getting started with itc express

ITC Express New User Training

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Post on 01-Nov-2014



Social Media

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ITC Express helps companies connect with customers in social media who are looking to buy new products and services or are considering a switch from their current provider.


Page 1: Getting Started With ITC Express

ITC  Express  New  User  Training  

Page 2: Getting Started With ITC Express

2 Confiden5al  –  In  the  Chat  Communica5ons  Inc.

1)  Ge%ng  Started  2)  Your  Work  Stream(s)  3)  Working  a  case  

•  Ac5onable  or  not?  •  Locking  &  Responding  •  Click  to  Support  •  Making  notes  •  Upda5ng  Case  &  Contact  Informa5on  •  Closing,  Archiving  •  Search  •  Historical  Posts  and  Cases  •  Facebook  Content  

4)  Third  Party  Content  vs.  TwiCer  &  Facebook  •  Responding  to  forums,  blogs  &  Google+  

5)  Managing  Cases  •  Open,  Pending  &  Wai5ng  •  My  Cases  

6)  DMs,  PM’s,  Public  Posts  and  Re-­‐Tweets  •  Checking  status  •  Sending  posts  •  Re-­‐tweets  


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GeSng  Started  

1) Go to URL:

2) Enter User ID and Password provided

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4 Confiden5al  –  In  the  Chat  Communica5ons  Inc.

Your  Work  Stream  Posts from all available media sources arrive in your work stream as they are harvested from social media. These posts will date back as far as 7 days.

1.  Each branded stream is assigned as either Sales or Churn (ex. Comvibe Sales or Comvibe Churn) and there are 3 category buckets already available. You also have the option to add up to 2 more customized categories with as many streams as you would like.

2.  Click on the header to go to the different work streams

3.  Click a post to open it for action.

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5 Confiden5al  –  In  the  Chat  Communica5ons  Inc.

Working  a  Case  When you click a post in your workstream, the response window opens, enabling you to engage with the selected consumer.

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6 Confiden5al  –  In  the  Chat  Communica5ons  Inc.

Working  a  Case  –  Ac5onable  or  Not?  If you have opened a post that is not actionable for some reason (i.e. not a sales or churn lead) you can mark it ‘Not Actionable’ by switching the ‘thumbs up’ to thumbs down. The software will learn from this and avoid these posts in the future

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Working  a  Case  –  Ac5onable  or  Not?  You are also able to select posts to make non-actionable without having to select each individual post. Follow the same process for archiving multiple posts.

1.  Click inside the open box to reveal additional selection boxes for each post.

2.  Selection boxes will appear in each post. You can review each post on the screen and select each one by ‘clicking’ inside the box. A check mark appears in the box and also in the post (right side).

3.  Select ‘More’ and click on ‘Mark Non Actionable’. Posts will move to the non-actionable bucket.

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Responding  to  a  post  

Respond to posts by typing in this box. When you are done, click Send!

Once you have clicked ‘Send’ on a post, you have created a case. This case will move from your @Connect category into your Active category for further action.

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Working  a  Case  –  Upda5ng  Case  Informa5on  Once a case has been created, information will appear and details can be added about the nature of the engagement.

1. Click on Info to view and update case details

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Working  a  Case  –  Upda5ng  Case  &  Contact  Info  In the ‘edit case’ section, complete the case tracker information and click save in the top left hand corner. You can also set the priority of your case, which will appear in ITC Express reporting.

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Working  a  Case  –  Resolving  the  Case  When you have completed your interaction with your customer, you must resolve the case. An interaction is complete when the customer has been sold, expressed disinterest in the product, or has not responded to 3 consecutive contact attempts. Cases that remain resolved for 30 days will be auto-archived and removed from the dashboard.

Click the checkmark to Resolve the case

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Working  a  Case  –  Search  You have the ability to search the category selected using keywords to identify content or authors.

If you are finished your search, simply select the “x” icon in the search bar to clear the field and return to your stream.

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Working  a  Case  –  Historical  Posts  and  Cases  To view your engagement history and previous interactions with a customer, click on “History”. This is where all conversations will be stored for future reference.

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Managing  Cases  In addition to the categories you have selected, there will be 4 categories to manage your interactions.

1.  @Connect: This is where Tweets and DMs directed to the connected Twitter account will go. Once you respond to a post in here, it moves to Active and case is created.

2.  Active: This is where all the cases that you have created are stored and await continued action.

3.  Pending: Posts that are awaiting customer response for more than 7 days will be moved to the pending category.

4.  Resolved: All interactions that have been completed and cases that have been resolved will go into this category.

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Direct  Messaging  You can connect with customers privately via Direct messages on Twitter directly from your Dashboard.

1.  Ensure that you are following the customer and that they are following you back.

2.  Once they send you a DM, it will appear in your @Connect category. When you respond, a case will be created and the interaction will be moved to your Active category.

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Engagement  Op5ons  You have the ability to Re-tweet and favourite posts directly from the dashboard in two areas.

1.  When you hover over a post, several options appear. You can Reply, Retweet, Favourite or Mark Non-Actionable

2.  When you select a post, your response window includes these options in addition to more information about the customer you’re about to engage with.

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It’s  that  Easy!  

Thank  You.