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Page 1: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)


Page 2: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)


En noviembre 6 y 13 de 2016 atraparon mi atención dos artículos de la escritora Gaby Vargas que aparecieron en el dominical del periódico Reforma. En ambas publicaciones, la Sra. Vargas se refiere a los hallazgos de los investigadores Thomas Gilovich, doctor en psicología de la Universidad de Cornell y de la doctora Elizabeth Dunn de la Universidad British Columbia.

En sus escritos, la Sra Vargas nos expone las conclusiones alcanzadas por estos investigadores con respecto a la influencia que tienen nuestras vivencias en la construcción de vidas satisfactorias en contraposición a la duración del placer ocasionado por la compra de cosas nuevas, y he seleccionado este tema dado que se avecina la época navideña y, con ella la avalancha de la más sugestiva propaganda comercial invitándonos a comprar y comprar todo tipo de objetos y regalos.

Sin tratar de negar que a la gran mayoría de nosotros nos complace recibir regalos y que identificamos la Navidad como época de desprendimiento y generosidad, vale la pena analizar lo que revela la indagación de estos estudios realizados a lo largo de 20 años, con respecto a la durabilidad de la adquisición de nuevos objetos en nuestras vidas.Lo que ellos nos informan es que las posesiones y las nuevas compras encierran en sí mismas una paradoja: las personas creemos que la felicidad derivada de su pertenencia nos durará tanto como el objeto; sin embargo, ésta se esfuma casi de inmediato, lo cual se debe a tres motivos:

1. Los seres humanos nos acostumbramos muy rápido a las nuevas posesiones.2. Elevamos nuestra expectativas de manera constante; es decir, tengo uno, quiero dos, o bien uno más grande u otro diferente. etc.3. Por naturaleza tendemos a la comparación. Inconscientemente comparamos nuestros bienes con los de nuestros semejantes y, por supuesto, siempre habrá alguien que posea algo que nos parezca deseable.

En contraste con lo volátil que resulta el disfrute por la obtención de nuevas cosas, los investigadores han encontrado que experiencias tales como convivencia con la familia y los amigos, lectura de libros, viajes, asistencia a conciertos o museos y todo aquello relacionado con nuestros afectos e intereses o incluso con aventurarse a intentar cosas nuevas se traducen en vivencias que poco a poco van formando parte de nuestra identidad, al mismo tiempo que se convierten en experiencias más perdurablemente felices; es decir, somos la suma de nuestras experiencias.

Así pues, ante los festejos decembrinos que están por llegar, los invito a reflexionar sobre los descubrimientos de Dunn y Gilovich. ¿Debo gastar sólo en cosas nuevas o puedo mejor invertir en una nueva experiencia?¡Feliz Navidad!

María del Carmen Salazar Hernández.

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Los mejores deseos para que las fechas de celebración decembrinas que se aproximan, estén llenas de sentimientos de amor y agradecimiento.

Esperamos un año 2018 lleno de retos y metas y estamos listos para trabajar fuertemente para cumplirlas.

Les deseamos a alumnos, padres, maestros y todos los que conforman nuestra comunidad Ameyalli, logren sus objetivos y estén llenos de paz, con un mayor sentido de solidaridad y comprensión del otro para construir un mundo mejor.


Olga Patricia Campomanes E.


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Miércoles 1

Jueves 2Viernes 10Lunes 13Viernes 17Lunes 20

Martes 21 al jueves 30

Miércoles 22

Miércoles 29 y jueves 30

Inicio de Noviembre MoradoOfrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida

Halloween 18:00Suspensión de labores

Story Teller para PFUniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

Cierre Unidad de Indagación con papás de PF 9:00 amSuspensión de labores

Solicitud de despensas para manuales y recolección de juguetes para CAM #7

Cierre Unidad de Indagación con papás de J1 9:00 amPlataforma de evaluación disponible para los papás

Evaluaciones en el JN


Jueves 7Viernes 8

Lunes 11 al viernes 15Miércoles 13 y viernes 15

Sábado 16Lunes 18 al Jueves 21

Viernes 22 al 7 de enero

Junta de Consejo Técnico (Suspensión de labores)Curso de primeros auxilios para profesores de JN

Entrega de despensas a manualesVisita al CAM #7 10:00 am

Elaboración de piñatasEnsayo general en primaria en horario matutino (sólo alumnos)

