general budget information training for fiscally fit program

1 General Budget Information Training for Fiscally Fit Program

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General Budget Information Training for Fiscally Fit Program. General Overview of Budget Process Calendar. July – September Develop OSRHE Budget Needs and Mandatory Cost questionnaire Meet with University Budget Committee and update with OSF revenue information October – January - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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General Budget Information Training

for Fiscally Fit Program

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General Overview of Budget Process Calendar

• July – September– Develop OSRHE Budget Needs and

Mandatory Cost questionnaire– Meet with University Budget Committee and

update with OSF revenue information• October – January

– Begin development of State legislative agenda

– Hold planning sessions with areas

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General Overview of Budget Process Calendar (cont’d.)• February – March

– Hold final planning sessions with areas• April – May

– Open and close Budget Development System – Formal presentation of budget requests to UBC– Finalize budget based on Legislature and OSRHE

• June– Submit budget material to A&M and OSRHE boards

for review– Present budget plan at the June A&M meeting for final

approval– Communicate to the campus the budget plan

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State of Oklahoma Budget to Higher Education

  State   Higher Educ. % of GU   % of OSU System   % ofFiscal Budget   Approp. State Approp.   Higher Approp.   HigherYear (in millions)   (in millions) Budget (in millions)   Educ. (in millions)   Educ.2002 $ 5,611.5   $ 860.5 15.3% $ 117.7   13.7% $ 224.0   26.0%2003 $ 5,600.1   $ 851.3 15.2% $ 115.3   13.5% $ 219.8   25.8%2004 $ 5,113.7   $ 767.9 15.0% $ 103.3   13.5% $ 197.7   25.7%2005 $ 5,364.0   $ 802.1 15.0% $ 106.2   13.2% $ 206.1   25.7%2006 $ 6,056.6   $ 889.4 14.7% $ 111.7   12.6% $ 218.5   24.6%2007 $ 6,555.3   $ 1,020.0 15.6% $ 123.3   12.1% $ 241.4   23.7%2008 $ 7,071.7   $ 1,099.1 15.5% $ 127.0   11.6% $ 248.4   22.6%2009 $ 7,143.1   $ 1,093.9 15.3% $ 129.7   11.9% $ 255.5   23.4%2010 $ 6,644.1   $ 1,055.9 15.9% $ 133.7   12.7% $ 263.6   25.0%2011 $ 6,430.9   $ 1,010.7 15.7% $ 127.4   12.6% $ 250.0   24.7%2012 $ 6,510.5   $ 1,008.5 15.5% $ 120.0   11.9% $ 235.5   23.4%2013 $ 6,825.5   $ 1,012.0 14.8% $ 121.5   12.0% $ 238.5   23.6%

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OSRHE Appropriations to All OSU Budget Agencies



Agency     FY 2012     FY 2013     $ Increase    %

Increase                             General University     $120,000,386     $121,508,490     $1,508,104     1.26% Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station     26,137,061     26,463,909     326,848     1.25% Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service     28,567,750     28,916,944     349,194     1.22% OSU Institute of Technology     14,182,402     14,370,429     188,027     1.33% Center for Veterinary Health Sciences     10,673,695     10,806,637     132,942     1.25% Oklahoma City     10,920,700     11,124,865     204,165     1.87% Center for Health Sciences     13,857,912     14,037,266     179,354     1.29% Tulsa     11,148,707     11,266,651     117,944     1.06%                             Totals     $235,488,613     $238,495,191     $3,006,578     1.28%                             

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Sources of Revenue for OSU Systemfor FY13


Total Revenue $1,097M

State Appropriations,


Federal Appropriations,


Student Tuition & Fees, 22.6%

Sponsored Programs, 8.9%

Auxiliary Enterprises,


Student Aid, 6.9%

Other, 12.2%

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Total Revenue: $204.8MStudent Enrollment (Actual): 21,583 Headcount 17,977 FTE

Total Revenue: $360.9MStudent Enrollment (Est.): 22,732 Headcount 18,891 FTE

FY 2002 FY 2013

Compare Appropriation vs. Tuition & Fees



State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Other







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Sources of E&G Operating Funds

The Educational and General (E&G) Operating Budget of an institution consists of two (2) sources of revenue:

State Appropriations  

Revolving Funds

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Definition of Sources

State Appropriations - appropriated by the legislature to the State Regents who, in turn, allocate to each institution. These funds constitute 33.6% of General University’s primary educational and general operating budget for FY13.

Revolving Funds - fund’s collected by the institution that consist primarily of student fees, sales and services of educational departments, indirect cost reimbursement from sponsored grants and contracts and other sources of miscellaneous income that support the educational and general functions of the institution. These funds constitute 66.4% of the core operating budget, with student fees being the largest component.

