ffi · 2019-07-19 · umffiewffitmmt h iffi lce e* r:xrnmr:mffih#:",m:;--""iif! sc...

F H B H a a a ,l 1" ti t, I I u/\ ,,:| At-v ) ,fZ 4 rI '.1 .\ 't ,l il ./ { ( ffi ffi A'r) \ f:-:2rA: & E li F H g a

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Post on 19-Mar-2020




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Page 1: ffi · 2019-07-19 · UMffiEWffiTMMT H Iffi lcE E* r:xrnmr:mffiH#:",m:;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l E!.:--:-r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at











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Page 2: ffi · 2019-07-19 · UMffiEWffiTMMT H Iffi lcE E* r:xrnmr:mffiH#:",m:;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l E!.:--:-r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at


H Iffi lcE E*


;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg

gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l


r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at wlth theSoaa Eoiidarity Centne to W1 being opened up tbrough theonslaught of the Bssat from the Eaat alrd providingf food., clothesand shelter to over 8O people each ai6p.t. And in Moata€ueSquare, abunch ofpluclgr students have occupied pa.ni oftheBritish Museum aad are ruani:rg Radical Resddencgr pro€Fa.r,-r0.erfor the week mnain$ up to court. CEEEKY.

E Yrr EEr'n r1 'd I

r l./?,**r.

IEn,teu.Desp*e"{t*:*ii'::".ilxt*;#r::fJff }r,B ;b"tB". Desrite avi$ffiffI!|H?lri*rlr*s people sleepini

E vear. tbey cotrtinue rc ::j:-',-^=:.-;; a.icommoaaUon.

E ]'1ft;;"5.v'net'osetintot::':"Tf'r' ,, : i li

Gffi";";.;i"ffi'fuiiti*il:!ftffifl?3ffi ;"']"ffi fi,'.H'#fl"*ri#,1ffi ":$;e:;at]iH**y:tGd,ffin"*; j*t

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Page 3: ffi · 2019-07-19 · UMffiEWffiTMMT H Iffi lcE E* r:xrnmr:mffiH#:",m:;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l E!.:--:-r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at





;*,il*u"tneril:ADM,a.?0+y-"4::::':3*"i?*,Xff ffiJ:1ffi#trffffi "'evictloo

eartier rhis mooth. In a dispute berween rh3_u'j}f;rffi..i;1;*'i"iiaritv of Amsterdam' ADM wer€' as a

tbird.-parby, gra,ted proEJtioo teom soicUon wnll'tl-J,-.ppt"l t'11 "1$"tf

aecision which would force tfte

'mr:aicipa.riwtoa.lrowchiddatocarrxr?yry:",-+i?:T:1*ffi r$sr,?"?"R"r-?"'ry""JlH"r,H;lfllgr"1l1;r;#-f Hffi""$'J#'.?*li"""r*Li.,*"i"*svear,'s:"=,L;5"'formoreY€-"*;<*LX**-,r.,,r/l,,rr.';r ...'., :* :I.*


Italg T'be electioDs in Maxcb sa\,e'Dationa.llstlc, xeoophobic a,Dd fascisbs such as the Five Sta.r MovemeBt and

the coatition with the magic trio of assholes Salvini ( ttre League), MeloDl (Italia.n Brothers) and the mummifled

but sUIl alive Berlusconi (go fUfyt) come outwith. the bulk of the votes. DuritrC a devious atrd tnsLdlous

ea,FFai€n by these cu!.ts, th.e wbole countrX/ beca.m e even roore eagtrlfed by a climate of raciallxatred aJrd

Irioteoce. In ttre begirrnrng of Februaqr, a fircked-up wbite supr€macist a.rrd. foroer ca,:cdidate for the LeagUe

na:med Luca Trnrni severe$r i4jr:red 6 mi€ra,nts iL a two hour loag drive by shooting spre€ iE the city of '

Macerata. Bs;pps [6in8 amesteA ne IllaDs€ed to run. oui of tb.e ea,r weariDEl 2n lba^]iaJr flaei-Ued arould his neck

a.ad doi1g the fa,scist saJute. Emboldened.by this aitack, on the 25d of Februa,ry fascists broke into CSA

Mragaznio 4? socia,l eentre in Brescia e.nd used ga,soline to set flrc to the bookshop. Fortunately, no oae was

io:r"ea Auriog the attack or by the fire. Although consid.erable daro.a€e was done to ttre bookshop and otb'er

equipment, tne tre was extina:isflea by tha quick iatervention of tlre only cornrade pr€seBt tbat niElhb' fhis is

tfi no neros aa isolated incident of fascist violence in the ciry; multiple occupied houses have been targeted by

fascist overreceDtweexs. ln genera.t tbere's been over I4e reported abtacks and countless urreported attacks

by fascists gloups silce Bol4]Acaoss Ita^]y, a state of permanent anti.-fascist mobilisation bas been caJled to

altena and push back a€ia,inst ihe fasci-st threat. SIAMO rUTTI ANTEASCISTI !



