glossary of land terms - · ၀ယ္ယူျခင္း နွင့္...


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Page 1: GLOSSARY OF LAND TERMS - · ၀ယ္ယူျခင္း နွင့္ အေမြဆက္ခံျခင္းစသည့္ ... အား ျဖင္










Page 2: GLOSSARY OF LAND TERMS - · ၀ယ္ယူျခင္း နွင့္ အေမြဆက္ခံျခင္းစသည့္ ... အား ျဖင္

USAID Contract No: AID-OAA-TO-13-00016

Cover Photo: Formal tenure security for rural smallholder farms, such as these in Shan State, Burma, is often fragile, as community land rights are not yet legally recognized.

Prepared by: Tetra Tech 159 Bank Street, Suite 300 Burlington, VT 05401 Principal Contacts: Matt Sommerville, Chief of Party [email protected] Cristina Alvarez, Project Manager [email protected] Megan Huth, Deputy Project Manager [email protected]

Page 3: GLOSSARY OF LAND TERMS - · ၀ယ္ယူျခင္း နွင့္ အေမြဆက္ခံျခင္းစသည့္ ... အား ျဖင္




This report is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

Page 4: GLOSSARY OF LAND TERMS - · ၀ယ္ယူျခင္း နွင့္ အေမြဆက္ခံျခင္းစသည့္ ... အား ျဖင္


TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. i

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1

TERMS BEGINNING WITH A – F ............................................................................................................ 2

TERMS BEGINNING WITH G – L .......................................................................................................... 11

TERMS BEGINNING WITH M – Z .......................................................................................................... 24

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 35

Page 5: GLOSSARY OF LAND TERMS - · ၀ယ္ယူျခင္း နွင့္ အေမြဆက္ခံျခင္းစသည့္ ... အား ျဖင္


INTRODUCTION This glossary provides definitions for a list of internationally recognized land governance terms that are frequently used by those involved in the areas of land administration, land management, and efforts to strengthen the land tenure security of individuals, households, and communities. While there are additional term used that are unique to the Burma context, the purpose of this glossary is to bring greater awareness of internationally used terminology.

နဒါနး ဤအဘဓာနသည ေျမယာအပခပေရး၊ ေျမယာစမခန႕ခြေရးနင၊ တစသးပဂၢလမား၊ အမေထာငစမား ႏင႕ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးမားက ေျမယာလပပငခြငလျခေရးအတြက ပမခငမာေစရန ေဆာငရြကေနေသာလပငနးမားတြင သကဆငသမားက မၾကာခဏ အသးျပျပး၊ အျပညျပညဆငရာ အသအမတျပထားသည ေျမယာဆငရာ စကားရပမား၏ အနကအဓပၸာယ ဖြငဆခကမား ျဖစပါသည။ ျမနမာနငငနင စပလဥး၍ သးသန႕ ထပမအသးျပေသာ စကားရပမားရေသာလညး၊ ဤအဘဓာန၏ ရညရြယခက မာ အျပညျပညဆငရာ သးစြသည စကားရပမားက ပမသရလာေစရန ျဖစပါသည။

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A-F ႏင႕စသည႕ စကားရပမား Access to land: The local and/or legally recognized right to enter and use a physically defined area. Access rights may be obtained through family or group membership or through legally sanctioned processes such as allocation, purchase, and inheritance. Rights may be defined in terms of location, time, use, and the individual’s relationship to the community (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Access to land: ဆသညမာ ေျမျပငတြင သတမတထားသည ေျမေနရာ တစခသ႕ ၀ငေရာက၊ အသးျပရန ေဒသအေလာက နင/သ႕မဟတ ဥပေဒအရ အသအမတျပထားေသာ အခြငအေရးျဖစသည။ ေျမယာက ထေတြ႕အသးျပခြငမားအား မသားစထမျဖစေစ၊ အဖြ႕၀ငျဖစျခငးေၾကာငျဖစေစ၊ ခြေဝျခငး၊ ၀ယယျခငး နင အေမြဆကချခငးစသည လပငနးစဥမားအရ ဥပေဒနငအည ခြငျပခကအရ ရရထားျခငး ျဖစနငပါသည။ အခြငအေရးမားက ေဒသ၊ အခန၊ အသးျပမနင တစသးပဂၢလ၏ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးနငဆကႏြယမအေပၚ မတည၍ အဓပၸာယဖြငဆႏငသည။ ( လယနတ နင႕ ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Adjudication of property rights: The process leading to a final and authoritative determination of the existing rights and claims of people to land. This may be in the context of First Registration, or it may be to resolve a doubt or dispute after First Registration. It may also be used in redistributive land reform processes. The process of adjudication should reveal what rights already exist, who holds them, and what restrictions or limitations exist on them (Ciparisse, 2003; UNECE, 1996).

Adjudication of property rights: ဆသညမာ ေျမယာတြငရသညတညဆအခြငအေရးမားနင အမားျပညသ၏ ေတာငးဆခကမားအေပၚ အျပးသတႏင အခြငအာဏာရေသာ သတမတခကခမတေရးအတြက ဥးတည သညလပငနးစဥျဖစသည။ ဤလပငနးစဥသည ပထမအၾကမမတပတငစဥတြငလညး ျဖစေပၚနငျပး၊ ပထမ အၾကမ မတပတငျပးေနာက ေပၚေပါကသည႕သသယ သ႕ဟတ အျငငးပြားမက ေျဖရငးရာမလညး ျဖစေပၚ နငသည။ ထ႕အတ ေျမယာျပနလညေ၀ျခမးေရး ျပျပငေျပာငးလမလပငနးစဥမားမလညး ေပၚေပါက နငပါသည။ စရငဆးျဖတျခငးလပငနးစဥက မညသညအခြငအေရးမားရသည၊ ယငးတ႕ကမညသတ႕က လက၀ယထားသညနင ယငးတ႕အေပၚတြင မညသည တားျမစခကမား သ႕မဟတ ကန႕သတခကမားရ သညက ေဖာထတသင႕ေပသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃၊ ယအငနအးစအး ၁၉၉၆)

Adverse possession: The right under the law of someone who has occupied a piece of land for a prescribed, extended period of time, behaving like an owner and not recognizing another’s ownership, to become the owner of the land. This is regardless of the fact that another owned the land when the occupant entered into the occupation (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Adverse possession: ဆသညမာ ေျမတစကြကက သတမတကာလ သ႕မဟတ တးခ႕ကာလ အတြက လက၀ယထားရသက အျခားသ တစဥးတစေယာက၏ ပငဆငမက အသအမတမျပဘ၊ ေျမပငရင

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ျဖစလာေစရန ပငရငက႕သ႕ျပမသည ယငး၏ဥပေဒအရ အခြင႕အေရးျဖစသည။ ဤအေျခအေနသည အျခား သတစဥးက ေျမကပငဆငေနခနတြင၊ လက၀ယရသက ေျမအေပၚ ၀ငေရာကလက၀ယရယျခငးလညး ျဖစ နငသည။ ( ဘရစ နင ေဟာ႕လထ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Agrarian reform: A program of activities designed to alter the agricultural structure of a country to increase agricultural production and improve standards of living of rural populations. Such reforms often include land reform or land tenure reform components (Bruce, 1998; Ciparisse, 2003).

Agrarian reform: ဆသညမာ စကပးေရးထတလပမတးျမငရနနင႕ ေကးလကျပညသမား၏ လေနမ အဆင႕အတနးမားတးတကေစရန နငငတစနငင၏ စကပးေရးက႑က ေျပာငးလရန ျပလပသည႕ လပရား မ အစအစဥျဖစသည။ ယငးျပျပငေျပာငးလမမားတြင ေျမယာျပျပငေျပာငးလမ သ႕မဟတ ေျမလပပငခြငျပျပငေျပာငးလမ အပငးမားလညး ပါေလရပါသည။ (ဘရစ၊ ၁၉၉၈။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Agroforestry: A land use system where woody perennials are grown on the same piece of land as agricultural crops and/or livestock, resulting in both ecological and economic interactions between the different components (Ciparisse, 2003).

Agroforestry: ေျမတစကြကတညးအေပၚတြင ႏစရညသးပငမားႏင ေကာကပသးႏမား ေရာေႏာစကပးျခငး သ႔မဟတ ေမြးျမေရးလပငနး လပကငျခငး အားျဖင ေဂဟေဗဒႏင စးပြားေရးဆငရာ အျပနအလန အကးျပမႈ ရရေစနငေသာ ေျမအသးခမႈ စနစျဖစပါသည။

Agro-pastoralism: A land use system that combines both crop agriculture and animal husbandry with pasture uses (Ciparisse, 2003).

Agro-pastoralism: စားကကေျမတြင ေကာကပသးနစကပးျခငးနင တရစၦာနေမြးျမျခငး ႏစရပလးက ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကသည႕ ေျမအသးခမစနစျဖစသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Alienation of land: The transfer of ownership rights in land or property to someone without regard to status, implying both the existence of private property and free will. In customary tenure systems, land is rarely seen as a commodity that can be traded at will, and the ability to alienate land is limited (Garner, 2009; UNECE, 1996).

Alienation of land: ေျမသ႕မဟတ ပစၥညး၏ ပငဆငခြငမားက တစစတစဥးသ႕ မညသညအေျခအေန တြငမဆ ပဂၢလကပစၥညးအျဖစ လြတလပေသာဆႏၵအရ လႊေျပာငးျခငးျဖစသည။ ဓေလထးတမးဆငရာ လပပငခြငစနစမားတြင ေျမက စတၾကကေရာငး၀ယနငသည႕ ကနစညတစရပအျဖစ ျမငနငခသည႕အျပင၊ ေျမလႊေျပာငးျခငးတြင အကန႕အသတမားရသည။ (ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉။ ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Allocation of state land: The assignment of state land to an individual or group under specified tenure or use restrictions (USAID, 2013).

Allocation of state land: နငငပငေျမက တစသးပဂၢလတစဥးဥး သ႕မဟတ အဖြ႕အစညး တစခခ သ႕ သတမတထားသည႕ လပပငခြင႕အရလညးေကာငး၊ အသးခမတြင ကန႕သတခကမားျပ၍လညးေကာငး၊ ထပဆင႕လႊအပျခငး

Alternative dispute resolution: A process of dispute resolution taking place out of the formal court structure using mechanisms upon which both parties have agreed such as arbitration, or mediation. Arbitration: A formal process of dispute resolution through which a neutral third party renders a

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decision based on evidence and arguments submitted by the parties in contention (Black, 2009; Ciparisse, 2003).

Alternative dispute resolution: အျငငးပြားသႏစဥးႏစဖကက အျငငးပြားမက ေျဖရငးသညလပငနး စဥတြင ပမနတရားရးမားမအပ၊ အနညာတခသမာဓေျဖရငးနညး သ႕မဟတ ညႏငးေျဖရငးနညးစသည႕ ေျဖရငးနညး ယႏရားတစရပရပက အသးျပျခငးျဖစပါသည။ အျငငးပြားမတြငပါ၀ငသမားက တငျပသည႕ သကေသခခကနင ေလာကလခကမားကအေျချပ၍ ၾကားပဂၢလ သ႕မဟတ အဖြ႕အစညးက ဆးျဖတခကခ မတေပးသည႕ အျငငးပြားမေျဖရငးေရး ပမနလပငနးစဥတစရပျဖစပါသည။ ( ဘလက၊ ၂၀၀၉။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Arbitration: A formal process of dispute resolution through which a neutral third party renders a decision based on evidence and arguments submitted by the parties in contention (Ciparisse, 2003; Garner, 2009).

Arbitration: အျငငးပြားမတြငပါ၀ငသမားက တငျပသည႕ သကေသခခကနင ေလာကလခကမားက အေျချပ၍ ၾကား ပဂၢလက ဆးျဖတေပးသည႕ ပမန အျငငးပြားမေျဖရငးေရး လပငနးစဥတစရပ ျဖစပါသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Assurance of rights: The act or process of assuring a right (Garner, 2009).

Assurance of rights: အခြငအေရးတစရပက ေသခာေစရန ျပလပသည႕ လပငနးစဥ (ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Beneficiary: A person for whose benefit property is held in trust; especially one designated to benefit from an appointment, disposition, or assignment (as in a will, insurance policy, etc.) or to receive something as a result of a legal arrangement or instrument (Garner, 2009).

Beneficiary: ယမတအပနမတြင ထနးသမးထားေသာ ပစၥညး၏ အကးခစားခြငရသ ျဖစသည။ အထး အားျဖင႕ ( ေသတမးစာ၊ အာမခေပၚလစ စသည တ႕ တြင ) ခန႕ထားမ၊ အပခပမ သ႕မဟတ ထပဆင႕တာ၀နေပးမတ႕တြငအကးခစားခြငရရရန သတမတထားသကဆသည။

Boundary: The physical demarcation on the ground or by a mathematical description, usually based on a coordinate system. The accuracy and cost of cadastral surveys is dependent on the accuracy needed for boundary descriptions. The accuracy should reflect factors such as the value of the land, the risk and cost of land disputes, and the information needs of the users of the cadaster (Ciparisse, 2003).

Boundary: ကေအာဒနတစနစက အေျချပ၍ ေျမျပငတြင သ႕မဟတ သခ ၤာနညးအရေဖာျပခကတြင နယနမတပငးျခားသတမတေဖာျပခကျဖစသည။ ေျမပတငးတာမ၏ တကမနင ကနကစရတသည နယနမတေဖာျပခကအတြကလအပေသာ တကမအေပၚမတညသည။ တကမဟဆရာတြင ေျမတနဖး၊ ေျမယာ အျငငးပြားမျဖစနငေျခ နင ကနကစရတ၊ ႏင႕ ေျမပေျမစာရငးက အသးျပသမား လအပသည႕ သတငး အခကအလကမား ပါ၀ငသည။

Bundle of rights: Rights held in relation to access and utilization of land resources. These include, but are not restricted to, such things as the right to sell, mortgage, and bequeath land; cut trees; cultivate; and, construct homes. This bundle can be broken up, rearranged, and passed on to others. Some of these rights will be held by individuals, some by groups, and others by political entities (USAID, 2013).

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Bundle of rights: ေျမအရငးအျမစမားက ထေတြ႕၊ အသးခခြငနင႕စပလဥး၍ ထားရေသာ အခြငအေရးမားျဖစပါသည။ ယငးအခြငအေရးမားတြင ေျမက ေရာငးရန၊ ေပါငရန၊ ေပးရန စသည႕ အခြင အေရးမား၊ သစပငခတရန၊ စကပးရန၊ အမ ေဆာကလပရနအခြငအေရးမား ပါ၀ငသည။ ဤအခြငအေရး အစက ပငးျခားရန၊ ျပနလညစစဥရနနင အျခားသမားသ႕ေပးအပရနတ႕ပါ၀ငသည။ ယငးအခြငအေရး အခ႕က တစသးပဂၢလမားကလညးေကာငး၊ အခ႕က အစအဖြ႕မားကလညးေကာငး၊ အခ႕က နငငေရး အဖြ႕အစညးမားကလညးေကာငး ရရထားမည။

( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Cadaster: A type of land information system that contains a set of records on land parcels. Specialized cadasters may support records of property rights (judicial cadaster), taxation (fiscal cadaster), or land use (land use cadaster). A multi-purpose cadaster will register many different attributes of land parcels (Ciparisse, 2003; UNECE, 1996).

