Г.В. Крупенина, В.Б.Игнатович АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК air


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Г.В. Крупенина, В.Б.Игнатович



Учебное пособие



Page 2: Г.В. Крупенина, В.Б.Игнатович АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК AIR

УДК 611.111(075) ББК 81.2 К 84

Крупенина Г.В., Игнатович В.Б. Английский язык. Air сondition-ing: Учеб. пособие. СПб.: Университет ИТМО, 2015. 94 с.

Учебное пособие подготовлено для обучения английскому языку по курсу «Air

сonditioning». Цель данного учебного пособия – подготовить студентов к чтению ори-гинальной литературы по специальности.

Предназначено для бакалавров по направлению 16.03.03 Холодильная, крио-генная техника и системы жизнеобеспечения по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» и магистрантов по направлению 16.04.03 Холодильная, криогенная техника и системы жизнеобеспечения по дисциплине «Практический курс профессионально ориентиро-ванного перевода» очной и заочной форм обучения. Рецензенты: кафедра иностранных языков СПбГТИ(ТУ) (кандидат техн. наук, доц. В.М. Зинченко); кандидат техн. наук, доц. А.В. Сурина (Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет)

Рекомендовано к печати Советом факультета экономики и экологического менеджмента, протокол № 4 от 30 октября 2014 г.

Университет ИТМО – ведущий вуз России в области информационных и фотонных технологий, один из немногих российских вузов, получивших в 2009 году статус национального исследовательского университета. С 2013 года Университет ИТМО – участник программы повышения конкурентоспособности российских университетов среди ведущих мировых научно-образовательных центров, известной как проект «5 – 100». Цель Университета ИТМО – становление исследовательского университета мирового уровня, предпринимательского по типу, ориентированного на интернационализацию всех направлений деятельности.

Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики, 2015

Крупенина Г.В., Игнатович В.Б., 2015

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ВВЕДЕНИЕ Цель данного учебного пособия – подготовить обучающихся

к чтению оригинальной литературы по специальности. Пособие со-стоит из восемнадцати уроков, включающих словарный минимум, текст, лексические и грамматические упражнения. Каждые шесть уроков заканчиваются контрольным заданием, направленным на вы-явление остаточных знаний студентов и закрепление пройденного материала. В каждом контрольном задании содержатся три части: Comprehension, Speaking, Writing, в которых предлагаются упражне-ния, отвечающие современным стандартам обучения иностранному языку, способствующие более глубокому пониманию предмета и раз-витию творческого воображения. Заканчивается учебное пособие двуязычным словарем трудной и специальной лексики, с которой сталкивается студент, работая с текстами и упражнениями.

Основной упор при работе с заданиями должен быть сделан на работу с неадаптированным текстом. Тексты подобраны таким обра-зом, чтобы дать представление об основных физических процессах, операциях, а также об оборудовании в области кондиционирования воздуха.

За текстом следуют упражнения двух видов. Лексические упражнения призваны расширить словарный запас студентов, акти-визировать имеющиеся знания и научить морфологическому члене-нию слов изучаемого языка.

Грамматические упражнения в данном пособии отражают те трудности, которые необходимо учитывать для правильного перевода технических текстов и последующего самостоятельного чтения науч-но-технической литературы. Целью упражнений является, с одной стороны, активизация приобретенных ранее знаний по грамматике, т. е. развитие способности студентов видеть грамматические явления в тексте и легко их переводить; с другой стороны, привлечь внимание студентов к явлениям многозначности и многофункциональности от-дельных наиболее употребляемых слов, перевод которых, как пока-зывает практика, вызывает затруднения.

При работе с данным учебным пособием рекомендуется поль-зоваться словарями.

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Перечень словарей 1. Мюллер В.К. Полный англо-русский и русско-английский

словарь. – М.: Славянский дом книги, 2012. 2. Современный англо-русский политехнический словарь / Сост.

В.В. Бутник. – М.: Вече, 2012. 3. Розенберг Б. Англо-русский словарь по холодильной и

криогенной технике. – М.: Русский язык, 1978. 4. Коркин В.Д., Табунщиков Ю.А., Бродач М.М. Англо-

русский и русско-английский словарь. Словарь технических терми-нов и словосочетаний по отоплению, вентиляции, охлаждению, кон-диционированию воздуха, теплоснабжению и строительной теплофи-зике. – М.: АВОК-ПРЕСС, 2001.

5. Англо-русский терминологический словарь по отоплению, вентиляции, кондиционированию воздуха и охлаждению. – М.: АВОК-ПРЕСС, 2002.

6. Электронный словарь ABBYY Lingvo 12.

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Vocabulary accomplish – выполнять application – применение average – средний circulating – циркуляция combustion – сгорание competitor – конкурент cooling – охлаждение dehumidifying – обезвоживание fuel – топливо furnace – печь, котел heat source – источник тепла heating – нагревание humidifying – увлажнение imply – подразумевать inexhaustible – неистощимый pipeline system – система трубопровода polluting – загрязняющая process – обрабатывать property – свойство supplement – дополнять treating – обработка value – стоимость, ценность Read and translate the text:

AIR CONDITIONING The term AIR CONDITIONING has been misunderstood for many

years. Air conditioning involves treating of all the properties of air. Total air conditioning involves: circulating, cooling, heating, humidifying, de-humidifying and cleaning the air. Therefore, heating is only a portion of total air conditioning.

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The heating process involves air circulation, heating, humidifying and cleaning. The other processes are accomplished during the cooling process.

Heat sources. The heating process implies the existence of a heat source. The latter is any substance that produces heat while going through a given process. The main sources of heat are in the form of solids, liquids, gases, electricity and solar energy. The value of a source of heat is derived from the amount of heat which is released when it is processed. A good heat source must be readily obtainable in large quantities at relatively low prices.

The main solid used for heating purposes for the general public is coal. Oil is the most common liquid being used as a heat source. It has been known for thousands of years. It is a strong competitor of natural gas in the heating industry. There are two major classifications of gaseous fuels used in heating equipment today. They are natural gas and liquefied petroleum (LP) gas. Natural gas is distributed by means of a pipeline sys-tem, while LP gas is usually transported by truck and stored where it is to be used. Despite the competition of natural gas, oil is still a leader as a source of heat in heating equipment. Electricity is becoming more popular as a source of heat for heating applications. The early applications of heat-producing ability of electricity were limited. It was used only in a few spe-cialized areas, mainly in industrial processes and in portable heaters to help supplement heating systems. Today, electric heating is adaptable to almost any type of construction and climate.

The average efficiency of use of coal and oil to the present time has reached no more than 20 per cent of the demand. Fuel shortages and the in-crease in their costs have rekindled man's interest in harnessing the sun’s en-ergy. The use of the sun's energy to heat buildings and water is not new. It has been traced back several thousand years to when the ancient Greeks used it. A large majority of the principles of solar heat were worked out in the ear-ly days of this century. The solar technology developed then has undergone very few changes except in the materials used. Solar heating is now coming into life on a large scale, because the conventional fuels are in short supply. When this is added to the facts that solar energy is non-polluting, inexhausti-ble, it is easy to understand the interest in this source of energy.

The available energy contained in a fuel is converted to heat energy by the combustion process which is known to be done in furnaces. Furna-ces are generally considered as being the heating part of an air-conditioning system. They may be designed to use various types of gases,

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oil, or electrical resistance elements as the heat source. The type of a heat source will also govern the type of a heat exchanger construction.

EXERCISES 1. Remember the words of the same root and make up sentences

with some of them: short – shortage; competitor – competition ; change –- exchange –

exchanger; exhaust – exhaustible – inexhaustible; humid – humidity – hu-midify – humidifying – humidification – dehumidify – dehumidifying – dehumidification.

2. Mind the words connecting sentences: besides (наречие) – кроме того, сверх того; (предлог) кроме,

за исключением; in addition – кроме того – служит для введения дополнитель-

ных сведений; for (союз) – ибо, так как – показывает, что сказанное есть при-

чина того, что упомянуто выше; hence – отсюда, в результате – означает верность последующе-

го утверждения; however – однако, тем не менее – означает неожиданный по-

ворот в ходе рассуждения; therefore – поэтому, следовательно – указывает, что последу-

ющее предложение есть результат того, что сказано выше; thus – таким образом – обычно указывает на связь между

предложениями или его членами. 3. Translate from Russian into English: циркуляция воздуха; источники тепла; процесс нагревания;

процесс сгорания; система трубопроводов; система отопления; спо-собность электричества давать тепло; система кондиционирования воздуха.

4. Translate from English into Russian: Heating equipment; heating industry; heating application; electrical

resistance elements; heat exchanger construction.

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5. Translate from English into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the words: some, any, no:

1. Total air-conditioning involves some processes: circulating, cool-ing, heating, humidifying, dehumidifying and cleaning the air. 2. A heat source is any substance that produces heat. 3. The sources of heat may exist in different forms: some are in the form of solids, liquids, gases, and others are in the form of electricity and solar energy. 4. The average efficiency of use of coal and oil to the present time has reached no more than 20 % of the demand. 5. Solar heating is no longer considered unpopular today as it is non-polluting, inexhaustible and because the conventional fuels are in short supply. 6. Furnaces are generally considered to be the heating parts of any air-conditioning system.

6. Remember the rule of translating Passive predicates: 1. Every heating is looked at as a part of a larger system. 2. The de-

sign is followed by the construction of a new type equipment. 3. Energy upgrading is referred to in this brochure. 4. The engineers can be asked a lot of questions by operators. 5. The cost of heating is influenced by the type of equipment used. 6. The dust particles are given an electric charge.

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Vocabulary account for (зд.) – удовлетворяет approach – подход avoid – избегать bring – приводить cascading – каскадирование (последовательное включение) consumption – потребление couple – соединять drop – падение gas-driven heat pump – тепловой насос, приводимый

в движение газом heat demand – спрос на тепло heating need – потребность в тепле meet needs – удовлетворять потребностям performance – производительность reject – отводить renewable – возобновляемый treat – рассматривать upgrade – довести waste heat – использованная теплота Read and translate the text:

ENERGY SAVINGS POLICY The heat demand for buildings typically accounts for half of a na-

tion’s energy resources. In the development of energy policies, it is there-fore crucial to examine the way such heating needs are met. In any society, there are many different heating needs, ranging, for example, from the high-temperature needs of the steel industry to the low temperature re-quirements of buildings. Traditionally, each heating need is treated sepa-rately. And with today's modern boilers and furnaces, each heating need can be met with energy efficiencies close to 100 %. Surprisingly, such per-formance can easily be bettered.

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Heat can be supplied much more efficiently by adopting the inte-grated systems approach. Following this approach, the energy needs of a whole community are considered to be one large integrated energy system. Every heating need is looked at as part of the larger system, alongside other energy needs such as electric power and cooling.

With careful design, the sub-systems used to meet different energy needs can be coupled together so that the heat rejected by one sub-system can be used again by another. This reduces the need for primary resources such as fuel or renewable energy. A useful tool to help reach the best de-sign is the quality of energy concept. Following this concept, it is not only possible to measure the quantity of energy, but also to define its quality. For heat energy, quality depends on temperature.

To minimize the consumption of energy resources, unnecessary drops in energy quality must be avoided. For in the design of integrated energy systems, it is quality that counts.

Can the quality energy concept improve upon the traditional ap-proach of separate supply of heat and power? There are two important methods. The first is to apply energy cascading, whereby waste heat is used to meet a heating need at a lower temperature. For example, waste heat from heating steel is used to generate power and the heat from power generation is transported to use in houses. The second method is to use en-ergy upgrading. Here a gas-driven heat pump is used to upgrade environ-mental heat to a higher temperature.

Both energy cascading and energy upgrading deliver much more energy than with the traditional approach. Combining these two approa-ches in an integrated system can bring still greater energy savings.

EXERCISES 1. Remember the words of the same root and make up sentences

with some of them: count – account (for); require – requirement; develop – development;

new – renew – renewable; upgrade – upgrading – degrade – degradation. 2. Translate from Russian into English: метод объединения систем /обогрева/; последовательное вклю-

чение потребителей энергии /каскадная энергетическая система/; си-стема повышения качества тепловой энергии.

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3. Translate from English into Russian: energy resources; high temperature needs; low temperature re-

quirements; each heating need; today's modern boilers; primary energy re-sources; renewable energy; gas-driven heat pump.

4. Pay attention to the different translation of the word WITH,

translate the sentences into Russian: 1. We can better supply heat with a heat pump. 2. This approach

does not allow comparison with other systems. 3. With this policy, many buildings are heated with waste heat. 4. With energy upgrading system, some saving of fuel consumption can be obtained. 5. With traditional ap-proach being used, no energy can be saved.

5. Remember different meanings of the word FOR: 1. Economic efficiency of heat pumps is the prime reason for their

widespread use. 2. Heat pumps have been used for several decades. 3. For him to understand the heat pump advantage, the engineer should know all the other types of equipment. 4. Scientists recommend using heat pumps for integrated energy systems, for it allows to avoid degrading the quality of heat.

6. Mind the emphatic construction IT IS (WAS) + noun + THAT

(WHO): 1. It was the Greeks who made first attempts to use wind for hu-

man needs. 2. It is the lowering of temperature that affects the molecular weight. 3. It is the boiler that is considered to be the heart of a hydronic system. 4. It is humidification that was one of the most important aspects of air conditioning. 5. It is here that the air is heated during the heating season. 6. It was these systems that exposed large numbers of people to the comfort of summer cooling.

7. Remember how the Nominative Absolute Participial Construc-

tion (NAPC) is translated into Russian.

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1. The rates and molecular weights are affected by lowering the temperature, the former being decreased and the latter increased. 2. The temperature being not too high, the superheated conditions can be maintained for an indefinite time. 3. They may be constructed of either cast iron or steel, the latter having dominated the forced air furnace industry in recent years. 4. The ductwork is generally ar-ranged so that the system taken in some outside ventilation air, the rest being return air recirculated from the rooms. 5. There are numerous types of pumps, the gas-driven heat pump being among them. 6. The hydronic system having been rebuilt, they were to rebuild the control system too. 7. The filter media is given the opposite charge, the particles being attracted to the media.

