fg 10 metal non-metal

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  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-11008%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    Metals and Non-metals

    List tenphysical properties of metals; mention theexceptions where ever they exist. 5

    1. .2. .3. ..

    4. ..5. ..6. ..7. ..8. ... ..

    1!. ..

    "hemical #roperties of $etals

    Write the balanced chemical

    reactions for the following. Also

    mention the conditions under

    which the reaction proceeds.

    %1& 'eaction of potassi(m with oxy)en

    %2& 'eaction of so*i(m with oxy)en+,

    What is the Alkali Metal? Why are they called so?

    %3& 'eaction of ma)nesi(m metal with oxy)en+,

    %4& 'eaction of al(mini(m metal with oxy)en+

    %5& 'eaction of -inc metal with oxy)en+

    %6& 'eaction of ron metal with oxy)en+.

    %7& 'eaction of copper metal with oxy)en+

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    %1& 'eaction of so*i(m metal with water+

    %2& 'eaction of potassi(m metal with water+

    %3& 'eaction of calci(m metal with water+

    %4& 'eaction of ma)nesi(m metal with water+

    G_10_General SciencePage 1

    Reaction with oxygen- Most of the metals form

    respecti!e metal oxides when react with oxygen.

    Reaction of metals with waterMetals form respecti!e metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas when react with water.

    All metals do not react with water. Alkali metals react !igorously with water.

    Name """"""""""""""""" #lass $ %ub """""""""""""""&ate """""" Remark """""""

    'RA#()#* A%%)+NM*N(

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    %5& 'eaction of al(mini(m metal with water+

    %6& 'eaction of -inc metal with water+


    'eaction of ron with water+

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    %1& 'eaction of so*i(m metal with *il(te aci*+

    (2) 'eaction of potassi(m with *il(te s(lph(ric aci*+ ,

    %3& 'eaction of ma)nesi(m metal with *il(tehy*rochloric aci*+,

    (4) 'eaction of al(mini(m with *il(te hy*rochloric aci*+,

    %5& 'eaction of -inc with *il(te s(lph(ric aci*+,

    Name three noble metals. Why are they so called?

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which

    the reaction proceeds.

    %1& 'eaction of so*i(m oxi*e with water+,

    %2& 'eaction of ma)nesi(m oxi*e with water+,

    %3& 'eaction of potassi(m oxi*e with water+

    %4& 'eaction of -inc oxi*e an* al(mini(m oxi*e+

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 2

    Metals- #hemical 'roperties 'art-))Reaction of metals with dilute acid-

    Metals form respecti!e salts when react with dilute acid.

    Metal ,xides #hemical 'roperties-

    Metal oxides are basic in nature. Aueous solution of metal oxides turns red litmus blue.

    Reaction of metal oxides with waterMost of the metal oxides are insoluble in water. Alkali metal oxides are soluble in water. Alkali metal oxides gi!e

    strong base when dissol!ed in water.

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    /hen -inc oxi*e reacts with so*i(m hy*roxi*e0 it ehaveslie an aci*. n this reaction0 so*i(m -incate an* water

    are forme*.Write the chemical reaction in!ol!ed

    inc oxi*e ehaves lie a ase when reacts with aci*.inc oxi*e )ives -inc chlori*e an* water on reaction withhy*rochloric aci*.Write the chemical reaction in!ol!ed

    n similar way al(mini(m oxi*e ehaves lie a ase whenreacts with an aci* an* ehaves lie an aci* when reactswith a ase.l(mini(m oxi*e )ives so*i(m al(minate alon) withwater when reacts with so*i(m hy*roxi*e.

    Write the chemical reaction in!ol!ed

    l(mini(m oxi*e )ives al(mini(m chlori*e alon) withwater when reacts with hy*rochloric aci*.Write the chemical

    reaction in!ol!ed

    #hysical properties of on,metals

    /ist *)+0( physical properties of non- metals1

    mention the exceptions where e!er they exist. 2

    1. .2. .3. ..

    4. ..5. ..

