giunta provinciale di del programma, alla presentazione del formulario completo di...

GIUNTA PROVINCIALE DI TORINO ----------------------- Verbale n. 27 Adunanza 25 giugno 2012 OGGETTO: PROGETTO DI COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE “NEW GENERATI- ON AT WORK FOR DEVELOPMENT!” APPROVAZIONE. Protocollo: 538 – 24836/2012 Sotto la presidenza del dott. ANTONIO SAITTA si è riunita la Giunta Provinciale, regolarmente convocata, nella omonima Sala, con l'intervento degli Assessori: GIANFRANCO PORQUEDDU, UMBERTO D’OTTAVIO, CARLO CHIAMA, ALBERTO AVETTA, PIERGIORGIO BERTONE, UGO PERONE, IDA VANA, ANTONIO MARCO D’ACRI e con la partecipazione del Vicesegretario Generale NICOLA TUTINO. Sono assenti gli Assessori MARCO BALAGNA, MARIAGIUSEPPINA PUGLISI e ROBERTO RONCO. Il Presidente, riconosciuta legale l'adunanza, dichiara aperta la seduta. A relazione degli Assessori D’Acri e D’Ottavio. Premesso che: in data 3/11/2012 la Commissione europea pubblicava l’invito, riferimento EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi, a presentare una nota succinta di progetto con scadenza febbraio 2012, relativo al programma tematico “Attori non statali e autorità locali” con l’obiettivo di cofinanziare iniziative proposte e messe in atto dalle organizzazioni della società civile e delle autorità locali dell’Unione Europea e dei suoi paesi partner nel campo dello sviluppo; questa amministrazione presentava in qualità di capofila la nota succinta relativa al progetto “ New generation at Work for development!” “Italian, Romanian and Maltese LA and High Schools tackling the future challenges about Decent Work in their countries, in Europe and in the world” a valere sul Lotto 2 “Sensibilizzazione ed educazione allo sviluppo in Europa” del medesimo bando; in data 14/05/2012 la Commissione europea comunicava che la nota succinta presentata era stata pre-selezionata dal comitato di valutazione invitando, come previsto dalle linee guide del programma, alla presentazione del formulario completo di candidatura entro il 2

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Page 1: GIUNTA PROVINCIALE DI del programma, alla presentazione del formulario completo di candidatura entro il 2 . luglio 2012; sulla base della nota succinta è stato predisposto

GIUNTA PROVINCIALE DI TORINO -----------------------


ON AT WORK FOR DEVELOPMENT!” APPROVAZIONE. Protocollo: 538 – 24836/2012 Sotto la presidenza del dott. ANTONIO SAITTA si è riunita la Giunta Provinciale, regolarmente convocata, nella omonima Sala, con l'intervento degli Assessori: GIANFRANCO PORQUEDDU, UMBERTO D’OTTAVIO, CARLO CHIAMA, ALBERTO AVETTA, PIERGIORGIO BERTONE, UGO PERONE, IDA VANA, ANTONIO MARCO D’ACRI e con la partecipazione del Vicesegretario Generale NICOLA TUTINO. Sono assenti gli Assessori MARCO BALAGNA, MARIAGIUSEPPINA PUGLISI e ROBERTO RONCO. Il Presidente, riconosciuta legale l'adunanza, dichiara aperta la seduta. A relazione degli Assessori D’Acri e D’Ottavio.

Premesso che: in data 3/11/2012 la Commissione europea pubblicava l’invito, riferimento EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi, a presentare una nota succinta di progetto con scadenza febbraio 2012, relativo al programma tematico “Attori non statali e autorità locali” con l’obiettivo di cofinanziare iniziative proposte e messe in atto dalle organizzazioni della società civile e delle autorità locali dell’Unione Europea e dei suoi paesi partner nel campo dello sviluppo;

questa amministrazione presentava in qualità di capofila la nota succinta relativa al progetto “ New generation at Work for development!” “Italian, Romanian and Maltese LA and High Schools tackling the future challenges about Decent Work in their countries, in Europe and in the world” a valere sul Lotto 2 “Sensibilizzazione ed educazione allo sviluppo in Europa” del medesimo bando;

in data 14/05/2012 la Commissione europea comunicava che la nota succinta presentata era stata pre-selezionata dal comitato di valutazione invitando, come previsto dalle linee guide del programma, alla presentazione del formulario completo di candidatura entro il 2

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luglio 2012;

sulla base della nota succinta è stato predisposto il formulario completo di candidatura, ivi allegato in bozza relativo al progetto “New generation at Work for development!”

Considerato che:

il progetto “New generation at Work for development!” , della durata di 24 mesi, si pone i seguenti obiettivi generali e specifici:

Obiettivi generali:

1. contribuire al rafforzamento del ruolo degli enti locali nel dialogo con la generazione dei giovani europei e nell’impegno per aumentare la consapevolezza sugli sviluppi futuri del mercato del lavoro e delle politiche sul lavoro in Europa e nel mondo;

2. aumentare la coerenza tra le attività internazionali e le politiche di sviluppo locali degli enti locali, attraverso attività di sensibilizzazione tra la generazione dei giovani europei in merito al forte legame esistente tra i principali enunciati dalla “Dichiarazione dei principi fondamentali e dei diritti sul lavoro” dell’ILO ed il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi del Millennio.

Obiettivo specifico: creare un network composto da scuole superiori europee ed africane (in particolare del Burkina Faso, Senegal, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Etiopia e Kenya) supportato dagli enti locali e dalle organizzazioni della società civili capaci di analizzare contesti locali con una prospettiva globale che consideri i legami tra gli Obiettivi del Millennio, i diritti dei lavoratori e le sfide future di mercati del lavoro in evoluzione. Considerato che sono previsti i seguenti risultati attesi:

- Incremento delle capacità dei funzionari degli enti locali di interagire con gli studenti delle scuole superiori e le giovani generazioni a livello internazionale su temi difficili come il futuro del marcato del lavoro, i diritti dei lavoratori e gli obiettivi del millennio.

- Incremento della conoscenza degli studenti delle scuole superiori sulle sfide dei mercati del lavoro globali e sulla stretta relazione esistente tra sviluppo ed obiettivi del millennio da una parte, e principi sanciti dall’Ilo nella “Dichiarazione di Principi fondamentali e diritti del lavoro, dall’altro lato.

Considerato che, per il raggiungimento dei risultati attesi sono previste le seguenti attività:

1. Creazione di un comitato internazionale di pilotaggio e realizzazione di seminari internazionali (due in Italia, uno a Malta ed uno in Romania) al fine di creare una comune strategia di sensibilizzazione rivolta agli studenti delle scuole superiori sui legami tra nuovi mercati del lavoro, diritti dei lavoratori ed obiettivi del millennio.

2. Creazione di un sito web per permettere scambi tra scuole europee ed africane.

3. Creazione ed animazione di uno spazio (Blog) di discussione multimediale

4. Programmazione di moduli didattici per le scuole superiori.

5. Implementazione di moduli didattici in 40 scuole superiori (22 in Italia - Provincia di

Torino), 8 a Malta e 10 in Romania

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6. Realizzazione di 13 documentari brevi da parte delle scuole superiori coinvolte (3 per paesi europei e 4 in Africa)

7. Partecipazione delle scuole coinvolte all’edizione del 2014 del “Sottodiciotto Film

Festival” a Torino con delegazioni di studenti provenienti dalla Romania, Malta ed Africa

8. Partecipazione al seminario organizzato a Bruxelles dalla direzione competente in


9. Forum finale a Torino.

Rilevato che il partenariato del progetto sarà composto da:

- Provincia di Torino con ruolo di capofila; - Comune di Torino - Consorzio delle Ong Piemontesi - Comune di Nichelino - Comune di Bacau (Romania) - Comune di Rabat - Victoria (Malta) - Comune di Valletta (Malta) - Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali) (Malta) - Eventuali altri partner associati

Considerato che, nell’ambito delle azioni sopraccitate, sono previste le seguenti responsabilità in capo alla Provincia:

Gestione amministrativa del progetto, coordinamento attività e quant’altro necessario alla buona riuscita del progetto;

Preso atto che: il costo totale previsto del progetto ammonta ad Euro 669.135,00 mentre la richiesta di finanziamento alla Commissione europea corrisponde ad Euro 479.673,00 (pari al 71,69% del costo totale previsto, inferiore al 75%, quota massima prevista); La restante quota di Euro 189.462,00 corrisponde al co-finanziamento espresso in termini di valorizzazione del personale dei partner e del capofila ed è ripartita tra i partner del progetto come segue:

Provincia di Torino Euro 87.997,00 Comune di Torino Euro 25.764,00 Comune di Nichelino Euro 25.764,00 Comune di Bacau (Romania) Euro 18.678,00 Comune di Valletta (Malta) Euro 15.976,00 Comune di Rabat-Victoria (Malta) Euro 15.283,00

Dato atto che la definizione in dettaglio del budget del progetto, ivi compresi i trasferimenti ai partner e la suddivisione per tipologia dei costi sarà definita successivamente in base agli accordi che saranno presi con i singoli partner con l’accordo di partnership, ove il progetto verrà approvato dalla Commissione europea;

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Rilevato che per lo svolgimento delle attività sopra descritte la Provincia di Torino dovrà garantire un impegno finanziario complessivo per 24 mesi di Euro 87.997,00 come quota di co-finanziamento espressa in termini di valorizzazione del personale impegnato nello svolgimento del progetto, in specifico del Servizio Relazioni e Progetti Europei e internazionali e del Servizio CESEDI ; Preso atto che l’adesione al progetto approvato dalla Commissione europea da parte della Provincia di Torino, comporta per l’ente l’impegno ad attuare quanto previsto dal progetto presentato e che tale impegno viene formalizzato con la successiva stipula di una convenzione di cooperazione tra partner e la Commissione europea; Acquisiti i pareri favorevoli in ordine alla regolarità tecnica e contabile rispettivamente del Responsabile del Servizio interessato e del Responsabile di ragioneria ai sensi dell'art. 49 comma 1 del Testo Unico delle leggi sull'Ordinamento degli Enti Locali approvato con D.Lgs. 18/08/2000 n. 267; Visto l'art. 134, comma 4, del citato Testo Unico;

con voti unanimi, espressi in forma palese, la Giunta Provinciale


1. di approvare la presentazione del progetto, ivi allegato in bozza e sue integrazioni non sostanziali, “ New generation at Work for development! “ alla Commissione europea per il finanziamento, entro la scadenza prevista del 2 luglio c.a.;

2. di dare atto che, in caso di approvazione del progetto da parte della competente

direzione generale della Commissione europea, la Provincia di Torino parteciperà con una quota di co-finanziamento ammontante a Euro 87.997,00 consistente in valorizzazione del personale del Servizio competente direttamente impegnato nello svolgimento del progetto;

3. di rinviare a successivi provvedimenti dei Dirigenti competenti tutti gli atti che si

rendano necessari per la realizzazione del progetto, ivi compresa la firma del contratto con la Commissione europea e il successivo accordo di partnership;

4. di dichiarare il presente provvedimento immediatamente eseguibile con successiva

votazione separata, espressa e favorevole di tutti gli intervenuti. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. In originale firmato. Il Vicesegretario Generale Il Presidente della Provincia N. Tutino A. Saitta

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EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form 1

European Commission

Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development

Restricted Call for Proposals 2011 for Local Authorities

Grant Application Form (Parts A and B)

Budget line 21.03.02

Reference: EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi

Dossier No (for official use only)

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EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form



I. GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................... 3

II. THE ACTION .................................................................................................................................. 4 1. DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Description of the action and its effectiveness (max 14 pages) .............................................................. 4 1.2. Methodology (max 4 pages) ................................................................................................................. 15 1.3. Duration and indicative action plan for implementing the action......................................................... 19 1.4. Sustainability (max 3 pages)................................................................................................................. 21 1.5. Logical framework ............................................................................................................................... 24

2. BUDGET OF THE ACTION, AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM THE EU AND OTHER EXPECTED SOURCES OF FUNDING.......................................................................................................... 25 3. APPLICANT'S EXPERIENCE OF SIMILAR ACTIONS ...............ERRORE. IL SEGNALIBRO NON È DEFINITO.

III. THE APPLICANT........................................................................................................................ 40 4. 1. IDENTITY ................................................................................................................................... 40

IV. PARTNERS OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION.......................... 41 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE PARTNERS............................................................................................. 41 6. PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT ....................................................................................................... 51


VI. CHECKLIST................................................................................................................................. 63

VII. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT................................................................................. 64

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I. GENERAL INFORMATION Reference of the Call for Proposals EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi


- Please tick the box corresponding to the specific lot for which you are applying:

Lot 1 Support to Local Authorities projects implemented in two or more partner countries

⌧ Lot 2 Development Education and Raising Awareness on

Development issues in Europe

Name of the applicant: Provincia di Torino

Title of the action:

NEW GENERATION AT WORK FOR DEVELOPMENT! Italian, Romanian and Maltese LA and High Schools tackling the future challenges about Decent Work in their countries, in Europe and in the World

Location of the action: - specify country(ies), region(s) that will benefit from the action

Italy: Province of Turin Romania: Municipality of Bacau Malta: Municipality of Valletta and Rabat-Victoria

Number of proposal1: DCI-NSAPVD/2012/46

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1 Proposal number as allocated by the European Commission and notified to the applicant in the letter of invitation to submit a full application.

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1.1. Description of the action and its effectiveness (max 14 pages)

Provide a description of the proposed action, including all the information requested below: • Making reference to the overall objective(s) and specific objective(s), outputs and results described

in the concept note form elaborate on specific expected results indicating how the action will improve the situation of the target groups and final beneficiaries as well as the technical and management capacities of target groups and/or any local partners. Indicate notably foreseen publications.

Before presenting the specific expected results of this project, it’s important to underline end clarify, as it has been partially done in the concept note, the particular moment in which this project is being proposed. The theme chosen by the Province of Turin and its partners is indeed one of the most difficult and crucial that could be faced nowadays, since actually is one among the biggest priorities for any of the European countries, let’s say for Europe itself, and not anymore something concerning only or more the other continents and development.

This project in fact will put on the centre “work”, the right to have a job, the necessity to obtain a decent job for all; and the relationships of these principles with the MDGs, with the fight against poverty at a global level. Clearly any Italian, Romanian, or Maltese Local Authority nowadays, in 2012, does not consider any more this particular theme as something concerning “development”, or education ad awareness about MDGs or whatever.

Today, especially at the local level, any European political representative, any public servant, and most of all any teacher and professor, from the primary level to university, are wakening up every day thinking WHAT is it possible to do for young generations and their hope about a different future.

The economic and political crisis we are living is getting the more and more serious and dramatic. In Italy, as well as in other European countries, the economic growth is blocked and unemployment rates are growing. The funds necessary to improve educational systems, or even just to maintain the past quality standard, are not any more available. Finally, for what concerns international and decentralised cooperation, the possibility that Local Authorities, when still interested and motivated to do it, could still invest something is getting the more and more remote.

Anybody is feeling this crisis without knowing how Europe will find an exit way in the court term. And thus, looking to young generations, the more and more we assist to new migration movements: the so called “brain drain” phenomenon is concerning not only students finishing university, but also secondary and high school students. From Italy to other industrialised countries. From Romania to Italy (see the several projects of the Municipality of Bacau in order to prevent school drop-out). From Malta to overseas countries (with rates over 50%). Phenomena that are to be added to the well known dramatic African situation about poverty, the lack ok job opportunities for young people and the consequent migration movements towards Europe in particular.

We know that this introduction is technically unusual, but it was very important from our point of view (applicant and its partners), because actually the beautiful opportunity we have to present a full application about our project idea represents a real challenge, strategic and important as never before.

If usually in a DEAR project is quite difficult to explain how “the situation of the target groups and final beneficiaries” will be improved, in this case we can really speak of something that not only will bring a better awareness about the relationships between MDGs and Workers’ Rights in the world, but also of a process in which students, professors and LA civil servants of several countries will find the occasion to discuss together about concrete strategies to face problems and to find solutions in their respective contexts. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Behind the scheme chosen to present the logical framework of the project, in which two groups of activities will be realised to obtain two results that will permit to reach before the end of the project the main specific objective, which is the creation of “a network composed by European and African High Schools, supported by Local Authorities and CSOs able to analyse local contexts with a global perspective considering the links between the MDGs, the workers’ rights and the future challenges of changing labour markets”, it is possible to summarize three specific expected results, starting with the ones concerning directly the final beneficiaries of the project, as to say the young generations:

1. The first one is that about 4.000 High Schools students of 40 European High Schools from Italy, Romania and Malta, will have the opportunity to better analyse and understand the links between the MDGs and the ILO “Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”

They will benefit, in particular, of the work that their professors (about 400 will be directly involved) will set up with their respective Local Authorities (the Province of Turin with its 315 Municipalities served by its Educational Service Centre, CESEDI, the City of Turin with its partner City of Bacau in Romania, the City of Nichelino with its partner City of Victoria-Rabat in Malta, and the City of Valletta) and with local NSA actors normally working for DEAR activities, in order to:

Exchange on specific best practices and innovative educational methodologies

Discuss about the introduction of specific study curricula on MDGs and Workers’ Rights.

