grammar unit 4 a good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 to do that sort of thing is foolish 。 i...


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疑问词 + 动词不定式


Page 1: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly
Page 2: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly


Unit 4A good read

Page 3: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

疑问词 + 动词不定式

Page 4: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly


To do that sort of thing is foolish 。I want to see you this evening.

All you have to do is to finish it quickly.

We found a house to live in.

She came here to study English.

I warned the patient not to eat cold water after the operation.

主语 宾语

表语 定语



Page 5: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly


To master a foreign language is really important nowadays.

To give up smoking is right.

1. 当今掌握一门外语真的很重要。

2. 放弃吸烟是对的。

Page 6: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

作宾语Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided to look for a job.

He promised not to tell anyone about it.

1. Fred 没有钱,所以他决定找一份工作。

2. 他答应不告述任何人这事。

Page 7: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly


My job is to teach English.

To see is to believe.

1. 我的工作是教英语。

2. 眼见为实。

Page 8: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

作定语Do you have anything to say?

1. 你有什么要说的吗 ?

2. Betty 是第一个知道这真相的人 Betty was the first to know the truth

Page 9: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

作状语He spoke loudly (so as / in order) to be heard.

They jumped with joy to hear the news.

I’m too tired to walk any further tonight.

目的状语 .

原因状语 .


Page 10: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

作宾补She asked me to stay there.

1. 她叫我呆在这儿。

2. 请允许我介绍 Mr. White 给你们。 Please allow me to introduce Mr. White to you.

Page 11: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

适用于“疑问词适用于“疑问词 ++ 不定式动词”的动词包括:不定式动词”的动词包括:““ know, see, decide, tell, ask, consider, know, see, decide, tell, ask, consider, discover, explain, forget, guess, hear, imdiscover, explain, forget, guess, hear, imagine, inquire, learn, rememberagine, inquire, learn, remember ,, think, think, wonder, understand”wonder, understand” 等。 有点值得特别等。 有点值得特别注意的是:当这结构当宾语时,它的作用等注意的是:当这结构当宾语时,它的作用等于名词分句,例如: 于名词分句,例如: (1) I could not decid(1) I could not decide e which dictionary to buywhich dictionary to buy. / I could not d. / I could not decide ecide which dictionary I should buy.which dictionary I should buy.

Page 12: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

(2) Jack did not know (2) Jack did not know where to find such where to find such a good teacher./a good teacher./ Jack did not know Jack did not know where where he could find such a good teacher.he could find such a good teacher.有些动词,如“有些动词,如“ ask, show, tell, advise, infask, show, tell, advise, inform, teach”orm, teach” 等,可以先有个宾语,然后才接等,可以先有个宾语,然后才接着加上适当的“疑问词着加上适当的“疑问词 ++ 不定式动词” 结构不定式动词” 结构。。例如: 例如: Have you told him where to get theHave you told him where to get the application form? application form?

Page 13: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

注意A. 有些动词后面的不定式不带 to ,如 feel (一感) hear,listen to (二听) make, have, let (三让) see, watch, notice, observe (四看) .

I heard them sing a pop song .

The teacher made me answer the question.

We watched them play football .

Page 14: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

注意 B. 动词不定式的否定式只须在 to

前加 not.My father decided not to take up the job.

The teacher told us not to be late again.

Page 15: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

注意C. 带疑问词的动词不定式在 to 前加疑问词。Mr. Lin will teach us how to use the computer.

Can you tell me where to get the book?

Page 16: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

注意D. 作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式常常省去 to 后面的动词,只保留 to 。A:Would you like to come to my party?

Mary wanted to use my bike, but I asked her not to ( use my bike).

B: Yes , I’d love to ( come to your party).

Mary 想用我的自行车,但我叫她别用。

Page 17: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

A Using question words +to-infinitivesWe can use a question word with a to-infinitive after a verb.

Millie has decided what to read.

Daniel did not say who to talk to about this book.

Simon forgot when to meet his friends.

Kitty cannot decide which to choose first.

Sandy is wondering where to ask for help.

Amy does not know how to write the report.

Page 18: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

Suzy will explain why to recommend this book.

Suzy will explain why she recommends this book.

All question words can be used in this way, except why.


We can use a verb and an object before a question word with a to-infinitive.advise ask decide discuss forget know learn remember show teach think understand

Page 19: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

•Mr Wu advised us which to choose as after- school activities.•The students asked their teacher when to hand in their work.•Millie showed us what to do next.•Daniel taught himself how to use a computer to draw.•Don't forget to tell your mum where to meet you.

Page 20: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

We can also use an adjective like sure or clear before a question word.Suzy was not sure who to ask for help.Are you clear when to meet at the gate tomorrow?

