guixt manualetto

Tutorial per l’uso della GuiXT SOMMARIO Legenda Istruzioni......................................................... 2 Positions............................................................... 3 Relative Positioning.................................................... 3 Istruzioni di SCRIPT....................................................... 3 Delete 1.1................................................................3 Delete 1.2................................................................6 Posizionamento............................................................7 Text and Box..............................................................9 Tip (Help aggiuntivi)....................................................11 GlobalTextReplace (Changing nomenclature in R/3).........................12 Image 1.1................................................................16 Image 1.2................................................................18 Image 1.3 (immagime variabile)...........................................20 Image 1.4 (sequenza di immagini).........................................22 Pushbutton...............................................................23 Immagini con Link ad altre transazioni...................................25 Impostazione Profilo GuiXT................................................ 26 Generale.................................................................26 Directories..............................................................26 Start Window.............................................................27

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Page 1: GUIXT manualetto

Tutorial per l’uso della GuiXT


Legenda Istruzioni......................................................................................................................................2Positions............................................................................................................................................. 3Relative Positioning............................................................................................................................3

Istruzioni di SCRIPT...................................................................................................................................3Delete 1.1...............................................................................................................................................3Delete 1.2...............................................................................................................................................6Posizionamento......................................................................................................................................7Text and Box.......................................................................................................................................... 9Tip (Help aggiuntivi)............................................................................................................................. 11GlobalTextReplace (Changing nomenclature in R/3)...........................................................................12Image 1.1............................................................................................................................................. 16Image 1.2............................................................................................................................................. 18Image 1.3 (immagime variabile)...........................................................................................................20Image 1.4 (sequenza di immagini).......................................................................................................22Pushbutton........................................................................................................................................... 23Immagini con Link ad altre transazioni.................................................................................................25

Impostazione Profilo GuiXT.....................................................................................................................26Generale.............................................................................................................................................. 26Directories............................................................................................................................................ 26Start Window........................................................................................................................................27

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Legenda IstruzioniGli Screen elements Che possono essere usati sono: 

Fields Field groups Pushbuttons Radiobuttons Check boxes Table controls Tabstrips R/3 controls Menu items

essi sono richiamati riportando il testo così come mostrato sullo schermo o nei menù, e.g. [Translation dte] or [Account number].   Please note that you have to enter the text exactly as it appears on the screen, with the following possible exceptions: 

They are not case sensitive, e.g. [ACCOUNT NUMBER] or [account number] instead of [Account number] Spacing is not important, e.g. [Accountnumber] instead of [Account number] You can abbreviate the text using an ending period, e.g. [Transl.] or [Translation d.]  instead of [Translation dte]  You can use the quickinfo text (tooltip) for icon pushbuttons

Optionally you may specify the type of the screen element prior to its name, for example if a field and a field group have the same name. The following types are possible: 

F[...] Field G[...] Field group P[...] Pushbutton  R[...] Radiobutton C[...] Check box S[...] Tabstrip T[...] Table X[...] R/3 controll (e.g. image control) M[...] Menu item

Examples: del F[Translation dte]   pos G[First line item] (8,0)  You can also deal with screen elements without text by using the notation:

#[x,y]where x is the row and y is the column (starting with 0 in both cases)

for tables without a name: [table] or T[table]

If two or more elements with the same name exist, e.g. [Account number], then the first field (from top left to bottom right) gets the normal name [Account number] and those following get a sequence number as suffix: [Account number.2], [Account number.3], ...If two or more tables without a name exist, then the first table is addressed with [table] or T[table] and those that follow get a sequence number as suffix: [table.2] or T[table.2], ...

PositionsThere are three ways to specify a screen position: 

(x,y) Here x is the row and y the column. For example, (4,60) means: row 4, column 60. The numbering begins with (0,0) unless you specified a different starting position using the offset command. x and y are positive whole numbers. Only two commands (image and view) allow us to specify the position using decimal numbers, e.g. (1.5,2.8)

[name] You name a screen element whose position is used

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[name]+(x,y) You name a screen element plus an offset, which is then added to the position of the screen element. Negative values are also permitted for x and y, for example [Account number]+(1,-10): one below and 10 columns left of the field Account number.

