fazaile salah

Merits of Saläh Sayings of the holy Prophet: • Worship Alläh as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you. (Bukhärï 50) •My comfort has been provided in Salah. (Nasaï 3939) • The first thing for which a Muslim will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be the obligatory prayers. (Ibn Mäjah 1425) • I wished to burn down the (homes of) people not attending Saläh. (Tirmizï 217) •If a person regularly performs Saläh, it will serve as a light, an argument in his support and a savior. (Ahmad 6576) •Command a child to perform Saläh when he reaches the age of seven years. When he becomes ten years old, then beat him upon missing Saläh. (Abü Däwüd 494) • The best deed is the (performance of) prayer at its proper time. (Muslim 85) •Alläh blots out (annuls) evil deeds through the five Salähs. (Bukhärï 508) •If a person performs Wuzü and does it well, then performs two units of Saläh in which his heart and face are focused, Paradise will be his. (Nasaï 151) •The five (daily) Salähs, one Friday Saläh up to the (next) Friday Saläh, and one Ramazän up to the next Ramazän are expiations for the (sins) committed in between (their intervals), provided one shuns the major sins. (Muslim 233) •Alläh, the Exalted, has made five prayers obligatory. If anyone performs ablution for them well, offers them at their (right) time, and observes perfectly the bowing and submissiveness in them, it is the guarantee of Alläh that He will pardon him. (Abü Däwüd 425) •Between man, and polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of Saläh. (Muslim 82) •Saläh is the pillar of Dïn. If a person upholds it, he upholds the Dïn. If he demolishes it, he demolishes the Dïn. (An Näfilah fil Ahädith-iz Za'ïfati wal Mauzü'ah) •If a person misses Fajr Saläh, he loses the luminosity of his face. •If a person misses Zuhr Saläh, he loses the blessings in his income. •If a person misses 'Asr Saläh, he loses his physical strength. •If a person misses Maghrib Saläh, his children turn out to be of no help to him. •If a person misses 'Ishä Saläh, he loses comfort in his sleep. Times of Saläh and number of units Saläh Name Start Time End Time Units Fajr Break of true dawn Sunrise Emphasized Sunnah 2 Compulsory 2 Zuhr When the sun comes down from the zenith When the shadow of an object becomes twice its length in addition to its noon- shadow Emphasized Sunnah 4 Farz 4 Emphasized Sunnah 2 Nafl 2

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It is a booklet containing benefits and methods of Salah (Namaz) according to Hanafi Fiqh.


Page 1: Fazaile Salah

Merits of Saläh

Sayings of the holy Prophetملسو هيلع هللا ىلص:

• Worship Alläh as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you

must consider that He is looking at you. (Bukhärï 50) •My comfort has been provided in Salah.

(Nasaï 3939) • The first thing for which a Muslim will be brought to account on the Day of

Resurrection will be the obligatory prayers. (Ibn Mäjah 1425) • I wished to burn down the

(homes of) people not attending Saläh. (Tirmizï 217) •If a person regularly performs Saläh, it will

serve as a light, an argument in his support and a savior. (Ahmad 6576) •Command a child to

perform Saläh when he reaches the age of seven years. When he becomes ten years old, then

beat him upon missing Saläh. (Abü Däwüd 494) • The best deed is the (performance of) prayer

at its proper time. (Muslim 85) •Alläh blots out (annuls) evil deeds through the five Salähs.

(Bukhärï 508) •If a person performs Wuzü and does it well, then performs two units of Saläh in

which his heart and face are focused, Paradise will be his. (Nasaï 151) •The five (daily) Salähs,

one Friday Saläh up to the (next) Friday Saläh, and one Ramazän up to the next Ramazän are

expiations for the (sins) committed in between (their intervals), provided one shuns the major

sins. (Muslim 233) •Alläh, the Exalted, has made five prayers obligatory. If anyone performs

ablution for them well, offers them at their (right) time, and observes perfectly the bowing and

submissiveness in them, it is the guarantee of Alläh that He will pardon him. (Abü Däwüd 425)