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Vocabulary accompany – сопровождать adjust – регулировать attach –прикреплять barrel PHE – емкостной первичный теплообменник blow (blew-blown) – дуть coating – покрытие contraction – сжатие depositing – осаждение develop – (зд.) появляться dimples and ribs – впадины и ребра duct system – система каналов eliminate – устранять embedded coil – панельный змеевик enjoy – (зд.) занимать expansion – расширение finned coil – змеевик из оребренных труб flame – пламя forced air furnace industry – отрасль, где используются печи

с принудительной тягой heat exchanger – теплообменник hole – скважина hydronic heating – пароводяное отопление install – устанавливать leak – течь medium (pl. media) – среда passage – труба, канал place – размещать plant – установка primary heat exchanger (PHE) – первичный теплообменник properly – как следует secondary heat exchanger (SHE) – вторичный теплообменник sectionalized PHE – батарейный теплообменник set fire – воспламенить stamping – штамповка, выдавливание

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transfer heat – переносить тепло trouble-free – бесперебойный, работающий без аварий Read and translate the text:

HEAT EXCHANGERS A heat exchanger may be defined as a device used to transfer heat

from one medium to another. There are two types of heat exchangers: (i) primary heat exchangers and (ii) secondary heat exchangers. For a heat exchanger to be efficient, the transfer of heat must be made with as little loss as possible.

Primary heat exchangers (PHE). The PHE is the heart of the heat-ing plant. It is designed to transfer heat from the combustion gases to the heating medium flowing through the passages. There are two general clas-sifications of PHE: the barrel and the sectionalised. They may be con-structed of either cast iron or steel, the latter having dominated in the forced air furnace industry in recent years (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Primary and secondary heat exchangers: 1 – barrel type PHE; 2 – sectionalized PHE; 3 – finned coil SHE;

4 – embedded coil SHE

The major problem with steel is the noise which sometimes accom-panies the expansion and contraction associated with the heating and cool-ing of the heat exchanger. The noise can, however, be reduced by placing dimples and ribs in the metal during the stamping operation. Ceramic coat-

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ing is also used to help eliminate noise as well as providing corrosion-protection.

The PHE is normally a trouble-free apparatus, especially when the burners are installed and adjusted properly. From time to time, however, due to continuous expansion and contraction, holes, whether small or large, will develop in the metal. This is a dangerous situation. A large hole could possibly cause the flame to be blown from the front of the furnace and set fire to anything in the immediate area, along with depositing the products of combustion in the building. In any case, the leaking heat ex-changer must be replaced.

Secondary heat exchangers (SHE). Hydronic heating (the use of circulated hot water or steam) enjoys a fair share of the heating industry. The boilers used for hydronic heating use both primary and secondary heat exchangers. The PHE used with hydronic heating heats water rather than air. When hydronic heating is used a PНЕ must be used. When hydronic heating (hot water or steam) is used, the heating medium is passed from the boiler to the SHE, located in the area to be heated, through a series of pipes and returned to the boiler where it is reheated and recirculated. In some installations, the SHE is attached to a duct system and used as a cen-tral heating unit.

The SHE is usually in the form of a finned coil or embedded coil, the latter consisting of a pipe embedded in the floor, wall, or ceiling. The em-bedded coil has no fins and uses the surrounding structure to radiate heat. It is ideal in playrooms where a warm floor is desired. These exchangers, natu-rally, should be installed during construction of the room (Fig. 1).

EXERCISES 1. Remember the words of the same root and make up sentences

with some of them: efficient – efficiently – efficiency – coefficient; class – classify – classi-

fied – classifying – classification; sign – design – designer – designate; heat – reheat; circus – circular – circulate – circulation – recirculation.

2. Translate from Russian into English: емкостной первичный теплообменник, батарейный первичный

теплообменник; теплопередача; тепловые потери; обогревающая сре-

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да; продукты сгорания; выхлопные газы; вторичный теплообменник; змеевик из оребренных труб; змеевик, вмонтированный в пол.

3. Translate from English into Russian: heating plant; hydronic heating forced air furnace industry; stamp-

ing operation; corrosion protection; trouble-free apparatus; leaking heat exchanger; heating industry; duct system; central heating unit.

4. Pay attention to the proper translation of: DUE TO, RATHER

THAN, BOTH…AND, WHETHER…OR: 1. From time to time, due to continuous expansion and contraction,

holes, whether small or large, may develop in the metal the PHE is made of. 2. The РHЕ used with hydronic heating heats water rather than air. 3. The boilers used for hydronic heating use both primary and secondary heat exchangers.

5. Don’t confuse the enhanced words and translate the sentences: 1. Though we have thoroughly looked the readings of the pressure

gauges through, we could not find throughout the system where the pressure fell below the predetermined value. 2. Later the letter was sent to the firm producing SHE in the form of finned and embedded coils, the latter being ideal in playrooms where a warm floor is desired.

6. Translate the Infinitive Constructions in the following sentences: 1. Fossil fuels currently available appear to be insufficient. 2. Our

operating experience will prove to be of considerable help. 3. Reducing power requirements of motors is expected to give 35 % of energy saving. 4. The exchanger is said to effect separation of air streams due to alumini-um plates. 5. Heat pipes having no moving parts are found to recover up to 70 % of thermal energy. 6. Such energy savings allowed the boiler to pay for itself in just three years. 7. New models of water chillers are reported to be compact. 8. Central systems can be flexible and reliable and serve well and long. These seem to be basic objectives of building HVAC sys-tems. 9. For the flow of the refrigerant to be controlled a device used for the purpose may be a capillary tube or a thermostatic expansion valve.

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Vocabulary advantageously – выгодно air-locked – заполненный воздухом bear no resemblance – быть непохожим consist of – состоять из entire system – вся система в целом give off – отдавать hydronics (hydronic heating) – пароводяное отопление incorporate – включать latent heat of vaporization – скрытое тепло парообразования piping arrangement – размещение трубопровода point up – подчеркивать promote – способствовать refinement – усовершенствование require – требовать residential heating – отопление жилых зданий return condensate – возвращать конденсат vary – изменяться zoning – зональное регулирование Read and translate the text:

HYDRONIC HEATING Hydronic heating maintains comfort in the home by circulating hot

water to the secondary heat exchanger. This system basically consists of a boiler, a pump, a SHE and a series of piping (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Basic hot water system:

1 – secondary heat exchanger; 2, 3 – supply piping; 4 – boiler; 5 – pump

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The principle of hydronics dates back to ancient times when Ro-mans used it by circulating warm water through the walls and floors. To-day, however, hydronics bears no resemblance to the ancient methods. Modern systems incorporate many refinements, such as zoning, which al-lows the temperature to vary in different areas of the building.

A hot water boiler maintains water temperatures between 50 and 100 °C. This water is pumped through piping to the secondary heat ex-changer. Boilers may vary in size greatly from those large heating plants found in schools or other large buildings (these are commercial type boil-ers) to modern compact ones used in residential heating, having the size of a washing machine, or being as small as a suitcase.

The efficient operation of any hydronic heating unit requires that all air be kept from collecting in the piping. Most installations have air vents on top of the coil as well as in the highest points of the entire system. Should these exchangers become air-locked, the heating will be reduced and sometimes completely stopped. In order to maintain maximum output from these units, the air must be continuously removed from the piping coils and boilers.

The widespread use of steam for space heating today points up a long recognized fact that steam as a heating medium has numerous basic characteristics which can be advantageously employed, some of the most important advantages being steam ability to give off heat (the high latent heat of vaporization of steam permits a large quantity of heat to be trans-mitted from the boiler to the heating unit with little change in tempera-ture); steam promotes its own circulation (that means the natural flow of steam does not require a pump such as that needed for hot water heating or a fan as used in warm air heating); steam circulates through a heating sys-tem faster than other fluid media. This can be important where fast pick up of the space temperature is desired.

Steam heating systems fall into two basic classifications: one-pipe and two-pipe. These names are descriptive of the piping arrangement used to supply steam to the heating unit and to return condensate from the unit. A one-pipe system consists of a heating unit with a single pipe connection through which steam flows to it and condensate returns from it using the same line at the same time.

In a like manner, a two-pipe system consists of a heating unit with two separate pipe connections – one used for the steam supply and the other for condensate return.

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EXERCISES 1. Word formation: You are sure to guess easily the meaning of the


Verbs: Nouns: Adjectives: Adverbs:

to base basis basic basically to differ difference different differently differential to continue continuation continuous continuously to reside residence residential to reside resident to evaporate evaporation evaporator to vaporize vapor vaporous vaporization

2. Make the derivatives from the given words:

a) transmit – transmission b) reduce – reduction commit – ? produce – ? admit – ? introduce – ? permit – ? c) ability – disability d) absorb – ? comfort – ? describe – ? – advantage – ?

3. Translate from Russian into English: создание комфортной зоны; стиральная машина; водяное

отопление; паровое отопление; подача пара; одно/двух/- трубная си-стема.

4. Translate from English into Russian: residential heating; space heating; heating medium; maximum out-

put; piping arrangement; single pipe connection; separate pipe connection; temperature pick-up.

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5. Pay attention to the proper translation of AS, AS…AS, LIKE: 1. The boilers used in residential heating can be as small as a suit-

case. 2. Most installations have air vents on top of the coil as well as in the highest points of the entire system. 3. In order to maintain maximum out-put from heating units, the air must be continuously removed from the pip-ing coils as well as from the boilers. 4. Large heating plants are capable of heating the room as well as the compact ones. 5. Steam like hot water can be employed as a heating medium. 6. In a like manner, a two-pipe sys-tem consists of a heating unit, but with two separate pipe connections.

6. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying atten-

tion to conditional clauses: 1. If electricity had been invented earlier, it would have been used

much wider now. 2. If you want to save energy, you should use an inte-grated heating system. 3. Provided the national economy grew faster, the air conditioning would become more widespread. 4. If the operator were more experienced, the SHE would run trouble-free. 5. In case it is neces-sary to upgrade environmental heat, one can use a heat pump. 6. The pri-mary heat exchanger would not have been a trouble-free apparatus, unless it had been installed properly.

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Vocabulary accept – принимать, одобрять ambient temperature – температура окружающей среды attribute – относить (за счет чего-либо) build up – собирать cause damage – вызвать поломку cooling season – период кондиционирования define – определять discharge – нагнетать, подавать economical point – экономическая выгода flow control device – расходомер frost – иней, снеговая шуба heating season – отопительный сезон insulator – изолятор outdoor coil – наружная батарея reduce – уменьшать relative humidity – относительная влажность release – освобождать remove – удалять resistance heating equipment – электронагреватель reverse – дать обратный ход suction pressure – давление всасывания surface – поверхность Read and translate the text:

HEAT PUMP A heat pump can be defined as an air conditioning system that

moves heat both to and from the conditioned area. Through the proper use of controls, these units may be used during all seasons of the year. In the cooling season, the unit functions as a regular cooling unit. During the heating season, however, the refrigerant flow is reversed, and it becomes a heating unit.

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Heat pumps are classified according to their heat source and the medium to which the heat is transferred during the heating season. The classifications are: (i) air-to-air; (ii) water-to-air; (iii) water-to-water; and (iv) ground-to-air.

During the cooling season the heat pump operates as a normal cool-ing system. The refrigerant is compressed by the compressor and dis-charged to the outdoor coil (condenser), where it is condensed to a liquid. It then travels to the flow control device and into the indoor coil (evapora-tor) where it is evaporated and absorbs heat; then back to the compressor and the cycle is repeated. Notice that the names of the сoils have been changed. (This is to eliminate confusion when discussing heat pumps). The evaporator is termed the indoor coil and the condenser is termed the outdoor coil. As the season changes, the function of the coils changes.

During the heating season the heat рump operates because of the reversed refrigerant flow. The refrigerant is discharged by the compressor into the indoor coil where it is condensed into a liquid refrigerant. The heat removed from the refrigerant is discharged into the conditioned area. The liquid refrigerant is then directed to the outdoor coil where it is evaporated before returning to the compressor.

For these units to be accepted by the public, they must operate as economically as possible. A properly designed heat pump can produce three to four times the amount of heat released by resistance heating equipment.

When properly designed, installed and maintained, a heat pump can be superior to a gas heating unit. This can be attributed to a lower dis-charge air temperature and a higher relative humidity that provides a more even temperature during the heating cycle.

However, these units do not operate as satisfactorily in extremely cold climates. In ambient temperatures below 7 °С the coefficient of per-formance will fall below the economical point. Also, the outdoor coil must operate at a temperature below the ambient temperature in order to absorb heat for the evaporation process. At these low temperatures, the suction pressure is low enough to cause damage to the compressor. Because of the added expenses in operation, heat pumps which are to operate at low tem-peratures are used only in special cases.

During the heating season, it is quite possible that the outdoor coil will operate at a temperature below freezing. At this temperature, any moisture which may be removed from the air will immediately freeze on

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the surface of the coil. This frost on the coil will continue to build up and cause the outdoor coil to lose its efficiency. This frost will also act as an insulator which will reduce the heat transfer and reduce the coil efficiency even more. When the coil efficiency has been reduced enough to affect the performance of the system, the frost must be removed.

EXERCISES 1. Word formation: Is there anything common in these words? a) define – finish – definite – infinitive – indefinite – infinity – in-

definitely; b) attribute – contribute – distribute; c) compress – express; condense – density; collect – select; correct –

direct; correlate – relation. 2. Translate from Russian into English: тепловой насос; зона обслуживания; регулирующее устрой-

ство; отопительный сезон; сезон кондиционирования; система охла-ждения; система отопления; температура окружающей среды; к.п.д.

