fundamentalist functional programming

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.

Upload: jun-wang

Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: Fundamentalist functional programming


The opinions expressed herein are my own

personal opinions and do not represent my

employer's view in any way.

Page 2: Fundamentalist functional programming

What is a XXX Language?

XXX = dynamicXXX = imperativeXXX = OO

Page 3: Fundamentalist functional programming

What is a Functional Language

A language where functions are first-class citizens

Page 4: Fundamentalist functional programming

EWD 1073

Page 5: Fundamentalist functional programming
Page 6: Fundamentalist functional programming

Easy likeSunday


Page 7: Fundamentalist functional programming

Dan MeyerWTF went


Page 8: Fundamentalist functional programming

Doing IO is a side-effect


var x = Console.ReadLine();var y = x+x;!=var y = Console.ReadLine() + Console.ReadLine()

Page 9: Fundamentalist functional programming

Doing IO is a side-effect

let date = DateTime.Now()in (date, date)( DateTime.Now(), DateTime.Now())

DateTime.Now is not a mathematical


Page 10: Fundamentalist functional programming

If I cannot even do IO


Functional Programmin

gis just

academic nonsense

Page 11: Fundamentalist functional programming

Don’t eatTheYellowSnow!

Page 12: Fundamentalist functional programming

Lazy evaluation and side-effects

static bool LessThanThirty(int x){ Console.Write("{0}? Less than 30;",x); return x < 30;}static bool MoretHanTwenty(int x){ Console.Write("{0}? More than 20;",x); return x > 20;}

var q0 = from x in new[]{ 1, 25, 40, 5, 23 } where LessThanThirty(x) select x;

var q1 = from x in q0 where MoreThanTwenty(x) select x;

foreach (var r in q1) Console.WriteLine("[{0}];",r);

Order of side effects?


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Page 14: Fundamentalist functional programming

let lessThanThirty(x:int)= begin Console.WriteLine ("{0} less than 30?", x); x < 30; end let moreThanTwenty(x:int)= begin Console.WriteLine ("{0} more than 20?", x); x > 20; end let q0 = seq { for x in [1; 25; 40; 5; 23] do if lessThanThirty x then yield x } let q1 = seq { for x in q0 do if moreThanTwenty x then yield x } for r in q1 do Console.WriteLine("> {0},", r)



Page 15: Fundamentalist functional programming

let lessThanThirty(x:int)= begin Console.WriteLine ("{0} less than 30?", x); x < 30; end let moreThanTwenty(x:int)= begin Console.WriteLine ("{0} more than 20?", x); x > 20; end let q0 = [ for x in [1; 25; 40; 5; 23] do if lessThanThirty x then yield x ] let q1 = [ for x in q0 do if moreThanTwenty x then yield x ] for r in q1 do Console.WriteLine("> {0},", r)



Page 16: Fundamentalist functional programming

var xs = new[]{ 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };

IEnumerable<int> q = null;

try{ q = from x in xs select 1/x;}catch{ q = new int[];}

foreach(var z in q) Console.WriteLine(z): // throws here


Page 17: Fundamentalist functional programming
Page 18: Fundamentalist functional programming

Func<string> GetContents = null;

using( var file = FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(@"…")){ GetContents = () => file.ReadToEnd();}

// surprise! an exception Console.WriteLine(GetContents());

Disposing resources

Page 19: Fundamentalist functional programming

var DelayedActions = new List<Func<int>>();var s = "";

for (var i = 4; i < 7; i++){ DelayedActions.Add(delegate(){ return i; });}

for (var k = 0; k < DelayedActions.Count; k++){ s += DelayedActions[k]();}


Variable Instantiation

Prints 777

Page 20: Fundamentalist functional programming

var DelayedActions = new List<Func<int>>();var s = "";

for (var i = 4; i < 7; i++){ var j = i; DelayedActions.Add(delegate(){ return j; });}

for (var k = 0; k < DelayedActions.Count; k++){ s += DelayedActions[k]();}


Variable Instantiation

Prints 456

Prints 666



Page 21: Fundamentalist functional programming

var DelayedActions = new List<Func<int>>();var s = "";

var j;for (var i = 4; i < 7; i++){ j = i; DelayedActions.Add(delegate(){ return j; });}

for (var k = 0; k < DelayedActions.Count; k++){ s += DelayedActions[k]();}


Variable Instantiation

Prints 666

Page 22: Fundamentalist functional programming

var o1 = new object();//58225482, for instanceConsole.WriteLine(o1.GetHashCode());

var o2 = new object();// 54267293, for instanceConsole.WriteLine(o2.GetHashCode());

Debug.Assert(o1 != 02);

Object creation

Page 23: Fundamentalist functional programming

new_cell(X) -> spawn(fun() -> cell(X) end).cell(Value) -> receive {set, NewValue} -> cell(NewValue); {get, Pid} -> Pid!{return, Value}, cell(Value); {dispose} -> {} end.

set_cell(Cell, NewValue) -> Cell!{set, NewValue}.

get_cell(Cell) -> Cell!{get, self()}, receive {return, Value} -> Value end.dispose_cell(Cell) -> Cell!{dispose}.


