gränsfors bruks axe

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  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe



    To Gnarp,Sundsvall, E4N

    To Bergsj, HgenHudiksvall, E4S

    To Lillbodarna andback road to Hassela


    To Jgarviken,

    Klvberget and Knoppe

    12 3 45







    Grnsfors BruksAxe Forge



    Youth hostel,



    9 8 67

    2 3




    1. Axe Museum2. Grnsfors Bruks Axe Forge3. Forging courses4. Caf Grnsfors5. Grnsfors Flowerpot Factory

    6. Dammstugan7. The old Spiksmedjan (The nail works)8. Holiday village9. Log-building courses

    10. Grnsfors fre11. Krusbaden beach12. The old mill

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


    in some plac e s , history and tradition converge with

    modern times in a completely natural way. One such placeis Grnsfors. Firmly established along a meandering river,

    Grnsfors is situated in the exquisitely beautiful northern

    part of Hlsingland. Just make a short detour from bustling

    e4, and you will find yourself in a world you thought nolonger existed.

    A living industrial and handicraft culture has thrived

    here for hundreds of years. Mills, stove-builders, breweries,

    sawmills, forges and much more were in operation alongthe river; all of which is documented in Grnsforsboken

    (Grnsfors book).

    Two of these fine handicraft industries currently remain

    in full operation. Grnsfors is a living place above all,a place where reverberations from history merge with

    the modern pulse of life. Take a short walk with us along

    Grnsforsn and learn more about our village.

    (Grns = boarder, fors = creek).

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


    Grnsfors BruksAxe forgefor ov er one h undred y ears Grnsfors Bruks has been synony-

    mous with top-quality axes. The work of manufacturing and selling axesis currently carried out by a 15-strong team. 80% of the output is exported

    to 22 countries.

    The experience and skill of the individual smiths is crucial to the quality

    and feel of the fine axes. Each axe is signed with the smiths initials as a

    quality seal and guarantee. Axes are produced here for many differentapplications such as wood-splitting, woodworking, log-building, hunting

    and axe-throwing. The forge is located in the centre of the village where

    you hear the rhythmical pounding as you approach. Grnsfors Bruks axes

    are available for purchase here.

    The axe forge is open weekdays during normal working hours. Visitors

    are welcome to come and watch the axes being forged, sharpened, tempered

    and fitted with handles.

    Guided tours are available (time permitting).

    +46 (0)652710 90, [email protected],

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe



    Factoryproduction of earthenware vessels began at Grnsfors in 1883, andsince the beginning of the 1900s, the flowerpot factory has been run bythe Bergstrm family, now in its fourth generation. Clay of suitable quality

    for molding and firing can be found here, and visitors can see and

    experience how clay from the nearby fields is worked and transformed

    into beautiful utility items.

    Flowerpots from Grnsfors, which have been the main product since

    the 1930s, are the Rolls Royce of pots. They are loved by growers and

    gardening experts for their quality and their simple, natural beauty.

    In addition to flowerpots, the small factory also makes traditional earth-

    enware vessels from old original models. You will find a factory shop to

    explore too.

    +46 (0)652140 19, [email protected],

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


    Forging coursesfor more than a decade, master smithLars Enander has been arranging forging

    courses in conjunction with Grnsfors

    Bruks. Participants get the chance to discover

    the potential of the glowing iron or improve

    their skills in the ancient art of forging

    in Grnsfors classic axe forge. Course

    length varies from five-day basic courses to

    a comprehensive forging course of20 weeks. Lars Enander is a valued

    instructor who has written several books on smithing, including the

    classic Jrnsmidesboken (Book on wrought iron). Lars has two assistant

    smiths, Claudia and Ulrika, and together they forge a specialized range

    of axes for Grnsfors Bruks.

    +46 (0)70548 85 13, [email protected],

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


    Log-building courseslog building and handling an axego together. Consequently, its only natural

    that log-building courses should be held

    in Grnsfors, home of the axe. Buildingwith timber has a history stretching back

    thousands of years in Scandinavia, and

    these traditions are being passed on here.

    Participants can enjoy the pleasure and

    satisfaction of working together with skilled carpenters to build a complete

    cabin from logs.

    You not only have the opportunity to test various axes and traditional

    tools for log building, but also receive training in the use of modern

    equipment for sawing and milling logs for timber houses. These courseshave allowed many participants to realize their dream of constructing

    their own small house. The supervisor for the log-building courses is

    joiner and carpenter Olaf Jung.

    +46 (0)702835 828, [email protected],

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


    GrnsforsAxe Museumnext door to the forge is Swedens only axe museum, where you will

    find axes literally from floor to ceiling, over 2000 of them. The historyof this implement, from Stone Age flint axes onward, is detailed here.

    Battle axes, peat axes, belt hatchets, mortise axes, adzes and blazing

    hatchets, everything you can imagine.

    The collections include numerous interesting documents and adver-

    tising devices for axes from various eras. Naturally, you will also find

    Grnsfors axes here, including axes forged in the village prior to the

    establishment of the mill. The oldest axe in the museum is 3500 years old

    and was found right here in Grnsfors. You can purchase the practical

    little Axe Book (Yxboken) to learn all about axes and how to use them.