3. Translate from English into Russian: heat pumps: air-to-air; water-to-water; water-to-air; ground-to-air;

outdoor coil; indoor coil; flow control device; resistance heating equip-ment; economical point; suction (discharge) pressure.

4. Translate from English into Russian paying attention to the

meaning of the words: САUSE, TO CAUSE, BECAUSE, BECAUSE OF:

1. During the heating season the heat pump operates because of the

reversed refrigerant flow. 2. Heat pumps are accepted by the public be-cause they operate as economically as possible. 3. Because of the added expenses in operation, heat pumps operating at low temperatures are used only in special cases. 4. The cause that reduced the efficiency of the heat pump was the frost formed on the outdoor coil. 5. At the low temperatures, the suction pressure is low enough to cause damage to the compressor. 6. The economy reasons caused the designer to consider a heat pump as

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the most suitable air-conditioning system for the purpose. 7. The frost built up on the coil will cause the outdoor coil to lose its efficiency.

5. Find the Verbals and translate the sentences from English into

Russian: 1. A poor plan well worked is better than a good plan poorly

worked. 2. This article shows the need for the definitions to be formulated. 3. Variable air volume (VAV) systems are one of the methods used in ret-rofitting. 4. With accelerated fuel costs and energy shortage, investment in solar systems is becoming more attractive. 5. Power costs rising, building managers are experimenting with new techniques to reduce energy costs. 6. Even in small boilers you see excess air in combustion process waste fuel. 7. Failure to do so may result in broken piping and damaged equip-ment. 8. Uninsulated piping may result in the water being at an unsatisfac-tory temperature when it reaches the conditioned space.

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Vocabulary alleviate – уменьшать, облегчать atomize – распылять atomizing humidifier – форсуночный увлажнитель benefit – достоинство caрability – способность drastically – сильно evaporative cooling – охлаждение испарением feel drafty and chilly – чувствовать себя зябко, как на сквозняке fog – туман, запотеваниe grain – гран (0,065 г) humidification – увлажнение humidity – влажность indicate – указывать intangible – неосязаемый moisture – влага pan humidifier – увлажнитель с поддоном perspirе – покрываться испариной solve – решать start out – начинать static electricity – статическое электричество thirsty air – сухой воздух underhumidified – недостаточно увлажненный unhumidified – неувлажненный warping – коробление, перекос water loss – потеря воды water wicking plate – пластинчатый фитиль, впитывающий воду wetted element humidifier – увлажнитель с фитилем Read and translate the text:

HUMIDIFICATION One of the most important aspects of air conditioning, humidifica-

tion, is unfortunately one of the least understood. This is undoubtedly be-

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cause it is intangible: you can’t see it, you can't touch it, it has no odor, no color, and no sound.

To be sure that we are starting out on common ground, let's define some of the words we are going to use in the discussion of humidity and humidification.

Humidity: The water vapor within a given space. Absolute Humidity: The weight of water vapor per unit volume. Relative Humidity: The amount of water vapor (percent) actually in

the air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold under the same conditions. The warmer the air, the more moisture it can hold. Air in a building heated to 22 °C can hold about 8 grains (0.52 g) of moisture per cubic feet (0.0283 m3). This is 100 % relative humidity.

The important thing to remember is that when air is heated it can hold more moisture. This reduction of relative humidity is taking place in every unhumidified or underhumidified building where heating is used. If the air in the room is dry, and if especially, you are perspiring or wet, the thirsty air absorbs moisture from your skin. The water evaporates, and as it does, your skin is cooled too. When the evaporative cooling process is go-ing on, you feel drafty and chilly.

The chilling effect is not the only discomfort caused by too dry air. Static electricity is usually an indication of low relative humidity and a condition that is consistently annoying, proper relative humidity will alle-viate this discomfort.

The addition or reduction of moisture drastically affects the quali-ties, the dimensions and the weight of every material in the building that has the capability of absorbing and releasing moisture. Wood, leather, pa-per and cloth, even though they feel dry to the touch, contain water – not a fixed amount, but an amount that will vary greatly with the relative humid-ity level of the surrounding air. If the water loss is rapid, warping or crack-ing takes place. As the relative humidity changes, the conditions and di-mensions of the materials change as constantly as the weather. This is why proper relative humidity is important.

Too much moisture also can be damaging. Everyone has seen win-dows fog during the winter, maybe a little fog on the lower corners, maybe a whole window fogging or completely frosting over. This latter condition is an indication that the indoor relative humidity is too high. Usually, con-densation on inside windows is a type of measurement of the allowable relative humidity inside a building. We can further assume that if this con-

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densation activity is taking place on windows, it also is taking place within the walls if there is no vapor barrier.

Properly controlled relative humidity is the most important factor in avoiding damaging effects of too dry air and too high relative humidity. To solve the problem of too dry air we add moisture so that there is more water available for the air to absorb. We humidify because there are bene-fits that are as important as heating to overall indoor comfort and well-being during the heating season. There are many types of humidifiers available. They vary in price, capacity and in principle of operation. For classification purposes, it is simpler, and more logical, to consider humidi-fiers in three general types: (i) pan type; (ii) atomising type; (iii) wetted element type.

The pan type is the simplest type of humidifiers. It has a low capac-ity. On a hot radiator it may evaporate about 3 kg of water per hour. To in-crease the capacity, the air-to-water surfaces can be increased by placing water wicking plates in the pan.

The second type of humidifier is the atomizing type. This device at-omizes the water by throwing it from the surface of a rapidly revolving disc.

The third type is the wetted element type. In its simplest form, it operates in the manner of an evaporative cooler. Here air is either pushed or pulled through a wetted element or filter and evaporative cooling is tak-ing place. By increasing the air flow or by supplying additional heat, the evaporative rate of the humidifier can be increased.

EXERCISES 1. Make the derivatives according to the pattern and translate them: a) compress – compression – compressible compare – ? – ? b) resume – resumption consume – ? assume – ? 2. Can you guess the meanings of all the derivatives:

a) add – addition – additional – additionally; b) to weigh – weight – weightless; c) consist – consistent – consistently

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3. Translate from Russian into English: влажность; абсолютная влажность; относительная влажность;

увлажнение; способность поглощать и выделять влагу; увлажнитель. 4. Translate from English into Russian: chilling effect; a fixed amount; indoor relative humidity; allowable

relative humidity; damaging effect; overall indoor comfort; pan type hu-midifier; atomizing humidifier; wetted element humidifier; evaporation rate; evaporative cooler; evaporative cooling process.

5. Remember the different meanings of the words VERY, TOO,

ONLY. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. It must be remembered that air motion is the very condition

which affects the comfort of human beings. 2. An industrial air condition-ing system which only cools a space cannot be properly called a true air conditioning system. 3. Too much moisture can be damaging. 4. To in-crease absolute humidity is the only way to prevent damage of materials. 5. The presence of static electricity indicates low relative humidity too. 6. The pan type is the simplest type of humidifier, but very reliable. 7. The chilling effect is not the only discomfort caused by too dry air.

6. Remember the functions of modal verbs. Translate the sentences

into Russian: 1. This performance can be bettered. 2. Heat exchanger may be de-

fined as a device used to transfer heat. 3. When hydronic heating is used a PHE must be used. 4. These exchangers should be installed during con-struction of the room. 5. The cooling coil must be removed. 6. Considera-tion should be given to the amount of time and the period that these appli-ances are operated. 7. If exhaust fans are placed over the urns, the sensible and latent heat loads may be reduced by 50 %. 8. Considerable care must be exercised in calculating the solar load. 9. Heat can be supplied much more efficiently by adopting the integrated system approach.

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LANGUAGE PRACTICE UNITS 1–6 Comprehension: Revise texts 1–6 and answer the following questions: 1. What is air conditioning? 2. What does too dry air cause? 3. What is a heat pump? 4. What processes does heating involve? 5. What concept can help save energy? 6. What is a heat exchanger? Speaking Choose a topic and make a short presentation: 1. Heat sources. 2. Saving energy. 3. Types of heat exchangers. Speaking tips: 1. Give clear examples. 2. Make your notes as short as possible. 3. Speak from memory – do not read. Writing Write a short essay on the topic “The necessity of humidification”.

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Vocabulary apply – применять appreciation – оценка, оценивание assist – помогать compare – сравнивать convection – конвекция determine – определять erroneous – неправильный, ошибочный evaporation – испарение handle – обращаться, управляться heating unit – нагревательный элемент improve – улучшать maintain – поддерживать; обслуживать; содержать в исправности oxidation – окисление radiation – излучение regardless (of) – несмотря на rejection – отвод requirement – требование scale – шкала, масштаб Read and translate the text:

AIR CONDITIONING (COOLING) Most people have little appreciation of the basic principles of air

conditioning, probably because the public in general only became con-scious of air conditioning in about 1920. It was at this time that the large scale use of air conditioning on trains and in theatres began. It was these systems that first exposed large numbers of people to the comfort and ad-vantages of summer cooling and at the same time caused the erroneous impression that air conditioning is synonymous with cooling.

The cooling process involves air circulation, cooling, dehumidify-ing and cleaning. The other processes are accomplished during the heating process.

The accepted definition of the term AIR CONDITIONING is: the simultaneous mechanical control of temperature, humidity, air purity, and air

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motion. Unless all of these conditions are controlled, the term air condition-ing cannot be properly applied to any system or equipment. It should be not-ed that the control of temperature can mean either cooling or heating. The control of humidity can mean either humidifying or dehumidifying. Thus, an industrial air conditioning system which only cools a space without regard to the relative humidity or air purity or motion cannot be properly called a true air conditioning system. An air conditioning system can maintain any atmos-pheric condition regardless of variations in the outdoor atmosphere.

Human comfort. The two primary reasons for using air condition-ing are: to improve the control of an industrial process and to maintain human comfort. The conditions to be maintained in an industrial process are dictated by the very nature of the process or the materials being hand-led. In a comfort system, however, the conditions to be maintained are de-termined by the requirements of the human body. Therefore, an under-standing of the essential body functions is basic to an understanding of air conditioning.

Human comfort is dependent upon how fast the body loses heat. The human body might be compared to a heating unit that uses food as its fuel. Food is composed of carbon and hydrogen. The energy contained in the fuel, food in our case, is released by means of oxidation. The oxygen used in the process comes from the air, and the principal products of combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapor. Doctors call the process metabolism.

The human body is basically a constant temperature machine. The internal temperature of the human body is 37 °C which is maintained by a delicate temperature regulating mechanism. Because the body always pro-duces more heat than it needs, heat rejection is a constant process. The main object of air conditioning is to assist the body in controlling the cooling rate. This is true for both heating and cooling seasons. In summer the job is to increase the cooling rate; in winter, it is to decrease the cooling rate.

In the air conditioning process, there are three ways the body gives off heat: (i) convection; (ii) radiation and (iii) evaporation. In most cases the body uses all three methods at the same time.

EXERCISES 1. Form and try to remember derivatives of the given words: subject – subjection; object – ? project – ? reject – ?

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What part of speech is the word OBJECTIONABLE and can you guess its meaning?

2. Translate from Russian into English: механическое регулирование температуры, влажности, чисто-

ты и движения воздуха; продукты сгорания; двуокись углерода; окисление и обмен веществ; отвод тепла; регулирование скорости охлаждения.

3. Translate from English into Russian: large scale use of air conditioning; a true air conditioning system;

outdoor atmosphere; to maintain human comfort; comfort system; to ex-pose people to comfort; heating unit.

4. Pay attention to the translation of asyndetic clauses: 1. You can automatically reduce the amount of fuel you use in boil-

ers smaller than 175 hp. 2. The engineers were afraid the roof would be ru-ined. 3. To be sure the fan you select will fully meet your requirements, call on our company. 4. Had the mechanic acted sooner, no trouble would have happened. 5. Every boiler we make has a heart of iron.

5. Pay attention to the translation of the words EXPOSE and TO

MEAN, MEANING, MEANS, BY MEANS OF: A. 1. Air conditioning systems exposed people to the comfort and

summer cooling. 2. Heat flows from a body when it is exposed to another one having lower temperature. 3. A large number of air conditioning units have been exposed at the exhibition.

B. 1. The humidity of air in the room may be increased by means of humidifiers of various types. 2. When the window is fogging it means that the relative humidity in the room is too high. 3. The air to be supplied to the mechanical shop is to be cleaned by some means. 4. Do you mean that air conditioning is capable of providing human comfort? 5. Air condi-tioning means are very numerous. 6. The meaning of the term metabolism is clear only to medical workers.

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Vocabulary decrease – уменьшать divide – делить experience – опыт lose – терять range – диапазон rate – скорость, норма, темп reach – достигать reject – отводить saturated condition – в условиях повышенной влажности slightly – слегка slow down – замедлять speed up – ускорять Read and translate the text:

CONDITIONS THAT АFFEСТ BODY СОМFОRТ There appears to be no set rule as to the best conditions for all peo-

ple. In the same atmospheric conditions the young healthy person may be slightly warm while an elderly one may be cool. The three conditions that affect the ability of the body to give off heat are: (i) temperature; (ii) rela-tive humidity; and (iii) air motion. A change in any one of these conditions will either speed up or slow down the cooling process.

Air temperature: Air at a temperature lower than the skin will speed up the convection process. The colder the air, the more heat the body will lose through convection. Heat always flows from a warm place to a cooler one. The greater the temperature difference, the faster the heat will flow. If this difference in temperature is too great, the body will lose heat more rapidly than it should and it will become uncomfortable.

If the air temperature is higher than the skin temperature, the con-vection process will be reversed. The body heat will be increased. It can be seen that the air temperature has a very important effect on human com-fort. Experience shows that air temperatures ranging from 22 to 27 °C feel comfortable to most people.

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The temperature of any surrounding surfaces is also important be-cause this temperature affects the rate of radiation from the body. The lower the surface temperature, the more heat is given off by the body through radiation. As the temperature difference between the surface and the body is decreased, the rate of radiation is decreased. The radiation pro-cess will be reversed if the surrounding surface temperature is higher than the body temperature. When this happens, the body must give off more heat through the convection and evaporation processes.

