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  • 7/31/2019 Galant Project





    The society we live in today is one of convenience, many things we do

    involve using automated processes in one form or another. For example, when

    we are in shopping malls, we can take escalators to different floors, when we

    want to communicate, we can pick up our cell phones and talk to persons

    thousands of kilometres away. Modern marvels such as these have changed our


    Since time immemorial, man had maintained a stance of creativity and

    development of innovations that made it possible for the emergence of tenable

    solutions whenever confronted with inconveniences, thus necessity is the

    mother of invention.

    The application of electronics and mechanical devices to the world

    around us is nearly limitless. Since the advent of semiconductor devices till

    date, the world has seen electronics become a major influence in every aspect of

    our daily life. It is virtually impossible to do daily tasks without relying on

    electronics and automation.

    This project work is based on the application of microcontroller with its

    ancillary components and mechanics. Almost all areas of technology have

    started taking the advantage of the inexpensive computer control that the

    microprocessor can provide. The automatic door opener with motor driver

    described here automates the entrances to residential and public buildings such

    as banks, shopping malls, hotels, company offices, airports and packing lots to

    residential homes, organizations, automobile terminus and public car parks. It

    consists of sensors placed at a close proximity to the entrance and exit which

    senses an interruption caused by a person or any opaque object at the entrance

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    and exit, and the microcontroller which monitors the state of the sensors. The

    microcontroller in turn sends a signal to the motor which in accordance with the

    program opens and closes the door via motor driver.


    The inconvenience experienced in trying to open or close entrances and

    exits doors respectively by visitors or strangers entering into large buildings

    such as big shopping malls, hotels, airports, large offices and some residential

    homes, carrying items bought from shopping malls for example, or those

    carrying their luggage to the airports as well as the unfortunate disposition of

    the elderly or physically challenged- those who cannot on their own open

    entrance doors but would depend on helping hands, are the problems that

    necessitated this research work.

    A need for the automation of entrance and exit doors is thus needed, and

    it is the intention of this research work to design an automatic door with a

    display that is based on a microcontroller.


    The objective of this study is to design and construct a microcontroller

    based automatic door opener with a counter and LCD display for use in public

    buildings such as company offices, banks, shopping malls and some residential

    homes so as to provide convenience, easy access and in order to monitor the

    number of persons in the building.

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    1.3 SCOPE

    This project work is the design and construction of a microcontroller

    based automatic door that opens and closes upon sensing any person

    approaching the sensors close to the door, with an LCD display that displays a

    count not exceeding 255 persons entering or leaving the building.


    Inhabitants of and visitors to public and residential buildings, tourism and

    entertainment venues like airports and hotels, would benefit from this study as it

    checks the frequent inconvenience experienced in entrance and exit by strangers

    or visitors.

    The research work would be beneficial to Electrical and Electronics

    Engineering students across higher institutions as it would go a long way to

    exposing them to the application of microcontrollers for development of simple

    and complex automation.


    This project report is made up of five chapters and what each chapter

    handles is stated below;

    I) Chapter one deals with the general introduction to the project work; it

    consists of the background, problem statement, objective, scope and

    significance of the work.

    II) Chapter two handles the literature review; information on previous

    work relevant to the topic.

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    III) Chapter three deals with the design and construction procedures,

    details of all calculations and working drawings and design

    considerations for the choice of component values.

    IV) Chapter four covers the performance and cost evaluation; it contains

    the results and findings of the research work, and the respective cost

    of all components used.

    V) Chapter five handles the summary, conclusions and recommendations

    for further work.

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    The need for automatic doors has been on the increase in recent times.

    The system described here incorporates the use of microcontroller as a

    controller in achieving the purpose of this project. As affirmed by Shoewu and

    Baruwa [1], the microcontroller has revolutionalized the electronics industry

    and has had a remarkable impact on many aspects of our lives. Almost all areas

    of technology have started taking advantage of the inexpensive computer

    control that microprocessor can provide. Some typical applications include

    electronic games, CD players, automatic braking systems, industrial process

    controls, electronic measuring instruments, automobile emission controls,

    microwave ovens, traffic controllers, and a rapidly growing number of new


    The automatic door described here automates the entrances to public

    buildings such as banks, shopping malls, office buildings, airports, residential

    homes, automobile terminus, and public car parks. It uses the microcontroller

    convenience to avoid the stress of manually opening and closing the entrance

    doors. The technology used eliminates door monitoring and manning by human

    beings. The door uses the state-of-the-art entry system, the doors have to

    perform gyrations-open, auto-reverse, stop, fully close and fully stop.