Page 4: ffi · 2019-07-19 · UMffiEWffiTMMT H Iffi lcE E* r:xrnmr:mffiH#:",m:;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l E!.:--:-r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at

esEt, Bel6tum: On 18 febnra;5r ?O18, a few huodreal people 'rere demons!8&liE{E-Geui 2€aj'st the sq:8"tiing

ban.Tbeyend.ed.upcrackingabuildlngforpeopleinneedofhousing! a.ndtoer€ateanewsocialcentrecaJled

Kraa,iennest all uader the ba,nner ; "What is not a,llowed is stili possible".The demonstration wa,s called to

continu€ the mar5r protegts a€atrst tbe new squat laws iDiroduced in November 2017 which criminalises aJl

forms of squatting with up to l lreax i::' prison a,nd,/or considemble flnes a.Dd allows the pl$s to evict \Mithout

gojng througb tJre cowts- fhe law is desi4ped at one level to stifled any &tt€Bpt to ullderroine private properby

ana create forms of aoti-autlroritarian llving a,nd orga,nising. At a,nother level it's oae of the ways tha,t the

politleians, tJ1e media a,nd the capitailst class are targetrn€l a.acl.buildln$ up yet mor€ haf€d of tJre poor, t'he

mgraats, the Rom& and atl thosi who are enclud.ed. a&d. m.argilaliseal fro!0. soolety. fhe demonstration was also

called out of ra6e ,€ainst the racists wbo attacked a Boma fa,mity squatthg a house in GeDt and sdiaiast tJl€

fascists who harassed homeless people arld. sex workers duriag i Ar-right, demonst'ration ln November. 'Squatters iI Bel6;ir.rro have lssued an international caJl-out for solidaritJr a€ainst t&e sguattlagba.n and beld a , €weefellgralEorattheendofFebruar5r..- e e > ,- ;A E' 2IlhO8golonlkl, Greaoe Oa Ja,:ouarJr ald, a mir of ri5St-wiDgparties a,aat Orthocloq hooliEllen 6.D.6 fascists ' :orE5aolsations marcbed throu5S the stpeets gathefin€I around 1OO OOO people. Thls nationalistic demonstration {was used.as pret€xb to launcb a4 -affay of attacks on t&e itdividuals end iatastructure of tJrose who jhistoricaJly f.ght the coalition betweeo the fassists, patriots, coDa€rvatives a,od supporterc of th6 Churcb- The *flIst atta,ck was e4l2jnst the occupled scbool sxollo of the a.nti-authol{tEria.o movement (aK) wbjcb was d EsuccessfilllJr repelled. Ttre fascists tbe!. proceeded to att€,ck tDe squatted house of the libertaria.!. commrrnist, 3 tgroup tibertatia. AltJrcugh comrades defended tbemselves a€ajnst the first assault, a few hours l,ater a €lroup of I ?6O-7O fascists returned r.nd set ire to the building. Tbe house, squatted stnae 2OOi was completely burnb to th6 ; SElround with the belongin€ls 6f many mi6lraots a,ad it's larEie libra.ry. In response to tbJs cowa.nlly attack, a^n g {aotifascist demonstration was called the next day wbicb descended into riotous clashes witir tJre police which B tbad actively supported a^:rd fa.cilitatsd the attarks on SxoUo and Ilbertatia. To ad.d tosult to inJury, 5 antifasclsts E Swere affested durin$ the demonstrations a,:od potentia.lly face $10 years in prisons fcr "arson". A-11 of this whilst 'd $the fascist arsorists are probably haviDg a laugh witb the pi€fs somewhere. Despite tJre fascist violeDce arrdgbate r-epression, th.e comrade of ill Thessaloniki cau for. the intensiflca,tion of resista,nce to fascism a,ndcapiteJism. - iD Greece as well as tJrou€h.out, Europe. trtrthermore, people wa,nt to rebuild Libertatia end there'sa ea,ll out for flna.ncial support. Freedom for the Tb.essa.Loniki Fivel Deati. to faacisml