    6. ..

    7. ..8. ...

    "hemical properties of on,metals

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    %1& /hen caron reacts with oxy)en0 caron *ioxi*e isforme* alon) with pro*(ction of heat.

    %2& /hen caron is (rnt in ins(fficient s(pply of air0 itforms caron monoxi*e. "aron monoxi*e is a toxics(stance. nhalin) of caron monoxi*e may prove fatal.

    %3& (lph(r )ives s(lph(r *ioxi*e when react withoxy)en. (lph(r ca()ht fire when expose* to air.

    %3& /hen hy*ro)en reacts with oxy)en it )ives water.

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for thefollowing. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    "aron *ioxi*e )ives caronic aci* when *issolve* inwater.

    (lph(r *ioxi*e )ives s(lph(ro(s aci* when *issolve* inwater.

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e

    Aluminium oxide and 3inc oxide are insoluble in water. Aluminium oxide and 3inc oxide are amphoteric in nature.An amphoteric substance shows both acidic and basic character. )t reacts with base like acid and reacts with acid

    like a base.

    Reaction of non-metals with oxygen-Non-metals

    form respecti!e oxide when react with oxygen.

    Non-metal oxide-Non-metal oxides are acidic in nature. %olution of non-metal oxides turns blue litmus red.

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    (lph(r *ioxi*e )ives s(lph(r trioxi*e when reacts with


    (lph(r trioxi*e )ives s(lph(ric aci* when *issolve* inwater.

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    y*ro)en )ives hy*ro)en chlori*e an* phosphoro(s )ivesphosphoro(s trichlori*e when react with chlorine.

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    %1& o*i(m forms so*i(m ion eca(se of loss of one

    electron. eca(se of loss of one electron; one positivechar)e comes over so*i(m.

    %2& imilarly; potassi(m )ets one positive char)e y loss

    of one electron.

    %3& $a)nesi(m forms positive ion eca(se of loss of twoelectrons. 9wo positive char)es come over ma)nesi(meca(se of loss of two electrons.

    %4& imilarly calci(m )ets two positive char)es over it yloss of two electrons.

    e)ative ion+, ne)ative ion is forme* eca(se of )ain ofelectron.

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    %1& "hlorine )ains one electron in or*er to achieve staleconfi)(ration. fter loss of one electron chlorine )ets onene)ative char)e over it formin) chlorine ion.

    %2& imilarly0 fl(orine )ets one ne)ative char)e over it y

    )ain of one electron formin) chlori*e ion; in or*er toachieve stale confi)(ration.

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e *

    Reaction of non-metal with chlorineNon metals gi!e respecti!e chloride when react withchlorine gas.

    Reaction of Metal and Non-metalMany metals form ionic bonds when they react with non-metals. #ompounds so formed are known as ionic


    )ons'ositi!e or negati!e charged atoms are known as ions. )ons are formed because of loss or gain of electrons.

    Atoms form ion to obtain electronic configuration of nearest noble gas4 this means to obtain stable


    'ositi!e ion-A positi!e ion is formed because of loss of electrons by an atom.

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    %3& :xy)en )ets two ne)ative char)e over it y )ain of

    two electrons formin) oxi*e ion; in or*er to otain staleconfi)(ration.

    Write the balanced chemical reactions for the

    following. Also mention the conditions under which the

    reaction proceeds.

    567 8ormation of sodium chloride 5Na#l7n so*i(m chlori*e so*i(m is a metal %alali metal& an*chlorine is non,metal.

    tomic n(mer of so*i(m 11

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    "alci(m loses two electrons in or*er to achieve stale

    electronic confi)(ration.

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    %3& /hy *o ionic compo(n*s con*(ct electricity insol(tionBmolten stateA

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    ,ccurance and *xtraction of Metals

    o(rce of metal+, $etals occ(r in earthCs cr(st an* in seawater; in the form of ores.

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    caronate0 etc. s a res(lt0 the metal )ets eaten (p. 9his

    process is calle* corrosion.