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State Appropriation and Revolving Funds Then Become . . .

Allocation - (subcodes 0992, 0993, and 0994) State Appropriations Tuition

Resident and Non-Resident Less Tuition Waivers

Resident and Non-Resident Fees

Mandatory Fees Academic Services Fees Fines and Penalties

Grant F&A Misc. Income

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Earmarked – (all other revenue subcodes) Fees

Mandatory Fees Academic Services Fees Technology Fees Admission Fees

Gifts and Grants Endowments Private Sources Tulsa Accounts Reimbursable F&A

Sales to Education Department General Merchandise Sales Text Book Sales

Organized Activities Counseling Fees Lab & Clinic Service

Other Income

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Allocation vs. Earmarked

Allocation Earmarked Total BudgetState Appropriations 121,508,490$ - 121,508,490$ State Appropriations - Gifts, Grants & Reimb 368,738 - 368,738 Gross Resident Tuition 57,000,793 - 57,000,793 Gross Non-Resident Tuition 78,817,630 - 78,817,630 Student Fees 25,816,416 29,568,767 55,385,183 Gifts & Endowments - 11,457,089 11,457,089 Grants & Contracts 2,727,472 2,877,470 5,604,942 Sales, Org & Educational Depts - 158,900 158,900 Organized Activities - 3,270,325 3,270,325 Other Income 1,415,000 25,936,733 27,351,733 Carryforward Balance - - -

Total Revenue 287,654,539$ 73,269,284$ 360,923,823$

Less Tuition Waivers (49,520,107)$ Total Allocation 238,134,432$

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FY13 Allocation Budget Distribution



Fringe Benefits19%

Total Allocation $238,134,432

Salary & Fringe = 80%

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FY13 E&G Budget by Function



Public Service1.6%

Academic Support16.5%

Student Services5.7%

Institutional Support


Operation & Maintenance of


Scholarships & Fellowships


Total E&G Budget - $360,923,823

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Account Structure




Code Ledger

5-Digit Account Number Subcode

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Glossary of Ledgers1 Education & General

Primary budget of institution and supports the mission of the institution

2 Stores & Services To provide service to campus customers

3 Auxiliary Enterprises Self supporting activity that provides services to students, faculty and/or staff

4 Federal Agencies Federal appropriations received – Experiment Station and Cooperative


5 Sponsored Agreements Sponsored research and other sponsored programs – must come from external


6 Student Aid & Scholarships Disbursement of student aid and scholarships to students

7 Unexpended Plant Funds To track capital additions and improvements in progress

9 Agency Funds Funds held as custodian or fiscal agent for others – (like student organizations)*definitions from “Budgeting and Accounting Handbook” and “CUBA”

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Transfer Between Ledgers1 Education & General

No transfers across other ledgers

2 Stores & Services Transfer to ledger 3 or 7

3 Auxiliary Enterprises Transfer to ledger 2 or 7

4 Federal Agencies GU usually does not have Federal Appropriations

5 Sponsored Agreements Only working funds can be transferred to ledger 1

6 Student Aid & Scholarships Restricted funds – no transfers

7 Unexpended Plant Funds Transfer to ledger 2 or 3

9 Agency Funds Custodial funds can only be transferred within ledger 9

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Glossary of Agencies010 General University (OSU-Stillwater)

(No inter-agency transfers w/o OSRHE and OSF approval)

011 Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station

012 Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

013 OSU Institute of Technology - Okmulgee 014 Center for Veterinary Health Sciences015 OSU—Oklahoma City016 OSU—Tulsa 773 Center for Health Sciences

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Campus Codes of AgenciesAA General University (OSU-Stillwater)

(No inter-agency transfers w/o OSRHE and OSF approval)

AB Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station

AC Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

AD OSU Institute of Technology - Okmulgee AE Center for Veterinary Health SciencesAF OSU—Oklahoma CityAJ OSU—Tulsa AG Center for Health Sciences

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Summary of Budget Process• Areas confirm all returning employees in the

HR portion of the BDS system that will feed into the new year

• Once the HR portion is complete, areas are required to cover all salaries that were entered in the system before funding maintenance

• Colleges/Areas use prior year allocation, plus any new funds they are given, as well as other individual forms of revenue, to fund their expenses

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Summary of Budget Process• Reports are pulled on our end to make sure

the areas are balanced and that their budget plan makes sense

• Our office then works to pull everything from the system to come up with one, all-inclusive budget for GU

• That budget is reviewed and approved by the A&M Regents as well as the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

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