Relative humidity: Relative humidity regulates the amount of heat the body can reject through evaporation. Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air. It is an indication of the ability of the air to absorb moisture. Relative humidity is basic to the air conditioning pro-cess.

To find the relative humidity, divide the moisture actually present in the air by the amount the air could hold at a saturated condition at the same temperature. The relative humidity is known to change with a change in temperature.

If the air which surrounds the body has a low relative humidity, the body will give off more heat through evaporation. If the air surrounding the body has a high relative humidity, the body will give off less heat through evaporation.

Air movement: An increase in the rate of evaporation of perspira-tion from the body is largely a result of air movement. Evaporation is de-pendent upon the ability of air to absorb moisture. As the air moves across the skin, the moisture-laden air is replaced by drier air which allows more moisture to evaporate from the skin.

If the air is allowed to remain still (static), the air next to the skin will absorb moisture until the saturation point is reached. As that is reached, the evaporation process is slowed down. The moisture will evaporate more slowly and will eventually stop when the saturation point is reached and the person will feel uncomfortable.

The movement of air also speeds up the convection process. This is possible because the warm air next to the skin is replaced by cooler air and heat is given up from the body to the air.

Air movement also removes heat from other substances such as walls, ceilings, and other objects surrounding the body, thus tending to speed up the radiation process. It must be remembered that air motion is one of the conditions the comfort of human beings is affected by.

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EXERCISES 1. Remember the pronunciation of the following words: pressure; measure; moisture; structure; temperature. 2. Mind the shift of the stress in the following words: to in'crease – 'increase; to de'crease – 'decrease; to trans'port – 'transport; to trans'fer – 'transfer. How does the shift of the stress change the meaning of the words? 3. Remember the words and their derivatives: act – active – activity – action – actual – actually; move – remove – removal – movement – motion; round – surround – surrounding – surroundings; place – replace – displace; reverse – reversible; saturate – saturation – saturated – unsaturated. 4. Translate from Russian into English: атмосферные условия; молодой здоровый человек; пожилой

человек; разница температур; температура тела; установленные пра-вила; ускорять процесс охлаждения; замедлять процесс охлаждения; отдавать тепло; точка насыщения.

5. Translate from English into Russian: human comfort; feel uncomfortable; rate of radiation; surrounding

surface temperature; moisture-laden air; human beings. 6. Pay attention to the meanings of PROVIDING and PROVID-

ED, translate the sentences from English into Russian: 1. An AC provided comfortable conditions for human being. 2. Pro-

vided the air is colder, the body loses more heat by convection. 3. Decentra-lization may be pushed to the limit by providing each space with its own re-frigerating unit. 4. Air conditioning is considered to be necessary providing the temperature of the rock exceeds 40o. 5. Supports must be provided at frequent enough intervals to not only carry the weight, but to prevent sag.

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Vocabulary axial – осевой; по направлению оси blade – лопасть (винта, пропеллера и т. п.) blower – воздуходувка, вентилятор circumference – окружность conditioned space – область кондиционирования distribution – распределение drafty – проточный, как на сквозняке fan – вентилятор grill – решетка, сетка level – уровень mpm (metres per minute) – метров в минуту objectionable – нежелательный, вызывающий возражения outward – внешний prevent – предотвращать quantity – количество resistance – сопротивлениe shaft – стержень space – пространство supply grill – вентиляционная решѐтка для приточного воздуха;

приточный патрубок turbulent – турбулентный Read and translate the text:

AIR DISTRIBUTION The air introduced into the conditioned space should be distributed

so that there will be only minor temperature difference between the floor and ceiling – from floor level to about 2 m above the floor and between the inside and outside walls. The proper quantity of air can be delivered to the different areas of the room by a careful consideration of the cooling and heating requirements. However, these requirements must be met with-out drafts. Generally, an air velocity of 4.5 to 7.5 mpm is considered still air while air moving with a velocity of about 20 mpm is considered drafty to most people.

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A good air distribution system must do the following: (i) Mix the conditioned air with enough room air so that upon

reaching the occupied zone the air stream will not be so cold as to be ob-jectionable.

(ii) Allow the air velocity to be reduced sufficiently before reaching the occupied zone so as to prevent drafts.

(iii) Provide a turbulent, underflowing air within the occupied zone. (iv) Keep any noise from the supply and return grills to an unobjec-

tionable 1evel. The requirements may seem difficult to meet but it should be re-

membered that an air conditioning unit may have the very best of the components and still be unsatisfactory if the air distribution does not pro-vide comfort for the occupants.

It must be remembered that air motion is one of the conditions which affects the comfort of human beings. To provide air movement fans are necessary. The fans used in modern air conditioning systems fall into two general classes depending on the direction of the air flow through them. The first class is the axial flow type through which the air flows in the direction of and parallel to the fan shaft. This type is commonly known as a propeller fan. It consists of two or more blades which extends from the shaft. The second class of fans is the radial flow type through which the air flow is outward from the fan shaft. This outward air flow is pro-duced by a centrifugal force. Therefore, this type is commonly known as a centrifugal fan or blower. It consists of a series of blades mounted around the circumference of a circle with the shaft in the centre. If the first class of fans is best suited for applications where it is necessary to move large volumes of air against low resistances (such as air-cooled condensers, hu-midifiers, and cooling tower fans), the centrifugal fans are capable of de-livering large volumes of air against considerable resistance. It is for this reason that they are the first choice in air-conditioning and ventilating sys-tems where it is necessary to overcome the resistance of the air filters, cooling coils, heat exchangers, ducts and outlets.

Fans and blowers can be designed and operated at such speeds as to provide almost any desired velocity and air volume. However, the difficulty in air conditioning work is the noise produced by the fans and blowers, vi-brating fan blades and the resistance of the air being forced through the sys-tem being the main sources of the noise. To be suitable, an air conditioning system must deliver the proper quantity of air with a minimum of fan noise.

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EXERCISES 1. Remember the words of the same root and make up sentences

with some of them: distribute – distribution – distributor; introduce – introduction; de-

liver – delivery; occupy – occupant – occupancy; sufficient – sufficiently; satisfy – satisfactory – unsatisfactory; depending – dependent – depend-ency – independent; apply – application; operate – operation; draft – drafty.

2. Translate from Russian into English: движение воздуха; кондиционер; отвечать требованиям; поток

воздуха; воздушный конденсатор; система распределения воздуха; вентилятор.

3. Translate from English into Russian: proper quantity of air; cooling and heating requirements; air distri-

bution system; occupied zone; supply and return grilles; air conditioning unit, axial flow type of the fan; radial flow type of the fan; cooling tower fan; conditioned space; air conditioning equipment; return duct; outlet duct; supply duct.

4. Contextual reference: Find the sentence: "This type is commonly

known as a propeller fan. It consists of two or more blades which extend from the shaft". What does IT refer to?

5. Pay attention to the proper translation of sentences with the Pas-

sive Voice: 1. Humidifying of air was dealt with in the very first book on air

conditioning. 2. Carrier may be thought of as a true pioneer of air condi-tioning. 3. Industrial applications were mainly concerned with at the be-ginning of air conditioning. 4. Large central air conditioning plants are met with especially in industrial applications. 5. Extensive studies on the sen-sation of comfort should be referred to by those who are trying to improve air conditioning equipment. 6. The quantity of solar heat gain is affected by the time of the day.

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6. Pay attention to the proper translation of SAME: 1. The amount of water vapor actually present in the air compared

to the maximum amount that the air could hold under the same conditions is called relative humidity. 2. In most cases the body gives off heat by all the three methods at the same time. 3. In the same conditions a young per-son may be warm, while an elderly one may be cool.

7. Pay attention to the proper translation of SO THAT, AS TO: 1. Designs of large air conditioning installations are getting more

complex so that it has become usual to make them by computer. 2. There have been made tables so that the quantity of air entering through the doors and windows can be easily determined. 3. The air in the room should be distributed so that there will be only minor temperature differ-ences between the floor and the ceiling. 4. A distribution system must mix the conditioned air with the room air so that upon reaching the occupied zone the air stream will not be so cold as to be objectionable. 5. The air ve-locity must be reduced sufficiently before reaching the occupied zone so as to prevent drafts.

8. Summarize the main points to be observed when introducing air

into the conditioned space (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Air distribution system: 1 – conditionеd space; 2 – supply outlet; 3 – air flow; 4 – supply duct; 5 – return duct;

6 – return outlet; 7 – filters; 8 – air conditioning equipment

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Vocabulary adverse – неблагоприятный; вредный air duct – вентиляционный канал, воздуховод allow – позволять, делать возможным, делать поправку (тж. allow

for – на что-л.) cooling chamber – охлаждающая камера dehumidify – осушать, сушить duct (n.) – трубопровод; проход; (v.) направлять через трубу

(напр., газ) encounter – встретить(ся); сталкиваться; иметь столкновение escape – утечка (о газе) evaporator – испаритель excessive – чрезмерный gas-filled – газовый; газонаполненный; наполненный газом gas-fired furnace (gas furnace) – газовая печь humidify – увлажнять insulate – изолировать locate – размещать, определять место maintain – обслуживать; содержать в исправности obtain – получать; приобретать; применяться opening – отверстие outlets – выпускное, выходное отверстие; выход; слив, сток reclaim – утилизировать, восстанавливать, ремонтировать removal – устранение, удаление size – размер, величина; габариты, объем; масштаб spun glass – штапельное стекловолокно steam coil – паровой змеевик Read and translate the text:

THE AIR CONDITIONING CYCLE If you are going to air-condition some space (either room or build-

ing), you have to heat or cool the air forced by the fans according to the season, to humidify or dehumidify it, if necessary, and then direct the con-ditioned air to the desired area and last to provide for the return of the air

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to the air-handling equipment. As it is a continuous series of air-handling operations one can consider it a cycle.

In most air conditioning systems the next device the air encounters after the fans is the heating chamber. This device can be either a gas-fired furnace heat exchanger, an electric heating element, or a hot water or steam coil, depending on the system design. It is here that the air is heated during the heating season. The heat the air gains is termed the temperature rise. During the cooling season this apparatus does not generally supply heat. Upon leaving the heating chamber, the air flows through the cooling chamber. The cooling process is generally done by a refrigeration evapora-tor. During the cooling process the temperature of the air is lowered. When there is excessive moisture in the air some of it is removed to lower hu-midity. The moisture or humidity level must be kept low to produce effec-tive cooling. The cooling chamber is not generally used during the heating process even though air will still flow through it.

As the air leaves the cooling chamber it enters the area where a humidi-fier may be located. Not all systems include a humidifier. The humidifier is used to add moisture to the air during the heating season. As the air leaves the heating chamber the relative humidity is lower. This warm, dry air should be humidified for comfort and health reasons. The desired moisture is added to the air by evaporation, or by spraying moisture directly into the air stream, depen-ding on the type of humidifier used. These units are not generally used during the cooling season because the removal of moisture is part of the cooling process. To add moisture at this time would be expensive and undesirable.

The air is then forced through a series of pipes known as air ducts which direct the air to the desired area. This duct system must be properly designed if satisfactory operation is to be obtained. The air outlet location must also receive a great deal of consideration in order to maintain proper air distribution within the conditioned space. These air ducts are insulated to prevent the escape of heat during the heating season and the absorption of heat during the cooling season.

Supply outlets are devices on the end of the supply duct in the con-ditioned space. They help to distribute the air properly in the room and to control the direction of the air flow.

The conditioned space is one of the most important parts of the air distribution system. If an enclosed space did not exist, the air could not be reclaimed and the circulation of conditioned air would not be possible. It is because of this that the conditioned space is so important.

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Opposite the supply outlets are generally located the return outlets, the openings through which the air from the conditioned space is allowed to enter the return duct system. The return outlets should be properly sized to allow air to leave the room with as little resistance as possible.

The conditioned space and the air-handing equipment are connect-ed by return ducts which are generally designed for less resistance to air flow than the supply ducts. This is done to ensure sufficient air return to the fan. If the return duct is to be run through a hot or cold space, it should be insulated to prevent heat loss or heat gain into the air inside the duct.

To prevent dust particles from entering the equipment, i. e. to clean the air, filters are located at the inlet of the fan. The filters should always be properly located to protect the fan, heating chamber, and cooling cham-ber from dust particles. If this dust is allowed to enter the equipment it will gradually collect on the surfaces and will reduce the air flow and adversely affect the system operation. Filters are made from many materials such as spun glass and composition plastic. More efficient types of filters operates on the electronic principle.

EXERCISES 1. Derive the missing words from the given and try to translate

them into Russian: Noun Verb Adjective

success excess access process

succeed ? ? ?

successive ?

accessible ?

2. Compare the Russian meaning of the following English words:

to be called; to be termed; to be named; to be known as; to be re-ferred to as – называться

3. Remember the proper translation of the following prepositions:

in order to – для того, чтобы in terms of – через in front of – перед in comparison with – по сравнению c ...

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by means of – посредством as related to – относительно

Use some of the above prepositions in sentences of your own. 3. Translate from Russian into English: камера подогрева; поток воздуха, газовая печь (печь на газооб-

разном топливе); частица пыли, пылинка; камера охлаждения; необ-ходимая влага; приточный трубопровод; область кондиционирова-ния; конструкция системы; отопительный сезон; расположение воз-духовыпускного отверстия; электронагревательный элемент; возду-ховыпускное отверстие (в системе кондиционирования воздуха); ра-бота системы.

4. Translate from English into Russian:

to force the air, heat exchanger; enclosed space; duct system; temperature rise; spraying moisture; cooling season; return outlet; air-handing equipment; air-handing equipment operation; cooling chamber; refrigeration evaporator; heating process; escape the heat; return duct sys-tem; to handle the peak load.

