ganolb arth - welcome to the heart of wales leaflet.pdf · beth am archwilio trefi a chefn gwlad...

Beth am archwilio trefi a chefn gwlad gogoneddus canolbarth Cymru drwy ddefnyddio’r bws T4, Rheilffordd Calon Cymru a’r prif reilffyrdd? Os ydych yn cychwyn o Abertawe neu o Gaerdydd mae yna nifer o ffyrdd i archwilio’r rhan brydferth hon o’r byd heb gar. Mae yna amserlen teithio undydd i roi blas i chi o’r trefi ar hyd y daith neu os oes gennych fwy o amser, beth am aros yn Aberhonddu neu Landrindod? Explore the towns and magnificent countryside of mid Wales by using the T4 bus, the Heart of Wales Line and main line trains. Whether you start in Swansea or Cardiff there’s a way of exploring this beauful part of the world without the car. There’s a one day inerary to give you a flavour of the towns along the route or if you have more me and would prefer to take things at a slower pace, why not break your journey with a stop over in Brecon or Llandrindod Wells. BLAS O GANOLBARTH CYMRU AR fWS AC AR dRên A TASTE OF MID WALES By BuS And TRAin TOCYNNAU Gall dalwyr tocyn mantais bws sy’n byw yng nghymru ddefnyddio eu tocynnau ar y T4 drwy’r flwyddyn ac o 1 Hydref - 31 Mawrth ar drenau Rheilffordd Calon Cymru. Ar gyfer y rhai heb docyn mantais, neu’r rhai sy’n byw yn Lloegr, y tocyn gorau i’w brynu yw Tocyn Crwydro undydd Powys ar gyfer teithiau bws (£8 i oedolion, gyda phrisiau i blant a grwpiau ar gael hefyd). nid oes angen archebu lle ar gyfer gwasanaeth bws T4. Cofiwch wirio gyda’r gwasanaethau trên am gynigion ar docynnau a gwirio’r holl amserau cyn teithio: TICKETS Concessionary pass holders who live in Wales can use their passes on the T4 all year round and from 1st October – 31st March on the Heart of Wales Line trains. for non pass holders, or those who live in England, the best bus cket to buy is the Powys day rover for the bus journeys (£8 per adult, with child and group fares also available). no booking required for T4 bus service. Please check with train operators for fare offers and check all mings before travel: Llandrindod Llandrindod Wells Aberhonddu Brecon Abertawe Swansea Caerdydd Cardiff 0300 200 22 33

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Post on 04-Aug-2018




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Beth am archwilio trefi a chefn gwlad gogoneddus canolbarth Cymru drwy ddefnyddio’r bws T4, Rheilffordd Calon Cymru a’r prif reilffyrdd? Os ydych yn cychwyn o Abertawe neu o Gaerdydd mae yna nifer o ffyrdd i archwilio’r rhan brydferth hon o’r byd heb gar.

Mae yna amserlen teithio undydd i roi blas i chi o’r trefi ar hyd y daith neu os oes gennych fwy o amser, beth am aros yn Aberhonddu neu Landrindod?

Explore the towns and magnificent countryside of mid Wales by using the T4 bus, the Heart of Wales Line and main line trains. Whether you start in Swansea or Cardiff there’s a way of exploring this beautiful part of the world without the car.

There’s a one day itinerary to give you a flavour of the towns along the route or if you have more time and would prefer to take things at a slower pace, why not break your journey with a stop over in Brecon or Llandrindod Wells.

Blas o GanolBarth CymruAR fWS AC AR dRên

a taste of mid Wales By BuS And TRAin

toCynnauGall dalwyr tocyn mantais bws sy’n byw yng nghymru ddefnyddio eu tocynnau ar y T4 drwy’r flwyddyn ac o 1 Hydref - 31 Mawrth ar drenau Rheilffordd Calon Cymru. Ar gyfer y rhai heb docyn mantais, neu’r rhai sy’n byw yn Lloegr, y tocyn gorau i’w brynu yw Tocyn Crwydro undydd Powys ar gyfer teithiau bws (£8 i oedolion, gyda phrisiau i blant a grwpiau ar gael hefyd). nid oes angen archebu lle ar gyfer gwasanaeth bws T4.

Cofiwch wirio gyda’r gwasanaethau trên am gynigion ar docynnau a gwirio’r holl amserau cyn teithio:

tiCketsConcessionary pass holders who live in Wales can use their passes on the T4 all year round and from 1st October – 31st March on the Heart of Wales Line trains. for non pass holders, or those who live in England, the best bus ticket to buy is the Powys day rover for the bus journeys (£8 per adult, with child and group fares also available). no booking required for T4 bus service.

Please check with train operators for fare offers and check all timings before travel:

Llandrindod Llandrindod Wells

Aberhonddu Brecon


CaerdyddCardiff 0300 200 22 33

taith undydd o Gaerdydd (Mae’r amserau a ddangosir ar gyfer dydd Llun-Gwener, gyda’r rhai ar gyfer dydd Sadwrn mewn cromfachau os yn wahanol)

Gadael Caerdydd am 08.10 ar fws T4, teithio’n gyfforddus ar y bws pellter hir, cyrraedd Aberhonddu am 10.00. Oherwydd bod gorsaf fysiau Caerdydd wedi cau, bydd y bws T4 nawr yn gadael o arhosfan Lower St Mary Street, JP.

