Hngering eyea, ap to Cal-

end aad tkas set forth : Tbe npetitioaof ~ ^ ^ V T j ! e a a a a a w a s i e t wru. j Calvary, apoa which our fnend. and broth-

I I M ^

Oiia. Ttwei Amicus, 8aor, Quuis. OtMavMS.


DNTFT. JMEMN, CKMMTCAU. DT, irvkTUla. llwchK.lM3-


• r»«iesaM(B*a cfeanh. AaA wiMB Twskaari la f n j .

RNRNTLMTMJMAWMDM. T t a a ^ l M t e a w i V -

TtaaMSaMwairftwm i w i thsa hapnrbsk

AadOaBthlMBBot^ T s t j w i k a a e M t a s

v i s

i j r f ^ w j er tyjeaw. fcslsm

OUTIAAMMTBRM U t s m M T e a r B ^

I r t M ^ i n k M

T W s aw T

b f t j w r M h a l f c Oh! adl M.>ithadMaif

TmH t ^ mj bdwr ha« I

Taa^ kiMK wr n a r wm fiMttt.itar

-Mhciad ten tdl MJ I

Aad if an gaa4 c^adM 1 n t r Wtt «> w t e I fia.

aaafciMSre Sfaia lawwril. ey *ra dm

VatS wa asi t ia

Saar «r tte Wi

Wateha sa. aa the laadj M . Tdl m kow vMd won :

1 * yea affl the sriag i f i * , I the Ataat kamsB (liMal

t m . I me a WM^ star. Vhm ha«Otat wave liakslBW,

gasiiathiithlsr trm Xmr it tarns, absaaaw^

j y « p.p«l»ia Mew Tor td ty .y

l i T e r G r a ] CKNMM a r JBVMMT



»Mh sa ODBMipatioa. i»w«d POse, rattMas tf Bleed t* thi lSid. Aridity rf th. S j m ^ Xcwm. B«ait bora. DUcaM • » Fo^IWhmm •r Wtight la tk* Stiaairft. Sow pnr ta tM^ Siakiw or n«tt«tot f S w i o ^ of tiM bSmI, H m M sad DiSevlt

rtmAiom. nattwiawat the BrHriUnc.n«tt«la(i . . SuSeeatiai: aessstioM whea » a h i * BiBBem of Vi«k». Dote or W ^ tte •Mit.l»nraadDiilt Pala ia the Bead. Dei-l i e n o r Pkin|>irttioik T«B«r»e» oT tlw S ^ •nd tr**. PwTu the Side. Back. ChM.Luia)e.

JMfciae tflbrpiry. ar lln.1. W.Snw aad V < iteaas.

f lwiiOj i PlerewB,e»B«a*a»0 CassnX D-O n d f i l S ^ r r r . > ftVesa.]! D^r '

Devoted t» Ike ekjtelief lUdkaLl . ieal said Pcatal T«eMn^.t)inJMme]. will cMBMrnd itMtf to the hT«nl>iii»n(ke<r the

tyaieiaa. Ae ftarateneiithi .ead thrOwieiau' no*. The Uitiin am OBnied ia dw pnetaee artheir renneedn dqwtawe*. Dr .Kne .nm iciaa to the State Bes|teLw«IfaraMk ttval/fcr tku Joanud r^ortBof hikCSaicel

Eack • n h e r theSovdtmJeacaalwnii

haMa preparation, aad cScetaal f«ii»dy far

a t e dfalMnee« ec t h e h i i r . t e paw lanriuul?. nmdetiag

aad p™«.tiBf >ts

S~bDA water—ThU eaaliM and t«ft^ii>c drink n « U adspted to the syMan danng

t h . w u . l S U BoaOu. aad.is many for th« relief and eura rt a « a ^ iafiaor doa of th« itoaMch and bowela rack aa SoartMai of the Stonaeh. Bcadaeho. Caetrrwaa. Baart-


VeoAOZf. r«sa«. ry there. Thank God for Calvary! 0 ; what h^iewed aad consecrated scenes clos-I ler Mooad that name! It was then a lull

"OIFLS prvWDtt-Cooiwetietit airf Teaj«-X V •»• Kiie P«rd«r. w a n t e d l ^ ^ t y

IRKSH a u K S SaeM frM Landieth. Rikley, ^io.SCOTXL.

F andth«Shakar»,foraala^ March 36


DE. 'C.

I Biptiat;

Ii was then wrath was appeal' the g r ^ i m p o r t a n c e to the eh.»ch.'ed. and justice satisfied. I t w a s t h ^ the

dmt I maVtbenby call oat some • • • extracted from death, and event-t l» uallv Ibe victory from the grave. It was

Far the Ti iaoisnt EMMS: . . j •

I wish to e«er. throagh the -Ten-j ^ Bap t i ^ " a few remarks oa a sab-1 effected.

of booiac a w M n abk th»myael l , on the same " " j ^ ^ ^

1 then tbe power of tbe adversary of souk to tka aoana pnsaed by some^»« cartailed. and his kingdom received a

af aar d n n k a a and miaiaten. ia deUing "h i ' h >»as confased «.d pardy^nl ita with pabSc oflfeader.. Some of them re- operaiioas ever since. I t was then cap-

