giovanni zecchini 11/04/2014 aka: how to become a spartan!

Transferring from Chabot to San Jose State University (SJSU) Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

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Page 1: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Transferring from Chabot to San Jose

State University (SJSU)

Giovanni Zecchini11/04/2014

AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Page 2: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Why engineering? My community college path Advices for Chabot students Life at SJSU Community involvement Engineering projects Conclusion – Q & A


Page 3: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Before discovering engineering

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Scientific knowledge + Creativity

Why Engineering?

Page 5: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Started in St. Louis MO - Spring 2010

Transferred to Chabot College - Spring 2012

Transferred to SJSU - Fall 2013

Worked full time (30-40 hrs/week) during my whole community college career.

My long path towards a BSME

Page 6: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Spring 2012 Course No. Units Fall 2012 Course No. Units

Multivariable Calculus

MTH 3 5.0 Intro. Engineering

ENGR 10 2.0

Comp Methods Engr.

ENGR 25 3.0

Elem. Linear Algebra

MTH 6 3.0

Chabot Class Schedule

Spring 2013 Course No. Units

Intro/Struct Progr. C++ CSCI 14 4.0

Engineering Design and analysis

ENGR 11 2.0

Comp Methods Engr. ENGR 25 3.0

Differential equations MTH 4 3.0

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Learn Mr. Mayer 14 rules on the study skills guide (Don’t sell your books & Get every point)!

Put effort in your ENGR 11 project to make it as successful as possible!

When you don’t understand some concepts, ASK during class, or better, go to the professor’s office hours!

Try to complete as many GE requirements as possible before transferring to a 4 years college!

Advices while at Chabot

Page 8: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Plan your class schedules in order to fulfill multiple 4 years college transfer requirements!

Learn to become proficient in Matlab!

Join the Chabot Science & Engineering (CSE) Club!

Advices (cont.)

Page 9: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Fall 2013 Course No. Units Spring 2014 Course No. Units

Entrepreneurship BUS3 181 3.0 Statics CE 95 3.0

Intro to MTLS MATE 25 3.0 Intro Ckt Analysis EE 98 3.0

Design & Graphics ME 20 2.0 Engr Reports ENGR 100W 3.0

General Physics PHYS 52 4.0 Thermodynamics ME 113 4.0

Theatre Appreciation TA 10 3 Intro Intl Rel POLS 4 3.0

Total Units 15.0 Total Units 16.0

SJSU Class Schedule

Summer 2014 Course No. Units

Dynamics ME 101 3.0

Human Understanding BIOL 54 3.0

Total Units 6.0

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Fall 2014 Course No. Units Spring 2015 Course No. Units

Strategic Management BUS3 184 3.0 Heat Transfer ME 114 3.0

Intro Mechatronics ME 106 3.0 Applied Engr. Analysis ME 130 3.0

Mechanics of Material CE 112 3.0 Mech. Engr. Design ME 154 4.0

Machine Shop ME 41 1.0 Thermal Engr. Lab ME 115 1.0

Microfluidics (lab) ME 168 1.0 Business Organization ENGR 194 3.0

Asian American Studies

AAS 33A 3.0 Dyn Sys Vib & Control ME 147 3.0

Fluid Mechanics ME 111 3.0

Total Units 17.0 Total Units 17.0

SJSU Class Schedule

Current GPA: 3.93

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Fall 2015 Course No. Units Spring 2016 Course No.


Capstone Course 3.0 Senior Design Project 2 ME 195B 3.0

Experimental Method ME 120 3.0 GE area S/V ME 195B 1.0

Senior Design Project 1 ME 195A 3.0 Technical Electives 6.0

GE area S/V ME 41 1.0

Total Units 10.0 Total Units 10.0

SJSU Class Schedule

Less units the last two semesters because planning to have a full-time job!

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SJSU professors have less time to dedicate to each student (More students=less time per student)

Pace: At SJSU the pace is 1 ½ faster than at Chabot

If you do well in ENGR 25, you are going to do well in most courses at SJSU!

More clubs, more groups, and more opportunities at SJSU

Differences between Chabot and SJSU

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Students Clubs at SJSUFORMULA SAE



and more…

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Job Fairs at SJSU

Some companies from this year:

-Ericsson-HP-Western Digital-LAM research-Visa-Vmware-National Instruments Corp.-eBay-DELL-Apple

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Community Involvement


Engineering in Action Outreach program

The Tech Challenge (Judge)

Volunteer at Breakthrough Collaborative Main Events

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The Problem: A Lady whose Mom has been under oxygen treatment for the last few years asked us to come up with a device to retract extra oxygen tube from the floor.

Our Answer: NOSIDE87!!

Oxygen Hose Minding Apparatus


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Page 18: Giovanni Zecchini 11/04/2014 AKA: How to become a Spartan!

Necessary equipment: 2 Microcontrollers (Arduino Uno)

2 Vishay Linear Strain Gages

Resistors, OP-Amps, Solderless Breadboards

An 8 inches diameter spool

2 Xbee Series 2 Radios with two Shields

A stepper Motor

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The stepper motor is going to be drive in HIGH-TORQUE mode…

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Wheatstone Bridge

Quarter_Bridge Half-Bridge Full-Bridge

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Do well in Mr. Mayer’s classes and you’ll do fine when you transfer

Engineering requires a lot of work but it’s going to give you a lot of satisfactions

Outline a 4 years/5 years graduation plan and follow it

School projects give you experience and look good on resumes

Study, have fun, but don’t forget to dedicate some time for others!


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Q & A