Cadaster: ေျမကြကမား၏မတတမးမားပါ၀ငေသာ ေျမသတငးအခကအလကစနစ ပစျဖစပါသည။ အထးေျမစာရငးမတပတငမားသည ပစၥညးအခြငအေရးမတတမးမား( တရားေရးဆငရာ ေျမစာရငး မတပတင) ၊ အခြနေကာကချခငး ( ေငြေရးေၾကးေရးဆငရာ ေျမစာရငးမတပတင)၊ သ႕မဟတ ေျမအသးခမ ( ေျမအသးခမဆငရာ ေျမစာရငးမတပတင) က အေထာကအကျပပါသည။ ဘကစ ေျမစာရငးမတပတင တြငမ ေျမကြကမား၏ အေၾကာငးအရာအမးမးက မတပတငပါမည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Cadastral map: A map that shows the boundaries and ownership of land within a specified area. Some cadastral maps show details including district names, unique identifying numbers for parcels, certificate of title numbers, positions of existing structures, section or lot numbers and their respective areas, adjoining and adjacent street names, selected boundary dimensions and references to prior maps (USAID, 2013).

Cadastral map: သတမတထားသညဧရယာတစခအတြငး ေျမ၏နယနမတမားနင႕ ပငဆငမက ေဖာျပသည႕ ေျမပျဖစပါသည။ အခ႕ေျမပမားတြင ခရငအမညမား၊ ေျမကြကတညေနရာတကစြာေဖာျပ သည႕ ေျမကြကနပါတမား၊ ပငဆငမအမတ သကေသခခက၊ တညရသည႕အေဆာကအအမား၏ အေနအထား၊ သကဆငရာဧရယာမား၏ အပငး သ႕မဟတ အကြကနပါတမား၊ ဆကစပေနေသာ သ႕မဟတ အနးတြငရေသာ လမးအမညမား၊ ေရြးခယသတမတထားေသာ နယနမတ ေဖာျပခကမားနင ယခငေျမပ မားက ရညညႊနးခကမား အပါအ၀င အေသးစတကေဖာျပသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Codification of customary law: The process of collecting, systematically organizing, and codifying the laws, customs, and practice of a community as they relate to land and related resources. The end product may be formalized into statutory law or code (USAID, 2013).

Codification of customary law: လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးတစရပ၏ ေျမယာ အပါအ၀င သကဆငရာ အရငး အျမစမားနငစပလဥးသည႕ ဥပေဒ၊ ဓေလထးတမးနင ကင႕စဥမားက စေဆာငးျခငး၊ စနစတကစစညးျခငး နင မးတစျပစျခငး လပငနးစဥျဖစပါသည။ ဤနညးျဖင႕ ေနာကဆးတြင ဥပေဒ သ႕မဟတ ကဓဥပေဒ တရား၀င ျပဌာနးရန ရညရြယ ပါသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

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Codified law: Laws, rules, and regulations that have been systematically collected and arranged, usually by subject, e.g., commercial code or criminal code (USAID, 2013).

Codified law: စးပြားေရးႏင႕ကးသနးေရာငး၀ယေရးကဓဥပေဒ သ႕မဟတ ရာဇ၀တကဓဥပေဒ က႕သ႕ ၊ ဥပေဒမား၊ နညးဥပေဒမားႏင စညးမဥးဥပေဒမားက သာမနအားျဖင႕ ဘာသာရပအလက စနစတက စစညးျခငးႏင႕စစဥျခငးျဖစပါသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Collateral: A term used to refer to property that is pledged as a guarantee for repayment of a loan. The most common form of immovable property being used as collateral is the mortgage, a transfer of an interest in the land as security for a debt (Ciparisse, 2003; Leonard & Longbottom, 2000; UNECE, 1996).

Collateral: အာမခဆသညမာ ေခးေငြတစရပက ျပနလညေပးဆပရန အာမခထားသည ပစၥညးတစရပက ရညညႊနးသည႕ စကားရပ ျဖစပါသည။ မေရႊ႔ေျပာငးႏငေသာ ပစၥညးမားအတြက အာမခအျဖစ အသးမားသည႔ အရာမာ ေျမယာေပါငႏမႈ ျဖစျပး ေျမယာအကးစးပြားတစရပက လႊေျပာငးမတြင ေၾကြးျမအတြက အာမခအေနျဖင ထားရသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ လယနတ နင ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀၊ ယအငအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Collective ownership: A situation where holders of land rights are clearly defined as a group and have the right to exclude others from the enjoyment of those land rights (Münkner & Kaunianen, 2000).

Collective ownership: စေပါငးပငဆငမဆသညမာ ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမားက အစအဖြ႕အေနျဖင႕သာ ပငဆငေၾကာငး ရငးလငးစြာသတမတထားသည႕အေျခအေနျဖစျပး၊ ယငးေျမယာအခြငအေရးမားက အျခားသမားက ရယခစားျခငးက ပယထတနငသည႕အခြငအေရးျဖစပါသည။ (မြနးနာ နင ေကာနယနနင၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Common property: Land and other resources over which entitled beneficiaries, whether individual or community-defined, have specific common rights. The community controls the use of the common property and can exclude non-members from using it (Ciparisse, 2003).

Common property: အမားပငပစၥညးဆသညမာ တစသးပဂၢလက အေနျဖင႕ ျဖစေစ၊ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညး အေနျဖင႕ ျဖစေစ အကးခစားခြငရ သမားက ပငဆငခြငရသည႕ ေျမယာန႕ အျခားသယဇာတမား ျဖစပါသည။ အမားပငပစၥညး မား အသးျပမက လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးက ထနးခပသည႕အျပင လ႕အဖြ႕အစညး၀ငမဟတသမားက ယငးတ႕က အသးျပမအား ပယထတနငပါသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Communal ownership: A situation where rights to use resources are held by a community. While these rights may include communal rights to pastures and forests, they may also include exclusive private rights to agricultural land and residential plots (Ciparisse, 2003).

Communal ownership: လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးပငဆငမဆသညမာ အရငးအျမစမား အသးျပခြငမားက လ႕အဖြ႕ အစညးက ရယထားသည႕အေျခအေန ျဖစပါသည။ ယငးအခြငအေရးမားတြင စားကက၊သစေတာမား နင သကဆငသည လ႕အဖြ႕အစညး၏အခြငအေရးမား ပါ၀ငသည႕အျပင၊ စကပးေျမနင လေနထငရာေျမကြက မားနင႕စပလဥးသည႔ သးသန႕ကယပငအခြငအေရးမားလညး ပါ၀ငနငပါသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

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Compensation: The payment made for property taken or adversely affected by another. Compensation payments for land are generally related to expropriation exercises, but may also include planning and zoning restrictions (Ciparisse, 2003).

Compensation: ေလာေၾကးဆသညမာ အျခားသတစဥးက ပစၥညးက ရယသည႕အတြက သ႕မဟတ အကးဆန႕ကငေဆာငရြကသည႕အတြက ေငြေပးေခမ ျဖစပါသည။ ေလာေၾကးေငြေပးေခမမားသည ေယဘယ အားျဖင႕ ေျမသမးယမမားနင သကဆငပါသည။ ထ႕ျပင စမကနးေရးဆြျခငးနင႕ ဇနနယေျမ ကနသတျခငးမားလညး ပါ၀ငနငပါသည။

Concession: A specialized form of lease, generally defined as a grant of specific rights and privileges over property by a government to an individual or company to develop the resources of the property, such as a mining concession, forestry concession, a concession to build a canal, or a concession to manage a government property. Payments for concessions may be related to the volume of sales or resources extracted, rather than a fixed annual rental payment (USAID, 2013).

Concession: လပကငခြငဆသညမာ ပစၥညးနငစပလဥး၍ အစးရက တစသးပဂၢလတစဥး သ႕မဟတ ကမၸဏတစခအား၊ သတတးေဖာမလပကငခြင၊ သစေတာလပကငခြင႕၊ တးေျမာငးတညေဆာကရန လပကငခြင သ႕မဟတ အစးရပငပစၥညးတစခအား စမခန႕ခြရန လပကငခြငစေသာ၊ ပစၥညးနငစပလဥးသည႔ အရငးအျမစမားအား ဖြ႕ျဖးေစရန၊ ေယဘယအားျဖင႕ သးသန႕ အခြငအေရးနင အထးအခြငအေရးမား သတမတ ခြငျပကာ၊ အငားခထားသည႕ အထးပစတစခ ျဖစပါသည။

Condominium: A form of ownership where parts of a property are owned individually (such as an apartment) and parts of the property are owned jointly (such as stairways, common areas, and other components integral to the design of the property) (Ciparisse, 2003; Münkner & Kaunianen, 2000).

Condominium: စေပါငးပငအေဆာကအအ ဆသညမာ (အခနး စသည႕) ပစၥညး၏ အခ႕အစတအပငးမားက တစသး ပဂၢလမားက ပငဆငျပး၊ (စကေလကား၊ စေပါငးဧရယာနင ဒဇငးအရ ပစၥညး၏အျခားအစတအပငးမားစသည႕) ပစၥညး၏အခ႕အစတအပငးမားက ပးတြပငဆငၾက သည႕ ပငဆငမ ပစ ျဖစပါသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ မြနကာ ႏင႕ ေကာငနရာနင၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Continuum of land rights: From informal land rights to registered freehold rights, the range of possible forms of tenure can be considered as a continuum (UN-HABITAT, 2008)

Continuum of land rights: ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမား ဆကလကတညရမ ဆရာတြင ပမနမဟတေသာ ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမားမစ၍ မတပတငထားသည႕ ဘးဘြားပင အခြငအေရးမား အထ ပါ၀ငပါသည။ လပကငခြင ပစမား၏ အခနအတငးအတာအေလာက ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမား ဆကလကတညရသညဟ မတယနငပါ သည။ (ယအငန-ဟကဘတက၊ ၂၀၀၈)

Co-ownership: Property held jointly by two or more people. The enjoyment of a property in co-ownership is said to be in undivided shares, in that each person has the same right to any part of the property. There are two forms of co-ownership: joint tenancy and tenancy in common (Ciparisse, 2003).

Co-ownership: အတပငဆငမဆသညမာ လနစဥး သ႕မဟတ ႏစဥးထကပသမားက ပစၥညးက အတပငဆငမ ျဖစပါသည။ ပစၥညးတစရပက အတပငဆငရာတြင အစရယယာမားက မခြျခမးထားသျဖင႕၊

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ထသအသးသးသည ပစၥညး၏ မညသည႕အစတအပငးကမဆ တညေသာ အခြငအေရးရၾကပါသည။ အတ ပငဆငမပစ ႏစမးရျပး၊ ပးတြပငဆငမနင စေပါငးပငဆငမတ႕ျဖစသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Customary land rights: The holding of land in accordance with customary law or tradition. Customary land law regulates rights to enjoy use of land that arises through customary, unwritten practice, rather than through written or codified law (Ciparisse, 2003).

Customary land rights: ဓေလ႕ထးတမးဆငရာ ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမားဆသညမာ ဓေလ႕ ထးတမး ဥပေဒ သ႕မဟတ ရးရာဓေလ႕နင႕အည ေျမယာဥးပငထားရျခငးျဖစပါသည။ ဓေလ႕ထးတမးဆငရာ ေျမယာဥပေဒသညစာျဖင႕ေရးသားမထားျခငးမရေသာ ဓေလ႕ထးတမးဆငရာ ကငသးမႈ ပစမားအား ေရးသားျပဌာနးထားေသာ တစနညးအားျဖင စစညးျပဌာနးထားေသာ ဥပေဒမားထက ေျမအသးချခငးႏင ပတသကသည႔ အခြငအေရးမားက ပမ စနစကေစသည။

Customary land law: A community’s mechanism for regulating the right to use land through customary practice, rather than through written law (Ciparisse, 2003).

Customary land law: ဓေလထးတမးဆငရာ ေျမယာဥပေဒဆသညမာ ျပ႒ာနးဥပေဒအစား ဓေလထးတမးဆငရာစနစက အသးျပ၍ ေျမယာအသးခခြငက စညးမဥးသတမတနငေသာ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးက ကင႕သးသည႕ ယႏရားတစချဖစပါသည။

Customary land tenure: The rules generated and enforced by a community or larger sub-state polity to govern the holding and use of land by its members. Customary rules are typically but not always unwritten (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Customary land tenure: ဓေလထးတမးအရ ေျမယာလပကငခြငဆသညမာ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညး တစခ သ႕မဟတ ယငးထကပမၾကးမားေသာ အဖြ႕အစညးက ေျမယာက မမအဖြ႕၀င မားက လက၀ယထားျခငး၊ အသးျပျခငးတြင ကင႕သးရန ျပဌာနးအေကာငအထညေဖာေသာ နညးဥပေဒမား ျဖစသည။ ဓေလထးတမး နညးဥပေဒမားသည သာမနအားျဖင႕ စာျဖင႕ေရးသားထားေလ႕မရပါ။ (ဘရစ နင ေဟာလတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Customary law: Law consisting of customs that are accepted as legal requirements or obligatory rules of conduct; practices and beliefs that are so vital and intrinsic a part of a social and economic system that they are treated as if they were laws. (Black, 2009)

Customary law: ဓေလ႕ထးတမးဥပေဒ ဆသညမာ ဥပေဒလအပခကမား သ႕မဟတ အျပအမဆငရာ မျဖစမေနလကနာရမည နညးဥပေဒမားဟ လကခထားေသာ ဓေလ႕ထးတမးမား၊ ဥပေဒမား ျဖစသညဟ မတယေဆာငရြကေသာ လမေရးနင႕စးပြားေရးစနစတြင အေရးၾကးျပး၊ အေျခခကသည႕ ကင႕စဥမားနင႕ အယအဆမားပါ၀ငသည႕ ဥပေဒျဖစသည။ (ဘလက၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Decentralization: The transfer of administrative powers (decision making, executive, and fiscal) to lower levels of government, with varying degrees of autonomy (USAID, 2013).

Decentralization: ဆသညမာ (ဆးျဖတခကခမတျခငး၊ စမခန႕ခြျခငး၊ ေငြေရးေၾကးေရး) အပခပမ အာဏာမားက လကေအာကခ အစးရမားသ႕ ၊ လြတလပစြာဆးျဖတခြငအဆင ေျပာငးလသတမတ၍၊ လႊေျပာငး ျခငး ျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

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Deed: The written document, or contract, which transfers title (ownership) or an interest in real property to another person (USAID, 2013).

Deed: စာခပဆသညမာ မေရႊ႕မေျပာငးနငေသာပစၥညး၏ ဆငေရးဆငခြင (ပငဆငခြင) သ႕မဟတ ယငးပစၥညးမ အကးခစားခြင တစရပ၏ က အျခားသတစဥးသ႕ လႊေျပာငးေပးသည႕ စာတမးအမတ အသား သ႕မဟတ ပဋညာဥစာခပကဆသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Deeds registration: A system of proof of property ownership and interests, based on the registration of transfer and other deeds. A deeds registration system is limited in that it does not provide a guarantee of title. All that it typically provides is access into the chain of transactions that can be used to prove title (Ciparisse, 2003).