They are discussing which colour to paint the walls.You can ask your parents how much money to take with you.

We can use a noun after what, which, whose, how many and how much.

Page 21: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

ask for find hand in

read travel write about

About Reading WeekAmy and Daniel are talking about their Reading Week. Complete their conversation. Use the correct question words and to-infinitives.

how what whenwhere which who

Amy: Mr Wu has recommended so many interesting books. Have you decided ⑴_____________ first, Daniel?which to read

Page 22: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

Daniel: Yes. I want to read Black Beauty first. But I don't know (2)_______________the book.Amy: You can try our school library or Sunshine Library. Oh, did you know Peter is reading Around the World in Eighty Days? He wants to find out ⑶______________ around the world in such a short time.Daniel: Wow, that's amazing! By the way, can you tell me(4)________________ our book report?

where to find

how to travel

when to hand in

Page 23: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

Amy: Before next Friday. I'm still not sure (5)___________________ in the report.Daniel: You can write anything about your book— what the book is about, what you think of it and so on. You should read some reviews about the book before writing.Amy: Thank you. Anyway, I know (6)______________ help with writing. Mr Wu is always there to help us

what to write about

who to ask for

Page 24: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

Model verbs

must have to

don’t need to don’t have to

Must sb…?Do / Does sb. have to …?

( 必须 ) ( 不得不 )

Page 25: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

1. 表示义务、命令或必要,后面接不带 to 的动词不定式。  Soldiers must obey orders.

We must keep our word.

2. must 用在否定句结构中表示“不允许、禁止” He must not leave his room.

You mustn’t smoke in the office.

Page 26: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

3. must 用在一般疑问句中,肯定回答用 must ,否定回答用 needn’t 或 don’t have to

—— Must I hand it in before five?

—— No, you _________________________.

—— Yes, you ______________.

you needn’t. / don’t have to

you must

Page 27: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

1. have to 由 have + to 组成。因此具有 have 的各种时态。 He is an invalid and has to have a nurse.

She knew what she had to do.

I shall have to reconsider my position.

He is always having to exercise judgment.

Page 28: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

1. 含义不同: must 表示说话人的主观思想,强调个人意志 和主观的决心。 have to 侧重于客观上的必要,强调客观条件 作用的结果。 You must do it now. I have to go now.

Page 29: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

3. 否定含义不同在否定句中 , have to 表示不需要, must 则 表示不允许。You don’t have to go there.You mustn’t go there.

2. 适用时态不同must 只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时(在间接引语中) have to 可用于更多的场合。She said she must do well in her English.

Page 30: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

B Using must and have toWe use must and have to to say that it is necessary to do something

Have to has different forms, has to had to will have to have/has got to


must not = mustn't do not have to = don’t have to


Page 31: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

We use have to when the situation makes something necessary.

I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge.

She has to take her daughter from school in the afternoon.

We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary.

"I must run away from them," Gulliver thought.

Page 32: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

We use must not to say that something is not allowed.

You must not smoke in the library.

We use do not have to to say that it is not necessary to do something.

We do not have to go to school at weekends.

Page 33: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

You (1) ______ keep quiet in the library.

You (2)______ keep the books clean and tidy.

You (3)_________draw or write in the books.

You (4) ________ eat or drink in the librar

Library rulesAmy is telling her cousin Shirley some library rules. Complete what she says with must, must not, have to or do not have to.





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You (5)_______ return the books on time.

If you want to keep them longer, you

(6)________ renew them.

You (7)_____________ bring your student card every time you go to the library, but remember to bring your library card.


have to

don’t have to

Page 35: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly


1.Gulliver did not know where he could find

other people.

Gulliver did not know _______ ___ _____other


2. Gulliver wondered who he could ask for help.

Gulliver wondered _____ ___ ____ ____ help.

where to find

who to ask for

Page 36: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

3. Gulliver did not know how he could break the ropes.

Gulliver did not know _____ __ _______the ropes.

4. Gulliver found out what he could do with the tiny man.

Gulliver found _____ ___ ___with the tiny man.5. Gulliver decided when he should leave Lilliput.Gulliver decided _____ ___ ______ Lilliput.

how to break

what to do

when to leave

Page 37: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly

1. Don’t be late again. You ____ be here on time. A. may B. can C. must D. needn’t2. You ___ do it even if you don’t want to. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. have to3. —— Must I take a bus? —— No, you ___. You can walk from here. A. mustn’t B. don’t C. don’t have to D. had better not to

Page 38: Grammar Unit 4 A good read 疑问词 + 动词不定式 To do that sort of thing is foolish 。 I want to see you this evening. All you have to do is to finish it quickly


Review you have learnt in this part andpreview the next part.

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