    The automatic door is not a security device and should not be construed

    as one. It provides a convenient access and intelligent feature that makes it

    distinct from all other door which brings it so close to security device.

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    The automatic door operation is accomplished when the open or initiate

    command is transmitted from the activation device to the control box. A wide

    variety of devices can be used to activate the doors including wall switches,

    motion or proximity sensors, infrared beams, or any device that switches using

    dry contents. Krutz [2] asserted that a microcontroller based control board

    controls the hold open time and functionality of the doors. Hold open times can

    be set 1-99 seconds by means of the control board and opening times can be

    adjusted from 1.5 to 5 seconds by changing air regulator pressure and air flow


    McGlen [3] said that series operator can be easily mounted to any

    conventional door frame header and the face of the door. Easy to use templates

    and an extensive installation and owners manual are included with the units

    allowing for simple installation.

    Private door openers [4] revealed that the control box is microcontroller

    based to insure maximum reliability and flexibility for the end user. The system

    has been designed to be easy to set up and operate. The control unit is design to

    be connected to a constant power source of 220V, 60Hz, which powers the

    control box and a wide variety of activation devices with 24AC power. The

    control box can be mounted up to 25 feet away from the operator. The only

    connection between the control box and the operators are two flexible

    diameter air lines. Air supply to the control box is accomplished through a

    single air line, if multiple sets of operators are connected to a single control

    box, a larger air supply line to the control box may be required.

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    Floyd, [5] defines light dependent resistor (LDR) as a device which has

    resistance which varies according to the intensity of light falling on its surface.

    He further explained that light dependent resistors are vital component in any

    electric circuit which is to be turned on or off automatically according to the

    level of ambient light-for example, solar powered garden lights, and night

    security light.

    Fig. 2.1: A typical light dependent resistor.

    Neal [6] interfaced a simple LDR sensor circuit to a microcontroller to

    control a light/dark detector. According to him, there are two basic circuits

    using the LDR, the first is activated by darkness, the second is activated by

    light. The two circuits are very similar and just require an LDR, some standard

    resistors, a variable resistor and any small signal transistor.

    According to Floyd [5], LDRS or light dependent resistors are very

    useful especially in light/dark sensor circuits. Normally the resistance of an

    LDR is very high, sometimes as high as 1M, but when they are illuminated

    with light resistance drops dramatically.

    When the light level is low the resistance of the LDR is high. This

    prevents current from flowing to the base of the transistors. Consequently thelight emitting diode (LED) does not light. However, when light shines onto the

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    LDR its resistance falls and current flows into the base of the first transistors

    and then the second transistor, the LED lights.

    The present resistor can be turned up or down to increase or decrease

    resistance, in this way it can make the circuit more or less sensitive.

    Vo ( )Vin

    The LDR was used to design and construct a device that would be of use

    to persons who are in the habit of falling asleep while watching or listening to

    music. The scope of the work ranges from the conceptualization of the idea and

    theories behind the operation of the device to the stage of packaging the design.

    The unit provides automatic disconnection of the appliances from the

    alternating current (AC) main supply upon the expiration of a pre-set time delay

    period. The system works by detecting a transition from light to darkness in a

    room. This triggers the device into a time-out mode. During the time delay

    period, the appliances e.g. compact disk player is connected to main supply.

    Disconnection occurs after the pre-set time delay period elapses.

    A key feature of this device is that its operation is light dependent, that is,

    the device is activated only when it is powered ON in the absence of ambient

    light or in a sufficiently dark environment making it a light dependent

    automatic-off timer for electrical appliances. The light dependent automatic-off

    timer uses a light dependent resistor (LDR) as its light sensor.


    Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which includes

    radio waves, microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet light, as well as gamma and


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    The infrared range falls between the visible portion of the spectrum and

    radio waves. Infrared wavelengths are usually expressed in microns, with the

    infrared spectrum extending from 1.7 to 1000 temperature measurement.

    Using advanced optic systems and detectors, non-contact infrared

    thermometers can focus on nearly any portion or portions of the 0.7-14 micron

    band. Because every object emits an optimum amount of infrared energy at a

    specific point along the infrared band, each process may require unique sensor

    models with specific optics and detectors types. For example, a sensor with a

    narrow spectral range centred at 3.43 macrons is optimized for measuring the

    surface temperature of polyethylene and related materials. A sensor set up for 5

    microns is used to measure glass surfaces.