Deeds registration: လႊေျပာငးမကမတပတငျခငးနင႕အျခားစာခပမားကအေျချပ၍ ပစၥညး၏ ပငဆင မနင အကးစးပြားမားက သကေသျပသည႕စနစျဖစပါသည။ စာခပစာတမး မတပတငစနစသည ကန႕သတ ခက မားရျပး၊ ဆငရာဆငခြငက အာမ မခေပ။ ယငးစနစက ပမနအားျဖင႕ ဆငရာဆငခြငက သကေသျပရနအတြက အသးျပနငသည႕ ဆကသြယေဆာငရြကမကြငးဆကမားတြင ပါ၀ငေဆာငရြကခြငျပပါသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Demarcation: The marking-out of the boundaries of each land parcel on the ground (UNECE, 1996).

Demarcation: နယနမတ ပငးျခားခကဆသညမာ ေျမျပငရ ေျမကြကအသးသး နယနမတမားက ပငးျခားမတသားမ ျဖစပါသည။ (ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Dispute resolution: The settlement of conflict between groups or individuals. The factors determining how societies deal with internal disputes are related to the formal authority structures of courts and written law or traditional authority structures of family, village councils, and leadership figures. Dispute resolution may be formal (recognized by law and the state administration system for dispute resolution) or informal (such as community-based adjudication or mediation). Decisions made under informal resolution mechanisms are not always legally binding (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Dispute resolution: အစအဖြ႕မား သ႕မဟတ တစသးပဂၢလမားအၾကားရ ပဋပကၡက ေျဖရငးျခငး ျဖစပါသည။ အဖြ႕အစညးမားက မမတ႕၏ အတြငးေရးအျငငးပြားမမားက ေျဖရငးရာတြင အဆးအျဖတျပ သည႕အခကမားမာ တရားရးမား၏အခြငအာဏာတညေဆာကမမား၊ ျပဌာနးဥပေဒမား၊ မသားစ၊ ေကးရြာ ေကာငစမားနင ေခါငးေဆာငမား၏ ရးရာအာဏာတညေဆာကမမားႏင႕ ဆကစပပါသည။ အျငငးပြားမ ဆးျဖတျခငးသည ( အျငငးပြားမဆးျဖတျခငးအတြက ဥပေဒနင နငငေတာအပခပေရးစနစအရ အသအမတ ျပထားသည႕) ပမနဆးျဖတျခငးျဖစနငသက႕သ႕၊ (လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးအေျခခ၍ စရငဆးျဖတျခငး သ႕မဟတ ညႏငးဆးျဖတျခငးက႕သ႕ေသာ) ပမနမဟတေသာ ဆးျဖတျခငးလညး ျဖစနငပါသည။ ပမနမဟတေသာ ယႏရားမားအရ ဆးျဖတသည႕ ပမနမဟတေသာစရငျခငးအရ ဆးျဖတျခငးမားသည အစဥအျမ စညးေႏာငအား ရသညေတာမဟတေပ။ ( လယနတ နင ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Easement: The right of use over the property of another, for example, the right of access or the right of passage of utilities. (USAID, 2013)

Easement: အျခားသ၏ပစၥညးအေပၚ အသးျပခြင ျဖစပါသည။ ဥပမာ- အသးျပသည႕ပစၥညးက ထေတြ႕ အသးျပခြငနင ျဖတသနးသြားလာခြင။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

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Eviction (of tenants and farm workers): The dispossession by law from a plot of land or rental property, which had been occupied or leased (Ciparisse, 2003; DFID; Garner, 2009).

Eviction (of tenants and farm workers): (သးစားသရငးဌား နင လယယာအလပသမားမား အား) နငထတျခငး။ ယခငက လက၀ယထားရေသာ သ႕မဟတ ငားရမးထားေသာ ေျမကြက သ႕မဟတ ငားရမးသည႕ပစၥညးမ ဥပေဒအရ လက၀ယရမမ ဖယရားျခငး။

Expropriation: The taking of land or property from the rightful owners, often in pursuit of government sanctioned public purpose. Land may be expropriated legally by the state under compulsory acquisition or compulsory purchase procedures. The processes for expropriation should include a basis for setting compensation for the loss of the owner expropriated. (Ciparisse, 2003; Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Expropriation: အမားျပညသဆငရာရညရြယခကအတြက အမားအားျဖင႕ နငငေတာအစးရ၏ အခြငအမန႕အရ ပငရငအစစအမနမားထမ ေျမယာ သ႕မဟတ ပစၥညးက ရယျခငး ျဖစပါသည။ နငငေတာ၏ ေျမသမးယျခငး သ႕မဟတ အတငးအၾကပ၀ယယျခငးလပထးလပနညးမားအရ ေျမယာက ဥပေဒနငအည သမးယနငသည။ ေျမသမးယျခငးလပငနးစဥမားတြင သမးယခရသည႕ေျမပငရင၏ ဆးရးမအတြက ေလာေၾကးသတမတသည႕အေျခခလညး ပါ၀ငသင႕သည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ လယနတ နင ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Fragmentation: The division of land into units too small for rational exploitation, usually as a result of the system of inheritance (UNECE, 2004).

Fragmentation: စတပငးျခငး။ ေယဘယအားျဖင႕ အေမြဆကခမစနစေၾကာင႕၊ ေျမက ယတ အားျဖင႕ အသးျပ၍မရေလာကေအာင အလြနေသးငယစြာ စတပငးျခငး (ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၂၀၀၄)

Freehold: The right to full private ownership of land, free of any obligations to the state other than payment of taxes and observance of land use controls imposed by the state in the public interest. This term is used interchangeably with private property or private land ownership (Bruce, 1998; Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Freehold: နငငေတာသ႕ ေျမခြနထမးေဆာငရနနင အမားျပညသ အကးအတြက နငငေတာက သတမတထားသည႕ ေျမအသးခမထနးကြပခကမားက လကနာရန မအပ၊ နငငေတာအေပၚ မညသည႔တာဝနမ မရဘ ေျမယာက ပဂၢလက အျပည႕အ၀ ပငဆငခြငျဖစသည။ ဤစကားရပက "ပဂၢလကပစၥညး" သ႕မဟတ " ပဂၢလကေျမယာပငဆငမ" စကားရပမားနင ေျပာငးလ သးစြသည။ ( ဘရစ၊ ၁၉၉၈။ လယနတ နင႕ ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

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G-L ႏင႕စသည႕ စကားရပမား Geographical information systems (GIS): A set of computer tools for collecting, storing, retrieving, analyzing, transforming, and displaying spatial data (Ciparisse, 2003; UNECE, 1996).

Geographical information systems (GIS): ဂအငအကစ ဆသညမာ ေျမဧရယာဆငရာ အခကအလကမားက စေဆာငးျခငး၊ ထနးသမးျခငး၊ ျပနလညထတယျခငး၊ အနစတဆနးစစျခငး၊ ေျပာငးလျခငးနင ေဖာျပျခငးျပသည႕ ကြနပတာ ကရယာအစျဖစပါသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ ယအငအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Illegal/informal occupation: The occupation of land or housing by an individual or household without formal approval from the legal owner (state or private). Illegal occupation ranges from an individual squatting on the property of another to informal settlements where large areas of land are occupied by many people (USAID, 2013).

Illegal/informal occupation: (အစးရ သ႕မဟတ ပဂၢလက) ဥပေဒနင႕အညပငဆငသထမ တရား၀င အတညျပခကမရရဘ၊ ေျမယာ သ႕မဟတ အးအမက တစသးပဂၢလ သ႕မဟတ မသားစတစခက လက၀ယ ထားရျခငးျဖစသည။ တရားမ၀င/ဥပေဒႏင႕မညဘ လက၀ယထားရျခငးသည အျခားသ၏ ပငဆငမႈက တစသးပဂၢလ ကးေကာျခငးမ ေျမဧကေပါငးမားစြာက လမားစြာက လက၀ယထားျခငးအထ ပါ၀ငသည။

Immovable property: See real estate/real property. မေရႊ႕မေျပာငးနငေသာပစၥညးက ၾကည႕ပါ။

Indigenous tenure systems: Rights specific to a particular ethnic group, having evolved through interaction of culture and environment and overseen by authorities whose legitimacy is based on occupation and spiritual ties to the locality (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000; Münkner & Kaunianen, 2000).

Indigenous tenure systems: တငးရငးသားလပပငခြငစနစမား ဆသညမာ ယဥေကးမ၊ သဘာ၀ ပတ၀နးကငတ႕၏ အျပနအလန သကေရာကမႈမ ျဖစေပၚလာေသာ တငးရငးသားအပစတစခ အတြက သးသန႕ ရပငခြငမားျဖစျပး အာဏာပငမားကလညး ယငးေဒသႏငသကဆငသည႔ လက၀ယရမနင႕ ကးကြယယၾကညမတ႕ေပၚ အေျခခ၍ ၾကးၾကပသည႔ လပပငခြငစနစမားျဖစသည။ (လယနတ ႏင႕ ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀။ မြနကနာ ႏင႕ ေကာငးနရာနင၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Informal property: Rights that lack formal, official recognition and protection. In some cases, informal property rights are illegal, i.e. held in direct violation of the law. In other cases, informal property may be “extra-legal”, i.e., not against the law, but not recognized by law (Ciparisse, 2003).

Informal property: ပမန၊ တရား၀င အသအမတျပျခငးႏင႕အကာအကြယေပးျခငးမရေသာ အခြငအေရး မားျဖစသည။ အခ႕ကစၥမားတြင တရားမ၀င ပငဆငမႈ အခြငအေရးမားမာ ဥပေဒနင႕မညပါ။ ဥပမာ- ဥပေဒက တကရကခးေဖာက၍ လက၀ယထားျခငး။ အျခားကစၥမားတြငမ၊ တရားမ၀ငပစၥညးမာ "

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ဥပေဒျပငပ" မ ျဖစသည။ ဥပမာ- ဥပေဒႏင႕မဆန႕ကငသည႕တင၊ ဥပေဒက အသအမတမျပျခငးျဖစသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Informal settlements: Areas where a large number of people illegally occupy land and build housing and businesses. Informal settlements, also called “squatter settlements,” are generally located on the periphery of urban centers and are created because of a lack of access to urban land or housing. Rights to the property are not recognized by the state. Tenure in informal settlements is insecure and the property is not part of the formal property or financial markets (USAID, 2013).

Informal settlements: ပမနမဟတေသာ ေနထငမမား ဆသညမာ လမားစြာက ဥပေဒနငမညပ ေျမယာ လက၀ယထားရျပး၊ အေဆာကအဥ ေဆာကလပကာ စးပြားေရးလပငနး လပကငသည႕ ေနရာမားျဖစသည။ ထကသ႕ ပမနမဟတေသာ ေနထငမမားက " ကးေကာေနထငမမား" ဟလညး ေခၚသည။ ယငးတ႕မာ အမားအားျဖင႕ ျမ႕ျပငေဒသ မားတြင တညရျပး၊ ျမ႕တြငးေျမယာ သ႕မဟတ အမရာမားနင႕ အဆကအသြယ ဆကသြယမမရ၍ ေပၚေပါကလာျခငးျဖစသည။ အစးရအေနျဖငလညး ပငဆငမႈ အခြငအေရးမားက အသအမတျပထားျခငးမရေပ။ ပမနမဟတေသာ အမရာမားတြင လပပငခြငမာ မေသခာပ၊ ယငးပငဆငမႈသည ပမန ပစၥညး သ႕မဟတ ေငြေၾကးေစးကြကမား၏ အစတအပငးလညးမဟတပါ။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Joint ownership: Joint ownership is a special form of ownership by two or more persons of the same property. The individuals, who are called joint tenants, share equal ownership of the property and have the equal, undivided right to keep or dispose of the property (Lehman & Phelps, 2005).

Joint ownership: ပးတြပငဆငမ ဆသညမာ ပငဆငမႈ တစခတညးက နစဥး သ႕မဟတ နစဥးထက ပသမားက ပတြပငဆငသည႕ ပငဆငမ အထးပစတစမးျဖစသည။ ပးတြသးစားသရငးဌား တစဥးခငးသညလညး ေ၀မပငဆငနငခြငရၾကျပး၊ ထပငဆငမႈက ထနးသမးရနနင ထခြစမရန ပငးျခားမထားေသာ အခြငအေရးရသည။ ( လာမငး နင႕ ဖလပစ၊ ၂၀၀၅)

Land access: The opportunity to acquire and use land; also the fact of having acquired access (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Land access: ေျမယာကရယအသးျပနငေသာ အခြငအလမးျဖစသည။ ထ႕အတ ထေတြ႕ဆကဆခြငရျပးသည႕ အခကလညးပါ၀ငသည။ (ဘရစ နင ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Land administration: The management of information about the ownership, value, and use of land and its associated resources. The function of a land administration system is to record, maintain, and make available information that can create security of tenure and support the land market (UNECE, 2004).

Land administration: ေျမယာအပခပေရးဆသညမာ ေျမယာပငဆငမ၊ တနဘး၊ ေျမအသးျပမနင႕ ဆကစပသည႕ အရငးအျမစမားဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလက စမခန႕ခြမကဆသည။ ေျမယာအပခပေရး စနစ၏ လပငနးတာ၀နမာ ေျမယာလပပငခြငနင႕ ေျမယာေစးကြကက ခငမာေစနင သည႕ သတငး အခကအလကမားက မတတမးတငရန၊ ထနးသမးရနနင႕ ရယနငရန ျဖစသည။ (ယအငအးစအး၊ ၂၀၀၄)

Land allocation: The process through which the state distributes land resources in ownership or use rights. State land resources allocated/distributed may be from the existing state asset base; the result of

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a land reform program, where larger (formerly private) landholdings have been broken up for allocation; or, the land assets of former collectives or cooperatives. In customary tenure systems, the term refers to the process through which the traditional leader gives land use rights to individuals or families (USAID, 2013).

Land allocation: ေျမယာေ၀ျခမးေရးဆသညမာ နငငေတာက ေျမယာအရငးအျမစပငဆငမ သ႕မဟတ အသးျပမအခြငအေရးမားက ခြေ၀ေပးသည႕ လပငနးစဥျဖစသည။ ေ၀ျခမး ထားသည႕/ခြေ၀ထား သည႕ နငငေတာပငေျမယာအရငးအျမစမားသည လကရနငငေတာပင မ တညပစၥညးမားမ လညးေကာငး ေျမယာျပျပငေျပာငးလေရး အစအစဥမ လညးေကာငး (ယခငက တစသးပဂၢလပငသည႕) ပမၾကး မားေသာ ေျမယာဥးပငမားက ေျမယာေ၀ျခမးေရးအတြက စတပငးထားမမ လညးေကာငး သ႕မဟတ ယခင စေပါငးအဖြ႕အစညး သ႕မဟတ သမ၀ါယမမား၏ ေျမယာ မ တညပစၥညးမားမလညး လညးေကာငး ခြေဝေပးနငသည။ ဓေလ႕ထးတမး ဆငရာ လပပငခြငစနစမားတြင ဤစကားရပက ရးရာေခါငးေဆာငက တစဥးခငး သ႕မဟတ မသားစမားအား ေျမယာအသးျပခြင အခြငအေရးမားကေပးအပသည႕ လပငနးစဥကလညး ရညညႊနးသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊၂၀၁၃)

Land based revenue: Revenue (public funds) generated from land through sales of state assets, property taxation, transfer fees, and various land administration fees (USAID, 2013).