    '(stin) of ron+'(stin) of iron is the most common formof corrosion. /hen iron articles; lie )ate0 )rill0 fencin)0etc. come in contact with moist(re present in air0 the (pper

    layer of iron t(rns into iron oxi*e. ron oxi*e is rown,re*in color an* is nown as r(st. 9his phenomenon is calle*r(stin) of iron.f r(stin) is not prevente* in time0 the whole iron articlewo(l* t(rn into iron oxi*e. 9his is also nown ascorrosion of iron. '(stin) of iron )ives h()e loss everyyear.

    #revention of '(stin)+

    Eor r(stin)0 iron m(st come in contact with oxy)en an*water. '(stin) is prevente* y preventin) the reactionetween atmospheric moist(re an* the iron article. 9his

    can e *one y paintin)0 )reasin)0 )alvani-ation0electroplatin)0 etc.

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 10

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    (estion M 1, Give an example of a metal which

    %i& is a li>(i* at room temperat(re. @@@@@@@@@@@@@%ii& can e easily c(t with a nife. @@@@@@@@@@@@@%iii& is the est con*(ctor of heat. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@%iv& is a poor con*(ctor of heat. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion M 2, (ations for the reactions of%i& iron with steamnswer+

    %ii& calci(m an* potassi(m with waternswer+

    (estion M 5 , amples of fo(r metals 0 0 " an* H weretaen an* a**e* to the followin) sol(tion one y one. 9heres(lts otaine* have een ta(late* as follows.

    Ise the 9ale aove to answer the followin) >(estionsao(t metals 0 0 " an* H.

    %i& /hich is the most reactive metalA @@@@@@@@@@@@

    %ii& /hat wo(l* yo( oserve if is a**e* to a sol(tion of"opper%& s(lphateA


    %iii& rran)e the metals 0 0 " an* H in the or*er of

    *ecreasin) reactivity.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion M 6 , /hich )as is pro*(ce* when *il(tehy*rochloric aci* is a**e* to a reactive metalA /rite the

    chemical reaction when iron reacts with *il(te 2:4.

    (estion M 7 , /hat wo(l* yo( oserve when -inc isa**e* to a sol(tion of iron%& s(lphateA /rite the

    chemical reaction that taes place.

    (estion+ 8M%i& /rite the electron,*ot str(ct(res for so*i(m0

    oxy)en an* ma)nesi(m.

    %ii& how the formation of a2: an* $): ythe transfer of electrons.

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 11

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    %iii& /hat are the ions present in thesecompo(n*sA

    (estion M , /hy *o ionic compo(n*s have hi)hmeltin) pointsA

    (estion M 1!, Hefine the followin) terms.%i& $ineral

    %ii& :re

    %iii& Gan)(e

    (estion M 11 , ame two metals which are fo(n* in

    nat(re in the free,state.

    (estion M 12 , /hat chemical process is (se* forotainin) a metal from its oxi*eA

    (estion+ 13 , $etallic oxi*es of -inc0 ma)nesi(m an*copper were heate* one y one with -inc0 ma)nesi(m an*

    copper. n which cases will yo( fin* *isplacementreactions tain) placeA

    (estion+ 14 , /hich metals *o not corro*e easilyA

    (estion+ 15 , /hat are alloysA

    (estion , 1. /hich of the followin) pairs will )ive*isplacement reactionsA

    %a& a"l sol(tion an* copper metal%& $)"l2 sol(tion an* al(mini(m metal

    %c& Ee:4 sol(tion an* silver metal%*& ):3 sol(tion an* copper metal.

    (estion ,2. /hich of the followin) metho*s is s(italefor preventin) an iron fryin) pan from r(stin)A

    %a& pplyin) )rease

    %& pplyin) paint%c& pplyin) a coatin) of -inc%*& ll of the aove.

    (estion ,3. n element reacts with oxy)en to )ive acompo(n* with a hi)h meltin) point. 9his compo(n* is

    also sol(le in water. 9he element is liely to e

    %a& calci(m%& caron%c& silicon%*& iron.