L . tl^cInrehwiB set. isin aad destracuoB waa broken open, the to deckle whether thts be a cor- - H - k k s knocked off tka

fet tm ascertain whether or ««

OCCSK-a PA»ACKA—Pr^arad by ».t-o«dkt.lsibanan. T « e . i a a v s ^ e BMdieiM. SMl hi«U/ ynni;"li>d by gea

t W a of the 4m r.-p««fcltty It May ^ ta. kea with »afc^ by of ril afe<K Urjo* any of the f<4fowig d l t e ^ ^ ' f P n ^ * - ^ ' ^ A^ta.l»di««ali»a, laflaaMnoD of lU •^SrHearAani. Diarrh^ Uy»Biaty or Rux. Pilta. Fiatala, Otxtnieted or M e n ^ a tiMueeri^of oawatioB of Mcuw*. Kluur Alb«« or Wfciia. Acer aad F«t«r. Billioua or ^ w . T y i i S i fever 8eari« fevar.aamll Pi.^ Cryaipelit« Aath-n:^ T ^ H t ^ wr, llU>Jea, CortiTOteaa. Wind oa iba 3tu—rh or &w«li. Cholera moAat. Ooosoanptton. Sjrfttinr Blowl. Inau«»». Cold«. Ooogha. fnianaiieUOB rf Ux (%est. PalCT. Govrt SheeaMinii. laAinww^ ?r Sara Taraat ar <Ji.iney. W h o ^ s

hrwh ar Snre Month, Patnd Son Throat. IiiiaMoa;^ of the Heart. Dropvy. Sickete, Dis-•osn of the Liw, latibdiee. DdBealty of mak-itur Crioa. Oleet. H»«t«iea, Kcrroaa and Scrofu-

Ail ctiaDa af the Membrane* aad Liganeata, lOrsartal and Veowial DiaaaKW. Ulearm. Sone, AArCtioB* «( ^ Skin, and aU DiscaM ariMng from Impura Blood, *e. FHte per bottle t».«»-

S Mkiea RedHW ef HMT, ^ T ^ to Fta*h.CaeatantlMguuag«ef Bvil,aBd Onat PtprerfoB of ^erita.

CAjr aa z m c r o A u r cnaaa ar D B . HOOFI.&HD'S



Their power over the above diMMea •• aet ez celled, if eqaalled by any other pnperatiaa in the Uaitad State*, at the cere* atteia.ia raaay eaaea, after >kUfal phyaician* had Culed.

Thew Bitters are worthy the rttBirtian of .iava-lida FeMaacinc ireat viitaee ia ths raetifratioa of diseaie* of the U m and Ie*wr taad*, axar-ritinn; the rnont nearehini: powers in weakweaa and aaeetimi* of the dimsivc oipma, they ate. withal. »afe, certain and pleasant.

RSAD MFD BE COVTIXCED. The "Fhiladelphia Saturday Oateste." mys of

Dr. Hootland's Oennau Bitter*: *-Tt is addon that we iwcwfTid what sieswawd Psteet Medieiasa, to the confidence sad patroaa^ of oar taadera; aad thmfore when we reeomaiead Dr. Hoofiand's UcrwMB Biiteia, wawnhittohediatiBettyeiider-xiood that wa ate aat laaakioK ef the Mwtruas of the day, that are nataad abuot far a baaf period and then fo(|(attm sftrr they hare done thau-feil-ty race of miarhief, bat of a mediciBe long esteb-Iished, aniremUT prised, and which hm met the hearty approval of the faralcy it*df

•Soott^ Weekly,' said. Aiic K.-Dr. Hoofland'a Oennan Bitters, manafcetared by Dr. Jacksnn, are DOW recoBiDeindt-d by some of the most pnHninr-at members of the fscitlty as aa article of Bmch effi-cacy in eaaea of female weakness. Penoasofde bilitated coastitntian* will find thaae Bitteia ad-TsntaKeeok to their he«ltb. as ve ka«w irom e j ^ rieoce the salotaryefieclthxy barcapon waak ays


i faa^nf i TF BCHKT aatf A r ^ f a FIL^IFIITET w PKMW^CG^ amf J^NTUI

' SDATN. C » m { ARMTT.

Mttmwt awrf XwUnt, Aflbrdiaf aFjuiarci. samlsimainiai Kwwidetf the n c m t stale a« dprogteeeive advaucemaat ef the diflaRnt Depanmemsaf Kediene.

The Oeamal ia aiAlithcd bi teiathW. eedi Bomber contaiBiBe^ oetaro pafas. auiki^ ia the year a TolaBCM OSpagea.

FMee«apsraaaaH.aisMpiiaadvaaes. acriptioBS to begin n t h the vaUme.

OoaanBiesdeBS far pobliearinB. -warfc* farre-

c o c f i i s , c o u s , M o s i K e s s , BIOIISCBITIS, W l M m C ^ ^ C C L

c i K i r , i s n i i , i ! o c o m i n i o K .

Many j—» at Saal>iaat«ad af im|wni,, ^ pablic co^UeBce iathis nedioBe. haa far

the anst ssBfaiae Vcthinc bat its iwttiB^ viMBM BBd the aamia. takeahle b—fttS. emimni OB

be adaremed, R-T FM, te JocBSAL. Ac.. I> aiAviOe. TeBn."


Cr Sdilor* giving theabeeatwaiBetetisaiead a eopv ef thair papns eoetaiBtng it ta

» addrna of Soathen Jmaal, viU be endtled amAnc theaddma tathaWD>kfar«ae

March S6.

rect praetKC. wen anbarred, and K t tha Seripta.« enjoia it. If they do. ^ ^ i t i s o o r d a ^ t o p n c ^ i t . If they do ^he san« power.

.V. t - . - ^ » L ^ to enter through the gateamto the ctty— Ood be thanked for the matchless achieve-ment of his Son. Encased as we a n ia



•aeCthmiiM. Vkidhyemdiataatshi l a s

iqmrd aatheB%fct.

ba af daabttai propiiMy. If t h e n be aay each aathority m tha , .

warf of Gad. I c i feaa 1 have not been J " -wwra w * ^ ^ tiee to his sacriiceaad love, bat whan wa

« d - r wiB say then ia any poeitive p n - ^ I m L ^ ^ h. Yet advocates of the ^

will say private labor eaa do no « f -may dTaoma good. I admit "Not «tto us. bat unto the L«nb Utal w „

w a a g ia egaverstng pnvately with a -pabSe offBBder, pnvidod saitable opfieata- .jj, , degna of Wly is to think one's

skan afltar; butsuch (UOcalty eaaaev- ^ j j ^ ^ ^ ^ „ XKH otben so; tbe ar ba settled ia thia way. The autlar. if ^ de»pise aB counsel, if properly managed, mast eome before ihaeharah. Tha plaster mast be as broad: as tlte son; the offence h a v ^ been of a pabiie character, the atonement aaast ba •adaaapaUie .