More specifically, the students (about 5 classes per each school involved, for a total of 200 classes) will be accompanied through a process aiming to deepen and to discuss some fundamental questions:

What does it means “decent work for all”, as to say the new target under MDG 1 added in early 2007 by the UN General Assembly?

How the principles enounced by the “Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” should really become “a central objective of our relevant national and international policies and our national development strategies” (from the 2007 last Secretary-General’s Report of M. Kofi Annan)?

What National and Local Governments should concretely do, within international cooperation as well as at a local level, in a coherent way, in order to promote Decent Work and to contribute to MDGs (in particular MDG 1 about the fight against poverty, but also MDG 3 (targets “Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education” and “Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector”) and MDG 8 (target 16, indicator 45, concerning the unemployment rate of 15 to 24 year olds) ?

The main previewed activities to obtain this first and crucial result are:

A2.1: Implementation of didactical modules in 40 High Schools (22 in Italy, 8 in Malta et 10 in Romania). Thanks to the utilisation of the sub-granting procedure, the LA partners will support activities planned by High Schools in collaboration with local NSA, which will permit the experimentation of specific educational methodologies, the organisation of campaigns to build-up local strategy tackling MDGs and Decent Work, and the promotion of concrete changes in behaviours at individual and collective levels, with the engagement of local experts, local political institutions and the private sector.

A2.3: Realisation of 13 short documentaries by the High Schools involved (3 per each European Countries + 4 realised by African High Schools). Through a process of training and reinforcement of capacities, the students will become real protagonists and owners of the project, by producing creative and artistic products showing their points of view and the results of their discussions and analysis of local situations.

A1.2: A Site Web 2.0 is realised in order to permit exchanges between European and African LA and High Schools. The contribution of High Schools for the realisation and the management of the Project Site will be important, from the realisation of local researches of information to be uploaded, to the discussions on line about best practices, etc.

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The second expected result concerning again the final beneficiaries, the students, corresponds

actually to the specific objective of the project: the 40 European High Schools involved will constitute a permanent network able to analyse local contexts with a global perspective considering the links between the MDGs, the workers’ rights and the future challenges of changing labour markets.

The network will be promoted and initially animated, clearly, by the professors of the 40 High Schools involved, by the LAs and by the NSA partners of the project, who will have the occasions to meet during the 7 International Steering Committee and the 4 International seminars which have been previewed within the 2 years of activity.

Little by little, the students of the about 200 classes involved will get the complete ownership of the Blog site, exchanging about the results of the A2.1 (Implementation of didactical modules) and of the A2.3 (Realisation of short documentaries).

Furthermore, the Network will probably see the inclusion of students from other Italian, Romanian and Maltese High Schools eventually interested and in contact with the partners of the project, but most of all it will see the active participation of 10 African High Schools (Burkina Faso, Senegal, DRC, Ethiopia and Kenya) where some LA partners and especially COP and KOPIN are working since a long time within development cooperation projects with local public and private partners, including the High Schools which will be involved in the discussions and mostly for the A2.3 as well (High Schools of Louga, Thies and Zinguinchor in Senegal, of Ouahigouya, Ziniare and Gourcy in Burkina Faso, of Kinshasa in DRC and ………………… in Ethiopia and Kenya)

Finally, the Network will be definitely reinforced and formalised thanks to the participation of some delegation from the High Schools involved (10 people from Bacau, 12 from Malta, 10 from Africa + the students of the High Schools of the Province of Turin) to the two final events previewed for the end of the project: the Final Forum organised in Turin (Activity 1.4) and their participation to the "Sottodiciotto (Under18) FilmFestival" (Activity 2.4) during which their documentaries (A2.3) will be discussed and present to the big public of the Festival (about 40.000 participants).

The third expected result actually coincides with the Result 1 of the project : “The capacities of LAs’ public servants in interacting with High Schools and young generations at an international level and in working on such a difficult themes as the future of labour market, workers’ rights and MDGs are increased”

Maybe the most important result considering the multiplication and duplication of this experience by the LA partners and their networks, and obviously the sustainability of the project concerning the normal and continuative activities of the target groups:

o About 200 people working within the Province of Turin and the Italian, Romanian and Maltese Municipalities partners, including political representatives and public servants charged of educational functions, international cooperation responsibilities and coordination of LA/Schools relationships

o about 400 professors from the 40 High Schools involved in Europe and 10 involved in Africa.

They will all have the opportunity to improve their technical and management capacities in particular participating to the activities (A1.1: international Steering Committees, A1.2: Creation of a Web Site 2.0 realised in order to permit exchanges between European and African LA and High Schools, A1.3: Didactical modules for High Schools are jointly programmed, A1.4: A Final Forum is organised in Turin) specifically finalised to promote exchanges on educational methodologies, best practices and the possibility to introduce specific study curricula in High Schools concerning the relationships between MDGs and Decent Work.

As said before, they will also participate and contribute to the creation of the Network between the 40 European High Schools (+ 10 African ones) supporting the connection and the interaction between the 4.000 students and contributing, in this way to the achievement of the Specific

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Objective of the project, but Most of all they will contribute to the two overall objectives, more institutional and ambitious:

1. to increase the role of Local Authorities in their dialogue with young generations and in their efforts in raising awareness about Millennium Development Goals and the future development of the labour market and its rules and politics in the world

2. to increase coherence between Local Authorities international activities and their local development policies, by discussing with young European generations about the strong connections existing between the principles enounced by the ILO’s “Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” and the Millennium Development Goals (1, 3 and 8 in particular)

• Making reference to the overall objective(s) and specific objective(s), outputs and results described in the concept note form identify and describe in detail each activity (or work package) to be undertaken to produce results, justifying the choice of the activities and specifying the role of each partner (and associates or subcontractors where applicable) in the activities. In this respect, the detailed description of activities must not repeat the action plan (to be provided in section II. 1.3 below) but demonstrate coherence and consistency in the project design.

Result 1. The capacities of LAs’ public servants in interacting with High Schools and young generations at an international level and in working on such a difficult themes as the future of labour market, workers’ rights and MDGs are increased

Activity 1.1: An international Steering Committee is set up and through a number of seminars (2 in Italy, 1 in Malta and 1 in Romania) will develop a common strategy for talking with High Schools the links between new labour markets, Workers’ rights and MDGs

Period: Month 1-3 for the creation of 3 Local Steering Committees and 1 International Steering Committee (first meeting organised

Month 3-24 for the organisations of 4 international seminars (2 per year) and 6 International Steering Committee meetings (2 the firs year and 4 the second year).


First of all, in each country (Italy-Province of Turin; Romania-City of Bacau, Malta-City of Valletta and Rabat) a Local Steering Committee will be set up at the beginning of the project.

The composition of each Local Steering Committee (up to about 12 people) will be the following:

2-4 political representatives of Local Authorities

2-4 teachers of local Secondary Schools

1 representative of the local office depending from the Ministry of Education

1-2 representative of Non State Actors

2-4 representatives of other organisations/institutions such as CoCoPa, the Coordination of 35 Municipalities for Peace of the Province of Turin, the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO which is based in Turin, the Europe Direct Focal Points in Turin (hosted and managed by the Province of Turin), in Valletta (Europe Direct Floriana) and in Bacau as well as the Relays in Valletta and Bacau of the EuroDesk Network.

Secondly, an International Steering Committee will be formalised, and it will represent from the beginning to the end of the project the main body governing the coordination and the implementation of the entire set of previewed activities.

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The International Steering Committee will be composed by 2 representatives of each partner (8 in totals), as to say 16 people in total.

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According to the different steps of the project and to the location, during its meetings some representatives of other institutions/organisations (components of the Local Steering Committees) will be invited to participate as observers.

The 3 Local Steering Committees will meet several times during the two years (without any cost previewed at the budget level, a part from the 5 meetings previewed by the Activity 1.3: Didactical modules for High Schools are jointly programmed), whereas the International Steering Committee will physically meet 7 times:

During month 2 (hypothetically February 2013), for its formalisation, in Turin: 8 people already in Turin (Province of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Nichelino and COP), 4 people coming from Valletta (Municipality + Kopin), 2 people coming from Rabat-Victoria, 2 people coming from Bacau. 3 days of permanence in Turin.

During month 5 (May 2013), in the occasion of the first international seminar, organised in Turin: 8 people already in Turin (Province of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Nichelino and COP), 4 people from Valletta (Municipality + Kopin), 2 from Rabat-Victoria, 2 from Bacau. 5 days of permanence in Turin.

During month 10 (October 2013), in the occasion of the second international seminar, organised in Bacau: 4 people already in Bacau, 4 people from Valletta (Municipality + Kopin), 2 from Rabat-Victoria, 8 from Turin (Province of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Nichelino and COP). 5 days of permanence in Bacau.

During month 13 (January 2014), for an intermediate session of monitoring and mid-term auto-evaluation, in the occasion of the third international seminar organised in the City of Nichelino: 8 people already in Turin (Province of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Nichelino and COP), 4 people from Valletta (Municipality + Kopin), 2 from Rabat-Victoria, 2 from Bacau. 5 days of permanence in Nichelino.

During month 17 (May 2014), in the occasion of the fourth international seminar, organised in Malta (Valletta): 6 people already in Malta (4 from Valletta and 2 from Rabat), 2 people from Bacau, 8 from Turin (Province of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Nichelino and COP). 5 days of permanence in Valletta.

During month 21 (September 2014), for a meeting finalised to the organisation of the final International Forum in Turin: 8 people already in Turin (Province of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Nichelino and COP), 4 people from Valletta (Municipality + Kopin), 2 from Rabat-Victoria, 2 from Bacau. 3 days of permanence in Turin.

During month 24 (December 2014), after the final International Forum (evaluation and final steps) in Turin: 8 people already in Turin (Province of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Nichelino and COP), 4 people from Valletta (Municipality + Kopin), 2 from Rabat-Victoria, 2 from Bacau. 5 days of permanence in Turin.

Roles of partners:

The organisation of each of the 7 International Steering Committee meetings and of the 4 seminars will be in charge of the leading LA at the local level (Province of Turin and City of Nichelino, City of Bacau, City of Valletta), which will strictly collaborate with the other local partners and associates involved.


Each of the 7 International Steering Committee meetings will be, first of all, the place where the development of the project will be analysed and discussed. Monitoring and mid-term/final auto-evaluation sessions will be organised for this.

Furthermore, those meetings will focus for at least one whole day on the following subjects:

- Exchange among Local Authorities, theirs associations and local Non State Actors, about specific educational methodologies already implemented (best practices) or to be implemented in order to better raise development awareness within their communities, and in particular the links between new labour markets, Workers’ rights and MDGs

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- How to promote concrete changes in behaviours at individual and collective levels, within the High

Schools involved in the project, in relation to development, MDGs, decent work and workers’ rights

The 4 International seminars, opened to at least 100 participants each one, will have as main objective to develop a common strategy for talking with High Schools the links between new labour markets, Workers’ rights, decent work and MDGs.

They will be the public occasion necessary to involve public servants charged of educational functions, international cooperation responsibilities and coordination of LA/Schools relationships (200 employees in Italy, Malta and Romania) and High Schools professors (400 professors in total), in particular in order to:

- Find out how to better introduce specific study curricula within schools about MDGs, decent work and workers’ rights

- Launch the organisation of local campaigns to build-up local strategies tackling MDGs, decent work and workers’ rights and bringing together different actors, such us LA, CSO, individual citizens and private companies

Activity 1.2: A Web Site 2.0 is realised in order to permit exchanges between European and African LA and High Schools.

Period: Month 1-6 for the creation of the Web site

Month 6-24 for the management of the Web Site

Where the activity will be realised:

The Web Site will be developed and created in Turin, in strict collaboration with the Romanian and the Maltese partners.

After the initial phase (6 months previewed), the Site will be managed and regularly updated in Turin, in Bacau and in Valletta/Rabat. Thanks to the presence in Africa of some Ngos associated to COP and to KOPIN, as well as the existence of several decentralised cooperation projects between Italian and African cities, a section of the site will be dedicated to the engagement of African High Schools (in particular in Burkina Faso, Senegal, DR Congo, Ethiopia and Kenya).

Implementing bodies:

The Province of Turin will sub-contract the development and the creation of the Web Site.

COP in Italy, the Municipality of Bacau (through its Local Development Agency) and KOPIN in Malta will manage the site during the following 18 months.


The main objective of the Web Site will be to inform and to involve LA public servants, High Schools Professors and Students about the links between new labour markets, Workers’ rights, Decent Work and MDGs

A particular effort will consist in putting in contact European professors and students with Professors and students of 10 African High Schools (Burkina Faso, Senegal, DR of Congo, Ethiopia and Kenya) in cities where LAs, COP and Kopin are managing international cooperation and decentralised cooperation projects.


The Web Site will contain a number of sections in 4 languages: Italian, English, French and Romanian.

The main sections will present to the Web Site visitors:

- Information, datas and links to existing surveys/studies about the local situation (Italy-Piedmont, Romania-Bacau, Malta and some African Country) of young people, their working situation, their relation with the new labour markets and with the global aspects relating to Workers’ rights, Decent Work and MDGs

- Information and datas about the formal education systems concerning High Schools

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- Best practices and examples of DEAR activities about Workers’ rights, Decent Work and MDGs

- Presentation of the partners of the projects, the associates, the High Schools involved and their activities

During the implementation of the project, the Web Site will be enriched with other 4 sections:

- Reports and documents elaborated during the International Steering Committees and the International Seminars (see Activity 1.1)

- Description and information about the didactical modules and experimental activities realised in 40 High Schools (22 in Italy, 10 in Romania, 8 in Malta) thanks to the sub-grants funds (see Activity 2.1)

- A video section containing at least 13 short documentaries produced by the High Schools involved, 3 per each European Country + 4 in Africa (see Activity 2.3)

- A multimedia discussion space (Blog) reserved to the Students of the 40 High Schools involved + the African ones (see Activity 2.2)

Activity 1.3: Didactical modules for High Schools are jointly programmed

Period: Month 1-8 through the Local Steering Committees meetings


In Turin, in Bacau and in Valletta a total of 5 Local Steering Committees meetings will be organised in order to discuss and programme the didactical modules to be implemented in the High Schools.

After a first phase of distance working between the 3 Local Steering Committees, the final discussion will take place during month 5 (May 2013), in the occasion of the first international seminar, organised in Turin.

This will represent the starting-up phase for the launch of the didactical activities to be implemented during the academic yeas 2013-2014 in 40 schools (see Activity 2.1.)

Activity 1.4: A Final Forum is organised in Turin

Period: Month 23-24

Where the activity will be realised: In Turin


The final Forum will be organised during the same period of the "Sottodiciotto (Under18) Film Festival 2014" (normally in December ) in order to permit to participate to the Final forum the Romanian, Maltese and African delegations of Students and some Professor (32 people in total) of the High Schools participating to the Festival with their short documentaries about the links between new labour markets, Workers’ rights, Decent Work and MDGs.

Implementing bodies:

The Province of Turin in strict collaboration with its local partners.

Duration and participants: 2 days, 150 participants.

The 32 students and professors of Romanian, Maltese and African delegations (10 people from Bacau, 6 from Valletta, 6 from Victoria, 10 students from Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, RD Congo, Ethiopia or Kenya)), as well as the components of the International Steering Committees, will have the opportunity to stay in Turin during 5 days

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Result 2. The High Schools Students’ knowledge about the future European and global labour markets challenges and of the strong connections existing between development and the MDGs on one side, and the principles announced by the ILO’s “Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” on the other side, is increased

Activity 2.1: Implementation of didactical modules in 40 Higher High Schools (22 in Italy, 8 in Malta et 10 in Romania).

Period: Month 9-18

Where the activity will be realised:

Province of Turin, Municipality of Bacau, Municipality of Valletta and Rabat-Victoria


To conduct a campaign of experimentation and implementation of educational activities with 40 High Schools, through a number of sub-grants awarded to local Non State Actors or directly to schools.


The experimentation campaign will be organized in the three countries and aims to test the didactical modules jointly programmed within the Activity 1.3 by the Local and the International Steering Committees during the first months of the project.

40 (or more) sub-grants will be awarded in order to benefit a minimum total of 40 High Schools (22 in Italy, 10 in Romania, 8 in Malta).

This financial support to third parties complies with the conditions established by Articles 120 of the Financial Regulation and 184a of the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulations and Procedures for Procurement provided by the Annex IV of the Grant Contract.

The sub-grants will be awarded on the basis of a list of applications from schools and Non State Actors interested in participating in the experimentation campaign of educational activities during a full academic year. The list of applications will be analysed by the Local Steering Committees and the sub-grants will be assigned by the Province of Turin and the other LA partners in Romania (Municipality of Bacau) and in Malta (Municipality of Valletta and Rabat).