    (estion ,4. Eoo* cans are coate* with tin an* not with-inc eca(se

    %a& -inc is costlier than tin.%& -inc has a hi)her meltin) point than tin.%c& -inc is more reactive than tin.%*& -inc is less reactive than tin.

    (estion ,5. No( are )iven a hammer0 a attery0 a (l0

    wires an* a switch.%a& ow co(l* yo( (se them to test whether the )ivensamples of soli* is a metal an* non,metalA

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 12

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    %& s the test yo( performe* in %a& to *istin)(ishin)

    etween metals an* non,metals0 a confirmatory testA(ation for the reaction

    tain) place.nswer+

    (estion ,1!. tate two ways to prevent the r(stin) ofiron.

    (estion ,11. /hat type of oxi*es are forme* when non,metals comine with oxy)enA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion ,12. Give reasons for the followin)+

    %a& #latin(m0 )ol* an* silver are (se* to mae Dewellery.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.%& o*i(m0 potassi(m an* lithi(m are store* (n*er oil.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    %c& l(mini(m is a hi)hly reactive metal0 yet it is (se* tomae (tensils for cooin).


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.%*& "aronate an* s(lphi*e ores are (s(ally converte*into oxi*es *(rin) the process of extraction.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@



    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 1

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    (estion ,13. No( m(st have seen tarnishe* coppervessels ein) cleane* with lemon or tamarin* D(ice.(a,re)ia isa& Hil."l + "onc. :3 3 + 1& "onc."l + Hil. :3+ 3 + 1c& "onc."l + "onc.:3; 3 + 1

    *& Hil."l + Hil.:3 3 + 1

    (estion+ , /hich of the followin) are not ionic

    compo(n*sAi. F"l

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 1*

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    ii. "l

    iii. ""l4iv. a"l

    %i& an* %ii&%ii& an* %iii&%iii& an* %iv&

    %i& an* %iii&

    (estion+ 1! , /hich one of the followin) properties isnot )enerally exhiite* y ionic compo(n*sA

    a& ol(ility in water& (i* state

    at room temperat(reAa& a& Eec& "r *& )

    (estion+ 18 , /hich of the followin) metals are otaine*y electrolysis of their chlori*es in molten stateA

    i. a

    ii. "aiii. Eeiv. "(

    %i& an* %iv&%iii& an* %iv&%i& an* %iii&%i& an* %ii&

    (estion+ 1 , Generally0 non,metals are not l(stro(s.

    /hich of the followin) nonmetal is l(stro(sAa& (lph(r & :xy)enc& itro)en*& o*ine

    (estion+ 2! , /hich one of the followin) fo(r metalswo(l* e *isplace* from the sol(tion of its salts y otherthree metalsA

    a& $)& )c& n

    *& "(

    (estion+ 21 , 2 mL each of concentrate* "l0 :3an*a mixt(re of concentrate* "l an* concentrate* :3inthe ratio of 3 + 1 were taen in test t(es laelle* as 0 an* ". small piece of metal was p(t in each test t(e.

    o chan)e occ(rre* in test t(es an* (t the metal)ot *issolve* in test t(e " respectively. 9he metal co(l*e

    a& l& (c& "(

    *& #t

    (estion+ 22 , n alloy isa& an element& a compo(n*

    c& a homo)eneo(s mixt(re*& a hetero)eneo(s mixt(re

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 1%

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    (estion+ 23 , n electrolytic cell consists of

    i. positively char)e* catho*eii. ne)atively char)e* ano*e

    iii. positively char)e* ano*eiv. ne)atively char)e* catho*e

    %i& an* %ii&

    %iii& an* %iv&%i& an* %iii&%ii& a* %iv&

    (estion+ 24 , H(rin) electrolytic refinin) of -inc0 it )etsa& *eposite* on catho*e& *eposite* on ano*e

    c& *eposite* on catho*e as well as ano*e*& remains in the sol(tion

    (estion+ 25 , n element is soft an* can e c(t with anife. 9his is very reactive to air an* cannot e ept openin air. t reacts vi)oro(sly with water. *entify the element