Convivencia Navideña 10:00 am (alumnos 9:30)Romper piñatas

Periodo vacacional

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EVALUACIONESPara Escuela Ameyalli es muy importante compartir con ustedes los logros que sus hijos van teniendo en el transcurso del ciclo escolar.Por esta razón, los días 29 y 30 de noviembre será la primera retro alimentación con respecto a evaluaciones de los grupos de Jardín de Niños, en la cual ustedes tendrán la oportunidad de platicar con las misses de grupo. Previo a esta fecha se pide ingresen a la plataforma para consultar dicha evaluación. Plataforma disponible a partir del 22 de noviembre.Posteriormente les haremos llegar el horario que les corresponde para su entrevista. Dispondrán de 20 minutos para entrevistarse con las misses. El día de la entrevista, los niños no vendrán a clases. Les pedimos puntualidad.

UNIFORME DE INVIERNOLos alumnos podrán venir con el uniforme de pants todos los días, a partir del 13 de noviembre. Les recordamos que podrán traer chamarra azul marino lisa adicional al uniforme. Favor de evitar guantes y bufanda, en caso necesario deben ser de color azul marino y marcados para evitar pérdidas. En caso de traer playera de manga larga debajo de la playera de la escuela, tiene que ser de color blanco.

DESPENSAS PARA MANUALES Y REGALO CAM#7Les pedimos y agradecemos su amable cooperación que año con año realizan con motivo de las despensas para los manuales, así como con el juguete para el CAM #7. Pueden mandar sus donativos durante la semanas del 21 al 30 de noviembre.

Convivencia NavideñaComo cada año, celebraremos las fiestas decembrinas con un evento que se llevará a cabo el sábado 16 diciembre en la primaria. El evento comenzará a las 10:00am, les pedimos traer a los niños 9:15 am. Durante la semana del 13 de noviembre podrán encontrar los disfraces en la pagina del Ameyalli en la sección del Jardín de Niños.

VOCALESGracias a las mamás vocales que aceptaron apoyarnos durante este ciclo escolar.

Maternal Mónica FuentesJ1 Rosa Ma. GarcíaJ2 Paulina BelmontJ3A Ivette VelázquezJ3B Rebeca MagañaPFA Carolina NocedaPFB Viridiana Pérez-Vertti

Mis mejores deseos para esta NavidadDirección de Jardín de NiñosMiss Mariana Morlett

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Miércoles 1

Jueves 2Viernes 10Lunes 13

Miércoles 15

Lunes 20Martes 21

Jueves 23Viernes 24

Lunes 27

Martes 28

Miércoles 29

Jueves 30

Inicia “Noviembre Morado”Convivio de Halloween y visita a ofrendas

Suspensión de laboresStoryteller “El baúl de Paul Choza”

Uniforme de invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)Junta informativa para 1º grado de Sec. Invitados los Padres de

Familia de 6º grado a las 8:00 hrs., en el SUMSuspensión de labores

Empieza colecta de artículos para despensas y juguetesCierre de unidad de indagación de 4º grado, con padres de familiaCierre de unidad de indagación de 3º grado, con padres de familiaCierre de unidad de indagación de 2º grado, con padres de familia

Examen de Matemáticas Comprehending Written and Visual Text (Reading Comp.) Exam

Finaliza la UI 2Examen Ciencias Naturales 3º a 6º

Exploración de la Naturaleza y la Sociedad 1º y 2ºUsing Language in Written Form Exam (Grammar)

Empieza UI 3Examen de Español y Lectura de comprensión 1º a 6º

Communicating in Response to Spoken and Written Text Exam (Written Exp.)

Examen de Música Examen de Geografía 4º a 6º

Formación Cívica y Ética 1º a 6ºComprehending Spoken Text (Listening Comp.)

Examen de Historia 4º a 6ºExamen de La Entidad Donde Vivo 3º

Examen de Música

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DICIEMBRE Viernes 1Lunes 4Jueves 7

Viernes 8Martes 12 a domingo 17

Sábado 16

Lunes 18Viernes 22 a 7 de Enero

Juntas tripartitas, favor de asistir con su hijo(a)Elaboración de piñatasEntrega de despensas

Desayuno ofrecido para APFEntrega de juguetes a CAM #7, 10:00 hrs.

