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Grammar oleh Pak Ir. Yohannes M.T


Page 1: Grammar



NOUNS (Kata Benda)

A. Kinds and Function (Jenis dan Fungsi) a. Ada empat jenis nouns dalam bahasa Inggris:

1. Common Nouns : dog, table, man 2. Proper Nouns : Tom, France, Madrid, Mrs. Smith 3. Abstract Nouns : charity, beauty, fear, courage, joy 4. Collective Nouns : swarm, team, crowd, flock, group

b. Noun dapat berfungsi sebagai: 1. Subyek dari kata kerja : Tom arrived 2. Komplemen kata kerja be, become, seem : Tom is an actor 3. Obyek kata kerja : I saw Tom 4. Obyek preposisi : I spoke to Tom 5. Dalam possessive case : Plato’s work

B. Gender Masculin : men, boys, dan male animals (pronoun: he atau they) Feminine : women, girls, dan female animals (pronoun: she atau they) Neuter : benda mati, hewan yang tidak diketahui jenis kelaminnya, dan terkadang bayi yang tidak diketahui jenis kelaminnya (pronoun: it atau they) Sebagian besar nouns memiliki bentuk sama untuk masculine maupun feminine:

parent painter driver singer cousin child artist cook judge rider

Sebagian memiliki bentuk berbeda: brother – sister uncle – aunt nephew – niece lord – lady duke – duchess count – countess prince – princess bull – cow horse – mare cock – hen drake – duck

C. Plurals (Jamak) Plural dari nouns biasanya dilakukan dengan menambah s ke bentuk singularnya

dog – dogs day – days house – houses kecuali a. Nouns berakhiran o, ss, sh, ch atau x, bentuk pluralnya ditambah es:

tomato – tomatoes kiss – kisses brush – brushes watch – watches box – boxes

namun kata yang berasal dari kata asing berakhiran o hanya ditambah s piano – pianoes dynamo – dynamos photo – photos kimono – kimonos biro – biros

b. Nouns berakhiran y diikuti sebuah konsonan, bentuk pluralnya dengan mengganti y dengan ies. baby – babies lady – ladies country – countries fly – flies

Namun nouns berakhiran y diikuti sebuah vokal pluralnya hanya ditambah s donkey – donkeys boy – boys day – days

c. Dua belas nouns yang berakhiran f atau fe, dihilangkan f atau fe diganti ves wife – wives life – lives knife – knives wolf – wolves self – selves calf – calves shelf – shelves leaf – leaves loaf – loaves thief – thieves sheaf – sheaves half – halves

Namun cliff – cliffs handkerchief – handkerchiefs safe – safes d. Beberapa nouns yang pluralnya dengan mengganti vokalnya

man – men louse – lice foot – feet mouse – mice woman – women goose – geese tooth – teeth ox – oxen child – children

e. Uncountable nouns selalu singular advice, knowledge, baggage, furniture, information, news, luggage, rubbish

f. Beberapa nouns selalu plural: police, clothes, pyjamas, trousers, glasses (kacamata), scissors, scales

PRONOUNS (Kata Ganti)

A. Personal Pronoun (Kata Ganti Orang)

Singular Plural Suject Object Suject Object

Orang kesatu I me We us Orang Kedua You you You you Orang ketiga He/She/It him/her/it They them


Do you see the snake? Yes, I saw it and it saw me Did it frighten you? No, but it frighten them Give Tom the book. Okey, I’ll give it to him

B. Possessive dan Reflexive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Milik dan Refleksif)

Singular (Tunggal) Plural (Jamak) Pronoun Possessive Reflexive Pronoun Possessive Reflexive

Orang kesatu I mine myself We ours ourselves Orang Kedua You yours yourself You yours yourselves Orang ketiga He/She/It his/hers/its himself/herself They theirs themselves

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Contoh: This is my pen. atau This pen is mine. It is our room atau It is ours I have my pen, have you got yours?

