galgotias university - the g-post 7th edition


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Galgotias University has come up with its new edition of The G-Post


Page 1: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition


Page 2: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

2 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

MSP program journey.............................................................................4

English - The Ruling Queen………………………………………………5

The Orientation Program: Mark of Another milestone............6

Club Auditions @ Galgotias ……………………………………………...7

Bitcoins – Currency Of Tomorrow…………………………………….9

THE CASUAL VACANCY : A Book Review ......................................10

Avalanche 1.0 & SAE launch …………………………………………….11

Google Development Group Event...12

National Racing Championship……..13

Vasant Vihar Foundation Club...........14

SUNBURN: Live, Love, Dance..............18

Flash Mob....................................................20

My Experience as a Formula 1 marshal...............21

Fresher's Party...............................................................22

English Proficiency Orientation..............................23


Diwali Celebration………………………..……..………25

Galgotias Participation in IIT Rorkee….………...26

List of events at G Quasar 2014……………………27

Featured Story

Featured Story

Featured Story

Page 3: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

YEAR 2 | ISSUE 2 | APRIL, 2013

Dr. Ashok Saxena

Dr. Renu Luthra

Mrs. Vinnie Mathur

Mr. Nihar Ranjan Roy

"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand." Vince Lombardi

The G-Post Student Editorial Team comprises of some of the most affluent and dedi-

cated lot of students who work round the calendar to make every issue of the news-

letter a success. Desk or no desk, the students have always managed to put their best

foot forward and have matured with every edition of the G-Post.

The University newsletter’s student editorial team comprises students from nearly

all disciplines, which are a part of the University curriculum. The team believes in

the saying “Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise”. Under the able guid-

ance of Dr. Ashok Saxena, Vice Chancellor, Dr. Renu Luthra, Pro-Vice Chancellor &

Mrs. Vinnie Mathur, Dean– Club & Cultural and with the designer’s touch of Mr. Ni-

har Ranjan Roy the student editorial team has worked with full dedication.

The team comprises of Ankit Srivastava, Sumit Singh, Rajat Durgapal who are

Mechanical Engineers , Vanya Tripathi from the field of Forensics, Anamika from the

department of Law, and the Computer Science undergraduates, Rahul Kapoor,

Naman Agrawal, Vindhya Singh, Katyaini Pandey, Tanushree Parida, Ayushi Tripathi,

Abhishek Agarwal, Amit Vikram, Raman Thukral, Aanchal Gogna, Archit Shorey and

Kriti Doneria.

It has been the motto of the team to bring to its readers the news and events of

Galgotias University. However, we have ensured that not only the news but the

thoughts of the college students also find a voice in the form of articles, poems or

prose. We have, over the years believed that the University’s Newsletter is the best

platform to bring the talent of the students to the fore. While the sketches by many

artists of the University have found a place in G-Post, well-woven thoughts and the

opinion of students over some serious agendas have also been regularly featured in

the G-Post. They say, “Next to excellence is the appreciation of it.” In order to appreci-

ate those students who have excelled in any field, we had introduced the “Shining

Stars of Galgotias University” column in our last issue. It is you, our readers-the

students and the faculty members who motivate us to write. We have tried to ensure

that the achievements are well lauded in this issue and the news of every event

which the University has witnessed in the past few months reaches to you.

We have tried to inculcate the changes and improvements suggested by our readers.

We hope that you enjoy reading the newsletter. Our ideas come from our readers;

our endeavor is to make the newsletter an enthralling experience for you. We wel-

come your suggestions and feedbacks in order to make the upcoming issues better

than the previous ones, as no matter how perfect it may seem, there is always a

room for improvement.

We would like to specially thank the magnanimous team of trainers from the School

Of Life Long Learning for their invaluable help and support, Inderjeet Singh (Btech

Mechanical) for his creative input, and the readers for their constant support and


Vindya Singh

Rahul Kapoor

Naman Agrawal

Ankit Srivastava

Mr. Raman Thukral, B.Tech (CSE)

Mr. Sumit Kumar Singh, B.Tech (ME)

Mr. Archit Shorey, B.Tech (CSE)

Mr. Rajat Durgapal, B.Tech (Mech.)

Ms. Aanchal Gogna, B.Tech (CSE)

Ms. Kriti Doneria, B.Tech (CSE)

Ms. Akriti Ghosh, B.Tech (CSE)

Ms. Vanya Tripathi, B.Sc. Forensics

Ms. Anamika Roy Choudhury, BBA LLB

Mr. Amit Vikram, B.Tech (CSE)

Mr. Abhishek Agrawal, B.Tech (CSE)

Ms. Tanushree Parida, B.Tech (CSE)

Ms. Katyaini Pandey, B.Tech (CSE)

Ms. Ayushi Tripathi, B.Tech (CSE)

Page 4: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

4 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

MSP program journey I have grown dreaming about Bill Gates, Paul Allen and people like them- idolizing the co-founder and the then CEO of Micro-

soft, worshipping him like a living God. I was fascinated about him being a geek and being the world’s richest person, think-

ing, how would be life for him, for geeks, for computer lovers. Even though I was always dreaming and thinking about this, I

was never a computer genius, although I had a compelling desire for these machines but no, I was never a full time crazy

geek. Microsoft was always not only a company but a legacy for me. I had always wanted to know how an organization which

was formed by someone like Bill Gates functioned, why it is so different and how few good men have changed our desktops

forever. I knew I wanted to study Computer Science. Still, I was no coder, no programmer, no geek just a normal boy fasci-

nated about these things.

I joined Galgotias University in B.Tech Computer Science and came to know about the MSP Program. I knew this was my one

chance to get closer to something I had always dreamt of. For other applicants around me it was a professional decision but

for me it has always been an emotional decision to be part of MS and this decision, I’ll never regret.

Joining MSP as a normal B.Tech student, this program has transformed me completely. I have learnt a lot through this, multi-

ple times more than I have learnt in my B.Tech course so far. Since the very beginning, this program has been a great journey.

From application to the controversial results to the change in national MSP leads and everything.

It is because of this program, I got a chance to become a part of an ecosystem. It is because of this program I grew my interest

in coding and technical evangelism. Though even today, I am not one very celebrated hotshot developer but I am happy that

now at least I am learning something. It is because of this program, I developed interest in developing for the new app envi-

ronment, I developed interest in new development technologies. It is because of this program, and thanks to MSDN Subscrip-

tion it gives us, today I am using all the genuine software of MSP and enjoying it. This program has made me learnt mind

blowing technologies and has made me an MS certified specialist for programming in HTML5.

This program is not something that can give you a full time employment or can help you in earning some great fellowship or

something but this program is certainly a great initiative to put at least few people like me on the right track. It will not com-

plete my life goals but will definitely help me in setting them. MSP program has helped me a great deal. It is because of it, (at

least I feel so) I am progressing in a right direction. I am learning something and I am doing something in the development of

a vast ecosystem that is affecting the life of billions. At least I am doing something.

I will forever be thankful to Microsoft for designing such program and to my childhood idol Bill Gates for creating a world

and a legacy in which thousands like me are doing something productive.

By: Nitish Kumar Sharma, B.Tech. CSE, 3rd year

This year as an MSP has been pretty exciting with surprises and new experiences. I think it has completely changed my life and redefined who I am. I am getting everything that I had ever dreamt of – new friends, playing with new technolo-gies, learning new things etc.

If you are so much into technology then being an MSP gives a platform to explore the insights of new technologies, meet like-minded people and an opportunity to share and learn with IT community. And you can be within your campus equipped with the knowledge of latest technologies.