Great a«il may. and does <^en nsnlt to tha diarsk from tha pweOea ef requiring private dealmg in such eaaea. Sappoee. far iastaaca. that a e h a n h asember has committed a graaa

( D b i t n a r i t s

T k e U b w n r B a p t l a t A a a w d a U e w l • A L E ACADEXT.

XTM JFMRKIT. Maduim COWTLF, AU. RtV. WM. H. CXX>PKR. A M. Fw»ctr*i-

THK exsmituOioB of ih* pupils of this School will be held in the Bwdsi Chorch, rom-

meaane oo THCBSDAT,«be iSth day of May next. All penoos iatareated are raspeetfully la-Tiied to attend.

The n»xt i*»»ioB of fire nonth* will commmee OB MOSUAT. the 4ih day of Jttly neit.aod it b denrsble and very inporraat that student* taXia at the cnmBMSMeturDt of the smauou.

Tbe Tmiiu*s of tbe Aeadrmy w»old respect-ifallT anooBBrv to the citiarDS and coiiun< aity, I thst their iiii.titiition is now in vaecesifal opera I tioa. and would solicit a share of the patroaafta i withia tha Aswciatton, hsTiug securrd the serri-i ces uf the lUv. Wa H. Couro. A. M , an able I aad «xp«>rieiie«l twher, who wUl spare no pains j to advance, both moraUy sndiatellectiially.thoae ;commit»dn>h>*can.. . „ ^

The coarse of studies snbstanusUy the same aa in aur be»t »cbo<>l» ani

lot Cfsss. Onho^pby, Biding. ArtthmeCie, and GMwraphy, tW per M»!con of 5 moBtha.

3d Cla"*, lutgli-b Grammar, Arithmetic, and OeograpHy . t j CtsM. AdTsiioed •irwnmar, Htbtoiy, Arith-

metic, RhetorH- - ^ ' S 4ch Cla*4. l>a»is' Algfbra. Comstock tnulo«o.

I phy and Cheaw^ry. FbTMolocy US 1 5ih Class, Latin and Greek Languages. Otwoie-

MOSM BVIDEXCB. J. O. Msom. Stq..ef the Daily Kawa. said. Oe-

tober 31st: 'DB- Hooeuora's Gtaaur Ihnsas —Wc are trr-

iog thisreeowned laedictne for a slnbbom diataw of thcbowris.andcaa with troth taMify to its effi-cacy. We haee taken ttie contests of two bottles, ana we have deriTod BMI« benefit from the esperi-ntent thtui wc derived Brerieaidy fimw yean of al-lopathic treatatent at hands of aerlrst physi-eiana."

Hon C. D. Eineline. M^or of the city of Cam-den. !l. J.,rarki

"Booruan s Gaaiu* Birms.—Wc hava i«ea many fU'terin? notices of thi» medicine, and tba soBTte franca wbirh th«7 caae indooed to make ta-

o u . BATCRAL REM£DT-naeared ftnm a A » J \ . weU in All^rfuuiy JPk

kw the earth'a sarfsee is hii Uy « aa a grew, mediciDe in Si:nlUa, sM will cure pains and enlargewBts of the boaas, BBdmiBCa bla*ehes,fan«s, By«petoa.riai[illi aa the Face. Tetter. Scald head, JtiBg worm. Bad Ae

BSiCodd originaic and aaaintain the wij-ii^^ it esjaya. While many infmaer Temafis4imt apoe tha camnnmfty. have W M and beta ft ended, l o a g u ^ trjeadtbrewgytrTsl ^ fanad heBeftaoB the aftictad Ory caa aetv get,BBdprudacedcBraa«aBnnmwiijmjt„i^ •arkable ta he Ibifuttea.

While a frand oB the pnUic iapntadttat aay eae mefieiBe win hiMlibly cure—atffi is abnadant peaof that die Canxi Rcxoas. dsm Bst only aaageBenl thiiig.bm al—aiBWuB. Uy, care the maisdaes fur whid it at mpiiyti.

As t iar makas dMse {stas widar aadktbt kaowB. thia widiritie hm gnutBaS} b e e * tka

the weU in Alle«rf»ny boBBty. ftuW feet be i best ralia. ceW the Aictsd.fram e earth'a sstfae»—is hifUy ircommeBded j the Saiariraa peasoS. «»1he pahmsf&nnaa

aaagremmrfidne iBteolitKAd S ^ s S v i l ; j j ^ ThiaBfhoBUhkeiitijaeaaBtiy.iaawty -=-T —' ] ^ Bilw X

head,'Jti^ varioas diseases of the skia. Insaaeaaare anm

ceatsiai^ Ckiaat Fscnatsi. iskB:«WB as the ] TCBady estaat ka diT i aw* sf the Thnat asd

Kear.lgia.G«t.4c PHce « ce... per bottia.: ^ For^wbolaala and retafl br the Aj^nt. i « a r t o ^ e i l a » s . » « i r ^ by t ^ M iMffi-

B. CL SCOVB; geat PhjiiLiBW In Siest Bmea, Konhsideor the Public Sqnare, 3 doom vMt ; Bad BeeaaBy^ wfcEee the Bsrdical aeisaam Im* Mareh96 of t h a K a A r f f l e t j ^ p e r f r r t i a a , t>Maifta«Ba,

' ia intradaced. and ia constant aix ia & Aiwk, BospitSLlK. Alan^Boinies, PtdkBc Inatitiaiai. ^

'in daawstwprae&e,Ba ^aaraat imit^thdr

I af ita efficacy io the cam af Khe , Govt. ic. ]

NashviUc and Memphis C. S. MaU PackeO. City a r U a a t s v i l l c *

quiiy retlK-cliu^ nieritii. From ii:<}uiiy we weie persuaded lo noe it, u d Bin«t»«y *e fuund it sp^ cific in its BCtiun upoB di eaiws of tbe liver aad di-gCHtive organs, snd the puverful iaflarnce it exerts opoa aervom-pr«>"trstion is reslly 5urpri»inj{. It ealms and strengtheos the nnveat, hnw^ne them into a state of tuakiug ''leep icf'uJiuig.