I cut myself He shaved himself Tom and Ann blamed themselves for the accident. He spoke to himself Did she pay for herself? Look after yourself Take care of yourselves. He sat by himself (=alone) The king himself gave her the medal

I did it myself (itu dikerjakan oleh saya bukan oleh orang lain)) I did it by myself (saya mengerjakannya tanpa bantuan)

C. Interrogative Pronouns (Kata Ganti Tanya)

Untuk orang subject who object whom, who possessive whose Untuk benda subject what object what Untuk orang/benda subject which object which


Who pays the bills? Ann does Whose horse won? The queen’s horse did. Which of your brother is getting married? Tom is. Whom did you see? I saw the secretary What did they eat? They ate rice With whom did you go? I went with my brother, Jim


A. Ada 6 jenis utama adjectives yaitu : 1. of quality : square, good, golden, fat, heavy, dry, clever 2. demonstrative : this, that, these, those 3. distributive : each, every, either, neither 4. quantitative : some, any, no, few, many, much, one, twenty 5. interrogative : which, what, whose 6. possessive : my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

Contoh: a good boy, good boys, a big town, a blue car, an interesting book a big square box, a tall young man, six yellow roses a black and white cap, a red, white and blue flag

B. Degree of Comparison

Ada 3 degree of comparison (derajat perbandingan) 1. Positive : dark tall useful) 2. Comparative : darker taller more useful 3. Superlative : the darkest the tallest the most useful

Adjectives dengan satu suku kata diberi er dan est: bright brighter the brightest new newer the newest

Adjectives dengan tiga atau lebih suku kata diberi more dan the most interesting more interesting the most interesting frightening more frightening the most frightening

Adjectives dengan dua suku kata • yang berakhiran ful atau re biasanya diberi more dan the most

doubtful more doubtful the most doubtful careful more careful the most careful

• yang berakhiran er, y atau ly biasanya diberi er dan est pretty prettier the prettiest holy holier the holiest clever cleverer the cleverest

Comparisons tak beraturan good better the best far further the furthest (of distance and time) bad worse the worst far farther the farthest (of distance only) little less the least old older the oldest (of people and things) many more the most old elder the eldest (of people only) much more the most

Contoh: Jim is older than I am, but Jack is the oldest Tom is clever, Sam is cleverer than Tom, but Ratih is the cleverest

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ADVERBS (Kata Keterangan)

A. Ada 8 Jenis Adverbs, yaitu a. of manner : quickly, bravely, happily, hard, fast, well b. of place : here, there, up, down, near, by c. of time : now, soon, yet, still, then, today d. of frequency : twice, often, never, always, occasionally e. of certainty : certainly, surely, definitely, obviously f. of degree : very, fairly, rather, quite, too, hardly g. interrogative : when?, where?, why? h. relative : when, where, why Sebagian besar adverbs of manner dan sebagian adverbs of degree dibentuk dengan menambahkan ly pada adjectives yang berhubungan: slow – slowly brave – bravely immediate – immediately

Cara penulisan 1. Yang berakhiran y diubah menjadi i : day – daily 2. Yang berakhiran e tetap : extreme – extremely

kecuali : true – truly due – duly whole – wholly 3. Adjectives yang berakhiran able/ible mengganti e di akhir kata dengan y

sensible – sensibly capable – capably 4. Adjectives yang berakhiran vokal + l ditambah ly

final – finally beautiful – beautifully

Adverb dari good adalah well

Kata-kata: high, low, deep, near, far, fast, hard, early, late, much, little, straight, pretty, wrong, kindly, dan enough dapat digunakan sebagai adjectives maupun adverbs tanpa perubahan Contoh:

Sebagai adjectives Sebagai adverbs a high mountain The bird flew high the near bank Don’t come near This is a fast train The train went fast The work is hard They worked hard Draw a straight line He went straight home She is a pretty girl The problem is pretty difficult I have just enough time He didn’t run fast enough

B. The Comparison of Adverbs

Untuk adverbs dengan dua atau lebih suku kata diberi more dan most Positive Comparative Superlative quickly more quickly most quickly fortunately more fortunately most fortunately

