fetal hypoxia

Gawat janin / Fetal distress Akibat dari hipoksia janin Julian Dewantiningrum Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi FK UNDIP

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Page 1: Fetal Hypoxia

Gawat janin / Fetal distress

Akibat dari hipoksia janin

Julian DewantiningrumBagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi


Page 2: Fetal Hypoxia


Page 3: Fetal Hypoxia

DEFINISI Kondisi janin yang tidak menerima cukup

oksigen sehingga terjadi hipoksia

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Faktor maternal1) Preeclampsia2) Anemia berat3) Perdarahan antepartum : placenta

previa, solusio plasenta4) Shock and infeksi akut5) Obstruksi aliran darah uteroplasenter

: DM, SLE, asma, hipertensi kronik


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Faktor plasenta dan umbilikus

1) Obstruksi aliran darah umbilikus : prolaps , terpilin, terjepit

2) Disfungsi plasenta : kehamilan serotinus

3) Infeksi : korioamnionitis


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Faktor janin

1) Kelainan kongenital fetus2) Anemia fetus


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Pembagian berdasarkan onset

Fetal distress akut Fetal distress kronik

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Hypoxia 、 accumulation of carbon dioxide

↓Respiratory Acidosis

↓FHR ↑ → FHR → ↓ FHR ↑

↓Intestinal peristalsis

↓Relaxation of the anal sphincter

↓Meconium aspiration

↓Fetal distress


Fetal distress akut

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IUGRPengurangan jumlah sel organ

Pengurangan berat badan janin

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Fetal distress akut

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Gerak anak berkurang Gali penyebab

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Pengurangan gerak janin

Curiga hipoksia janin bila gerak janin < 10 kali dalam 12 jam

Biasanya 24 jam setelah gerak janin berkurang maka janin akan meninggal

Normal : 30-100 kali/12hours

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DIAGNOSIS Pemeriksaan fisik

Auskultasi denyut jantung janin abnormalDJJ < 100 bpm di luar kontraksiDJJ > 180 bpm dan ibu tidak mengalami takikardiDJJ irreguler : selisih frekuensi DJJ 5 detik pertama – ketiga dan kelima > 1Pengeluaran mekoneum pada persalinan dengan presentasi kepala

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DIAGNOSIS Pemeriksaan Fisik

Auskultasi denyut jantung janin abnormalDJJ < 100 bpm di luar kontraksiDJJ > 180 bpm dan ibu tidak mengalami takikardiDJJ irreguler : selisih frekuensi DJJ 5 detik pertama – ketiga dan kelima > 1Pengeluaran mekoneum pada persalinan dengan presentasi kepalaDIAGNOSIS FETAL DISTRESS berdasarkan pemeriksaan fisik

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Derajat mekoneum

Derajat 1 warna kehijauan Derajat 2 warna kuning kehijauan dan

kotor Derajat 3 warna coklat dan kental

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DIAGNOSISPemeriksaan Penunjang

Penilaian NST dan CST mendukung kondisi kesejahteraan janin terganggu (non reassuring fetal status)

late heart rate decelerations variable decelerations prolonged bradycardia indications of meconium staining.

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DIAGNOSIS Gold standar

Analisa gas darah dari fetal scalp (sebelum lahir)

Invasif, jarang dipakai Analisa gas darah tali pusat bayi (setelah lahir)Sudah terlambat

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PENYEBAB FETAL TAKIKARDI Selain akibat fetal distress

Ibu demam Infeksi choriamnionitis Obat tokolitik

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Nonstress test (NST) Contraction stress test (CST) Profil Biofisik Janin dengan USG dan NST Pemeriksaan doppler dengan USG

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Non Stress Test (NST) The is an indirect measurement

of uteroplacental function and requires specialized equipment and trained personnel. 

This test measures the detection of heart rate accelerations associated with perceived fetal movements. 

A reactive or normal stress test will exhibit at least two accelerations in the fetal heart rate in a 20-minute period. 

