full paper-20141111-y.pdf

I 1ˊѢЏ䘏䕥ⱘ❨Ⲥދ⧗ᑞේේ㢃ᬒᇘᗻ⠽䋼䞞ᬒݙ䚼থџӊ⹂ᅮ ··························································· 㩼㬡㶟 ⼯䍸䐳 㗘㚖⭅ ㅚ㾂㸑 ˄1˅ 2ˊRIS-EAS ᖿ䗳ѦЎ⫼䆒䅵Ӭᬍ䖯乍ⱘ PSA 䆘Ӌ ··················· ㅉ⢙ 䟎⼄䇃˄6˅ 3ˊ催⏽⇨ދේⱘӴ㒳 PSA 亢䰽ޚ䗖⫼ᗻߚ····························· ⧣䁂㼁 Ⰾ䊞⧞˄11˅ 4ˊѢ Semi-Markov ൟⱘḌ⬉キϻ༅䞡㽕⫼∈থџӊ乥⥛Ԅ䅵 ········································································································ 㒉㚬䂕 ⭬䊧㏏˄18˅ 5ˊḌ⬉ PSA 䆒䴴ᗻ᭄䞛䲚໘⧚ᮍ⊩㓐䗄 ····················· 㶖㏏㉋ ⫛⽊㸑 ⧣䂆䑒˄25˅ 6ˊḌ⬉キ⍋ୌὖ⥛ᅝ䆘Ӌᮍ⊩お ······························ 䂏ㅉⴆ 㞎㞕⬕ 䍦㼟㘘 䂏䐟⧍˄29˅ 7ˊᡫ䳛⬉Ꮅ䆓ᅲᮑ⌕ঞᑨ⫼······································ 䂏⪛㈶ 㶖䐟㸥 㶖㆑㋎ 㾅㒂㗘˄36˅ 8ˊ߽⫼ᡫ䳛㺩ᑺߚᵤ㒧ᵰᅮ䞣䆘ԄḌ⬉䳛ේ㢃ᤳണ乥⥛ᮍ⊩ㅔҟ······· 䍦㼟㘘 䂏ㅉⴆ˄42˅ 9ˊ亢䰽ㅵ⧚ൟᡔᴃ㾘㣗ὖ䗄·············································· ㏏㤎䍽 㪓㦺ⳃ 䂏䓵㉝˄45˅ 10ˊѮḌ⬉亢䰽ᣛᓩൟᕍẔᶹߚ···································· 㒖㠝㠝 䟎⼄䇃 㬆⺛㒛˄48˅ 11ˊḌ⬉亢䰽ᣛᓩൟㅵ䘧༅ᬜᵰ䆘Ԅᮍ⊩おঞᑨ⫼ ············· ⰦⰌ㼟 ڣ˄53˅ 12ˊḌ⬉キ᠓䱨ⱘᡫ䳛㺩ᑺ䆘Ӌߚ························ 㶖Ⰽ㗘 䂏ㅉ⿋ 㶖䈒㤅˄59˅ 13ˊACP100 ഫᓣᇣൟේේ㢃⑤乍⣀ゟḌ䅵ㅫお ·· 䔔ク㿒 ㏏⧪㒛˄64˅ 14ˊ䴲ডᑨේḌ䆒ᮑЁ PSA ᡔᴃⱘᑨ⫼お ··································· 㵐ㅻ㉋ ˄69˅ 15ˊḌ⬉䴲㛑㋏㒳䴴ᗻ䆘Ӌᮍ⊩お ·····䝍儃 䔔ク㿒 ㏏⧐㉞ ˄76˅ 16ˊḌ⬉⦃๗亢䰽䆘ӋḚᶊお ······································ 䐄㞕 ㏏⧐㉞ ˄81˅ 17ˊḌ⬉Ҏਬ䴴ᗻߚᵤᮍ⊩ᑨ⫼ ······························································· 㒖㈊⹍ 㳐㿄ⴆ˄86˅ 18ˊḌ⬉䆒䅵䰊↉䴴ᗻ䆕㒆ⱘお ·····㏏⧐㉞ 䔔ク㿒 䝍儃˄91˅ 19ˊḌ⬉キ䜡㕂亢䰽ㅵ⧚Ёⱘ亢䰽䯜 ··········································································· ˄96˅ 20ˊ䆺㒚☿♒ᚙ᱃ᓎᎹⱘᑨ⫼㛑ᇍ↨ ···································· 㵐ㅻ㉋ ˄99˅ 21ˊЁᅲ偠ᖿේϔಲ䏃ދ䰅Ꮉ㡎䯈䩴☿ὖ⥛ᅝ䆘Ӌ ····································································· ⽛㸥㉝ 㣏⽉㲯 䝍儃 䔔ク㿒˄106˅ 22ˊഛ㸵 PSA ᅜᗻⱘᓎ䆂ঞᮍ⊩㋶········································· ㋸㼉⧭ ⭬⪠㧒˄113˅ 23ܜˊ䖯य़∈ේḌ⬉䴴ᗻ䆘Ӌᮍ⊩お ·················· ˄120˅ 24ˊѢḌ⬉䳛䇅থ☿♒ὖ⥛亢䰽ᅝお·········································· 䍦㾂Ⳟ˄125˅ 25ˊ1 PSA ⛁Ꮉ∈ߚᵤⱘϡ⹂ᅮᗻ䆘Ӌ ················································· 䂏⧅ㅎ ⴌ㸥㤅˄130˅ 26ˊḌ⬉ᴎ㒘ᑇഛ߽⫼⥛䆘Ӌᮍ⊩お ·································· 䂏㾂㘘˄136˅ 27ˊ᭄ᄫҎᴎ⬠䴶ⱘҎਬ䴴ᗻߚᵤᮍ⊩お·········································· 㳐㿄ⴆ ˄140˅ 28ˊѢ PSA ⱘഫᓣᇣේᑨᗹ䅵ߦߚߦℹお ····································································· 㶖㗯㻋 ⨟イ㧈 㒖㾣ㅉ ˄144˅ 29ˊḌ⬉᭄ᄫ䖛ᴎᶰ㋏㒳ⱘᡫ䳛㺩ᑺ䆘Ӌᮍ⊩お ··· ˄150˅ 30ˊϸ⦃䏃Ḍ⬉ⱘᡫ䳛㺩ᑺ䆘Ӌ ·················································· 㶖䈒㤅˄156˅ 31ˊѢ亢䰽ᣛᓩⱘḌ⬉䰆☿ሣ䱰ߚ㑻ᮍ⊩ ············································· 䍵㤍㚰 ˄161˅ 32ˊECC ㋏㒳䞡∈䱨⾏䯔ᅮᳳ䆩偠ᳳ亢䰽ᣛᓩൟӬߚ······ 㞎㼟⪛˄164˅ 33ˊѠҷᬍ䖯ൟḌ⬉Ѡ㑻 PSA ߚᵤϢ㾕㾷 ································· 䑍㸥军 䈘㾣㏜ ˄169˅

