
Headquarters: 224 Ontario St, Toronto, ON M5A 2V5 Phone: (647) 381-3391 LinkedIn: /julia-lebedeva/4b/ 505/947/ Board of Directors: 5 Founded: Aug 2004 Business: A non-profit organization which provides a Virtual Office where member clients can get professional services, group benefits, and calendars of events, so they can devote their full time to running their businesses. Main Products: Virtual Office: A Web service for member clients which provides one-stop shopping for services and resources necessary for running a small business in the fragile early years. Volunteers: GH is a volunteer network. Entrepreneurs join and gain access to the GH staff, the GH Virtual Office, and other GH members. As member businesses grow, so do “Any new venture needs the proper care and the proper environment to grow and prosper. GH’s Virtual office provides the tools, the Dossier: GH Inc. Green House Small Business Owners Association Our Mission is to cover the gap between information rich and information poor small business owners, providing tools for success using information technology, creating individual solutions for clients and organizing a network of volunteers to share their experience and expertise with clients. GH is a non-profit organization that provides an environment for a small business to take root and grow, being an umbrella project for its members. The GH Virtual Office is a web-based application where members get the information, services and support that budding entrepreneurs need, but are either unaware of or don’t know how to find. GH will provide services unavailable or difficult to access elsewhere, such as professional consulting services, group benefits unavailable to single owners or partnerships including Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) packages, and calendars of events to enable new entrepreneurs to find social networks that will benefit both them, and those they meet. GH staff will do the legwork, and members need only visit the Virtual Office to reap the benefits of our work and experience. The Virtual Office: A web site where members will get the services GH offers without leaving their places of business, shaving countless invaluable minutes and hours from their workloads in starting their businesses and realizing their dreams. They could receive professional services and consulting, take advantage of group benefits, such as additional health insurance coverage as part of the GH group plan, and browse calendars of events or chat with other GH members and staff. Grants search tools would be available for personal and professionally assisted search.

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Post on 26-Jan-2017




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Page 1: GHDossier

Headquarters: 224 Ontario St, Toronto, ON M5A 2V5

Phone: (647) 381-3391


Board of Directors: 5

Founded: Aug 2004

Business: A non-profit organization which provides a Virtual Office where member clients can get professional services, group benefits, and calendars of events, so they can devote their full time to running their businesses.

Main Products: Virtual Office: A Web service for member clients which provides one-stop shopping for services and resources necessary for running a small business in the fragile early years.

Volunteers: GH is a volunteer network. Entrepreneurs join and gain access to the GH staff, the GH Virtual Office, and other GH members. As member businesses grow, so do their contributions, to the benefit of all members.

Structure: GH is a non-profit, online company, built upon the foundation of Membership, whose fees provide for the services of the Virtual Office and the personnel and infrastructure required to maintain those services.

Growth: It is the goal of GH to grow to maintain this support for members beyond three years.

Executives: Julia Lebedeva, Owner and CEO

“Any new venture needs the proper

care and the proper environment to

grow and prosper. GH’s Virtual office provides the tools,

the support, and the social networks that will help a tiny seed

grow into the thriving business it has the potential to


Dossier: GH Inc.Green House Small Business Owners Association

Our Mission is to cover the gap between information rich and information poor small business owners, providing tools for success using information technology, creating individual solutions for clients and organizing a network of volunteers to share their experience and expertise with clients.

GH is a non-profit organization that provides an environment for a small business to take root and grow, being an umbrella project for its members. The GH Virtual Office is a web-based application where members get the information, services and support that budding entrepreneurs need, but are either unaware of or don’t know how to find.

GH will provide services unavailable or difficult to access elsewhere, such as professional consulting services, group benefits unavailable to single owners or partnerships including Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) packages, and calendars of events to enable new entrepreneurs to find social networks that will benefit both them, and those they meet. GH staff will do the legwork, and members need only visit the Virtual Office to reap the benefits of our work and experience.

The Virtual Office: A web site where members will get the services GH offers without leaving their places of business, shaving countless invaluable minutes and hours from their workloads in starting their businesses and realizing their dreams. They could receive professional services and consulting, take advantage of group benefits, such as additional health insurance coverage as part of the GH group plan, and browse calendars of events or chat with other GH members and staff. Grants search tools would be available for personal and professionally assisted search.

Professional Consulting, Health Benefits and EAP, Social Networks: GH offers all three of these essentials of giving a new business the best chance it has to thrive in its formative years. During this time a small business is fragile,

and in need of nurturing. The success of new small businesses is a benefit not only to their owners, but to us all, and GH wants to help ensure that more success stories are told.

GH Milestones

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3Membership fees are low, to encourage growth of GH. External funding pays salaries and builds infrastructure, the Virtual Office, and Group Benefits Plan.

As member businesses grow, they contribute more. GH Salaries funded by Member contributions, the Virtual Office and Benefits scale as GH grows.

GH is self-sustaining, with a stable membership. Fees of mature members scale with their growth, allowing new members to participate at levels they can afford.