frontier of transition economics - 京都大学“central bank independence and inflation” by...

Frontier of Transition Economics 京都大学経済研究所共同利用共同研究拠点H28年度プロジェクト研究 京都大学/一橋大学経済研究所共同利用共同研究拠点連携事業 合同研究会議 2月23日 ( 木 ) 2月24日 ( 金 ) プロジェクト研究 「先端メタ分析理論の移行経済研究への応用」 研究成果報告会 報告者: 西南学院大学 上垣 彰教授他 2月25日 ( 土 ) プロジェクト研究 移行経済における市場の質・政府の質に関する 国際比較研究」研究成果報告会 報告者: 立命館大学 裕明教授他 特別講演会 社会科学におけるメタ分析:イントロダクション」 講演者: ヘンドリックス大学 トム・D・スタンレー教授(米国) クラーク大学 ロバート・J・ジョンストン教授(米国) カレル大学 トマス・ハブラネク准教授(チェコ共和国) Date : 2017 2 23 日( )・ 24 日( )・ 25 日( Venue : キャンパスプラザ京都 ( JR京都駅より徒歩5分 ) ※講演・報告は,開催期間を通じて,全て英語で行います。 ※会場の都合上,参加には事前登録が必要です。 (連絡先:林 裕明 Email:hirohaya☆ ☆を@にご変更ください)

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Page 1: Frontier of Transition Economics - 京都大学“Central Bank Independence and Inflation” by Akira Uegaki and Ichiro Iwasaki Chair: Shigeki Ohno (Asahikawa U.) Discussants: Tomáš

Frontier of Transition Economics京都大学経済研究所共同利用共同研究拠点H28年度プロジェクト研究

京都大学/一橋大学経済研究所共同利用共同研究拠点連携事業 合同研究会議

2月23日 (木 )

2月24日 (金 )



報告者:西南学院大学 上垣 彰教授他

2月25日 (土 )



報告者:立命館大学 林 裕明教授他

特別講演会「社会科学におけるメタ分析:イントロダクション」講演者:ヘンドリックス大学 トム・D・スタンレー教授(米国)

    クラーク大学 ロバート・J・ジョンストン教授(米国)

    カレル大学 トマス・ハブラネク准教授(チェコ共和国)

Date:  2017 年 2 月 23 日 ( 金 ) ・ 24 日 ( 土) ・ 25 日 ( 日)Venue: キャンパスプラザ京都 (JR京都駅より徒歩5分 )

※講演・報告は,開催期間を通じて,全て英語で行います。※会場の都合上,参加には事前登録が必要です。 (連絡先:林 裕明 Email:hirohaya☆ ☆を@にご変更ください)

Page 2: Frontier of Transition Economics - 京都大学“Central Bank Independence and Inflation” by Akira Uegaki and Ichiro Iwasaki Chair: Shigeki Ohno (Asahikawa U.) Discussants: Tomáš

Kyoto International Conference


Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University (KIER)

Under the Joint Sponsorship with Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi

University (IER)

A. Date

February 23 (Thu) – 25 (SAT), 2017

B. Conference Venue

Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2nd floor, Conference Room #1

The Area around the Campus Plaza Kyoto

Conference Venue

JR Kyoto Station

Page 3: Frontier of Transition Economics - 京都大学“Central Bank Independence and Inflation” by Akira Uegaki and Ichiro Iwasaki Chair: Shigeki Ohno (Asahikawa U.) Discussants: Tomáš


C. Program

February 23 (Thu) Special Lecture on “Meta-Analysis in Social Sciences:

An Introduction”

12:30 Opening the Conference Venue and Registration

13:00 Opening Speech by Satoshi Mizobata, Director, KIER

13:10 Joint Lecture “Introduction to Meta-Analysis in Social

Sciences” by

Tom D. Stanley (Hendrix College, US) and

Robert J. Johnston (Clark U., US)

Chair: Akira Uegaki (Seinan Gakuin U.)

15:40 Coffee Break

16:00 Lecture “The Practice of Meta-Analysis in Economics” by

Tomáš Havránek (Charles U. in Prague, Czech Republic)

Chair: Ichiro Iwasaki (IER)

17:30 Closing

February 24 (Fri) Workshop on “Meta-Analysis of the Transition Literature”

09:00 Opening the Conference Venue and Registration

09:30 Opening Speech by Akira Uegaki, Project Leader

09:40 Session I - Macroeconomics of Transition

“The Determinants of Economic Crisis and Recovery” by

Ichiro Iwasaki and Kazuhiro Kumo (IER)

“The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment” by

Masahiro Tokunaga (Kansai U.) and Ichiro Iwasaki

“International Trade after the Collapse of Socialism” by

Akira Uegaki and Kazuhiro Kumo

“Central Bank Independence and Inflation” by

Akira Uegaki and Ichiro Iwasaki

Chair: Shigeki Ohno (Asahikawa U.)