5. Find in the text sentences containing the Subjective and Objec-

tive Infinitive Constructions with the verb "to allow" and translate them properly into Russian. For example:

a) the engineer allowed the operator to increase the velocity; b) the operator was allowed to increase the velocity. 6. Write out of the text all the sentences containing the Gerund and

translate them. 7. Translate some more sentences with the Gerund: 1. Paying fuel bills for even a small boiler is like feeding an ever-

growing monster. 2. Knowing more about nuclear power will permit the public to recognize the benefits of this clean and cheap source of energy. 3. Heat reuse makes it possible to provide simultaneous heating and cool-ing with the same equipment used for cooling only. 4. Increasing COP of the equipment is the most significant contribution the air conditioning in-

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dustry can make to the curbing of global warming. 5. In designing new equipment an engineer should have experience in applying computation techniques.

8. Translate the following sentences: 1. The heat gained by the air is termed the temperature rise. 2. The

air is forced through a series of pipes known as air ducts. 3. The device the air encounters after the fans is called the heating chamber. 4. The human body might be referred to as a constant temperature machine. 5. The evap-orator is termed the indoor coil and the condenser is termed the out-door coil. 6. The third type of humidifier is named the wetted element type. 7. The fuel is burned in the heat exchanger, producing hot combustion

gases which exhaust through a special piping. 8. An industrial air-conditioning system which only cools a space cannot be properly called a true air conditioning system.

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Vocabulary capacity – мощность, нагрузка; производительность deliver – доставлять estimating – оценивание infiltration – просачивание, приток installation – установка; сборка list – вносить в список; регистрировать load – загрузка occur – происходить, совершаться result in – приводить к serve – служить, обслуживать supply – снабжать (чем-л.); доставлять tend – иметь тенденцию (к чему-л.) the latter – последний из упомянутых unwanted – нежелательный; лишний warmth – тепло Read and translate the text:

HEAT LOAD CALCULATION Everything in nature reacts against the air conditioning process.

During the summer, the outdoor elements tend to make the cooling equip-ment work harder to remove the unwanted heat from within the space. During the winter, the outdoor elements tend to make the heating equip-ment work hard to supply warmth to the conditioned space.

The process of estimating the size of air conditioning equipment required to serve the conditioned space is much like the process used in refrigeration calculations. The chief difference is that there are more sources of heat involved in air conditioning estimating. Heat sources may be classified into those which result in an internal heat load on the condi-tioned air space and those resulting in an external heat load. The latter re-quires extra evaporator capacity but it does not affect the conditioned air after it has been delivered to the conditioned space. The following list is a classification of these sources.

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I. Heat sources which result in an internal heat loads: a. Heat conduction through the walls, roof, windows, etc. b. Solar heat gain. c. Duct heat gain (when outside the conditioned space). d. Occupant heat load. e. Lighting load. f. Electric equipment and appliances. g. Outside infiltration.

II. Heat source which result in an external heat load: a. Ventilation air. b. Any heat added to the air after it leaves the conditioned space.

The heat that enters a conditioned space may come from any or all

of the above listed sources. An accurate survey must be made on every es-timate so that heat load can be calculated correctly. Many of the heat gains are at their peak at different times, e. g. a restaurant may have a peak at sun load at noon, while the peak occupant load may not be until seven o'clock in the evening. These two peak loads should not be added together. Another example would be when the lighting heat load is larger than the solar load from the sun and would not occur at the same time. It can be seen that the heat load on an air conditioning system is subject to great variation. Because of this, the load is calculated on the basis of one hour and not 24 hours. The cooling system selected must be able to handle this peak load hour. It must be remembered that the peak load hour in the day is when the sum of the heat loads is at a peak and not a sum of the heat loads.

Because of the many variables involved, heat load calculation is not an exact science like mathematics, chemistry, physics etc. For example, internal loads such as people, lighting, and equipment, as well as color of the exterior surface etc., may vary from those upon which the design was based. Because of this, it is advisable to apply a factor of safety to the cal-culated heat load. For the average installation, the safety factor of 10 % is usually adequate. The capacity of the equipment must be as close as possi-ble to the calculated value. However, it must always be equal to or greater than the calculated heat gain. The equipment size should always be slight-ly larger than that required; never in great excess.

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EXERCISES 1. Try to translate the following words using no dictionary: re-

volve – revolution; e-volve – evolution; in-volve – involvement. 2. Remember the synonyms and antonyms given below:

in-ternal – ex-ternal; in-terior – ex-terior; in-door – out-door; in-side – out-side; in-ner – out-er.

3. Contextual reference: Find in the text the sentences containing

the verbs 'to vary' and 'to base'. Translate them. Find in the text the deriva-tives of these words.

4. Find synonyms for the following words in the text: plant – ?;

unit – ?; to estimate – ?; to treat – ?; to operate – ? 5. Translate from English into Russian:

heat load calculation; heat gain; refrigeration calculation; internal heat load; external heat load; solar heat gain; occupant heat load; duct heat gain; lighting load; outside infiltration.

6. Translate from Russian into English: нежелательное тепло; нагнетать тепло; обслуживать; обраба-

тывать; влиять на; приводить к; дополнительная производительность испарителя; точная наука; целесообразно; производительность обо-рудования; коэффициент надежности; расчетное значение; расчетный расход холода.

7. Find in the text sentences containing Participles II in different

functions. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. The temperature of the gas obtained remained constant. 2. The

problems connected with the calculations have been mentioned above. 3. The pressure in the tube constructed by the professor was about 9 at-mospheres. 4. When shown this apparatus, pay attention to its construc-tion. 5. Until translated into other languages, his work was not known. 6. Let us consider the systems provided for the heating and cooling ser-

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vices. 7. Having become hot the stove warmed the surrounding air due to the contact with it. 8. Seen in this context, the ranges of applicability of his new method may be determined.

8. Pay attention to the Objective Infinitive Construction. 1. An air conditioning condenser causes the vapor to change into

liquid. 2. The high relative humidity of the surrounding air will make the body give off less heat through evaporation. 3. We see hydronic system become more complex than ever before. 4. The head engineer wanted the staff to find the best combination of the elements of air conditioning equipment to fit the need. 5. A hole in metal could cause the flame to be blown from the front of the furnace. 6. The frost will cause the coil effi-ciency to reduce. 7. The use of hydronic heating made men feel more com-fortable. 8. The city council made the engineer provide hydronic heating for all the buildings.

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Vocabulary blower – воздуходувка circulate – циркулировать closet – аппаратная, камера, ниша, отсек coil – змеевик, батарея designate – предназначать (для чего-л.); называть (что-л. чем-л.) mount – монтировать, устанавливать refrigerant – хладагент remote – расположенный на расстоянии друг от друга self-contained unit – автономный блок split – раскалывать; расщеплять, разбивать на части split system – сплит система the former – первый из вышеупомянутых tower – башня unit – агрегат, блок, устройство, установка, прибор valve – клапан; вентиль vibration – колебание Read and translate the text:

AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT The refrigeration equipment used in air conditioning work is much

like that used in refrigeration work. The fact that higher temperatures are encountered necessitates some different design characteristics. Otherwise, the refrigeration cycle is the same as that used in refrigeration application.

The compressors used in air conditioning units are basically the same as those used in refrigeration units. They may be either the recipro-cating, rotary, or centrifugal type. However, the former is most commonly used. When used on air-cooled condenser systems, it is mounted outside of the condensing unit: this moves the compressor noise outside and allows more air to flow over it to aid in cooling.

To remove heat from the refrigerant and cause the vapor to change to liquid, an air conditioning condenser is indispensable. Most air condi-tioning condensers of the air-cooled type but there are also water-cooled and evaporative condensers in use.

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The purpose of the evaporator is to remove heat and moisture from the air which is to be delivered to the conditioning space. Air conditioning evaporators are manufactured in three types: (i) upflow, (ii) downflow, and (iii) horizontal, the terminology referring to the direction of air flow through the coil.

For the flow of the refrigerant to be controlled a device used for the purpose on the air conditioning installations may be either the capillary tube or a thermostatic expansion valve, the former being used on systems up to 3 tons in capacity, the latter being necessary for larger units.

Air conditioning systems are generally classified as being either self-contained or remote systems. Both of these types can be installed as a central unit.

Self-contained systems have all of the components installed on one base, with the possible exception of the condenser. Water-cooled systems have a tower placed at some location outside the building, with the water piped to the condenser. Air-cooled systems may be installed on an outside wall, with the necessary provisions made to allow the condenser air to cir-culate outdoors freely.

Self-contained units may be larger commercial units known as roof-mount units, window units, or the smaller commercial ones. Duct work may be connected to the supply and return air openings and ducted to and from the space.

On residential and small commercial installations remote split sys-tems are in more common use. They have the evaporator, blower, and fur-nace all located in a closet in an equipment room with the condensing unit. The refrigerant is piped from the condensing unit to the indoor coil through copper tubing. The air is ducted from the conditioning equipment to the space to be conditioned. Most residential units have the indoor sec-tion centrally located within the space which eliminates the need for a re-turn air duct system.

Equipment to fit almost any need is being built by the industry and the designated combination of fan, furnace, coil, and condensing unit must be found by the engineer in order to obtain the proper and most efficient operation of a system.

When working on air conditioning units, it is important to remem-ber that the conditioned air must contain enough oxygen to sustain life. Working on a complete air conditioning system involves many of the dan-gers involved in refrigeration systems and heating systems.

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EXERCISES 1. Remember the synonyms: To furnish air – to deliver air; to draw in – to take in; to bring into

contact – to expose; hydronic heating system – hot water heating system; hydronic cooling system – chilled water cooling system.

2. Mind the difference in the meaning of verbs and phrasal verbs:

to bring – to bring up to; to account – to account for; to intend – to intend for; to provide – to provide for.

3. Translate into Russian:

components installed; refrigerant to be controlled; conditioning equipment, within the space; self-contained units; air-cooled condenser system; efficient operation.

4. Translate into English:

кондиционируемое пространство (пространство для конди-ционирования или пространство, которое должно быть кондициони-ровано), торговая единица, установка на крыше здания, автономная система.

5. Mind a clause of proportion. Translate the following sentences: 1. The thinner the layers of foil and glass-fibre paper, the more lay-

ers of insulation may be used in the vacuum space. 2. The higher is the heat capacity of the copper cylinder, the higher is the equilibrium tempera-ture. 3. The lower the equilibrium temperature of the copper cylinder, the less heat it will radiate to the cold wall of the vessel. 4. The lower the pres-sure in the vacuum space, the more gases are desorbed. 5. The more gases are desorbed, the greater is the danger of pressure rise. 6. The colder the charcoal, the more efficient is an absorber. 7. The more reflective is the in-sulation, the less is the heat transport. 8. The more rugged the vessel, the more reliable is storage for liquefied gases.

6. Remember the proper translation of the following words UN-

TIL, UNLESS, LEST. Translate the following sentences:

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1. Many of the heat gains are at their peak at different times, e. g. a restaurant may have a peak at sun load at noon, while the peak occupant load may not be until seven o'clock in the evening. 2. Unless all of these conditions are controlled, the term air conditioning cannot be properly ap-plied to any system or equipment. 3. The chamber is evacuated until the very low vacuum is obtained. 4. No more experiments are possible unless the laboratory is equipped with modern devices. 5. Any heat which is add-ed to the air from the time it leaves the cooling coil until it gets back to the coil must be removed by the AC. 6. The air conditioning equipment is to be selected with the safety factor of 10 % lest it be overloaded, when the heat gains are at their peak. 7. Air will gain entrance into the conditioned space through the windows, doors unless the space is kept under a positive pressure.

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LANGUAGE PRACTICE UNITS 7–12 Comprehension: Revise texts 7–12 and decide which statements are true or false: 1. The control of temperature can mean either cooling or heating. 2. The energy contained in the fuel, food in our case, is released by

means of oxidation. 3. Relative humidity is an indication of the ability of the air to re-

lease moisture. 4. A centrifugal fan or blower consists of a series of blades mount-

ed around the circumference of a circle with the shaft in the centre. 5. The chief difference of estimating the size of air conditioning

equipment to compare with that of refrigeration calculations is not in-volved.

6. The humidifier is used to add moisture to the air during the cool-ing season.

Speaking Choose a topic and discuss it with your partner: 1. The body comfort for us. 2. The cooling system selection. 3. Types of air conditioning equipment. Speaking tips: 1. Explain things clearly 2. Use your own ideas 3. Consider your partner opinion Helpful phrases: To begin with, I would suggest... This text is about… I would like to point out that… I would like to say that… It is well known that… I am quite certain that… Would you go along with that… No, I rather think that... I doubt that…

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No doubt that… Speaking about this point… In reply to your first question… In regard to your question I would like to say that… Writing Revise text 12, collect the information and write an essay explain-

ing what a commercial installation is.

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Vocabulary abbreviation – сокращение arrangement – монтаж boiler – котѐл; бойлер chill – охлаждать damper – заслонка, клапaн description – описание exhaust – разрежать, выкачивать, вытягивать (воздух); выпус-

кать (пар); fluid – текучая среда (жидкость, газ) жидкий, текучий furnish – снабжать, поставлять loss – потеря, лишение offset – возмещать, вознаграждать, компенсировать packaged – комплексный rely (on/upon) – полагаться, зависеть от чего-либо, рассчиты-

вать на что-либо Read and translate the text:

ALL-AIR TYPE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS There are a large number of variations in the types of air condition-

ing systems and the ways they can be used to control the environment in the building. Air conditioning systems can be classified by the cool-ing/heating fluid distributed, whether it is air or water. The following groups are possible (1) all-air systems, (ii) all-water (hydronic) systems; (iii) air-water combination systems. All-air systems are very popular and it is this type of air conditioning system that will be discussed first.

Systems that use only air to heat or cool rooms are called all-air systems. They also may have the added capability of controlling humidity and furnishing outdoor ventilation air, which water systems cannot do. One arrangement of the components of an all-air air conditioning system is shown in Fig. 4.