    As explained, the intensity of object emitting infrared energy varies in

    proportion to its temperature. It is the emitted energy, measured as the targets

    emissivity that indicates an objects temperature. Emissivity is a term used to

    quantify the energyemitting characteristics of different materials and surfaces.

    Infrared sensors have adjustable emissivity settings usually from 0.1 to 10,

    which allow accurate temperature measurement of several surface types.

    The emitted energy comes from an object and reaches the infrared sensor

    through its optical system, which focuses the energy onto one or more

    photosensitive detectors, the detector then convert the infrared energy into an

    electrical signal ,which is in turn convert into a temperature value based on

    sensors calibrations equation and the targets emissivity. This temperature

    value can be displayed on the sensor or in the case of the smart sensor,

    converted to a digital output and displayed on computer terminal.

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    The purpose of electronic memories is the same as that of human

    memory-to retain information so that it can be used at a later time, Tokheim [7].

    Although human memory is able to store a wide variety of items, such as

    names, languages, images of scenes, scent, digital electronic memory is limited

    by being able to remember only sequences of zeros and ones or highs and lows.

    Much of the effort invested in computer science at the present time is devoted

    toward finding efficient ways to store and retrieve information about languages,

    images and perhaps even scent in digital memories.

    The development of electronic memories or electronic storage elements

    has been an integral part of the development of computers, as a result, the

    language used to describe memories is the language of computer architecture

    and computer science; the converse is also true. In fact, early computers were

    called stored program devices, or stored program calculating machines,

    indicating that at least in the beginning, one of the most important features of

    computer was the memory.

    A wide variety of memories or storage elements have been used within

    the relatively short computer era. The earliest computers used relays and

    punched paper tapes memories. Other early elements included acoustic delay

    lines (an electromechanical analogue of a shift register) and magnetic drums.

    Since then punched cards, magnetic tapes, magnetic disks of many types and

    magnetic cores have been used.

    In the last decade, integrated solid state memories have come to dominate

    the computer memory market.

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    According to Mazidi [8], the AVR Atmel Corporation, in 1981

    introduced an 8-bit microcontroller called the AT89S52.This microcontroller

    had 256 bytes of RAM,8K bytes of on-chip ROM, three timers, one serial port

    and four ports (each 8-bit wide) all on a single chip. At the time, it was also

    referred to as a system on a chip. The AT89S52 is an 8-bit processor,

    meaning that the CPU can work on only 8 bits of data at time. Data larger than 8

    bits has to be broken into bits pieces and be processed by the CPU. The

    AT89S52 has a total of four input and output ports, each 8 bits wide. Although

    the AT89S52 can have a maximum of 64k bytes of on-chip ROM, many

    manufacturers have put only 4k bytes on the chip.

    The AT89S52 became widely popular after Atmel allowed other

    manufacturers to make and market any flavour of the AT89S52, they are

    pleased with the condition that they remain code-compatible with the

    AT89S52.This has led to many versions of the AT89S52 with different speeds

    and amounts of on-chip ROM marketed by more than half a dozen

    manufacturers. It is important to note that although there are different flavours

    of the AT89S52 in terms of speed and amount of on-chip ROM, they are all

    compatible with the original AT89S52 as far as the instructions are concerned.

    This means that if you write your program for one, it will run on any one of

    them regardless of the manufacturer.


    ROM 8K bytes

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    RAM 256 bytes

    Timer 3

    I/O pins 32

    Serial port 2




    Table 2.1: Features of the AT89S52 microcontroller.


    Shoewu and Baruwa [1] used a 7-segment configuration to form the

    decimal characters 0 through 9 and the hex characters A through F. The displayunit comprised of the following; Z80 PIO, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder/Driver

    and a7-Segment display.

    The Z80 PIO used in the display unit provides two 8-bit I/O ports, which

    have been programmed as output ports. The output of the PIO cannot be fed

    directly to the 7-segment display; therefore, it needs a driver. The unit sends

    signals to the driver each time a vehicle crosses the gate. A BCD-to-7-Segment

    Decoder/Driver is used to take a four-bit BCD input and provide the outputs

    that will pass through the appropriate segments to display the decimal digits.