Untuk adverbs dengan satu suku kata dan early diberi er dan est hard harder hardest high higher highest early earlier earliest

Comparison tidak beraturan well better best badly worse worst little less least much more most far further the furthest (of distance, time, in an abstract sense) far farther the farthest (of distance only)

Contoh: They arrived earlier than she did / than her He eats more quickly than I do / than me They work harder than we do / than us He ran fastest of all He likes swimming best She behaved most generously (very)


A. Posisi Preposition 1. Preposition umumnya ditempatkan di depan nouns atau pronouns, namun terkadang dapat pula dipindahkan

ke akhir kalimat. a. Pertanyaan yang diikuti sebuah preposition + whom/which/what/whose

To whom were you talking? = Who were you talking to? With what did you open it? = What did you open it with? In which drawer does he keep it? = Which drawer does he keep it in?

b. Dalam relative clauses (kalimat majemuk) preposition yang diletakkan sebelum whom/which dapat dipindahkan ke akhir clause. Lalu relative pronounnya dihilangkan

the people with whom I was travelling = the people I was travelling with the company from which I hire my TV set = the company I hire my TV set from

2. Dengan kombinasi verb + preposition, preposition umumnya tepat diletakkan sesudah verb The children I was looking after were interested in puppets Which flat did they break into?

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B. Penghilangan to dan for sebelum obyek tak langsung 1. Pada verbs: bring, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, pass, pay, play, promise, sell, send, show, sing, take, tell.

I gave the book to Tom = I gave Tom the book I showed the map to Bill = I showed Bill the map They sent Rp. 100.000 to Sam = They sent Sam Rp. 100.000

2. Pada verbs: book, build, buy, cook (bake, fry, boil, etc), fetch, get, keep, knit, leave, make, order, reserve. I’ll get a drink for you = I’ll get you a drink I bought a book for James = I bought James a book

Namun, jika direct objectnya it atau them, tetap dibutuhkan preposition They kept it for Mary She made them for Bill We sent it to George

C. Preposition of time and date: at, on, by, in 1. at, on

at a time : at dawn at six at midnight at 4.30 at an age : at sixteen she got married at seventeen on a day/date : on Monday on June 4 on Christmas Day

Kecuali : at night at Christmas (periode bukan hari) on the morning/afternoon, evening, night pada tanggal tertentu misal: We arrived on the morning of the sixth

2. by a time/date/period = before that time/date The train starts at 6.10, so you had better be at the station by 6.00 By May my garden will be a mass of blossom

by sering diikuti dengan perfect tense, terutama future perfect By the end of July I’ll have read all those books By next summer he’ll have taken his final exams.

3. on time, in time on time = waktunya tepat, tidak kurang tidak lebih

The 8.15 train started on time = It started at 8.15 in time = tidak terlambat

The passangers should be in time for their train

CONJUNCTIONS (Kata Penghubung)

A. Kata-kata: though/although, nevertheless, yet, but, however, dan in spite of Mengkombinasikan dua kalimat, misalnya He was angry dan He listened to me patiently Dengan kata: but, yet, atau though/although

He was angry, but/yet he listened to me patiently Though/Although he was angry he listened to me patiently He listened to me patiently though he was angry

Dengan in spite of + noun/pronoun/gerund In spite of being angry he listened to me patiently In spite of his anger he listened to me patiently

Dengan nevertheless, yang artinya in spite of this/that, atau dengan however atau all the same He was angry, nevertheless/however he listened to me patiently

B. Kata-kata: like (preposition) dan as like diletakkan sebelum nouns/pronouns dalam jenis perbandingan yang lebih sederhana

He fought like a madman Namun jika noun/pronoun langsung diikuti oleh verb, maka digunakan as bukan like

When in Rome, do as the Romans do as juga dapat digunakan dengan sebuah noun sendirian, sama seperti like, tapi dengan pengertian berbeda

I worked as a slave = I was a slave I worked like a slave = I worked very hard, but I was not a slave)