Relative PositioningIn order to shift a group of screen elements en bloc, e.g. radiobuttons, you can use the Offset command in the form (row,column). The given offset is then added to all subsequently specified numerical coordinates. For example, the following two possibilities are equivalent: 

se si scrive:

Offset (10,21)   Radiobutton (0,0) "..."  Radiobutton (1,0) "..."  Radiobutton (2,0) "..." 

è come scrivere:

Radiobutton (10,21) "..."  Radiobutton (11,21) "..."  Radiobutton (12,21) "..."

Istruzioni di SCRIPT

Delete 1.1

Sometimes the R/3 standard screens contain fields that are useful for others but are not useful for your particular needs. 

This somewhat complicates our focusing on the relevant fields. In addition, you have to use the tab button or the mouse to go from one relevant field to the next. 

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For example, in this screen the field [Cost center] may be unnecessary or necessary only in certain cases. 


With GuiXT you can delete unwanted fields with the del-command. In order to do this, you simply specify the field name in square brackets after the word del, thus: del [Cost center]. Both the field name and the corresponding input or output field are deleted. 

           del [Cost center]

Now there is a gap between the fields [Department] and [Car license number], the field [Cost center] has disappeared. 


Gaps are not what we want. But one advantage is that you can fit something else in. Patience; we will soon fill in the gaps. 

But what if the field [Cost center] was just the one a certain user wanted to retain? Then you would unfortunately have gotten rid of the wrong field. This is not a problem, since the user can either switch back to the SAP standard screen, or put a preferred version of the screen into the user's own directory, deleting other fields if desired.

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Delete 1.2

Perhaps some of the fields you wish to get rid of are grouped together in a group box. This is convenient, because GuiXT allows you to delete an entire group box with all its fields. 

Let us assume that you want to delete all the fields contained in the group box [Other data]. 


In this case you simply write the group box title instead of the field name, thus: del [Other data]. The entire group box with all its fields will now be deleted. 

  del [Other data]




There are some extra options in the del command which allow, for example, the deletion of the frame around the group box, while leaving the fields inside. Details can be found in the documentation. 

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It is sometimes desirable, for various reasons, to rearrange the order of fields on the screen. For example, you would want to put rarely used fields at the bottom of the screen, unless they are directly related to other, frequently used fields. 

Another reason for rearranging fields would be for a more esthetic and ergonomic layout after the deletion of certain fields. Thirdly, as we will see later, we will need additional space for further elements (images, buttons, text). 

As an initial exercise let's shift the field group [Communications methods] a little bit to the right. 

This is done with the pos command. You can specify the new position in terms of screen coordinates in the form (row,column), e.g. pos [Communications method] (1,12). Or, preferably, by specifying another screen element plus an offset, as in the following example:


 pos [Communications methods] [Communications methods]+(0,10) 

Now the whole group box is shifted 10 spaces to the right. 

One thing doesn't look good: fields that overlap. Don't worry, your hard disk won't be formatted and the GUI won't crash, but the screen could be tidied up.


An important tip: Perhaps you have moved fields to positions that are not always available. In R/3 there are sometimes fields that are not always displayed on the screen, depending on the data. To be sure of what is really available, you should have a look at the Sreen Painter in order to see the entire layout of the screen. 

The vertical shift functions in the same way as the horizontal shift: 

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 pos [Communications methods] [Communications methods]+(1,0)pos [Other data] [Other data]+(2,0)

Both group boxes are shifted downwards 1 and 2 places respectively. 


With both del and pos you can refer to fields and group boxes either symbolically by name, e.g. [Cost center], or by screen coordinates, e.g. del (1,1). Symbolically is usually preferable, because you are then independent of small changes in the standard screen layouts.

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Text and Box

The names of fields and field groups in the R/3 standard do not always match the vocabulary used in your particular industry or company.

Finding vocabulary that you already know makes familiarization with the system much easier.  


Instead of "Communications methods", the term "Work place" might be clearer. 

With the text command you can change the names of fields, group boxes and pushbuttons. The new text is written out between inverted commas "...": 

  text [Communications methods] "Work place"

Field and group box texts are replaced by the more specific names.