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Contraction Stress Test (CST)

CST or oxytocin challenge test, is more costly and presents more of a risk to the fetus. but identifies fetal reserve during contractions.  The test measures late decelerations during contractions induced by either nipple stimulation or oxytocin infusion.  The test is negative if no late decelerations are observed.

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Penilaian NST dan CST bila curiga fetal distress

late heart rate decelerations variable decelerations prolonged bradycardia indications of meconium staining.

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Late deceleration

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Variable deceleration

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Biophysical profile Gerakan anak Jumlah cairan amnion Gerakan nafas Tonus otot NST

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Low biophysical profile scoring

Based on ultrasound assessment of fetal body movement, breathing movement, flexor tone, amniotic fluid volume, couple with fetal electronic monitoring NST results combined scoring (each variable score 2, total score is 10)

Score <= 3 indicates fetal distress, score 4-7 suspicious fetal hypoxia

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Intermittent auscultation Continous auscultation Analisa gas darah dari fetal scalp

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Measurement of the fetal heart rate: abnormal decelerations and decreased variability during contractions are suggestive of fetal distress.

Intermittent auscultation of the fetal heart rate is a reliable indicator of fetal well being and can be used in low risk deliveries.  Routine electronic fetal monitoring is not recommended for low-risk women in labor when adequate clinical monitoring including intermittent auscultation by trained staff is available .

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Continuous intrapartum fetal monitoring is the mainstay in most modern obstetric units. The heart rate of the fetus is monitored to detect increases or decreases during contractions.  The variability and trends are interpreted to determine fetal distress or well being. 

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Scalp pH measurement helps to determine the presence of acidosis and fetal hypoxia and may influence the decision of whether to continue observation or to perform a cesarean delivery.  Neurologic deficits usually occur when there is a severe acidosis, due to hypoxia, present at birth. Severe hypoxia will often cause hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in the infant.

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TATA LAKSANA Bila sedang dalam infus oksitosin : segera

hentikan infus Posisikan ibu berbaring miring ke kiri Berikan oksigen, nilai pulse oksimetri Stabilisasi tekanan darah ibu Rujuk ibu ke rumah sakit Jika sebab dari ibu diketahui (demam atau obat-

obatan) mulailah penanganan yang sesuai

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TATA LAKSANA Jika sebab dari ibu tidak diketahui dan DJJ tetap

abnormal sepanjang paling sedikit 3 kontraksi lakukan pemeriksaan dalam untuk mengetahui penyebabnya :

a. Jika terdapat perdarahan dan nyeri pikirkan solusio plasenta

b. Jika terdapat tanda – tanda infeksi berikan antibiotikc. Jika tali pusat terletak di bagian bawah janin

lakukan penanganan prolaps tali pusat

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TATA LAKSANA Rencanakan persalinan segera dengan

ekstraksi vakum atau bedah sesar tergantung syarat pervaginam

Siapkan segera resusitasi neonatus

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Bagaimana menilai luaran janin pada fetal distress

Penilaian skor Apgar Skor Apgar : 8-10 normal 4-7 asfiksia ringan 0-3 asfiksia berat

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Fetal distress kronik

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Kehamilan terasa kecil Gerak anak berkurang Gali penyebab

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DIAGNOSIS Pemeriksaan fisik :Tinggi fundus uteri dibawah persentil 10th dari kurva lubchenco

Pemeriksaan penunjang :Penilaian kesejahteraan janin antepartum

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MANAJEMEN Aktif : sama seperti fetal distress akut Ekspektatif :Bila usia kehamilan pada janin yang tidak viabel

saat lahir maka perlu edukasi bahwa sewaktu waktu janinnya bisa meninggal.

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KOMPLIKASI Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy Meconium aspiration syndrome Acidosis with decompensation Cerebral palsy Neonatal seizures IUFD (Intrauterine fetal death) Stillbirth