    Figure 2.4 shows the BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder/Driver (74LS47) being used

    to drive a 7-Segment common anode LED readout. Each segment consists of

    one or two LEDs. The anodes of the LEDs are all tied to Vcc (+5V). The

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    cathodes of the LEDs are connected through currentlimiting resistors to the

    appropriate outputs of the decoder/driver.

    The decoder/driver has active-LOW outputs, which are open-collector driver

    transistors that can sink a fairly large current. This is because LED readouts

    may require 10 to 40mA per segment, depending on their type and size.

    The display unit is used to show in decimal values, the number of vehicles that

    passed through the entrance gate (number of vehicles coming in) and the

    number of vehicles going out through the exit gate. The difference between the

    two gives the number of vehicles in the facility at any time. This serves as acounter.

    The system is designed in such a way that it monitors the space available in the


    Fig. 2.2: Display unit.

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    Shoewu and Baruwa [1], in an endeavour to design and construct a

    microprocessor based automatic gate, employed the use of the following

    devices to achieve automatic gate control;

    - PNP and NPN transistors

    - Diode

    - Motor

    The PNP and NPN transistors are arranged in such a way that a pair (PNP

    and NPN) controls the opening of the gate through the motor and the other pair

    reverse the polarity of the motor by rotating it in the opposite direction to close

    the gate. There is a time interval of 10 seconds between the opening and the

    closing of the gate. The arrangement of the diode serves to protect the

    transistors from reverse bias polarity and the resistor serve to improve

    switching time.

    The motor is used to control the opening and closing of gate, the electric (DC)

    motor used is one that has the ability to rotate in both directions simply by

    reversing the polarity.

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    Fig. 2.3: Door control circuit.

    The researcher after embarking on diligent study of various literatures

    was informed about the attempt by several individuals, and groups of

    individuals to develop an automatic door opener. It reveals the distinct

    difficulties and problems encountered by them. One of the intriguing efforts is

    the one made by two indigenes- Shoewu and Baruwa specifically on the

    software and the motor control system. Considerable setbacks were noticed,

    besides there were limitations on the sensor units being triggered erratically, the

    researcher wishes to work towards overcoming such limitations.



























    567 8



    10 11

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    From fig. 3.1 shown below, once the system is powered on, the infrared

    transmitter continuously transmits infrared light at a frequency of 38KHz which

    can be received by the infrared receiver. The microcontroller monitors the state

    of the receiver output and then enables the motor driver to open or close the

    door when there is a change in the state of the receiver (from low-high or high-

    low); the microcontroller also registers and increments the count as persons

    enter or leave through the door and sends the data to be displayed on the LCD

    display. A complete circuit diagram of the system and a snapshot of the circuit

    is shown in the appendix.

    Certain specifications, parameters and methods of implementation must

    be considered in system design and construction in order to give the expected

    result. The various data on the components used in the design of the study were

    obtained from datasheets and textbooks. They provided the electrical

    characteristics (maximum and minimum voltage, current and power ratings of

    electrical components) which served as a guide in properly utilizing the

    components in the design.

    The implementation of the design involves segmenting the overall systemdesign into modules/units, which are individually designed and tested before the

    integration of the various subsystems. The system design is divided into;

    I) Hardware design consisting of:

    - Power Supply Unit

    - Infrared Sensor Unit

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    - Door Control Unit

    - Display Unit

    - CPU Module

    II) Software


    Fig. 3.1: Block diagram of the system.
















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    The microcontroller based system design has to be activated with a clean

    power supply of good regulation characteristics. A transient on the power line

    could send the microcontroller wandering, resulting in system failure. The

    circuit operates on a 5V voltage and as a result, the power supply unit design is

    5V DC and is not affected by variations in the AC voltage serving as input to

    the transformer. The components used as shown in fig. 3.2 are explained below:

    Fig. 3.2: Power supply unit.


    In order to achieve an input voltage for the regulator that falls within the

    range of the difference between input and output of the regulator, a transformer

    with a secondary voltage of 8.5V was rewound so as to obtain a peak voltage of

    12V as explained below;

    Input voltageOutput voltage of regulator = 47 V

    With an input voltage of 12V and an output voltage of 5V,

    125 = 7V, which falls within the range.