I am really glad to be part of MSP 2013, to be meeting new people and interacting with fellow MSPs and contributing to make a difference in the students’ community. The most exciting thing about being an MSP is you get to explore and learn new so-lutions and technologies. And here in MIC, we got a chance to play with Windows 8, before it was globally launched. To be using Office 2013, Lync, Hyper V and other Microsoft solutions is quite a fun. As an MSP, we are provided MSDN subscription that gives us access to all the resources, products and developer support from Microsoft. MSP program has been helpful in building and igniting career path with the Microsoft Certifications. And it is feels pretty awesome to be a Microsoft Certified

Being a Microsoft Student Partner

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A revelation struck me as I flipped the pages of Mark Tully’s Non Stop India-it was not something that hadn’t caught

my attention over the years but it was definitely something that my thoughts

had meandered through until then. It dawned upon me as I read his words that

English as a language has in a way, become the lingua-franca of the nation. We

are a multi-lingual nation and we have, at every Independence Day boasted of

our ‘Unity in diversity’. However, we have had our differences over the matter

of language, time and again. Contrary to the hullabaloo over which language

should represent our diverse nation, English has remained as the bridging lan-

guage throughout the country. As Arvind Adiga has written in his book The

White Tiger, “Neither you nor I speak English, but there are some things that

can be said only in English.”

As the years have elapsed, there has been a growing concern among

parents to educate their children in an English-medium school. Not only does it

open world avenues for students to explore and exploit the opportunities but it

also raises their confidence level. If Bill Emmott, the former editor of The

Economist is to be believed “India fell short of China in almost every aspect ex-

cept the ability to speak English” We have made sure to utilize this to our ad-

vantage and the world has seen Indians heading the biggest corporate houses

and IT giants.

Today it is a prevalent social outlook that a fluent speaker of English is

well equipped with knowledge. In his book The Ode Less

Travelled, Stephen Fry has well described English. He writes, “The

English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet deeply civilized, too,

common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane.” He has been

merciless as he mocks the speakers of English by writing, “Each sentence we produce, whether we know it or not, is a mon-

grel mouthful of Chaucerian, Shakespearean, Miltonic, Johnsonian, Dickensian and American.” While it has been bliss in dis-

guise, English also has to bear the tag of killer language. As more number of Indians train their tongues in English, the

native languages are gradually being forgotten with about 220 lost in past 50 years.

Considering the welcoming nature of India and its ability to adapt and adopt the changing trends we can hope and

wish that we continue to rise and shine keeping intact our originality because “No one is India.”

By: Vindhya Singh, B.Tech (C.S.E.), 3rd Year (Student Editor)

English– The Ruling Queen

Professional. MSPs do get an opportunity to get to build relations with Microsoft Valuable Professionals who are best in their own fields. We can join the online community of MSPs and Microsoft experts and discover and learn new things.

Well, this year the Microsoft India had organized Boot-Camp series for all the Microsoft Student Partners across the nation at 4 different locations. One of which I got lucky enough to attend was at Greater Noida. Over 300 select enthusiastic technology students gathered at the 2013 Microsoft Student Partners (MSP) Boot Camp held at the GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management in Noida today, to get the inside-track on tech trends that will fuel the MSP program over the next year. The event marks the start of a first-of-its-kind multi-city MSP Boot Camp tour which will equip over 1,200 MSP's from over 600 colleges across the country with the knowledge to help share their passions for the latest technologies among their peers. It was an awesome experience to be a part of such event. The year ended with the Microsoft Annual Summit at Tula Engineer-ing College, Dehradun for recruitment of students for various positions in Microsoft as FTE.

Being an MSP is not just about technology. It is something more and I guess that is the best part why I am here. It is about meeting new people who you can be best friends with.

By: Siddharth Mehrotra, B.Tech. CSE, 3rd year

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6 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

The opening of this academic year in Galgotias University, for the first year students was lined up with two orienta-tion sessions, spread across the 5th and 6th of September-all organized to benefit the students who are about to experience a new phase in life.

Our first session was delivered by Dr. Sibaram Khara, Dean of School of Electrical & Communication Engineering. He

introduced us a set of study skills which we ought to carry with us throughout our academic years. Giving emphasis to the

importance of not letting ideas of failure weigh you down, he went on to give a short on maximizing the learning experience.

At the closure of his presentation , he asked us to keep in mind the purpose for which we pay fees and attend any educational

institute: to learn, not to waste time; we must at all times understand what we learn and why we are learning it.

The huge auditorium saw a day of excellent display of talent and excitement, the senior students showed off their

skills in a plethora of on-stage events. The first round of Fashion. Show raised the glamour quotient as the students walked

the ramp just like the professionals and a wonderful showcase of themed dances was put up by all students. The day ended

with the exhilarating live performances of the students. The crowd grooved to foot tapping and electrifying performances.

The second orientation session took place on 6th of September. The former was a roll through of the teachers of Gal-

gotias University who were in – charge of various activities available for the students. We were then led to the huge and mag-

nificent building of the main college campus where the students displayed their presence in a big way with help desks and

registrations for various clubs and activities, the new entrants were offered the newsletter G-Post which gave the basic infor-

mation about the college activities, guidelines and various other affairs. Very informative and well-organized , this

orientation was a means to give the fresher's an idea of all the extra – curricular options.

Dr. M. Khalid, Pro-Vice Chancellor Academics, gave a motivating speech to students in academia, career as well as

other aspects. Certainly inspirational and undoubtedly well received, his speech addressed wide range topics. He explained

to us the true value of earning and providing for oneself and to work as a team in order to achieve the mission and objectives

of the college.

The Orientation program functioned as a launching pad for connection with University. It was conducted to

motivate and guide, through the invigorating voices of all exalted speakers, the new joining members of Galgotias Family.

By: Ayushi Tripathi, B.Tech (C.S.E.), 1st Year


Dr. Parma Nand Astya, Program Chair, SCSE, GU Dr. Renu Luthra, Pro VC, Galgotias University

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Music Club:

Music changes people; people change the world. From six strings to powerful vocals, the auditions of

“The Note Veda-The music club at Galgotias University” had it all. Musicians displayed many

genres in their songs, including pop, rock, Sufi, classical, Bollywood & international numbers. The

auditions began with Shashank Raj Singh on the vocals of “Tum Hi Ho”, thereby setting high

benchmarks for other participants. Aryan Upadhyaya performed an original composition. The acoustic

medley of papa Kehte hain & paani da Rang was soothing & serene. Finally, the existing members hit

the stage together on Hum kis gali ja rahe hain, providing an epic closure to the outstanding event.

Dance Club:

Studio D ( 18/09/13)-Galgotias University witnessed an entirely new aura of dazzling dancers under the

flagship of head coordinators -Mayank Srivastava, Robin Singh & Gaurav Nagrani. The mood was set by

Nihar Singh matching her moves to the tunes of “Haye re tera Ghaghra”. The typical Bollywood number

left everyone asking for more. Participants felt vibes of encouragement flowing freely amongst them when

Mayank Srivastava gave them a break & set the stage on fire by his perfectly crisp BREAK moves to the

music of “Main Deewana”. “Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up & dance.” These words

pretty much sum up the electrifying ambience of the audition hall.

Editorial Club:

Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them. An extremely “beautiful” scenario was

witnessed in the auditions held for the official newsletter – G-post on August 18, where several brilliant

minds were at work, thriving to be a part of the G-post team. Under the skilled leadership of Vindhya

Singh, Rahul Kapoor & Naman Agrawal, the YOU ARE IN tag was given based on the following 3 criteria:

article writing, knowledge of content, & the Personal Interview. “No stone left unturned” aptly describes

the will & eagerness of the participants for their selection in the team. “Adequate writing style”,

“Vocabulary grasp”, & “Self Confidence” were the key points being looked for. A gratifying smile on the

faces of the aspired figures was highly motivational for the contenders. The dilemma of the moderators

for culling ceased the saga.