Se abre plataforma SISE para Padres de FamiliaConvivencia Navideña a las 10:00 hrs., los alumnos deberán

presentarse a las 9:15 hrs.Romper Piñatas

Receso escolar por vacaciones decembrinas

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AVISOS IMPORTANTES: • Solicitamos empezar a mandar artículos para las despensas que año con año obsequiamos a los manuales y policías de la Escuela, así como, juguetes para los niños del CAM #7, a partir del martes 21 y hasta el jueves 30 de noviembre. De antemano agradecemos su valiosa cooperación.

• Les avisamos que a partir del lunes 13 de noviembre todos los alumnos pueden asistir diariamente con el uniforme de Educación Física (pants), para protegerse del frío. Podrán traer adicional al uniforme, una chamarra azul marina lisa (marcada con el nombre del alumno). Favor de evitar bufanda y guantes; en caso de ser muy necesarios, tendrán que ser azul marino por favor. Se les suplica supervisar la limpieza y buena presentación del uniforme. Esto aplica hasta nuevo aviso.

• Les comentamos que los maestros especialistas dejarán en algunas ocasiones tareas, éstas irán registradas en libreta de tareas. Miss Azalía, maestra de música, algunas veces elaborará exámenes de periodo por lo que los alumnos tendrán que estudiar para presentarlo con éxito, la fecha estará publicada en gaceta.

• Les pedimos dar seguimiento cercano a los tiempos trabajados en Khan Academy ya que es de suma importancia la práctica diaria. Durante la semana de exámenes de periodo no se tomará en cuenta el tiempo trabajado por lo que no es necesario que cumplan con el tiempo establecido.En caso de tener algún problema, notificarlo a [email protected]


Felicitamos a los alumnos de 6º grado por la iniciativa de compartir con los demás una representación sobre la Independencia de México. Fue muy ilustrativa y creativa. El festejo culminó con una convivencia en donde compartimos unas ricas tostadas y aguas frescas.

Queremos felicitar a todos los alumnos de Primaria alta (4º, 5º y 6º) por su esfuerzo durante la presentación del examen para la Olimpiada Matemática que organiza la UNAM a nivel Distrito Federal. Estaremos al pendiente de conocer la fecha para presentar la 2º etapa del examen y los alumnos seleccionados.

¡Les deseamos mucha suerte!


Durante la clase de artes visuales, los alumnos de primero de Primaria salen a observar la escuela para crear una composición visual. (fotos en la siguiente página)

En clase de artes visuales, los alumnos de 4to, indagaron acerca de la pintura rupestre, recolectando recursos naturales para fabricar utensilios, sus propios pigmentos y crear en equipos una pintura rupestre. (fotos en la siguiente página)

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Querida Comunidad:

Miss Nasta Badin CheritDirección Primaria

Inicia “Noviembre Morado”Convivio de Halloween y visita a ofrendas

Suspensión de laboresStoryteller “El baúl de Paul Choza”

Uniforme de invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)Junta informativa para 1º grado de Sec. Invitados los Padres de

Familia de 6º grado a las 8:00 hrs., en el SUMSuspensión de labores

Empieza colecta de artículos para despensas y juguetesCierre de unidad de indagación de 4º grado, con padres de familiaCierre de unidad de indagación de 3º grado, con padres de familiaCierre de unidad de indagación de 2º grado, con padres de familia

Examen de Matemáticas Comprehending Written and Visual Text (Reading Comp.) Exam

Finaliza la UI 2Examen Ciencias Naturales 3º a 6º

Exploración de la Naturaleza y la Sociedad 1º y 2ºUsing Language in Written Form Exam (Grammar)

Empieza UI 3Examen de Español y Lectura de comprensión 1º a 6º

Communicating in Response to Spoken and Written Text Exam (Written Exp.)

Examen de Música Examen de Geografía 4º a 6º

Formación Cívica y Ética 1º a 6ºComprehending Spoken Text (Listening Comp.)