    The input voltage into the regulator is the output voltage of the capacitor, andthe output voltage of the capacitor = Vp = 12V

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    Where Vp = Peak voltage

    Vp = Vrms 3.1

    Vrms =

    Vrms =

    = 8.5V

    Vrms is the secondary voltage of the transformer and thus the transformer

    equation is used to get the number of turns in the secondary side of the

    transformer as shown;

    E = 4.44fm N . 3.2

    m = Bm A . 3.3


    E = transformer secondary voltage

    f = frequency of the AC source

    m = maximum flux

    N = number of secondary turns

    Bm = maximum flux density

    A = area of the core

    E = 8.5V, f = 50Hz, Bm = 1.15 wb/m2

    for sine wave

    A = l b

    From measurements of the transformer core,

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    l = 2.9cm, and

    b = 2.2cm

    A = 2.9 2.2 = 0.029 0.022

    = 6.38 10 4 m2

    From, E = 4.44fm N

    N =


    Where, E = 8.5V for secondary side

    N =


    = 52.18 turns = 52 turns approx.

    A copper wire of gauge 26 was used in the winding because of the

    recommended current rating of 1.3A which is closest to the desired secondary

    current of 1A.

    The primary side remains untouched as it was manufactured to work with 220V.


    The IN4007 diode converts the AC current to DC and satisfies charging

    current demands of the filter capacitor. The arrangement of the diodes is called

    a bridge rectifier. Rectification is done by the PN junction diodes. The DC

    voltage varies above and below an average value. This variation is called ripple

    voltage. In order to reduce ripple voltage to a very small value, the DC voltage

    needs to be filtered.

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    Filter capacitor was chosen to be large enough to reduce the ripple

    voltage contained in a rectified voltage, to a relatively filtered voltage which

    resembles a smooth DC voltage as much as possible.. To determine the proper

    value of capacitor used, the equation given below is employed:

    i = 3.4

    Where q = CV 3.5

    i =

    C =

    dV = Vr (Ripple voltage), and dt =

    T =

    Thus dt =

    C =


    i = 1A, f = 50Hz,

    Vp = 12V and Vr = 10% of Vp

    Vr =

    12 = 1.2V

    C =

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    = 8.333 10-6


    = 8,333 F

    A capacitance value of 6,800 F was chosen due to availability, with a voltageof 25V which is above the supply voltage.

    3.14 REGULATOR (LM7805)

    The LM7805 regulator is a three terminal positive regulator which can

    deliver an output current of up to 1A. It receives the input of a constant DC

    voltage and supplies as output a somewhat lower value of DC voltage, which it

    maintains fixed or regulated over a wide range of load current or input variation.

    The LM7805 regulator maintains a +5V dc supply voltage to the system.

    Fig. 3.3: LM7805 Regulator.

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    Two pairs of sensors are used for the entire system in an ideal situation;

    each pair for the entrance and exit doors. The sensor unit arrangement is in such

    a way that it consists of two pairs of infrared receiver to provide signals for the

    microcontroller whenever there is an obstruction through the entrance or exit

    door. For the design, two conditions are considered: first, when light rays are

    focused on the infrared receiver, and secondly when the rays are being


    When light rays of are focused on the infrared receiver, the output voltageis low and when the light rays are interrupted, the output voltage increases.

    Each pair of sensors is separated by a reasonable distance such that the

    passage of a person or other moving objects cannot obstruct the sensor pair

    separation. The sensor is conveniently installed on both sides of the automatic

    door frames. This consists of an infrared LED directed at an infrared receiver.

    For the purpose of simplicity and elimination of obscurity, the researcher

    chooses to use the infrared receiver and infrared LED. In this case, the infrared

    receiver and LED are placed opposite each other on the door frame.

    As the intensity of light falling on the infrared receiver increases, the

    impedance of the infrared receiver decreases.

    The two parts of the sensor unit- an infrared LED (light emitting diode)and an infrared receiver module, as discussed below.

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    3.2.1 INFRARED LED

    This is a high intensity diode that emits infrared light at a frequency of

    38KHz as programmed by the timer 2 of the microcontroller which is not

    visible to the naked eye. It operates on a 5V voltage source.

    Fig. 3.4: Infrared LED circuit.

    In order to determine the value of the series current-limiting resistor, the

    following equation is used:

    Rs =

    .. 3.6

    Where VF = the forward voltage for the LED

    IF = the continuous forward current of the LED

    From the infrared LED datasheet,

    VF = 1.2V, thus for the two LEDs VF = 2 1.2 = 2.4V

    IF = 20mA = 20 10-3A

    Vcc = 5V

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    Thus Rs =

    Rs =

    = 130

    The value of 120 was chosen due to market availability.