Treulio dwy awr yn archwilio’r dref farchnad Sioraidd bert hon gyda’i chaffis, orielau a siopau annibynnol cyn dal y bws am 12 ganol dydd ar gyfer rhan nesaf eich diwrnod, gan gyrraedd Llandrindod mewn da bryd i gael cinio am 13.00.

Bydd gennych ddwy awr i archwilio’r dref fictoraidd hon sydd â Llwybr Treftadaeth yn adrodd hanes cysylltiadau sba’r dref. dydd Gwener yw’r diwrnod marchnad ble gallwch grwydro o amgylch y stondinau.

Bydd eich trên i Abertawe yn gadael yr orsaf reilffordd am 15.41 (15.40), ac ar ôl taith gyda golygfeydd prydferth ar reilffordd Calon Cymru byddwch yn cyrraedd mewn pryd i ddal y trên yn ôl i Gaerdydd am 18.28, gan gyrraedd yno am 19.22.

taith deuddydd o GaerdyddGadael Caerdydd am 10.10 ar fws T4, cyrraedd Aberhonddu am 12 ganol dydd. Bydd staff gwybodus y Ganolfan Groeso (01874 622485) yn gallu rhoi cyngor i chi ar leoedd i aros.Mae gweddill y diwrnod yn rhydd i chi archwilio’r dref, ymweld â’r siopau neu fynd mewn taith ar gwch ar hyd y gamlas. y diwrnod canlynol gallwch archwilio ymhellach gan efallai ymweld â’r eglwys gadeiriol, cyn bydd y bws yn gadael am 12 ganol dydd i Landrindod. Amserau eraill fel uchod.

taith undydd o aBertaWeGadael gorsaf reilffordd Abertawe am 09.33 (09.15) ar Reilffordd Calon Cymru gan deithio drwy olygfeydd godidog i gyrraedd Llandrindod am 11.51 (11.36). Bydd ychydig dros awr yn y dref sba fictoraidd hon yn rhoi cyfle i chi gael lluniaeth cyn dal y bws T4 am 12.55 i gyrraedd Aberhonddu erbyn 14.00. Archwiliwch y dref Sioraidd bert hon, ymlaciwch ger yr afon neu ewch i ymweld â’r castell cyn dal y bws am 16.01 ar gyfer y daith i Gaerdydd gan gyrraedd yno am 17.55. Bydd eich trên yn ôl i Abertawe yn gadael am 18.27 (18.48) gan gyrraedd am 19.22 (19.43).

taith deuddydd o aBertaWeAmserau fel uchod, ond ar ôl cyrraedd Llandrindod am 11.51 (11.36) gallwch dreulio gweddill y dydd yma ac aros dros nos cyn dal y bws am 12.55 i Aberhonddu y diwrnod canlynol. Amserau eraill fel uchod. Am lety gweler

one day trip from Cardiff (Times shown are for Monday-Friday, those in brackets are for Saturday travel where different)

depart from Cardiff at 08.10 on the T4, travelling in comfort on the long distance bus, arriving in Brecon at 10.00. due to the closure of Cardiff bus station, the T4 now departs from Lower St Mary Street stop, JP.

Spend two hours exploring this pretty Georgian market town with its cafes, galleries and independent shops before catching the bus at 12 noon for the next part of your day out, arriving in Llandrindod Wells in time for lunch at 13.00.

you will have over two hours to discover this Victorian town which boasts a Heritage Trail telling the story of the town’s spa connections. Market day is friday when you can browse the market stalls.

your train to Swansea leaves the railway station at 15.41 (15.40), and after a scenic journey on the Heart of Wales line you will arrive in good time for your train back to Cardiff at 18.28, arriving there at 19.22.

tWo day trip from Cardiffdepart from Cardiff at 10.10 on the T4 bus, arriving in Brecon at 12 noon. The knowledgeable staff at the Tourist information Centre (01874 622485) can help with advice on where to stay.The rest of the day is free to spend exploring the town, browsing the shops or even taking a boat trip along the canal. The next day will allow more time to explore further perhaps taking in the cathedral, before the bus leaves at 12 noon for Llandrindod Wells. Remaining timings as above.

one day trip from sWanseaLeave Swansea railway station at 09.33 (09.15) onboard the scenic Heart of Wales Line travelling through fantastic scenery to arrive at Llandrindod Wells at 11.51 (11.36). Just over an hour in this Victorian spa town will give you time for refreshments before catching the T4 bus at 12.55 to arrive in Brecon at 14.00. Explore this pretty Georgian town, just stroll by the river or visit the castle before getting back on the bus at 16.01 for the journey to Cardiff arriving at 17.55. your train back to Swansea leaves at 18.27(18.48) arriving at 19.22(19.43).

tWo day trip from sWanseaTimings as above, except when you arrive in Llandrindod Wells at 11.51(11.36) you can spend the rest of the day here and stay overnight before catching the bus at 12.55 to Brecon the next day, arriving at 14.00. Remaining timings as above. for accommodation see



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