Examen de Historia 4º a 6ºExamen de La Entidad Donde Vivo 3º

Examen de Música

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noviembre Miércoles 1Jueves 2Lunes 20

Martes 21 al 2 de Dic.Martes 21 a lunes 27Jueves 23 a lunes 27

Jueves 30

diciembre Miércoles 6Jueves 7

Lunes 4 a viernes 8Jueves 7 a viernes 15

Viernes 8Sábado 16Viernes 22

Fin de semestre CCH Entrega de despensa a manuales

Evaluaciones SEC 2º periodoExámenes 1º vuelta CCH

Entrega de juguete CAM #7Convivencia Navideña

Inician vacaciones de diciembre

Fiesta de HalloweenSuspensión de labores Secundaria y CCHSuspensión de labores Secundaria y CCH

Colecta de despensas y juguetesEvaluación 2º período CCH

Evaluaciones CCH 2º periodoCierre Noviembre Morado

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Concurso BanxicoNuevamente es un orgullo, no solo para el Bachillerato sino para toda Escuela Ameyalli, tener dos equipos dentro del concurso Contacto Banxico, en el cual hemos conseguido sentar precedente por los resultados que año con año han obtenido alumnos de nuestra Institución. En esta ocasión el tema del ensayo a desarrollar es “La banca digital y yo”, y éstos son los dos equipos que participarán este año en nombre de Escuela Ameyalli, bajo la tutoría del profesor César Quiroz Trejo.

Ensayo: “Luces, cámara, banca digital”Integrantes: Constanza Delgado González 6º de bachillerato Adriana Díaz Lozano Patiño 6º de bachillerato Luis Felipe Olvera Altamirano 6º de bachillerato Miguel Tamayo Rodríguez 4º de bachillerato

Ensayo: “Una nueva experiencia. La banca digital”Integrantes: Fabián Castellanos Acuña 4º de bachillerato Eduardo Esparza Ramírez 4º de bachillerato Constanza Fernández Argüelles 4º de bachillerato Fabiana Ontiveros Sierra 4º de bachillerato

Con mucho orgullo compartimos que ambos pasaron la primera etapa entre más de 1,500 trabajos provenientes de instituciones educativas de toda la República Mexicana. La final se llevará a cabo el día 6 de diciembre.

¡Les deseamos mucha suerte y mucho éxito!

Actividades de noviembre y diciembreLos meses de noviembre y diciembre en la comunidad Ameyalli significan celebrar, agradecer y promover valores como el respeto, la tolerancia y la empatía.

Durante noviembre, estaremos promoviendo el Mes Morado a través de distintas actividades para fomentar el buen trato en casa, en la escuela, en redes sociales y la comunidad. Por medio de la página de Facebook se enviarán comunicados con los eventos de promoción. Se invita a toda la comunidad a participar en las actividades y a la promoción de estos valores no sólo en el mes de noviembre sino a lo largo del año.

Convivencia Navideña y actividades decembrinasComo cada año, agradecemos la cooperación de toda la Comunidad Ameyalli para recolectar despensa para los manuales, y así poder obsequiar canastas, de parte de todos como agradecimiento a sus labores tan valiosas para nuestra Institución. Igualmente, la escuela agradece de antemano su participación en la colecta de juguetes para el CAM 7, siendo esta una oportunidad para dar, convivir y generar sonrisas en niños de escasos recursos y capacidades distintas. Las fechas para las colectas están disponibles en el calendario de la página web.

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Toda la comunidad Ameyalli queda cordialmente invitada a la tradicional Convivencia Navideña que se llevará a cabo el sábado 16 de diciembre a las 10 a.m.Escuela Ameyalli agradece su apoyo y participación, al mismo tiempo que les desea felices fiestas, un fin de año 2017 lleno de dicha y un 2018 lleno de éxito, aprendizaje y prosperidad.

AgradecimientoEn nombre del Bachillerato Ameyalli, se extiende un sincero agradecimiento por el apoyo mostrado durante los eventos del pasado 19 de septiembre y los días posteriores. Un reconocimiento especial a los brigadistas que se encargaron de salvaguardar la seguridad de alumnos y del personal de la escuela de una forma muy profesional. Igualmente extendemos el mismo a quienes participaron en el acopio y mostraron solidaridad con todas las personas afectadas. Estamos muy orgullosos de todo ustedes.

El día a día en Ameyalli. Actividades para compartir

CalaveritasLos alumnos de 6º de bachillerato comparten con la comunidad algunas de las calaveritas realizadas en la clase de comunicación.