In the Province of Turin, this activity will be managed by the Centre for Didactical Services (Centro Servizi Didattici, Ce.Se.Di.) of the Province of Turin, which since 1985 offers training opportunities for teachers and students (Secondary and High Schools) as well as the use of participatory and experiential educational methodologies integrating curricula and extra-curricula activities within the formal education system. Since 1985, every year, the Centre publishes a Catalogue and open a Call for Interest directed to Secondary and High Schools interested in working on specific thematic areas of activity: History, Democracy and Civic Education, Scientific Education, Environment and Sustainability, Educational Methodologies, International Cooperation, Gender and Human Rights, Research and Documentation. See the Catalogue for the Academic Year 2011/2012:

In Romania and Malta the activity will be managed by the Municipalities. Particularly in Bacau, since the fiscal year 2006, the Municipality is supporting every year youth activities by awarding grants under the Law no. 350/2005 regarding the status of grants from public funds allocated for non-profit activities of general interest. In the Annual Grants Programme, youth activities were supported through a distinct field – Youth and Education. For this field grants were awarded for many associations, High Schools and foundations.

The schools and the NSAs pre-selected will develop their programs on the basis of a set of rules fixed by the International Steering Committee, which will set the criteria for the final selection of grant recipients.

The different types of activities eligible for grants to be awarded will include:

- Preparation and organization of meetings and training with the teachers involved

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- Meetings with students in classes

- Organisations of visits outside the school

- Acquisition and provision of teaching and learning materials

- Exchanges activities between Italian, Romanian and Maltese schools

The amount of money needed to carry out the educational activities in each school won’t exceed the amount of 2.500 Euro (minimum of 40 schools involved, maximum 100.000 Euro of sub-grants awarded).

The amount to be allocated as sub-grants may vary (depending on the number of classes and schools involved, the number of meetings and activities planned and finally the distances by the facilitators) from a minimum of 1.000 Euro and a maximum of Euro 2.500 for each grant.

Finally, according to the Guidelines, " The maximum amount of a sub-grant is limited to EUR 10 000 per third party", this means that if a local Non State Actor will present in partnership with High Schools, more than one project, it will not be possible for it to receive more than 4 sub-grants of 2.500 Euro, so that the sum will be lower than 10.000 Euro.

Activity 2.2: Creation and animation of a multimedia discussion space (Blog) within the Project WebSite

Period: Month 6-24

Where the activity will be realised:

Mainly in Turin, with the participation of the 40 High Schools in Italy (22), Romania (10) and Malta (8) plus 10 in Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, RD Congo, Ethiopia or Kenya) thanks to the assistance of expatriates and local collaborators of the Ngos KOPIN and several members of COP. Implementing bodies:

COP, on behalf of the partners, will charge one DEAR expert in management and animation of Blog, in order to mobilize and involve the student communities of the High Schools participating to the project, in Europe and in Africa.

Activity 2.3: Realisation of 13 short documentaries by the High Schools involved (3 per European Countries + 4 in Africa).

Period: month 3-18

Where the activity will be realised:

In the Province of Turin, in Bacau, in Valletta and Rabat, and in 5 African Countries (Burkina, Senegal RDC, Kenya and Ethiopia).

Implementing bodies:

The Province of Turin in collaboration with COP, the Municipality of Bacau and Kopin in Malta will employ some experts in teaching about video-making, charging them to work in the 40 European High Schools involved and participating to the project.

Furthermore, two experts will also be charged by COP and KOPIN to spend 10 days in RDC (Kinshasa, where the Province of Turin collaborates with the Institut National de Préparation Professionnelle since 20102) and 10 in East Africa (Kenya or Ethiopia, where KOPIN works with several High Schools), in order to train students of the African High Schools involved in producing the documentaries. In Burkina Faso, this activity will be realised in the High School of Ouahigouya by a local expert collaborating

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since a long time with the Municipalities of Nichelino and Turin within their decentralised cooperation activities with the Cities of Ouahigouya ( and Ouagadougou3.

Duration and participants:

The activity will start during the academic year 2012-2013 (last 3 months) and will continue after the summer. The training by the expert will be organised with the professors of the High School involved.

Objectives and description:

The activity aims to prepare the interested classes to realise a number of short documentaries and/or music-videoclips, focusing on transmitting their messages and points of view about the connections between MDGs and the principles announced by the ILO’s “Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”.

In Romania and Malta, as well as in Africa, a number of audio-visual Kits for the production of videos will be supplied to the interested schools (videocamera, pc, sowtware, etc).

The products of the students will be analysed by the International Steering Committee and a special commission that will be set up.

The most interesting works will be published in the Web Site of the project, and according to the decisions of the High Schools involved will have the opportunity to participate to the 2014 "Sottodiciotto (Under18) FilmFestival" in December 2014, in Turin (see Activity 2.4).

Similarly, in 2013 and 2014 those students interested will have also the opportunity to participate to the VII and the VIII edition of the MediaYouth Event - MY GENERATION - NickelClip 2013 and 2014, organised every year in October by the City of Nichelino.

In this case, there will not be the possibility to participate with delegations three months before the other Festival and the Final Forum, but there will be the possibility to invite in Turin 2-3 individual students in the case they won some price within the NickelClip festival.

Activity 2.4: Participation of the Schools involved to the 2014 "Sottodiciotto (Under18) FilmFestival" in Turin, with student delegations coming from Romania, Malta and Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ethiopia and Kenya).

Period: Month 23-24


32 students and professors of the High Schools involved in the project will have the opportunity to spend 5 days in Turin in order to participate to the “2014 Sottodiciotto (Under18) FilmFestival" ( and to the Final Forum (see Activity 1.4.). In particular:

A delegation composed by 10 people (students and 1-2 professors) from Bacau

A delegation of 6 people (students and 1-2 professors) from Valletta

A delegation of 6 people (students and 1-2 professors) from Victoria

A delegation of 10 people (students and 1-2 professors) from Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, RD Congo, Ethiopia or Kenya, according to the results of the Activity 2.3: Realisation of 13 short documentaries by the High Schools involved )

The selection of the students will be done on the basis of their participation to the FilmFestival through their inscription and the transmission of their works (to be done normally before the end of June) and on the basis of the quality and of the contents of the short documentaries and video-clips produced thanks to the previous Activity 2.3.

Implementing bodies:

COP, in collaboration with the Province of Turin, will coordinate the participation of the foreign delegations.

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Activity 0: Participation of one project staff to the Seminar which DG DEVCO will organise in Brussels for the purposes of training, exchange of good practices and networking among Local Authorities


2 missions to Bruxelles, one during the first year and one during the second year, for 3 days each.

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1.2. Methodology (max 4 pages)

• Methods of implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology; At a general level, the proposed methodology for the implementation of this action will facilitate the active participation and the dialogue between all the actors involved, as to say Local Authorities (political representatives and civil servants of different sectors in charge of education support and policies, employment and youth generation, international and decentralised cooperation), High Schools professors and Non State Actors working with schools for DEAR activities. Perfectly in line with the recommendations of the last “Study on the Experience and Actions of the Main European Actors Active in the Field of Development Education and Awareness Raising" (DEAR Study process) launched by the European Commission in 2010, the participation of partners, associates and representatives of the target groups to the 3 Local Steering Committees and to the International Steering Committee, will permit to increase their level of participation and involvement since the beginning of the action. Furthermore, the activities finalised to promote the exchanges among partners and the creation of the network (A1.1, A1.3, A1.4, A.2.4) will facilitate the direct participations of the target groups and of other stakeholders, and their collaboration to the definition of the educational activities to be realised by the 40 European High Schools (A2.1) as well as of the contents proposed by the Web Site (A1.2) and the Blog (A2.2) which will become the main instruments for the prosecution of the exchange and networking activities after the end of the project. In this way, the methodology will become the more and more participatory once the previewed meetings will be realised and will reinforce the relationships among partners and associates, leading to more frequent exchanges based on distance “on line” meetings among the 3 Local Steering Committees enlarged to the participation of more people from associates and other target groups. This will promote the final ownership of the project by the target groups through the use of the project Web Site and the consequent reinforcement and consolidation of the Network. More specifically, the proposed methodology will focus on the following points: Accurate analysis and exchanges about the respective contexts: first of all, every group of partners in

Italy, Romania and Malta, will try to collect the maximum amount of information and to transform them in useful and synthetic documents (to be used during the meetings and to be up-loaded in the Web Site) in order to let the other partners understand the actual situation about the main elements connected to the project area of intervention: o The characteristics of each formal educational system and the institutional mandate of each Local

Authority approved and supported in this sector by the competent educational authorities o The actual situation about youth employment in connection with the activities of local High Schools,

including the analysis of specific phenomena connected to particular problems such as school abandonment and migrations of High Schools students towards other countries (ex. from Romania to Italy, from Malta to Europe, etc)

o The level of presence in High Schools of specific educational methodologies, study curricula, and best practices already developed in order to raise development awareness about MDGs among High School students

o Eventual experiences of international and decentralised cooperation activities promoted by LA, eventually engaging also High Schools, concerning MDGs and Decent Work in particular.

The objective is actually not to re-invent what has been already studied during the recent past, but to capitalise the existing information in order to plan and develop the project activities finalised to the creation of the network and to the improvement of competencies and capacities of the target groups. The implementation of communication and dialogue instruments based on and adapted to the new

opportunities offered by the ICTs: the Web Site (A1.2) and the Blog (A2.2) will be in this sense the main instrument for the creation of the Network between the 40 High Schools involved, supported by their respective Local Authorities and accompanied by Civil Society Organisations. The participatory programming of educational and training activities to be realised in the 40

European High Schools (and 10 in Africa) involved in the project: thanks to the information collected in order to prepare the Web Site (A1.2) but mostly thanks to the exchanges and discussion meetings that will be organised (A1.1 and A1.4), the three main activities to be realised with the 4.000 students of the 40 High Schools involved (A2.1, A2.2, A2.3) will be programmed and realised in a participatory way with the active contribution of all the partners and associates to the project, reinforcing

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in this way the relationships between High Schools and Local Authorities in each country of intervention. The involvement of a larger public by the project partners, through the organisation of public

events with other High Schools’ and citizenship participation in each Cities involved in the project: the four seminars (2 in Italy, 1 in Malta and 1 in Romania) previewed by the Activity 1.1. and the Final Forum organised in Turin (Activity 1.4) which will be associated to the big event "Sottodiciotto (Under18) FilmFestival” with the participation of the High Schools presenting their own documentaries (Activity 2.4), will be the main occasions by which a larger public and a larger number of beneficiaries will be involved, sensitized and mobilised on the project theme: MDGs and Decent Work principles.

• Procedures for follow up, monitoring and internal/external evaluation; A methodology of internal qualitative and quantitative evaluation will be applied by the 7 partners since the beginning of the action, in collaboration with persons representing the associated partners and the target groups, in order to monitor the impact of the activities in terms of effective pertinence, for what will concern the constant analysis of their results and outputs, as well as in terms of progressive empowerment and participation to the action of each target group involved. From the quantitative point of view: every output of the action will be the object of a quantitative

evaluation aiming to know the number of people involved and the interest raised by the products, their intermediary results and their real utilisation within the normal activities of the target groups (particularly High Schools and LAs educational services). From the qualitative point of view: the evaluation will be completed by the collection of information

and questionnaires permitting to understand how much the target groups and the beneficiaries will have considered interesting and pertinent the contents and the information made available and usable by the project, including the appreciation about the proposed educational methodologies.

More precisely, the internal evaluation will be coordinated by the members of the International Steering Committee and will be realised: At the end of each activity, by the participants, in order to evaluate their satisfaction, collect their

suggestions and eventually improve, if needed, the programming of the next activities to be realised After each activity, by the 3 Local Steering Committees, in order to decide in a participatory way if the

next steps need some change, considering the results of the evaluation made by the beneficiaries Auto-evaluation: every participant of the Local Steering Committees (which include the members of the

International Steering Committee) will manage a sort of “Diary” containing the description of every realised activity, in order to keep a clear vision about the development of the action and its progress, and to be able to capitalise and diffuse the results of the project to other institutions and publics Capitalisation of the results of the project made by the International Steering Committee thanks to the

documents and summary presentations elaborated in the occasion of the international meetings and seminars

Finally, an external and independent evaluation is previewed, realised by an external expert on the project as a whole, during the last month and previewing a special evaluation session through focus group that will be organised during the last International Steering Committee, just after the Final Forum in Turin.

• Role and participation in the action of the various actors and stakeholders (local partner(s), target groups, civil society organisations, local authorities etc.), and the reasons for which these roles have been assigned to them;

The Province of Turin, will sign at the beginning a Partnership Agreement with the 6 partners for the administrative and technical management of the European funds and the contributions necessary to realise the activities in Italy, Romania, Malta (and partially in Africa for the Activity 2.3). In the meantime, the International Steering Committee will be constituted in order to launch the initial phase of the project. In particular, the Province of Turin will be responsible for the coordination of the entire project, and for the organisation, in collaboration with the Consortium of Piedmont Ngos (COP), of the set of activities to be organised in the Italian territory. The City of Bacau in Romania, and the Cities of Valletta and Rabat-Victoria supported by the Ngo KOPIN in Malta, will be responsible for the organisation of the activities to be organised in those countries. COP, KOPIN and the Local Development Agency of the City of Bacau will then follow in particular the educational activities to be realised with the 40 High Schools involved, and will launch and animate for the entire duration of the project the Web Site and the Blog according to what has been described for the Activities A.1.2 and A2.2. The Municipality of Turin and Nichelino will obviously collaborate with the Province of Turin for the events to be organised in Italy, but they will be

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responsible, in particular, of the effective engagement in the project of the African High Schools of the Cities of Louga (Senegal), Ouagadougou and Ouahigouya (Burkina Faso) with which they cooperate since many years. Similarly, they will promote the participation of their respective High Schools, by supporting them in the exchanges with the African High Schools but also with the High Schools of Bacau (which is formally twinned with the City of Turin because of the presence in Turin of a big community from Bacau) and of Rabat-Victoria (which is formally twinned with the City of Nichelino because of the presence in Nichelino of a big community from Gozo Island, Malta). KOPIN in collaboration with SKOP (the national Ngos platform of Malta ) and COP (with its 30 Ngos members) will finally work in order to facilitate the inclusion in the High School Network of other African High Schools from the Countries where they work since decades for international cooperation projects (particularly in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Kenya and Ethiopia).

Other Local Authorities will participate to the projects: In Italy, an ALA will be involved. It’s the Coordination of 35 Municipalities for Peace of the Province of Turin (CoCoPa whose the Province of Turin, the City of Turin and Nichelino are among the most active members since its creation in 1996. CoCoPa will promote the participation of the members and the involvement of their High Schools in strict collaboration with COP and with the Educational Service Centre (CESEDI) of the Province of Turin, has it has been done during the last years for a number of DEAR activities already developed concerning the MDGs. In Romania the City of Bacau will strictly collaborate with the Bacău Metropolitan Area Association (Romanian juridical person with private right to public utility) which functions as a non-governmental organization of intercommunity development, coordinated by the ADL (Local Development Agency) of Bacau and composed by 23 localities including the Local Council of Bacău City and the County Council, and 21 little cities within 30 km from Bacau City. In Malta the Cities of Valletta and Rabat-Victoria will collaborate with other cities of Malta and Gozo Regions, and with the Ministry of Education concerning the activities to be realised in the High Schools.

Concerning the High Schools, a restricted number will participate to the project since the beginning (in the Local and International Steering Committees) on the base of their previous collaboration with the project partners within DEAR activities already realised together in the past. After Month 6, the Province of Turin, the City of Bacau and the Cities of Valletta and Rabat-Victoria will involve the others High Schools interested, through a public selection, to participate in particular to the activities A2.1, A2.3, A.2.4. Other High Schools will then have the opportunity to participate to the International Seminars and to the Final Forum (A1.1 and A1.4) as well as to the utilisation of the Web Site and Blog (A1.2. and A2.2.).

Finally, the 5 LAs will involve in the project the Europe Direct Focal Points in Turin (hosted and managed by the Province of Turin), in Valletta (Europe Direct Floriana) and in Bacau, as well as with the EuroDesk Network (Relays in Valletta and Bacau) which will interact with the project by offering their information and service-oriented activities for young people and High Schools already finalised to let the new generations understand what European Union as to say about the matter of new labour market trends and workers’ rights in Europe and in the World. In Turin, the Province of Turin will also involve for its important competencies the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO which is based in Turin and which will be involved because of its training activities about decent work and MDGs.

The SottoDiciotto Film Festival4 and the National Cinema Museum of Turin will obviously facilitate the realisation of the Activities 2.3 and 2.4.