    When infrared light falls on the infrared receiver, a low signal is observed

    at the output of the receiver. This low signal at the base doesnt bias the

    transistor, thus the microcontroller then sees a high signal (Vcc) at its input pin.

    When the infrared light is obstructed, a high signal is observed at the output of

    the receiver, which biases the transistor to switch the ground. The

    microcontroller under this condition sees a low signal (0V) at its input pin.

    Fig. 3.5: Infrared Receiver circuit.

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    The 100 resistor and 4.7uF capacitor connected to the infrared receiver arerecommended in the datasheet to suppress power supply disturbances.

    Thus, the output of the sensor unit is either logical high or low. The

    software developer is at liberty of considering either logic high or low as they

    write the program.

    The transistor is a three-layer semiconductor device consisting of either

    two n- and one p-type layers of material or two p- and one n-type layers of

    material. The former is called an NPN transistor; while the latter is called a PNP

    transistor. Application of transistors is not limited solely to the amplification ofsignals. Through proper design it can be used as a switch for computer and

    control applications.

    For the base resistor of the transistor used in the receiver circuit ,

    = 3.7


    Where Vcc = 5V, and Rc = 10K (pull up resistor)

    = 5 / 10K

    = 0.5mA


    = 0.5mA / 10

    = 0.05mA = 50A

    Also, ............................................................................... 3.8

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    = 86K

    The closest standard resistor value of 82K was chosen for the base resistor.


    The door control unit is made of the motor driver and a DC motor as explained


    3.3.1 L293D MOTOR DRIVER

    The L293D is a quadruple drivers capable of delivering bidirectional

    drive currents of up to 600mA at voltages from 4.5V to 36V.As the

    microcontroller ports are not powerful enough to drive DC motor directly, a

    L293D chip is used, it is a 16 pin chip. The pin configuration is as shown in

    figure 3.5, to set appropriate level at two pins of the microcontroller to control

    the motor. Since this chip controls two DC motor there are four input and output

    pins for the four drivers in the IC. The driver 1 and driver 2 controls the first

    motor clockwise and anticlockwise directions while driver 3 and driver 4

    controls the second motor in the same way. There are also two enable pins they

    must be high (+5V) for operation, if they are pulled low(GND), the motor will


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    Fig 3.6: L293D Motor Driver.

    3.3.2 DC MOTOR

    A motor is an electromechanical device that converts electric energy intomechanical energy. Its action is based on the principle that when a current-

    carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a mechanical

    force whose direction is given by Flemings Left-Hand Rule and whose

    magnitude is given by; F=BIL Newton

    Where, F=Mechanical force in Newton (N)

    B=Magnetic field in Weber (Wb)

    I=Current through the conductor in Amperes (A)

    L=Length of Conductor in meters (m)

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    The display unit is a liquid crystal display (LCD). It is a thin flat panel

    used for electronically displaying information. It is low electrical power

    consumption enables it to be used in battery- powered electronics equipment. It

    is an electronically-modulated optical device made up of any number of pixels

    filled with liquid crystals. They use far less power than comparable LED

    displays because they block or pass the light from other sources rather than emit

    their own. The pin connection is as shown below;

    Fig. 3.7: A Liquid Crystal display (LCD).

    3.5 CPU MODULE

    The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit

    microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The

    device is manufactured using Atmels high-density non-volatile memory

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    technology and is compatible with the industry- standard 80C51 instruction set

    and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed

    in-system or by a conventional non-volatile memory programmer. By

    combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a

    monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller which

    provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control

    applications. The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes

    of flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two data pointers, three 16-bit

    timer/counters, a six-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial

    port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry.



    Designing software for the automatic door opener was not a trivial task.

    In the development cycle of a microcontroller base system, decisions are made

    on the parts of the system to be realized in the hardware design and the parts to

    be implemented in software. The software is decomposed into modules so that

    each can be individually tested as a unit and debugged before the modules are

    integrated and tested as a software system in order to ensure that the softwaredesign meets its specification.

    The program for the system is written in assembly language for speed

    optimization. Assembly code represents halfway position between machine

    code and high level language. The assembly code is usually mnemonic derived

    from the instruction itself, i.e. LDA is derived from LOAD the Accumulator.

