freud ian

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  • 8/7/2019 Freud Ian


    Freud Sigmund (1856-1939)

    Our beloved Sigmund Freud died yesterday at the

    healthy age of 83 in his house located in London (Freud,

    Access) . Doctors say it was a quiet event, and Freud

    F r e u d , F at h e r o f P sy c h o a n a l y si s , D i e s at 8 3

    In t his issue:

    Freuds Death 1

    How Do We

    Remember Freud?


    Top 10 2

    Ask a Freudian 2


    Explaining why youre a sexual deviant since 1914

    T h e D a i l y F r e u d i a n

    passed peacefully on one of his therapeutic couches.

    Reports say he was psychoanalyzing his death up until his

    last minute.

    He seemed to believe that his Jaw Cancer was a result

    of his abnormal development of his psyche during his oral

    stage, and he kept tracing the root of the disease to a

    physical manifestation of being prematurely weaned as a

    child. It was quite fascinating, but it made me quite

    parched reports an unnamed observer.

    Sigmund Schlomo Freud died as the father of

    psychoanalysis, but his theories had countless detractors.

    He received two Nobel Prize nominations for his works

    on the human brain, one for literature and another for

    medicine, but he failed on both accounts after a letter

    from Albert Einstein, a physicist, disapproving of his

    nomination (Bloom).

    Before he died, his last words seemed to mention

    psychoanalyzing that damned Einstein in hell for his failed

    anal development claimed another close friend.

    Freud is survived by his wife Martha and his funeral will

    be the next Thursday, prospecting visitors are advised to

    search for the funeral without a gravestone or a podium.

    His last wishes were to hold a funeral without phallic

    objects. He didnt want to be remembered as just

    another man with penis envy r emarked Martha.

    Last Night, Freud ended his longand prolific life peacefully as he

    died at the respectable age of 83.

    But this weeks column isnt

    about how Freud died, but rather,

    how we should remember Freud.

    Do we remember him as a great

    innovator of psychology and the

    inventor of the unconscious or

    overly ambitious, pedantic


    In my opinion, he is both yet

    neither of the two sides. While

    he was the father of both the

    modern theory of the

    unconscious as well as

    psychoanalysis as a whole,

    When in Doubt, its

    probably Phallic


    Column written by Professor

    David. L Brooks.

    Commentary Continues on Page 2

  • 8/7/2019 Freud Ian


    Tip: When confronting your Oedipal issues, try to realize your dad went through the same thing.

    Dear Mr. Frued,

    Im a English teacher in high school and Im trying

    to juggle both writing graduate school term

    paper and handling their schoolwork as well. Im

    feel like Im a messy person and I cant seem to

    get everything in my life as organized as I want it

    to be, and Im afraid its going to affect my

    teaching. What should I do?

    Danforth B.


    Dear Danforth:

    The reason why you returned to school in order

    to spend the rest of your working life is your

    inability to let go of the past, as well as to let go

    of certain material possessions. The reason for

    this is probably because in your early childhood,

    your mother failed to properly toilet train you,

    and thus, the anal stage of your development

    A sk a F r e u d i a n


    Signature from http://

    was improperly executed. The reason you

    are anal is because in the past, you were

    unable to properly let go of your feces and

    curr ently you face the same dilemma. You are

    probably very organized in real life and not

    messy as you say you are. You need to let

    go of the anal part of your childhood by

    finishing what your mother started. Now I am

    by no means suggesting that are incont inent,

    but now, every time you visit the lavatory,

    think to yourself the progress that you made

    since the anal stage and realize that you arephysically and consciously a grown, developed

    man. You need to tell your unconscious to

    back off and verbally say I am a grown man, I

    am past my anal development! .

    Best wishes,

    Jim Frued

    HO W DO W E (Cont. from 1 )

    Top Ten Reasons W hy Your e Act ually Sexually Confused

    10. Your mother didnt love you enough

    9. Your id and your ego are sexually attracted to each other

    8. Your super-ego disapproves

    7. Your mother loved you TOO MUCH

    6. Societys phallic insertion of finger into ring has made your

    super-ego deathly afraid of sex before marriage.

    5. Mary had a Litt le Lamb has given you the impression that

    you can control societys sheep with your Sheppards


    4. Baseballs repeated contact between ball and bat has made

    you homophobic.

    3. The reason you cant eat ice cream is because your mother

    weaned you much too late.

    2. Your lack of a penis has made you hate your parents for

    taking it away from you

    1. Societys idea of getting 100 percent in school has made you

    believe a two round circles and a single long line is the

    only way to succeed in life.

    T o p 1 0 R e a so n s W h y Yo u r e

    A c t u a l l y Se x u a l l y C o n f u s ed

    Jim Frued has formally met Dr. Freud and has studied at Pathway Township HS for 3 years. He holds an informal B.A. in psychotolology as well as telecommunications.

    and we should fully commend him for these fine

    achievements, we have to put his accomplishments into

    perspective. His theory of erogenous zone development

    (oral, anal, phallic, genital) is at best speculation. It fails to

    account for uncommon family structures, such as children

    without a father, mother, or even both. While his id, ego,

    superego of the mind is beautiful in its simplicity, we have

    to remember his obsession with everything sexual and

    how that limited the true scope of his work (Freud,


    50 years from now, he will still be regarded as one of the

    most influential psychological scholars to ever exist, but

    hopefully, we as a society will begin to take some of his

    lesser theories with a grain of salt by then. Only by actu-

    ally discriminating between his scientifically developed

    theories versus his whims of his mind will we truly be able

    to understand his deserved impact on the world.