Estaba Owen sentado pensando Sobre lo bueno y lo malo

Sobre lo negativo y lo positivo Su mente estaba andando

Recorría caminos tratando de buscar la verdadSe metía por laberintos

Encontraba más acertijos Y en ellos se dio cuenta que había honestidad

El no sabía lo que pasaba Su mente le estaba dando una mala jugada Y dentro de él sentía que algo le susurraba

Pasaban los días Y él más solitario se sentía

Ni siquiera tenía a ni a su madre ni a su tía. De hecho comenzó a decirse: estas ideas no son mías.

Lo que no se daba cuando es que mientras él estaba pensando Ese algo susurrando

Era la calaca acechando.

Por José Emilio Molina

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La muerte trajo manzanasPara todos en el salón

Pero estaban envenenadasTodos se fueron al panteón

Por qué tan aterradosLa muerte les preguntó

El grupo contestóEstamos organizandoEl siguiente reventónTráete a tus amigos

Para hacerles un fiestón

Por Owen Pescador

Les voy a contar de un compañeroMiguelón lo llamaban

Alto y morenoCon su negra barba siempre andaba

Amaba el deporte y los videojuegosDe día y noche los jugaba

Hasta que en una tarde de octubre Un suceso su atención arrebataba

Era la misma calaca, quien paseandoDecidió que iría a visitarlo

Puesto que día y noche veía sus juegos Queriendo ser parte de ellos, fue a arrasarlo

Asustado al principio, Miguelón accedió La tarde entera se retaron

Pero al final, la calaca venció Y jamás se volvió a ver a Miguelón.

Por Adriana Díaz Lozano

Por el Parque Axomiatla la muerte andaba, aburrida estaba hasta que la Escuela Ameyalli en festejos andaba.

Decidió entrar a ver una ofrenda que en su honor se daba.Intentó saludar a los alumnos pero ninguno la vio,

saludó y saltó y hasta su huesuda rodilla de amoló.

A Montserrat vio y afectuosamente saludó,con pánico ella corrió y a su amiga Sofía le gritó.

Ella de la muerte de rió y su risa contagió.

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Promoción de los Derechos HumanosActividad realizada por los alumnos de 3º de Secundaria en la clase de Formación Cívica y Ética.

La muerte en la escuela estaba más muy sola se sentía

pues a pesar de ser un lindo díanadie con ella jugar quería.

De pronto mucho ruido escuchó que del salón de sexto salía

fue y se asomó más no creyó lo que vió.

Todos adentro discutían porque ganar Creati Pesos queríanLa Parca decidió a todos llevarse

para que por fin dejaran de pelearse.

Por Alejandra Ávila de Garay

Entre carcajadas de las amigas, la muerte pensó: ¿Qué ha de ser de los pobres maestros? ¿Cómo les darán clases con ese griterío?

La muerte sentó a las dos niñas, y les habló seriamente de sus risas,

pero a ellas no les importó, se soltaron a carcajadas hasta que la muerte explotó.

Disfrazada de la Miss Ale una junta convocó, en compasión a los pobres maestros, la muerte al inframundo se los llevó,

y libres de niños los dejó.

Por Sarah Alexander Katz

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This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


Halloween en Jardín de NiñosCada año los alumnos de 6º de bachillerato asisten al Jardín de Niños Ameyalli a repartir dulces como parte de la convivencia entre nuestros 2 departamentos y vinculación entre los más pequeños y los más grandes. Compartimos con ustedes algunas fotos.

writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 18: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.



writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 19: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


¿POR QUÉ NOVIEMBRE?Toman noviembre como el mes fundamental porque la ONU conmemora: 19 de noviembre: Día internacional para la prevención del abuso contra los niños. Día mundial sin violencia hacia los niños.20 de noviembre: Día mundial de la infancia. Día internacional de la conmemoración de la declaración de los derechos de los niños Día internacional de la eliminación de la violencia contra la mujer.

El morado se elige como el color representativo de esta campaña ya que simboliza magia, transformación y cambio, y es unisex. Ser parte de esta campaña nos da la oportunidad de sumarnos al fomento de una cultura que promueva el Buen Trato como la única forma de convivencia y educación. El trabajo de esta campaña se realiza durante 4 semanas donde los temas se distribuyen en:

1ª semana: Buen Trato en la Familia, trabajando con el valor de la cordialidad.2ª semana: Buen Trato en la Escuela, trabajando con el valor de la tolerancia. 3ª semana: Buen Trato en las Redes Sociales, trabajando con el valor del respeto. 4ª semana: Buen Trato en la Comunidad, trabajando con el valor de la empatía.