    The Axe Museum is very much a living museum, where prospective

    visitors can have a go at splitting wood, hewing, axe throwing, hacking

    and chopping with various axes. Open daily and free of charge.

    +46 (0)652140 70, [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


    Spiksmedjanan old forge beside rushing falls that has been converted intoassembly rooms, where we often hold spontaneous parties: on the

    terrace by the river when the weather is bright and fine, or inside by the

    fire when the weather is not so accommodating. Course participantsenjoy sitting here comparing notes or telling tall stories from near and

    far. Weddings, birthday celebrations, girly parties, company parties, axe-

    throwing competition celebrations have all been organized here. We are

    always happy to find an excuse for a party here in Grnsfors, so if you

    have any ideas, please get in touch.

    +46 (0)652710 90, [email protected],

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


    GrnsforsBed & Boardin an old red house close by Grnsforsn

    is Caf Grnsfors. Throughout the summeryou will find it has more to offer than many

    visitors would perhaps expect of a tiny, remote

    place like Grnsfors: Malin cooks and bakes,

    serving wonderful lunches with freshly-

    baked bread to course participants. With a

    little advance planning, she is happy to organize a delicious spread for

    large groups, in Grnsfors or at a location of your choice.

    There are plenty of accommodation facilities in Grnsfors: four log

    cabins each with 2 to 4 beds and two more houses with a total of

    2 double rooms and 3 single rooms. The Axe Museum also has a guest

    room for visiting smiths and carpenters. Self-catering is available for

    those who require it.

    +46 (0)652710 90, [email protected],

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe


  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe



    10 km east of Grnsfors, halfway to Bottenhavet, by the E4, is Gnarp, where you will find food stores,

    bank and petrol stations, ATG agent, hardware store and flower shop. Buses also stop in Gnarp

    +46 (0)771910 109, as well as (more infrequently) trains +46 (0)77175 75 75.

    10 km west of Grnsfors is Bergsj, the municipal centre of Nordanstig, where you can find food stores,

    chemist's +46 (0)652 107 17, banks and cash machines, petrol station, systembolag (state liquor

    shop), ATG agent, hardware store, electrical appliance shop, flower shop, Bergsj Hotell and Gstgiveri

    +46 (0)652710 15, library and local government offices +46 (0)65236 000. Bergsj also has a busstation +46 (0)771910 109

    land on the island of Gran with its special flora and fauna. Running along the

    coast is Kuststigen (Coastal Path), a long-distance footpath from village to village,

    stretching a total of60 kilometres.

    the axe forge is open weekdays during normal working hours. Visitors are

    welcome to come and watch the axes being forged, sharpened, tempered and

    fitted with handles. Guided tours are available (time permitting).

    at hassela , twenty kilometres west of Grnsfors, during the winter season

    you will find 12 prepared ski runs for downhill skiing, cross-country skiing trails,

    scooter safaris, dog sled tours and spa facilities | +46 (0)652406 90 www.hassela- In the summer, Hassela offers two golf courses | +46 (0)65274 70 80 and | +46 (0)652511 11 to choose from. Several kilometres

    further away is Ersk-Matsgrden, where you can view a living farmstead in an

    1800s setting throughout the summer, with animal husbandry and traditionaldishes and refreshments available | +46 (0)652410 19.

  • 7/27/2019 Grnsfors Bruks Axe



    Grnsfors is located 350 km north of Stockholm, in northern

    Hlsingland close to Bottenhavet. It is 10 km from the E4,

    between Hudiksvall and Sundsvall, along road 758 between

    Gnarp and Bergsj. On the E4 by Statoil in Gnarp, Grnsfors

    is signposted as 10 km. When travelling east from Bergsj,

    Grnsfors Axe Museum is signposted at 10 km. If you are

    travelling from far away by public transport, the best option is

    to take the SJ train to Hudiksvall +46 (0)77175 75 75 and

    from there take the bus via Bergsj or Gnarp +46 (0)771910

    109, An inexpensive option between

    Stockholm and Gnarp is the Y-bus +46 (0)77133 44 44, From Grnsfors, it is 50 km to Sundsvall via

    Gnarp and 40 km to Hudiksvall via Bergsj. A useful tip is to

    visit and enter Bergsj as your destination.

    USEFUL INFORMATIONBooking centre/tourist information office +46 (0)652161 75,

    [email protected]. Brochure NORDANSTIG

    can be ordered from the Booking centre. Map of Nordanstig

    municipality can be ordered from the Booking centre.

    Police +46 (0)652106 10, Taxi +46 (0)65268 000,

    Emergency services +46 (0)650380 11. Emergency medical

    service 112 or +46 (0)652301 70 or +46 (0)70392 40 30.





    SE820 70 Bergsj. Phone +46 (0)652710 90. Fax +46 (0)652140 02.

    [email protected].

    Published by the Local Development Groups in Grnsfors/Hgen.













    Gulf ofBothnia(Bottenhavet)