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Fig. 4. Arrangement of basic components of an all-air heating and cooling system: 1 – outdoor air; 2 – exhaust air; 3 – air filter; 4 – heat source; 5 – humidifier;

6 – cooling source; 7 – fan; 8 – return air fan; 9 – return air duct; 10 – supply air duct; 11 – air diffuser

Air entering the equipment is warmed by a heat source when the

rooms are to be heated. The heat source may be a furnace (it may also be a coil circulating hot water or steam that is heated by a remote boiler). The air is circulated through supply air ducts by a fan to each room. The supply air is delivered to the room through outlets called air diffusers or grilles that are designed to provide proper air distribution in the room.

The warm air is above the room temperature in winter, so that it adds heat to the room to offset the room heat loss to the surroundings. In summer the cooling source cools the supply air to a temperature lower than the room air, so that it offsets the room heat gains. The cooling source is usually a cooling coil with a cold refrigerant or water, over which the air flows. Refrigeration apparatus is required to produce cold fluid.

Because a room’s volume is fixed, the amount of supply air that is added to the rooms must be removed continually. This is usually done through return air ducts. The air is then reheated or recooled as required, and circulated continuously. An intake duct can be provided for introduc-ing some fresh outdoor air for increased comfort. In this case the same quantity of air must be exhausted. Provisions may be made for cleaning the air with filters and for humidifying it by adding water vapor. The cool-ing coil usually also dehumidifies the air; when air is cooled sufficiently, water vapor is condensed out of the air.

Of course, not all of these features are included in every system. For example, a system may provide heating and ventilating but no cooling.

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Air heating systems used in private homes often do not have provisions for outdoor air, relying instead on natural infiltration into the building for fresh air. There are many possible arrangements of all-air systems. A room air conditioner is the simplest form of an all-air system, yet its basic prin-ciples do not differ significantly from those of larger equipment.

It is possible to combine water and air systems, and this is often de-sirable. For example, a hydronic system in a central plant might generate hot or chilled water which is than circulated to heating or cooling coils in large all-air systems in other parts of the building or even in a number of buildings.

Although the previous description lists the main components of air conditioning systems, many more items are required in any practical sys-tem. Among these are automatic controls, safety devices, valves, dampers, insulation, and sound and vibration reduction devices. These and many other items are very important for a proper functioning of the system, so that an HVAC (abbreviation of heating, ventilating and air conditioning) system without them would be virtually worthless.

EXERCISES 1. Lexical: find the following word collocations in the English-

Russian Dictionary of Refrigerating and Cryogenic Engineering: AIR – exhausted air, return air, room air, supply air, ventilation air. DUCTS – intake ducts, return air ducts, supply ducts. DEVICES – safety devices. 2. Guess the meaning of the following word collocations from the

context: AIR – outdoor air, indoor air, fresh air, mixed air, outside air. DEVICES – sound reduction devices, vibration reduction devices. DUCTS – main ducts, hot ducts, cold ducts. SYSTEMS – all-air system, all-water system, air-water system. 3. Find words of the same root in the texts:

infiltration, provisions, humidifying. 4. Form the nouns with the help of the given suffixes. – ER/-OR: to radiate, to indicate, to operate, to accelerate, to con-

duct, to resist.

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– ION: to contract, to operate, to lubricate, to accelerate, to trans-mit, to instruct, to construct.

– MENT: to attach, to improve, to measure, to manage. – NESS: brittle, useful. – SHIP: friend, relation. 5. Translate into Russian:

оutdoor air; HVAC system; supply air duct, air diffuser; exhaust air; return air duct; supply duct; air-conditioning supply duct; supply air duct; return air fan; all-air heating and cooling system.

6. Translate into English:

вентиляционная решѐтка, вентилятор отработанного возду-ха, канал подачи, приточный воздух, водяной пар; всасывающий ка-нал; канал подачи кондиционированного воздуха.

7. Remember the different meanings of the word SINCE. Translate

the sentences: 1. The importance of HVAC system in air conditioning increases

since its cost decreases. 2. Since then all-air heating and cooling system made its way to industry due to its safety and a proper functioning. 3. Since the days of its introduction the term air conditioning has been misunderstood. 4. An air conditioning condenser is indispensable since it removes heat from the refrigerant and cause the vapor to change to liquid.

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Vocabulary advantage – достоинство air-to-air – канальная система ambient humidity – влажность окружающей среды available – имеющийся в наличии cheap – дешевый clammy – холодный и влажный на ощупь cooler – кулер, кондиционер disadvantage – недостаток duel-duct unit – двухканальный агрегат BTU – британская термальная единица (0,252 ккал) exchange – обменивать exist – существовать expel – выбрасывать, выталкивать fin – ребро hose – гибкий трубопровод, шланг permanently – постоянно portable refrigerative air conditioner (PRAC) – передвижной

кондиционер (портативный съѐмный переносной) run – работать single-duct unit – одноканальный агрегат split air conditioner – раздельный кондиционер sq ft (square foot) – квадратный фут swamp cooler – испарительный охладитель Read and translate the text:

A PORTABLE AIR CONDITIONER There exist two forms of portable refrigerative air conditioners,

split and hose. These compressor-based refrigerant systems are air-cooled, meaning they use air to exchange heat, in the same way as a car or typical household air conditioner does. Such a system dehumidifies the air as it cools it. It collects water condensed from the cooled air and produces hot

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air which must be vented outside the cooled area; doing so it transfers heat from the air in the cooled area to the outside air.

A portable air conditioner is one on wheels that can be easily trans-ported inside a home or office. They are currently available with capacities of about 5,000–60,000 BTU/h (1,800–18,000 W output) and with and without electric-resistance heaters. Portable air conditioners are either evaporative or refrigerative.

A portable split system has an indoor unit on wheels connected to an outdoor unit via flexible pipes, similar to a permanently fixed installed unit.

Hose systems, which can be monoblock or air-to-air, are vented to the outside via air ducts. The monoblock type collects the water in a buck-et or tray and stops when it is full. The air-to-air type re-evaporates the water and discharges it through the ducted hose and can run continuously.

A single-duct unit uses air from within the room to cool its conden-ser, and then vents it outside. This air is replaced by hot air from outside or other rooms, thus reducing the unit's effectiveness. Modern units might have a coefficient of performance (COP, sometimes called "efficiency") of approximately 3 (i.e., 1 kW of electricity will produce 3 kW of cooling). A dual-duct unit draws air to cool its condenser from outside instead of from inside the room, and thus is more effective than most single-duct units.

Evaporative air coolers, sometimes called "swamp coolers", do not have a compressor or condenser. Liquid water is evaporated on the cooling fins, releasing the vapor into the cooled area. Evaporating water absorbs a significant amount of heat, the latent heat of vaporisation, cooling the air: humans and animals use the same mechanism to cool themselves by sweating. They have the advantage of venting heat outside the cooled area, making them truly portable; and they are very cheap to install and use less energy than refrigerative air conditioners. Disadvantages are that unless ambient humidity is low (as in a dry climate) cooling is limited and the cooled air is very humid and can feel clammy. Also, they use a lot of wa-ter, which is often at a premium in the dry climates where they work best.

A typical single hosed portable air conditioner can cool a room that is 475 sq ft (44.1 m2) or smaller and has at most a cooling power of 15,000 BTUs/h (4.3 kW). However, single hosed units cool a room less effective-ly than dual hosed as the air expelled from the room through the single hose creates negative pressure inside the room. Because of this, air (poten-tially warm air) from neighboring rooms is pulled into the room with the cooling unit to compensate.

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EXERCISES 1. Remember the following collocations: APPLICATION: commercial application, multiple application,

multiroom high-rise application, one-storey building application, residen-tial application, small and medium size application;

ARRANGEMENT: multizone arrangement, popular arrangement, possible arrangement, vertical and horizontal arrangement;

EQUIPMENT: air handling equipment, packaged equipment, re-mote equipment, unitary equipment;

–PROOF: moistureproof electrical parts, weatherproof features; UNIT: air handling unit, energy wasteful unit, rooftop unit, room unit,

self-contained unit, terminal air unit, through-the-wall unit, window unit. 2. Translate into Russian:

heat exchange; condensed water; split system; fixed installed unit; via ducts; re-evaporate; dual-duct unit; neighboring rooms; electric-resistance heater; dehumidify; coefficient of performance.

3. Translate into English:

передвижной кондиционер; собирать; транспортировать; присоединять; работать непрерывно; замещать; КПД; сбор конденса-та.

4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the TYPES OF

PREDICATE: 1. The following discussion centers on the cost of HVAC systems.

2. Reliability is a familiar and comfortable word. 3. Reliability is not achieved by accident. 4. A customer is willing to pay more for a better unit. 5. We must tell the customer more about what he is buying. 6. The same is true of equipment in use around the home. 7. Because of the ener-gy crises the scientists started to calculate the resources. 8. The engineer knows every boiler to be the heart of an efficient hydronic system.

5. Translate the sentences paying attention to IT, THAT, ONE, DO: 1. The water evaporates and as it does, your skin is cooled. 2. One

of the most important aspects of air conditioning is humidification. 3. It was at this time that the large scale use of air conditioning on trains and

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theatres began. 4. It was these systems that exposed large number of peo-ple to the comfort of summer cooling. 5. The three conditions that affect the ability of the body to give off heat are temperature, relative humidity and air motion. 6. Experiments show that the starting products do contain impurities. 7. Heat always flows from a warm place to a cooler one.

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Vocabulary achieve – добиваться, достигать circumstances – обстоятельства contaminate – загрязнять ductwork – трубопровод equivalent – равноценный, равнозначащий increase – возрастать, увеличиваться mild – умеренный (о погоде, климате и т. п.) optional – необязательный preheat – предварительно нагревать, подогревать reheat – вторичный перегрев пара scheme – план, проект; схема, структура temper – регулировать, умерять; смягчать utilize – использовать Read and translate the text:

SINGLE ZONE SYSTEM This is the simplest all-air system. A unit conditions and then dis-

tributes a constant volume of air through one duct to a group of rooms (Fig. 5). The equipment shown on the figure provides a complete year-round air conditioning system to control both temperature and humidity. Not all the components are used in all circumstances.

The supply air fan is necessary to distribute air through the unit, ductwork, and air distribution devices to the rooms. The cooling coil cools and dehumidifies the air in summer. It receives chilled water or refrigerant from the cooling source. The reheat coil partially reheats the cooled air when the room heat gain is less than maximum, thus providing humidity control in summer. If no reheat coil is used, temperature but not humidity can be controlled in summer.

The ductwork is generally arranged so that the system takes in some outside ventilation air, the rest being return air recirculated from the rooms. The equivalent amount of outside air must then be exhausted from

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the building. Some systems use 100 % outside air and no return air the year round, even though this increases the refrigeration load considerably. Examples might be operating rooms or laboratories where contaminated exhaust air cannot be recirculated.

The return air fan takes the air from the rooms and distributes it through return air ducts back to the air conditioning unit or to the outdoors. In small systems with little or no return air ducts, the return air fan is not required, because the supply fan can be used to draw in the return air.

Fig. 5. Arrangement of single zone system air conditioning equipment: 1 – air filter; 2 – preheat coil; 3 – cooling coil; 4 – heating or reheat coil; 5 – fan;

6 – supply air; 7 – return air fan; 8 – return air The preheat coil is required in cold climates (below freezing) to

temper air so that chilled water cooling coils cannot freeze up. It is option-al in milder climates and when dry expansion cooling coils are used. The preheat coil may be located to receive either outside air or mixed air. When the system is used for winter heating, both the preheat and reheat coils can be utilized. The filters are required to clean the air.

To achieve separate temperature and humidity control in different zones, individual single zone units can be used. This of course multiplies equipment costs and therefore other schemes are often used.

EXERCISES 1. Remember the terms used in the text:

a) Mind the following collocations: chilled water – chilled water cooling coil;

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dry expansion – dry expansion cooling coil; return air – return air duct; return air fan; supply air – supply air duct; single zone – single zone unit; air conditioning – air conditioning unit.

b) Mind the prefix RE – changing the meaning of the words: to reheat, to recool, to recirculate, to return.

c) Mind the post positions changing the meaning of the verbs: to take – to take in; to draw – to draw in; to freeze – to freeze up. 2. Translate into Russian:

the return air, ductwork, freeze up, a constant volume of air, out-side air, preheat and reheat coils, return air duct, milder climate, to achieve separate temperature.

3. Translate into English:

прибор распределения воздуха; вентилятор, подающий воз-дух; нагреть змеевик еще раз; загрязненный нагнетаемый воздух; предварительный нагрев.

4. Mind the difficulties in translation: 1. The method of research we are looking for now should meet the

following requirements: simplicity, convenience and reliability. 2. The da-ta the scientists have obtained are of great interest from the point of view of theory and practice as well. 3. Considerations should be given to the amount of time and period that these appliances are operated. 4. Air will gain entrance into the conditioned space through the doors, windows, ets., unless the space is kept under the positive pressure. 5.When roofs are part-ly shaded, calculate the heat gain for the exposed part only.

5. Mind the usage of AS in the following sentences: 1. There was a computer as well as another expensive equipment

there. 2. Fuel is the most common liquid being used as a heat source. 3. These units may be designed to use gases, oil, electrical resistance ele-

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ments as the heat source. 4. As hydronic heating is used, a SHE must be used. 5. A heat exchanger may be defined as a device used to transfer heat from one medium to another. 6. As dark surfaces absorb more heat than light-colored ones, roofs are usually coated with light color or reflective type paints.

6. Remember the types of subordinate CLAUSES OF CONDI-

TION. Translate the following sentences: a) If no reheat coil is used, temperature but not humidity can be

controlled in summer. b) Although they often discharge air directly into the space, a limited amount of ductwork can be connected if air distribu-tion with outlets is desired. c) If the temperature is lowered, a gas becomes a liquid. d) These investigations would be hardly possible if the scientists didn't work in close collaboration. e) In this way the coldest water is cool-ing the coldest air and fewer rows may be needed to bring the air to a cho-sen temperature than if parallel flow were used, and the chilled water tem-perature can be higher.