•Between man, and polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of Saläh. (Muslim 82) •Saläh is

the pillar of Dïn. If a person upholds it, he upholds the Dïn. If he demolishes it, he demolishes

the Dïn. (An Näfilah fil Ahädith-iz Za'ïfati wal Mauzü'ah) •If a person misses Fajr Saläh, he loses

the luminosity of his face. •If a person misses Zuhr Saläh, he loses the blessings in his income. •If

a person misses 'Asr Saläh, he loses his physical strength. •If a person misses Maghrib Saläh, his

children turn out to be of no help to him. •If a person misses 'Ishä Saläh, he loses comfort in his


Times of Saläh and number of units Saläh Name

Start Time End Time Units

Fajr Break of true dawn Sunrise Emphasized Sunnah


Compulsory 2

Zuhr When the sun comes down from the zenith

When the shadow of an object becomes twice its length in addition to its noon-shadow

Emphasized Sunnah


Farz 4

Emphasized Sunnah


Nafl 2

Page 2: Fazaile Salah

'Asr When the shadow of an object becomes twice its length in addition to its noon-shadow

Before sunset (Makrüh (avoidable) time starts at around 20 minutes before sunset.)

Non-Emphasized Sunnah


Farz 4

Maghrib Sunset When the whiteness of twilight disappears

Farz 3

Emphasized Sunnah


Nafl 2

Ishä When the whiteness of twilight disappears

Before break of true dawn (The preferable time is up to midnight.)

Non-emphasized Sunnah


Farz 4

Emphasized Sunnah


Nafl 2

Witr 3

Nafl 2

Etiquettes of entering the mosque •Put the right foot first inside the mosque. •Clean your shoes beforehand if filth has stuck to it.

•Say بسم ہللا (Bismilläh= In Alläh’s name) while entering. •As soon as you enter, greet those

present with کم لم عل If nobody is there in the• (.Assalämu àlaikum= Peace be upon you) الس

mosque, then greet yourself with کم لم عل افتح هم الل :and supplicate to Alläh saying الس رحمتك أبواب ل

(Allähumma-fta lï ab äba ra matik= Alläh! Open Your doors of mercy upon me.) •Sit do n

ith your face to ards the holy Ka'bah. •Don’t engage in orldly conversations, games and

frivolities, sale and purchase. Don’t raise your voice. •While exiting the mosque, put out your

left foot first and recite: هم الل فضلك ن م أسألك إن (Allähumma innï as'aluka min fa lik= Alläh! I ask

You out of Your magnificence.)

Manner of performing ablution (Wuzü) There are four obligatory acts in Wuzü: (1) washing the face, (2) washing both the hands up to

and including the elbows, (3) wiping the head with wet hands, and (4) washing both the feet.

•First relieve yourself, if needed. •Sit facing the Ka'bah and recite حم ہللا بسم م ن الر ح الر (Bismi-llähi-

rra mäni-rra ïm= In Alläh’s name, the all-merciful, the very compassionate.) •Wash both the

hands up to the rists. •Clean your teeth ith tooth-stick. If tooth-stick is not available, clean

using your forefinger. •Rinse your mouth thrice ith ater. •Sniff ater into your nose thrice

and clean the nostrils with left-hand fingers. •Wash your face thrice keeping in mind that the

area between the place of hair-growth on forehead and the region underneath the chin, and

that between the two ear-lobes, gets washed. Even if a hair-thin space remains dry in this

region, Wuzü will be invalid. •Wash both the arms inclusive of the elbows. Wash the right hand

before the left. •Wet your hands afresh and ipe your head, ears and neck. •Wash the t o feet

up to and including the ankles. Wash the right foot before the left. •You should avoid talking

Page 3: Fazaile Salah

during Wuzü. While washing your organs, you should keep repeating the Shahädah-formula and

the supplication: اغفر هم الل ل ع ذنب ووس ل وبارك داري ف ل ف رزق (Allähumma-g fir lï anbï a

wassi` lï fï därï wa bärik lï fï ri qï= Alläh! Forgive my sins, make my house spacious, and bless my

income.) •After Wuzü, recite the formula: ك ل وحده، ہللا إل ه إل ل أن أشهد دا أن وأشهد . له شر عبده محم

As h hadu allä iläha illal-lähu a dahu, lä s h arïka lah. Wa as h hadu anna Mu ammadan) ورسوله

àbduhu wa rasüluh: I testify that there is no god other than Alläh Who is one and without

partner. I testify that Muhammad is Alläh’s servant and prophet. Alläh! Make me among those

who frequently repent, those who diligently keep themselves clean, and those who are Your

pious servants. – Tirmizï 55)


Obligatory acts of Tayammum:

•You should make intention before performing Tayammum •The earthy substance used for the

purpose should be clean and pure. •You should thrust both the hands upon it once. •You should

wipe your face and arms.