Land based revenue: ေျမယာအေျခခအခြန ဆသညမာ နငငေတာ ေျမယာ မတညပစၥညးမား၊ ပစၥညး အခြနစညးၾကပျခငး၊ လႊေျပာငးခမားနင႕ အေထြေထြ ေျမယာအပခပခမားမ ရရေသာ အခြန (အမား ျပညသဆငရာရနပေငြမား) ျဖစသည။

Land commission: Formally constituted bodies which investigate land-related issues, or to implement some aspect of land policy, such as adjudication (Ciparisse, 2003).

Land commission: ေျမယာေကာမရင ဆသညမာ ေျမယာနငသကဆငသည႕ ကစၥရပမားက စစမး ေထာကလမးရန သ႕မဟတ စစေဆးစရငဆးျဖတျခငးက႕သ႕ေသာ ေျမယာမ၀ါဒ အယအဆအခ႕က အေကာငအထညေဖာရန တရားဝငဖြ႔စညးထားေသာ အဖြ႕အစညးမားျဖစသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land conflicts: Competing or conflicting claims to land, often to large areas of land, typically by groups, which reflect broader and deeper competing interests than those involved in most land disputes and which are not easily resolved through negotiation or adjudication within the existing legal framework. The term “conflict” implies tension and danger of violence but not necessarily the presence of violence, unless this is specified (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Land conflicts: ေျမယာပဋပကၡမား ဆသညမာ ၾကးမားေသာ ေျမေနရာမားအတြက လအပစမားက ယဥျပငေတာငးဆျခငး၊ ေျမႏင ပတသက၍ သေဘာထားကြလြမႈမားျဖစၾကျပး ေျမယာအျငငးပြားမမား တြင ပါ၀ငသမားထက ပမနကနသည႕ အကးစးပြားယဥျပငမမားပါရကာ၊ တညဆဥပေဒမေဘာင အတြငးမ ျဖနေျဖညႏငးျခငး သ႕မဟတ စရငဆးျဖတျခငးျဖင႕ အလြယတက ေျဖရငး၍မရနငေသာ အေျခအေနမးက ဆလသည။ " ပဋပကၡ" ဆသည႕စကားရပမာ သးျခားသတမတထားျခငးမရလင အၾကမး ဖကမမပါ၀ငသည႕ တငးမာမနင႕ အၾကမးဖကရန ျခမးေျခာကမတ႕ကဆသည။ ( ဘရစ နင႕ ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Land consolidation: A sequence of operations designed to reorganize land parcels in an area, regrouping them into consolidated holdings of more regular form and with improved access.

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Consolidation of parcels of land into a single holding, whether voluntary or enforced, is intended to provide a more rational distribution of land to improve the efficiency of farming (Ciparisse, 2003).

Land consolidation: ေျမယာေပါငးစညးျခငးဆသညမာ ဧရယာ တစခအတြငးရ ေျမကြကမားအား ပမပစတကပစ စစညးထားသည႕ဥးပငမားအျဖစ ဖြ႕စညးရနနင႕ တးတကေစရန ျပနလညဖြ႕စညး သည႕ လပငနးအစအစဥျဖစသည။ ဆႏၵအေလာကျဖစေစ၊ အတငးအၾကပျဖစေစ ေျမကြကမားအား တစခတညးေသာ ဥးပငအျဖစ စစညးျခငးမာ စကပးေရးထေရာကမ တးတကေစရနအတြက၊ ေျမယာက ပမ၍ လကရအေျခအေနမားႏင႕အည ခြေ၀ရန ရညရြယပါသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land contract: An agreement for the purchase and sale of land, usually involving installment payments by the purchaser with the transfer of title occurring upon payment of the final installment (Garner, 2009).

Land contract: ေျမယာစာခပဆသညမာ ေျမယာက ၀ယျခငး၊ ေရာငးျခငးျပရန သေဘာ တညခကျဖစသည။ ယငးတြင ၀ယသက အရစကေငြေချပး၊ ေနာကဆးအရစက ေပးေခသည႕အခါ ပငဆငမက လႊေျပာငးရန အရစကေပးေခမမားလညး ပါ၀ငသည။ ( ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Land court: An established court having exclusive original jurisdiction over land disputes (USAID, 2013).

Land court: ေျမယာတရားရးဆသညမာ ေျမယာအျငငးပြားမမားအေပၚ သးသန႕ မလစရငပငခြင႕ ရသည႕ တညေထာငထားေသာ တရားရးျဖစသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land development: The transformation of land to be used more efficiently through the application of capital, labor, or management (USAID, 2013).

Land development: ေျမယာဖြ႕ျဖးမဆသညမာ အရငးအႏး၊ လပအား သ႕မဟတ စမခန႕ခြမ အသးျပ၍ ေျမယာက ပမထေရာကစြာ အသးျပနငရန ျပျပငေျပာငးလျခငးျဖစသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land disputes: Competing or conflicting claims to rights to land by two or more parties, individuals, or groups. Disputes are generally related to boundaries, overlapping use rights, access to land, competition for resources, ownership, and inheritance (Bruce with Holt, 2011; Ciparisse, 2003; Münkner & Kaunianen, 2000).

Land disputes: ေျမယာအျငငးပြားမမား ဆသညမာ ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမားနင႕စပလဥး၍ နစဥး သ႕မဟတ ႏစဥးထကပေသာ စာခပ၀င၊ ပဂၢလ၊ အပစမားက ယဥျပငျခငး သ႕မဟတ ေတာငးဆမမား အျပင အဆငေတာငးဆျခငးျဖစသည။ အျငငးပြားမမားမာ ေယဘယအားျဖင႕ နယနမတ၊ အသးျပမအခြငအေရးမား ထပေနမ၊ ေျမယာရယအသးျပမ၊ အရငးအျမစမားအတြက ယဥျပငမ၊ ပငဆငမ၊ အေမြဆကခမတ႕နင႕ သကဆငသည။ (ဘရစနင႕ ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ မနခနာနင႕ ကနယနနင၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Land formalization: The process by which landholding held “outside the law” (informally, without a right to do so recognized by the state) is given such legal recognition by the state, a process that begins with legal recognition and is then often implemented through land titling and registration (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

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Land formalization: နငငေတာက "ဥပေဒျပငပ" မ ဥးပငရရထားသည႕ (သာမနအားျဖင႕ နငငေတာက ထသ႕ အသအမတျပရန အခြငအေရးမရသည႕) ေျမယာဥးပငအား ဥပေဒအရ အသအမတျပသည႕ လပငနးစဥျဖစသည။ ဥပေဒအရအသအမတျပသည႕လပငနးစဥမ စတငျပး၊ ေျမယာပငဆငခြငေပးျခငးနင႕ မတပတငျခငးတ႕က ဆကလကေဆာငရြကေလ႕ရသည။ ( ဘရစ နင႕ ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Land fragmentation: The ownership of multiple, non-contiguous parcels of land by a single owner. These are often described to be very small, non-economically viable land units. Fragmentation becomes a concern when the division of land results in units too small for rational exploitation or so widely dispersed as to present constraints to the effective management by the landholder. The principle cause of fragmentation is the subdivision of land through inheritance (USAID, 2013).

Land fragmentation: ေျမယာအပငးပငးျဖစျခငး ဆသညမာ တစဆကတစစပတညးမဟတသည႕ ေျမကြကမားစြာက ပငရငတစဥးတညးက ပငဆငျခငးျဖစသည။ ယငးတ႕မာ အလြနေသးငယျပး၊ စးပြားေရးလပရန တြကေျခမကကသည႕ ေျမကြကမားျဖစသည။ ေျမယာအပငးပငးျဖစျခငးသည ေျမယာကြကမားမာ အလြနေသးငယျပး၊ ျပန႕ကစြာတညရျခငးေၾကာင႕ ေျမပငရငက ထေရာကစြာစမခန႕ခြရနအတြက အဟန႕အတားျဖစသည႕အခါ၊ ျပနာတစချဖစလာပါသည။ ေျမယာအပငးပငးျဖစျခငး၏ အဓကအေၾကာငးရငးမာ အေမြဆကခရာတြင ေျမယာက စတပငးျခငး ေၾကာင႕ ျဖစပါသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Landholding: A piece of land owned or possessed (USAID, 2013).

Landholding: ဥးပင ဆသညမာ ပငဆငသည႕ သ႕မဟတ လက၀ယထားသည႕ ေျမကြကက ဆသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land governance: The bundle of rules, rights, policies, processes, institutions, and structures created to manage the use, allocation of, access to, control, ownership, management, and transfer of land and natural resources found on land (USAID, 2013).

Land governance: ေျမယာအပခပမဆသညမာ ေျမယာနင႕ ေျမေပၚတြင ေတြ႕ရသည႕ သဘာ၀အရငးအျမစမားက အသးျပမအားစမခန႕ခြျခငး၊ ခြျခမးျခငး၊ ရယအသးျပျခငး၊ ထနးကြပျခငး၊ ပငဆငျခငး၊ စမခန႕ခြျခငး၊ လႊေျပာငးျခငးအတြက တထြငျပလပထားေသာ နညးဥပေဒမား၊ အခြင႕အေရးမား၊ မ၀ါဒမား၊ လပငနးစဥမား၊ အဖြ႕အစညးမားနင႕ တညေဆာကမမားအစက ဆသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land governance systems: Include state organizations that deal with land such as ministries of land, land registries, and cadastral services, and courts. Informal land governance systems include customary (informal) institutions that develop land use rules, allocate land, and resolve disputes related to land (USAID, 2013).

Land governance systems: ေျမယာအပခပမစနစမား ဆရာတြင ေျမယာ၀နၾကးဌာနမား၊ ေျမယာ မတတမးဌာနမား၊ ေျမတငး၀နေဆာငမမားနင တရားရးမားက႕သ႕ေသာ နငငေတာအဖြ႕အစညးမား ပါ၀ငသည။ ပမနမဟတေသာ ေျမယာအပခပမစနစမားတြင ေျမယာႏင႕သကဆငသည႕ နညးဥပေဒမားက ကင႕သးရန၊ ေျမယာခြျခမးရနႏင႕ အျငငးပြားမမားက ေျဖရငးရန ဓေလ႕ထးတမးအရ ဖြ႕စညးထားေသာ (ပမနမဟတေသာ) အဖြ႕အစညးမားျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

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Land information systems: A tool for legal, administrative, and economic decision-making and an aid for planning and development. The base of a land information system is a uniform spatial referencing system, which also simplifies the linking of data within the system with other land-related data (Ciparisse, 2003).

Land information systems: ေျမယာသတငးအခကအလကစနစမားဆသညမာ ဥပေဒေရးရာ၊ အပခပမဆငရာႏင႕ စးပြားေရးရာအတြက အဆးအျဖတျပရန၊ စမကနးေရးဆြရန ႏင႕ ဖြ႕ျဖးမေဆာငရြကရန အေထာကအကျပသည႕ ကရယာျဖစသည။ ေျမယာသတငးအခကအလက စနစ၏ အေျခခမာ တညေသာေျမယာဧရယာ ရညညႊနးမစနစကင႕သးျပး၊ စနစအတြငးရ သတငး အခကအလကမားက အျခားေျမယာဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလကမားနင ခတဆကျခငး ျဖစပါ သည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land law: The body of law relating to the acquisition, use, and disposal of land, including laws defining and regulating property rights and those conferring on state or other institutions land-related competencies such as land administration, land management, land use planning, and land taxation (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Land law: ေျမယာဥပေဒဆသညမာ ပစၥညးဆငရာအခြင႕အေရးမားအား အနကအဓပၸာယဖြင႕ ဆျခငးနင ပစၥညးဆငရာအခြငအေရးမားက စညးမဥးသတမတျခငးႏင႕ ေျမယာအပခပေရး၊ ေျမယာစမခန႕ခြမ၊ ေျမယာအသးခမစမကနး ေရးဆြျခငး၊ ေျမယာအခြနစညးၾကပျခငးက႕သ႕ေသာ ေျမယာလပပငခြငမားက နငငေတာ သ႕မဟတ အျခား အဖြ႕အစညးမားအားအပႏငးျခငး အပါအ၀င ေျမယာသမးဆညးျခငး၊ အသးျပျခငး၊ ထခြျခငးဆငရာ ဥပေဒအစကဆသည။ (ဘရစနင႕ ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Land management: The process of managing the use and development of land resources. Some of the critical, and sometimes conflicting, objectives that must be addressed by land management policies today include:

• Improving the efficiency of land resource use to support a growing population;

• Providing incentives for development, including the provision of residential housing and basic infrastructure, such as sewer and water facilities;

• Protecting the natural environment from degradation;

• Providing equitable and efficient access to the economic benefits of land and real estate markets; and,

• Supporting government services through taxation and fees related to land and improvements (Ciparisse, 2003; UNECE, 1996).

Land management: ေျမယာစမခန႕ခြမဆသညမာ ေျမယာအရငးအျမစမားအား အသးျပရနနင႕ ဖြ႕ျဖးတးတကေစရန စမခန႕ခြသည႕ လပငနးစဥ ျဖစပါသည။ ယေန႕အခနအခါတြင ေျမယာ စမခန႕ခြမ၊ ေျမယာ မ၀ါဒမားႏင႕စပလဥး၍ အေ၀ဖနခရဆး၊ တစခါတစရ ပဋပကၡျဖစျပး၊ ေျဖရငးေဆာငရြကရမည႕ ရည ရြယခကမားမာ ေအာကပါတ႕ပါ၀ငပါသည-

• တးတကမားျပားလာေသာ လဥးေရက အေထာကအကျပရန ေျမအရငးအျမစအသးျပမတြင ထေရာကမက တးတကေစျခငး၊

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• လေနအမရာနင႕ ေရဆးေျမာငး၊ ေရသန႕စငမက႕သ႕ေသာ အေျခခအေဆာကအအမား အတြက ခြေ၀ခထားျခငးအပါအ၀င ဖြ႕ျဖးမအတြက ဆြေဆာငမမားေပးျခငး၊

• သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကင ပကစးယယြငးမမ ကာကြယျခငး၊ • ေျမယာႏင႕အမျခေစးကြကမားသ႕ မတစြာႏင႕ ထေရာကစြာ ဆကသြယအသးျပခြင႕ ေပးျခငး၊ • ေျမယာႏင႕ တးတကမမားဆငရာ အခြနအခမား ေကာကချခငးျဖင႕ အစးရ၀နေဆာငမမား က


Land market: The processes involved where buyers and sellers of interests in land meet. Broadly speaking, the market in land includes a range of possible transactions, such as sales, leases, mortgages, land exchanges, and other temporary transfers (Bruce, 1998; Ciparisse, 2003).

Land market: ေျမယာေစးကြကဆရာတြင ေျမယာအကးစးပြားမားက ၀ယသမားႏင႕ ေရာငးသမား ေတြ႕ဆသည႕ လပငနးစဥမားပါ၀ငသည။ အကယအားျဖင႕ဆရလင၊ ေျမယာေစးကြကတြင ေရာငးချခငး၊ ငားရမးျခငး၊ ေပါငနျခငး၊ ေျမယာလလယျခငးႏင႕ အျခားယာယလႊေျပာငးျခငးအပါ အ၀င ျဖစနငသည႕ ဆကသြယမမားပါ၀ငသည။ ( ဘရစ၊ ၁၉၉၈။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land ownership: The set of rights in land held by an owner or owners. These include rights to use and dispose of the interests in the land through sale, lease, bequest, or other terms agreed upon with the person acquiring those rights (Ciparisse, 2003).

