“grammar to explain”

“Grammar to Explain” 재재재재再再再再 : 再再再再再再 再再再 再再 再 再再再 再再再再 再再再再 再再再 再再再 再 “ 再 再再再 ( 再再再 ) 再 再再再 再再再再 .” The beautiful boy loved him.(X) The beautiful boy loved himself. The beautiful boy=Narcissus, him=Hong Gil-dong 再 再再再再 再再再 再再 . The beautiful boy loved him. (O) 재재재재재 (1) 재재재 재재재 재재재재 재재재 재재 I applied myself to my new task.(=was absorbed in; devoted myself He accustomed himself to his surroundings. (=got accustomed [used] I availed myself of the case. (=made use of; took advantage of 再 再再 She had to support herself. (=stand on her own feet) He prides himself on his talents. (=takes pride in; is proud of) I find myself alone in the midst of isolation. ( 再再 再再再 再再 再再 再再 ) (2) 재재재 재재재재 재재재재 재재재 재재 One cannot live for oneself. ( 再再再 / 再再 再再再 再再 再再 / 再再再 再再再再 ) I went there by myself. ( 再再再 alone) The door opened of itself. ( 再再再 ) He is beside himself with joy [rage]. ( 再 再再再 再再 ) etc.

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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“Grammar to Explain”. 재귀용법 再歸用法: 《재귀대명사를 반드시 써야 함》동사나 전치사의 목적어가 주어와 동일할 때 “그 미소년(美少年)은 자기를 사랑했다.” The beautiful boy loved him.(X) The beautiful boy loved himself . 주어=목적어 The beautiful boy=Narcissus, him=Hong Gil-dong 의 경우에는 다음은 맞다. The beautiful boy loved him. (O) ☎ 관용어구들 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: “Grammar to Explain”

“Grammar to Explain”

재귀용법再歸用法 : 《재귀대명사를 반드시 써야 함》동사나 전치사의 목적어가 주어와 동일할 때 “ 그 미소년 ( 美少年 ) 은 자기를 사랑했다 .” The beautiful boy loved him.(X) The beautiful boy loved himself. 주어 = 목적어 The beautiful boy=Narcissus, him=Hong Gil-dong 의 경우에는 다음은 맞다 . The beautiful boy loved him. (O) ☎ 관용어구들 (1) 주어가 동사의 목적어로 再歸한 경우 I applied myself to my new task.(=was absorbed in; devoted myself to; buried myself in) He accustomed himself to his surroundings. (=got accustomed [used] to) I availed myself of the case. (=made use of; took advantage of 는 약간 부정적 의미 ) She had to support herself. (=stand on her own feet) He prides himself on his talents. (=takes pride in; is proud of) I find myself alone in the midst of isolation. ( 혼자 있다는 것을 알게 되다 ) (2) 주어가 전치사의 목적어로 再歸한 경우 One cannot live for oneself. ( 혼자서 / 다른 사람의 도움 없이 / 자신을 위해서만 ) I went there by myself. ( 혼자서 alone) The door opened of itself. ( 저절로 ) He is beside himself with joy [rage]. ( 제 정신이 아닌 ) etc.

Page 2: “Grammar to Explain”

Maxims Introduced by Teacher

Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. from Matthew ( 마태복음 ) 18 : 4 Teaching others teaches yourself. A candle lights others and consumes itself. One morning I awoke and found myself famous. Byron The world is a perpetual caricature in itself. George Santayana If you want money you must make it for yourselves as I did. Samuel Butler

Page 3: “Grammar to Explain”

Maxims Translated by Student

If you want people to think well of you, do not speakwell of yourself. Blaise Pascal, French mathematician & philosopher Help yourself; then everybody also will help you. Nietzsche, German philosopher History repeats itself. Love your neighbor as (you love) yourself. from Matthew ( 마태복음 ) 22 : 39 Poverty isn't dishonorable in itself, but it is dis-honorable when it comes from idleness.

Page 4: “Grammar to Explain”

“My Maxim” Activity

다음 명언을 참고로 하여 여러분의 역사관을 밝혀 보시오 .

History doesn't repeat itself -- but historians do.