If this medicine«»R more genf-raBy u>ied. wears satisfied there vaaki be ies» aieknesii. a* bam tbe stomach, liver and nervous syMem. the great ma-jority of real and ituaginarr diseaaes emanate.— Have thrm IB * healthy coMdiuaa and yau caa bid defiance to epidemics geaeraily. Thi« eztraordi-narr medicine we w»uid sdvite oar friends who

at >B<li>pa*ed. to eiee a trial—it will re-cuoiBienii it««U. It «>hi>uld. in fsci. be in every family. N'o ot her aediciDe can produce such en-deiice> of merit,"

For sale, vholeule ami mail at THE OERJIAS MEDICIXE STORE,

Ro. ISO Arch street, one door bdow Sixth, Phila-delphia. and by tmpectkble dealer^ gnwrally

CTT OF HCyTSVlLLB will leava KaahviUa for Memphis eeety FrM^ at 6 o'docfc, P. Fridw

iL. and leave Maqthu far KwhTtHa evoy Moa daT,at 11 o'clock, A. M.

Embassy wiU inve NaArine far Memphia every Moadir at So'ckKk, P. M..aBd M a D f ^ far Ka.<«£vilkevefy Thsrsclay at 11 o'clock, A. M.. de-liTeriw the mail al the sevaal Poat Ofiraa be-Keea tM ^ove points. WiU idea toodk sS I pmnt* berweCT the Post OS reKoa* traveXling Mradmd will find it te

their advaacage to this lii>e.as itislrom twB to three days quicker and equally aa c^ei Orfaeas. m ^ a g at MemphiK with every la take Soethera Steaaaos; alao cDnnaeli the Aikaasas and White River Mail Line pains will be taltea to render those who CBB sd ase eoatibnahle. Far fansht ar pasai^ apply at the C. S. MaU Office, Xa-hvni«.,tf^ to

A. B. SHAV A CO, MeoiAiB. Feb 12. -SS. A. L. DATI& |

Pbysiciaaa CBB «Bniliiiy farthe aan dBBgerotiaaffi-wwwsttthelanga. Aimimmiim cases, and far chiltlies it is aa&.pleBSBBt, aadsl-factaal la cam. In fad. uaae uf th^maai laaw-iiif teHtSBooials we rrcmve hare bees 6sb natewtehavcfesodttefficacioos inaaeiiBr. tfcriadylinidiBtiHarbitrihaBd

The Ckmar PBcaaasL ia Bwafsctamd practieal Ocaiiia, and emysBaeeai' U tzedsr ha

I a n eye. wiih israriable masamex and caie. I: is sealed and pratectad ht law from counterVSk

iUt easbenlkdaB aa gcBBinewiihw aqe

1 try. Plain, &lid snd Si>berical. Trjgunewtir. Mechanic*, A-ittonomy, ic

b mawUM G^aaaa side. Ortheiteaiyacaairtime,

Whmeteraal dbida. Im ttsifaaaewdl

aU Jordaa-a gleiiBij aira ^totewatpmtaf I


Scitli > M t e k Bekiei m d m .

K a M i a a d i a e a r n y f c n m A M w

Gca rge !>• Megglmaam.

Died, at his residaMO, Urova Bill. Clarke eoan-ty. Ala, May 2&h, U<53, GBOBBB D. MaeeiMo.v, aged 53 years, 4 maatha aad i daya.

The snbject of this Botica waa the SOB of sia. m the preseace of Thomaa and Elisabeth M ^ a a n a Bewa»bore

IB Moetgoawry coenty, 5orth Candiaa, January S4th,iaOU. Sooa after, aometWB yean, his fsth-V lamoved to Saihh onBBty. Tenaaasae. In that State his relatives now dwril.

IB leia, he removed to Alabama, and setUed in Clark county. He was married in early life

S90 do 50 I lacidentals.

TfJCt Bootr$. \ Ray's Arithmetic. Mivcbel'.Geography.Green's , Eui{U»h Grammar. Audraw s A atwWarl's tat>n «ramm«r and Laiiu Reader. » Commeula rie*. Cn*t« s Seied Otauans. Virgil. BuUton's Greek Grawmar and Reader, XrBupboB. Uumer,

thnni^bact the countiy. Sold ia Na»hvillc by W. V

vel, Ewin. Bruwn A Co.. Cart' In LouiovtUe by SmcliSp, ~

by Drucgists evm where. KovT», IMi,—ly

D'li^t H. 0*

IfaakiriUe BtarMe Mommmemtt, Tmmkt, Orum SHoaia. Mmmlla,,

mndaBimdt tf Btrnm ITori^ sebaciiber affies w the dtiaeaa of Sash

X ^ l e and vicinity, all kinds of Marble made! J ^ Z ^ S ^ l . i / ^ latest style as low as can be bought iaanv »

.eastoBciliea. aad will wanwat oar watk > them ail that «Kdicwe caa a* PnpaiHl and Sold by JAMES C. AT£K,

in iitf ^ to give satidactiee. If oar citiaess wiU iavar BS wiUi a call, on the earner of Spring and Snmmer stjteits, wo w»U bagtadlogiyathi?* nm prices a< diffiavnt kinds ef «orii. We hope ta be petnm iaed at honi^ if we will do our w ^ aa good as cheap as it CBB ha desm aia

Ve have eBdtamcad hen te faiaish Omml manity wish amediai:e«f s ad iatrinaicsepiB. ority and wanh as sbonld commtud ita^wtlaw cenfidence—a lemedy at once cafe, ^aeifyiiil eS!AuBl. which this has ^repeated aadtasai-famrriah-preaeditedfte^Btd trust cara ii> ptrpanag it. with rhfiiesl aeBtamg, af BBiform ataeagth to aSord Physicians »aeB a-gcst on whicL they can idy tur ibe best nxla,

^naedr thatwiSaB iv

KashviUe. sov aa. lasi JAMES SLOAS.

j fiaU ia SwhviOe by T . W. ffiJtEt. wMi. sale and rvtaa i ^ t , sad I7 alt ths Jk^r

t£e coiiBtiy.