Gernaogn In ear[r December Germ.an police lauached ra.ids a,cross squaf,s a,rrd other ceDtres in search of peopleiavotqed in aciivity durin$ tJre G2O p;otests in rrrmbr rl.g eadrer in tJri year. TIle d,icllreads ia tb.e Germa,n polioeFonicallJr (hipsterc! -Ed) cal.led their specia,l force tJre 1B1ack BlocH and obtained court orders to look for peopleinvolvett in the riobs. In realit5r however it was an hforrna.tion-€latheringl exercise with a toEger-term goal offurther giate repression, as no a^r'rests were mad.e d.esplte rai<ling 2B locations, most of wNch were kaown left

_ o! q4archls! Or€arrisiag spaces._
















8EflE a

EgEg Ei iNo',I*:

gE:; E64'thnlTffi XOYAI, SEIT

a war declaration adainst

ruUing class a,nd anJr sourc€

opp*"i"iootnoy"f Shit is a platform

f;; acuvists to contest

vertica,lizations of power such a*s

monarclS/ a,ad Patriarchgr' It is

created by anarchists of different

ettr:ricities a,nd €fellders'

CollectiveiSr we

orgariisi!€l posterinstallat'ions and

Subvertising- actioDs, €I'a'fEtitoput into discussioa and desLroy t'he

iaea of royalty, which

necessarilyimplicate subiection

and inequalit5r.E,OYAISItrT

bIo$: iii: :,I /ccliesirc:ra3tY.bloisEoi' c


-; DrsSrDmrT rSr,atrD RaDroi ::313] DrY / orr i"t."r ,iai"rq :ofl-eglive brca.dcasr,ing o" tn" niii ".nd

thipd &id.ay or J"rr. ilolii,: :i"9" eoo? ft,odrh" r,o"a"o"?,iili eentre scene covering

";.*$ilJ;i of teplss ftom a ra.dical ;"il;Jj perspective.

i Wrrr.dlssidentlels,ad.org



SIRIIETS KffgEEI[ - UK & L,elandglassroots Spoup & websiteofferiag idormaiioD. that benefl.tsou.r streets: Food. Ruas, BenefltAdvice, Services, Housing advice,News....streetskitchen@€Fna.il. com


AA8IET & S.XIIIEW - We are a'collective of foienQ.s; activists;a.:itists; a.nd radicaL educatorsdeveloping 4nd ru*,,ngparticipatoqr workshops, coursesa,nd spaces for discussion. We seethis as the f-r'st step i.ra workiag;towarde building p.n autor.omouscommuaity aod radica,L learnlnglspace. The vaJ.ues ofintersectionalit5r, ecolo5g,fsmini.e1q., anarcbism, anti-racisma,nd dbect democracy are centraJto this project.httos: //resist-renew. com/




H ?E s a

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\ >i:s bq: OXioto


. lo-.i l9rI,l l:,d F g.

,3Eg3:eA: E

E g,g

SWAI.l4 - SWARM is a collectivefounded and led by sex workerswho believe in selfdetermination,solidarit5r a,ad co-operation. We

calDp^ign for the ri€hts and sa.fetyof everyone who sells sexuaJ.

services. Together we or€la^rrise

- skill-sha.res a,nd support meet-ups

f .i*t for sex workers, as well ast oublic events. We axe UK basedf

"oa pa,rt of the €lloba.l. sex worker

led movement advocatir+l the full. decriminalisation of sex work.tf, https://muw.svraxmcollective. or€i/

E"- .^ a*iEl <:= E= , a'--EJr > @ P r



Page 5: ffi · 2019-07-19 · UMffiEWffiTMMT H Iffi lcE E* r:xrnmr:mffiH#:",m:;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l E!.:--:-r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at

prsoddo sl uorss

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i;ffi""ffir ]rlack dress sur:.ou' ;ffiiJh.*"H3:

oeinga TEHfyrara.trlaTah whowas eveorl]y able to mushr,.