Land ownership: ေျမပငဆငမဆသညမာ ပငရငတစဥး သ႕မဟတ ပငရငအမားတြငရသည႕ ေျမယာရ အခြင႕အေရးမားအစကဆသည။ ဤအခြငအေရးမားတြင ေျမယာအသးျပခြင႕မားႏင႕ ေျမယာေရာငးချခငး၊ ငားရမးျခငး၊ အေမြေပးျခငးနင႕ ထအခြငအေရးမားအား ရယသႏင႕ သေဘာတ ထားသည႕ စညးကမးခကမား ပါ၀ငသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land policy: Land policy is the set of intentions embodied in various policy instruments that are adopted by the state to organize land tenure and land use (Ciparisse, 2003).

Land policy: ေျမယာမ၀ါဒဆသညမာ ေျမယာလပပငခြင႕နင႕ ေျမယာအသးျပမက ေဆာငရြကရန နငငေတာက မ၀ါဒစာခပစာတမး အသးသးတြင ထည႕သြငးခမတထားသည႕ ရညရြယခကအစ ျဖစ ပါသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land reclamation: The process of bringing unusable land to a usable state with higher value; for example, through swamp drainage, desalinization, reforestation, or recovery from past environmentally unsound land use or natural disaster (USAID, 2013).

Land reclamation: ေျမယာျပျပငျခငးဆသညမာ အသးျပ၍မရေသာေျမယာက ပမတနဘး ျမင႕မားျပး အသးျပ၍ရေသာ ေျမယာျဖစလာေစရန ေဆာငရြကသည႕လပငနးစဥျဖစသည။ ဥပမာ- ၀ပေနသည႕ေရမားေဖာကထတျခငး၊ ဆားဓာတေလာ႕နညးေစျခငး၊ သစေတာျပနလညတည ေထာငျခငး သ႕မဟတ ယခငက သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငက ထခကေစသည႕အသးျပမ သ႕မဟတ သဘာ၀ေဘးအႏရာယကေရာကသည႕ ေျမကျပျပငျခငး တ႕ျဖစပါသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land redistribution: The redistribution of landholdings, usually involving the resettlement of farmers and reallocation of property rights over the land (USAID, 2013).

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Land redistribution: ေျမယာျပနလညေ၀ျခမးျခငးဆရာတြင သာမနအားျဖင႕ လယသမားမားအား ျပနလညေ၀ျခမးျခငးႏင႕ ေျမယာအေပၚရ ပစၥညးအခြငအေရး မားက ျပနလညခြေ၀ျခငးအပါအ၀င ေျမယာဥးပငမားက ျပနလညခြေ၀ျခငးျဖစပါသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land reform: The redistribution or reallocation of landholdings in an attempt to improve access rights to certain segments of a society. The process usually involves the breaking up of large landholdings and redistributing the land to landless people or to those who have been working on the larger landholdings. See also agrarian reform (Bruce, 1998; Ciparisse, 2003; Leonard & Longbottom, 2000, Ciparisse, 2003).

Land reform: ေျမယာျပျပငေျပာငးလမဆသညမာ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးတစရပ၏ အစတအပငးတစခ႕ က ထေတြ႕အသးျပခြင႕မား တးတကလာေစမတြင ေျမယာဥးပငမားက ျပနလညခြေ၀ျခငး သ႕မဟတ ျပနလညေ၀ျခမးျခငး ျဖစသည။ ဤလပငနးစဥတြင ေျမယာဥးပငၾကးမားက ခြျခမးလက ေျမယာမ႕သမား သ႕မဟတ ပမၾကးမားသည႕ ေျမယာဥးပငရသမား လပကငေနသမားအား ျပနလညခြေ၀ေပးျခငးတ႕ ပါေလ႕ရသည။ စကပးေရးျပျပငေျပာငးလမတြငလညး ၾကည႕ပါ။ ( ဘရစ၊ ၁၉၉၈။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ လယနတနင ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land register: A public register used to record the existence of deeds or title documents over land, comprising the registered details of each property (Ciparisse, 2003; UNECE, 1996).

Land register: ေျမယာမတပတငစာအပ ဆသညမာ ပစၥညးအသးသး၏ မတပတငထားသည႕ အေသးစတ အခကအလကမားပါ၀ငသည႕ ေျမယာဆငရာ စာခပမား သ႕မဟတ ပငဆငမစာခပစာတမးမား တညရမက မတတမးတငရန အသးျပသည႕ အစးရ မတပတငစာအပျဖစသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃၊ ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Land registry: The office and books or files in which records of property rights and maps are maintained, usually by a government agency (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Land registry: ေျမယာမတပတငဌာနဆသညမာပငဆငမႈ အခြငအေရးမားဆငရာ မတတမးမားနင႕ ေျမပမားက ေယဘယအားျဖင႕ အစးရဌာန တစခက ထနးသမးထားသည႕ ရးနင႕ စာအပမား သ႕မဟတ စာတြမားျဖစသည။

Land registration: See land titling and registration.

Land registration: ေျမယာမတပတငျခငး အေၾကာငးက ေျမယာပငဆငျခငးနင႕ မတပတငျခငး တြငၾကည႕ပါ။

Land registry fees: Fees collected in the process of using the services of the land registry. These include initial registration as well as subsequent activities, such as obtaining copies of registration documents, registering mortgages, transferring titles, and subdividing property (USAID, 2013).

Land registry fees: ေျမယာမတပတငခ ဆသညမာ ေျမယာမတပတငရး၏ ၀နေဆာငမမားက အသးျပသည႕လပငနးစဥအတြက ေကာကခသည႕ အဖးအခမားက ဆသည။ ယငးတ႕တြင ကနဥး မတပတငျခငးနညးတ မတပတငထားသည႕ စာတမးအမတအသားမား၏ မတရယျခငး၊ ေပါငႏမ မားက မတပတငျခငး၊ ပငဆငမမားက လႊေျပာငးျခငး၊ ပစၥညးက ထပမစတပငးျခငးတ႕လညး ပါ၀ငသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

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Land rehabilitation: See land reclamation.

Land rehabilitation: ေျမယာျပျပငျခငးတြငၾကည႕ပါ။

Land reserves: Land set aside by the state for a particular purpose such as future allocation, protection of unique ecosystems or biodiversity, or exclusive use of indigenous peoples. May also be referred to as a “land bank” (Ciparisse, 2003).

Land reserves: အရနေျမဆသညမာ အနာဂတ ေျမယာေ၀ျခမးေရး၊ ထးျခား၍ ရားပါးေသာ ေဂဟစနစမား သ႕မဟတ ဇ၀မးကြမးစတညရမက ကာကြယေရး သ႕မဟတ တငးရငးသားလမး မား၏ သးသန႕အသးျပမက႕သ႕ေသာ ရညရြယခကတစခအတြက နငငေတာက ခနလပထားသည႕ ေျမျဖစသည။ ယငးက "ေျမယာဘဏ"ဟလညး ရညညႊနးနငသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land sector agencies: Land-related administrative and regulatory institutions that play a vital role in land management and administration and in defining and supporting land markets (USAID, 2013).

Land sector agencies: ေျမယာစမခန႕ခြမ၊ အပခပမ၊ ေျမယာေစးကြကမားက သတမတျခငးႏင႕ အေထာကအကျပျခငး တ႕တြင အေရးပါသည႕အခနးက႑မ ပါ၀ငသည႕၊ ေျမယာႏင႕သကဆင သည႕ အပခပေရးႏင႕ အာဏာရ အဖြ႕အစညးမားျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land speculation: The process through which land is acquired not for immediate productive use, but with the expectation that the land will increase in value and that subsequent sale will generate a profit. This practice is generally common in situations of rapidly-rising land values due to urban expansion, public works programs (road corridors), or other changing economic opportunities (USAID, 2013).

Land speculation: ေျမယာက ခကခငး ကနထတလပမအတြက အသးျပရနမဟတပ၊ ေျမယာ မာ ေစးတကလာမညဟ ေမာလင႕ျပး၊ ထပမေရာငးချခငးျဖင႕ အျမတအစြနးရရေစသည႕ လပငနး စဥျဖစသည။

Land subdivision: The process through which a piece of land is divided into smaller units. This may occur for purposes of development or as a result of inheritance and the sharing of the land assets among the heirs of the landholder. See also land fragmentation (USAID, 2013).

Land subdivision: ေျမကြကတစကြကက ပမေသးငယေသာ ေျမကြကမားအျဖစ စတပငးသည႕ လပငနးစဥျဖစသည။ ဖြ႕ျဖးတးတကမရညရြယခကမား သ႕မဟတ အေမြဆကခေရးနင႕ ေျမယာဥးပငသ၏ အေမြခမားအၾကား ေျမယာမတညပစၥညးမားက ခြေ၀ျခငးအတြကလညး ယငးသ႕ ေဆာငရြကနငသည။ ေျမယာစတပငးျခငးတြငလညး ၾကည႕ပါ။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land taxation: The process through which governments levy taxation on land parcels. This practice is a major source of local government revenue for those countries where land and property taxation is in place (USAID, 2013).

Land taxation: ေျမကြကမားအေပၚ အစးရအဖြ႕မားက အခြနစညးၾကပသည႕ လပငနးစဥ ျဖစသည။ ဤအေလ႕အကင႕သည ေျမယာႏင႕ပစၥညးခြနေကာကခမရသည႕ နငငမားတြင အစးရအခြန ရရသည႕ အဓကအေျခခ ျဖစပါသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land tenure: The relationship (whether defined under formal “de jure” law or under customary law) that individuals and groups hold with respect to land. Land tenure rules define the ways in which

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property rights to land are allocated, transferred, used, or managed in a particular society (USAID, 2013).

Land tenure: ေျမယာႏင႕စပလဥး၍ တစသးပဂၢလ သ႕မဟတ အပစမားက ရရေသာ( ပမန"တရား၀င" ဥပေဒအရျဖစေစ၊ ဓေလ႕ထးတမးဥပေဒအရျဖစေစ သတမတထားသည႕) ဆကသြယမျဖစပါသည။ ေျမယာလပပငခြငနညးဥပေဒမားက လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးတစခတြင ေျမယာမ ပငဆငနငသည႔ အခြင႕အေရးမားက ခြေဝသည႕၊ လႊေျပာငးသည႕၊ အသးျပသည႕ သ႕မဟတ စမခန႕ခြသည႕ နညးလမးမားက သတမတသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land tenure system: The totality of property rights in land operating within a state or sub-state polity, as well as the institutions responsible for implementing them, the patterns of land distribution they have formed and protect, and the cultural meanings of land—all understood as a system in which the various elements work together to achieve policy objectives (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Land tenure system: နငငေတာအတြငး သ႕မဟတ နငငခ၊ြ နငငေရးအဖြ႕အစညးအတြငး သ႕မဟတ ယငးတ႕ကအေကာငအထညေဖာရန တာ၀နရသည႕ အဖြ႕အစညးမားအတြငး ေဆာငရြကသည႕ ေျမယာ၏ အခြင႕အေရးစစေပါငး၊ ယငးတ႕က ဖြ႕စညး၍အကာအကြယေပးသည႕ ေျမယာခြေဝေရးပစမား၊ ေျမယာႏင ဆကစပေနသည႔ ယဥေကးမအဓပၸာယမားအားလးက မ၀ါဒရညရြယခကမား ေအာငျမငေစရန ပါဝငေသာ အခကမားအားလး အတတကြလပကငသည႕ စနစျဖစသည။ (ဘရစ နင႕ ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Land titling and registration: The processes by which the state confers land rights upon, or recognizes claims to, land rights by occupants or other claimants (titling) and then makes an official record of such rights to facilitate their proof (registration) (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

Land titling and registration: နငငေတာက ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမားက ေပးအပျခငး သ႕မဟတ လက၀ယရသမား သ႕မဟတ အျခားပငဆငခြင ေတာငးဆ သမားက ေျမယာအခြင႕အေရးမား ေတာငးဆမမားက အသအမတျပျခငး၊ ယငးအခြင႕အေရးမားက သကေသထငရားေစရန ျပလပျခငး (မတပ တငျခငး) အတြက တရား၀ငမတတမးတငျခငးတ႕ပါ၀ငသည႕ လပငနးစဥမားျဖစသည။ (ဘရစ နင႕ ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Land transaction: The transfer of property rights or ownership of land, permanently (thorough sales or inheritances) or temporarily (through leases, sharecropping arrangements, mortgages, etc.) (USAID, 2013).

Land transaction: ပစၥညးအခြငအေရးမား သ႕မဟတ ေျမယာပငဆငမက (ေရာငးချခငး သ႕မဟတ အေမြဆကချခငးျဖင႕) အျမတနးလႊေျပာငးျခငးႏင႕ (ငားရမးျခငး၊ စပတစကပးျခငး အစ အစဥမား၊ ေပါငႏျခငး စသညျဖင႕) ယာယလႊေျပာငးျခငးတ႕ျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land use planning: The systematic assessment of land and water potential, alternative patterns of land use, and other physical, social, and economic conditions, for the purpose of selecting and adopting land use options which are most beneficial to land users without degrading the resources or the environment, together with the selection of measures most likely to encourage such land uses (Ciparisse, 2003).

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Land use planning: ေျမအသးျပ သမားအတြက အရငးအျမစမား သ႕မဟတ ပတ၀နးကငက နမ႕ကေလာ႕နညးမ မရေစဘ အကးအရဆး ျဖစနငမည႕ ေျမယာအသးျပမပစက ေရြးခယ သတမတနငေစရနႏင႕ ယငးေျမအသးျပမမားက အားေပးနငသည႕ အေကာငအထညေဖာမမားက ေရြးခယနငရနအတြက ေျမယာႏင႕ ေရရရနငမ ၊ ေျမအသးခမ တြင ေျပာငးလ ကင႕သး နငသည႕ပစမား၊ အျခားရပပငးဆငရာ၊ လမေရး နင႕စးပြားေရးဆငရာ အေျခအေနမားက စနစတက ေလ႕လာဆနးစစျခငး။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Land use/ownership certificates: An alternative to formal title registration that provides evidence and legitimization of occupancy without a costly land registration program. This is often seen as an intermediate step between informal land records and more formal titling programs. Use certificates can offer security of tenure to land users without addressing potential conflicts over land ownership. In some countries or customary tenure settings, governments that are not willing to alienate land into private ownership use land use certificates as a mechanism to provide the necessary evidence of ownership or, as in China or Vietnam, provide evidence of the long-term security of the use right, rather than an ownership right, to secure access to credit (USAID, 2013).