Page 24: Fundamentalist functional programming

Page 165:

There is a subtle error in on_exit and keep_alive … Write your code such that race conditions cannot happen.…Fortunately, the OTP libraries have code for building servers, supervisor trees, and so on.These libraries have been well tested and should not suffer from any race conditions.

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Page 26: Fundamentalist functional programming

GET …/person/age…GET …/clock/seconds…

few interestingfunctions areidempotent

*not* idempotent*not* pure

Page 27: Fundamentalist functional programming

static T Identity<T>(this T me){ if(me.GetType() == typeof(Button)) throw new Exception();

var mini_me = me as string; if(mini_me != null) return “hello world”;

Console.WriteLine(me.ToString()); return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();}

“Dishonest” typesNot


Page 28: Fundamentalist functional programming

HOT Languages

To the rescue

Page 29: Fundamentalist functional programming

lessThanThirty x = do { putStrLn $ (show x)++" less than 30?" ; return $ x < 30 } moreThanTwenty x = do { putStrLn $ (show x)++" more than 20?" ; return $ x > 20 } q0 = [ x | x <- [1, 25, 50, 5, 23 ] , lessThanThirty x ] q1 = [ x | x <- q0 , moreThanTwenty 20 ]

Couldn't match expected type `Bool' against inferred type `IO Bool' In a stmt of a list comprehension: lessThanThirty xIn the expression: [x | x <- [1, 25, 50, ....], lessThanThirty x]In the definition of `q0': q0 = [x | x <- [1, 25, ....], lessThanThirty x


Page 30: Fundamentalist functional programming

unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a

unsafeCast :: a -> bunsafeCast x = unsafePerformIO $ do{ writeIORef castref x ; readIORef castref }

castref = unsafePerformIO $ do{ newIORef undefined }

Forget about effects? Forget it!

Page 31: Fundamentalist functional programming

Cover upeffects

Page 32: Fundamentalist functional programming

Remove all effects

(cannot make languagemore powerfulby removing features)

Page 33: Fundamentalist functional programming

Don’t fight effects Embrace and extend

Page 34: Fundamentalist functional programming

Mens sana in corpore sano

Page 35: Fundamentalist functional programming


DateTime.Now() DateTime

Type error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 36: Fundamentalist functional programming

Values vs Computation

How to turn something mutable into something immutable?

Time changes, the clock does not

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…9:15 AM9:16 AM9:17 AM9:19 AM9:29 AM9:21 AM9:22 AM9:23 AM9:24 AM9:25 AM9:26 AM9:27 AM9:28 AM9:29 AM9:30 AM

It’s just a collection

All problems in computer science can be solved by

another level of indirection

D. Wheeler

Page 38: Fundamentalist functional programming

Mathematics is always right

Page 39: Fundamentalist functional programming

Multithreading STM<T>

Destructive updates IO<T>

Reflection Mirror<T>

Exceptions Throws<T>

Only one way to be pure,But many ways to be impure

Page 40: Fundamentalist functional programming

The “M” word



A computation that produces a value of type A with side-effects described by M

M IO Exception Animation Collection

Page 41: Fundamentalist functional programming


data IO a

putChar :: Char -> IO ()getChar :: IO Char

newIORef :: a -> IO (IORef a)readIORef :: IORef a -> IO awriteIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()

forkIO :: IO a -> IO ThreadID


computation that yields a value of type


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Page 44: Fundamentalist functional programming

LINQMonads are the secret sauce behind LINQ

IEnumerable<S> SelectMany<T,S>( IEnumerable<T> src, Func<T, IEnumerable<S>> selector)


Page 45: Fundamentalist functional programming


Throws clause

void Foo(string s) throws Exception


Page 46: Fundamentalist functional programming

FundamentalistFunctional Programming

Abstract from evaluation orderMake all effects explicit==>Compiler can freely rearrange codeRuntime can execute in code any order

Call-by-name, or call-by-value version?

Page 47: Fundamentalist functional programming

Call To ActionBuy Graham Hutton’s book

Nudge and nag MS to produce a fundamentalist functional language

Page 48: Fundamentalist functional programming

Buy BryanJohn & Don’sbook

Nudge and nag MS to produce a fundamentalist functional language

Page 49: Fundamentalist functional programming

Thank You

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