L E W I S COLBY CO. T k c New T a r k B a p t i s t Baafcatatw.

At tit M ttmd. m AosMa SCretf,


t l i a ^ " ^ dm ayM hatrnwrn. Juidlhara a JiaMme sky.

Aarid thy aparm a^itar ef Isaan


Mvenl other penooa—it asay be drunken-neaa or 3sktiath breaking, or he may have iasaltedaBdabBaedaaotherheother. The offence beng thas pubficly committed, is Toy sooa kaowa aad spoken af throughout tha country. A few days after the occur- to Sarah S. HiU. Profesring faith ia Chnxt. tbe KMe. tha chnndt of which the ofiender is SavioBr, he w«i r r t ^

- a i . ..Pi«eoBCi«k Baptist Church, 0«»ber. 1830. a measber oMeta n ooafcreaoe, w b n a HUI.) ha tmit-brother proposes to mtraduce the anbjeet '^^y ^ Baptist Chuwh. Sept, far ik* aetiaa of tha dtureh; but he is told' . . a temaiBed in full fcllawship—a cletk, tkat they cannot take it ap until some mem- u d thea Deacon of the charch—eatil his death. berdwB kava dealt with tbe offender aa* Active, »aloo«.<tevetedte whas^eea.idswd

the tSth chapter of the Gospel f - - « • ««! '

Demosthenes. Ac . . . . The standard werka ef tha rchaots la moral

aad intellectual scieoco. , ,. . • ! CtJby. Board, with todgiug. waRbing, fuel, lighta, Ac,, ^^^ own

eaubehadfurtS lOpermimth. . I are at the Applicatkms entrance must be aiade tc tae

Treaturer, Wn. F. Wnimui By order of the Board of Tm^tees ' UEOROE D UORRIS, S - f .

they ( offir oa the

di iaatada m^ier af the «der of Soaa of Tempersnea: alse

BOARD OF TRTTSTKES Jowph Rice. President; Hampron W Kefly. 6. W Csrmichael, V. Preat: Wm.Chartain, Geo. D. Sorris. Secretery; P P-Hale Wm F. Whi.ssan, Traaa; Sam! O B ^ , S. Taanar. Athens, Ala; Oeo. W.Allen, W. A. Gilbert, Rogersrilla; W Crenthaw. Athens Dillard Bn«kt lta.!efoBt)>; H. JOBM, Limestone Thoa. Whitaker. Taanesaee. Oe.

April 16-aw

Av Tha aar that haatdthaaUese-d tea,

Tha q a thst saw thss loved.

TatBfchatfc I t e which aa

i r u A t

inahaaaedySMpheiA ••lhyia£mt,ehifa

ihatieaBaraaaarwa, thaataUsmma.

T a Osw Brc tkres i aT DaicB B l r e r Aaaaciatiam.

nnHKondendrMd have made an arrangem I with Rev. Dr. A. C. DArroji.of Bhs l^ i

fwthe sale of ourdenominatiooal orothcr Boi.k.v

by Matthsrv. Tbe mattar haatolie. ( o r ^ j ^ , ^ ^ ^ . oHUuryfegtmeBt.-stir.} ibc a moalk kBgeratkaSt, and the Both of lhe«e societies, sad the Christian cherrh, ehureh s u f t r tha nproarft of mdalging a|ha»«lB him lost an e-tMaed. worthy, valaad

^ t m S X l l f i . i r ' S i ' nia^eedleaetemaBtiontheletetoeoiBmaBi- j « l h « WViU i i l w ^ «pply i W taown.beeaasapubBelycommitted. T t o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ AUkaow«»mhing m a d i i ^ t k a S a v w u r i a t h « h o a s a o f k i s ^ ^ ^ , h i c h f o r a * < M O B m.*tbsfak«beB

friends. i is leaioved by desth.a kind aad aAeHseste hue-I t is f a i t e nlaadWtbaaa who &var, band aad father.

Aia kind ofdiaeMiBe.thatm order taaava He has kit s widow, M sada<toght»r. mm ams OS Of hia Ufa Uttle aaed ba said. Ite reaarda are ia A . M i n g s ot tha efleader. rt t . prop^ to ^ a .erv«l hia day aad r a a r a t i . ; p a n M i private eomrsa with htm. aatf here tohufaiBUy.UsemiB-a o a l d b a r i i ^ l a ngard thaSealingsof ajtry.aadhiaGod: and haa faUea aslaap. as wa £aordcTiybtt)tker mon than the eanse of croit. to Jesus.

' T^nOtUfBS of Bedford aad tha adjoiuiDC caBBtieS wiU fliMi this a greatcouTekieuce. CaU

can olitala books ae the hetw RCTLASD.

on Bro DaytoB and voa can olitaj lama terms as we will aiA^b^ k

' /~10XTIKC£to keep on hatid a large Bsaort-tKw. and scbooi BotiE», nH«st leaeonalde terms.