C. Kata-kata: for dan because Conjunctions ini memiliki makna hampir sama dan keduanya dapat digunakan. Namun, lebih aman menggunakan because sebab ada beberapa pembatasan penggunaan for dalam for-clause. Suatu for-clause tidak boleh mendahului verb

Because it was wet he took a taxi (tidak boleh menggunakan for) Suatu for-clause tidak boleh didahului oleh not, but, atau conjunctions lainnya

He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he likes stealing (tidak boleh pakai for) Suatu for-clause tidak boleh digunakan dalam jawaban atas pertanyaan

Why did you do it? I did it because I was angry (tidak boleh pakai for)

D. Kata-kata: both, either, neither, nor dan so Penggunaan both ….. and

He has both the time and the money to play golf She both built and endowed the hospital It was both cold and wet

Penggunaan either …….. or We can have either tripe or liver Can you eat either tripe or liver?

Penggunaan neither …….. nor untuk bentuk negatif I can’t eat either tripe or liver = I can eat neither tripe nor liver

Penggunaan either, neither, nor dan so dalam bentuk lain I went and he went too/also. = I went and so did he He didn’t go and she didn’t go either = He didn’t go and neither did she I couldn’t find Peter and didn’t know where he had gone = I couldn’t find Peter nor did I know where he had gone

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VERBS (Kata Kerja) A. Bagian pokok dari verb aktif

Affirmative Negative Present infinitive to work not to work Continuous present infinitive to be working not to be working Perfect infinitive to have worked not to have worked Continuous perfect infinitive to have been working not to have been working Present participle and gerund working not working Perfect participle and gerund having worked not having worked Past participle worked

B. Tabel active tenses

simple continuous perfect perfect continuous Present he works he is working he has worked he has been working Past he worked he was working he had worked he had been working Future he will work he will be working he will have worked he will have been working Present Conditional he would work he would be working

Perfect Conditional

he would have worked

he would have been working

AUXILIARY VERBS (Kata Kerja Bantu)

Daftar auxiliary verbs dengan bagian pokoknya

Infinitive Present Tense Past tense Past Participle be to be am, is, are was, were been have to have have, has had had do to do do, does did done can (to be able) can could been able am/is/are able was/were able may --- may might --- must (to have to) must had to had to need to need need needed needed will --- will would --- shall --- shall should --- ought --- ought ought --- dare to dare dare dared dared used --- used ---

The Present Tenses

A. The Simple Present Tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative I work I do not work do I work? do I not work? you work you do not work do you work? do you not work? he/she/it works he/she/it does not work does he/she/it work? does he/she/it not work? we work we do not work do we work? do we not work? you work you do not work do you work? do you not work? they work they do not work do they work? do they not work?

Cara mengeja Verbs yang berakhiran ss, sh, ch, x, dan o ditambah es untuk membentuk orang ketiga tunggal

I kiss – he kisses I rush – he rushes I watch – he watches I box – he boxes I go – he goes I do – he does

Verbs yang berakhiran y diikuti sebuah konsonan mengubah y menjadi ies I carry – he carries I hurry – he hurries

Tetapi, jika diikuti sebuah vokal, tetap menggunakan s saja I obey – he obeys I say – he says

Simple present digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan kebiasaan He usually drinks coffee, but now he is drinking milk

The simple present tense seringkali diikuti dengan keterangan sebagai berikut: often, usually, sometimes, never, always, occasionally, on Mondays, twice a year, every week, dll

It rains in winter Birds do not build nests in the autumn I go to mosque on Fridays How often do you wash your hair? She goes abroad every year

B. The Present Continuous Tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative I am working I am not working Am I working? Am I not working? you are working you are not working Are you working? Are you not working? he/she/it is working he/she/it is not working Is he/she/it working? Is he/she/it not working? we are working we are not working Are we working? Are we not working? you are working you are not working Are you working? Are you not working? they are working they are not working Are they working? Are they not working?