Land use/ownership certificates: စရတစက အကနအက မားျပားသည႕ ေျမယာမတပတငျခငး အစအစဥျဖင႕ မျပလပဘ၊ လက၀ယရမက သကေသထငရားေစရနႏင႕ တရား၀ငေစရန ပမန ပငဆငမ မတပတငျခငးအစား ေဆာငရြကသည႕ အျခားပစျဖစပါသည။ ဤအဆင႕က ပမနမဟတ ေသာ ေျမယာမတတမးတငျခငးႏင႕ ပမပမနျဖစေသာ ပငဆငမအစအစဥအၾကား ၾကားခအဆင႕ တစရပအျဖစ ေဆာငရြကေလ႕ရသည။ ေျမအသးျပမေထာကခခကလကမတမားသည ေျမယာပင ဆငမအေပၚ ျဖစပြားနငသည႕ ပဋပကၡမားက မေဖာထတပ၊ ေျမယာလပပငခြငလျခမက ေပးနငပါ သည။ အခ႕နငငမား သ႕မဟတ ဓေလ႕ထးစအရ လပပငခြငေပးသည႕ နညးလမးမားတြင ေျမယာက ပဂၢလက ပငဆငမမေပးလသည႕ အစးရမားက ပငဆငမအတြက လအပေသာ သကေသခခက ထတေပးမက လပငနးစဥတစရပ အျဖစ သးပါသည။ တရတႏင ဗယကနမကသ႕ေသာ ႏငငတ႔တြင အေျခအေနမနက လျခစြာ အသးျပနငရန ပငဆငမအခြင႕ အေရးအစား၊ ေရရညအသးျပခြငခငမာေစရန သကေသခထတေပးပါသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Land valuation: The determination of the value of property. Value can have many meanings in real-estate appraisal; the applicable definition depends on the context and usage. Appraisers estimate property value with specific procedures that reflect three distinct methods of data analysis: cost, sales comparison, and income capitalization (UNECE, 1996).

Land valuation: ပစၥညးတနဖးသတမတျခငးျဖစပါသည။ ေျမတနဖးသတမတျခငး တြင အေၾကာငးအရာနင႕ အေလ႕အထ ေပၚမတည၍ သကဆငသည႕ အဓပၸာယအမးမး ရနငပါသည။ တနဖးျဖတသမားက ပစၥညး၏ ခန႕မနးတနဖးက ျဖတရာတြင ကနကစရတ၊ ေရာငးခမ ႏငးယဥျခငး နင႕ ၀ငေငြအရငးအႏးရရျခငး ဟေသာ ကြျပားသည႕ အခကအလက ဆနးစစမနညးလမးမားပါ၀ငသည႕ သးသန႕ လပထးလပနညးမားျဖင႕ တနဖးျဖတပါသည။ (ယအငနအးစအး ၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Landlessness: The state of having no access to land or rights in land. May also be used to indicate a situation where someone holds land but has not formal recognition of access and use rights (USAID, 2013).

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Landlessness: ေျမယာ သ႕မဟတ ေျမယာရအခြင႕အေရး ထေတြ႕အသးျပခြင မရသည႕ အေျခအေန ျဖစသည။ သတစဥးမာ ေျမယာလက၀ယရေသာလညး ထေတြ႕အသးျပခြင ၊ အခြငအေရး အသးျပခြင႕ က တရား၀င အသအမတျပထားျခငးမရသည႕ အေျခအေနကလညး ရညညႊနးရန အသးျပနငပါသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Landlord: One who leases or rents real property to another (Garner, 2009).

Landlord: အမျခေျမပစၥညးက အျခားသသ႕ ငားရမးသျဖစသည။ (ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Law review commissions: Temporary or permanent commissions established by government to review, amend and consolidate existing law, review proposed laws for conformity to existing law, or deal with issues arising in legally pluralistic societies (USAID, 2013).

Law review commissions: တညဆဥပေဒက ျပနလညသးသပျခငး၊ ျပငဆငျခငး နင႕စစညးျခငး၊ အဆျပသည႕ ဥပေဒမားက တညဆဥပေဒနင႕ အညျဖစေစရန သးသပျခငး၊ သ႕မဟတ ဥပေဒႏင႕အည လအမားနင႕သကဆငသည႕ အဖြ႕အစညးမားတြင ေပၚေပါကသည႕ ကစၥမားက ေဆာငရြကျခငးျပရန အစးရက ဖြ႕စညးေပးထားသည႕ ယာယ သ႕မဟတ အျမတနး ေကာမရငမား ျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Lease: To grant the possession and use of (land, buildings, rooms, movable property, etc.) to another in return for rent or other considerations (Garner, 2009).

Lease: (ေျမယာ၊ အေဆာကအဥးမား၊ အခနးမား၊ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးနငေသာပစၥညးမား စသည) က ငားရမးခ သ႕မဟတ အျခား အဖးစားနားမားအတြက အျပနအလနအေနျဖင႕ အျခားသတစဥးသ႕ ေျမယာက လက၀ယရရနႏင႕ အသးျပရန ခြင႕ျပျခငးျဖစပါသည။ ( ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Leasehold: A contractual arrangement under which a landlord (the lessor) grants the right of exclusive occupation of the land to a tenant (the lessee) for an agreed amount of money for an agreed period of time (UNECE, 2004).

Leasehold: ေျမရင (ငားရမးသ) တစဥးက ေျမငားရမးျခငးခရသ (အငားခထားခရသ) သ႕ သေဘာတညထားေသာ ေငြပမဏတစရပအတြက သေဘာတညထားေသာ အခနကာလတစခ အတြငး ေျမယာက သးသန႕လက၀ယထားရရန ခြငျပသည႕ ပဋညာဥျပသည႕ အစအစဥ ျဖစသည။ ( ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၂၀၀၄)

Legal aid: The process of providing legal assistance and counseling to those who cannot afford private counsel, or who are uninformed of their rights (USAID, 2013).

Legal aid: ဥပေဒဆငရာအေထာကအကေပးျခငးနင႕ ပဂၢလကေရ႕ေန ငားရမးရန ေငြေၾကး မတတနငသမား သ႕မဟတ ယငးတ႕၏အခြငအေရးမားက မသရသမားအား တငပင ေဆြးေႏြးျခငး လပငနးစဥျဖစသည။

Legal pluralism: The coexistence within a single polity of different bodies of law with different origins, and in the case of land the coexistence of different bodies of norms governing the use of land (Bruce with Holt, 2011).

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Legal pluralism: လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးတစခတညးတြင ကြျပားေသာ အေျခခမားရသည႕ဥပေဒ အစမား အတတညရျခငးျဖစသည။ ေျမယာကစၥတြင ေျမအသးျပမနငစပလဥး၍ ကြျပားေသာ ဥပေဒစမား အတတညရျခငးျဖစသည။ ( ဘရစ ႏင႕ ေဟာ႕လတ၊ ၂၀၁၁)

Legitimate tenure rights: Land tenure rights explicitly recognized in national law or policy, and also those rights, while not legally recognized, that are considered to be socially legitimate in local societies or communities (FAO, 2012).

Legitimate tenure rights: အမးသားဥပေဒ သ႕မဟတ မ၀ါဒတြင အတအလငး အသအမတျပ ထားသည႕ ေျမယာလပပငခြငအခြငအေရးမားႏင႕ ဥပေဒအရ အသအမတျပမထားသည႕တင၊ ေဒသခအသငးအဖြ႕မား သ႕မဟတ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးမားက လမေရးအရ တရား၀ငသညဟ ယဆထားေသာ ေျမယာလပပငခြငအခြငအေရးမားျဖစသည။ (အကဖေအအ၊ ၂၀၁၂)

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အမမ- ဇက ျဖင႕ စသည႕ စကားရပမား Map: The presentation of the earth’s surface showing topographical features, such as mountains, lakes, and rivers, and other physical features, such as roads, forests, and areas of settlement. Thematic maps may deal with property boundaries, land use categories, soil quality, etc. (USAID, 2013).

Map: ေတာငမား၊ ကနမားနင႕ ျမစမား၊ လမးမား၊ သစေတာမားနင႕ လေနအမရာမားစသည႕ အျခားရပပငးဆငရာအရာမား၏ အနမ႕အျမင႕က ေဖာျပသည႕ ေျမျပငက တငျပခကျဖစသည။ အေၾကာငးအရာအလက ပငရငးေျမပမားတြင ပစၥညး၏ နယနမတမား၊ ေျမအသးျပမ အမးအစား မား၊ ေျမဆလႊာ အေျခအေနမား စသညတ႕ ပါရနငသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Marginalized groups: Those individuals or groups who have limited or restricted access to or control over land resources because of gender, economic or social status, tribal or ethnic background, citizenship, religion, or other stratification mechanisms. Marginalized groups typically have little or no security of tenure, access to resources, access to credit, access to bureaucratic/power structures, or representation (USAID, 2013).

Marginalized groups: ကား/မေရးရာ၊ စးပြားေရး သ႕မဟတ လမေရး အဆင႕အတနး၊ မးႏြယစ သ႕မဟတ တငးရငးသားေရးရာေနာကေၾကာငးခ၊ နငငသားျဖစမ၊ ဘာသာေရး သ႕မဟတ အဆင႕ အတနးခြျခားမမားေၾကာင႕ ေျမအရငးအျမစမားအေပၚ ထေတြ႕အသးျပမ သ႕မဟတ ထနးခပမ တြင ကန႕သတခရေသာာ သ႕မဟတ တားျမစခရေသာ တစသးပဂၢလမား သ႕မဟတ အပစမား ျဖစသည။ စြန႕ပယခအပစမားမာ အမားအားျဖင႕ ေျမယာလပပငခြင႕၊ အရငးအျမစမားက ထေတြ႕ အသးျပခြင႕၊ အစးရ/အာဏာ အဖြ႕အစညးမားႏင႕ ထေတြ႕နငခြင႕၊ တငျပနငခြင႕ အနညးငယသာ ရသည။ သ႕မဟတ လး၀မရတတေပ။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Marital property: Property, including land, owned by married couples (and, in some cases, couples in consensual unions) which is managed during marriage and is divided if the marriage ends. Property brought into the marriage may have different rules than that which is acquired during the marriage (USAID, 2013).

Marital property: လကထပထားသည႕ဇနးေမာငႏ (အခ႕ကစၥမားတြင သေဘာတ အတ ေနထငသမား) က ပငဆငသည႕ ေျမအပါအ၀င ပစၥညးမား ကဆသည။ ယငးတ႕က လကထပထားစဥ စမခန႕ခြျပး၊ လကထပမ ျပးဆးသြားသည႕အခါ ခြေ၀ယၾကပါသည။ လကထပစဥရရခ႕သည႕ ပစၥညးမားႏင႕မတ ခနး၀ငပစၥညးမားအတြက ကြျပားျခားနားသည႕ နညးဥပေဒမား ရနငပါသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Market assisted access (also known as market assisted land reform): A form of land reallocation which encourages willing buyers to negotiate land purchase deals with willing sellers, with the government facilitating the purchase process through grants and other supportive measures (USAID, 2013).

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Market assisted access (ေစးကြကအေထာကအကျပ ေျမယာျပျပငေျပာငးလမဟလညး သရၾက ပါသည။) ၀ယလသမားက ေရာငးလသမားႏင႕ ေျမယာ၀ယယမအတြက ညႏငးေဆြးေႏြး နငျပး၊ အစးရက ၀ယယမလပငနးစဥက ဂရန နင႕ အျခားအေထာကအကျပလပငနးမား ေဆာငရြကေပးျခငးျဖင႕ အားေပးသည႕ ေျမယာျပနလညေ၀ျခမးေရး ပစျဖစသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Matrilineal inheritance: A system by which, according to law or custom, property passes from the deceased owner through the female line to his or her heirs (USAID, 2013).

Matrilineal inheritance: ဥပေဒ သ႕မဟတ ဓေလ႕ထးတမးအရ ပငရငျဖစေသာ ေသသ၏ ပစၥညးက အမးသမးဘကမ သ သ႕မဟတ သမ၏ အေမြခမားသ႕ အေမြေပးလႊေျပာငးျခငး ျဖစသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Mediation: A method of non-binding dispute resolution involving neutral third parties who try to help the disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable solution (Garner, 2009).

Mediation: အျငငးပြားသမားက ႏစဥးႏစဖက သေဘာတညသည႕ ေျဖရငးခကရရရန ကညလသည႕ အျခားသမားပါ၀င၍ စညးေႏာငမမရေသာ အျငငးပြားမေျဖရငးသည႕ နညးလမးျဖစ ပါသည။ ( ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Mortgage: The conveyance of a property by a debtor (called the mortgagor) to a creditor (called the mortgagee) as security for a financial loan with the provision that the property shall be returned when the loan is paid off by a certain date. In some legal systems, there is provision that the mortgagee has the power to sell the concerned property when the interest is not paid in time and the loan is not paid off by a certain date in accordance with the agreed stipulations (UNECE, 1996).

Mortgage: ျမစား (ေပါငႏသ) က ျမရင ( အေပါငခသ) အား ေခးေငြတစရပ၏ အာမခ အျဖစ ပစၥညးလႊေျပာငးေပးျခငးျဖစသည။ ေခးေငြက သတမတသည႕ေန႕ရကတြင ေပးဆပသည႕အခါ ပစၥညးက ျပနလညေပးအပရန စညးကမးခကထားရသည။ အခ႕ဥပေဒစနစမားတြင၊ သေဘာတည ထားေသာ သတမတခကမားႏင႕အည အတးက အခနမမေပးလငျဖစေစ၊ ထ႕ျပင ေခးေငြက သတမတသည႕ေန႕ရကတြင ျပနလညမေပးဆပလငျဖစေစ အေပါငခသက သကဆငရာပစၥညးက ေရာငးခပငခြငရေၾကာငး ျပဌာနးတတသည။ (ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Movable property: A category of property that can be moved. This is generally property other than immovable property, also referred to as personal property (USAID, 2013).

Movable property: ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးနငသည႕ ပစၥညး အမးအစားျဖစသည။ ေယဘယအားျဖင႕ မေရႊ႕ မေျပာငးနငေသာပစၥညးမအပ အျခားပစၥညးက ဆသည။ ပဂၢလကပစၥညးဟလညး ရညညႊနးသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Open access resources: Resources to which everyone has unrestricted access and that are not considered to be the property of anyone. This does not imply that everyone has equal ability to use the resource (USAID, 2013).

Open access resources: မညသမဆ အကန႕အသတမရ ထေတြ႕အသးျပနငေသာလညး၊ မညသပငသည႕ပစၥညးဟမ မယဆေသာ အရငးအျမစမား ျဖစသည။ သ႕ေသာ လတငးသည အရငးအျမစက တညစြာ အသးျပနငသညဟ မဆလေပ။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

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Parcel: A single closed area or polygon that is determined geographically by its boundaries, contains land under homogeneous property rights, and is held in one ownership (UNECE, 2004).

Parcel: ပထ၀အရ နယနမတမားျဖင႕ သတမတထားျပး၊ အလားတ ပစၥညးအခြငအေရးမား ရသည႕ ေျမပါရကာ၊ တစဥးဥးက ပငဆငေသာ ပတဆ႕ထားသည႕ ဧရယာတစချဖစသည။ (ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၂၀၀၄)

Parcel/property identification (PID): The mechanism to identify individual parcels of land. Every basic property unit and parcel recorded within a cadaster or land book register must have an identifier (UNECE, 2004).