With fields that appear on many screens, it may be easier to modify the texts in the R/3 repository instead of

changing them for each screen separately.  


The text command has an additional function: It permits us to insert extra text anywhere on the screen. 

  text (2,70) "The list also includes" text (3,70) "colleagues from our regional offices."                    

Here we include a small explanation on the right of the screen. 

We specify the position of the text and the text itself. 

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If you would like to present the text in a more ambitious way, you can include images instead of mere texts, e.g. an image representing the current transaction in the form of a diagram or graph. This can be done with the image command that will be explained a little later.  If you wish, you can put a frame around the text using the box command: 

               Box  (1,70) (4,110) "Tip"              text (2,71) "The list also includes"              text (3,71) "colleagues from our regional offices." 

The text is placed within a frame titled "Tip".

In the box command you have to specify the top left and the bottom right coordinates. You can also specify a box title if you wish. 

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Tip (Help aggiuntivi)

Help texts concerning input fields are normally available in R/3. But on the one hand they require an additional dialogue step, and furthermore just the right little tip that is needed is sometimes missing, one that gives a useful example for instance. 

The user would certainly welcome an additional tip concerning a field or a field group which can be displayed locally without any time delay. 

You can point out, for example, that the regional office staff

members are displayed as well.

To do this, you use the command tip. You write down

the field group for which you want to give the tip, and the text. 



 Tip [Communications methods] "The list contains the regional office staff members" 

There is a question mark at the top right hand corner of the group box. Your text is displayed in the

form of a quick info as long as the cursor is positioned on the

question mark.

Similarly, quick infos may be attached to single fields. In

paricular, a few typical input values will really help the user. 



 Tip [Name]        "Family name, e.g. Smith. A generic search Sm* is possible" Tip [First name]  "Fist name, e.g. Henry. A generic search H* is possible."Tip [User ID]     "ID number, e.g. D012722" 

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At the left of the input field there is small black triangle. Your text is displayed as long as the cursor is positioned on the triangle.

You can only write one line of text, up to 255 characters. But it is amazing how helpful a well formulated short sentence can be. 

GlobalTextReplace (Changing nomenclature in R/3)

Guixt allows you to change the R/3 nomenclature very easily. With one GuiXT line you are able to adapt hundreds of screens simultaneously.

For example, assume that the concept "material" is used exclusively in the sense "service" in your R/3 system, perhaps for a special user group only. You would like to replace the word "material" by the word "service" throughout.


Standard R/3 screen: "Material"

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New nomenclature : "Service" instead of "Material" (5 replacements on this screen)

For this example you only need the GuiXT command

GlobalTextReplace "Material" "Service"

This applies to the following screen text types:

Field label Screen title Group box title Pushbutton text and quickinfo Message line Menu items

but not to normal text data displayed by the R/3 system, such as a description of a product not to R/3 help texts

It is of no importance whether the word starts with a lower or upper case letter.Replacement according to contextSometimes, in a particular combination, a different replacement is necessary. For example, you want to replace "material" by "service", but the combination "Material type" is to be replaced by the single word "Category". This can be done as shown in the following example:

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Standard R/3 screen: "Material"

New nomenclature : "Service" instead of "Material"

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New nomenclature : "Service" instead of "Material" and "Category" instead of "Material type"The GuiXT commands in this example:GlobalTextReplace "Material type" "Category"GlobalTextReplace "Material" "Service"GuiXT searches out "Material type" first, because it is longer than "Material".Where to put the text replacement commandsPut the text replacement commands into the file esession.txt (where e means English; it would be fsession.txt for French and dsession.txt for German) in your script directory. This script file is executed after the logon screen, exactly once for each R/3 session.Avoid putting the commands into the file elogon.txt. They will not be executed if the user opens an alternative mode.

Image 1.1

What is the point of having images and graphics in R/3 screens? Four principal reasons spring to mind. Firstly, to create a recognizable context. Secondly, to orientate us within a screen. Thirdly, to give the screen a personal, friendly touch. Fourthly, images can carry a mass of vital information, in particular if the choice of image is data dependent. This will be explained later. 