Other rulings:

•Tayammum is prescribed hen sick, in fear of an enemy, during journey through a place here

there is no water, and, in general, when water is not available. •For Tayammum, you need a

pure clay-lump or a substance covered ith pure dust or earth. •Thrust both your palms upon it

and ipe you face ith the palms. •Thrust your palms again and ipe both your arms from

finger-tips to elbows inclusive, with the other palms one by one.

Manner of performing Saläh •Stand upon prayer-mat and turn to ards the Ka'bah. •Make intention and recite: هت إن وج

ماوات فطر للذي وجه المشركن من أنا اوم حنفا والرض الس (Innï wajjahtu wajhiya lilla ï fa aras-samäwäti wal-ar a anïfañ wa mä ana mina-lmus h rikïn= I have, indeed, turned my face straight towards the One who created the heavens and the earth, and I am not one of those who associate partners with Alläh. – Qurän 6:79) •Raise both your hands to the level of your ears and then, saying Takbïr: ر أكب ہللا (Allähu akbar= Alläh is the greatest.) bring down your hands and place your right palm over your left belo the navel. This is the Hanafï method. The other method is Shäfi’ï-Hañbalï in hich the palms are placed upon the chest. •Then recite Sanä: وبحمدك اللهم انك سبح

ك وتعالى اسمك وتبارك رك إله ول جد . غ (Sub änakal-lähumma a bi amdika a tabäraka-smuka wa ta`älä jadduka wa lä iläha ghairuk= Alläh! You are without blemish, and You are praiseworthy. Your name is blessed and Your glory is exalted. There is no God besides You. –Tirmizï:242) •Recite Ta’a u : جم طان الر من الش A u billähi minash shai än-ir rajïm= I seek refuge) أعوذ باللwith Alläh from Satan, the outcast.) •Recite حم حمن الر الر =Bismilläh-ir Ra mänir Ra ïm) بسم ہللاWith the name of Alläh, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful.) •Recite the Quränic chapter Al Fätihah: الحمد حمن ( 2) العالمن رب لل حم الر ن وم مالك ( 3) الر اك ( 4) الد اك نعبد إ راط اهدنا( 5) نستعن وإ الص

هم أنعمت الذن صراط ( 6) المستقم ر عل هم المغضوب غ ن ول عل ال (7) الض (Al amdu lillähi rabbi-lä lamïn (2) Arra manir-ra ïm (3) Mäliki yaumid-dïn (4) Iyyäka na`budu wa iyyäka nastaï n (5) Ihdinas -s irä a-lmustaqïm (6) S irä al-la ïna an mta laihim g airil mag bi laihim ala- ällïn (7)= Praise belongs to Alläh, the Lord of all the worlds, the All-Merciful, the Very Merciful, the Master of the Day of Requital. You alone do we worship, and from You alone do we seek help. Take us on the

Page 4: Fazaile Salah

straight path: the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.) •Read any other Quränic chapter. Example: هو قل ( 1) أحد ہللا مد ہللا لد لم ( 2) الص كن ولم ( 3) ولد ولم (4) أحد كفوا له (Qul huwal-lähu a ad (1) Allähus -s amad (2) Lam yalid wa lam yülad (3) Walam yakul lahü kufu an a ad (4)= Say: The truth is that Alläh is One. Alläh is Besought of all, needing none. He neither begot anyone, nor was he begotten. And equal to Him has never been any one.) •Lo er do n yourself to the bowing position saying أكبر ہللا . Recite the bowing-formula three, five or seven times: سبحان رب

,Raise your head from bowing • (!Sub äna rabbiyal a ïm= Glory be to my mighty Lord) العظم saying: لمن حمده (.Sami allähu liman amidah= Alläh heard those who sent praises to Him) سمع ہللاand when standing straight, say: نا و لك الحمد Rabbanä a lakal amd= Our Lord! All the) ربpraises are for you.) •Then go do n to prostration saying أكبر ہللا . Recite the prostration-formula