TheFn-E_r;. - - -e- vvJvrr-roer)l v---rreuuJ.uarseeil+lthatshe.wa,s

3t to" worts bsok tn pirr* ^- * qou r''o. w.s

#r-Y*,H:#;rffi ffi f,t.*:#dtffi*:i*Hy,m.T

,tr"mn";x#,ffi m#ffi 1*4n:3:::i#,,#:1il*;",

Ifye:: interej.ted ia that nrhole social media gS the haehtag goirr€l about is: #EreeThe8heWolf

' t*--



Page 6: ffi · 2019-07-19 · UMffiEWffiTMMT H Iffi lcE E* r:xrnmr:mffiH#:",m:;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l E!.:--:-r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at




._------ seig-heiling in the streets. A couple of weeks later a member ofCasapound shot aJ]'d injured 6 immi5pants in ltaly.

ti[lW& #"'# -*.ffi' * t?,*-

AlaIIissomeoEewb'ohasbeenry"r}dtl:ryT::*,fi""r?::t;:XTt;:fr fr,fr'"LTffi#;""tr'";";q;;;q4***X3!i::ff ;;,X3:""called him friena. some stiU ao' afto n"" fol

-1 lon€ time beeriavolved

in investi€iatin€! "o*poi'v*tiloJ[ "oa *:'u" tbis is something that

whea franed. as questio;ig--tr'e go"e""mtltarrd the thilgs they do

behind closed doors d-U":'pp'iiate$' ii rylltunately has the potential

to lead. people aorT n ' plii i"'i"[ti"" tn"t siPplv cannot be accepted in

our communiti'""' gr*Ioa-iiI p#ner rUaria create truth-seeking

conspkacyvia"o" oIrt#ii oi'l'"n'":re1' a'nd' pnomote them as anarchist'

a,nti_state and a,nti-prorra"oar, a,Dd they,presenbttremselves as defenders

of freespeecrr-w"u;ar5ffJ-JilJ'.r*:1":"-T11-i15";LlHffi iiooo,


,Ilitler was also a faDtastic orator, who spoke a lot of truth wb.ich

resonated, with the Gerna,n people (so far that,s probably kinda true

-Ed). Ee even spoke of the reaJ. problem of Jewisb power to the Gern:an

p"opf", and seemed to be actually doin€! somethin$ about it (oh"' -Ed)'"

"Noyourfa^rrilymemberdid'notdiei:ra$ascharoberinAuschwitz'Ifthat s what you were told you were told'

-wroIlg" - somerptra'i€ht uP


"qfr I?l,-T

::fff '-"rT*'H;t?#"ffi ffi ;"i#l-=::"li::::tcomewrbouir.-^-oo^,ro..As- Wittrr thal in mind, here *"

'o*" of AJa'n's €ireatest hits:

':4 ,; :i ; 'People have a riEfht to march_ They have a ri6[t to strerch their armsi U ,, E i how they iike too. As soon as they start hurti.ag people or d.e.mading

I -.-a t,., E ; property, then there's cause for others to get involved.." - on

ib-o " -Casapound,

Italianrightwin€l Elroup,marchi.aginEomeirrcla,nuarnr,

"This is what the/r,e doiag in schools right now in the UK: LGB? historymonth, which is basicatly promotingf (homo)sex(uality) to children

Da: lhro:.Ch repetitive reenforcement...we can cieargr see ihe cooUnuingr - - ri.se of homosexualit5r in yor:ag adults today, wtrile birth rates piummet

ar,d menial illness expl0des.' - we €leb it, you dont want the-stateindoctrina,ting peopre, so we presume that you dont want schools toteach arry form of hisiornr, or maths, or pt5rsics (perhaps tJre earth rs













-GA*-oe:>;5:5.=o.oo3€&[email protected]




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,lifi i ":il,*?ffi,H'.?r:ffi'"'*%."HJ';;;;*"ri'anunuerot| ;r1sn1 i

--- r come forwardwith other con:;:H

.pnlrti r-- havefeliconf'd'e.irienou$ht<

f ' . i *r.o" "o"r"t

e a,nds€€FessivebehaviourinasexLlal contexLover

ia-s) anrl - .--^ '-aiipp hut is not a surprlse Eliven) aarl r r^ o fi2v€ matter but is not a surprise Eiiventl:'

ffi3*;Hil""?L?,""H?B'#;:#.r #ry*"ry;ggg;ot'he*oea'r>""ffiffijjff#"ffiil "Mod."" f"tY:Tl]P#?ilHi::fr#tT' Fra,nkfurt scb'ool deSr5,w*

n;s maae West

noiocru"ia"iirr to afriend righ[ there' '-Sd

l/.,lur -ide, i



'ffiri,x*r"sli lisi"li*Ti6g5gj4gkH"iH1ffi,",fffi'ffi {i

rhe ,rvhjre tha,t tb'ese views are varida'ted :X #nm *f::f"tt# irhose w6r poutics opposng^.:-:3il;;Gs iarticipate in. rr





