friday lunchtime lecture: how open data can help charities and grant funders focus resources


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Post on 10-Dec-2015




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Grantmakers and charities generate large amounts of data through the course of their work. If this data could be shared and compared easily it could be useful to many other organisations, including other charities, NGOs and funders, enabling better use of resources by everyone.Alice Casey from 360Giving and Tim Davies will explain how things work in practice and how people can get involved either as publishers, data users or contributors to the standard.Tim Davies is an independent consultant & action-researcher based in Oxford, UK, and since October 2011, a PhD Student in Web Science and Social Policy with the University of Southampton.Watch the video of this talk here: videos: photos: audio: slides: tweets: website: theodi.orgODI Summit videos: is open data?:


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funder collaboration

using open grant data

to make impact

A non-profit

That helps funders publish and begin

and exploring together how it can help

What is 360Giving?

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Finding out what grants we make is often manual, labour intensive and inexact

Is there a better, faster, more insightful way?

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Funders all gather and publish some data in annual reports……

...but it isn't open, it isn't standardised, and it isn’t well used

Could better use be made of the data gathered?

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Funders spend alot of time in traditional donor collaboratives

Can open data help surface common issues and and target resources?

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Can we help make research more timely, easier to deliver and to build upon?

Research can be laborious, time intensive and based on old data.

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Can open data help quickly and cheaply build a picture of common activity?

Some funders gather and publish data on their own activity

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What can we learn from other bodies?

There have been some notable initiatives elsewhere with similarities

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Open Collaborative

Open data Infrastructure

Publication & usage

We work as an

Creating suitable and sustainable

Supporting the most effective

How do we work?

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A brief history...● June 2013: Indigo Trust convene working lunch to explore a vision for Open Philanthropy;

● March 2014: Prototype data standard, supported by Nominet Trust, published by ODS team;

● Spring 2014: Funder-led working group formed to push forward the development of the project; Indigo Trust, Nesta, Nominet and BLF

● Summer 2014: First publishers begin providing data; simple prototypes created to showcase how the data could be used.

● Early 2015: Developing a support service for publishers, funded by NESTA, and building a registry of published data.

● Mid 2015: Updating standard documentation, website and tools, Labs approach agreed

● July 2015: 360 Giving established as an independent non-profit

● November 2015: CEO appointment - scaling up and scaling out supply and demand.

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Funder collaborative Open data coop

UsersPublishers Foundations, Trusts, Philanthropists, Lottery bodies, Govt grantmakers

Grant seekers

TrustedTech Support

Use and learn together

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360Giving Labs : Products, prototypes & research

Data demand...

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360Giving is nimble, open infrastructure: a platform and learning resource. We don’t intend to become a product design agency.

We know from IATI that products are crucial.That’s why we encourage others to make them through 360Labs.

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Let us know •Contact the support team at 360giving

Choose how to publish•Choose from a range of options, depending on your circumstances

Add data•With free support, or without – upload your data into the 360giving standard

Check data•Ensure you have checked for quality and privacy

Publish!•We will help link to our registry and apply a license. We ask you to share your logo and link back to the registry.

Step by Step

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New questions1. Common measurements and metrics2. Reliability of data entry3. Interpretation and context4. Privacy and appropriateness of ‘open’5. Reputational concerns6. Practicalities of resource and skills7. Unexpected consequences…

What is the best way to explore the answers?Together, sharing risk and rewardWhat is the risk of not exploring?More of the same …

For more information please contact :[email protected] @cased

= Progress!