العلى سبحان three, five or seven (!Sub äna rabbiyal a lä= Glory be to my Lord, most high) ربtimes. •Raise your head from the first prostration saying أكبر ہللا . Sit on folded knees for the duration of reciting one tasbïh ( ہللا سبحان : Sub änal-läh= Glory be to Alläh.) •Go down to the second prostration saying أكبر ہللا . Recite the prostration-formula العلى as in the first سبحان ربprostration. •Stand up saying أكبر ہللا . (This completes the first Saläh-unit.) •In the Shäfi’ï-Hañbalï method, hands are raised up to the level of ears before and after every bowing. This is termed as Hand-Raising (raf'e yadain). Moreover, in this method, Ämïn is said audibly in Saläh-units with audible recitation. This is called Audible Ämïn-Saying (Ämïn bil jahr). •Perform the second Saläh-unit like the first unit except that you should not recite Sanä and

Ta’a u . •On completing the second unit, sit on folded knees and recite Tashahhud: ات ح الت لل

لوات بات والص لم ،والط ك الس ها عل أ ب ورحمة الن لم ،وبركاته ہللا نا الس عباد وعلى عل الحن ہللا إل إله ل أن أشهد . الص

. ورسوله عبده دامحم أن وأشهد ہللا (At ta iyyätu lillähi as -s ala ätu a - ayyibät. As salämu laika

ayyuhan-nabiyyu a ra matullähi a barakätuh. As salämu àlainä wa àlä ìbädillähis -s äli ïn. Ash-

hadu allä iläha illallähu a ash-hadu anna Mu ammadan àbduhü wa rasüluh= All the

compliments, prayers and good things are due to Alläh. Peace be on you, O Prophet, and Alläh's

mercy and blessings be on you. Peace be on us and on the true pious slaves of Alläh. I testify

that none has the right to be worshipped but Alläh and I also testify that Muhammad is His slave

and His Apostle. –Bukhärï 831) •If you need to perform three or four units of obligatory Saläh,

then stand up saying أكبر ہللا for the third unit. •Recite the other remaining units in the same way

except that you should not recite a Quränic chapter after Al Fätihah. •But if you are performing

the third and fourth units of a Sunnah or Nafl, then recite Quränic chapters in the last two units

too. •In the last unit after completing Tashahhud, recite Durüde Ibrähïm: د على صل اللهم وعلى محم

، آل د ت كما محم ، حمد إنك إبراهم، آل وعلى إبراهم، على صل د على بارك اللهم مجد ، آل وعلى محم د باركت كما محم

مجد حمد إنك إبراهم آل وعلى إبراهم، على . (Allähumma s alli lä Mu ammadiñ wa lä äli Mu ammadin

kamä s allaita lä Ibrähïma a lä äli Ibrähïma, innaka ameedum-majïd. Allähumma bärik lä

Mu ammadiñ wa lä äli Mu ammadin kamä bärakta lä Ibrähïma a lä äli Ibrähïma, innaka

ameedum-majïd= Alläh! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as

You sent Your Mercy on Ibrahïm and on the family of Ibrahïm, for You are the Most Praise-

worthy, the Most Glorious. O Alläh! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of

Muhammad, as You sent your Blessings on Ibrahïm and on the family of Ibrahïm, for You are the

Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious. –Bukhärï 337) •After this, recite the traditional

supplication: غفر ول كثرا ظلما نفس ظلمت إن م الله نوب أنت إنك وارحمن عندك من مغفرة ل فاغفر أنت إل الذ

حم الغفور الر . (Allähumma innï alamtu nafsï ulman katheerä, a lä yagfiru -zunüba illä ant(a),

Page 5: Fazaile Salah

fag fir lï mag firatam min indik(a), ar amnï, innaka ant-al g afür-ur rahïm.= Alläh! I have

wronged my soul very much (oppressed myself), and none forgives the sins but You; so please

bestow Your Forgiveness upon me and have mercy upon me. No doubt, You are the Oft-

Forgiving, Most Merciful. –Bukhärï 834) •After this, turn your face right and left saying each

time كم ورحمة ہللا لم عل As salämu alaikum a ra matulläh= Peace and Alläh's Mercy be upon) الس

you.) •In obligatory Salähs, recite this formula: هملم أنت الل لم ومنك الس ك الس رجع وإل لم، نا الس نا ح رب