Literary Club:

The trials for Lingo Freaks on August 18th generated a buzz amongst all. The cross section was a

setup comprising of the Extempore, Anchoring & Debating. The unbiased directorship of the head

coordinators made the contestants loosen up & to step up on the platform healthily. Extempore

turned out to be fun as well as a learning aisle for all. “Freedom of speech”, freedom to pen down

your thoughts & to convey the former helped create a great rapport among the seniors, the juniors,

& the peers. The “I woke up to find Hrithik Roshan sitting next to me” start to the JAM added a new

set of spices. Judging criteria was the vocabulary, syllabification & aplomb. Anchoring certainly

wasn’t a cakewalk. The Debate between existing members & the participants on the topic Science

v/s God was a treat to watch. The event ended with the opportunity to travel into

wondrously familiar or incredibly strange imaginative world with its new associates. Ankit Srivastav

as the coordinator made the event culminate smoothly.

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8 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

Fashion Club:

Scintillations, The fashion society of Galgotias conducted its auditions on 17/09/13 to look for new models,

hairstylists, makeup artists, designers & backstage crew. Participants bubbling with creativity hit the ramp in

vogue. Every single gesture spoke volumes as to how a person felt about himself/herself. Posture, poise, body

language & communication skills were pivotal to selection. The jury was taken aback by the interest shown in

the auditions. Everyone was exhilarated by the heat generated. Tips & suggestions on personal grooming were

provided by the head coordinators before calling it a day.

Dramatics Club:

A man is least himself in public. Give him a mask & his true colours shall reveal. Kalakriti (The

theatre club) of the university conducted its first round of auditions on 7th Oct’13.The objective was to

bring to life the art of theatrical performances, that has played a fundamental part in the making of

Indian cinemascope.”. Mayur (head coordinator) grabbed the spotlight with his spectacular act, hence

giving the aspiring artists the much needed icebreaker. Arunab truly made us all feel that he indeed

belonged to the stage, as audience watched in sheer awe of his skills. Raghu showed promising talent as

well, captivating all by his raw yet polished dialogue delivery. The event was dispersed after acquainting

the participants with the events to be conducted in the future.

Photography Club:

“You don’t take a photograph. You MAKE one”. Such was the abominable spirit of the CamCircle,

photography club of GU, as they ventured out to look for new members who were adept at making the

world come alive through the curvature. The event spanned for several days on an online platform.

The sample space for the photographs ranged from wildlife to caricatures. Vitality sprung right out of

Abhay Kushwaha’s picture, catching the eye within no time. Vasundhara’s holistic interplay with col-

ours spelled out her expertise briefly. The club now aims at promoting the art at various inter college

events in the year ahead.

Members of Galgotias Clubs performing in various events

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Ask an economist about Bitcoin and his lips will curl in disdain. An entrepreneur’s eyes will light up and he will talk about revolution and deliverance. But a nerd will be mesmerized and awestruck by the subject. The following vivid description will infuse a sense of admiration & respect for the technology. I had the opportunity to talk to one such nerd. The conversation enhanced my little knowledge about Bitcoins and made me buy a few! The potential of Bitcoin technology is humongous. It is not just another mode of payment as perceived by regular people. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network with no central authority or banks. To understand how Bitcoins work think of it as a ledger. Slots in the ledger can be bought for cash or by providing a service for bitcoins. Slots can be easily sold back to people seeking to buy in. Anyone from anywhere in the world can use these slots to buy, transfer and sell. No approval is needed and no or very low fees is involved. This has been made possible by years of research in cryptography. Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency is the first practical solution to the Byzantine Generals Problem. As a result two parties with no pre-existing trust can securely exchange bitcoins. This is an exciting new facility which never existed before.

Skeptics raise the issue of the valuation of bitcoins. Nerds confront that stating the Metcalfe’s law. The law states that as more people will use Bitcoin, it will become more valuable. The more the merrier! Bitcoin is a digital bearer instrument which guarantees safety

from frauds. Malicious coders have terrorised a great amount of people all around the globe. This antifraud feature has attracted a lot of merchants to the Bitcoin technology. Since little or no fees is charged for using bitcoins hence small payments are now possible. This feature may seem trivial but has fascinating advantages. Spam free services will be possible in exchange for a little amount of bitco-ins. Donations of small amount of money will be possible and what not. Bitcoin is often linked with cyber criminals and terrorists. Critics state

that Bitcoins are illicitly used to maintain anonymity. This is a myth, fuelled by biased press & an incomplete understanding of the technology. Every Bitcoin transaction is permanently stored for all to see. This makes the transactions easily traceable and hence secure. The Bitcoin technology is new and it is obvious that it will require some time to settle in. However it is safe to call it a promising venture and probably the currency of tomorrow. By: Naman Agrawal, B.Tech. CSE, 3rd year (Student Editor)

Radio Mirchi Freshers, an annual property started in 2008 is targeted towards the

first year students in colleges. Mirchi Fresher’s is a hunt for Mr. and Ms. Fresher in selected

colleges and choose fresh talent in the fields of creativity, personality, fashion & entertainment through various rounds

based on talent, extempore, spunk and popularity.

The Radio Mirchi Fresher’s team came to the Galgotias University for their hunt of Mr. & Ms. Fresher from our col-

lege. This event, which has always been a huge craze among the students, touched new heights this year. The venue was full

of enthusiastic students both as participants and audience.

The show began with the participants being given the task of promoting the main sponsor of the event, Engage Deo

spray. Each participant had to describe why he/she likes the Engage Deo spray. The most engaging answers were rewarded

with the ticket to the next round. The show yet at a nascent stage drew huge cheers from audience and became very arrest-

ing. The next round was a Q&A round. The question of the round,” How smart phones changed our lives” was really an en-

grossing one for the youths. It drew very idiosyncratic answers from the participants and the top five boys and the top five

girls went to the next round. The next round tested the fashionista in the participants. The ramp walk saw students set the

ramp on fire.

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10 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

Book Review: The Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy, is a tragicomedy novel written by JK Rowling. It was

released on September 2012, after the end of her commercially successful and

mega popular book series Harry Potter and was a sharp contrast from the fantasy

fiction series. The book was aimed for adult readership and was much closer to

facts about the society.

The plot of the novel is set in a fictitious, sub urban town in England

called Pagford. The story starts when the Parish Counsellor (head of the first tier

government in England) of Pagford, Barry Fairbrother, dies unexpectedly. Soon

enough political games starts and factions develop to fill the vacancy. Rowling’s

vivid imagination gives birth to equally vivid characters and their families, buried

deep in their own problems. And amid all the social crises, someone hacks the

Parish Council’s website and starts revealing scandalous and darkest secrets of

the people running for the empty spot of the Parish Counsellor.

Apart from addressing the major political and social issues, Rowling also

brings to our notice the hypocrisy, snobbery and the double standards prevalent

in the society. Also, it shows the real picture of the English society by flawlessly

capturing the traumatic life of the poor and drug addicts. Out of the many families,

the one which I found the most interesting was the Jawandas, a Sikh family and an

Indian Diaspora. The racial discrimination they had to face was impeccably

portrayed in the book.