>v A Co., while prerarrd t« furnish any of mn Urge and tJaaUe isK ^ PmUkmAmt.

are at the name time ajreBt* farthe bmkaof JTie AmtritxM Bmpktl FmUieattBrn Soeitlf, n* Muttaduueti* Sabimtk-SdoU Swatif, m yM £»fia»d SaUatA-ScAool Taiaa. and oihKi Imrgt pmkUtUag rsteifisiaarat*; aad hava special tscilitiei' for supplrinK Minsnas or n s ( ionu Scwar Scaoata, (ktnBSS,Ba. and Booa-sctjjxs gaterally, with every thing in their Use

: at publi^her'k price. 1 LEWIS COLBT t CO.. I Feb 13-tf 139 Ssasau street, Kew York. 1 ————————————————

B A T L O R C n i T E B S k T T , 1 Indtptndtmct, Wmttmgbm Co^*T*xtt*. r f ^ B E Tmataes of this Im-tilatiaw have chang-X ed the aesaionK bom i to 10 ateaths. and

the vacaticaa in fotirre, to be ia the BOBUm at January and Feteuarr. Thia change, which •eeats to ba higUy sati JsctMry tothe pattens, was wade in coiisequ<^ of thaheaHhineMB of the lo-eatioB, the sauul amooBtef asmmer Mkneas, and to five thaae stadeate. esaiiait from lewar and mont unhaaltl^ pfttioBs af the Sttte, the advan-tage of the summer months for atadr.and to s|>eud the mora dimgTasabli

T i l l a b l e and B e c e i t P ib i icaUM& • c M W i r a r A l f t c « BemmMt.

First PaaMr of the B^xiat Cburdi, Baisa,iraw Tcax. aad Senior Agnt of the Aaaneaa

Baptist Missianary TTaieB. BT H. H A R \ ^ .

IFrom tkt Gkriatia- Cbeai*J

IT is a book of a>a«t thrUlii^ interest engraving i» tme totifa. and u worth far

than Uie cost the valnaoe te the nmaeroa* t fnends of Mr Braaert M e m ^ are genetaUy dry and formal thingH. but this i* a striking az-

n e

BOOSETS. Sit*aa<, Auwan, PataKia,FaBs. Fii ge>h Laces and T:

BtBgs,cheim« W. W. EIKEIX Markat St.. S doars bahrw Daiaa i U .

Jnne 5. ISSS I L f i . f C O T E L .

DBEOGISI AKD AfOTBSCAXT. JfarA *>di ^ (fa l>aUic C^Borc, Item Asnaias

tfajrasbakiak. HOLESALE and BetaH Dealer ialNaft. Pewdei . FBBCT AiticleK. Glass. Btathei,

ftla.'Shot. (Mana Va^ JVrfumenr. Dja fln*. ception. 1 bete i , ii,t a paga. but it to a f W l i ^ j J ^ ^ ' t l L ^ S i ^ i ^ ^ s J ^ i n g t n t e i w t M r . ^ n e t t was indeed a ibdOmfB^^topp;^ len^able man—great by nature, great by giate, j " ' j ^ gieat ia the i^^ressii. made S l i e V ^ ;

WJ . «ai3ti*ivel.i hr

Cemprinng tbe Uistorr of Pruridenee as onfald-edtoWSokaf Either, idaos the God of Prirvi-draee, tbe God af the BtUe. and also. The Truth of the Gwpel. demoBStrated from tbe chaiaclar of Sod manifcKted ta the AlaaetaeBt.

£y AjAMtm n t s t o r y •€ P rwvMeace .

as manifested ia Scipturs; ar facte from Saip> taieHlJteratrtesf the OwKiaaaat <CedL

Br Armnaaa Uum». L. L D. "Italfatdsus great pla»-«re tn call tbe paUic

tfteBtisateeay week from the pea of thia gnat and good Bian ' He wrote ma^ and posrerfaily on many important mljects eeoBected wRh rrii gtoa; Imtein iMswwilh aerapaw.cither«f in-tellert or of heart than the f 'ita'dtaciL qf Oad, aa devriopedon thepeseirf ino-pnataon arcommoiij experie^.--JfcSe5'* iserBei

"U ia a h ^ y in»tmetivB boak: for than^ it j its fact-bom the Bible, it throwa them i

fW the Ta i B f i S B V t u i s e - s a

f i ^ i i t f i I V f * ^ WM

the dear Sedeamer. Fsal aaaaaa u have bcea of a diffamit cfiwoa vkan ha said to •nmotky. »TkemtfcatiianlbakabeionaB that otben also asay f t s r . "

T o m . ia Aristisa beads^ A. J . Hoi.oons.

Ftam the Sew Tork Chrsaiele. ef PlK^ODtU.

-Te err is ha He waa a mam. sad doubtlasa I


May St.

oas erred;

K l i t w a f wkaa tibeyar«ni#v.Wgl»

he WW auds a partakar ef tbe DivinaSpirit, and eoold, aad did forgive. It waa teaditag, ew hto dying bed, to hear him ezpreaa hia love towards hw eaemies,and hUdearato prayfarthem — Thote twe beautiful traite af charaetar, ee peca-Uartoaehriatian,pr^Bg far *aami«a.and far-giveaaai. tsgather with patieaca. maskasst. and leaignatioa, shown cot ia their Isttm ia hia da-cUaiag days; betoksoiaf so daariy the christisa •aiat rapidly ripeaiBf far gkwy.