Para llevar a cabo el reforzamiento de los valores previamente mencionados, se realizarán actividades que posibiliten la transformación de manera positiva del entorno en el que nos desarrollamos siendo promotores del buen trato.

Por todo esto, Escuela Ameyalli los invita a participar en esta campaña para hacer de nuestra comunidad un contexto armonioso y con una cultura del bien común. Pueden contactar de manera directa a la organización a través de la dirección [email protected] o al teléfono (55) 65500668.

AtentamenteEscuela Ameyalli.

Sin Cera Ser es una Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro que trabaja en contra de todo tipo de maltrato infantil y adolescente (físico, sexual, escolar, negligencia y psicológico), principalmente en las áreas de prevención, capacitación y atención; esto mediante el apoyo de equinoterapia y cuenta con un programa integral de educación, salud y desarrollo para niños de 0 a 6 años.

writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 20: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 21: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

“This experience helped me improve my English, I did things that I will never forget.When you go to a trip you hope that everything goes out well, and this trip worked out perfectly, my partners became my family and I met friends that I expect to see again soon. I learned to know, to observe and to admire. I learned about my stay in Canada, I admired Canada and I knew different places in Canada.I will never forget it! ”


Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 22: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 23: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 24: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 25: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 26: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Last but not least we want to remind you about the STORYTELLERS events. The first programmed date is November 10th for Pre-First and Primary students. Please make sure you pay with Miss Rosita for these events.

Page 27: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


PYPCierres de Unidad con papás¡Felicidades chicos y Misses! Hicieron un gran trabajo. J2Durante su unidad, JII indagó sobre la expresión de emociones a través de la música, la pintura y la danza. El cierre reflejó los conocimientos adquiridos y las habilidades desarrolladas. Los niños se mostraron informados, indagadores y valientes en su primer cierre de unidad con papás en el ciclo escolar.

JIIIDurante su unidad JIII indagó sobre lo que nos hace únicos reflexionando sobre la importancia de aceptar la diversidad. En el cierre, los alumnos nos enseñaron el proceso de su indagación demostrando habilidades de metacognición y reflexión. Además, mostraron una mentalidad abierta y tolerancia hacia las diferencias.

writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 28: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

This past summer, some Ameyalli students and I joined the MWS summer course in Toronto to improve their English skills and their international perspective.

They spent two weeks in Toronto. They stayed in real dorms from Victoria University, and they experimented life in campus.

They needed to adapt to Canadian culture from the very beginning. They had 3 meals a day at fixed schedules based on Canadian tradition (8:00, 13:30 and 18:00), which were served in the campus dining room. They also needed to be responsible of their rooms and their punctuality for all the activities programmed in and out the campus’ facilities.

As soon as they arrived, they needed to take a screening exam to locate them in a proper English level group. They needed to attend classes in the morning from Monday to Friday, after having breakfast and before having lunch (3 hours).

In each of their classes, students worked on all the skills (reading, listening, grammar, writing and speaking). Teachers used a variety of activities for them to work in class. Students got a diploma by the end of the course.

Students had to be separated by gender and age in groups (due to the group’s age, they were all intermediate). Each group had their own leader who only spoke English to them. These leaders were in charge of them at all times, and they always kept an eye on them in all the activities programmed in and out the campus.

MWS programme included several activities out of the campus. They organized these visits with all the security measures required for them. Students went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, Science centre, Eaton Centre, High Park, Bata Shoe Museum, Blue Jays Stadium (where they actually watched a baseball game) etc., where students not only were exposed to Canadian culture, but they also needed to use their English skills to communicate with other people from all over the world.

Students really took advantage of their classes, and they really enjoyed the experience. They showed confidence with their skills to communicate in English with other classmates from other countries, with their group leaders and with other people they interacted with in shops, visits, and restaurants. This experience reinforced their international perspective, and it enriched the idea of independence and responsibility, since they had to be away from their parents all that time.