It is important that time is not lost through image display, as is so often the case in internet. We will come back to this point. 


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Here we could characterize the three

field groups using three different images,

thereby making the screen immediately recognizable each

time it appears. 


The image command is used to display images. You specify the screen coordinates of the image and the bmp/gif file name that contains the image. 

          // D e l e t e   b o x e s del G[Name] "-Box"del G[Communications methods] "-Box"del G[Other data] "-Box"

   // S h i f t  f i e l d   g r o u p s pos G[Name]                   G[Name]+(0,12)pos G[Communications methods] G[Communications methods]+(0,12)pos G[Other data]             G[Other data]+(0,12) 

 // A d d   i m a g e sBox      (01,01)   (5,76)  "Names"  Image    (1.4,01)  (5,13)  "person.gif" Box      (6,1)     (12,76) "Work place"   Image    (6.4,1)   (12,13) "building.bmp" Box      (13,1)    (17,76) "Department, car" Image    (13.4,1)  (17,13) "car.gif" 

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Now the screen looks more friendly. Personal taste comes into it, of course. 



When you test GuiXT, you will notice that the images appear immediately and do not delay the screen display. All images are available in the local network, and in addition they are buffered by GuiXT. When you use data dependent images, e.g. display a photo of an article in the material master record display, a compressed image formats like gif or jpg saves disk space. GuiXT supports bmp and gif directly, jpg and other formats can be handled by an exit; for details see the documentation.

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Image 1.2

It is easier to choose from a small list of given values than to remember and write out the value each time. The standard value help (F4) in R/3 is a little lengthier than necessary for a small number of alternative values. GuiXT makes it possible to represent these alternatives by means of radio button groups, and furthermore to use comprehensibe text rather than codes. 

This makes familiarization with the work so much easier for the new user. For up to about 7 alternatives, clicking a radio button is also quicker and easier for the practiced user. Radio buttons do take up a little more space, however. 


Dealing with order entry, we assume that there is only one sales organization and only one distribution channel, and that only a small number of known alternatives are used for the remaining fields. 


In addition, we want to graphically display the choice of sales office (Paris or Hamburg), while at the same time putting a friendly face on the screen. 

 // F r a m e   w i t h   c o m p a n y   l o g o Offset      (1,1)Box         (0,0)   (11,104)    "Customer order"Image       (0.4,0) (11,16.4)   "solaris.bmp" 

//  O r d e r  t y p e  Offset      (2,20) Box         (0,0)   (7,26)  "Order type"RadioButton (1,1)           "Cash sale"              [Order type] "CS"RadioButton (2,1)           "Rush order"             [Order type] "RO"RadioButton (3,1)           "Internet order"         [Order type] "IO"RadioButton (4,1)           "Spare part order"       [Order type] "SPO"RadioButton (5,1)           "Consignment issue"      [Order type] "CI"RadioButton (6,1)           "Returns"                [Order type] "RE"

//  D i v i s i o nOffset      (2,51)Box         (0,0)   (7,22)  "Division"RadioButton (1,1)           "Heating pumps"          [Division] "01"RadioButton (2,1)           "Solar techniques"       [Division] "02"RadioButton (3,1)           "Household goods"        [Division] "03"RadioButton (4,1)           "Printing machines"      [Division] "04"RadioButton (5,1)           "Services"               [Division] "04" RadioButton (6,1)           "Miscellaneous"          [Division] "00"

//  S a l e s   o f f i c e

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Offset      (2,78)Box         (0,0)   (7,25)  "Sales office"Image       (0.4,0) (7,7)   "Paris.bmp" Image       (0.4,8) (4,25)  "Hamburg.bmp" RadioButton (5,13)          "Hamburg"                [Sales office] "0002"RadioButton (6,9)           "Paris"                  [Sales office] "0004"

// L i s t sOffset      (11,20) PushButton  (0,0)           "@3D\QList of inquiries@Inquiries"    "/OVA15" PushButton  (0,14)          "@3D\QList of quotations@Quotations"  "/OVA25" PushButton  (0,28)          "@3D\QList of orders@Orders"          "/OVA05"