CasfrMd far maay meatha to hie bad. by a lia-gmiaf diaseea, ae eemplaiBts, ae MtenBurs. ea-

Pexbspe of jctox jwveoiW rwd^n PmrHr't

Oiiknnis that ••ihe ladtaa bride

i - -

Chiistiaa.aadwaabaptiacd.'* Tbatiiail . Aad i t ia i—agb. if tha •*&sg&h wwd** kaaa s f ^ a ^ m e a n ^ ia «w vocabdaiy. BatAaea i taoa*ay«a*amiadaor aB tba akSdna who n a d tha sentcaea tba saaM • a a a i i ^ Tboaa aadar tba instractira rf Baptiata wuald ajtdentaad that Poeaboa-

IMH otBcrt vcNdUL b lhw ^ A a t i b a was qtewiUM. Ia this p«<Wea-

ippssa they ^^pad to tbeir tsaah-thair paacata. a a a i l tka taastioa

batwaeatkcM baaatditfl Bat mtrodaaa thaw d todna into *B Bewnrfaaf oar Ha-

Capital, a d l they wiU l a i the «iMM by

Crngmm. t f e ^ i i l k d y d aa OM of tha " T b a ^ a^

u p m t M w g a priadRa tbe ^ ¥ V e M t t y tka M i a a

•ad k f ^ i k a l i l k a hiiU '


•haadaat aad palieady wailed tSI hia ThoM who •mtj kasw himia Beftdl laiteteief hischrie-

Bths ef wiBtar withthw

wcmm D. cuFTO*. aaoaoa a. Aaaon, pMi<i»ii«, Masleia^ IVaw.

C L i n o n dk A M O X T . CMar SL. BMT At Ast cyst. JresMBt. Tkaa.

D k a l u b nr O z n u x x x ' s ArPAsn. A n FcaaoBiito Goooa.

Avuro rsesadyertsbUshed a Stenfcrthe sale of the above azticlea, will keep ceo. r oB band a fiUl asaortmeBt of QaUlomca'a

and Ma^ Oathi)H|, of all deacripUoBa, eoteptia-imi the fiMStwoauty of Oooda, which wHlbere-a e ^ every waak &«a* thsir maaufaetory ia Plu-ladelphia. •mhiA is uader the iauDadiate suparvi-•ioK af Oe senior partaer, (R. D. Clittew,) who autrhssm th* aiitmiik tif thaiBporten.sndpaya

atteatioB to the Islsat flwhioas. atyles. sad darsHlity af workmia i^ . P m a a aM jadgm •f Oomli MB fmraf impeeiti<»aerdee«ptacBaf aay ktad.mthe Goods aie wairaated to p re sati.fsffVia. and they

• • 'VB*.

triowis. The next smiice ef 10 monthi will cuaimwtee

tstMOaUAT IB Maidt. IbiS. At the and ef S amnthatl>c Board of Visifa>rs, who will eonst&ate aa exsi^nitig Oemmittee. wiU have a privateaBd thoroagh ezamiaation of the Stadrats aad mpott •Bthasame. At the end of each Ot^lepate year apablicexamlitation wtUbeheid. FoUpaniea lam ar beth latitatioB»aie peblished ianpara* Catriagues. and will be sent to aay P^nwa, oB appncstion totbe P>mdeBt,arto PIBI. B-CLARX. f ^ p . 1 Bf theFemak CoUega.


Bev. Rcra 0. BrauaoB. A. M., PresidaBtaad

havs here aHboni

b aie wBiraated to p re saa.fscnna. ana tasy oac eat^*. bed p ^ . which they stricdy ad-to. earept wfth WWesaJa Dsoters. te whom MaidSi^wUlheteBda. AU peraMW ate

Hia la* Bight O B earth waa imptasaiva aad ia-anctiva. Sooa after dark a viaiUeAmige came rrerhim Ha feU that he waa arw dyieg

The wtiter al ihK by tha kJadBeaaaf the fam-ily, was paraatted to bapiaMBt. sad twaabaeat saas were aMt far. Wabewed taprsysrareaad thsbedsidsaf thedyiag. DeaA was tepidly sp-

PrafaMorof BeUes-IiCtter*. Ancteat Laagnagaa and Spani»h. ^

Rav J. OrrmJEB. A. M.. ProHwaat of tha Kat-utbI Sciences and tha Oermaa lismsam.

Bar. 8.0.0'BarAit. A. B.. Piefassoref Matbamat ies and the French tangBBge.

• t . a 8 Fitaataata. PkiiMlpal af the Ptspeise teiy Depaitamit.

JVtces i V T i r m ^ i JbaCte. PHmaiy Clsas, - - - - tlO aad »IS

^ iBltagU«h * Aaei>at L s a g a ^ . 1&

' . » JBB 11—«f


Pieparatary. iB lbigt» OalWiSteDepartamBi a p a ^ , French e r a i ^ .pc ra i aB th .


peaadiiaff. Rrmly the dyiaf asadaa the hriak af the aiystie JetdBa.s*d ipBfcaealm.^aMrfel.he|>*fBlweeda Ageia.aad wiA Sten thsa aeaal eaergy. he cxpseawd lua ea^WteteaigBelieeWthewiHel6ed; his ca-tits Jspaadsste apea the Lsed Jeavs. Bat a VBasHmtkaag ever tha dyiaf eeaacila. the tta-darpertiaca. tha Isat hutaaas af that sofaaaa hear. They bsleef te thees whe will eaaeSerase tfMtiyaftctiea. At ta t ihaaa mlkd. salted 1k#ttaisstti*e.«an8etly. apaa his ftthsT. h *

The ear aa laagarkaae*

las fa t l veisei kieteacuewaaataa«ia(tetha I msMh: Us sad auMsmlag lbs day i the«Bwa,Ae telaatedspirit


Clmrkt9Hl$, Ttsmt, W I U . attend promptly, sad faithfitlty.te

aay beslaaM whtch aay be entriMad te hiacare. HervfantoJudgvaOraea, Ritfayaad oantha!*. aUhe Uw asheel. sad to thefrnftesatsaf law at theCBtve^» ef Vit-aiDia,at wbkhiBstitatiMhaMedMd hisprofaa-SU; to Urn Richmoad (Va } bar. where he piae-ticed far aaM Umei'tohM GSthar, R. B a Howell, D. D.. thhtesad. Ta. aad m his ac itsiatiaSHS gBMrally ta Tisi i n n and Vitgiaia.

Msreh l t . )l«3t I . H . I I IOMT«il .

