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2 Ctra. Madrid – Irún, km. 244,8 – E09007 – BURGOS – SpaIN Tl. : +34 947 47 77 00 [email protected] Leading global supplier of components for vehicle interiors Spain BurGoS VAllADolID AlMuSSAFES VIGo pAMplonA VItorIA MArtorEll BArCElonA Argentina BuEnoS AIrES Belgium GEnK Brazil CAÇApAVA tAuBAtE CurItIBA SAlVADor DE BAHIA SÃo BErnArDo Canada oSHAWA BrAMpton China SHAnGHAI nInGBo FuZHou CHAnGCHun CHEnGDu GuAnGZHou nAnJInG YI-ZHEnG CHonGQInG SHEnYAnG WuHu Czech republic CHrAStAVA lIBErEC turnoV oStrAVA MlADA BolESlAV noŠoVICE HrAnICE France GuYAnCourt roCHE lA MolIÈrE rupt- Sur-MoSEllE CAMBrAI HEnIn BEAuMont SAnDouVIllE JArnY BESAnÇon Germany WEYHAuSEn ColoGnE WolnZACH StuttGArt SAArlouIS SACHSEn WolFSBurG rEGEnSBurG EMDEn BAMBErG BAD DÜrKHEIM India punE DElHI CHEnnAI Italy turIn Japan toKYo Mexico SIlAo SAltIllo HErMoSIllo puEBlA DErrAMADEro rAMoS ArIZpE Morocco tAnGIEr poland WroClAW portugal VIlA noVA DE CErVEIrA VAlEnÇA pAlMElA romania SIBIu russia SAInt pEtErSBurG Slovakia BrAtISlAVA ZIlInA South Africa uItEnHAGE DurBAn roSSlYn South Korea SEoul puSAn thailand BAnGKoK turkey BurSA united Kingdom GrAYS-ESSEX lEAMInGton SpA SunDErlAnD SolIHull oXForD BurY united States AuBurn HIllS KEntuCKY MArlEttE WAYnE BElVIDErE WArrEn SHrEVEport tuSCAlooSA Grupo AntolIn

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Post on 05-Feb-2021




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  • w w w . g r u p o a n t o l i n . c o m

    Ctra. Madrid – Irún, km. 244,8 – E09007 – BURGOS – SpaINTl. : +34 947 47 77 00

    [email protected]

    w w w . g r u p o a n t o l i n . c o m

    Leading global supplier of components for vehicle interiors

    Spain BurGoS VAllADoliD AlMuSSAFES ViGo pAMplonA VitoriA MArtorEllBArCElonA A rgent ina BuEnoS AirES Be lg ium GEnKBraz i l CAÇApAVA tAuBAtE Curit iBA SAlVADor DE BAHiA SÃo BErnArDoCanada oSHAWA BrAMpton Ch ina SHAnGHAi ninGBo FuZHouCHAnGCHun CHEnGDu GuAnGZHou nAnJinG Y i -ZHEnG CHonGQinG SHEnYAnG WuHu

    Czech republ ic CHrAStAVA liBErEC turnoV oStrAVA MlADABolESlAV noŠoViCE HrAniCE F rance GuYAnCourt roCHE lA MoliÈrE rupt-Sur-MoSEllE CAMBrAi HEnin BEAuMont SAnDouVillE JArnY BESAnÇon

    Germany WEYHAuSEn ColoGnE WolnZACH StuttGArt SAArlouiSSACHSEn WolFSBurG rEGEnSBurG EMDEn BAMBErG BAD DÜrKHEiM india punEDElHi CHEnnAi i ta ly turin J apan toKYo Mex ico SilAoSAltillo HErMoSillo puEBlA DErrAMADEro rAMoS AriZpE MoroccotAnGiEr poland WroClAW portugal VilA noVA DE CErVEirAVAlEnÇA pAlMElA romania SiBiu russ ia SAint pEtErSBurGSlovakia BrAtiSlAVA ZilinA South Africa uitEnHAGE DurBAn roSSlYn South Korea SEoul puSAn thailandBAnGKoK turkey BurSA united Kingdom GrAYS-ESSEXlEAMinGton SpA SunDErlAnD SoliHull oXForD BurY united StatesAuBurn HillS KEntuCKY MArlEttE WAYnE BElViDErE WArrEn SHrEVEport tuSCAlooSA

    Grupo Antolin

  • products innovation & design

    Innovation and Design are the company's response to a world of constantchange and the driving forces behind the rapid development of Grupo Antolin

    Grupo Antolin focuses on Innovation basedon design and technology to guarantee itsleadership in the area of interiorcomponents and to continue offering itsclients high value added products

    overheadNumber One Worlwide

    Modular headliner SubstrateSunvisorspillarspanoramic systemsInsulatorspackage tray Safety

    Grupo antolin goes furtherthan the traditional modularheadliner and develops newvehicle architectures toround off the productsportfolio: panoramicsunblinds, consoles,integrated lighting systemsand innovative fabrics.