Parcel/property identification (PID): ေျမကြကတစခခငးက သတမတသည႕ အစအစဥ ျဖစပါ သည။ ေျမကြကမတပတငတြင မတတမးတငထားေသာ အေျခခပစၥညးယနစႏင႕ ေျမကြကသည ေျမကြကမတပတငတြင ရညညႊနးေဖာျပထားရမည။ ( ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၂၀၀၄)

Plot: A closed polygon on the surface of the Earth that belongs to only one parcel. A plot is an area that can be plotted on a plan and is the smallest unit that can be identified for the purposes of land resource management – such as a field with a particular type of vegetation or form of use, or an area under specifically designated use such as a building. One or more plots make up a land parcel (UNECE, 2004).

Plot: ေျမကြကတစခတညးနင႕သာသကဆငေသာ ေျမျပငေပၚရ အနားေလးရပ ပတကာထား ေသာ ေျမကြကငယျဖစသည။ ေျမကြကငယသည ေျမပတြင ေဖာျပနငသည႕ ဧရယာျဖစျပး သးႏ အမးအစားအလက စကပးသည႕ကြငး၊ အသးျပပ၊ အေဆာကအဥး က႕သ႕ေသာ အထးသတမတ သည႕ အသးျပမ ဧရယာေဖာျပမ စသည႕ ေျမအရငးအျမစစမခန႕ခြမအတြက သတမတေဖာျပ နငသည႕ အေသးဆး ယနစျဖစသည။ ေျမကြကငယ တစခ သ႕မဟတ တစခထကပ၍ ေပါငးစပသည႕အခါ ေျမကြကျဖစလာသည။ ( ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၂၀၀၄)

Patrilineal inheritance: A system by which, according to law or custom, property passes from the deceased owner through the male line to his or her heirs (USAID, 2013).

Patrilineal inheritance: ဥပေဒ သ႕မဟတ ဓေလ႕ထးတမးအရ ပငရငျဖစေသာ ေသသ၏ ပစၥညးက အမးသားဘကမ သ သ႕မဟတ သမ၏ အေမြခမားသ႕ အေမြေပးလႊေျပာငးျခငး ျဖစသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Peri-urban area: Neighborhoods, suburbs, or villages in or around the boundaries of a city or town, characterized by urban physical development activities, based on active land market transactions (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Peri-urban area: လတတေလာ ျဖစေပၚေနေသာ ေျမယာေစးကြကေရာငး၀ယမမားအေပၚ အေျချပ၍ ျမျပေျမျပငဖြ႕ျဖးမဆငရာ လပရားမမား ပါရသည႕ ျမ႕ၾကး သ႕မဟတ ျမ႕တစျမ႕၏ နယနမတ အတြငးရ သ႕မဟတ ယငးအနးအနားရ အနးအနားအရပမား၊ ျမ႕ဆငေျခဖးမား သ႕မဟတ ရြာမားက ဆသည။ ( လယနတ ႏင႕ ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Personal property: See movable property.

Personal property: ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးနငေသာပစၥညးတြင ၾကည႕ပါ။

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Private property: Property that is held privately, whether individually, jointly or corporately (Ciparisse, 2003).

Private property: တစသးပဂၢလ အလကျဖစေစ၊ ပးတြ သ႕မဟတ စေပါငး၍ျဖစေစ လက၀ယ ထားသည႕ ပစၥညးျဖစသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Privatization: The transfer of economic activities and resources from state ownership and/or control into private ownership. These activities include state enterprises, state farms, collectives, and public lands (USAID, 2013).

Privatization: နငငေတာပငဆငမ ႏင႕/သ႕မဟတ ထနးခပမရေသာ စးပြားေရးအရလပရားမ စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားနင႕ အရငးအျမစမားက ပဂၢလကပငဆငမသ႕ လႊေျပာငးျခငးျဖစသည။ ဤလပရားမမားတြင နငငေတာပငလပငနးမား၊ နငငေတာပင ေျမယာမား၊ စေပါငး သ႕မဟတ အမားျပညသဆငရာ ေျမယာမားပါ၀ငသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Property rights: The rights individuals, groups, and the state to hold with respect to particular land, resources, and other assets, and in relation to each other so there is some overlap between the concepts of land tenure and property rights (USAID, 2013).

Property rights: ေျမကြက တစကြက၊ အရငးအျမစမား၊ အျခား မတညပစၥညးမားနင႕ စပလဥး၍ လကရထားနငသည႕ ပဂၢလကမား၊ လအပစမားႏင႕ နငငေတာ၏ ရပငခြငမား ျဖစသည။ သ႕ျဖစရာ ေျမယာလပပငခြင၊ ပစၥညးအခြငအေရးမားဆငရာ အယအဆမားတြင အခငး ခငးအၾကား ထပတမမားရပါသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Public property: Property owned by any level of government (USAID, 2013).

Public property: အစးရအဆင႕ တစခခက ပငဆငသည႕ပစၥညး။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Real estate/real property: Land and anything permanently attached to it. Also referred to as immovable property (USAID, 2013).

Real estate/real property: ေျမယာႏင႕ ယငးတြင အျမတြယကပေနသည႕ အရာ။ မေရႊ႕မေျပာငး နငေသာပစၥညးဟလညး ရညညႊနးပါသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Registration: The process of recording rights in land either in the form of a register of deeds and other documents associated with the ownership of the land rights or else in the form of a register of titles to land (UNECE, 2004).

Registration: စာခပစာတမးမားႏင႕ ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမား ပငဆငမ တြဖကေနေသာ အျခားစာခပစာတမးမားမတပတငပစျဖင႕ လညးေကာငး၊ ေျမယာပငဆငမမတပတငပစ ျဖင႕လညးေကာငး ေျမရအခြငအေရးမားက မတတမးတငသည႕ လပငနးစဥျဖစသည။ (ယအနနအး စအး၊ ၂၀၀၄)

Regularization: A process through which informal or illegal occupation of land is legalized by statute giving the occupiers a recognized legal right of access to the land through ownership or leasehold (Ciparisse, 2003).

Regularization: ပမနမဟတေသာ သ႕မဟတ တရားမ၀ငေသာ ေျမလကရျဖစမက ျပဌာနးဥပေဒ ျဖင႕ တရား၀ငေစကာ၊ လကရေနထငလပကငသမားအား ပငဆငမ သ႕မဟတ အငားခထားမျဖင႕ ေျမယာက

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ထေတြ႕အသးျပနငသည႕ အသအမတျပ တရား၀ငအခြငအေရး ေပးအပသည႕ လပငနး စဥျဖစသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Remote sensing: The set of techniques used for gathering information about the environment without being in direct contact with it (Ciparisse, 2003).

Remote sensing: ပတ၀နးကငအေၾကာငးက ယငးအား တကရကထေတြ႕မမျပဘ၊ သတငး အခကအလက စေဆာငးသည႕ နညးပညာအစကဆသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Resettlement: The relocation of individuals, households, or communities from their land or from land they are occupying. Resettlement often results from infrastructure upgrading, large development initiatives, new government land policies, or natural disasters that destroy land. Resettlement can be either voluntary or involuntary (USAID, 2013).

Resettlement: တစသးပဂၢလမား၊ မသားစမား သ႕မဟတ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးမားအား ယငးတ႕ ၏ ေျမယာ သ႕မဟတ ယငးတ႕လကရျဖစသည႕ေျမယာမ ေျပာငးေရႊ႕ေနရာခထားျခငးျဖစသည။ ျပနလညေနရာခထားျခငးက အေျခခအေဆာကအအ အဆင႕ျမင႕တငျခငး၊ ဖြ႕ျဖးမလပငနးၾကးမား၊ အစးရ၏ ေျမယာမ၀ါဒအသစမား သ႕မဟတ ေျမယာကပကစးေစေသာ သဘာ၀ေဘးအႏရာယ မား ေၾကာင႕ ေဆာငရြကေလ႕ရသည။ ျပနလညေနရာခထားျခငးက မမတ႕ဆႏၵအေလာကျဖစေစ၊ မမတ႕ ဆႏၵမပါဘျဖစေစ ျပလပနငသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Restitution: Land restitution is the process of restoring land or other property to its former owners. In cases where property cannot be returned, restitution may involve compensation for its loss (USAID, 2013).

Restitution: ေျမယာျပနလညေပးအပျခငးဆသည ေျမယာ သ႕မဟတ အျခားပစၥညးက ယငး၏ ယခငပငရငမားထသ႕ ျပနလညေပး အပသည႕ လပငနးစဥျဖစပါသည။ ပစၥညးက ျပနလညမေပး အပနငသည႕ကစၥမားတြင ယငးတ႕၏ဆးရးမအတြက ေလာေၾကးေပးအပျခငးလညး ပါ၀ငပါသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ။ ၂၀၁၃)

Rule of law: The supremacy of regular as opposed to arbitrary power. Respect for the legal system (Constitution, civil code, laws, and regulations) in a given country by all citizens and public authorities, such that legal decisions are made by application of the law in a systematic and transparent fashion (Garner, 2009; Münkner & Kaunianen, 2000).

Rule of law: တစဖကသတအာဏာျဖင႕ ေဆာငရြကျခငးႏင႕ ဆန႕ကငေသာ ဥပေဒစးမးမ ျဖစသည။ နငငတစနငငတြင ဥပေဒစနစ (ဖြ႕စညးပအေျခခဥပေဒ၊ ကဓဥပေဒ၊ ဥပေဒမား၊ စညးမဥးဥပေဒမား) က နငငသားမားႏင႕ အစးရအာဏာပငမားအားလးက ေလးစားမျဖစသည။ ဥပေဒဆငရာဆးျဖတခကမားက ဥပေဒကကင႕သး၍ စနစတက ပြင႕လငးျမငသာသည႕ ပစျဖင႕ ခမတသည။ ( ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉။ မနခနာႏင႕ ကနယနနင၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Security of tenure: The perception by people that rights to land will be recognized by others and protected in the event of specific challenges (USAID, 2013).

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Security of tenure: ေျမယာအခြင႕အေရးမားက အျခားသမားကလညး အသအမတျပျပး၊ သးျခား စနေခၚမမားျဖစေပၚလာလငလညး အကာအကြယေပးသညဟေသာ အမားျပညသတ႕၏ ခယခက ျဖစသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Sedentary agriculture: Agriculture practiced at a fixed location utilizing the same pieces of land in successive years for crops production (USAID, 2013).

Sedentary agriculture: သတမတထားသည႕ ေဒသတစခတြင တညေသာ ေျမကြကမားကအသးျပ၍ နစစဥ သးႏထတလပသည႕ စကပးေရးျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Servitude: An encumbrance consisting in a right to the limited use of a piece of land or other immovable property without the possession of it; a charge or burden of an estate for another’s benefit (Garner, 2009).

Servitude: ေျမကြကတစကြက သ႕မဟတ အျခား မေရႊ႕မေျပာငးနငေသာပစၥညးက ယငးအား လက၀ယမထားဘ၊ အကန႕အသတျဖင႕ အသးျပနငသည႕ အခြငအေရးပါ၀ငေသာ တာ၀နတငရမ ျဖစသည။ အျခားသတစဥး၏ အကးအတြက အမျခေျမတြင တာ၀နတငရမျဖစသည။ ( ဂါနာ၊ ၂၀၀၉)

Sharecropping: a system of agricultural production where a landowner allows a share cropper to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land. In this situation, labor-short households are able to provide land-short households with land for cropping without losing their rights over that land (Bruce, 1998; Ciparisse, 2003).

Sharecropping: ေျမပငရငက အစရငစကပးသအား ေျမယာတြင ထတလပသည႕ သးႏ ေ၀စတစခ ေပးရနအတြက ေျမကြကက အသးျပခြင႕ေပးျပး စကပးထတလပသည႕ စနစျဖစ သည။ ဤအေျခအေနတြင လပအားခ႕တ႕သည႕ မသားစမားက ေျမယာခ႕တ႕ေသာ မသားစမားသ႕ ေျမယာအေပၚရ ယငးတ႕၏အခြင႕အေရးမား မဆးရးေစဘ၊ ေျမယာက သးႏစကပးရန ေပးအပနင သည။ (ဘရစ၊ ၁၉၉၈။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Sporadic registration: The process of registering land on a case-by-case basis. This practice is usually based on a specific action or actions of the owner of the property to trigger its entry into the registration system (Bruce, 1998; Ciparisse, 2003; UNECE, 1996).

Sporadic registration: ေျမယာက ကစၥရပ တစခခငးစ အေျခချဖင႕ မတပတငသည႕ လပငနး စဥျဖစသည။ ဤအေလ႕အကင႕က အမားအားျဖင႕ ပစၥညးပငရငက မတပတငစနစအတြငး ၀ငေရာကရန သးသန႕လပေဆာငမ သ႕မဟတ လပေဆာငမမားက အေျခခေဆာငရြကသည။ ( ဘရစ၊ ၁၉၉၈။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Squatter: Someone who takes unauthorized possession of unoccupied premises (Ciparisse, 2003).

Squatter: လေနထငလပကငျခငးမရေသာ ဥပစာက တစစတစဥးက အခြင႕အာဏာမရဘ၊ လက၀ယရယျခငးျဖစသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Statutory land rights: Land rights derived from state law, national or local, as opposed to customary, religious, or traditional laws and practices (USAID, 2013).

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Statutory land rights: ဓေလ႕ထးတမးဥပေဒမား၊ ဘာသာေရးဥပေဒမား၊ ရးရာဥပေဒမား၊ အေလ႕ အကင႕မားအရ မဟတဘ၊ နငငေတာ သ႕မဟတ ေဒသဆငရာ ျပဌာနးဥပေဒအရ ရရသည႕ ေျမယာ အခြင႕အေရးမား ျဖစသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

State land: Land owned by the state, in contrast to land owned by private persons, either legal or natural (USAID, 2013).

State land: တစသးပဂၢလမား ပငဆငသည႕ ေျမနင႕ မတဘ၊ ဥပေဒအရျဖစေစ၊ သဘာ၀အရ ျဖစေစ နငငေတာက ပငဆငသည႕ ေျမ ျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

State land management: The legislative and administrative framework that defines how state land can be allocated and managed. The legal regime governing state land will cover specific aspects of its management and mode of exploitation. This may include defining the organizations responsible for managing the land, and stating the general principles, and, in some cases, the detailed basis for its use (USAID, 2013).

State land management: နငငေတာပင ေျမယာက မညသ႕ခြေ၀မည၊ စမခန႕ခြမညက သတမတသည႕ ဥပေဒဆငရာႏင႕ အပခပေရးဆငရာ မေဘာငျဖစသည။ နငငေတာပငေျမယာမား ႏင႕သကဆငသည႕ ဥပေဒမားသည ယငးေျမယာမားက စမခန႕ခြမအျမငမားႏင႕ လပကငမည႕ နညးလမးမားပါရသည။ ယငးတ႕တြင ေျမယာစမခန႕ခြရန တာ၀နရသည႕ အဖြ႕အစညးမားက သတမတျခငး၊ အေထြေထြ အေျခခသေဘာတရားမား ေဖာျပျခငး၊ အခ႕ကစၥမားတြင ယငးတ႕၏ အသးျပမအေသးစတမား ပါရနငသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Survey: The process of measuring land and recording the related geographical information for planning, management, and administrative purposes (USAID, 2013).