The Universities of Turin, Bacau and Valletta will be called to contribute to the project from two points of view: 1. the dialogue about educational methodologies and study curricula in High Schools, referring to DEAR activities concerning MDGs and decent work; 2. the analysis of the situation of young generations, concerning high education, job opportunities, mobility. • Organisational structure and team proposed for implementation of the action: In Italy: A project manager (Province of Turin, part time 50%) and a technical assistant (COP, part time 42%)

will guarantee the general coordination of the project

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4 the most important Italian national event dedicated to films made by and for young people. 36.500 spectators in the 2011 XII edition (mainly teachers and students)

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2 Civil Servants (City of Turin and city of Nichelino, part time 17%) will guarantee the collaboration of

the 2 LAs to the organisation of the activities based in Italy. 4 administratives (33% Province of Turin, 17% City of Turin and Nichelino and COP) will guarantee the

correct use of the funds necessary to realise the project In Romania: A project coordinator full time (external expert employed by the Municipality of Bacau full time) will

guarantee the organisation of the activities concerning Bacau. 3 Civil Servants of the Municipality of Bacau will constitute a management team composed by a

financial advisor (par time 25%) , an assistant manager (50%) and a communication officer (50%) In Malta: 2 project coordinators (City of Valletta and City of Rabat-Victoria, part time 50%) and a technical

assistant (Ngo KOPIN, part time 50%) will guarantee the organisation of the activities concerning Malta. 2 administratives (25% City of Valletta, 25% City of Rabat-Victoria and 25% Ngo KOPIN) will

guarantee the correct use of the funds necessary to realise the project.

For the implementation of Activity 2.3 (shors documentaries), the Province of Turin, the Municipality of Bacau and Kopin in Malta will employ some experts in teaching about video-making, charging them to work in the 40 European High Schools involved and participating to the project. Furthermore, some experts will also be charged to do the same job whith High Schools in Africa (Burkina Faso, RDC and Kenya or Ethiopia)

• Main means proposed for the implementation of the action (equipment, materials and supplies to be acquired or rented); 4 Webcam + software for teleconferences will be purchased by the Municipalities of Bacau, Valletta and

Rabat and by the Ngo KOPIN in order to facilitate the distance “on line” exchanges of the Local Steering Committees. 2 video projectors and 2 cameras will be purchased by KOPIN in Malta and by the City of Bacau (Local

Development Agency) in order to facilitate the activities with the High Schools involved and the organisation of the Local Steering Committees meetings. 3 lab-tops will be purchased by KOPIN, COP and the City of Bacau (Local Development Agency) in

order to correctly launch and manage the Activities connected to the Web Site and the Blog A total of 12 audio-visual Kits for the production of Videos (PC + videocamera+software), will be

finally purchased to be transferred to 4 High Schools in Malta, 4 High Schools in Bacau and 4 High School in Africa

A big contribution in terms of utilization of equipment (computers, photocopiers, etc..) will be guaranteed by the Province of Turin and the other 5 LAs involved in Italy, Romania and Malta, without having previewed their costs in the budget being unable to demonstrate their use as it works with Local Authorities

• Planned activities in order to ensure the visibility of the action and the EU funding. To ensure the visibility of the action and the EU funding, the project envisages a strategy “on line” and “off line” oriented to reach the following audiences: 1. Students and researchers of the 40 European High Schools and 10 African High Schools involved, as well as other eventually interested 2. LAs and Civil Society Organisations in the three European countries and in Africa. A graphic style of the project / network will be created. Promotional materials and invitations will be diffused at each organised event with this style and the logo of the European Union. The “on line” strategy: the Web Site and the Blog will be the main tools of the communication strategy of the project. The network of High Schools, LAs and CSOs will be launched through these tools on the web. The "Community Manager" in Italy (sub-contracted by COP) will be responsible for the animation of the web tools in collaboration with the 8 project partners: generating content information and coordinating the publication of opinions and contributions from the High Schools involved. The main languages of the Site and of the Blog will be in English and French, with specific sections in Italian, Romanian and Maltese. The “off-line” strategy: a Newsletter to be diffused by the 8 partners of this project to all the associates and target groups will be produced on a monthly basis. Articles to be published by local newspapers will also be produced in particular by the Communication Sectors of the LAs involved, first of all by the Province of Turin.

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1.3. Duration and indicative action plan for implementing the action

The duration of the action will be 24 months.

Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2

Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Implementing body

Preparation Activity 1.1: An international Steering Committee is set up and 4

seminars are organised (2 in Italy, 1 in Malta and 1 in Romania)

Province of Turin,

City of Turin, COP

Execution Activity 1.1: An International Steering Committee is set up and 4

seminars are organised (2 in Italy, 1 in Malta and 1 in Romania)

Province of Turin/COP (1st St. Committee and 1st

Int. Seminar) City of Bacau (2nd

Int. Seminar) Preparation Activity 1.2: A Web Site 2.0 is realised

Province of Turin

Execution Activity 1.2: A Web Site 2.0 is realised

7 Partners

Preparation Activity 1.3: Didactical modules for High

Schools are jointly programmed

Province of Turin

Execution Activity 1.3: Didactical modules for High

Schools are jointly programmed

7 Partners

Preparation Activity 2.1: Implementation of didactical modules in 40 High Schools

7 Partners

Execution Activity 2.1: Implementation of didactical modules in 40 High Schools

7 Partners

Preparation Activity 2.2: Creation and animation of a multimedia discussion space

Province of Turin and

COP/KOPIN/City of Bacau (LDA)

Execution Activity 2.2: Creation and animation of a multimedia discussion space

COP/KOPIN/ City of Bacau

(LDA) Preparation Activity 2.3:

Realisation of 13 short documentaries by the High

Schools in Europe and Africa

Province of Turin and

COP/KOPIN/City of Bacau (LDA)

Execution Activity 2.3: Realisation of 13 short

documentaries by the High Schools in Europe and Africa

COP/KOPIN/ City of Bacau


Execution Activity 0: 1st Seminar with DG DEVCO

in Brussels

Province of Turin

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Year 2

Semester 1 Semester 2

Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Implementing body

Execution Activity 1.1: An international Steering Committee is set up and 4 seminars are organised (2

in Italy, 1 in Malta and 1 in Romania)

City of Nichelino/COP

(3rd Int. Seminar) City of Valletta

/KOPIN (4th Int. Seminar)

Province of Turin/COP (6th and 7th Steering Committee after the Final Forum)

Execution Activity 1.2: A Web Site 2.0 is realised

7 Partners

Preparation Activity 1.4: A Final Forum is organised

in Turin

Province of Turin, City of

Turin and Nichelino, COP

Execution Activity 1.4: A Final Forum is organised

in Turin

7 Partners

Execution Activity 2.1: Implementation of

didactical modules in 40 Higher High Schools

7 Partners

Execution Activity 2.2: Creation and animation of a

multimedia discussion space (Blog)

COP/KOPIN/ City of Bacau


Execution Activity 2.3: Realisation of 13 short

documentaries by the High Schools in Europe and


COP/KOPIN/ City of Bacau


Preparation Activity 2.4: Participation of the Schools

involved to the 2014 "Sottodiciotto (Under18) FilmFestival" in Turin

7 Partners

Execution Activity 2.4: Participation of the Schools

involved to the 2014 "Sottodiciotto (Under18) FilmFestival" in Turin

7 Partners

Execution Activity 0: 2nd Seminar with DG DEVCO

in Brussels

Province of Turin

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1.4. Sustainability (max 3 pages)

• Expected impact of the action with quantified data where possible, at technical, economic, social, and policy levels (will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc.).

The Province of Turin counts 2,3 million inhabitants (of which more then 900.000 in the City of Turin), 315 Municipalities, 166 High Schools (with 3.851 classes) and almost 82.000 High School students (in average 21 students per class, and 23 classes per High School). Concerning the activities that will be directly carried out in the 22 High Schools involved, it comes that the impact of the project will concern 13% of the High Schools of the Province and 3% of the students (5 classes per School, 110 classes in total, 2.200 students directly touched by the action). If we consider that the activities carried out by the classes will involve at a certain degree the entire respective High Schools, the final direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project will be more than 10.000 students (as to say 13% of the total in the Province) and more then 220 Professors (at least 10 per School). For what concern the number of LAs that will actively participate, with their Civil Servants, to the project through the Coordination of 35 Municipalities for Peace of the Province of Turin, the project will involve at least 100 politicians and technicians, impacting on the capacities of at least 35 LAs out of the 315 Municipalities of the Province (11%), where about 1,5 million citizens and about 50.000 High School students are living. Clearly it’s not possible to imagine how much the citizenship will be involved by their Municipalities, even if they will be asked to disseminate information and news about this project, as the Province of Turin itself will do being the head of the project), but it is possible to affirm that the Italian citizens benefitting of the sensitization ad information activities carried out by LA and High Schools will be for sure more than the 40.000 usual participants to the final event “Sottodiociotto (Under 18) Film Festival” organised in Turin every December. In Romania, the County of Bacau has a population of 723.500 inhabitants, of which 270.00 are living in the City of Bacau (today about 180.000, which are still diminishing because of migration, in 2000 they where more than 210.000) and its surroundings (the Bacău Metropolitan Area Association). The High School students are about 28.0005, studying in 15 pre-university institutes (8 “colegii” and 7 “licee”). By directly involving 10 of this High Schools (66% of the total), the project will have a direct impact on, at least, 1.500 students (5 classes of 30 students x 10 Schools) as to say 5% of the total students (which grows up to 18.000 students if we consider that the activities carried out by the 50 classes will involve at a certain degree the entire respective High Schools). For what concern the number of Civil Servants working within the City of Bacau and the surrounding LAs, the project aims to involve about 50 among politicians and technicians. In Malta, which has a total population of about 450.000 inhabitants, 370.000 live in the main Island of Malta and 31.000 people are living in Gozo Island. The Cities of Valletta and of Victoria-Rabat count respectively 7.000 citizens the first and less then 6.000 the second one, so the project activities will not be carried out only in the High Schools based in those cities. According to the National Commission for Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Employment6, post secondary level studies are provided by various state and non state institutions7 providing for over 11,000 students (plus the early stages of the University of Malta which will be also involved, with its 10.000 students). In the case of Malta, the activities will be than realised involving about 1.200 students, representing the 11% of the total, but the operational scheme will see a lower participation8 of Local Authorities comparing with Italy and Romania, and the Ngo KOPIN with the support of SKOP (the National Maltese Ngo Platform) will promote the relationships between the High Schools, the Ministry of Education and the 2 Local Authorities involved mainly because of their relationships with the Italian cities and because their “interest” in facilitating the creation of future new job opportunities for their young citizens.

5 According to the 2010 “PLANUL INTEGRAT DE DEZVOLTARE URBANA AL MUNICIPIULUI BACĂU” 6 According to the “FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUATION STRATEGY 2020” presented in 2009 7 These include the Junior College, higher secondary schools of Giovanni Curmi in Naxxar and Sir. Michael Refalo in Gozo, private sixth forms, and vocational colleges such as MCAST and ITS.

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8 Even if recently some educational management decentralisation process has started, regional administration of education in Malta is limited. However, the island of Gozo does maintain a form of regional educational administration through the Ministry for Gozo. Although the Ministry for Education manages education throughout Malta, the Ministry for Gozo is responsible for the remuneration of the island's teaching staff. Local authorities such as Malta's numerous Local Councils have no official ties to Malta's educational system but often donate to local schools and maintain preschool building structures

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• Dissemination plan and the possibilities for replication and extension of the action outcomes (multiplier effects), clearly indicating any foreseen dissemination channel.

The Website and Blog produced by the project will be the main means of dissemination, during and after the project, that will extend the action outcomes to a larger public. The 8 partners (6 LAs and 2 NSAs) will also ensure the dissemination and the possibilities for replication of the project through their respective communication tools and through the established specific tools of the monthly newsletter. What will be more relevant about the multiplier effects of this project is the participation of each partner to different LA and NSA networks: The Province of Turin will disseminate the project results to its 315 Municipalities, to the 35 members of CoCoPa, through the Union of Italian Provinces of which it hold the Vice-Presidency ( and through the Network “Arco Latino” (, an association of Spanish and Italian provinces and French departments in the western Mediterranean. COP will disseminate the project results to its 30 Ngos members and to the National Association of Italian Ngos ( whose it is member since 2010, and through which it participates also to DEAR activities promoted by CONCORD ( The Municipality of Bacau will disseminate the results to the County of Bacau and its 85 Municipalities, but mostly to the Association of Regeneration of Areas or Neighbourhoods in Crisis (QeC-ERAN now LUDEN,, one of the oldest and most recognized networks on urban regeneration whose Bacau is member since 2007. Finally the Ngo KOPIN will disseminate the project results to the Ngos member of SKOP (, the National Platform of Maltese NGDOs, founded on 26 June 2001, on the initiative of KOPIn itself, now counting 15 members and 3 associates. • Detailed risk analysis and contingency plan. This should include a list of risks associated for each

proposed action, accompanied by relevant mitigation measures. A good risk analysis will include a range of risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks.

Hypothesis Risks Contingency measures

Activities 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4

The need to exchange about MDGs and Decent Work relationship, from a local perspective and also considering the coherence with international cooperation activities, is perceived as a priority and represent a priority for the policy-makers

Instability of the Institutions (LAs) and of the policy-makers. Growing economical crisis of Local Authorities and Schools.

Increase de number of exchanges and meetings in order to deepen the common analysis of the problems to be solved.

Activities 2.1, 2.2,


The interest of High Schools for innovative educational methodologies including in the Study Curricula the MDGs and the Decent Work principles remains the same. The interest of getting in touch with other European and African High Schools remains the same. The possibility to accede to extre-curricula educational opportunities within formal education systems is guaranteed.

Unavailability of teachers towards the activities proposed by the project. Implementation of other parallel educational activities on similar themes.

Increase the attention to the quality of the proposed activities and improve the mechanism of contact and involvement of the High Schools. Research of all the possible synergies with other actors working on similar subjects with the High Schools.

Activities 1.2, 2.2,

2.3 and 2.4

The interest of European and African High Schools and LAs to create a network able to exchange about MDGs and Decent Work remains the same.

Communication difficulties of the target groups. Resistance of the target groups in sharing information.

Reinforce the action of sensitisation and mobilisation of the target groups. Increase the contacts and the collaborations with other actors

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• Main preconditions and assumptions during and after the implementation phase. The planning of the action and of the specific activities is always and deeply shared in a participatory

way The availability of partners, target groups and other external actors to participate to the dialogue is

maintained The interest and availability of teachers and others actors involved remains the same. The financial and operative situation of the structures involved (schools on one side, cities and NSAs

on the other) remains stable. The ability to act in a sustainable and continuous way by the CSOs working in the areas of DEAR

and of international cooperation is maintained The political situation remains stable in the African countries which will participate to the Activities

A2.2., A2.3 and A2.4.

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• How sustainability will be secured after completion of the action. a. Financial sustainability At least the Province of Turin (with its Educational Service Centre), the City of Turin and Nichelino and the City of Bacau will continue to coordinate and to finance, as done up until now, their support to Hhigh Schools and to CSOs about DEAR activities concerning MDGs and development matters. COP in Italy and KOPIN in Malta, will continue to work with High Schools for DEAR activities, looking for specific funding opportunities, public as well as private ones. Referring to the Network that will be created, High Schools and LAs will have better opportunities, thanks to this project, to continue the exchanges in the future profiting of the low-cost system of communication and discussion tested and developed during the project period. b. Institutional sustainability The already existing institutional relationships existing between Turin and Bacau, as well as between Turin and Nichelino with Malta’s cities, will be reinforced and continued thanks to the involvement of different sectors of each LAs (education, youth and employment, international cooperation) comparing with the past (not only, anymore, classic twinning relationships). This process will take advantage also from the concrete and fruitful exchanges and relationships that will be promoted between High Schools and theirs students. COP and KOPIN, furthermore, will continue their collaboration, which will be hopefully enlarged to other NSAs of their Countries and of Romania. c. Policy level sustainability: Concerning the Province of Turin and its Educational Service Centre (CESEDI), the project will permit to improve the quality of the educational activities proposed in the future to the basin of High Schools served since almost 30 years by CESEDI, with very high quality standards (UNI EN ISO 9011:2008, concerning the "Design and delivery of services to citizens, institutions and the territory as part of attributions of responsibility in the defined areas"). All the partners of the Network will take advantage of its experience and will have the opportunity to look forward to obtain the same quality standard recognitions. Particularly referring to the case of Malta, where LAs may interact with the educational systems but, for the moment, only for what concerns the financing of schools equipments and activities through specific donations, this project will permit to LAs to start a new dialogue with the local Ministries of Education (Malta and Gozo) in order to understand how they could better contribute in order to sensitize and mobilise their young citizens attending High Schools about MDGs, workers’ rights and the future scenarios of labour markets they should be able to better face in the next future. d. Environmental sustainability The creation of such a Network previewed by the project needs a minimum amount of activities finalised to permit physical meetings and exchanges between partners and target groups. Especially speaking of High School students, the partners of the project decided to propose that at least at the end was given the opportunity to some students delegation to meet among themselves in Turin, during a very important occasion offered by the organisation of the “Sottodiciotto Film Festival” where the more motivated students will have the opportunity to present their documentaries to a very large public. These travels are the only negative environmental impact of the project, which for the rest has been totally planned in order to take the maximum advantage of the ITC opportunities concerning the organisation of distant exchanges through internet and videoconferences.