Though the book was commercially and critically successful, it could not

match the success and sheer popularity of the Harry Potter series. The reason for it could be attributed to the fact that many

dismissed her attempts to appeal to the adult audiences, considering her a young-adult author. This was the reason perhaps

why her next work was penned under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

By: Rajat Durgapal, B.Tech. ME, 2nd Year

The style and attitude quotient was set high on the stage and the crowds received it by thunderous applause. Three

boys and Three girls went to the final round and by then the atmosphere was electric. There was a buzz among the audience

as to who would be the Radio Mirchi Fresher 2013. The round was judged by the famous VJ, Akansha of Radio Mirchi.

On the spot questions were asked to an individual and the participants really had to think out of the box to win the

title. Then there was a small dance show wherein each participant had to shake his/her leg and show some moves in order to

impress the masses.

At the end of some grueling rounds and some quintessential performances, Utkarsh Bhati was chosen as Mr. Fresher

and Raveena Nijjar won the Ms. Fresher title. The winners were given gift hampers and winners of every round were

awarded. The event was sponsored by Engage Deo sprays, Anne French-Associative sponsor, Spaces-Youth sponsor, Naturals

-Styling sponsor, Scooty pep-Attitude sponsor, Madame-Fashion sponsor.

The event which was targeted at motivating and identifying the young and talented freshers was a huge success and

provided an opportunity to our college students to identify and showcase their talent. The event proved,” Not he deserves

praise that has talents, but he that uses them”.

By: Archit Shorey, B.Tech. CSE, 2nd year

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Avalanche 1.0 & SAE Launch A Collegiate club of Society Of Automobile engineering was launched in Galgotias University on the 28th of November 2013. SAE International, formerly the Society of Automotive Engineers, is a U.S.-based, globally active professional association and standards organization for engineering professionals in various industries. Principal emphasis is placed on transport industries such as automotive, aerospace, and commercial vehicles. The Society coordinates the development of technical standards based on best practices identified and described by SAE committees and task forces. Task forces are composed of engineering professionals from relevant fields. SAE International has over 120,000 members globally. Membership is granted to individuals, not through companies. Aside from its standardization efforts, SAE International also devotes resources to projects and programs in STEM education, professional certification, and collegiate design competitions. The student wing of SAE allows college students from all over the world to get hands on experience and practical learning by various workshops and competitions. These workshops and competitions help develop technical as well as leadership skills of the participants. The SAE collegiate club was inaugurated by the Dean, School Mechanical and Civil, Dr. Parveen Satvat, who not only encouraged the students towards innovation but also bestowed his blessings towards a brighter future. SAE received an overwhelming response by the students of Galgotias University with requests of application from all branches of engineering. To celebrate the launch of this technical club in Galgotias University, Avalanche 1.0 an idea pooling event was organized by the IIE Club of Galgotias University. Avalanche 1.0 was judged by three eminent faculty members of Galgotias University, Mr. Zorawar Singh, Mr. Prateek Negi, and Mr. Vivek Kumar .A whooping 107 students registered for this event and after short listing, 30 students were called for the final round to present their ideas in front of a panel of judges. This event brought out the true innovators, allowing them to present their ideas in a scientific environment. Due to the exceptional qualities of ideas presented at the event, a tie was declared for 1st position. Winners - Vibhu Vajpai from Galgotias University won the 1st prize for this idea "Innovative Energy". His idea demonstrated harnessing the power of mechanical energy in the tyres of moving vehicles by replacing normal speed breakers with movable hydraulic speed breakers attached to a dynamo via a crankshaft. Hence generating energy each time a car moves over a speed breaker. This energy is stored and then later used for lighting the highway or providing electricity to rural areas. Holding the 1st position in a tie, along with the above mentioned team was team of Sandeep Dhaka and Vishal Tomar of KIET (Ghaziabad). With their idea of reusing exhaust gases of an IC engine hence improving efficiency and de-creasing pollution due to emission. A Cash prize of Rs 10,000 was granted to the winners. By: Ankit Srivastav, B.Tech ME, 2nd Year (Student Editor)

Vibhu Vajpai, student of Galgotias University who won 1st prize. Faculty & Students of SCME, Galgotias University, judges of the idea pooling event Avalanche 1.0

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12 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

Android is a major step towards an ethical, user-controlled, free-software portable phone as it contributes to the skeletal framework of a large chunk of the current mobile device market. That being said, it becomes increasingly important for a world class university to instil a mindset of peer learning amongst its students and faculty members. The “Geeks And Nerds at Galgotias (G.A.N.G)” is a group of keen, focused and passionate tech enthusiasts at GU. An interactive workshop was organized on November 18, 2013. The topic pertained to Android applica-tion development methodology. Aishwarya Pradhan (coordinator at GDG-GU) of Btech CSE 2nd year stepped into the speaker’s shoes with impeccable ease. Siddharth Mehrotra (Team leader at GDG-GU) & Nitish Kr. Sharma made prominent contributions to the preparations that went into brainstorming before the conception of the event. Arush Salil was on his feet to ensure a smooth functioning the entire time. The other speaker for the event was Vindhya Singh (B. Tech. CSE 3rd year) who threw light on the basics of data security. The Q&A session stretched longer than the stipulated time, but the coordinators responded to each query in a reposeful manner. Dr M. Khalid (Dean, SCSE) addressed the gathering, conveying his sheer sense of awe after having a sneak peak into the finest minds of tomorrow and stressing upon the importance of value addition subjects, bridging the gap between a classroom and the Industry.

By: Kriti Doneria, B.Tech. CSE, 2nd Year

The Google Developer Group-GU chapter:

Christmas Celebration Galgotias University celebrated Christmas with a festive spirit

on 23rd & 24th December at the University premises.

Christmas is a festival of joy and giving. It celebrates the birth of Jesus

Christ who is the son of god. He is the harbinger of peace and harmony

in the world.

A 5 member musical band, Angelo, from Kaveri Temple Church,

visited Galgotias University Campus for carol singing and sharing the

joys of the occasion on 23rd December. The students celebrated the up-

coming Christmas & New Year week & rejoiced at the musical celebra-

tion on 24th December.

Christmas songs like ‘jingle bells’ were sung, followed by music

& da nc e perform a nc es by s tudents a s al l

gathered to celebrate the holy occasion. While closing the show the

band members wished everyone a merryChristmas at

Galgotias University. Dr. Ashok Saxena, Vice-Chancellor-Galgotias Uni-

versity, Mrs Vinnie Mathur, Dean-Student Affairs and Clubs at GU also

joined students in singing hymns and carols. Dr.Avadhesh Kumar, Dean-

School of Computer and Information Sciences, GU appreciated efforts of

students and thanked them for spreading the message of peace and hap-


By: Amit Vikram, B.Tech. CSE, 1st year

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When the thunderstorm begins only the Gods can stop it

and yes, marshals are the Gods of the race tracks. With such an

important duty entrusted with them by their mentors, they surf

through the tides of the scorching sun and the heart stopping speed

of the cars that swoosh by, to create an environment of buzz and

thrill on the racing tracks. But, just as a potter has to repeatedly

thrash the clay to form a pot, in the same way our marshals had to

also undergo a tedious process of training. The first interview

session of this job was held on 2nd august. This was followed by a

second interview cum training session for the shortlisted candidates,

which lasted for another three

days i.e. 23rd, 24th and 25th of

august. It was an introduction to the various duties of a marshal. This included the

responsibilities for the safety of the contenders. The marshals were stationed at various

points of potential danger around the race track to assist the contenders in case of any colli-

sions, accidents and track adjustments. A final training was held on 12th September, a day

before the championship.