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Cara mengeja the present participle a. Untuk verbs berakhiran sebuah e, e dihilangkan sebelum ing : love – loving, hate – hating, argue – arguing

Namun jika berakhiran ee, ditambah ing: agree – agreeing, see – seeing b. Jika sebuah verb satu suku kata mempunyai satu vokal dan berakhiran satu konsonan, konsonan itu didobel

sebelum ing : hit – hitting, run – running, stop – stopping c. Jika sebuah verb dua atau lebih suku kata mempunyai satu vokal dan berakhiran satu konsonan, konsonan itu

didobel sebelum ing jika tekanan kata pada suku terakhir : begin – beginning, prefer – preferring, admit – admitting

namun, jika tekanan bukan pada kata terakhir tidak didobel : enter – entering d. Huruf terakhir l sesudah satu vokal selalu didobel : travel – travelling, signal – signalling e. ing dapat ditambahkan pada verb berakhiran y tanpa mempengaruhi spelling

carry – carrying, hurry – hurrying, enjoy – enjoying

The present continuous tense digunakan untuk � menyatakan tindakan yang terjadi sekarang

It is raining now I am not wearing a coat as it isn’t cold Why are sitting at my desk? What is the baby doing? He is tearing up the paper

� menyatakan tindakan yang terjadi sekitar waktu sekarang I am reading a novel He is teaching French and learning Greek

� menyatakan rencana dalam waktu dekat I am meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre A : Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? B : Yes, I’m playing tennis with Ann

The Simple Past Tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative I worked I did not work did I work? did I not work? you worked you did not work did you work? did you not work? he/she/it worked he/she/it did not work did he/she/it work? did he/she/it not work? we worked we did not work did we work? did we not work? you worked you did not work did you work? did you not work? they worked they did not work did they work? did they not work?

a. Regular verb (beraturan) dibentuk dengan menambahkan ed pada infinitif: work – worked b. Verb berakhiran e cukup tambah d saja: love – loved c. Untuk seluruh person bentuknya sama : I worked, you worked, he worked, dll d. Negatif verb (beraturan dan tidak) memakai did not : I did not work, you did not work, he did not work, dll e. Kata tanya verb (beraturan dan tidak) dibentuk dengan did + subject + verb: Did I work?, Did you work?, dll f. Kata did not dapat disingkat didn't : I didn't work, you didn't work, he didn't work, dll g. Cara mengeja:

� jika berakhiran 1 konsonan, konsonan itu harus didobel sebelum ditambah ed : contoh : stop – stopped, admit – admitted, travel – travelled

� verb berakhiran y diikuti sebuah konsonan, y berubah menjadi i sebelum ditambah ed contoh :carry – carried, reply – replied. Tapi obey – obeyed (y diikuti sebuah huruf vokal)

h. Irregular verb (verb tak beraturan) perubahannya bervariasi contoh : speak – spoke, eat – ate, see – saw, fly – flew, dll

Simple past umumnya digunakan berkaitan dengan kejadian di masa lalu a. Menyatakan kejadian yang sudah selesai di masa lalu

contoh : I met him yesterday, When did you meet him?, I bought this car in Jakarta b. Digunakan untuk tindakan yang waktunya tidak disebut namun (1) makan waktu lama yang kini selesai : He worked in the bank for 4 years (he does not work there now) (2) makan waktu sebentar yang kini selesai : My father once saw the President c. Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di masa lalu: They never drank wine, He always woke up late d. Digunakan untuk kalimat kondisional tipe 2

The Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous tense dibentuk oleh bentuk past dari to be : was dan were

Affirmative Negative Interrogative I was working I was not working was I working? you were working you were not working were you working? he/she/it was working he/she/it was not working was he/she/it working? we were working we were not working were we working? you were working you were not working were you working? they were working they were not working were they working?