    from the followin)a& $)& ac& #*& "a

    (estion+ 26 , lloys are homo)eneo(s mixt(res of a

    metal with a metal or nonmetal. /hich amon) thefollowin) alloys contain non,metal as one of itsconstit(entsA

    a& rass& ron-ec& mal)am

    *& teel

    (estion+ 27 , /hich amon) the followin) statements isincorrect for ma)nesi(m metalA

    a& t (rns in oxy)en with a *a--lin) white flame& t reacts with col* water to form ma)nesi(m

    oxi*e an* evolves hy*ro)en )asc& t reacts with hot water to form ma)nesi(m

    hy*roxi*e an* evolves hy*ro)en )as*& t reacts with steam to form ma)nesi(m

    hy*roxi*e an* evolves hy*ro)en )as

    (estion+ 28, /hich amon) the followin) alloys containmerc(ry as one of its constit(entsA

    a& tainless steel& lnicoc& ol*er *& inc amal)am

    (estion+ 2 , 'eaction etween O an* N0 formscompo(n* . O loses electron an* N )ains electron./hich of the followin) properties is not shown y A

    a& as hi)h meltin) point& as low meltin) point

    c& "on*(cts electricity in molten state*& :cc(rs as soli*

    (estion+ 3! , 9he electronic confi)(rations of three

    elements O0 N an* are O P 20 8; N P 20 80 7 an* P20 80 2. /hich of the followin) is correctA

    a& O is a metal& N is a metalc& is a non,metal

    *& N is a non,metal an* is a metal

    (estion+ 31, ltho()h metals form asic oxi*es0 whichof the followin) metals form an amphoteric oxi*eA

    a& a& "ac& l

    *& "(

    (estion+ 32, Generally0 non,metals are not con*(ctors ofelectricity. /hich of the followin) is a )oo* con*(ctor ofelectricityA

    a& Hiamon*

    & Graphitec& (lph(r *& E(llerene

    (estion+ 33 ,

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    (estion+ 37 , >al treate* a l(stro(s0 *ivalent element $@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@



    (estion+ 38 , H(rin) extraction of metals0 electolyticrefinin) is (se* to otain p(re metals.%a& /hich material will e (se* as ano*e an* catho*e forrefinin) of silver metal y this processAnswer+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    %& ())est a s(itale electrolyte also.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%c& n this electrolytic cell0 where *o we )et p(re silverafter passin) electric c(rrentA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion+ 3 , /hy sho(l* the metal s(lphi*es an*caronates e converte* to metal oxi*es in the process ofextraction of metal from themA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@



    (estion+ 4! , Generally0 when metals are treate* withmineral aci*s0 hy*ro)en )as is lierate* (t when metals%except $n an* $)&0 treate* with :30 hy*ro)en is notlierate*0 whyA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 41 , "ompo(n* O an* al(mini(m are (se* to

    Doin railway tracs.%a& *entify the compo(n* O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%& ame the reaction@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%c& /rite *own its reaction.


    (estion+ 42 , /hen a metal O is treate* with col* water0it )ives a asic salt N with molec(lar form(la O:%$olec(lar mass 4!& an* lierates a )as which easilycatches fire. *entify O0 N an* an* also write the

    reaction involve*.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    (estion+ 43 , non,metal O exists in two *ifferent formsN an* . N is the har*est nat(ral s(stance0 whereas is a)oo* con*(ctor of electricity. *entify O0 N an* .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    (estion+ 44 , 9he followin) reaction taes place when

    al(mini(m pow*er is heate* with $n:23$n:2%s& ? 4 l %s& Q 3 $n %l& ? 2 l2:3%l& ? eat%a& s al(mini(m )ettin) re*(ce*A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    %& s $n:2)ettin) oxi*ise*A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion+ 45 , /hat are the constit(ents of sol*er alloyA/hich property of sol*er maes it s(itale for wel*in)electrical wiresA



    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 1(

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 46 , metal 0 which is (se* in thermiteprocess0 when heate* with oxy)en )ives an oxi*e 0which is amphoteric in nat(re. *entify an* . /rite

    *own the reactions of oxi*e with "l an* a:.