Survey: ေျမတငးတာျခငးႏင႕ စမကနးေရးဆြျခငး၊ စမခန႕ခြျခငးႏင႕အပခပျခငးဆငရာ ရညရြယခကမားအတြက သကဆငရာ ပထ၀သတငးအခကအလကမားက မတတမးတငျခငး လပငနးစဥ ျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Systematic registration: The systematic approach to adjudicating, surveying, and registering parcels in an area-by-area basis and bringing all claims in an area to light at the same time (Bruce, 1998; Ciparisse, 2003; UNECE, 1996).

Systematic registration: အျပးသတဆးျဖတျခငး၊ ေျမတငးတာျခငးနင႕ဧရယာအလက အေျခချဖင႕ ေျမကြကမားအား မတပတငျခငးႏင႕ ဧရယာတစခအတြငးရ ေတာငးဆမအားလးက တစခနတညးတြင သရေစျခငးအတြက စနစတက ခညးကပမျဖစသည။ ( ဘရစ၊ ၁၉၉၈။ စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃။ ယအငနအးစအး၊ ၁၉၉၆)

Tenant: A lessee who has the exclusive right of possession of premises under a lease (Ciparisse, 2003).

Tenant: ငားရမးမအရ ဥပစာက သးသန႕လက၀ယထားခြငရသည႕ ငားရမးျခငးခရသ က ဆသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Tenure insecurity: The situation whereby tenure rights are considered precarious, due to the risk of dispossession by the actions of other individuals, communities, or the state (USAID, 2013).

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Tenure insecurity: လပပငခြင႕အခြငအေရးမားသည အျခားတစသးပဂၢလမား၊ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညး မား သ႕မဟတ နငငေတာ၏ လပရပေၾကာင႕ လကလြတဆးရးရမည႕အႏရာယရျပး၊ အျခားသမား ၏ ဆႏၵအေပၚ မတညေနသည႕ အေျခအေနျဖစသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Tenure security: The situation in which landholders consider their continued occupancy rights to be guaranteed whether by virtue of formal rights, customary rules, or some other form of assurance (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Tenure security: ေျမပငရငမားက မမတ႕၏ ဆကလက လကရထားခြငမားက ပမနအခြင႕ အေရးမား၊ ဓေလ႕ထးတမးဥပေဒမား သ႕မဟတ အျခားအာမခပစမားအရ အာမခသညဟ ယဆသည႕ အေျခအေနျဖစသည။ ( လယနတ သ႕မဟတ ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Title registration: A system for improving the quality of ownership and proof of title through the recording of documents which confer rights over land. In a title registration system, the title registry is the final arbitrator of determining who has legal land tenure rights over a particular parcel of land (Ciparisse, 2003).

Title registration: ေျမအေပၚအခြင႕အေရးမားအပႏငးသည႕ စာတမးအမတအသားမားက မတတမးတငျခငးျဖင႕ ပငဆငမအရညအေသြးက ျမင႕တငျခငးႏင႕ ပငဆငမက သကေသခ ျခငး ျပသည႕ စနစျဖစသည။ ပငဆငမ မတပတင စနစတစခတြင၊ ပငဆငမမတပတငဌာနသည ေျမကြက တစခအေပၚ မညသ႕တြင လပပငခြင အခြင႕အေရးမားရေၾကာငး ဆးျဖတသည႕ အျပးသတ ခသမာဓျဖစသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Town and regional planning: A planning framework that enables decisions to be made on how land should be used. Such planning can be relatively flexible, allowing for negotiation in implementation in the public interest, or relatively fixed, through the imposition of zoning regulations designed to protect individual property rights (Ciparisse, 2003).

Town and regional planning: ေျမယာကမညသ႕အသးျပသင႕က ဆးျဖတခကခမတေစနငသည႕ စမကနးမေဘာငျဖစသည။ ယငးစမကနးသည အမးျပညသအကးစးပြားက အေကာငအထည ေဖာရာတြင ညႏငးေဆြးေႏြးခြငေပးျခငးျဖင႕ သင႕တင႕စြာ ေပာ႕ေျပာငးနငသလ၊ တစသးပဂၢလ ပစၥညးအခြငအေရးမားက ကာကြယရန ျပလပထားေသာ ဇနနယေျမပငးျခားျခငးဆငရာ စညးမဥးဥပေဒမား ျပဌာနးျခငးျဖင႕ သင႕တင႕စြာ တကနငသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Topography: The discipline which describes, measures, and represents landforms and features at local level. The topographer carries out surveys, either by taking direct measurements or by using aerial or satellite photographs. The term topography is also used to describe the geographical features of an area (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Topography: ေဒသဆငရာ အဆင႕တြင ေျမယာပစမားနင အေဆာကအအမားက ေဖာျပသည႕ ၊ တငးတာသည႕၊ တငျပသည႕ စညးကမးျဖစသည။ ေျမအနမ႕အျမင႕တငးတာသသည တကရကတငးတာမျဖင႕ ျဖစေစ၊ ေလေၾကာငး သ႕မဟတ အာကာသ ဓာတပမားအသးျပ၍ျဖစေစ တငးတာမမားက ေဆာင ရြကသည။ ေျမအနမ႕အျမင႕တငးတာျခငးဟသည႕ စကားရပက ဧရယာ တစခ၏ ပထ၀သြငျပငက ေဖာျပရာတြငလညး အသးျပသည။ (လယနတ ႏင႕ ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

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Transaction costs: The expenses involved in completing a transaction in land rights. These costs are both opportunity costs and monetary costs. Opportunity costs involve the cost of transportation and accommodation (if coming to the registration office from long distances) and rent-seeking practices of land registry officials. Monetary costs may include sales contracts, survey costs, legal fees, and stamp duties, as well as the cost of registration of the transaction in the title or deeds registry (USAID, 2013).

Transaction costs: ေျမယာအခြငအေရးမားတြင ဆကသြယေဆာငရြကမတစခက ျပးစးေစရန ကနကသည႕စရတမားကဆသည။ ဤကနကစရတမားမာ အခြငအလမးဆငရာ ကနကစရတ မားႏင႕ ေငြေၾကးဆငရာ ကနကစရတမား ႏစရပလးျဖစသည။ အခြင႕အလမး ကနကစရတမားတြင သြားလာခစရတမား၊ (ေ၀းကြာေသာ အရပမ မတပတငရးသ႕ လာရသည႕အခါ) တညးခေနထငစရတ ႏင႕ ေျမယာမတပတငအရာရမားအတြက ငားရမးသည႕ အေလ႕အကင႕မား အတြက ကနကစရတမား ပါ၀ငသည။ ေငြေၾကးဆငရာ ကနကစရတတြင အေရာငးစာခပမား၊ ေျမတငးတာမစရတမား၊ ဥပေဒေရးရာကနကစရတမား၊ တဆပေခါငးအခြနမား၊ ပငဆငမ သ႕မဟတ စာခပ မား မတပတငရန ဆကသြယေဆာငရြကမမားအတြက ကနကစရတမားပါ၀ငသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Tree rights: Specific rights held by individuals over trees and their products. These rights include the right to plant trees, harvest fruits from the trees, harvest the trees themselves, and own or inherit the trees. While trees are attached to the land, tree rights may vary from the land rights over the land on which the tree grows (Ciparisse, 2003).

Tree rights: တစသးပဂၢလမားက သစပငမားႏင႕ ယငးတ႕၏ ထတကနမားအေပၚ ထားရသည႕ သးသန႕အခြငအေရးမားျဖစသည။ ဤအခြင႕အေရးမားတြင သစပငစကခြင႕၊ သစပငမားမ သစသးမား ဆြတခးခြင႕ သစပငမားက ယငးတ႕ဘာသာ ရတသမးဆြတခးခြင႕၊ သစပငမားက ပငဆငခြင႕ သ႕မဟတ အေမြဆကခခြင႕ တ႕ပါ၀ငသည။ သစပငမားသည ေျမတြင စြကပေနသည႕ အခါ သစပငအခြင႕အေရးမားသည သစပငေပါကေရာကရာ ေျမေပၚရ ေျမယာအခြင႕အေရးမားႏင႕ ကြျပားနငသည။ (စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Trust: An arrangement through which property rights are transferred from an individual to one or more trustees to be held for a set of beneficiaries. A trust may be set up to manage property on behalf of minors, or a charitable trust may be established to manage income from property on behalf of a large group of people (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Trust: ပစၥညးအခြင႕အေရးမားက တစသးပဂၢလ တစဥးထမ အကးခစားခြငရသမားအတြက ထနးသမးထားရန တစဥး သ႕မဟတ တစဥးထကပေသာ ယမတအပႏခရသမားထ လႊေျပာငးေပး သည႕ အစအစဥျဖစသည။ ယမတအပႏမသည အရြယမေရာကေသးသမားကယစား ပစၥညးက စမခန႕ခြရန တညေထာငနငသည သ႕မဟတ လအပစၾကးကယစား ပစၥညးမရရသည႕ ၀ငေငြက စမခန႕ခြရန ကသလျဖစ ယမတအပႏသည႕ အဖြ႕ ဖြ႕စညးနငသည။ (လယနတ ႏင႕ ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Urbanization: The process of development of towns and cities where population growth and population drift typically result in rapid acceleration in the size of the urbanized population (Ciparisse, 2003).

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Urbanization: သာမနအားျဖင႕ ျမ႕ျပလဥးေရ အလငအျမနပြားမားလာျခငးေၾကာင႕ လဥးေရပမ မားျပားမ ႏင႕ လဥးေရစးေမာမျဖစေပၚသည႕ ျမ႕မားႏင႕ ျမ႕မမား၏ ဖြ႕ျဖးတးတကမ လပငနးစဥ ျဖစသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

Use right: The right to use a thing in accordance with its designated purpose. It may be linked to membership of the resident community and perpetuated by stable and continuous occupation, confirmed by the work carried out by a family of farmers (Leonard & Longbottom, 2000).

Use right: အရာတစခက ယငးအားသတမတထားသည႕ ရညရြယခကႏင႕အည အသးျပခြင႕ ျဖစသည။ ယငးမာ ေနထငသ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညး၏ အဖြ႕၀ငျဖစျခငး၊ တညတညျငမျငမနင႕ အဆက မျပတေနထငလပကငျခငးျဖင႕ ခငျမမရျခငး၊ မသားစ၀ငမားက ေဆာငရြကသည႕ အလပအရ အတညျဖစျခငးတ႕နင႕ ဆကစပနငပါသည။ ( လယနတ ႏငက ေလာငးေဘာတြန၊ ၂၀၀၀)

Usufruct: Usufruct is a right in a property owned by another, normally for a limited time or until death. It is the right to use the property, to enjoy the fruits and income of the property, to rent the property out and to collect the rents, all to the exclusion of the underlying owner. The usufructuary has the full right to use the property but cannot dispose of the property nor destroy it (USAID, 2013).

Usufruct: အျခားသတစဥးပငဆငသည႕ ပစၥညးမ အခြင႕အေရးတစရပက သာမနအားျဖင႕ အခနအကန႕အသတအတြကျဖစေစ၊ ေသသည႕တငျဖစေစ ရရသည႕ အခြင႕အေရး ျဖစပါသည။ ယငးအခြင႕အေရးမာ လကရပငရငက ဖယထတ၍ ပစၥညးက အသးျပခြင႕၊ ပစၥညး၏သးႏႏင႕ ၀ငေငြ မားက ခစားခြင႕၊ ပစၥညးက ငားရမးခြင႕နင႕ ငားရမးခမားေကာကခခြင႕ အခြင႕အေရး ျဖစပါသည။ အသးျပခြင႕ရရသသည ပစၥညးက အသးျပခြင႕ အျပည႕အ၀ရေသာလညး၊ ပစၥညးက ထခြေရာငးခ ျခငး၊ ဖကဆးျခငးမျပလပနင။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Valuation: Valuation is the process of putting a price on a piece of property. The value of businesses, personal property, intellectual property (such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights), and real estate are all commonly determined through the practice of valuation (USAID, 2013).

Valuation: တနဖးသတမတျခငးဆသည ပစၥညးတစရပ၏ ေစးက သတမတသည႕ လပငနးစဥ ျဖစပါသည။ လပငနးမား၏တနဘး၊ ပဂၢလကပစၥညး၊ (တထြငမမပငခြင႕မား၊ ကနအမတတဆပမား ႏင႕ မပငခြင႕မားစသည႕) အသဥာဏပစၥညးႏင႕ အမျခေျမမားက တနဖးသတမတသည႕ အေလ႕အကင႕အရ အမားအားျဖင႕ တနဖးသတမတပါသည။ ( ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Willing buyer/willing seller: Generally used in the context of land reform or land redistribution programs where government avoids coercion or other actions to acquire land against the seller’s interest. Rather, land redistribution reinforces land market transactions where seller and buyer willingly negotiate over terms of sale. The buyer may be the government on behalf of smallholders, tillers, and communities, or private individuals or companies (USAID, 2013).

Willing buyer/willing seller: ေယဘယအားျဖင႕ေျမယာျပျပငေျပာငးလမ သ႕မဟတ ေျမယာ ျပနလညခြေ၀မ အစအစဥမားတြင အစးရက ေရာငးသ၏ အကးစးပြားက ဆန႕ကင၍ ေျမယာရရရန အၾကမးဖကမ သ႕မဟတ ျပလပမမားက ေရာငရားလသည႕အခါ ကင႕သးပါသည။ ေျမယာျပနလညခြေ၀မသည ေရာငးသ ႏင႕ ၀ယသက ဆႏၵအေလာက ေရာငးခမ စညးကမး ခကမားက

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ညႏငးနငသည႕ ေျမယာ ေစးကြက ဆကသြယေဆာငရြကမမားက အားျဖည႕ ေပးပါသည။ ၀ယသသည လယယာဧရယာအနညးငယသာလပကငသမား၊ ထြနယကစကပးသမား၊ လ႕အဖြ႕အစညးမား၊ တစသးပဂၢလမား သ႕မဟတ ကမၸဏမားကယစား အစးရလညး ျဖစနငသည။ (ယအကစေအအငဒ၊ ၂၀၁၃)

Zoning: A planning procedure where a designated area is allocated for a specified use or uses. This is a commonly used approach to planning, which identifies the uses to which the zoned land may be put and specifies the type, amount, and location of that development. It is planned to promote orderly development and to reduce or avoid inconsistent uses being adjacent to one another (Ciparisse, 2003).

Zoning: သတမတထားသည႕ အသးျပမ သ႕မဟတ အသးျပမမားအတြက သတမတသည႕ ဧရယာက ခြေ၀ေပးသည႕ စမကနးလပထးလပနညး ျဖစသည။ ဇနေျမယာမားက မညသ႕အသးျပရ မညႏင႕ ထဖြ႕ျဖးမ၏ ပစ၊ ပမာဏႏင႕ တညရရာေဒသမားက ေဖာျပသည႕ စမကနးက ခညးကပရာတြင အမားအားျဖင႕ အသးျပပါသည။ စနစတက ဖြ႕ျဖးတးတကရနႏင႕ တစဥးႏင႕တစဥး နးကပေနသည႕အေျခအေနတြင သတမတခကမားႏင႕ မကကညသည႕ အသးျပမမား ေလာ႕ခရန သ႕မဟတ ေရာငရားရန စမကနးေရးဆြပါသည။ ( စပါရစစ၊ ၂၀၀၃)

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