Finally, the squad of marshals from Galgotias was ready for the three day event of

the National Racing Championship'13 (NRC). The tracks were set, the spectators excited

and ready, the contenders pumped up and the marshals were ready to take up the chal-


By: Ayushi Tripathi, B.Tech. CSE, 1st year

National Racing Championship @ BIC

On the pious festival of Diwali a Noble Cause Event was also organised in Galgotias University . An Initiative Taken

by Student Clubs. The theme of the event was "Every Child Deserves a Happy Diwali, so donate your old clothes, notebook,

pen etc. and this Diwali make someone smile”. Members of Galgotias Club distributed food to poor children. Social Club of

Galgotias has also adopted 40 poor kids for their education in Greater Noida. During the Diwali fest, Mrs. Renu Luthra, Vice

Chancellor of Galgotias University highly appreciated this social initiative for the contribution towards social welfare. Mrs.

Vinnie Mathur, Dean Student Clubs & Cultural also emphasised on the value of sharing and caring on the auspicious occasion

of Diwali.

"We all die. The goal is not to live forever. The goal is to create something that will."


Page 14: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

14 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

Galgotias as an institution has always been a pro-

moter of skills that not only develop one’s mind academically

but also provides oneself with a platform to hone one’s skills

in a variety of different fields. Once again; its association with

the Vasant Vihar Club provided great opportunities for the

students of our university to display their talents.

The Vasant Vihar club organizes events commemorating In-

dian festivals like Holi, Baisakhi, Diwali as well as socializing

events like rain dance party, live band music and

Bingo (Tambola) parties on Sundays.

This year on 29th September the club celebrated Founder’s

Day. Since Mrs. Vinnie Mathur, Dean Student Clubs and Cul-

tural, Galgotias University is a member of this community

club, it provided students of our university an opportunity to

participate in the celebration of the founder’s day of this club.

The event started with the introductory speech by anchors

Satwik Sabarwal and Shubhankar Mishra. Then the need was

to start the function with a performance that would leave eve-

ryone wanting for more and who better than our very own

dancing star Akhil Pathan can do to electrify the atmosphere.

His performance left everyone mesmerized. Then Maj. Gen

Murgai, Entertainment Chairperson, Vasant Vihar club was

accredited and thanked for all his enthusiastic efforts for the

events taking place in the club and was then invited on stage

for welcoming people and the chief guests.

The next event was a show that definitely gave everyone a real

belly laugh. The famous stand-up comedian Siraj khan made

sure that people would carry the smiles back to their home. He

showcased such an expertise in mimicking our famous Bollywood actors that the whole atmosphere was filled with sounds

of laughter.

The next and the most awaited event of the evening was the Fashion Show in which famous brands of Delhi showcased their

exclusive collection of finest couture clothes. The Show started to a thunderous clap when the first designer house-Aradhya

presented a wide range from casual, semi-formal to formal couture. Next was the most exclusive as well as eye catching dis-

play of collections from the very famous Ashita's Wedding Studio. It was followed by latest styling men's collection by de-

signer Manish Gupta. Next in the line was the latest collection from Bha's which presented the contemporary ready to wear

clothes with the splendid new-age styling. Last but definitely not the least, designer Manpreet presented a wide variety of ‘in

vogue’ clothes from the house of red couture whose elegant range draw huge appreciation from the crowd.

On the whole, the event was a great success and a great learning experience for the students of our university. The work of

the anchors was highly appreciated by everyone. It also gave the models of Galgotias Fashion Club an opportunity to walk

the ramp for the famous fashion designers thus exposing them to professional work.

By: Archit Shorey, B.Tech. CSE, 2nd Year

Vasant Vihar Club Founders Day

“ Lost in the Dark...”

Lost, getting lost in the dark, Left with all these scars,

But I can’t quit now that I have made it so far. Can’t you see me wince in pain,

Struck in this endless maze, I’ll reach a dead end no matter which choice I make.

I can’t go on, no I can’t go on,

I can’t keep pretending that everything is right when it’s not. But I have to go on, I have to go on,

I can’t keep reading old sad stories I just have to change the whole plot.

Look, there’s another bruise,

I did what I could do, But I lost everything even though I thought I had nothing to

loose. And I, I long for those days,

Which have lost in all the haze, Where there was no fear to start for the fear to fail.

I can’t go on, no I can’t go on,

There’s so many voices inside my head make them stop. But I have to go on, I have to go on,

Try to bring me down but I won’t give in to this onslaught.

By: Rajat Durgapal , CSE , 2nd year.

Page 15: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition


Progressive engineering and business as well as other bachelor’s degree

programmes around the world are switching to the outcomes based education model to

respond to the industry and employer demands for graduates who are better equipped with

certain attributes that make them more productive from the beginning. There is also an

expectation that the graduates will upgrade their skills continuously while on the job. Since

various upgrading tools are now commonly available online, it has become very important

for professionals and tradesmen alike to continuously upgrade their skills and knowledge.

Galgotias University has strongly committed to the outcomes based education model in

engineering and in the School of Business from the

very start. Other schools will also follow suit. Full

accreditation of all of its engineering

programmes at the earliest opportunity available is

an important and a very worthy goal for GU. We are

classified as Tier 1 autonomous university that has

the ability to define its own curricula. This makes GU

more agile in ushering the changes necessary to

adapt to the changing needs of industry and other


India, through its National Board of

Accreditation (NBA), has applied to become a

signatory to the Washington Accord. This

accord is an agreement among the signatories for

mutual recognition of accredited engineering

degrees from the various member countries. The

signatories include major countries such as USA,

Canada, UK, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, New

Zealand, South Korea, Turkey, South Africa,

Malaysia, Russia, Ireland, Japan and Hong Kong. If

India’s bid is successful, all engineering degrees

awarded henceforth by India’s Tier 1 accredited

programmes will instantly gain international recog-

nition. It is therefore very important that we commit

to outcomes based education so all our graduates

can potentially be benefited as having graduated

from a Tier 1 accredited programme giving them a

definite advantage for gaining experience and also

during employment for career advancements. In this

brief article, we will describe the main features of

outcomes based education (OBE).

The primary elements of OBE is a defined set of Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) that are statements that a pro-

gramme is preparing its graduates to achieve in three to five years after graduation. The next component is a set of attributes called the

Programme Outcomes (POs) that the graduates are expected to attain at the time of graduation. The curriculum for the programme must

be chosen such that it demonstrably supports the attainment of the POs that in turn will support the PEOs. Individual courses must have

course outcomes (COs) which support the attainment of the POs. A continuous quality improvement programme must also be in place to

assess the outcomes and address the shortcomings, if any, in the attainment of the outcomes.

By: Dr. Ashok Saxena, Vice-Chancellor

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16 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

The above approach is best illustrated by an example and here we choose the PEOs and POs of the B.Tech Mechanical Engineering Programme as an example. Similar plans also exist for other degree programmes. The B. Tech Mechanical Engi-neering Programme has created the following Programme Objectives:

PEO 1- Educate students with a deep understanding of mathematics, science and engineering and to build a strong founda-tion of theory and practice in the areas of Mechanical Engineering.

PEO 2- To prepare students for successful careers in Mechanical Engineering in small, medium and large industrial and gov-ernment enterprises and to succeed in post graduate studies in engineering, management or other related fields.