    Assembly code is thus simple to remember and use when writing programs.

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    When entering an assembly program into a microcontroller, the assembly

    code must first be converted into machine code. For short programs, of a few

    lines, this relatively easy and usually requires that the programmer construct a

    table which contains the assembly mnemonics and the equivalent machine code.

    This technique is known as Hand Assembly and is limited to program of about

    one hundred lines or less.

    For longer programs, a separate program called an assembler program, is used

    to convert the assembly code into machine code which is placed directly into

    the microcontroller memory.

    The software was designed using the following steps:

    i. Algorithm

    ii. Flowchart

    iii. Assembly Language Codes

    3.6.1 ALGORITHM

    A step by step statement showing the chain of steps involved in solving a

    problem. An ordered sequence of well defined and effective operations which

    terminates in a finite amount of time. The algorithm is as shown;

    - Start

    - Generate 38KHz frequency

    - Check sensor for interrupt

    - Open door

    - Check opposite sensor for interrupt

    - Close door

    - Display in (or out) count on LCD

    - Stop.

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    3.6.2 FLOWCHART

    Flowchart can be defined as graphic representation of the definition,

    analysis and solution of a problem, or a chart that pictorially displays the chain

    of steps involved in solving a problem. The flowchart for the program is

    illustrated in appendix 1.


    An assembly language is a low-level language for programming

    computers. It implements a symbolic representation of the numeric machine

    codes and other constants needed to program a particular CPU architecture. This

    representation is usually defined by the hardware manufacturer, and is based on

    abbreviations (called mnemonics) that help the programmer remember

    individual instructions, registers, etc. An assembly language is thus specific to a

    certain physical or virtual computer architecture (as opposed to most high-level

    languages, which are portable). The program is as shown in appendix 2.


    Assembling is a very important stage in the construction process. It is

    usually the transfer of an idea from abstract to the concrete world. It involves

    inserting, connecting or joining the various components in a vero-board in

    accordance with the schematic diagram. The Vero-board consists of two faces, a

    free face and a face with copper coatings in form of parallels lines. It also

    contains many perforated holes that facilitate the insertion of component.

    In this project, the components were inserted through the free face and

    interconnected in the copper face using soldering iron and lead. The cutting of

  • 7/31/2019 Galant Project



    the line was done by razor blade, and the joining of two parallel lines was done

    with jumper wires. IC sockets were used to accommodate the IC, a way of

    avoiding damaging of the ICs by excessive heat dissipated by the soldering



    The outer casing is made of wood. This choice was given priority for its

    structural rigidity. The casing houses the entire circuitry, dc motor and door

    assembly, power supply unit, moving mechanism and its ancillary items. On the

    front (entrance) of the casing is the arrangement of the sensor unit, consisting of

    the infrared (LED), a source of light beam carefully aligned and focused on the

    infrared receiver module. On the rear side of the casing is a hole through which

    the power supply cable passes. A snapshot of the casing is shown in the


    Fig. 3.8: Outer casing design




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    This chapter reveals the tests carried out on the project work and the

    performance /results obtained. It also provides a list of the components used and

    the cost.


    Prior to the final assembling of the automatic door opener each unit was

    subjected to various characteristics test. Use was made of a digital multi-meter

    to determine and compare the voltage level at some strategic points. For


    -In the power supply unit, the dc motor requires 5V while the electroniccircuitry was powered by 5V. It was expedient that the voltage output be tested

    before coupling.

    -Voltages on the microcontroller input and output pins were also tested.

    Pins 40 and 31 should be at Vcc Potential, Pin 20 at ground potential.

    -The motor was also observed to rotate in a clockwise and anticlockwise

    direction when there was an interruption in the respective sensor pair.

    - The LCD displayed the count of the number of persons that the

    microcontroller registered and increments, as persons enter or leave through the


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    Parameter Measured Value

    Frequency at P1.0 of the

    microcontroller and at the infraredLED


    Voltage at the infrared receiver

    module with no obstruction in the line

    of sight transmission


    Voltage at the infrared receiver

    module with obstruction in the line of

    sight transmission


    Table 4.1: Test results.