// A d d i t i o n a l   i n f o r m a t i o nOffset      (10,63)Image       (0,0)  (2,40)   "neu_boston.bmp"  "-plain"

// D e f a u l t sDefault   [Sales organization]   "0001"Default   [Distribution channel] "01"

// U n u s e d  f i e l d sdel [Organizational data]  del [Order type] "-Triple"      


Let us look at the new elements. Through "offset" you specify an offset that is added to all subsequent screen coordinates. This facilitates the positioning of field groups during the design of new screen layouts. The command radiobutton places a radio button into the screen. It represents the value that you specify in the radiobutton command. Finally, the default command can be used to specify a fixed input value for certain fields. 

Image 1.3 (immagime variabile)

The picture of a product or a scanned document, the graphic representation of a complex task, the photo of a staff member - these are some examples of meaningful data dependent images. 


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Even if the user already knows the image, it gives her the immediate certainty that she has chosen the correct object. 

Let us assume that you want to display a photo

of a product in the material master record



It is easiest to place the image to the immediate right of the existing screen. If you prefer, you can rearrange the screen fields and place the image somewhere else. The image command, and, incidentally, all other commands as well, include the possibility of using &-variables which at run time are substituted by field values taken from the current screen. This is all we need to do here. 

              Image  (2,86) (15,136) "F:\products\&[Material].bmp" 


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Image 1.4 (sequenza di immagini)

Sometimes a single image is not sufficient, e.g. if you want to show a business process with several diagrams, or a complex product with several detailed images. For such cases GuiXT offers a simple way to integrate a series of images into the R/3 screen, through which the user can scroll. These multiple images are characterized by a somewhat thicker frame around them and by a special mouse cursor which contains the image sequence number.

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Here we integrated a series of diagrams into the R/3 screen which shows the relationship between the R/3 business object repository and the R/3 function library.

A left mouse click displays the next image, a right mouse click the previous image.

You name the image files using a sequence number, e.g. mod01.gif, mod02.gif, mod03.gif...  In the Image-command you replace the sequence number by &##, e.g. Image (7,40) (12,80) "mod&##.gif".

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Speedy, simple and wide ranging navigation is crucial in a vast system such as R/3. By means of pull down menus and push buttons the SAP standard already offers many navigational possibilities. 

In addition, GuiXT offers you the possibility of adding extra push buttons within the screen, such as frequently used navigation steps or special functions within the transaction. 


Using the pull down menus of the R/3 order

entry transaction you can call up lists of inquiries,

quotations and orders. Let us assume that you want to integrate these actions

directly into the screen. 

To achieve this, you first look up the corresponding function code by pressing F1 when the cursor is positioned on the right line in the pull down menu. You can also use any external code that the user can enter in the OK code field. You then use the pushbutton command to display the push button: 

 Pushbutton  (12,01) "Inquiries"   "/OVA15" Pushbutton  (12,12) "Quotations"  "/OVA25" Pushbutton  (12,24) "Orders"      "/OVA05"

The push buttons are displayed. By clicking

them, you can call up the corresponding lists. 


In addition, you can display an icon and a quick info for each push button. You must adhere to the SAP standard for push button definitions: 


Pushbutton  (12,01)  "@3D\QList of inquiries@Inquiries"    "/OVA15" Pushbutton  (12,16)  "@3D\QList of quotations@Quotations"  "/OVA25"   Pushbutton  (12,32)  "@3D\QList of orders@Orders"          "/OVA05"

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You may choose any of the standard R/3 system



The 2-letter code for the icons can be found in transaction ICON. 

Using this technique, you can easily create comprehensive menus consisting of images and push buttons, where all relevant actions for a specific user group are collected and described. 

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Immagini con Link ad altre transazioni

With images you can enhance the style of interaction with R/3. A mouse click on an image can call up a menu function or it can put values into R/3 input fields, or you can even do both.

Here some of the R/3 components are represented by characteristic images (they are taken from SAP's homepage The mouse cursor is shown as a hand symbol. Clicking on an image leads the user to the corresponding application. 


The GuiXT script is simple. The additional parameter "Input=..." tells GuiXT to call up a certain transaction when the user clicks on the image.