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1.5. Logical framework

Please fill in Annex C9 to the Guidelines for applicants. The Logical Framework should be completed with care in the proposed format and results should be quantified where possible.

9 Explanations can be found at the following address:

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Fill in Annex B to the Guidelines for applicants to provide information on:

• the budget of the action (worksheet 1), for the total duration of the action and for its first 12 months;

• justification on the budget (worksheet 2), for the total duration of the action and,

• amount requested from the EU and other expected sources of funding for the action for the total duration (worksheet 3).

For further information see the Guidelines for grant applicants (Sections 1.3, 2.1.4 and 2.2.5). Please note that the cost of the action and the requested EU contribution must be expressed in EUR. The budget must be drawn up without using decimals. Any variation of more than 20% between the amount of the EU contribution indicated in the detailed budget in Annex B and the initial estimate contained in the Concept Note must be justified in this section (see section 2.2.5 of the guidelines). If the financing in full of the action by the European Union is allowed by the Guidelines for applicants (see section 1.3 of the Guidelines), justify in this section your request to benefit from such financing in full, by showing that it is essential to carry out the action.

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3. APPLICANT'S EXPERIENCE OF SIMILAR ACTIONS Maximum 1 page per action. Please provide a detailed description of actions managed by your organisation over the past three years . This information will be used to assess whether you have sufficient and stable experience of managing actions in the same sector and of a comparable scale to the one for which you are requesting a grant. Project title: Educating for Citizenship. Proposals and models of intervention

SECTOR10: 11 Education

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)11

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Secondary schools of second degree of Turin and its province

€ 80.000 Lead manager Foundation for the school of Compagnia San Paolo

€ 40.000 From school year 2007 to onwards

Objectives and results of the action The project is a path to citizenship education for foreign students but quickly focuses on the meaning of citizenship (be aware and involved members of a national community) and the necessity to envolve foreign as well as italians students, of the same schools and classes, in the awareness that citizens are not born, but made with a path that must be made together, in the dialogue, comparison, exchange between people. The project has planned over 2 school years, the creation and testing from 12 secondary schools of second degree and training agencies of a dossier of materials and tools for education for Citizenship. The dossier focused on the themes and content of citizenship education (with a focus on the European Citizenship) and methodological paths for teachers. During a seminar, the dossier was introduced and subsequently spread to all schools (secondary schools of second degree) and training schools in the province of Turin with the possibility of tutoring interventions where necessary. Total students of secondary schools in the province of Turin: 85,769 of which 7,753 students (around 9%).

10 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 11 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Education cooperation and international solidarity. The Millennium Development Goals.

SECTOR12: 11 Education

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)13

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Secondary schools of province of Turin

€ 44.000 Lead manager Piedmont Region

€ 20.000 School years 2009 to 2012

Objectives and results of the action The project involves the development of specific training courses and awareness raising, through the arrangement of teaching materials and training modules dedicated to students and teachers of high schools in the province of Turin. The main objective is the education cooperation and international solidarity. In this context, since the school year 2005/2006, in collaboration with the Piedmont Consortium of NGOs, have been proposed specific courses dedicated to the Millennium Development Goals, in the last three school years from 2009/10 to 2011/12, requested from 118 classes in high school for a total of 2,600 students.

12 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 13 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Initiatives to raise awareness on peace, cooperation and international solidarity. School exchanges

SECTOR14: 11 Education

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)15

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Secondary schools of first and second degrees of province of Turin

€ 105.328 Lead manager Piedmont Region

€ 55664 School years 2009 to 2011

Objectives and results of the action The Province of Turin for several years investing energy and resources in activities and projects to promote intercultural education of young generations. Identified an important step in trade school to orient and raise awareness schools to themes of cooperation, international solidarity and peace. They are realized exchanges with 8 schools in school year 2010/11 and 11 schools in school year 2009/2010.

14 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 15 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Kotonga Mboka II, reconstruction of a country

SECTOR16: 11 Education

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)17

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Kinshasa € 26.500 Lead manager Piedmont Region € 15.432 01/10/2011 to 31/07/2012 Objectives and results of the action Kotonga Mboka II is the continuation and implementation of project activities of the previous Kotonga Mboka. Objectives: • to contribute to the economic recovery plan and the development of production systems of DRC, by providing the “Institut National pour la Préparation Professionnelle” (INPP) in Kinshasa, tools and skills; • to train the trainers of the Institute, who can be able to widen the range of courses in the future and avaible to the entire DRC that will have human resourses trained and qualified, in particular in the jobs involved in reconstruction of the country; • to increase the teachers’ training of the INPP of Kinshasa, by providing more skills and technical tools, for an efficient management of the Institute, through the construction of a computer network and data management server. Results: • created plumbing laboratory in according to the executive plan of the previous project Kotonga Mboka and adopted new tools; • teachers of the plumbing laboratory trained on the new materials, equipment and instruments; • created data IT network, made a web portal and management server; • created a Steering Committee composed of the representatives Italian and Congolese partners for the exchange of good practices, the respect of deadlines and the monitoring the expected results.

16 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 17 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Kotonga Mboka, reconstruction of a country

SECTOR18: 11 Education

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)19

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Kinshasa € 33.500 Lead manager Piedmont Region € 25.000 01/09/2010 to 30/09/2011 Objectives and results of the action Objective: • to contributes to the economic recovery plan and the development of production systems, by providing the “Institut National pour la Préparation Professionnelle” (INPP) in Kinshasa, tools and skills; • to train the trainers of the Institute, who can be able to widen the range of courses in the future and thereafter avaible to the entire DRC, that will have human resourses trained and qualified, in particular in the jobs involved in reconstruction of the country and in the renewable energies. Results: • created an executive plan for the creation of a plumbing laboratory and new tools; • created a IT laboratory (CAD) for the planning and the technical design. The laboratory has 10 pc with CAD’s program. • created a laboratory equipped with photovoltaic kits; • trained INPP’s trainers for the acquisition of skills necessary for teaching in new fields (CAD, plumbing, renewable energies); • exchange of good practices beetwen the Italian partners and Congolese partner.

18 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 19 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State.

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Project title: Triangular cooperation (Italy-Senegal-Niger) to develop the capacity of local authorities in the management of own resources

SECTOR20: 15150 Strengthening Civil Society

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)21

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Louga (Senegal) and Niamey (Niger)

€ 1.100.000 Lead manager UE (EuropeAid) € 825.600 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2013

Objectives and results of the action Objectives: • to strength the local institutions and the development of the local authorities capacity of Niamey (Niger) and Louga (Senegal), to ensure people's access to basic services, including the activation of support tools to local taxation. Results: • the activation of a South-South Observatory on the tools and support for cooperation projects in local fiscal policies; the activity to support the development of exchanges, studies and analysis of local fiscal policies among local stakeholders of the two countries of the Sahel. Specific attention is dedicated to the topic of land taxes and the integration of the informal economy to increase tax revenues. • the training of 11 civil servants (5 of Louga and 6 of Niamey) in Italy; • the production and installation of computer systems supporting the local fiscal policy of GIS (an integrated geographical information system).

20 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 21 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Partnership for urban renewal towards regional economic development

SECTOR22: 16 Other Social Infrastructure and Service

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)23

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Bint Jbeil, Chouf, Zgharta and Hermel (Lebanon), Jerash (Jordan)

€ 680.077 Lead manager UE (CIUDAD) € 544.062 01/03/2010 to 31/03/2012

Objectives and results of the action This project reinforces partnerships between local actors in the three countries and within the communities, and looks to provide support and enhance their capacity to develop strategic urban interventions aimed at strengthening their local economies. Objectives: to reinforce dialogue and active cooperation between local actors in Lebanon, Jordan and Italy; to apply good governance principles in the planning of sustainable urban development; to develop permanent tools for the partners in Jordan and Lebanon for developing urban renewal interventions designed to stimulate the economy; Results: A sustainable operational structure capable of leading the planned actions Identification of urban renewal pilot projects for each beneficiary area Technical implementation plans and feasibility studies for each pilot project Local contracts to consolidate the capacities of partners responsible for project implementation Assessment of the project’s actions and effective agreements to assure their sustainability The populations of the urban areas impacted by the project activities were the final beneficiaries.

22 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 23 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: LOCALNetcoop

SECTOR24: 99820 Promotion of Development Awareness

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)25

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Italy, France, Spain

172.439,26 Partner UE (EuropeAid) 122.439,26 01/01/2010 to 31/01/2012

Objectives and results of the action Objectives: to develop and make available to all members of Arco Latino and other networks of local authorities, a common model of cooperation and development education, integrating the EU guidelines and best practices existing in the cooperation decentralized in the Mediterranean area, as well as specific skills of local authorities and civil society. to promote also the participation of other European and international networks of local authorities and NGOs interested in the development and strengthening of this model of cooperation and development education. Results: • created a platform for training and technical assistance on the concepts and tools for decentralized cooperation in the Mediterranean area for the public members of the Latin Arc; • developed a census, throught an interactive map, of major projects, agreements and networks of decentralized cooperation in the Mediterranean area by the members of the Latin Arc; • made a collection and analysis of information, practical and open spaces for reflection and learning, for the capitalization of knowledge and experience beetwen the local Authority, the Arco Latino’s members, other networks associated with the initiative in the Mediterranean. Lead Partner: Arco Latino’s contries.

24 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 25 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Enfrentamento á violência contra as mulheres

SECTOR26: 15162 Human Rights

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)27

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Turin, Brazil € 957.635 Lead manager UE (EuropeAid) € 717.000 01/12/2008 to 30/06/2012 Objectives and results of the action Objectives: • to consolidate the network and actions of decentralized cooperation within the Italian and Latin American institutions and local government on women’s rights, with the goal of strengthening initiatives for combating violence against women. Results: • carried out a study of good practice in combating violence in Italy, Brazil and Uruguay and Argentina • created a definition of a shared methodology of good practice for reduction of violence against women • studied a definition of local public policies, in the nine Latin American municipalities, for combating violence against women and definition of Specific programs • trained 20 civil servants at ILO (International Labour Organization) in Turin and at a training centre in Brazil implemented pilot projects in the municipalities in Brazil:

- trained on gender relations to 200 women in a situation of domestic violence in the municipality of Araraquara; - supported of the empowerment of 100 women service users, in a situation of gender and domestic violence in the municipality of Recife; - implemented of the Centre for Reference and Support for women victims of violence, in the municipality of Barra do Garças; - integrated actions for development of the project “Oficinas habitus” in the schools and in the municipality of Contagem; - trained and supported for professional placement of 160 women in the municipality of Santos; - carried out a Labour Law Programme for 140 women in the outlying areas of the municipality of Belo Horizonte.

26 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 27 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: SeeNet

SECTOR: 43050 Rural Development

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Bosnia Erzegovina

€ 946.731 Partner MAE - Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

€ 586.731 01/01/2010 to 31/01/2013

Objectives and results of the action SeeNet is a network of local authorities from Italy and South Eastern Europe that collaborate in a three-year Programme of decentralised cooperation in order to strengthen the governance skills of involved territories and promote sustainable local development. SeeNet is based on the joint work and the sharing of goals and intervention strategies. According to a logic of reciprocity, it promotes an equal relationship among partners oriented to the sharing of knowledge and practices and represents a chance of growth for all territories involved. In particular, the Province of Turin worked on a single action like lead manager: “development of farm holiday centres in the mountain areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Objectives: to increase competences and skills of local administrators and technicians in the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of sustainable and integrated projects for the enhancement of local resources, encouraging participation and commitment of local actors in the development processes, creating new products and services and, therefore, new employment perspectives and economic fallouts, to encourage the relationships between private and public actors, developing alliances and partnerships between partner municipalities and with cantonal and national institutions. Results: interventions for the development of cultural and open air activities (such as farm holiday centres, environmental and cultural tourism complexes, bike and ski tracks) have been performed, and the resulting good practices have been spread; developed competitive farm production; provided technical assistance aimed at the definition of efficient management systems; spread innovative experiences of environmental and sustainable tourism; strengthened local governance skills; established new alliances and partnerships between partner municipalities; strengthened the Leader methodology has been applied, as well as participation and involvement of different actors in local development processes; strengthened the relations with cantonal and national administrative levels of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lead partner: Tuscany Region.

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Project title: YESME, Young Employment System for Mobility in Europe

SECTOR28: 43081 Multisector education/training

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)29

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Turin, Le Puy en Velay

€ 316.777 Partner UE, Progress Program € 316.777 01/042011 to 01/04/2013

Objectives and results of the action Objectives: to contribute towards the definition of innovative instruments and intervention programs supporting labour mobility among young people with a high risk of occupational exclusion; Expected results: increasing competitiveness of the target population on the job market through a programme of structuring and strengthening of: - personal skills; - transversal skills; encouraging, through the development of personal and transversal skills, the willingness and capacity of the target group to apply for courses to improve those technical skills required by the local job market; promoting the effectiveness of innovative tools addressed to increase target group’s ability to enter into the labour market by the definition and experimentation of modular process able to be adapted on personal basis; promoting the construction of a network of stakeholders, at local and European countries, involved in the training and employment system for the purpose of strengthening links between them and, in particular, between the business world, the education and training sector and local employment services; contributing towards defining policies and programmes for active inclusion of the target group in order to reduce the risk of social marginalization and the consequent effects on the local system as a whole; strengthening the effectiveness of Public Employment Services aimed at the target population in terms of instruments, communications methods and the organization of services. Lead partner: Confcooperative

28 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 29 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: OSDDT – Land occupation and sustainable development of the southern Mediterranean

SECTOR30: 41 General Environment Protection

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)31

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Turin, Malta, Creta, Murcia Region, Herauet.

€ 1.354.771 Lead manager European Regional Development Fund -ERDF

€ 1.028.662 01/06/2010 to 31/05/2013

Objectives and results of the action Objectives: • to promote a coherent framework of governance based on spatial planning and management practices able to carry a sustainable development; • to raise the awareness of the local actors on the significant increase of soil degradation processes over recent decades in the Mediterranean area and on their negative consequences on sustainability and long term competitiveness in Europe; • to adopt technical and operational tools based reducing soil consumption . Expected results: • to raise awareness among local agents of the adverse consequences for sustainable development of current land use and consumption models; • to encourage local agents to adopt technical and operational tools that support economic development affected by land use; • to encourage four local informative/training seminars on the network of indicators for the best use of land (the aims of the projects) the obstacles and operative instruments.

30 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 31 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Peef - Pole of excellence: education and training

SECTOR32: 11 Education

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)33

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Italy, France € 9.477.962 Partner European Regional Development Fund ERDF

€ 6.312.181 27/08/2009 to 25/08/2012

Objectives and results of the action Objectives: • the promotion of inclusion and mobility of cross-border citizens through the improvement of education, training and employment systems; • exchange activities for school staff and young people (pupils, apprentices and people in training); • experimentation of common bilingual courses of study and pedagogic projects; • contribute to building a European identity and citizenship among young people; • develop knowledge of the language through activities ranging from the study of the language, art, history, theater, films, from journalism to the memory; Results: • increased the student mobility and exchanges between schools; • tested of bilingual courses with a European dimension (the binational degree Esabac); • encouraged cross-border mobility for apprentices and young people in vocational training; • the discovery of cross-border jobs (to present young people with the opportunities offered by cross-border area in terms of jobs and employment); • exchanged of best practices on how to fight school dropout. Twenty-five partners participating in the project among local authorities and educational institutions, Italian and French; lead partner Piedmont Region.

32 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 33 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State. EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Project title: Prov_Integra

SECTOR34: 15 Government and Civil Society

Location of the action

Cost of the action (EUR)

Lead manager or partner

Donors to the action (name)35

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

15 italian provinces

€ 3.000.000 Partner Italian Ministry of Interior

3.000.000 03/11/2009 to 28/02/2011

Objectives and results of the action Objectives: • to create inter-regional cooperation and inter-institutional aimed at promote the entry in the social and work life of citizens from third countries; • to improve the governance in the planning and management policies for the integration of immigrants: how to produce effective interactions and integrations at local level between the provinces, as well as inter-institutional level between provinces, regions and the national system; • to strength the capacity of Provinces in promoting and improving the employability and recognition of skills of migrant workers as well as the consolidation of the role of services offered by the CPI (Employment Centers), in particular experimenting training for migrant workers, for a better cohesion between production and business needs and expectations of workers. Results: • created a web portal, like guarantee for the continuity in time of the project, container of services and best practices, it’s open to future developments, easily accessible, offering advanced services for the inclusion, civic and professional of the immigrants, and content organized by thematic based on the nationality of the user. • 14 training courses, with certificate of participation, were started in the respective provinces, declined on several editions for different levels of language, with 1800 hours of training and 1000 immigrants involved; • language training, civic orientation, career guidance and vocational training. • implementation of the Video CV by immigrant workers beneficiaries and the creation of a database on the portal The partnership is composed by 15 italian provinces; lead partner Province of La Spezia.