They all felt successful when they came back, they were happy since they had made new friends, they felt way more confident of the things they can do with the language and by themselves. This experience made them more conscious and more independent. They really had a good time and learned lots of things.

6th grade Teacher Paula Lara Varela

“My experience in MWS was the best that I have ever had,on the beginning I felt bad,because I was sick, but then I was perfect, I was nervous, but then no. The thing that I loved the best was Niagara Falls and the Blue Jays game,but I loved all”.


5ºDurante su unidad 5º indagó sobre el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano y las diversas estrategias que el hombre ha usado para preservar su salud. Durante el cierre, los alumnos nos mostraron su proceso de indagación en relación a tres conceptos: salud, higiene y estrategia demostrando ser buenos comunicadores, informados e instruidos y equilibrados.

6ºDurante su unidad, 6º indagó sobre la relación entre algunas acciones humanas y los cambios generados en el ambiente. Como parte de su tarea de desempeño, los alumnos de 6º presentaron un proyecto orientado a la preservación del medio ambiente proporcionando el plan de acción que siguieron. Con esto, el grupo demostró ser pensador, indagador y muy creativo.

writing draftsWe are glad to share some of the writing drafts that kids wrote during their first UI. We have not made any corrections because we want you to see the kids’ improvement and the stage they are in regarding their writing process. We hope you enjoy them!

MY BEDROOMThere is one bed in the bedroom. There are 6 drawers in the bedroom. There are 2 lamps in the bedroom. There is one window in the bedroom.There is one door in bedroom.

Aitana Silva. 1º

THE CATOnce upon a time a little cat was playing with his toy that is a bird, when he see a big mouse and he makes the thing that all the cats make: run and catch the mouse. The owner of the cat come and be angry.

Santiago Acosta. 2º

DADMy dad is a very exciting person. He has always been interested in soccer and one day he got an interesting job. He is delighted with helping people that is succeed with soccer. Sometimes he is boring because he only talks about his job. Even though I’m glad to be his daughter. Dad is good at playing volleyball and soccer but he is bad at playing basketball.He is bored with staying without doing nothing. He is very worried about delinquency in the country and he is very scared of something bad happening to his family. Beto, my dad gets along very fast with other people. He is hurt of his knee, I hope he gets better tomorrow. He needs to get by at work. I like to be his daughter.

Sofía López. 3º

BIODIVERSITYThe biodiversity are the differences of an ecosystem with other. In all the ecosystems you will find biotic and abiotic factors, for example in the tundra there is snow and polar bears, the snow is not alive so it is abiotic but the polar bear is alive so it is biotic. But these things live in the tundra for a reason: it’s because of the climate and vegetation. For example if you put a polar bear in the desert it won’t be able to survive because the climate is too hot and he is designed for winter and also because he won’t be able to find the animals that it eats because the don’t live there and the plants that they eat neither, this is the food chain.When the sun feeds a plant, an animal that is called primary consumer eats that plant the secondary consumer comes and eats primary consumers then when it dies the fungi and bacteria eat it and they make it composta for a new plant to grow and this is repeated and repeated. It also exists the food web just that it is more complicated it’s like a web. There are different animals and food chains depending on the regions and ecosystems. For example if you are down in Mexico,in the desert, there will be too many cactuses and and not many animals. The animals live in an specific place for their characteristics or vice versa. And all of these differences make biodiversity. And biodiversity is important because if there are no ecosystems, life won’t exist, and if abiotic factors didn’t exist, biotic factors wouldn’t survive, so it is important for the balance.

Ana del Rio 4º

HOW HYGIENE HELP US TO BE HEALTHY?Hygiene helps in many different ways to be healthy like washing the fruit or our hands before eating and after going to the restroom, for avoiding illnesses, etc. Also hygiene is another way to be in a better presentation because if you don’t take a daily bath your body starts to smell bad and also your sweat smells bad, although you use deodorant it smells.Another thing is that if washing hands because it helps us not to have serious sickness.

Emilia Mendoza 5º


Planet Earth is our only home, so we must change the way we behave to finish with the enormous

negative impact that we’re producing in this world, and we can do it if we follow these actions to stop polluting the planet.

The main function of environment preservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and species compilation within the system. This can get hard quickly, because everything in an ecosystem affects everything else.