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Vocabulary approximately – приблизительно conventional – обычный, обыкновенный dampers – клапан, задвижка, заслонка deck – настил (поддона), потолок; трубопровод design – проектировать; конструировать downstream – по направлению вниз flexibility – эластичность, гибкость, упругость respond (to) – реагировать, отзываться set – набор; комплект; группа; ряд sound attenuating section – поглотитель звука throttling – дросселирование Read and translate the text:

OTHER TYPES OF НVAC UNITS The multizone system uses an air handling unit that has a heating

coil (hot deck) and cooling coil (cold deck) in parallel (Fig. 6). Zone dampers are provided in the unit across the hot and cold deck at the outlet of the unit. Separate ducts are run from each set of dampers to each zone. Cold and hot air are mixed in varying proportions by the dampers accord-ing to zone requirements. The multizone system can provide good zone temperature control, but humidity control may not satisfactory in applica-tions with high proportions of outside air. Because of the limit on the size of units available, each air handling unit is limited to about 12–14 zones.

Fig. 6. Multizone unit:

1 – filters; 2 – fan; 3 – heating coil; 4 – cooling coil; 5 – mixing dampers; 6 – hot deck; 7 – cold deck

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It is a relatively inexpensive system for small and medium size ap-plications where a few separate zones are desired and humidity controls are not critical.

In dual duct systems separate hot and cold main ducts are run from heating and cooling coils in the air handling unit (Fig. 7). Mixing boxes are provided in each zone, tapping air from the hot and cold ducts. Damp-ers in the mixing box respond to a room thermostat to mix the proper pro-portion of hot and cold air delivered to the zone. Dual duct system are usually designed as high-velocity air systems in order to reduce duct sizes. The mixing boxes therefore have a sound attenuating section built into them. The air downstream from the mixing box is run at conventional law velocities.

Fig. 7. Dual duct system arrangement: 1 – filter; 2 – fan; 3 – heating coil; 4 – mixing boxes; 5 – hot deck;

6 – cold deck; 7 – cooling coil The availability of cold and warm air at all times in any proportion

gives the dual duct system great flexibility in handling zones with widely varying loads. The installed cost of the dual duct system is usually quite high, and fan horsepower requirements are high because large volumes of air are moved at high pressure.

In variable air volume (VAV) system a single main duct is run from the air handling unit, the same as with a single zone system. Howev-er, the quantity of air supplied to each branch and zone is varied (Fig. 8). A room thermostat operates a damper or other throttling device that con-trols the air flow rate to the zone in response to the load.

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Fig. 8. Variable air volume (VAV) system arrangement: 1 – air conditioning unit (filter, coils, fan); 2 – VAV units

Early VAV systems were limited to systems where cooling load did

not decrease below approximately 75 % of design, because the reduction in air supply volume resulted in inadequate air circulation and distribution. The development of improved terminal air units, capable of throttling air volume considerably while maintaining adequate room air circulation, has extended the range of VAV systems to applications with large variation in loads.

EXERCISES 1. What is the meaning of the prefix: a) inter-: intermolecular, interchangeable, international, interaction,

interconnected; b) dis-: dissimilar, discharge, disorganize, disorder. 2. Pay attention to how the abbreviations are read: ca. – (Lat.: circa), Eng.: about, Rus.: около, приблизительно; e.g.– (Lat.: exempli gratia), Eng.: for example. Rus.; например; etc.– (Lat.: et cetera), Eng.: [et'setre] , Rus.: и т.д.; i.e. – (Lat.: id est) Eng.: that is, Rus.: то есть; vs. – (Lat.: versus), Eng.:['və:ses] “against”, Rus.: против, в отли-

чие от, в сравнении с. 3. Translate into Russian: air supplied, the multizone system, medium size applications,

horsepower requirements, reduction in air supply volume, system ar-rangement, response to the load, dual duct system, VAV systems, handling zones, high-velocity air, dual duct system, air handling unit, mixing box.

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4. Translate into English: регулируемый обмен воздуха, в разных пропорциях, управле-

ние нагрузкой, отчетливый, большой объем воздуха, при высоком давлении.

5. Mind the different functions of SHOULD and WOULD. Trans-

late into Russian: 1. The professor tried to persuade the young man that he was wrong

but the latter would not listen to him. 2. The experimenter should have been more careful while registering the readings of the instrument. 3. The laboratory assistant said he would finish the work by the end of the week. 4. It should be noted that when the entire supply duct is located inside the conditioned space, no duct heat gain needs to be calculated. 5. Consideration should be given to the amount of time and the period that these appliances are operated. 6. A business located on a lower floor of a large building probably uses light all the time, while it would receive very little solar effect. 7. It was proved that the movement of air also would speed up the convection process.

6. Mind the words ending in – ING. Translate the sentences: 1. Air conditioning involves treating of all the properties of air.

2. The other processes are accomplished during the cooling process. 3. Electricity is becoming more popular as a source of heat for heating ap-plications. 4. Solar heating is now coming into life on a large scale, be-cause the conventional fuels are in short supply. 5. Furnaces are generally considered as being the heating part of an air conditioning system. 6. In any case, the leaking heat exchanger must be replaced. 7. The fan power allowance also may be taken as percentage of the sensible heat, this per-centage usually being between 3 and 4 % of the total sensible heat load. 8. For selecting the proper size of AC equipment, an engineer should take into account all the possible sources of heat involved in the process.

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Vocabulary control – регулирующее устройство drainpipes – сливные трубы ductless – бесканальный, не имеющий каналов efficiency – обеспечить эффективность enclose with metal – изолировать металлом enclosures – конструкция forced air heating system – воздушная система нагревания offer – предлагать remote control – пульт switch – переключать, включать wall-mounted – установленный на стене Read and translate the text:

SPLIT-SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONERS One can find split-system air conditioners in two forms: central and

mini-split. In both types, the inside-environment (evaporative) heat ex-changer and fan are separated by some distance from the outside-environment (condensing unit) heat exchanger and fan.

In central air conditioning, the inside heat-exchanger is typically placed inside the central furnace/AC unit of forced air heating system. It is used in the summer to distribute chilled air throughout a residence or commercial building. Today one split-system compressor can supply chilled air to up to eight indoor units. If the split system contains a heat pump, as it often does, the system may be easily switched seasonally to supply heat instead of cold. Controls can be wall-mounted or handheld (the size of the remote control for a television).

Mini-split systems, today usually called ductless air conditioners, usually produce 9,000–36,000 Btu (9,500–38,000 kJ) per hour of cooling. Most ductless systems are similar to PTAC air conditioners. They are of-ten designed to cool a single room or space, but ductless air conditioning allows design and installation flexibility because the inside wall space re-quired is significantly reduced and the compressor and heat exchanger can

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be located further away from the inside space, rather than merely on the other side of the same unit as in a PTAC or window air conditioner. In ad-dition, ductless systems will offer much higher efficiency.

Most ductless (split system) air conditioners still typically provide cooling to a single room or interior zone, just like a window air condition-er or PTAC; but more powerful outside units are becoming more and more available, supporting cooling of ever-more interior zones. Advantages of the ductless system include smaller size and flexibility for zoning or heat-ing and cooling individual rooms. Flexible exterior hoses lead from the outside unit to the interior ones; these are often enclosed with metal to look like common drainpipes from the roof. Those enclosures can be painted to match the color of the house.

The primary disadvantage of ductless air conditioners is their cost. Such systems cost about $1,500 to $2,000 per ton (12,000 Btu per hour) of cooling capacity. This is about 30 % more than central systems (not in-cluding ductwork) and may cost more than twice as much as window units of similar capacity.

EXERCISES 1. What does the prefix INTER- signify?

interaction, interatomic, interchange, intergovernmental, inter-mediate.

2. Remember the three most productive suffixes to form verbs:

-IZE, -FY, -ATE. a) simplify, liquefy, solidify, signify; b) maximize, minimize, vaporize, mechanize; c) insulate, evaporate, calculate, penetrate.

3. Translate into Russian:

inside-environment heat exchanger; chilled air; switch seasonal-ly; wall-mounted; supply heat; controls; designed to cool a single room; commercial building; enclosed with metal; ductless systems.

4. Translate into English:

вентилятор; отличаться; внешний теплообменник; распределять; тепловой насос; уменьшать; внутреннее пространство;

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британская термальная единица; становиться доступным; в два раза больше.

5. Mind the function of the verb DO, translate the sentences: 1. Building temperature restrictions can and do save significant

amount of heating and cooling energy. 2. In summer 100 % of heated air is bypassed so that only outside air is produced. Five roof ventilator fans do the same for the air trapped in computer rooms. 3. While a dual duct sys-tems do a good job of controlling temperature, they waste energy. 4. Not only does the producer give the consumer more cooling, less power is used to achieve it. 5. The growth in use of energy conservation systems is not on-ly built upon the need to save energy, but on the economic benefits the HVAC systems afford the engineer. These do conserve natural resources. So does adequate insulation. So do better equipment control systems. So does proper maintenance and operation. So there are many opportunities to save energy. 6. Air conditioning already uses more than half the power sup-plies. This factor continues to grow faster than does the national economy.

6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to PARTICI-

PLES: 1. When properly designed, installed and maintained, a heat pump

can be superior to a gas heating unit. 2. The chilling effect is not the only dis-comfort caused by too dry air. 3. The oxygen used in the process comes from the air. 4. Air movement also removed heat from the objects surrounding the body, thus tending to speed up the radiation process. 5. A propeller fan con-sists of two or more blades extending from the shaft. 6. The difficulty in air conditioning work is the noise produced by the fans, with vibrating fan blades and the resistance of the air being the main sources of the noise. 7. The equipment size should always be slightly larger than that required.

7. Mind the various meanings of the words: ALLOW, APPEAR,

FIND, HAPPEN, LIKELY, TURN OUT, SEEM, PROVE. Translate the sentences:

1. This frost happens to act as an insulator. 2. Any moisture which

may be removed from the air proves to freeze on the surface of the AC. 3. Steam heating systems appear to fall into two basic classifications.

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4. A hot water boiler turns out to maintain water temperature between 50 and 100 °C. 5. The first mine to be air conditioned seems to be in Brazil. 6. Air at the proper flow rate and conditions may be supplied and the occu-pants are found to be quite uncomfortable. 7. As heating is used for man`s comfort in cold weather, mechanical refrigeration was likely to be recog-nized as a means of improving man`s comfort in hot weather. 8. Electronic air filters appear to be quite expensive.

8. Mind the translation of the following words: THE FORMER…

– THE LATTER… – первый (из двух упомянутых)… последний (из двух упомянутых); (N) EITHER... (N)OR;

1. The heating process implies the existence of a heat source. The

latter is any substance that produces heat while going through a given process. 2. The compressor used in air conditioning may be either recip-rocating, rotary or centrifugal type, the former being most commonly used. 3. PHE may be constructed of either cast iron or steel, the latter having dominated the forced air furnace industry in recent years. 4. Later the letter was sent to the firm producing SHE in the form of embedded and finned coils, the former being ideal in playrooms where a warm floor is desired. 5. The media can be constructed of either coarse fibers loosely packed or fine fibers densely packed.

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Vocabulary access – доступ aid – помощь, поддержка (for, in, to) casing – картер; футляр; оправа coil – змеевик, батарея

dry expansion ~ – змеевик непосредственного охлаждения coil section – секция катушки counterflow – противотечение, противоток; противоточного ти-

па (об установке) drain – канал для тока жидкости; fabricate – производить increase – возрастание; прибавление, увеличение locate – определять место, местонахождение pan – поддон; корыто; лоток; сгонный резервуар seek (sought, sought) – искать unit – установка, прибор

blow-through ~ – установка с вытяжной вентиляцией draw-through ~ – установка с приточной вентиляцией

uniformly – однородно, равномерно waste of power – потери энергии Read and translate the text:

AIR HANDLING UNITS The air handling unit refers to the combination of coils, fan, filters,

dampers and casing. It is also sometimes called the central air conditioning apparatus. There are basically two arrangements: in small – and medium capacities air handling units are factory made in sections – fan section, coil section, mixing box, filter section – in numerous sizes. For large systems, separate coils, filters, fans are selected by the engineer and casings are fab-ricated to suit the equipment.

The casing should be insulated to prevent energy losses. When cooling and dehumidifying, drain pans must be included under the coil to collect condensed moisture, and a piping drain connection must be provid-ed with a run to a waste drain (Fig. 9).

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Fig. 9. Maintenance accessories in large air handling units: 1 – lights; 2 – air filters; 3 – cooling coil; 4 – reheat coil; 5 – fan; 6 – access door;

7 – condansate pan; 8 – wast line Access doors should be provided to permit maintenance. They

should be located on both sides of the coils and filters. In large equipment lights should be provided inside each section.

When the fan is located downstream of the cooling coil, the unit is called a draw-through type. When the fan is upstream of the coils, it is called a blow-through type. Draw through is preferable because the air will flow more uniformly across the coil section when drawn through by the fan. Multizone units are blow-through types. To aid in distributing the air more evenly across the heating and cooling coil in blow-through units, a perforated plate is sometimes located between the fan and coils.

Cooling coils may use either chilled, water or evaporating refriger-ant, the latter being called dry expansion coils. Cooling coils are usually made of copper tubing with aluminium fins, but copper fins are sometimes used. The fins increase the effective surface area of tubing, thus increasing the heat transfer for a given length of tube. The coil may be constructed either with tubes in series or in parallel to reduce water pressure drop. When cooling coils have a number of rows, they are usually connected so that the flow of water and air are opposite to each other, called counter-flow. In this way the coldest water is cooling the coldest air and fewer rows may be needed to bring the air to a chosen temperature than if paral-lel flow were used, and the chilled water temperature can be higher.