1t\0U6[.' : ,.., 6-er trr - ' qfi-{-":.;theBas.ar-n1r.1::t


Page 7: ffi · 2019-07-19 · UMffiEWffiTMMT H Iffi lcE E* r:xrnmr:mffiH#:",m:;--""iif! sc HEsn ieEg gXr\illlt *,rriJl,|)l E!.:--:-r.A A AryDA A AtiJ - people haven't beea too slack wb.at

ffie*Bs # I-q???."tLl-"%rryriifurruer miilfritiEum ffi@' q ffiHs6gffi h# 3 E

b.r ..ntr'd-,?i-.brr r r ar{o.i; illy^":'l:-t}5 @Wffiff3',r".

ry-ffi-:JeEaaa ,,"le.g"-ti ;Eiteenfiouse-anemptyofflceblockatElephant& - q E Et: E ;f."T"*" _'_ Id ,

:ffi:ItT;;f;#:ffiT:'"ilT"LlT#H* q 5 * ; E ieer

-'.el n g *ffi y"X"6T:#t:

:HfffX#:1ffi#iJ"#::T,#T"?"ff;:X* ; ffi?"'"" to be a bii t'ffi :;ffi-r"ffr:#rffiTffi;*n##ffiT'r"t*i*n E

=r*"f** :f;:$;:tulffiTffi;:n#"T'nT'r"1"tri"""#"

E Hfffi"HffL lf,rffi*- r'''=l-tt E'=

ornce block on Newinslbon causewav with a 4r-storev yor:r Eloa.ls. Maybe *f *ptil;jjk*=' ^ff'$ * or t I

;1ffiJ,;Hfi*if,il1r*H*J#:" ffim*, * -,,'o"-"?.$:?k{'#:,* #,.[*":r",i#'"

ffi******''*=* HJH,* q{*ffi,fl5?*-ffi'H:

m**i'm**iry*rX*' *.iltl :-, T$r*ffiFJ ffHk?;#

*im ; x ilrffi;*i'*iffi,1iffi: 1"J-' i ffift':r,*"v'-"t-'i;i1p * m*-"*;r:a:,*ncausinsmayhe*. i'l *o:SHi*r"" \f:, o"Jr]ffiffif;&""



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massiveredeveropmetrtpla,lrortheEleph'antarea- ".'""Jry*- o{i*HH,frf,:

t*h g t



1ffi :""#'Hf ',iffi :tTr**,:witb. a better sort. fhis a d5ma'mic at work all over tlre

f:Resista,ncecontiaues. -t!!! T_%- e*^osioa .,*. .^


{'agk",t bid"";AT*

THEqEIgLrgslrr,Hq Eae imx:;m5 mHrml#r*'ie-.o c

,ffiN;ffiH*rl;;lu***" ; l:ig5,"*il,*ou *n-*- r r E ;:l:ffim..mrl 3 #

ffi*ffi"'*,r":u-*"1'; ; B:#ffitrro.EooT $3;,+t"-"*,'swood P ;ffis"t$-{ i X i

fl";:,,m*ur{1"1#:-T'Hi tr:T51T;'; E ?- i:g#*-*+

'. -:.^ :. * EndofPoiicin€italkbyNETPOl. qt"{**^-oiolforgourt,cost .' = < i'-r'pm' 5.'4 t"'"""";';-"

q 6;ffiffirin€i.tarkbvNErpo,,. ffim"""iriro*courtcost H {be "'"'{ ' * ',

IH":tLHTffi"'"""* ]"'-"TJt- * #.-ffi:tfi*863o540 i"-ua".","vr"*ir,.sb'"wor

- i F,estart, CalI the Cops' Scum " .luilE"n.doo

L{a€istrate Courb

sisrerKin"i".-- F -..

f, 3 I iH:?#:ft#ffir?"XT'S". ?S:'H"T.'"1#J.%'-' : -r#'",A,arcbisbBook i ffi#":;,ffirooo*o,,I*il"X?'n,ao-?:5opm, Frid.6- ff#tr$roc @ srand up ro

a '* ,o.ror* apm tr sEw,j c"t, r-nroliae: 0?40700060€

t{tr_7Pm _ RacismMarch iri' . u Every 148 of r,he Month ,,j]jril.'si,. n"*! Greenfeld silent march

lv LY$L' r'