functii excel 1

Take the 2-minute tour  × user2259922 8  1 1  3 2 Answers barry houdini 20.6k  2 9 22 I r ecord the value of my stocks each day in columns and it is a long spreadsheet. In the top cell of each column, I want to use a function that will display the last entry in the column automatically. I've tried the Index function and the Index function combined with the Counta function with no success. Any suggestions? excel  function asked Apr 9 '13 at 2:52  Here is one approach; and here is another. – chuff   Apr 9 '13 at 3:01  @chuff you should summarise the answ er from tha t first link into an answer here- it is the best answer to this question – chris neilsen  Apr 9 '13 at 7:52 Try using LOOKUP , assuming at most 1000 rows of data (adjust as required) use this formula in A1 to get the last number in A2:A1000 =LOOKUP(9.99E+307,A2:A1000) You can have blanks or any other data in the range (even err ors) and it will still r eturn the last number answered Apr 9 '13 at 12:05  This worked perfectly - thank so much!! BTW, what does the 9.99E+307 d o? I ha ve never u sed this before. –  user2259922   Apr 9 '13 at 14:27  No pr oblem - 9.99E+307 is a shortened version of the largest numb er you can type in a cell in Excel - technically it's 9.99999999999999E+307 which is just short of a 1 with 308 zeroes. When you use that "Bignum" as the lookup value excel won't find a number that large.....and consequently returns the last value in the range - if it works for you can you accept my answer? – barry houdini   Apr 9 '13 at 14:40 Combination of MATCH/INDEX can be used to achieve the same result, with 9.99E+307 as the match lookup value. It may be worth mentioning that the result with either method is literally  the last number, i.e., any blank, text or error values that occur after the last numeric value will be ignored. – chuff  Apr 9 '13 at 18:15  Thanks aga in. This is the first time I've used stackoverflow, so I think I have now "accepted " your a nswer but feel free to let me know if I have not done that correctly. – user2259922   Apr 9 '13 at 20:52 Try this for Column A, resp. Cell A1: =OFFSET(A$2;ROWS(A$2:A$101)-COUNTBLANK(A$2:A$101)-1;0) This example is for a maximum of 100 rows of data (2 - 101). You may replace 101 by any higher number according to the size of your sheet. Please note that there may be no blank cells in the middle of the list. Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registrati on required. excel function to find last number in column sign up log in tour help careers 2.0  

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