    DoorsMulti-technological Offer

    Door module Door panel Window regulators Trim insertsConsoles Safety Metal and structuralprofilesTubular semi-structures

    Following market trends,Grupo antolin offers itsclients new technologiesoriented towardssustainability,customization and lighting& fabrics integration.

    lightingComplete Interior Solutions

    Consoles ambient lightingElectronics/Smart lightingExterior lightingDRL Daytime Running Lights

    as one of the key players inthe market, Grupo antolinpays special attention toInnovation, maintainingstrong developmentcapabilities, mainly inelectronics and optic design.The production competencesare vertically integrated,mastering the completeindustrial process from R&D,conception & tooling toassembly and delivery.

    SeatsHigh Functional Integration

    Complete seatsFramesCoversMechanisms

    Grupo antolin is atechnological leader in thedevelopment andmanufacturing of completelightweight seat systems.

    Our specific solutionsenhance the flexibility in thedistribution of the space:folding to & into floorconcepts, automatic seatanchorages, advanced easyentry systems, andintegrated 3 points seat belt.

    Grupo Antolin is a full service supplier leader in the design, development and manufacture ofautomobile industry components, offering multi-technological solutions for modular interior parts.

    The company focuses on the following four main Functions: Overhead, Door, Seat and Lighting.

    The Spanish company ranks 55th place among the most important suppliers in the automotiveindustry worldwide and its customer portfolio features practically every car maker in the world.

    In recent years, Grupo Antolin has rapidly expanded its global presence by investing in new facilitiesin the most important markets. Altogether, Grupo Antolin has operations in 25 countries with morethan 100 plants and 22 technical-commercial offices, working many of them on a just-in-time basis.

    A U D I B A J A J B E N T L E Y B M W B U I C K C H E R Y C H E V R O L E T C H R Y S L E R C I T R O Ë N D A C I A D A E W O O D O D G EF I A T F O R D G M C H I N D U S T A N H O N D A H U M M E R H Y U N D A I I S U Z U J A G U A R J E E P K I A L A M B O R G H I N IL A N C I A L A N D R O V E R L I N C O L N M A H I N D R A M A R U T I M A Z D A M E R C E D E S M E R C U R Y M G R O V E R M I N IM I T S U B I S H I N I S S A N O P E L O T O K A R P E U G E O T P O N T I A C P O R S C H E R E N A U L T R I I C H R O E W E R O L L S R O Y C E S A M S U N G S E A T S K O D A S M A R T S U Z U K I T A T A T O Y O T A V O L K S W A G E N V O L V O X I A L I

    Grupo Antolin'sCommitment¡We satisfy the needsof the present withoutjeopardizing the future ofthe next generations!

    To offer a sustainable future, we aredetermined to set the standards inquality and innovation, and ourcompany’s byword is respect, both forthe environment and for otherpeople.

    Human resources& SocialresponsibilityMore than 14,000 people workproactively with the aim to achieveclients maximum satisfaction.

    The continuous commitment of ourstaff, who plays a leading role in ourefficiency, is achieved through training,effective communications, numerousparticipation systems, and therecognition of the work achievementsof individuals and teams.

    GlobalManagementGlobalization andStandardization

    The company is highly committed toimplement the Grupo antolinproduction System based on the leanmanufacturing philoshophy. This way,the company guarantees the samelevel of quality across the world.

    The main objective of ourmanagement model is thestandardization of production andtransactional operations.

    clientsWith our clients,

    we create cars


    new materialsGrupo antolin's laboratories allownew materials to be rapidly validated,shortening the time to be introducedinto new products.

    The company also produces newinnovative materials such as carbonNanofibres and Graphene and workswith new manufacturing processesfor lightweight components such asMagnesium die casting.

    CorporateEngineering Grupo antolin provides a specializedservice in engineering ensuring thefulfilment of the clientsrequirements worldwide. Thecompany optimizes its products byusing advanced simulation tools andmethodology to generatepredictable validation of theproducts and its associatedprocesses to ensure the influencethat its products will have on vehiclesafety.

    Grupo antolin counts on a globalnetwork of engineering centers,some of them based in low costcountries, to bring our innovativecost effective solutions to the OEMs.

    Design Grupo antolin’s Industrial Designworks to find innovative solutions tostay one step ahead of demand in asector where the car interior isincreasingly important in any buyingdecision.

    Industrial Design concentrates onhuman aspects of the product:sensations, ergonomics andcomfort, functionality andcustomization with an specialemphasis on surfaces and textures.

    Design adds value to Grupo antolin'sproducts as well as improvingpeople’s quality of life on board.




    Back seat frames