The best way to preserve an ecosystem is to approach it from a large-scale view. Large-scale approaches avoid the pitfalls of species-by-species methods that can drain finances and resources fast

1. Separate garbage at least at 3 different containers one for the organic stuff another one for paper and cardboard, and another for inorganic garbage2. Separate glass material from the other garbage, and take it to a recycling plant 3. Don't throw garbage to the public spaces like the streets4. Reduce the use of the car and try to use more the bicycle or other vehicles 5. Reduce the amount of paper you use6. Keep energy try to turn off the lights when we’re not using them7. Don't waste water. Close the faucet when you’re not using it8. Try to use rechargeable batteries or recycle the normal ones9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs they save energy 10. Donate things that are usable and you want to get rid of11. Try to recover rainwater

Taking steps to preserve and reuse is easier than you might think. You can do your part just by changing your daily habits to help save the environment.

Emilio Cano 6º

Work with IB Profile Attributes As an important goal for this school year, teachers agreed on revising IB profile attributes on a weekly basis with students, so that they manage to use related vocabulary naturally, with such proficiency that they could recognize -in themselves and in others- those attributes they already show with certain frequency, and those they still need to work on.

To meet this goal, IB Coordination gave each of the teachers a chart for each of the classrooms, where they could have all the attributes, and the evidence of the work with them.

A calendar was made, so all the teachers could work on the same attribute each of the weeks. By the beginning of the second Unit of Inquiry, teachers and students have worked on Thinker, Caring, Inquirer, Principled, and Knowledgeable. Our goal is to cover Communicator, Open-minded, Balanced, Courageous and Reflective before this second Unit of Inquiry ends.

The teachers would work each week on a different attribute. The first objective is to help students through a variety of activities to create their own definition of the attribute together, a definition they could understand clearly. Aside from this, they all would also come up with some examples that could help students clear those meanings up.

Later on -throughout the whole school year-, they would work on gathering anecdotes in which children show those attributes at any moment. Some teachers worked on this personally, and some others in higher grades, have had students create anecdotes about their peers.Another thing that’s being fostered is the use of these attributes in their frequent reflections in class. This is normally shown in their PYP’s reflections. Teachers are pushing the use of those words they already know, and they ask them to justify their selection to indicate what attribute(s) they’ve shown throughout the unit.

Teachers constantly send pictures and comments of what they’ve done with the students. Some teachers in lower grades are more into working with drawings rather than with sentences, due to the kids’ age. Teachers in higher grades work along with the kids on constructing more precise definitions and examples.

Some attributes have been harder for the students to understand than others. Thinker is one of those. Students require deeper understanding of the attribute in order to be capable of using it accurately.

Once that all the attributes have been covered, some exercises will be made every now and then throughout the school year, so students can recognize those attributes through descriptions, videos, images, etc., and teachers can notice what attributes they still need to reinforce and which ones are completely understood by their students. Later on, teachers will select some anecdotes that will be shared will the community in different moments of the school year..

These are some of the activities that kids in KINDERGARTEN 3 have been doing for this UI. Kids are working with the inquiry line: “My history and my family’s history” Miss Edda is working with vocabulary related to family so the kids later on can describe their “Family Trees”. As you can see the kids were presented with the idea of a family tree, however each student created a different format according to their own personalities. The teacher promoted different IB attributes while working with the family trees because kids had to be OPEN MINDED, CARING and REFLECTIVE in order to accept there are different kinds of families and that we have to be RESPECTFUL of those differences.

Page 29: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

Próximos Cierres de Unidad

La segunda Unidad de Indagación comenzó el 16 de octubre y concluirá el 24 de noviembre. Los padres de familia de los siguientes grados están cordialmente invitados a los cierres de unidad.

•Viernes 17 de noviembre: PF•Martes 21 de noviembre: 4º•Miércoles 22 de noviembre: JI•Jueves 23 de noviembre: 3º•Viernes 24 de noviembre: 2º Les recordamos que los cierres de Primaria comienzan a las 8:30 a.m. y los de Jardín de Niños a las 9:00 a.m.

Page 30: GACETA MARABR 2017 · Ofrenda Día de Muertos, para papás a la hora de salida Halloween 18:00 Suspensión de labores Story Teller para PF Uniforme de Invierno (hasta nuevo aviso)

Año 2017, Noviembre y Diciembre

“Despertar consciencia para ser libre”