PEO 3- To make students aware of (a) the societal context of engineering profession (b) ethical professional practices, and (c) the need to function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams to solve technical and societal problems. Programme Educational Objectives as stated before are broad statements referring to the things that the GU Me-chanical Engineering students are expected to be able to do within three to five years after graduation. The purpose of stipu-lating a time frame of three to five years is that it takes that much time to ensure that the students are in fact achieving those objectives. For example, if a B. Tech graduate goes into an MBA or an M. Tech programme, it will be at least two to three years before we are able to determine whether the student was sufficiently prepared to succeed in the programme. The same would be true for a student entering the job market. The five year time-frame is necessary to capture the performance of stu-dents who change careers after two years and then demonstrate that the GU education provided them sufficient background to enter into a different area and succeed. The stated Programme Outcomes (POs) for the B. Tech Programme in Mechanical Engineering are as follows: 1. Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to solu-

tion of complex engineering problems (Engineering Knowledge) 2. Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions

using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences (Problem analysis) 3. Design of solutions for complex engineering problems and design of system components or processes that meet the

specified needs with appropriate considerations of public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations (Design/development of solutions)

4. Use research based methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information leading to logical conclusions (Conduct investigations of complex problems)

5. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling complex engineering activities with an understanding of limitations (Modern tool usage)

6. Apply reasoning within the contextual knowledge to access societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice (The engineer and society)

7. Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in the societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable developments (Environment and sustainability)

8. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice (Ethics)

9. Function effectively as an individual independently and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings (Individual and team work)

10. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective oral presenta-tions, and give and receive clear instructions (Communication)

11. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and apply those to one’s own work as a member and leader of a team to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments (Project management and finance)

12. Recognize the need for, have the preparation and the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change (Life-long Learning).

Thus, programme Outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do upon graduation. By meeting all outcomes, the Program Educational Objectives should be attained. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behavior that students acquire through successfully completing the courses specified in the curriculum.

GU has gone through a major exercise to relate the POs to the attainment of the PEOs and the attainment of individual Course Outcomes to the attainment of POs. Each Programme has also developed a Continuous Improvement Programme to ensure that the outcomes are measured with a defined set of metrics and the attainment levels are compared to desirable levels. Thus, if some performance metrics are not achieved to the desirable levels, corrective programmes are initiated to rectify the shortfall as part of continuous improvement initiatives. We invite comments and feedback from all our stake-holders on the published PEOs and POs for each of our engineering programmes. The feedback can be in the form of what is good that should be retained and what changes must be considered for incorporation. Thank you in advance for engaging with us.

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A workshop on Equity re-

search and Stock market was organ-

ized by Galgotias commerce society

(GCS) on 3rd October 2013 at Galgo-

tias University Campus 2 in associa-

tion with COPAL PARTNERS. The

Dean, HOD and faculty members the of

School of Finance & Commerce, School

of Arts & Social Sciences where also

present at this event. More than 140

students turned up for the workshop.

The prefatory session of workshop

was held at 1.30 PM. Mr. Om Ankit Dev

(head coordinator of GCS) welcomed

and introduced the key speakers of the

workshop, Mr. Deepak Tandon a

PGDBM and founder member of Copal

Institute and Mr. Prakash Sumani an

MBA and CFA charter holder. The

workshop began with an introductory

quiz on primary aspects of global stock

market &economy.

The students as well as faculty

members participated with full enthu-

siasm and for every correct answer a

reward was given. A tutorial on funda-

mentals of investing in a stock market,

highlights of the India Stock Market,

the market structure and the trading

mechanism was conducted. The tuto-

rial involved basic tips & guidelines to

start a career in stock market as well as

an expert advice on stock market en-

trepreneurship. Students were ac-

quainted with the recent stock debacle,

the reasons behind it and countermea-

sures taken.

This was followed by a live

analysis on the ups & downs taking

place in the stock market and day to

day equity financing. The 90 minutes

workshop successfully acquainted the

students and other members with the

current market scenario. In conclusion,

the Faculty members guided the stu-

dents & shared their experience of

participation in the workshop.

Galgotias Commerce Society is

looking forward to more of such inter-

active and learning workshops, aimed

at raising student's cognizance of the

Stock Market scenario.

By: Amit Vikram Satpathy,

B.Tech. CSE, 1st Year

WORKSHOP ON “Equity Research and Stock Market”

Mr. Prakash Sumani, Representative from COPAL Partners Prof. Shweta Goel , Assistance Professor along with Mr. Deepak Tandon, founder member of COPAL Partners.

During Galgotias Commerce Society Workshop on 03 October 2013.

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18 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

North India's party brigade was conquered as Galgotias University became

host to Sunburn, Asia's biggest Electronic Dance Music festival on 6th Octo-

ber who changed their motto this year to “LOVE.LIVE.DANCE.”. The electric

circus, boasted of true electronic dance music power with line-up of

world’s top DJs like Dash Berlin, Rank 1, Nervo, Porter Robinson, Shogun,

Anish Sood, Lost Stories and Dualist Inquiry on the list.

The show-incorporated special effects including visuals and

smoke, with over huge LED screens and great lightening installations cou-

pled with 100,000 watts of sound.

The entire arena was divided into two stages - Space Station and

Space Jungle for electronica and trance lovers respectively which were set

up with larger-than-life decorations.

Straight out of a Steven Spielberg movie, the Space Station stage

drew inspiration from sci-fi elements with a gigantic glowing jelly-fish like

spacecraft suspended in the backdrop of the DJ consoles. The swaying ten-

drils underneath the craft reflected myriad psychedelic hues while light

lasers beaming through the crowd in front recreated an apocalyptic alien

invasion scenario. The Space Jungle stage was equally impressive, figura-

tively leading one down the rabbit hole into a fantastical Alice-in-

Wonderland world where birds of paradise, butterflies, all sweet things ,

pretty and nice frolic in a magical forest. To add the icing on the cake, there

were merchandise stalls, food stalls, a gaming area and bar arenas to un-


As the evening progressed, the beautiful varsity lawns began brimming

with party enthusiasts and love for music enveloped the Sunburn grounds.

While girls upped the glamorous quotient, boys personified craziness.

Sunburn Noida: Live . Love . Dance

Featured Story

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Things started to pick up when the two stages were taken

over by Rank 1 and India’s own Sehaj Bakshi, better known as

Dualist Inquiry. Dualist Inquiry started warming up the

crowd with his famous tunes. Rank 1 on the other hand con-

sistently dished out one hard hitting bass line after another,

keeping his set incredibly jumpy, switching it up between

Techno and Hard bass at occasions.

Shogun kept his set more trance-heavy, employing tunes

wrapped in more synth work than anything else. American Dj

Porter Robinson's fast paced sound was supported by visuals

of anime characters running around interspersed with explo-

sions and fantastical cityscapes, creating massive energy in

the crowd.

As the cuckoo-bird of the clock shouted out the time of 8:00

PM, everyone was swept in the direction of Space Jungle,

where Nervo twins who won Grammy for their single "When

love takes over" started their two-hour act almost identically

similar to their set at this year's Tomorrowland, one of the

world's largest EDM festivals held annually in Boom, Belgium.

The Dutch headliner who comfortably wears the crown of

being the 7th best DJ in world dished out all his popular tunes

over the hour and a half that he was on console duties. Ac-

companied by an incredibly elaborate lighting rig that totally

rendered hallucinogens useless, Dash Berlin played an in-

credibly satisfying set, probably even for someone who isn’t

really that big a fan. His sound is heavily reminiscent of the

early Euro-Trance days. He is one of the very few artists to-

day who can make a crowd go wild with anything from a vi-

nyl deck to the latest CDJs.

At the end Sunburn Noida kept its words,

It was Love, it was Acceptance, it was DANCE!

By: Abhishek Agarwal, B.Tech. CSE, 1st year

Yes, let's color our hair.

Choose clothes with care.

Eat the right food.

We deserve to look good.

Let's look young for our age.

We're all at that stage.

Fix on the smile.

We deserve modern style.

But let's look inside

At the hurt we all hide.

Does our heart need aid?

We deserve that re-made.