34 See the standard list of sectors in PADOR or in the PADOR offline form. 35 If the Donor is the European Commission or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU Member State.

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EuropeAid ID number36 IT-2008-DLG-2901707591

Name of the organisation:



Information requested under this point need only be given in cases where there have been modifications or additions as compared to the information given in the Concept Note Form. Applicant's contact details for the purpose of this action:

Postal address:

Telephone number: Country code + city code + number

Mobile: Country code + number

Fax number: Country code + city code + number

Contact person for this action :

Contact person’s e-mail address :

E-mail address of the Organisation

Website of the organisation:

Any change in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and in particular e-mail, must be notified in writing to the European Commission. The European Commission will not be held responsible in case it cannot contact an applicant.

36 This number is allocated to LA or ALA which registers its data in PADOR. For more information and to register,

please visit

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This form must be completed for each partner organisation within the meaning of section 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants. You must make as many copies of this sheet as necessary to create entries for more partners. Partner 1

EuropeAid ID number RO-2012-BUH-1805813845

Full legal name Municipality of BACAU

Nationality Romanian

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role played in the implementation of the proposed action

The Municipality of Bacau, has experience on Europeen Teritorial cooperation Programs such as Urbact II on project BHC – Building Healthy Communities, project led by City of Torino and had a partnership of 10 cities from seven Member States of the European Union, cities working together in order to harness the knowledge and practices concerning urban factors influencing health and the quality of life. Bacau is also involved through Local development Agency of Bacau on South East Europe Programme, project: Achieving SUSTainability through an integrated approach to the management of CULTural heritage (SUSCULT), as partener. The Project is financed by SEE East Europe Programme and has a total value of 1.760.212 euros, of which 59.144 euros are used by LDA, as partner in this project, for the implementation of certain activities. Partners: Italy, Greece, Romania (The National Heritage Institute, Local Development Agency Bacău). Slovenia, Albania. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia). One of the most important projects implemented by the Municipality of Bacau in the educational sector is represented by the Scholarships for excellence which are granted during an Education Gala event organized each quarter by Bacau City Hall. These scholarships are granted to the students with the best results in order to foster education within the Municipality of Bacau.

Through The European Social Fund, the Municipality of Bacau has implementated a project named The Local Development Strategy. One of the objectives of the strategy was to establish the right public policyes for the Municipality of Bacau, but this was before the

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economic and financial crisis

History of cooperation with the applicant Turin and Bacau signed a partnership agreement in 2007 in order to improve public services for their respective citizens, to exchange “best practices” about social integration and creation of job opportunities for young people, to stimulate new relationships between their schools and local CSOs, underlining above all the important and increasing presence in Turin of people from Bacau. Furthermore, since 2007, Bacau Municipality is a member of the QeC-ERAN (Association of Regeneration of Areas or Neighbourhoods in Crisis), now LUDEN (, which is one of the oldest and most recognized networks on urban regeneration, also focused on the young generation problems, and unemployment, in particular (see the recent meeting organised within the Open Days 2011, in Brussels entitled “The Jilted generation?”). The Municipality of Bacau was partener in project BHC – Building Healthy Communities, project led by City of Torino and had a partnership of 10 cities from seven Member States of the European Union, cities working together in order to harness the knowledge and practices concerning urban factors influencing health and the quality of life. Finally, Bacau Municipality since 2006 and within Law no. 350/2005 is promoting many activities for local community and young people, by awarding grants for non-profit activities of general interest through an Annual Grants Progam which has a distinct field about Youth and Education 37 .

Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership

statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.

37 Some of the past and pertinent financed projects: Development of educational and vocational guidance services for young people in Bacau, Stimulation and development of entrepreneurship among young people in Bacau (2006), I am young, you are responsible (2008), European Youth Exchange – Closer to Europe (2009), Communication, a non violent way to fight (2010), You at school – projects to reduce school abandonment (2011).

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Partner 2

EuropeAid ID number MT-2009-FIO-1002160524

Full legal name Municipality of Valletta

Nationality Maltese

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role played in the implementation of the proposed action



Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership

statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.

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Partner 3


Full legal name Municipality of Victoria (Rabat)

Nationality Maltese

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role played in the implementation of the proposed action



Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership

statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.

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Partner 4

EuropeAid ID number IT-2008-CRS-0802765795

Full legal name Comune di Torino

Nationality Italian

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role played in the implementation of the proposed action


History of cooperation with the applicant THIS PART MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE COMUNE DI TORINO

Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership

statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.

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Partner 5


Full legal name Comune di Nichelino

Nationality Italian

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role played in the implementation of the proposed action


History of cooperation with the applicant THIS PART MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE COMUNE DI NICHELINO

Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership

statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.

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Partner 6

EuropeAid ID number IT-2008-BBB-1102779920

Full legal name Consorzio delle Ong Piemontesi (COP)

Nationality Italian

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role played in the implementation of the proposed action

30 Ngos associated, based in the Piedmont Region. Site Web: 1. Partnership within the European project entitled

"From the Alps to the Sahel!” (DCI-NSAED/2008/153-577) that created a cross-border network of schools, parks, cities, NGOs and associations of Piedmont and Rhône-Alpes Regions for a school education that integrates the Environmental Education and Sustainable Development with the dimension of International Solidarity (EE-SD-IS), especially with the Sub-Saharan Africa. Leader: Piedmont Region Partners: Rhône-Alpes Region, RESACOOP, COP Period of implementation: February 2009 - December 2011 Total Project Cost: € 1.007.341 EC co-financing: € 749.980 (74.45%) Amount managed by COP: € 261.990 Tasks performed by COP in Piedmont: • Participation in the International Steering Committee

of the project, organization in Italy and France of meetings and organization of International Fora, involving about 50 local authorities, seven regional parks, 150 schools, 50 associations and the media system for dissemination of results.

• Conducting a study of diagnosis-research about the actors and good practices at regional level active on Environmental, Sustainable Development and International Solidarity Education

• Development of quality indicators of (EE-SD-IS) • Preparation of a publication, 20 videos, a teaching kit

and collaboration in the development of an interactive website in two languages on the DD-EE-SI

• Organization of a training programs for 600 teachers and specialist staff (parks / cities / organizations) responsible for DEAR activities and International Cooperation in Piedmont

• Organization of 5 Workshop in the Piedmont Region • Experimentation, with 10 NGOs members of COP, of

teaching activities in 85 schools located in parks and cities, engaged in decentralized cooperation projects in Burkina Faso and Senegal, and focused on the MDGs 7 and 2.

This project was described in the latest "Development Education and Awareness Raising in Europe (DEAR)" study, and it has been selected for presentation in the site CiSocH as a good practice of DEAR projects funded by the EU.

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2. Partnership within the European project entitled "The regional territorial approach: an optimal space for the implementation of the principles of aid effectiveness" (DCI-NSAPVD /2010/265) which aims to strengthen interistitutional and multi-level frameworks between LAs and civil society in Burkina Faso and Senegal, and to strengthen the capacities of six African regions for the implementation of the principles of aid effectiveness through decentralized cooperation between France, Italy and West Africa. Leader: Tuscany Region Partners: Piedmont Region, Rhone-Alpes Region, COP, NGOs CISV, LVIA, OXFAM Italy, 4 regions in Burkina Faso, two regions in Senegal. Period of implementation: April 2011 - September 2013 Total Project Cost: € 1.360.768 EC co-financing: € 983.368 (72.27%) Amount managed by COP: € 32.100 Tasks performed by COP in Piedmont: • Coordination of activities in Europe and animation of

the partnerships between local authorities of Piedmont, African regions and NGOs members of COP on the field, Burkina Faso and Senegal

• Establishment of regional working groups and consultative frameworks

• Completion of training sessions and "study tours" to strengthen the capacities of the regions in policy dialogue

• Support to pilot activities of local development • Support for the establishment of a laboratory and a

capitalization-cell for the exchange of information between local development actors.

In general, two sub-projects mentioned are based on the work that COP is doing in Piedmont since 2004, supporting the Piedmont regional systems of decentralized cooperation, especially in West Africa. 3. 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010:

7 annual projects realised to support Local authorities and regional parks involved in the decentralized cooperation program promoted by the Piedmont Region entitled "Programme for Food Security and fight against poverty in the Sahel and West Africa"(for information: . Total Value of 7 projects: € 835.000 COP and its co-financing NGOs: € 126.000 (15%) Activities of the COP: • Technical assistance to about 60 cities involved in

decentralized cooperation projects co-financed by the Regione Piemonte and realised with many partners counterparts in West Africa (8 countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Cape Verde, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, Benin)

• Technical assistance to seven regional parks involved in decentralized cooperation projects co-financed by the Regione Piemonte and made with as many partners counterparts in West Africa

• Implementation of DEAR activities for about 50 primary schools in the Piedmont Region

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• Production of educational materials (videos, publications, educational kits for children, ...)

See 4. Years 2011-2013

Collaboration with the University of Turin for the realization of the initiative UNICOO "Turin University for International Cooperation", a project of € 700.000 by which the University promotes international mobility of its students for the purposes of training and research in cooperation schemes implemented by NGOs, COP and other actors of the Piedmont Region. The COP, with the Piedmont Region and the CoCoPa Coordination of Municipalities for Peace, participates to the Project Steering Committee and works for: • engaging university students and their associations in

international cooperation; • develop and share skills, knowledge and experiences

for students • select and offer international mobility projects.

5. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012

Organization of the event "Piemonte chiama Mondo" (Piedmont calling the World) which is entirely dedicated to international cooperation and development education during a month (May) through the organization of approximately 50 conferences and seminars in several cities of the Piedmont Region with a common and shared communication system (see the site

6. Years 2005-2012:

Collaboration with the University of Turin and the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) in Turin for the development of the Master "Management of Development"

7. Years 2006-2012:

7 DEAR projects for about 50 High Schools on the themes of the Millennium for Development in collaboration with the Educational Services Centre of the Province of Turin

History of cooperation with the applicant

First of all, COP and the Province of Turin (but also the City of Turin, he City of Nichelino and the CoCoPa, the Coordination of 35 Municipalities for Peace of the Province of Turin) collaborate among them and with the Piedmont Region since 2004 (the official constitution of COP, which existed since 1997) within the "Programme for Food Security and fight against poverty in the Sahel and West Africa Region" Several projects have been realised in strict collaboration between COP, the Province of Turin and the several Ngos members of COP and operative in West Africa. Furthermore, since 2006 COP has established a strict collaboration with the Educational Services Centre of the Province of Turin for the implementation of DEAR activities with 50 High Schools of the Province of turin about MDGs

Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership

statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.

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Partner 7

EuropeAid ID number MT-2008-GJR-1202792212

Full legal name KOPIN (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali)

Nationality Maltese

Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role played in the implementation of the proposed action


History of cooperation with the applicant THIS PART MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE KOPIN

Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership

statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.

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PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the European Commission. To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the European Commission requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.

1. All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the European Commission.

2. All partners must have read the standard grant contract and understood what their respective

obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the European Commission and represent them in all dealings with the European Commission in the context of the action's implementation.

3. The applicant must consult with his partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the

progress of the action.

4. All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the European Commission.

5. Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be

agreed by the partners before being submitted to the European Commission. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the European Commission.

6. Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is

implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.

I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the European Commission. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.


Organisation: Municipality of Valletta




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PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the European Commission. To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the European Commission requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.

7. All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the European Commission.

8. All partners must have read the standard grant contract and understood what their respective

obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the European Commission and represent them in all dealings with the European Commission in the context of the action's implementation.

9. The applicant must consult with his partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the

progress of the action.

10. All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the European Commission.

11. Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be

agreed by the partners before being submitted to the European Commission. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the European Commission.

12. Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is

implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.

I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the European Commission. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.


Organisation: Municipality of Victoria (Rabat)




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PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the European Commission. To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the European Commission requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.

13. All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the European Commission.

14. All partners must have read the standard grant contract and understood what their respective

obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the European Commission and represent them in all dealings with the European Commission in the context of the action's implementation.

15. The applicant must consult with his partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the

progress of the action.

16. All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the European Commission.

17. Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be

agreed by the partners before being submitted to the European Commission. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the European Commission.

18. Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is

implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.

I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the European Commission. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.


Organisation: Comune di Torino




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EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the European Commission. To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the European Commission requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.

19. All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the European Commission.

20. All partners must have read the standard grant contract and understood what their respective

obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the European Commission and represent them in all dealings with the European Commission in the context of the action's implementation.

21. The applicant must consult with his partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the

progress of the action.

22. All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the European Commission.

23. Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be

agreed by the partners before being submitted to the European Commission. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the European Commission.

24. Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is

implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.

I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the European Commission. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.


Organisation: Comune di Nichelino




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EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the European Commission. To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the European Commission requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.

25. All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the European Commission.

26. All partners must have read the standard grant contract and understood what their respective

obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the European Commission and represent them in all dealings with the European Commission in the context of the action's implementation.

27. The applicant must consult with his partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the

progress of the action.

28. All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the European Commission.

29. Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be

agreed by the partners before being submitted to the European Commission. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the European Commission.

30. Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is

implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.

I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the European Commission. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.


Organisation: KOPIN (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali)




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EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


V. ASSOCIATES OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION This section must be completed for each associated organisation within the meaning of section 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for more associates.

Associate 1

Full legal name

EuropeAid ID number:38


Legal status40

Official address

Contact person

Telephone number: country code + city code + number

Fax number: country code + city code + number

E-mail address

Number of employees

Other relevant resources

Experience of similar actions, in relation to role in the implementation of the proposed action

History of cooperation with the applicant

38 If existing. Associates do not need to register in PADOR. 39 The statutes must demonstrate that the associate, Local Authority (LA), Association of Local Authorities (ALA) or Civil Society Organisation concerned was set up by an act governed by the national legislation. 40 Of the organisation associated (Local Authorities or Associations of Local Authorities or Civil Society Organisation).

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Associate 2

Full legal name

EuropeAid ID number:41


Legal status43

Official address

Contact person

Telephone number: country code + city code + number

Fax number: country code + city code + number

E-mail address

Number of employees

Other relevant resources

Experience of similar actions, in relation to role in the implementation of the proposed action

History of cooperation with the applicant

41 If existing. Associates do not need to register in PADOR. 42 The statutes must demonstrate that the associate, Local Authority (LA), Association of Local Authorities (ALA) or Civil Society Organisation concerned was set up by an act governed by the national legislation. 43 Of the organisation associated (Local Authorities or Associations of Local Authorities or Civil Society Organisation).

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Associate 3

Full legal name

EuropeAid ID number:44


Legal status46

Official address

Contact person

Telephone number: country code + city code + number

Fax number: country code + city code + number

E-mail address

Number of employees

Other relevant resources

Experience of similar actions, in relation to role in the implementation of the proposed action

History of cooperation with the applicant

44 If existing. Associates do not need to register in PADOR. 45 The statutes must demonstrate that the associate, Local Authority (LA), Association of Local Authorities (ALA) or Civil Society Organisation concerned was set up by an act governed by the national legislation. 46 Of the organisation associated (Local Authorities or Associations of Local Authorities or Civil Society Organisation).

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Associate 4

Full legal name

EuropeAid ID number:47


Legal status49

Official address

Contact person

Telephone number: country code + city code + number

Fax number: country code + city code + number

E-mail address

Number of employees

Other relevant resources

Experience of similar actions, in relation to role in the implementation of the proposed action

History of cooperation with the applicant

47 If existing. Associates do not need to register in PADOR. 48 The statutes must demonstrate that the associate, Local Authority (LA), Association of Local Authorities (ALA) or Civil Society Organisation concerned was set up by an act governed by the national legislation. 49 Of the organisation associated (Local Authorities or Associations of Local Authorities or Civil Society Organisation).

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To be filled in by the applicant

Title of the Proposal: Yes No

PART 1 (ADMINISTRATIVE) 1. The correct grant application form, published for this call for proposals, has been used. 2. The Declaration by the applicant has been filled in and has been duly signed and has been sent together with the full application form.

3. The proposal is typed and is in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. 4. Each formal partner has completed and signed a partnership statement and the statements are included. (Please indicate "Not applicable" NA if you have no partner – if allowed by the guidelines for this call).

5. The budget is presented in the format requested, is expressed in EUR and is enclosed.

6. The logical framework has been completed and is enclosed.

PART 2 (ELIGIBILITY) 7. The action will be implemented in eligible countries

8. If applying under lot 1 the duration of the action is between 24 and 60 months (the minimum and maximum allowed) and If applying under lot 2 the duration of the action is 12 and 36 months (the minimum and maximum allowed).