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 47 , metal that exists as a li>(i* at roomtemperat(re is otaine* y heatin) its s(lphi*e in thepresence of air. *entify the metal an* its ore an* )ive the

    reaction involve*.


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 48 , Give the form(lae of the stale inarycompo(n*s that wo(l* e forme* y the comination of

    followin) pairs of elements.

    %a& $) an* 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%& Li an* :2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%c& l an* "l2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%*& F an* :2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion+ 4. /hat happens when%a& n":3is heate* in the asence of oxy)enA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    %& mixt(re of "(2: an* "(2 is heate*A


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 5!. non,metal is an important constit(ent of

    o(r foo* an* forms two oxi*es an* ". :xi*e is toxicwhereas " ca(ses )loal warmin)%a& *entify 0 an* "



    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.%& 9o which Gro(p of #erio*ic 9ale *oes elon)A


    (estion+ 51. Give two examples each of the metals thatare )oo* con*(ctors an* poor con*(ctors of heatrespectively.nswer+ Goo* con*(ctors+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#oor con*(ctors+ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion+ 52. ame one metal an* one non,metal thatexist in li>(i* state at room temperat(re. lso name twometals havin) meltin) point less than 31! F %37R"&



    (estion+ 53. n element reacts with water to form acompo(n* which is (se* in white washin). 9hecompo(n* on heatin) forms an oxi*e " which ontreatment with water )ives ac . *entify 0 an* "

    an* )ive the reactions involve*.


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 54. n alali metal )ives a compo(n* %molec(lar mass 4!& on reactin) with water. 9hecompo(n* )ives a sol(le compo(n* " on treatment

    with al(mini(m oxi*e. *entify 0 an* " an* )ive thereaction involve*.


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 55. Give the reaction involve* *(rin) extractionof -inc from its ore y

    %a& 'eaction *(rin) roastin) of -inc ore@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    %& 'eaction *(rin) calcination of -inc ore

    10+ Sc/C+&+VERMA&a.e 18

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+


    (estion+ 56. metal $ *oes not lierate hy*ro)en fromaci*s (t reacts with oxy)en to )ive a lac colo(rpro*(ct. *entify $ an* lac colo(re* pro*(ct an* alsoexplain the reaction of $ with oxy)en.


    (estion+ 57. n element forms an oxi*e 2:3which isaci*ic in nat(re. *entify as a metal or non,metal.nswer+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    (estion+58. sol(tion of "(:4was ept in an iron pot.fter few *ays the iron pot was fo(n* to have a n(mer ofholes in it. (ation of the reaction involve*.nswer+


    (estion+ 5. non,metal which is the lar)estconstit(ent of air0 when heate* with 2in 1+3 ratio in thepresence of catalyst %Ee& )ives a )as . :n heatin) with:2it )ives an oxi*e ". f this oxi*e is passe* into water inthe presence of air it )ives an aci* H which acts as a

    stron) oxi*isin) a)ent.%a& *entify 0 0 " an* H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    %& 9o which )ro(p of perio*ic tale *oes this non,metal


    (estion+ 6!. Give the steps involve* in the extraction ofmetals of low an* me*i(m reactivity from their respectives(lphi*e ores.nswer@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@







    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.(estion+ 61.

  • 8/11/2019 FG 10 Metal Non-metal


    VERMA CLASSES, A-2/108; Mayur Apartments Sector-9; Rohn; !e" #e$h-8%;&h' 011-2(%)9222; 9818988*(%+

    (estion+62. %i& Given elow are the steps for extraction

    of copper from its ore. /rite the reaction involve*.

    %a& 'oastin) of copper %1& s(lphi*e@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    %& 'e*(ction of copper %1& oxi*e with copper %1&s(lphi*e.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%c&