       Box (1,0) (6,19) "Controlling"Image (1.3,0.5) (6,19) "Controlling.jpg" "Input=OK:/NKE50"

Box (1,20) (6,39) "Financials"Image (1.3,20.5) (6,39) "Financials.jpg" "Input=OK:/NFSMN"

Box (1,40) (6,59) "Materials"Image (1.3,40.5) (6,59) "Materials.jpg" "Input=OK:/NMB00"

Box (7,0) (12,19) "Production" Image (7.3,0.5) (12,19) "Production.jpg" "Input=OK:/NLPRO"

Box (7,20) (12,39) "HR"Image (7.3,20.5) (12,39) "Humans.gif" "Input=OK:/NPA00"

Impostazione Profilo GuiXT

Attivazione GuiXT:

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Click on Edit->Profile in the GuiXT window in order to display and change the profile parameters.

Technical information:All profile parameters are normally stored in the Windows registry. There is also the possibility of working with a guixt.ini file instead. This makes sense if you work with different profile variants, or if you want to install GuiXT with a predefined profile on other computers.

In sapgui 4.6D and upwards you put a file guixt.ini in the sapgui folder. The file should contain the statement 

IgnoreRegistry   Yes

since otherwise  values read in Windows registry could overwrite your guixt.ini settings.

Froma local guixt.ini file in the sapgui folder you can also switch to a central guixt.ini file, for example when you want to impose an identical configuration on numerous users. In this case you specify the name of the central file (e.g.  \\server12\GuiXT\guixt.ini) in a  "SwitchTo" command in the local guixt.ini file:

SwitchTo   \\server12\GuiXT\guixt.ini

The parameter names for guixt.ini can be found here


Here you specify various directories. They can be on your personal PC or on the local network.

Scripts1,... Scripts4 are the directories that are searched for GuiXT scripts. The search sequence is always Scripts4, then Scripts3, then Scripts2, then Scripts1. You could, for example, have company-wide scripts in Scripts1, and some scripts of your own in Scripts2. Especially if you develop new scripts it makes sense to use your own directory for a certain period of time. You can activate and deactivate the script directories as you go along.

GuiXT Scripts, Images ( gif, jpg) and InputScripts can be stored in

local files,e.g. in C:\GuIXT\Scripts central file servers, e.g.  \\p00145\GuiXT\Scripts http-servers, e.g.. ftp-servers, e.g..

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SAP Web Repository (R/3 database), e.g. sapwr:z.guixt.demoFor details please click on  GuiXT scripts in SAP Web Repository

History is the directory used by the InputAssistant. Both the history of input fields and the definition of input sets are stored here.


Shared input sets is also read by the InputAssistant. In this directory you can define Input Sets that are shared by several users.


Docu should contain the documentation and tutorials. You can download the newest version from


Domains contains the domain files used for local value help (InputAssistant).


Help views Dirrectory with own help files (Viewer). For each transaction you can create a separate file, e.g. e.transaction.VA01.html for transaction VA01, language key E.In addition, GuiXT expects an image file  "help.gif" in this folder (format 18x18 pixel. e.g. ). This is the icon that GuiXT displays in the toolbar if there exists a help file for the current transaction. You can use an image command  with  ViewHelp=... to override the help file.In the SAP logon screen the help file e.transaction.logon.html is searched. Here the language key is set according to the language of the logon screen.


Local script buffer contains the scripts and images that are read from a central file server or from the R/3 database (transaction variants in R/3 4.6). They are automatically synchronized with the server or the R/3 database via a common time stamp. See also File cache parameter below.Directory0

User catalog. here you can specify in a text file, different user dependant script directories. Refer to description user catalog for additional information.UserCatalog

Start Window

When GuiXT is started, the GuiXT window can be visible, visible and minimized, or hidden. The "hidden" mode is especially useful for users that do not need to change GuiXT scripts or options.

Please note that the profile screen will no longer be available when you activate the "hidden" option. If you start GuiXT again with the parameter "visible", the GuiXT window is shown and you can change the profile options:

guixt.exe visible

StartMinimized Yes/NoStartHidden Yes/No