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Post on 13-Apr-2016




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  • I

    1 1

    2RIS-EAS PSA 6 3 PSA 11 4 Semi-Markov

    18 5 PSA 25 6 29 7 36 8 42 9 45 10 48 11 53 12 59 13ACP100 64 14 PSA 69 15 76 16 81 17 86 18 91 19 96 20 99 21

    106 22 PSA 113 23 120 24 125 251 PSA 130 26 136 27 140 28 PSA

    144 29 150 30 156 31 161 32ECC 164 33 PSA 169

  • II

    34 PSA 173

    35 177

    36 182 37

    )'6 189 38 2 PSA 193 39

    197 40 PSA 200 41 PSA 204 42 POSC LOCA 208 43

    213 44 217 45 PSA 221 46 225 47 228 48 233 49PSA 238 50 243 51 250 52 254 53 258 54 263 55 269 56 DCS PSA 274 57 279 58 PSA 284 59 288 60 293 61 C/S RiskA

    297 62 PSA

    303 63 308 64 313 65 322 66 RiskBase2.0

    )'6 329

  • III

    67 PSA 336 68 PSA

    342 69 AP1000 PSA 346 70 PSA 349 71AP1000 RNS 354 72CFR600 358 73 363 74 367 75

    372 75 378 77 383 78 PSA 388 79 393 80500KVGIS 5413/14 398 81PSA

    402 82 406 83

    411 84 PSA 416 85 421 86 426 87 PSA 432 88 437 89 443 90PSA 449 91


  • IV

  • 1



    Master logic diagram based internal initiating events identification for

    core radioactive material release in molten salt cooled pebble bed reactor YANG Qun MEI Mudan SHAO Shiwei JIAO Xiaowei HE Zhaozhong CHEN Kun

    Shanghai Institute of Applied PhysicsCASShanghai 201800 AbstractProbabilistic safety analysis of molten salt cooled pebble bed reactor contributes to analyze the safety and reliabilityto identify the weaknesses in design and reduce potential risks. Initiating eventsIEsidentification is the foundation. For molten salt cooled pebble bed reactor current international design stage and typical designthis paper identifies the internal IEs for core radioactive material release under full power condition. For the lacks of engineering evaluationoperational experience and similar reactors that can be referencedIEs identification is completed by the combination of functional analysis and master logic diagram analysis. Through the implementation of this methodthis paper determined six initiating event groups including specified transientsloss of flowloss of coolantloss of heat sink and special common cause failure. This initiating event groups all could lead to the radioactive material release from core by affecting the nuclear heat generationheat transport and structural integrity of the shield. The results also imply that the combination of functional analysis and master logic diagram analysis is an effective method for the IEs identification in molten salt cooled pebble bed reactor. Key words probabilistic safety analysis molten salt cooled pebble bed reactor internal initiating eventsmaster logic diagram


    [1-2] TMSR Thorium Molten Salt Reactor 2012 TMSR-SF1

  • PSA


    [3-4]PSAPSAPSA PSA 1979 Kemeny[5]

    Rogovin[6] HAF102 PSA


    [89] PSA [7] PSA [10]

    HTR-PM PSA [11]

    TMSR-SF1 PSA 2


    - 1 3

    1 .

  • 3









    3.2 3


  • PSA



    3 3.3








  • 5



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    [2] R Hong et al. Reactor Safety and Mechanical Design for the Annular Pebble-bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor.

    UCBTH09-001University of CaliforniaBerkeley2009.

    [3] Next Generation Nuclear Plant Licensing Basis Event Selection White Paper. INL/EXT-10-19521Idaho National


    [4] Preliminary Fluoride Salt-Cooled High Temperature Reactor FHRSubsystems DefinitionFunctional Requirement

    Definition and Licensing Basis EventLBEIdentification White Paper. UCBTH-12-001University of California


    [5] J. G. Kemeny et al.Report of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile IslandWashington1979.

    [6] M. Rogovin et al. Three Mile Island-A Report to the Commissioners and to the Public. NUREG/CR-1250 U.S NRC


    [7] 2011

    [8] Defining initiating events for purposes of probabilistic safety assessment IAEA-TECDOC-719 IAEA Vienna 1993

    [9] M.T.DrouinF.T.HapperA.L.AllenAnalysis of Core Damage Frequency from Internal EventsMethodology

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    43 2009