T . l . 1.

i u M Wnterwllua^ U t i m thmm. ft

n w o i r t t . . i r h n m u L t ^ a p b s f i M

tviUe. B.O.

takes all its iatoa brigbiarlightthsathat ie whi^ we sa{ Mac the Bta-«uf ChristiBBseVBn. havebeea accaatomBd; to contempiwe them."—PariraK Si<arfrr

•U embraces aseries of inveatlgatiaas into the inspired isitiery beaaOewais totte Rwraladaas-Iteshibite the aeeo^iU-hmeBU af the Dirin* p ^ i poaesevan withTespnttoincidestotheaHMtmiB ' *te.durie*aeeBrw«if theaesmd-ief yesEB. Ke t h n e can administer man efficiently to the strength and esarfert of tha people cf Sod than this and an abler awad thea that of Caoea. the •hiUB«her and christiaB, eoold searea^ addreei 5 e 5 i o Mw* aa uBdsrtaking."—Steafara

H. nXTCBSR. r<4>«>. Vil TtassBBimatat. yew Tart.

B A M A O E dfc c » i n B c i i r i r u ^ ^-fiitatf ifeat sfc S&oe I M c r s .

Oansfe auseW SaikviUe. Teaa.

WShave iaa received, fiam the JfA5C-F a C T O R ^ a large stock ef BOOTS.

StHOBS, AJfD B H O a ^ Rveiydtoenp^ ef J K t e y d nsl/haa* d y s and watkiiy

»hees.B*stt.Geatf«. Sww*. eaanUBg m E S Z t Bd a U FWsch Maieeee Bttekw aad i S S S i l w i d Fkaeh MseBsas »*tep Sale aad

tr«it Bam: UdiesKid Ptnap aoted


Oovcr. T » < h r . Otehaid OiBas. Berds Grass. Bmup. Canary, and Flaa Sm^

I ^ lbs R««nea Salt P ^ ; «,«)eifa* SpM»h Whitiiw; 1,400 lbs ^ Sait&: a^Baoibs^^naaRed:


m O O O ^ ' ^ n n ^ C i f a : l /noibs WBshite^&ow;

aso bxs Viliduw Gfaae.. awortad; ISBoa^mdw-sFIre and Water Pit»f

17& gala WintCT atzained Sperm 03; S » - Refined TannetkUO; ise - linswaOQ;

l^ IbaSMfa i : 14(10 lbs Pnnlrri ITevs. Book and Cal'd l.flOO rf Dr Alcock^ PNnt. Plate t OB»™a,

JMihaef Psoa Gnea. tAnsm Bmm,*^ and ptmnd ta aiiU

lObbtsIddies OheadcaEy Baflmri Ui* 60 bbia HydiaaUc Cemant. (bao);

l,snon» Alum: see lbs Indien, (wmamgd);

1 joao lbs Madte. (primej: IB store and far aak.lBW farcai^ S«ytlS.asij H a _

Kiw V M . BAFTlBf BOOS. O m s n i T 141 J a « a s a a b a < JC<» S t r i .

B B W A B b m . n B T C l TAB

J . D . fSBEEX. (Late af T.«Oaaida;

a r i

A * « m C K « ' C K I H A N O V IB asa«*lrssfcmiS*ia*y*slti^

•ttiaka muai^ kaft aa <


TTUmOK A . lans aad eate«dve varistraf C B i r k

7 A R E^White. BhBd mA Dsaatstsd new ia Baa* aad far-sals^ law te cash. TeaSetts Oahaaa*

a a ^ S s t m f r o m l M t o f l W T^Mte Sstte at aQ prtcaa. aad Fkwer Vaa*.thaaei l a snpgrpa i rv^e^

rof Boaak Oaadkateeks. Cigar fllaada. li<«a.Ac..Al.

t a f e vanate eC OBtOaae, eTtha •at styka a s d b a M ^ ^

jnir»t ••mcK(t> dni iA MIS.*

van elaaajHtiele nd laad sew fit lha Ml sa t fMaalahp . « II.«». p n o m .

a ^ f y ^ I . Qst t astew;



B ^ l f t ^ ^ S t e Bttpsiiar OsU aad Kid Bam^

- ^ T - - - Do^fci, - - linsd Ihiap Selad and

i ^ r p d l M m OrfSrd Tit r G«*an amd Oauarsm Oath Dress ITBOMB m a m BROGAVB. af Ht^attsiiUr; I e . U Xmaca Bnaaas aadMal

^.jl&.'tesisirs'j; ••isMyi^mBsai

Mat dssr Ik f i n k . 1 ^ J a i y a . t M .

C t T » • a s T B M o r ^

JTatMBsh ^ A V t r i t .

naaW' iS3i


S n p i y w i 1 i . 8 i o i m u > 4 o a ^





•-Were a 1 K> wcmnt. btc lulht

a «nt i drncj to I open their hearts, to deii.;ht ihrE

ClurUt:, -« ptart-d to tierrp'nrt. or tal-gtnal; aada uli-uci^ U»


B rt-lehnu; D> ietidrd Ktnj^ Jfti remarL:-and rtij'] qaarfa ituci i }M-rt Kud

{KUitwa £Mu:h

plied, but 1 is too pluia ^itl BHCU. to n»e«!t agiduM wuultl cer tiw tr not ia:ike i the errunt • ami know wkicb exM r.-»i!i!f I tog tlir I aiakttig; ecn^'of 10- Is «

• T o ^ . aii >-0(1 B.»pti« . tcrs til kltrthiMtist,: j TOtind as. dornmenis | cborctH?*. I nre totualy ' jiriae' i« -oe A bcctiiri* b j tlie ^lical i U little lik

are iu itf idu

emi-Ui.M:, Vi^Blt, fcH gre*! irt

ally Ul-f a « j r m I ity iif tbe 1 dimin^l winch la.

toe' entire , 6.C

-N'-r I can B bfce Foreii.'n

ini^mber!-! tor*.

and anii the i

t lm, a c i tiaa^ Ca anpaliami a f o a r i dnased tioa,"

ihfrftif 1