    The various components selected for the assembling of the automatic door

    opener with counter and LCD display and their costs are displayed in the table



    1. Resistor (120) 1 5 5

    2. Resistor (100) 2 5 10

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    3. Resistor (82K) 3 10 30

    4. Resistor (10K) 7 10 70

    5. Variable resistor


    1 30 30

    6. Capacitor


    1 100 100

    7. Capacitor


    2 20 40

    8. Capacitor


    1 30 30

    9. Capacitor (30pF) 2 30 60

    10. Diode (IN4007) 4 5 20

    11. Regulator (LM7805) 1 50 50

    12. Power switch 1 40 40

    13. Transistors (BC337


    3 30 90

    14 Transistor (BC 327) 2 30 60

    15. Infrared LED 2 150 300

    16. Infrared receiver


    2 350 700

    17. Reset switch 1 20 20

  • 7/31/2019 Galant Project



    18. Quartz crystal 1 50 50

    19. Transformer (8.5V) 1 1000 1000

    20. DC motor (5V) 1 1000 1000

    21. Vero board 2 100 200

    22. Microcontroller


    1 400 400

    23. Motor driver


    1 250 250

    24. Casing 4000 4000

    Total 9,325

    Table 4.2: Component costing

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    5.0 SUMMARY

    This project work attempts to proffer a lasting solution to the long

    lingered difficulties and inconveniences with door opening in an unprecedented

    manner. Unprecedented in the sense that it employs the microcontroller as the

    brain of the system, thereby eliminating the use of unnecessarily large number


    The use of assembly language to program the microcontroller guarantees

    excellent performance and accuracy beyond average. Information surfed from

    the internet and relevant books form the sources of data used to achieve the

    desired goal.

    Components selected were assembled on a Vero-board in accordance

    with schematic diagram. The assembly was tested with relevant instrument

    before the final packaging and casing. Tested results reveal that:

    The voltage measured at some strategic points were approximately

    tending to the value obtained from calculations.

    This can be justified with fact that,

    i. No conducting material is perfect.

    ii. Same components of some values do not measure perfectly the samewhen tested with multimeter.

    iii. Joints made with soldering lead introduce capacitive effects especially

    if not properly soldered.

    Instead of a 5V dc motor of used in this model, if a motor of higher torque were

    acquired, it could be mounted in any real standard door for automatic operation.

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    The findings aforementioned indicate that the project was successful.

    This proves beyond reasonable doubt that the system is more reliable because of

    the ease with which instructions could be written to the chip in assembly

    language, coupled with this is the ease with which the program could be

    modified. Despite the prevalent advantages accompanying this system, it should

    not be accepted as a perfect and flawless product.


    The researcher recommends the use of this project in domestic buildings,

    schools, hospitals, industries etc.

    For further study, modification and improvement, the researcher


    The program could be modified by writing a program for displaying a

    count of up to five hundred persons or more so as to obtain the count of persons

    entering or leaving large public buildings.

    The University should provide a modality for ensuring that components

    necessary for any design are readily available and found in the laboratories.

    Separate entrances could be used in the design- one for entrance and exit

    respectively, and the program modified accordingly.

    The program could also be modified to include a display of the remaining

    persons in the building which would be an arithmetic difference of the in and

    out count.

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    1. Shoewu O. and Baruwa O.T. (2004).Design and construction of

    microprocessor Based Automatic Gate. Unpublished project, Lagos

    State University: Epe, Nigeria

    2. Krutz, R.L.(1980).Microcontroller and Logic Design, John Wiley and

    Sons, Inc: New York, NY

    3. McGlen, L. (1978).8080A, 8085 Assembly Language Programming.

    McGraw-Hill, inc: New York, NY

    4. Private Door Information. Lombard, IL;

    5. Floyd L.T. (2002). Electronic Devices, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education

    Singapore pte. Limited India.

    6. Neal S.W.(1998).Digital System; Principles and Application. Eigth

    Edition Prentice-Hall International: Princeton, NJ.

    7. Tokheim, R.L. (1988).Digital Electronics; Principles and Application.

    Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hall, Inc: New York, NY.

    8. Mazidi, A.M. and Mazidi J.(2000).The 8051 microcontroller and

    Embedded System.

    9. Theraja B.L and A.K Theraja, (2005).A Textbook of Electrical

    Technology S.Chand Company Limited. Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110005.

    10.Robert L.B. and Louis N.(2004).Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory.

    Eight Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New-Delhi

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    Plate 1: The Assembled Components.

    Plate 2: The Outer Casing.

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    Fig. A: Complete circuit diagram.