Let's look deeper and start

With our make-over heart.

Not just settle for show.

We deserve inner glow.

If we begin to forgive.

To live - - and let live.

Beauty then will refine.

We deserve hearts that


So let's work inside-out.

Learn what real life's about

Before it's too late.

We deserve to FEEL great. By: Himanshi Upadhyaya,

M.Sc. Forensics Science, 1st year

Page 20: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

20 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

A blood donation camp was organized by the Rotaract Club of Galgotias Uni-

versity, at Campus One on 26th September 2013. This camp was organized by the Ro-

tary club, Mayur Vihar, New Delhi. Over 395 students, faculty and staff took the initia-

tive to donate blood. An impressive 400 units of blood was collected for a noble cause.

The event began with the Installation Ceremony which was inaugurated by the chief

guest – Mr. Viren Rasquina . This was followed by some exemplary performances by

the various clubs of Galgotias University.

Blood is the essence of life.

Taking care of its sensitivity is an important process. Therefore a blood dona-

tion process involves a lot of physical check-ups. An accurate measure of Temperature,

Blood pressure, Haemoglobin count and pulse is required to ensure that the donor’s

blood is safe. There is a shortage of blood all over the world because blood can be

stored for a very short period of time before use. The demand for blood is way more

than its supply. We are proud of the Galgotians who took the opportunity and made a

difference. Blood is meant for circulation. Donate blood.

By: Anamika Choudhury, BBA LLB, 2nd year

Blood Donation Camp at Galgotias University

Flash Mob

Galgotias University was taken by surprise as FTW (Film The World) and ASAP (formerly known as ECOSOC) collaborated

together to organise an energising Flash Mob in A block canteen area. The event started with the performance of Loveraj

Gupta. Powerful vocals backed perfectly by the strings left the crowd in awe. He moved the crowd with “yeh doorie sahi jaaye

na” and went on to mesmerize them with “Tu jaane Na”. He was later joined by Ankit Srivastava for the next song. The crowd

was left wanting for more, the mood was kept upbeat by the incredibly skilful dancers of Studio D.

The dancers were amazing. The enthusiasm and ability they displayed was awe-inspiring. The energy they contributed to

each step was equally matched by the deafening cheers of the crowd. The dancers showcased their locking and popping skills

followed by a well choreographed street dance.The performance was concluded with the famous robot dance sequence from

the movie “Step Up” . The crowd cheered and clapped in admiration. Rahul Kapoor from CamCircle captured these beautiful

memories. Ankit Srivastav , Bilal Hasan Khan, Prateek Srivastav, Inderjeet Singh were the people who made the event possi-

ble. Ankit Srivastav, Joint Secretary (Cultural), defined this event as “ By celebrating life, community and peace through mu-

sic, conscious dance, we ignite our light within, inspire each other and renew our spirit as collective”. Apart from the dedica-

tion and enthusiasm of all involved, the camaraderie between the organising team made the event a treat for the eyes.

By: Abhishek Agrawal, B.Tech. CSE, 1st Year

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As the experience was about to be large, the test to prove one’s worth for it was equally tough. The things started right from month of August with marshal inter-view and selection which was held at Galgotias University campus I. Only a few were selected. Next was the F1 training session at Buddh International Circuit’s media cen-tre. It was basic class teaching about the ground level facts of marshalling. It was an introduction with marshalling and its challenges. Next training session was after 10 days, the training session II. It comprised of physical and written assessment test. It was an increment to previous training session and the mentors taught us how to handle things between the tides of toughest situation. Then the time of final training came. 23rd & 24th October, the final training session began with all the competitions of the high class stuff and finally we were ready for the 3 days event, experi-ence of which will last as long as life. The wait was finally over and the day had come when the India's only F1 racing track was occupied by what it’s ex-actly worth. The car passing by and the roars of thunders followed it. It was really a scene which can’t be explained with words and being a marshal was a feeling much more than just being in audience stand and watching the thrill from a distant place. The touch of being on road where the fastest automobile fly, that too when the drivers of the wind go past you, one cannot help but admire the talent of the quest of being the fastest human-automobile combination was amazing. But it was not so easy. Vettel was the leader of the race and he kept his lead till the end of the race showing everyone why he, is cham-pion. He appeared to be very calm while being slightly aggressive where he needed to be. As soon as the race ended we lined up on the track and cheered the drivers as they by passed us. When the last car passed us we ran across the track and sat on a waiting flat bed and rushed to the podium area. The crowd was cheering us and clapping for the people on the podium. I guess the hardest thing is the long hours out in the hot weather along with being on your feet for almost 8 hours leading to a lot of us having very sore feet by the end of the race weekend. I have 2 cool things about being a race marshal. Firstly, it is the great people I get to work and meet with. Most of them are pretty hard core F1 fans, and being volunteers, not only are they motivated, but passionate about motor sports. Sec-ondly, it is the opportunities for me to get to see/meet some of the greatest personalities of F1. I managed to shake hands with my favourite motorsport superstars. We are a marshal force, ALL of us want to be there, we want to do the work, we LOVE the event.

By: Rahul Kapoor, B.Tech. CSE, 3rd year (Student Editor & Designer)

Galgotians at Buddh International Circuit for marshaling in Formula 1 Indian GP

My Experience as a Formula-1 Marshal

Page 22: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

22 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

September 20 was marked as a memorable day in the life of

every fresher at Galgotias University. The Fresher’s Day is all

about making the best start to the new academic year. It is

the most awaited day by the freshers and the best time to

create everlasting relationships among themselves. This day

is meant for interaction between seniors and freshers so that

they mingle with one another easily. Every year it is a cus-

tomary in colleges to celebrate fresher’s day. On this day

freshers get an opportunity to showcase their talents.

With pulsating ambience and , flashing lights and

foot tapping music , the celebrations began with a blast. The

event was joined by our CEO, Mr. Dhruv Galgotia; Mrs. Vinnie

Mathur, Dean Clubs and Cultural; the faculty members; the

deans and the HODs. The senior students welcomed their juniors in an elegant way and made every fresher feel that they are

now a apart of Galgotias family. Inquisitive about campus life and conscious of the latest fashion, the freshers dressed in their

best. The 1st year students put up an attractive and stimulating fashion show in which the contestants walked the ramp for

Mr. and Ms. Fresher’s title. The fashion show was the last round of this competition; the contestants reached up to this level

after clearing many other levels which were held before. Finally Mr. Viplove from GU and Ms. Niharika from GCET were ad-

judged as Mr. and Mrs. Fresher.

Next came the best part of the evening, “THE MUSIC CONCERT”. It started in the evening by 8 pm. The concert

opened with a Festival Overture. The trumpets were the most prominent players in the overture, effectively supported by the

continuous beating of drums and clanging of the cymbals. The first celebrity who rocked the stage was Aditi Singh Sharma.

Her voice let the crowd went crazy! And the next celebrity of the evening was RDB and his band. While everyone was lost in

the beats, it suddenly started raining. With showers in the sky and the celebrities on the stage, the night became wild.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks to the seniors and the university staff for hosting such a wonderful event that

the freshers can cherish lifelong.