9. The requested contribution is equal to or higher than the minimum allowed

10. The requested contribution is equal to or lower than the maximum allowed

11. The requested contribution is equal to or less than the maximum percentage of total eligible costs allowed

12. The requested contribution is equal or less than 90% of the estimated total accepted costs if the main applicant has the nationality of a partner country and 75% of the estimated total accepted costs if the main applicant has the nationality of an EU Member State.

13. The EU contribution requested does not vary by more than 20% from the estimation presented in the corresponding Concept Note or a justification has been provided under section II.2 of the Full Application Form.

14. The partner(s) is/are registered in PADOR and all supporting documents have been uploaded, OR the partner(s) is/are submitting herewith the PADOR off-line form along with all supporting documents.

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VII. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT The applicant, represented by the undersigned being the authorised signatory of the applicant, and, in the context of the present call for proposals, representing any partners (if any) in the proposed action, hereby declares that it has the sources of financing and professional competence and qualifications specified in section 2 of the Guidelines for Applicants; it undertakes to comply with the obligations foreseen in the partnership statement of the grant application form and with the principles of good partnership practice; it is directly responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the action with its partners and is not acting as an intermediary; it and its partners are not in any of the situations excluding them from participating in contracts which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions (available from the following Internet address: Furthermore, it recognizes and accepts that if it participates in spite of being in any of these situations; it may be excluded from other procedures in accordance with section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide; the applicant and each partner (if any) have submitted the supporting documents as stipulated under section 2.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants; it and each partner are eligible in accordance with the criteria set out under sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants; if recommended to be awarded a grant, it accepts the contractual conditions as laid down in the Standard Contract annexed to the Guidelines for Applicants (annex F); it and its partners are aware that, for the purposes of safeguarding the financial interests of the European Union, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, to the European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to the European Anti-Fraud Office. The following grant applications have been submitted (or are about to be submitted) to the European Institutions, the European Development Fund and the EU Member States in the last 12 months.

• <list only actions in the same field as this proposal> The applicant is fully aware of the obligation to inform without delay the European Commission if the same application for funding made to other European Commission departments or other EU institutions has been approved by them after the submission of this grant application. If any elements included in the concept note has had to be modified in the full application form please specify and justify below :

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The applicant declares that the information provided in the Grant Application form and in this Declaration is correct and does not vary (except for the possible changes specified above) from the one given in the Concept Note form in the first phase of this Call. It understands that any change between the Concept Note and the Full Application not brought to the attention of the European Commission may lead to the rejection of the proposal. Signed on behalf of the applicant Name


Position Date

EuropeAid/131143/C/ACT/Multi – Annex A – Grant application form


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Costs Unit # of units Unit rate (in EUR)

Costs(in EUR)

Unit # of units Unit rate (in EUR)

Costs(in EUR)

Prov Turin financing UE

Prov Turin cofinancing Munic.Turin financing UE

Munic. Turin cofinancing

Munic.Nichelino financing UE

Munic. Nichelino cofinancing

COP Munic. Bacau financing UE

Munic. Bacau cofinancing

Munic. Valletta financing UE

Munic. Valletta cofinancing

Munic. Rabat financing UE

Munic. Rabat cofinancing


1. Human Resources1.1 Salaries (gross salaries including social security charges and otherrelated costs, local staff)4

1.1.1 TechnicalProject Manager, Province of Turin (24 months, part time 50% Per month 12 4.000 48.000 Per month 6 4.000 24.000 48.000 Civil Servant of the City of Turin (24 months part time 17% Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 12.000 Civil Servant of the City of Nichelino (24 months part time 17% Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 12.000 Technical assistant COP (24 months, part time 42% Per month 10 3.600 36.000 Per month 5 3.600 18.000 36.000 Project coordinator of the City of Bacau (24 months full time Per month 24 1.000 24.000 Per month 12 1.000 12.000 24.000 Project coordinator of the City of Valletta (24 months 50% part time Per month 12 1.600 19.200 Per month 6 1.600 9.600 19.200 Project coordinator of the City of Rabat-Victoria (24 months 50% part time Per month 12 1.600 19.200 Per month 6 1.600 9.600 19.200 Technical assistant KOPIN (24 months, part time 50% Per month 12 2.000 24.000 Per month 6 2.000 12.000 24.000 1.1.2 Administrative / support staff

Civil Servant of the Province of Turin for administration (24 months, part time 33%) Per month 8 3.000 24.000 Per month 4 3.000 12.000 24.000 Civil Servant of the City of Turin for administration (24 months, part time 17% Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 12.000

Civil Servant of the city of Nichelino for administration (24 months, part time 17%) Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 12.000 Administrative staff COP (24 months, part time 17% Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 12.000

Civil Servant (financial advisor) of the City of Bacau (24 months, part time 25%) Per month 6 400 2.400 Per month 3 400 1.200 2.400 Civil Servant (administration) of the City of Bacau (24 months, part time 50% Per month 12 400 4.800 Per month 6 400 2.400 4.800 Civil Servant (communication officer) of the City of Bacau (24 months, part tim50%) Per month 12 400 4.800 Per month 6 400 2.400 4.800

Civil Servant (administration) of the City of Valletta (24 months, part time 25%) Per month 6 2.000 12.000 Per month 3 2.000 6.000 12.000 Civil Servant (administration) of the City of Rabat-Victoria (24 months, part tim25%) Per month 6 2.000 12.000 Per month 3 2.000 6.000 12.000 Administrative staff KOPIN (24 months, part time 25% Per month 6 2.000 12.000 Per month 3 2.000 6.000 12.000 1.2 Salaries (gross salaries including social securitycharges and other related costs, expat/int. staff)1.3 Per diems for missions/travel5

1.3.1 Abroad (staff assigned to the Action)DG DEVCO Seminar: 1 person of the project staff (Province of Turin) 2 times inBruxelles, 3 days each Per diem 6 150 900 Per diem 3 150 450 900 1.3.2 Local (staff assigned to the Action) 1.3.3 Seminar/conference participantsSubtotal Human Resources 303.300 151.650 900 72.000 - 24.000 - 24.000 48.000 24.000 12.000 19.200 12.000 19.200 12.000 36.000 2. Travel62.1. International travelDG DEVCO Seminar: 1 person of the project staff (Province of Turin) 2 times inBruxelles, 3 days each Per flight 2 300 600 Per flight 1 300 300 600 Participation of Valletta, Rabat and Kopin (2 personrs each) to 5 InternationSteering Committees (+ seminar and Final Forum) in Turin (and Nichelino) Per flight 30 300 9.000 Per flight 12 300 3.600 3.000 3.000 3.000 Participation of Bacau (2 personrs) to 5 International Steering Committees (seminar and Final Forum) in Turin (and Nichelino) Per flight 10 300 3.000 Per flight 4 300 1.200 3.000 Participation of Province of Turin, City of Turin and Nichelino and COP (2 personreach) to 1 International Steering Committees (+ seminar) in Bacau Per flight 8 300 2.400 Per flight 8 300 2.400 600 600 600 600 Participation of Valletta, Rabat and Kopin (2 personrs each) to 1 InternationSteering Committees (+ seminar) in Bacau Per flight 6 300 1.800 Per flight 6 300 1.800 600 600 600 Participation of Province of Turin, City of Turin and Nichelino and COP (2 personreach) to 1 International Steering Committees (+ seminar) in Valletta Per flight 8 300 2.400 600 600 600 600 Participation of Bacau (2 personrs) to 1 International Steering Committee (seminar) in Valletta Per flight 2 300 600 600 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 10 students from Baca Per flight 10 300 3.000 3.000 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 6 students from Vallett Per flight 6 300 1.800 1.800 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 6 students from Raba Per flight 6 300 1.800 1.800 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 10 students from Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, RDCEthiopia, Kenya) Per flight 10 1.000 10.000 10.000 2.2 Local transportation Transportation costs for KOPIN to meet the school Per km 4000 0,30 1.200 Per km 2000 0,30 600 1.200 Transportation costs for COP to meet the school Per km 2000 0,30 600 Per km 1000 0,30 300 600

Subtotal Travel 38.200 10.200 1.800 - 1.200 - 1.200 - 12.400 6.600 - 5.400 - 5.400 - 4.200 3. Equipment and supplies7

3.1 Purchase or rent of vehicles3.2 Furniture, computer equipment4 Webcam + software for teleconferences (Municipalities of Bacau, Valletta anRabat and KOPIN) Per kit 4 300 1.200 Per kit 4 300 1.200 300 300 300 300 2 video projectors (KOPIN in Malta and City of Bacau Per unit 2 400 800 Per unit 2 400 800 400 400 2 cameras (KOPIN in Malta and City of Bacau Per unit 2 400 800 Per unit 2 400 800 400 400 3 lab-tops (KOPIN, COP and the City of Bacau Per unit 3 800 2.400 Per unit 3 800 2.400 800 800 800 4 audio-visual Kits for the production of Videos (PC + videocamera+software), to btransferred to 6 High Schools in Malta Per kit 4 800 3.200 Per kit 4 800 3.200 3.200 4 audio-visual Kits for the production of Videos (PC + videocamera+software), to btransferred to 6 High Schools in Bacau Per kit 4 800 3.200 Per kit 4 800 3.200 3.200 4 audio-visual Kits for the production of Videos in Africa (PC + videocamera+software), to be transferred to 6 African High Schools (Burkina Faso, RDC and Kenya or Ethiopia) Per kit 4 800 3.200 Per kit 4 800 3.200 3.200 3.3 Machines, tools…3.4 Spare parts/equipment for machines, tools3.5 Other (please specify)Subtotal Equipment and supplies 14.800 14.800 - - - - - - 4.000 5.100 - 300 - 300 - 5.100 4. Local office4.1 Vehicle costs4.2 Office rent4.3 Consumables - office supplies4.4 Other services (tel/fax, electricity/heating, maintenanceCosts tel and telephone cards (KOPIN Per month 24 30 720 Per month 12 30 360 720 Costs tel and telephone cards (COP Per month 24 30 720 Per month 12 30 360 720 Subtotal Local office 1.440 720 - - - - - - 720 - - - - - - 720 5. Other costs, services8

5.1 Publications9

5.2 Studies, research9

5.3 Expenditure verification1 final financial audit (Province of Turin Per contract 1 6.000 6.000 6.000 5.4 Evaluation costs1 External Evaluation Per contract 1 4.000 4.000 4.000 5.5 Translation, interpreters5 International Steering Committee in Turin (Province of Turin): interpreters italiaenglish (without cabines) Per day 10 700 7.000 Per day 4 700 2.800 7.000 1 International Steering Committee in Bacau: interpreters italian-english-romania(without cabines) Per day 2 700 1.400 Per day 2 700 1.400 1.400 1 International Steering Committee in Valletta: interpreters italian-english-romania(without cabines) Per day 2 700 1.400 1.400

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Costs Unit # of units Unit rate (in EUR)

Costs(in EUR)

Unit # of units Unit rate (in EUR)

Costs(in EUR)

Prov Turin financing UE

Prov Turin cofinancing Munic.Turin financing UE

Munic. Turin cofinancing

Munic.Nichelino financing UE

Munic. Nichelino cofinancing

COP Munic. Bacau financing UE

Munic. Bacau cofinancing

Munic. Valletta financing UE

Munic. Valletta cofinancing

Munic. Rabat financing UE

Munic. Rabat cofinancing


Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 2 International Seminars in Turin (100 participants x 1 day) Per day 2 2.400 4.800 Per day 1 2.400 2.400 4.800 Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 1 International Seminar in Bacau (100 participants x 1 day) Per day 1 1.600 1.600 Per day 1 1.600 1.600 1.600 Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 1 International Seminar in Valletta (100 participants x 1 day) Per day 1 1.600 1.600 1.600 Activity 1.4: Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 1 Final forum in Turin (150 participants x 2 days) Per day 2 2.400 4.800 4.800 Translation of documents (COP) Italian-English Per page 200 15 3.000 Per page 100 15 1.500 3.000 Translation of documents (Bacau) Romanian-English Per page 200 10 2.000 Per page 100 10 1.000 2.000 Translation of documents (KOPIN) Maltese-English Per page 200 10 2.000 Per page 100 10 1.000 2.000 5.6 Financial services (bank guarantee costs etc.)Costs for 3 international transfers to the 4 foreign partner Per transfer 12 50 600 Per transfer 4 50 200 600

5.7 Costs of conferences/seminars9

5.8. Visibility actions10

Activity 1.2: Construction of the Web site (English + italian, french and romaniapages) Per contract 1 5.000 5.000 Per contract 1 5.000 5.000 5.000 Activity 1.2: Sub-contract for the management of the Web site in Italy during 1months (English, Italian and French) Per month 18 500 9.000 Per month 6 500 3.000 9.000 Activity 1.2: Sub-contract for the management of the Web site in Romania during 1months (English and Romanian) Per month 18 250 4.500 Per month 6 250 1.500 4.500 Activity 1.2: Sub-contract for the management of the Web site in Italy during 1months (English and Maltese) Per month 18 250 4.500 Per month 6 250 1.500 4.500 4 roll-up for the International seminar Per unit 4 500 2.000 Per unit 2 500 1.000 1.000 500 500

Subtotal Other costs, services 65.200 23.900 31.600 600 - - - - 13.000 10.000 - 3.000 - - - 7.000 6. Other

Payment (Province of Turin) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the International Steering Committe in Turin (a total ofpeople coming from Romania and Malta 5 times: 3 days for the 2 International Steering Committees, 5 days for the 2 Seminars and1 Final forum) Per day 168 120 20.160 Per day 64 120 7.680 20.160

Payment (City of Bacau) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the International Steering Committe + Seminar in Bacau (a total of 8 people coming from Italy and 6 from Malta, 5 days of permanence) Per day 70 90 6.300 Per day 70 100 7.000 6.300

Payment (City of Valletta) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the International Steering Committe + Seminar in Valletta (a total of 8 people coming from Italy and 2 from Bacau, 5 days of permanence) Per day 50 90 4.500 4.500 Catering for 2 International Seminars in Turin (100 participants x 1 day) Per participan 200 25 5.000 Per participan 100 25 2.500 5.000 Catering for 1 International Seminar in Bacau (100 participants x 1 day) Per participan 100 15 1.500 Per participan 100 15 1.500 1.500 Catering for 1 International Seminar in Valletta (100 participants x 1 day) Per participan 100 15 1.500 1.500 Payment (Province of Turin) of Restaurant invoices related to 5 Local Steering Committess with 12 persons Per participan 60 25 1.500 Per participan 24 25 600 1.500 Payment (City of Bacau) of Restaurant invoices related to 5 Local Steering Committess with 12 persons Per participan 60 15 900 Per participan 24 25 600 900 Payment (City of Valletta) of Restaurant invoices related to 5 Local Steering Committess with 12 persons Per participan 60 15 900 Per participan 24 25 600 900 Catering for the Final Forum in Turin (150 participants x 2 day) Per participan 200 25 5.000 5.000 Payment (Province of Turin) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the delegations (32 people) coming in Turin for A2.4 and the Final Forum (5 days in Itally) Per day 160 120 19.200 19.200 Subgrants : A2.1 - Implementation of didactical modules in 40 Higher High Schools (22 in Italy, 8 in Malta et 10 in Romania). Per contract 40 2.500 100.000 Per contract 40 2.500 100.000 55.000 25.000 10.000 10.000 A2.2: Creation and animation of a multimedia discussion space (Blog) within the Project WebSite Per month 18 500 9.000 Per month 6 500 3.000 9.000 Short term collaboration of an italian expert in teaching about video-making, 10 houper 12 schools Per hour 120 60 7.200 Per hour 120 60 7.200 7.200 Short term collaboration of a Romanian expert in teaching about video-making, 16 hours per 10 schools Per hour 160 20 3.200 Per hour 160 20 3.200 3.200 Short term collaboration of a Maltese expert in teaching about video-making, 16 hours per 8 schools Per hour 128 20 2.560 Per hour 128 20 2.560 2.560 Expert in teaching about video-making: travel in West Africa 30 days (including per diem, 2 flights from europe and local transports) Per contract 1 10.000 10.000 10.000 Payment of short term intervention for external experts to speak during the International Seminars and the Final Forum Per hour 20 200 4.000 Per hour 8 200 1.600 2.400 800 800

Subtotal Other 202.420 138.040 113.060 - - - - - 21.400 37.700 - 16.900 - 10.000 - 3.360 7. Subtotal direct eligible costs of the Action (1-6) 625.360 339.310 147.360 72.600 1.200 24.000 1.200 24.000 99.520 83.400 12.000 44.800 12.000 34.900 12.000 56.380 8. Provision for contingency reserve (maximum 5% of 7, subtotal of direct eligible costs of the Action)9. Total direct eligible costs of the Action (7+ 8) 625.360 339.310 147.360 72.600 1.200 24.000 1.200 24.000 99.520 83.400 12.000 44.800 12.000 34.900 12.000 56.380

10. Administrative costs (maximum 7% of 9, total direct eligible costs of the Action) 43.775 23.752 15.397 1.764 1.764 6.966 6.678 3.976 3.283 3.947 11. Total eligible costs (9+10) 669.135 363.062 147.360 87.997 1.200 25.764 1.200 25.764 106.486 83.400 18.678 44.800 15.976 34.900 15.283 60.327

669.135 479.673 EU contibution < of 480.00 OK189.462 Cofinancing


1. The description of items must be sufficiently detailed and all items broken down into their main components. The number of units and unit rate must be specified for each component depending on the indications provided. Unit rates may, where relevant, be based on average rates. Where the applicable regulation/financing agreement does not exclude the coverage of taxes (see section 1.3 and 2.1.4 of the Guidelines for applicants) and the beneficiary can show it cannot reclaim, taxes will be eligible and should be included in each relevant heading. Taxes that can be reclaimed are not costs.