Discussants: Tomáš Havránek and Tom D. Stanley

12:00 Lunch Time

Page 4: Frontier of Transition Economics - 京都大学“Central Bank Independence and Inflation” by Akira Uegaki and Ichiro Iwasaki Chair: Shigeki Ohno (Asahikawa U.) Discussants: Tomáš


13:30 Session II – Microeconomics of Transition

“Post-Privatization Ownership and Firm Performance” by

Satoshi Mizobata and Ichiro Iwasaki

“Socialist Legacy and Human Resource Management” by

Norio Horie (U. of Toyama) and Kazuhiro Kumo

“Technology Transfer and Spillovers from FDI” by

Ichiro Iwasaki and Masahiro Tokunaga

“The Determinants of Poverty” by

Kazuhiro Kumo

Chair: Yuko Adachi (Sophia U.)

Discussants: Masato Hiwatari (Hokkaido U.) and Robert J. Johnston

15:50 Coffee Break

16:20 Session III – Political Economy of Transition

“Why Was the Socialism Collapsed?” by

Akira Uegaki and Fumikazu Sugiura (Teikyo U.)

“Path-Dependency of Economic Transition” by

Satoshi Mizobata and Norio Horie

“Radicalism Versus Gradualism: The Transition Strategy Debate” by

Taku Suzuki (Teikyo U.) and Ichiro Iwasaki

“Regime Change and Environmental Reform” by

Masahiro Tokunaga

Chair: Dimiter S. Ialnazov (Kyoto U.)

Discussants: Bruno Dallago (Trento U., Italy; Kyoto U., Japan)

and Byung-Yeon Kim (Seoul National U., South Korea)

19:00 Closing

February 25 (Sat) Workshop on “Quality of Market and Government in

Transition Economies: Comparison of China and Russia”

09:30 Opening the Conference Venue and Registration

10:00 Opening Speech by Hiroaki Hayashi, Project Leader (Ritsumeikan U.)

10:10 Invited Speeches

Page 5: Frontier of Transition Economics - 京都大学“Central Bank Independence and Inflation” by Akira Uegaki and Ichiro Iwasaki Chair: Shigeki Ohno (Asahikawa U.) Discussants: Tomáš


“The Twilight of Liberal Market Economies and the Implications

for Transitional Countries: The Remaking of the Basis of

Markets and Growth” by

Geoffrey Wood (Essex U., UK)

“'Russia in Post-Transition: New Frontiers” by

Vasiliy A. Anikin (Higher School of Economics, Russia)

“Institutions and Shocks: Where is the Eurozone Heading?" by

Bruno Dallago

Chair: Hiroaki Hayashi

12:40 Lunch Time

14:00 Session – Quality of Institutions and Growth in Russia and


“Changes in Middle Class and Market Quality in Russia” by

Hiroaki Hayashi

“Public Service and Regional Administration in Russia” by

Kazuho Yokokawa (Kanagawa U.)

“Overproduction in China after the Global Crisis” by

Takuma Kobayashi (Kyoto U.)

Chair: Fumikazu Sugiura

Discussants: Vasiliy A. Anikin, Yuka Takeda (Kyushu U.) and

Katsuji Nakagane (U. of Tokyo)

16:00 Coffee Break

16:20 Closing Remarks

Speakers: Geoffrey Wood and Satoshi Mizobata

Chair: Akira Uegaki

17:20 Closing

Page 6: Frontier of Transition Economics - 京都大学“Central Bank Independence and Inflation” by Akira Uegaki and Ichiro Iwasaki Chair: Shigeki Ohno (Asahikawa U.) Discussants: Tomáš


Notes: This Kyoto International Conference “Frontier of Transition Economics” hosted

by Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University (KIER) under the joint

sponsorship with Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (IER), in 2016-

2017 is financially and administratively supported by KIER joint usage and joint research

project and international conference support, KIER international support project on

“Rearing young scholars on Economics”2016, Kyoto University Research Coordination

Alliance Research Units for Exploring Future, KIER Foundation, and IER.