لم، لم، دار وأدخلنا بالس نا تباركت الس ت، رب ا وتعال والكرام الجلل ذا (Allähumma antas-salämu wa minkas-

salämu wa ilaika yarjiùs-salämu, ayyinä rabbanä bis-saläm, wa adk h ilnä dära-ssaläm, tabärakta

rabbanä wa taä lait, yä aljaläli al ikräm= Alläh! You are Peace, the source of peace and its

destination. Keep us alive in peace and let us enter the House of Peace (Jannah). You are the

Lord of blessings and sublimity, O Lord of majesty and honor.)

Witr Saläh: •Witr Saläh is compulsory ( äjib). In each of its three units, you should recite a Quränic chapter

after Fätihah. •After completing the Quränic chapter in the third Saläh-unit, raise your hands to

the level of yours ears as you did for the starting Takbïr. •Then lower the hands saying , أكبر ہللا

and place your hands one over the other, below the navel as before. •Recite the supplication:

ك عل ل ك و ت ن و ك ب ن م ؤ ن و ، ك ر ف غ ت س ن و ك ن ع ت س ن اإن اللهم ك ن ث ن و ، ر عل .ك ر ج ف نم ك ر ت ن و ع ل خ ن و ،ك ر ف ك ن ول ك ر ك ش ن و ،الخ

اللهم ك ،د ج س ن و ل ص ن ك ول ،د عب ن اك إ .ق ملح ار ف ك ال ب ك اب ذ ع إن ،ك اب ذ ع شى خ ن و ك ت م ح ر ونرجو ،د ف ح ن و عى س ن وإل

(Allähumma innä nastaï nuka a nastag firuka, a nu’minu bika a nata akkalu laika, a

nuthnï àlaik-al khaira, wa nashkuruka wa lä nakfuruka, a nakhla a natruku ma yafjuruka.

Allähumma iyyäka na budu, a laka nus allï a nasjudu, a ilaika nasä a na fidu, a narj

ra mataka a nakhshä äbaka, inna äbaka bil kuffäri mul iq= Alläh! We seek help from You.

We seek Your forgiveness. We believe in You. We rely on You. We praise You in the best

manner. We thank You and are not ungrateful to You. We separate and break up from all who

disobey You. Alläh! We worship You and to You do we pray and prostrate. To You do we flee and

we are quick in doing so. We hope for Your mercy and we fear Your punishment. Verily, Your

punishment overtakes the Disbelievers.)

Friday Saläh •Friday Saläh is performed at the time of Zuhr. •It is obligatory only for sane and adult Muslim

men. •It is not obligatory for women, slaves and sick men. However, if they perform it, it will be

valid. •Taking a bath on Friday is Sunnah and applying scent and wearing best clothes are

desirable. •The sooner a person arrives at mosque for Friday Saläh, the more re ard he gets.

•Alläh’s Prophetملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: When it is Friday, the angels stand at every door of the mosque and

record the people in the order of their arrival, and when the Imäm sits (on the pulpit for

delivering the sermon) they fold up their sheets and listen to the mention (of Alläh). And he who

comes early is like one who offers a she-camel as a sacrifice (in reward), the next like one who

offers a cow, the next a ram, the next a hen, and the next an egg. (Muslim 2/587) •If a person

comes later, he gets the reward of Saläh only.

Page 6: Fazaile Salah

Manner of Ablution Wash your palms up to your wrists in this manner.

Hold the tooth-stick in this way.

Enter water into the mouth thus.

Enter water into the nose in this manner.

Wash your face in this way.

Wash both your arms from finger-tips to elbows inclusive in this manner.

Wipe your head, ears and neck with wet hands in this way.

Wash your feet in this manner.

Manner of Saläh Manner of the starting Takbïr

Manner of placing palms below navel / on chest

Manner of bowing

Manner of standing up after bowing.

Manner of placing palms, nose and forehead in prostration

Manner of performing prostration

Manner of placing your hands during prostration

Manner of sitting upon bent knees after prostrations

Manner of placing hands and feet in Tashahhud-sitting and of raising the right forefinger

Manner of sitting for Tashahhud

Manner of performing the ending Saläm

Manner of performing supplication after Saläh