2. This section must be completed if the Action is to be implemented over a period of more than 12 months. 3. If the Contracting Authority is not the European Commission, the budget may be established in euro or in the currency of the country of the Contracting Authority. Costs and unit

rates are rounded to the nearest euro cent. 4. If staff are not working full time on the Action, the percentage should be indicated alongside the description of the item and reflected in the number of units (not the unit rate). 5. Indicate the country where the per diems are incurred and the applicable rates (which must not exceed the scales published by the E.C. at the time of contract signature ). If

information is not available, enter a global amount. Per diems cover accommodation, meals and local travel within the place of the mission and sundry expenses. 6. Costs for C02 offsetting of air travel may be included. C02 offsetting shall in that case be achieved by supporting CDM/Gold Standard projects (evidence must be included as

part of the supporting documents) or through airplane company programmes when available. Indicate the place of departure and the destination. If information is not available, enter a global amount.

7. Costs of purchase or rental. 8. Specify. Lump sums will not be accepted. 9. Only indicate here when fully subcontracted. 10. Communication and visibility activities should be properly planned and budgeted at each stage of the project implementation. 11. See Annex I for further information on taxes. Taxes that can be reclaimed should not be indicated under this heading. NB: The Beneficiary alone is responsible for the correctness of the financial information provided in these tables.

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Budget for the Action1 All Years Year 12 All YearsCosts Unit # of units Unit rate Costs Unit # of units Unit rate (in Costs Clarification of the budget items1 Justification of the estimated costs2

1. Human Resources1.1 Salaries (gross salaries including social security charges and other related costs, local staff)4

1.1.1 Technical

Project Manager, Province of Turin (24 months, part time 50%) Per month 12 4.000 48.000 Per month 6 4.000 24.000 Design, international coordination and management. 50% part

time, 20 hours per week for 24 months  According to salary standards of the Province

of Turin

Civil Servant of the City of Turin (24 months part time 17%) Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000

Support for the organisation of the activities in the City of Turin, 17% part time 7 hours

per week for 24 months

According to salary standards of the City of Turin

Civil Servant of the City of Nichelino (24 months part time 17%) Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000

Support for the organisation of the activities in the City of Nichelino, 17% part time 7

hours per week for 24 months

According to salary standards of the City of Nichelino

Technical assistant COP (24 months, part time 42%) Per month 10 3.600 36.000 Per month 5 3.600 18.000

Technical coordination of activities in the Province of Turin and support to the

international coordination, 42% part time 17h per week for 24 months

According to salary standards of COP

Project coordinator of the City of Bacau (24 months full time) Per month 24 800 19.200 Per month 12 1.000 12.000 Design, coordination and management of activites in Romania

100% full time 40 hours per week for 24 months  According to salary standards of the City of


Project coordinator of the City of Valletta (24 months 50% part time) Per month 12 1.600 19.200 Per month 6 1.600 9.600 Design, coordination and management of activites in Malta 

50% part time 20 hours per week for 24 monthsAccording to salary standards of the City of


Project coordinator of the City of Rabat-Victoria (24 months 50% part time) Per month 12 1.600 19.200 Per month 6 1.600 9.600

Design, coordination and management of activites in Malta 50% part time 20 hours per week for 24 months

According to salary standards of the City of Rabat-Victoria

Technical assistant KOPIN (24 months, part time 50%) Per month 12 2.000 24.000 Per month 6 2.000 12.000

Technical coordination of activities in the Malta and support to the international

coordination, 50% part time 20h per week for 24 months

According to salary standards of KOPIN

1.1.2 Administrative / support staffCivil Servant of the Province of Turin for administration (24 months, part time 33%) Per month 8 3.000 24.000 Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Civil Servant of the City of Turin for administration (24 months, part time 17%) Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 Civil Servant of the city of Nichelino for administration (24 months, part time 17%) Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 Administrative staff COP (24 months, part time 17%) Per month 4 3.000 12.000 Per month 2 3.000 6.000 Civil Servant (financial advisor) of the City of Bacau (24 months, part time 25%) Per month 6 400 2.400 Per month 3 400 1.200 Civil Servant (administration) of the City of Bacau (24 months, part time 50%) Per month 12 400 4.800 Per month 6 400 2.400 Civil Servant (communication officer) of the City of Bacau (24 months, part time 50%) Per month 12 400 4.800 Per month 6 400 2.400 Civil Servant (administration) of the City of Valletta (24 months, part time 25%) Per month 6 1.600 9.600 Per month 3 1.600 4.800 Civil Servant (administration) of the City of Rabat-Victoria (24 months, part time 25%) Per month 6 1.600 9.600 Per month 3 1.600 4.800 Administrative staff KOPIN (24 months, part time 25%) Per month 6 2.000 12.000 Per month 3 2.000 6.000 1.2 Salaries (gross salaries including social securitycharges and other related costs, expat/int. staff)1.3 Per diems for missions/travel5

1.3.1 Abroad (staff assigned to the Action)DG DEVCO Seminar: 1 person of the project staff (Province of Turin) 2 times in Bruxelles, 3 days each Per diem 6 200 1.200 Per diem 3 200 600 1.3.2 Local (staff assigned to the Action) 1.3.3 Seminar/conference participantsSubtotal Human Resources ######## ########2. Travel62.1. International travelDG DEVCO Seminar: 1 person of the project staff (Province of Turin) 2 times in Bruxelles, 3 days each Per flight 2 300 600 Per flight 1 300 300 Participation of Valletta, Rabat and Kopin (2 personrs each) to 5 International Steering Committees (+ seminar and Final Forum) in Turin (and Nichelino) Per flight 30 300 9.000 Per flight 12 300 3.600 Participation of Bacau (2 personrs) to 5 International Steering Committees (+ seminar and Final Forum) in Turin (and Nichelino) Per flight 10 300 3.000 Per flight 4 300 1.200 Participation of Province of Turin, City of Turin and Nichelino and COP (2 personrs each) to 1 International Steering Committees (+ seminar) in Bacau Per flight 8 300 2.400 Per flight 8 300 2.400 Participation of Valletta, Rabat and Kopin (2 personrs each) to 1 International Steering Committees (+ seminar) in Bacau Per flight 6 300 1.800 Per flight 6 300 1.800 Participation of Province of Turin, City of Turin and Nichelino and COP (2 personrs each) to 1 International Steering Committees (+ seminar) in Valletta Per flight 8 300 2.400 Participation of Bacau (2 personrs) to 1 International Steering Committee (+ seminar) in Valletta Per flight 2 300 600 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 10 students from Bacau Per flight 10 300 3.000 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 6 students from Valletta Per flight 6 300 1.800 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 6 students from Rabat Per flight 6 300 1.800 Activity 2.4: Delegation of 10 students from Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, RDC, Ethiopia, Kenya) Per flight 10 1.000 10.000

2.2 Local transportation November 2010 (UpdateMarch 2011)budget21giugno.XLS 1

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Transportation costs for KOPIN to meet the schools Per km 6000 0,30 1.800 Per km 3000 0,30 900

Transportation costs for COP to meet the schools Per km 4000 0,30 1.200 Per km 2000 0,30 600

Subtotal Travel 39.400 10.800 3. Equipment and supplies7

3.1 Purchase or rent of vehicles3.2 Furniture, computer equipment4 Webcam + software for teleconferences (Municipalities of Bacau, Valletta and Rabat and KOPIN) Per kit 4 300 1.200 Per kit 4 300 1.200 2 video projectors (KOPIN in Malta and City of Bacau) Per unit 2 400 800 Per unit 2 400 800 2 cameras (KOPIN in Malta and City of Bacau) Per unit 2 400 800 Per unit 2 400 800 3 lab-tops (KOPIN, COP and the City of Bacau) Per unit 3 800 2.400 Per unit 3 800 2.400 4 audio-visual Kits for the production of Videos (PC + videocamera+software), to be transferred to 6 High Schools in Malta Per kit 4 800 3.200 Per kit 4 800 3.200 4 audio-visual Kits for the production of Videos (PC + videocamera+software), to be transferred to 6 High Schools in Bacau Per kit 4 800 3.200 Per kit 4 800 3.200

4 audio-visual Kits for the production of Videos in Africa (PC + videocamera+software), to be transferred to 6 African High Schools (Burkina Faso, RDC and Kenya or Ethiopia) Per kit 4 800 3.200 Per kit 4 800 3.200 3.3 Machines, tools…3.4 Spare parts/equipment for machines, tools3.5 Other (please specify)Subtotal Equipment and supplies 14.800 14.800 4. Local office4.1 Vehicle costs4.2 Office rent4.3 Consumables - office supplies4.4 Other services (tel/fax, electricity/heating, maintenance)Costs tel and telephone cards (KOPIN) Per month 24 30 720 Per month 12 30 360 Costs tel and telephone cards (COP) Per month 24 30 720 Per month 12 30 360 Subtotal Local office 1.440 720 5. Other costs, services8

5.1 Publications9

5.2 Studies, research9

5.3 Expenditure verification1 final financial audit (Province of Turin) Per contract 1 8.000 8.000 5.4 Evaluation costs1 External Evaluation Per contract 1 5.000 5.000 5.5 Translation, interpreters5 International Steering Committee in Turin (Province of Turin): interpreters italian-english (without cabines) Per day 10 700 7.000 Per day 4 700 2.800 1 International Steering Committee in Bacau: interpreters italian-english-romanian (without cabines) Per day 2 700 1.400 Per day 2 700 1.400 1 International Steering Committee in Valletta: interpreters italian-english-romanian (without cabines) Per day 2 700 1.400 Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 2 International Seminars in Turin (100 participants x 1 day) Per day 2 2.400 4.800 Per day 1 2.400 2.400 Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 1 International Seminar in Bacau (100 participants x 1 day) Per day 1 1.600 1.600 Per day 1 1.600 1.600 Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 1 International Seminar in Valletta (100 participants x 1 day) Per day 1 1.600 1.600 Activity 1.4: Interpreters italian-english-romanian (with cabines) for 1 Final forum in Turin (150 participants x 2 days) Per day 2 2.400 4.800 Translation of documents (COP) Italian-English Per page 200 15 3.000 Per page 100 15 1.500 Translation of documents (Bacau) Romanian-English Per page 200 10 2.000 Per page 100 10 1.000 Translation of documents (KOPIN) Maltese-English Per page 200 10 2.000 Per page 100 10 1.000 5.6 Financial services (bank guarantee costs etc.)Costs for 3 international transfers to the 4 foreign partners Per transfer 12 50 600 Per transfer 4 50 200 5.7 Costs of conferences/seminars9

5.8. Visibility actions10

Activity 1.2: Construction of the Web site (English + italian, french and romanian pages) Per contract 1 5.000 5.000 Per contract 1 5.000 5.000 Activity 1.2: Sub-contract for the management of the Web site in Italy during 18 months (English, Italian and French) Per month 18 500 9.000 Per month 6 500 3.000 Activity 1.2: Sub-contract for the management of the Web site in Romania during 18 months (English and Romanian) Per month 18 250 4.500 Per month 6 250 1.500 Activity 1.2: Sub-contract for the management of the Web site in Italy during 18 months (English and Maltese) Per month 18 250 4.500 Per month 6 250 1.500 4 roll-up for the International seminars Per unit 4 500 2.000 Per unit 2 500 1.000

Subtotal Other costs, services 68.200 23.900 6. OtherPayment (Province of Turin) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the International Steering Committe in Turin (a total of 8 people coming from Romania and Malta 5 times: 3 days for the 2 International Steering Committees, 5 days for the 2 Seminars and1 Final forum) Per day 168 120 20.160 Per day 64 120 7.680 Payment (City of Bacau) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the International Steering Committe + Seminar in Bacau (a total of 8 people coming from Italy and 6 from Malta, 5 days of permanence) Per day 70 90 6.300 Per day 70 100 7.000 November 2010 (UpdateMarch 2011)

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Payment (City of Valletta) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the International Steering Committe + Seminar in Valletta (a total of 8 people coming from Italy and 2 from Bacau, 5 days of permanence) Per day 50 90 4.500

Catering for 2 International Seminars in Turin (100 participants x 1 day) er participan 200 25 5.000 Per participant 100 25 2.500

Catering for 1 International Seminar in Bacau (100 participants x 1 day) er participan 100 15 1.500 Per participant 100 15 1.500

Catering for 1 International Seminar in Valletta (100 participants x 1 day) er participan 100 15 1.500 Payment (Province of Turin) of Restaurant invoices related to 5 Local Steering Committess with 12 persons er participan 60 25 1.500 Per participant 24 25 600 Payment (City of Bacau) of Restaurant invoices related to 5 Local Steering Committess with 12 persons er participan 60 15 900 Per participant 24 25 600 Payment (City of Valletta) of Restaurant invoices related to 5 Local Steering Committess with 12 persons er participan 60 15 900 Per participant 24 25 600 Catering for the Final Forum in Turin (150 participants x 2 day) er participan 200 25 5.000 Payment (Province of Turin) of Hotel and Restaurant invoices related to accomodation and meals for the delegations (32 people) coming in Turin Per day 160 120 19.200 Subgrants : A2.1 - Implementation of didactical modules in 40 Higher High Schools (22 in Italy, 8 in Malta et 10 in Romania). Per contract 40 2.500 ######## Per contract 40 2.500 ########A2.2: Creation and animation of a multimedia discussion space (Blog) within the Project WebSite Per month 18 500 9.000 Per month 6 500 3.000 Short term collaboration of an italian expert in teaching about video-making, 10 hours per 12 schools Per hour 120 60 7.200 Per hour 120 60 7.200 Short term collaboration of a Romanian expert in teaching about video-making, 16 hours per 10 schools Per hour 160 20 3.200 Per hour 160 20 3.200 Short term collaboration of a Maltese expert in teaching about video-making, 16 hours per 8 schools Per hour 128 20 2.560 Per hour 128 20 2.560 Expert in teaching about video-making: travel in West Africa 30 days (including per diem, 2 flights from europe and local transports) Per contract 1 10.000 10.000 Payment of short term intervention for external experts to speak during the International Seminars and the Final Forum? Per hour 20 200 4.000 Per hour 8 200 1.600

Subtotal Other ######## ########7. Subtotal direct eligible costs of the Action (1-6) ######## ########8. Provision for contingency reserve (maximum 5% of 7, subtotal of direct eligible costs of the Action)9. Total direct eligible costs of the Action (7+ 8) ######## ########10. Administrative costs (maximum 7% of 9, total direct eligible costs of the Action) 43.418 23.636 11. Total eligible costs (9+10) ######## ########

1. Provide a narrative clarification of each budget item demonstrating the necessity of the costs and how they relate to the action (e.g. through references to the activities in the Description of the Action).

2. Provide a justification of the calculation of the estimated costs. Note that the estimation should be based on real costs, as described in section 2.1.4

of the Guidelines for Grants Applicants

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Expected sources of funding & summary of estimated costs1

Amount Percentage


Expected Contributions

EU/EDF contribution sought in this application (A) 479.673

Other contributions (Applicant, other EU Funds or EU Member States etc)Name ConditionsProvince of Turin Sure, if the project will be approved 87.997 City of Turin Sure, if the project will be approved 25.764 City of Nichelino Sure, if the project will be approved 25.764 City of Bacau Sure, if the project will be approved 18.678 City of Valletta Sure, if the project will be approved 15.976 City of Victoria Sure, if the project will be approved 15.283

Revenue from the Action

Estimated Costs

Estimated TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS 2 (B) 669.135 EU/EDF contribution expressed as a percentage of total eligible costs 4 (A/B x 100) 71,69%

2. as per heading 11 of the Budget of the Action3. as per heading 13 of the Budget of the Action4. do not round, enter percentage with 2 decimals (e.g. 74,38%)

1. It is reminded that the figures introduced in the table shall respect all the points included in the checklist for the full application form (part 6 of the full application form)

November 2010 (Update March 2011)