Digunakan untuk tindakan yang lalu namun tidak disebutkan waktu tepatnya a. Menyatakan perkembangan yang sedang terjadi di masa lalu contoh: It was getting darker, The wind was rising b. Untuk waktu tertentu, menyatakan tindakan dimulai sebelum waktu itu dan mungkin masih berlanjut

contoh : At 8 he was having breakfast = dia sarapan sebelum pk 8 dan masih berlangsung pada jam itu bandingkan : He had breakfast at 8 = dia mulai sarapan pukul 8

c. Menyatakan kejadian sedang berlangsung sebelum tindakan dalam simple past tense : contoh : When I arrived he was talking on the phone

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d. Untuk mendeskripsikan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi : A wood fire was burning on the hearth, and a cat was sleeping in front of it. A girl was playing the piano. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

e. Digunakan dalam kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech) contoh : He said, 'I am living in London' menjadi He said he was living in London.

The Present Perfect Tense

The Present Perfect Tense dibentuk dengan present tense dari to have + the past participle : I have worked

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative I have worked I have not worked have I worked? have I not worked? you have worked you have not worked have you worked? have you not worked? he/she/it has worked he/she/it has not worked has he/she/it worked? has he/she/it not worked? we have worked we have not worked have we worked? have we not worked? you have worked you have not worked have you worked? have you not worked? they have worked they have not worked have they worked? have they not worked?

Digunakan untuk menyatakan hubungan kuat di masa lalu dengan masa kini: a. Dengan kata just untuk menyatakan kejadian yang baru saja terjadi : He has just gone out b. Menyatakan kejadian baru saja namun waktunya tidak disebutkan :

contoh : I have read the instructions but I don't understand them c. Menyatakan kejadian pernah terjadi tapi masih bisa terjadi lagi : I have seen tigers in the forest d. Digunakan dengan kata-kata: lately, recently, never, ever

contoh : There have been a lot of changes recently, I've been very busy lately e. Digunakan dengan kata yet dalam kalimat tanya dan negatif

contoh: Has the postman come yet?, No, he hasn't come yet. f. Menyatakan tindakan masa lalu namun masih berlangsung sampai sekarang

contoh : I have smoked since I was young ( I still smoke now) g. Menyatakan tindakan masa lalu namun berakhir saat dibicarakan

contoh : I haven't seen you for years (but I see you now) The Future Tense

The Future Tense dibentuk dengan shall / will + infinitive untuk orang pertama tunggal dan jamak, dan will + infinitive untuk yang lainnya

Affirmative Negative Interrogative I shall/will work I shall/will not work shall I work? you will work you will not work will you work? he/she/it will work he/she/it will not work will he/she/it work? we shall/will work we shall/will not work shall we work? you will work you will not work will you work? they will work they will not work will they work?

Digunakan untuk: a. menyatakan pendapat, asumsi, spekulasi mengenai maka mendatang. Biasanya diikuti dengan kata kerja :

think, know, believe, doubt, suppose, assume, expect, hope, be afraid, fell sure, wonder, daresay, atau digabung dengan adverb probably, possibly, perhaps, surely. contoh : I'm sure he'll come back., Perhaps we'll find him at the hotel, They'll probably wait for us

b. menyatakan kebiasaan yang pasti terjadi : Birds will build nests, Spring will come again c. bersama dengan conditional, time, dan purpose clauses: contoh : If I drop this glass it will break, When it gets darker the lamp will be automatically on

The Future Continuous Tense

Tense ini dibentuk dari future tense to be + present participle

Affirmative Negative Interrogative I shall/will be working I shall/will not be working shall I be working? you will be working you will not be working will you be working? he/she/it will be working he/she/it will not be working will he/she/it be working? we shall/will be working we shall/will not be working shall we be working? you will be working you will not be working will you be working? they will be working they will not be working will they be working?

a. sebagai continuous tense biasa : Now they are sitting here, but this time tomorrow they'll go to Jakarta b. menyatakan masa mendatang namun bukan keinginan si pembicara contoh : I'll be helping Mary tomorrow (hanya pernyataan bahwa itu akan terjadi bukan keinginannya)