By: Tanushree Parida, B.Tech. CSE, 1st year


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The Orientation program for the induction of English proficiency Training programme under School of Life Long Learning, Gal-gotias University was held on Monday, 9th December 2013 at Indian Expo Mart, Greater Noida and saw various dignitaries inspiring the students by explaining the importance of the course. Under English Profi-ciency Training Programme - Aptitude Training, English Proficiency Training and Personality Development courses will be offered to the stu-dents. The orientation program was attended by 3rd year students of En-gineering as well as by students of MCA and MBA. Galgotias University by introducing this course has proved that they value their intellectual capital, and nurture it through a perfect blend, of the traditional as well as contemporary ways and means, for the comprehensive development, of the students’ personality, so that every year the society at large is benefitted with the well-equipped profession-als who can significantly contribute to the value creation process. The chief guest of the orientation program was Dr Steven T Haw-

kins, Head, learning resource department, Kodaikanal International School, Tamil Nadu. The other dignitaries that graced the function were Guests of Honour, Shri Suneel Galgotia, Chancellor, Galgotias University, Mr. Dhruv Galgotia, CEO, Galgotias University, Ms Reena Luthra, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Galgotias University, Mr. M. Khalid, Dean (Academics), Ms. Vinnie Mathur, Dean (Clubs & Cultural) and Dr. Ashok Saxena, Vice Chancellor, Galgotias University. Satvik Sabharwal welcomed the dignitaries and the audience with an insightful quote by Late Mr. Nelson Mandela. Sumit Singh then carried forward the proceedings and invited the dignitaries to light the ceremonial lamp. One of the student from Galgotias University, presented a “Vandana” paying tribute to Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge. After the various dignitaries were greeted by GU students with bouquets, Dr. Renu Luthra, Pro- Vice Chancellor, Galgotias University addressed the gathering. She welcomed everyone with witty quotes and further went on to explain the importance of English language and having a good personality in present competitive world. Dr. Ashok Saxena, Vice Chancellor, Galgotias University informed the students about the various facilities available in the institute for the students to facilitate the proper functioning of this course. He highlighted the accomplishments of the institute faculty and assured each student that they would better themselves hugely from this course to face the world. He emphasized the need for continuous hard work and stressed that determination and passion are the key to success. Dr. Steven T Hawkins, head, Learning Resource Department, Kodaikanal International School, Tamil Nadu delivered an informal to students. His friendly way of interacting with the audience was a smash hit with the students and this could be felt by the roar of the claps after his speech. “Softer the snow, deeper it dwells”; Similar were his words as they dwelled inside the hearts of the audience. Dr. Samuel Johnson K further mesmerised the audience by showing different video clips of Galgotias University students as they told about the importance of the course. Also, some power point presentations helped student to learn importance of having a good personality and different ways to achieve it. He further unveiled the bird eye view of entire 3 years training and road map for methodology, delivery and assessment of the course. Dr. Jeremy Sunderraj then took the podium along with Dr. Samuel Johnson K to introduce their team of trainers and executives to the audience. Finally, Mr. M. Khalid, Dean (Academics) gave the vote of thanks, extending gratitude towards the dignitaries, and various people who contributed to make the event a success. The Orientation program came to a close with the singing of the National Anthem. By– Abhishek Agarwal, B.Tech. CSE, 1st Year

English Proficiency Training Programme Orientation

Page 24: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

24 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

“Seek not greater wealth, but simpler pleasure; not higher fortune, but

deeper felicity.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

In the never ending waiting cue of "Elite Cuisine“ an exquisite

restaurant on the 134B Butler's street, Lucknow , stood a boy not more

than 4” and twice the numeric figure could have been his age. The menu

right above the desk was modest in enumerating the restricted options

that a customer could have. He rolled his eyes twice over the menu in a

cursory manner. A unique and rather misleading nomenclature was the

designer's uncanny effort towards projecting a plain rice bowl as a Ri-

sotto. The spurious pictography next to a dish's name was the only aid in recognising it. Analyzing and then finalizing his order, he

puffed up his lungs to produce a pitch, louder than his usual to overcome the raucous cacophony. “How much for the ice cream

sundae miss?” asked the kid, “77 for the sundae, it’s our chief's special sir“ replied the host.

On the other side of the counter was a dainty, barely above twenty, and overwhelmingly charming waitress. I was in the

diner for my scheduled coffee for the afternoon and while I have plenty reasons to remember the waitress’ ambrosial face, the

only reason to remember the socrative conversation was her mellifluous voice. If permitted to speak candidly, the 'renowned' cafe

down the lane served better caffeine, but the aesthetic lady here, made the clumsily creamed Latte magically refreshing! I often

marvelled at the exceptionally effective marketing and customer loyalty she brought to this diner.

The kid looked down, casually slipped his hand into his pocket , and estimated his treasure and with some complicated

math in his head he enquired, “how much for the plane vanilla ice cream plate miss ? “ . With still overwhelming but slightly dete-

riorated charm said the waitress “61 sir”. The queue was now long enough to push a few, out of the small ‘44 by 24 ‘dining hall,a

grump from a rotund man just behind, made him panic. “The plane vanilla plate please” and with that he handed over, almost all

his pocket full of small denominations.

What followed was, a daily phenomenon for the waitress, and this repetitive and rather mechanical process was per-

formed within seconds. The cash stuffed into the register and the plate promised to be served to the boy within minutes. I didn't

have better stuff to-do and hence I observed my environment, what intrigued me was a kid not happy over an ice cream plate. Va-

nilla is mundane, I reasoned with myself. He did not seem to enjoy, but had a strange ‘satisfaction’ all over his face. All I could af-

ford was a quick stare at the immaculate face that brought me here, for my cup of coffee was constantly cooling towards room

temperature, strictly following the laws of thermodynamics! I initiated the continuous gulp to finish my coffee and so distracted,

from the materialistic world I was, that I never saw him leave, but what caught my eye was a unique phenomenon. The waitress,

not her pretty face, but tears that found their way down it.

Cleaning of the table after, was a standard procedure for her, and then what was so special about this day that made her

cry?, I was compelled to ask, but a fellow mate did my job, “something in the eye” was her vague excuse. My cellphone blinked

with a notification, I was late for a meeting, thinking about a good excuse I got up to leave, and my eyes fell upon the boy’s table.

Neatly arranged in a row, were 3 coins of Rs 2, paper weighing a paper currency of Rs 10 [a total of 16] as a tip for the waitresses.

The boy had the amount, necessary for his desired sundae, but not enough to tip the service.

It is not wealth that makes you rich, but the ever giving nature, and an egocentric person having ample of everything

would still be poorer than a magnanimous beggar.

“Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold.”

― Bob Marley

By: Ankit Srivastava B Tech (Mech) Student Editor


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The festival of Diwali was celebrated with great enthusiasm this year with numerous

performances by faculty and staff. The Diwali celebrations were graced by the divine

presence and blessings of Mrs Shakuntala Galgotia Ji , the First Lady Mrs Padmini

Galgotia, Chancellor Sir Mr Suneel Galgotia and CEO Mr Dhruv Galgotia.

Making a wonderful exception for the pious day, faculty members and staff from vari-

ous departments collaborated to assemble an itinerary full of excellent performances.

Diwali Celebration At Galgotias

Page 26: Galgotias University - The G-Post 7th edition

26 YEAR 2 | ISSUE 3 | DECEMBER, 2013

Galgotias Participating at IIT Rourkee event

Galgotias fashion team – Team

Scintillations went to IIT Roorkee in

Early October, to take part in their an-

nual Cultural Fest, ‘Thomso’. This was

after a gap of 2 years that the team had

gone out of the NCR to take part in an

event. Earlier the team had been taking

part in various fests, bringing name and laurels to the

college. Here too, the team didn’t disappoint, and fin-

ished 2nd in the fashion event, ‘Vogue’. Performing on

the theme Psychedelic, the team showcased latest trends

in fashion, filled with various colours, different cuts, and

modern designs. The performance was much appreci-

ated by the judges, and the team models were given spe-

cial mention during the prize distribution ceremony.

By: Rashika Mangwani B tech CSE 3rd yr

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