Ada 3 jenis conditional, yaitu: a. Conditional tipe 1 (mungkin terjadi) : if – clause dalam present tense dan induk kalimat dalam future tense contoh : If he runs he'll get there in time, The cat will scratch you if you pull her tail b. Conditional tipe 2 (berlawanan dengan kenyataan) : if – clause dalam past tense dan induk kalimat dalam conditional tense contoh: If I had a compass I would tell you the direction (but I have no compass) c. Conditional tipe 3 (menyesali kejadian yang sudah terjadi) : if – clause dalam past perfect tense dan induk kalimat dalam perfect conditional tense contoh : If we had brought a map we should have not been lost (we had no maps so we were lost)

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Gerund adalah membendakan kata kerja. Memiliki bentuk sama dengan present participle : running, working, dll Digunakan a. sebagai subyek : Riding a motorcycle is easier than driving a car b. sesudah preposisi : I compute it without using a calculator, After swimming I felt cold, Sorry for coming late c. sesudah kata kerja tertentu : I appreciate your giving me so much of your time, Forgive my disturbing you,

Try to avoid making him angry, Please stop talking, I couldn't help laughing, I don't mind waiting d. kata majemuk noun : diving board, washing machine e. dalam larangan : no smoking, no cheating f. dalam peribahasa : Seeing is believing


The passive voice (kalimat pasif) dibentuk dengan menempatkan verb to be pada tense yang sama dengan the active voice (kalimat aktif) lalu ditambahkan bentuk the past participle dari verb aktifnya : to be + verb (III)

Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice simple present We keep the butter here The butter is kept here simple past They broke the window The window was broken present perfect Peoples have seen a wolf in there A wolf has been seen in there present continuous They are repairing the bridge The bridge is being repaired auxiliary + infinitive You must shut the doors The doors must be shut

Tabel active tense dan kesamaan pasifnya

Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice simple present keeps is kept present continuous is keeping is being kept simple past kept was kept past continuous was keeping was being kept present perfect has kept has been kept past perfect had kept had been kept future will keep will be kept conditional would keep would be kept perfect conditional would have kept would have been kept


Laporan dapat dinyatakan dalam kalimat langsung (direct) dan tak langsung (indirect atau reported speech) contoh : Kalimat langsung, He said, 'I have lost my umbrella.' Kalimat tak langsung, He said that he had lost his umbrella.

(1) indirect speech dapat disampaikan dalam present tense contoh: Paul says he is trying to get a taxi, Tom says that he'll never get married (2) biasanya indirect speech dalam past tense sehingga pada direct speech disesuaikan dalam format past

Tenses Direct Speech Indirect Speech simple present 'I never eat meat,' he said He said that he never ate meat present continuous 'I'm waiting for Ann,' he said He said he was waiting for Ann present perfect 'I have found a flat,' he said He said he had found a flat simple past 'I took it home with me,' he said He said, he had taken it home with him future Ann said,'I will finish it today.' Ann said that she would finish it that day

Perubahan keterangan waktu dalam indirect speech:

Direct Speech Indirect Speech Direct Speech Indirect Speech today that day the day after tomorrow in two days' time yesterday the day before next week / year the following week / year the day before yesterday two days before last week / year the previous week / year tomorrow the next day / the

following day a year ago a year before / the

previous year 'I saw her yesterday,' he said menjadi He said he had seen her the day before 'I'll do it tomorrow,' he promised menjadi He promised that he would do it the next day

Pertanyaan: He asked, 'Where is she going?' menjadi He asked where she was going He said, 'Where does she live?' menjadi He asked where she lived 'Is anyone there?', he asked menjadi He asked if anyone was there / He asked whether anyone was there He said, 'Will you help me?' menjadi He asked me to help him

Perintah / larangan He said, 'Open the door, Tom.' menjadi He told Tom to open the door 'Don't drink coffee, Jim,'I said menjadi I told Jim not to drink coffee He said, 'Let's stop now.' menjadi He suggested stopping

Kalimat seru He said, 'Thank you!' menjadi He thanked me He said, 'Congratulations!' menjadi He congratulated me He said, 'Damn you!' menjadi He swore me