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EXERCISES 1. What part of speech does the suffix -MENT signify: equipment,

attainment, development. 2. Fill in the missing forms:

Verb: Adjective: to collect – collective to cool – cooling to attract – attractive to flame – to rely – 3. Translate into Russian:

air conditioning apparatus; piping drain, casing should be insu-lated; downstream; upstream; blow-through type; perforated plate; evapo-rating refrigerant; copper fins; fabricated to suit the equipment.

4. Translate into English:

аппарат для кондиционирования воздуха; секция катушки; площадь поверхности; падение давления воды; в несколько рядов, длина трубопровода; равномерный поток.

5. Translate into Russian paying attention to ONE, THAT,

THOSE: 1. One can use cooling coils for many purposes. 2. During cold

weather, one can often feel uncomfortable in the room, even though the

thermometer indicates the temperature that is considered a normally com-

fortable one. 3. One of the most widely discussed fields of engineering is

that of air filtration. 4. It was at this time that the large scale use of air

conditioning on trains and in theatres began. 5. It should be noted that the

control of temperature can mean either cooling or heating. 6. One of the main areas the engineers paid attention to was that of providing year-round comfort for the workers while holding energy cost to a minimum. 7. One is to know that noise can be an important consideration when dealing with these air movers. 8. Ceiling diffusers consist of a series of separated con-centric rings. They may be round, square, rectangular in shape. In addition to those that distribute air in all directions, they can be designed to distrib-

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ute air in any direction. 9. Those scientists took part in the international conference.

6. Mind different ways of expressing negation in English and Rus-

sian sentences. Translate the following sentences. 1. There is no certainty that molecules in a gas must behave in the

same way as in a liquid. 2. This type of measurement does not present dif-ficulties. 3. This type of measurement presents no difficulties. 4. One has never known where the limit for the human knowledge is. 5. No infor-mation is available concerning the mechanism of this reaction. 6. Not only does this serve time, but the solutions are optimal and the size of different elements of the system is more accurate. 7. There is no time lag through the glass because the sun`s rays pass directly through the glass. 8. When these conditions are fulfilled, forced ventilation will not be necessary un-less it is required by local codes. 9. The better design installation do not depend on air infiltration to satisfy the ventilation air requirements.

7. Translate NOUN CHAINS properly: 1. Recent development include one manufacturer introducing

a model combining a variable frequency drive evaporator fan system with a modulated vapor injected scroll compressor.

2. By incorporating computer chip technology the control becomes the industry`s first computer based flame safeguard control system de-signed specifically for industrial single burner applications.

3. In the 20-th century it was apparent that direct refrigerant-to-air heat transfer air conditioning units became an acceptable alternative in the traditionally cebtral hydronic system dominated HVAC market.

4. For applications that require minimum cleanliness and low cost inexpensive viscous impingement type disposable air filters are likely to be used.

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LANGUAGE PRACTICE UNITS 13–18 Comprehension Revise texts 13–18 and chose the correct answer: 1. A throttling device controls the air flow rate to the zone …

a) – … whenever it needs; b) – … in response to the load; c) – … depending on the desirability.

Speaking Choose a topic and discuss it in a group.

1. Air handling units. 2. Cooling coils. 3. Classification of air conditioning systems.

Speaking tips: Take everyone’s point of view into account. Don’t speak about too many things. Choose one or two facts you know well and give examples. Use your own ideas. Helpful phrases: As far as I know... I would like to add... Don’t you think...? Have you heard...? May I just cut in here... We can summarize… Writing Revise texts 17–18 and write a letter to your scientific supervisor

telling him/her which areas of conditioning you would like to specialize in and why.

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VOCABULARY accept – принимать, одобрять access – доступ accompany – сопровождать accomplish – выполнять account for – объяснять, удовлетворять achieve – добиваться, достигать adjust – регулировать, корректировка, подгонка advantage – достоинство advantageously – выгодно adversely – неблагоприятно, вредно adverse – неблагоприятный; вредный aid – помощь, поддержка (for, in, to) air – воздух

downstream ~ – низовой воздух exhaust ~ – нагнетаемый воздух expired air ~ – выдыхаемый воздух fresh ~ – свежий, наружный воздух inspired air ~ – вдыхаемый воздух mixed ~ – смешанный воздух moisture-laiden ~ – влажный воздух outdoor ~ – наружный воздух outside ~ – наружный воздух return ~ – возвратный воздух room ~ – вторичный воздух, воздух в помещении supply ~ – подаваемый воздух turbulent underflowing ~ – турбулентный медленно текущий воздух ventilation ~ – вентиляционный воздух

air duct – вентиляционный канал, воздуховод air-locked – заполненный воздухом air-to-air – канальная система alleviate – уменьшать allow – позволять, разрешать, делать поправку (allow for – на что-л.) ambient – окружающий ambient temperature – температура окружающей среды apparatus – прибор, инструмент, аппарат, агрегат

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trouble-free ~ – надежный аппарат application – применение

heating ~ – отопление refrigeration ~ – охлаждение

apply – применять appreciation – оценка, оценивание approximately – приблизительно arrangement – монтаж, размешение

piping ~ – размещение трубопровода atomize – распылять atomizing type – форсуночный увлажнитель attach – прикреплять available – имеющийся в наличии average – средний avoid – избегать axial – осевой; по направлению оси barrel PHE – емкостной первичный теплообменник barrier – изолятор, пароизоляционный слой

vapour ~ – пароизоляция be aware of – осознавать, быть в курсе bear no resemblance – быть непохожим benefit – достоинство blade – лопасть (винта, пропеллера и т. п.) blower – воздуходувка, вентилятор boiler – котел, бойлер calculation – расчет

heat load ~ – расчет расхода холода, расчет теплопритока refrigeration ~ – расчет потребности холода

capacity – мощность, нагрузка; производительность, емкость cascading – каскадирование (последовательное включение) casing – картер; футляр; оправа cause – вызывать, заставлять, послужить причиной (для чего-л.) cause damage – вызвать поломку chamber – камера; отсек; отделение

cooling ~ – охлаждающая камера chart – таблица, диаграмма

psychrometric ~ – психрометрическая таблица chill – охлаждать

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circulate – циркулировать, circulating – циркуляция circumference – окружность clammy – холодный и влажный на ощупь closet – камера coating – покрытие coil – змеевик, батарея

dry expansion ~ – змеевик непосредственного охлаждения finned ~ – змеевик из оребренных труб embedded ~ – панельный змеевик heating ~ – теплообменник indoor ~ – внутрикамерная батарея outdoor ~ – наружная батарея piping ~ – трубчатая батарея steam ~ – паровой змеевик

coil section – секция катушки combustion – сгорание comfort – комфорт

body / human ~ – комфорт для человека overall indor ~ – комфортабельное помещение

compare – сравнивать competitor – конкурент conditioner – кондиционер

split air conditioner ~ – раздельный кондиционер consist of – состоять из consumption – потребление contaminate – загрязнять content – содержание

actual moisture ~ – действительное влагосодержание contraction – сжатие control – регулирующее устройство convection – конвекция conventional – обычный, обыкновенный, традиционный cooling – охлаждение cooling season – период кондиционирования cost – стоимость, затраты, издержки

operating ~ – эксплуатационные издержки owning ~ – издержки владения

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counterflow – противотечение, противоток; противоточного типа (об установке) cracking – растрескивание couple – добавление; соединять cycle – цикл

heating ~ – цикл нагрева, отопительный цикл damage – повреждение damper – амортизатор, клапан, заслонка, задвижка deck – настил (поддона), потолок; трубопровод

coil ~ – ложный потолок под охлаждающей батареей high ~ – верхняя разводка трубопроводов low ~ – нижняя разводка трубопроводов

decrease – уменьшение; уменьшаться define – определять dehumidify – осушать, сушить dehumidifying – обезвоживание deliver – снабжать, подавать, доставлять, нагнетать deposit – отлагаться; осаждаться; образовывать налет depositing – осадок; налет (на стенках сосуда) description – описание design – проектировать; конструировать designate – предназначать (для чего-л.); называть (что-л. чем-л.) determine – определять device – устройство; аппарат, прибор

flow control ~ – расходомер safety ~ – предохранительное устройство

difference – разность, перепад minor temperature ~ – малая разность температур

dimples and ribs – впадины и ребра dimension – размер, величина dioxide – двуокись

carbon ~ – углекислый газ discharge – нагнетать, подавать distribute – распределять distribution – распределение

air ~ – распределение воздуха door – люк

access ~ – смотровой люк

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downstream – вниз по течению, по направлению вниз drafty – расположенный на сквозняке, продуваемый насквозь drain – дренаж, канал для тока жидкости drainpipes – сливные трубы drastically – сильно dual – двойной duct (сущ.) – трубопровод; проход (гл.); направлять через трубу (гл.) (напр., газ) ductless – бесканальный, не имеющий каналов ductwork – трубопровод dust – пыль economical point – экономическая выгода efficiency – обеспечить эффективность, эффективность element – элемент, часть, деталь

electrical resistance ~ – электронагреватель electrical heating ~ – электронагреватель

eliminate – исключать, устранять enclose with metal – изолировать металлом enclosures – конструкция encounter – встретить(ся), сталкиваться, иметь столкновение entire system – вся система в целом erroneous – неправильный, ошибочный equipment – оборудование

air handling ~ – оборудование для обработки (перемещения) воздуха

resistance heating ~ – электронагреватель escape – утечка (о газе) estimating – оценивание evaporation – испарение evaporative cooling – охлаждение испарением evaporator – испаритель

downflow air conditioning ~ – испаритель с верхней подачей upflow air conditioning ~ – испаритель с нижней подачей horizontal air conditioning ~ – горизонтальный испаритель

excessive – чрезмерный exchanger – обменник

air-locked heat ~ – заполненный воздухом теплообменник barrel primary heat ~ – емкостный первичный теплообменник

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gas fired furnace heat ~ – теплообменник газовой печи primary heat ~ (PHE) – первичный теплообменник secondary heat ~ – вторичный теплообменник sectionalized primary heat ~ – батарейный теплообменник

exhaust – выхлоп (газа); разрежать, выкачивать, вытягивать (воздух); выпускать (пар) exist – существовать expansion – расширение

dry expansion – испарение с отводом сухого пара expel – выбрасывать, выталкивать, исключать, вытеснять experience – опыт fabricate – производить factor – коэффициент

safety ~ – коэффициент надежности, запас прочности fin – ребро, пластина (радиатора) flame – пламя flexibility – эластичность, гибкость, упругость fluid – текучая среда (жидкость, газ) жидкий, текучий fog – туман, запотевание forced air furnace industry – отрасль, где используются печи с принудительной тягой frost – иней, снеговая шуба fuel – топливо furnace – печь, котел gas-filled – газовый; газонаполненный; наполненный газом gas-fired furnace – gas furnace – газовая печь give off – отдавать grill – решетка, сетка

supply ~ – вентиляционная решѐтка для приточного воздуха; приточный патрубок

heat – теплота latent ~ of vaporization – скрытое тепло парообразования transfer ~ – переносить тепло waste ~ – использованная теплота

heat demand – спрос на тепло heating – нагревание, обогрев, отопление

hydronic ~ – пароводяное отопление

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residential ~ – отопление жилых зданий space ~ – отопление помещений warm air ~ – паровое отопление

heating need – потребность в тепле heating season – отопительный сезон hole – скважина hose – гибкий трубопровод, патрубок humid – влажный humidifier – увлажнитель

pan tipe ~ – увлажнитель с поддоном atomizing type ~ – форсуночный увлажнитель wetted element ~ – увлажнитель с фитилем

humidify – увлажнять humidity – влажность

ambient ~ – влажность окружающей среды relative ~ – относительная влажность в помещении

hydronics – пароводяное отопление improve – улучшать incorporate – включать increase – возрастание; прибавление, увеличение; возрастать, увеличиваться indicate – указывать inexhaustible – неистощимый infiltration – просачивание, приток inlet – вход

air ~ – на входе воздуха install – устанавливать installation – установка; сборка insulate – изолировать insulation – изоляция insulator – изолятор intangible – неосязаемый lag – задержка, отставание

heat ~ – тепловая инерция leak – течь; утечка level –уровень liquid – жидкость load – загрузка

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internal heat ~ – нагрузка на приток тепла, теплоприток locate – размещать; определять место, местонахождение loop – контур lose (lost, lost) – терять loss – потеря, лишение maintain – обслуживать, поддерживать; содержать в исправности medium – среда

heating ~ – теплоноситель meet need – удовлетворять потребностям mild – умеренный (о погоде, климате и т. п.) moisture – влага

excessive ~ – избыточная влага mpm (metres per minute) – метров в минуту objectionable – вызывающий возражения obtain – получать; приобретать; применяться occur – происходить, совершаться offer – предлагать offset – возмещать, вознаграждать, компенсировать opening – отверстие optional – необязательный outdoor – вне помещения, на открытом воздухе outlet – выпускное, выходное отверстие; выпуск, выход; слив, сток

air ~ – отверстие для выхода воздуха supply ~ – отверстие для подачи воздуха return ~ – отверстие для возврата воздуха

output – мощность outward – внешний oxidation – окисление pan – поддон; корыто; лоток; сгонный резервуар pan type – увлажнитель с поддоном passage – труба, канал perform – выполнять performance – производительность perspirе – покрываться испариной place – размещать plant – установка

heating ~ – отопительная установка compact heating ~ – компактная установка для отопления

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plate – пластина, плита water wicking ~ – пластинчатый фитиль, впитывающий воду

point up – подчеркивать portable refrigerative air conditioner (PTAC) – передвижной (портативный) кондиционер preheat – предварительно нагревать, подогревать prevent – предотвращать, предупреждать process – обрабатывать promote – способствовать pump – насос, накачивать, нагнетать

gas-driven heat~ – тепловой насос, приводимый в движение газом air-to-air heat ~ – тепловой насос c пeрeдaчeй тепла от воздуха к воздуху

pure – чистый, без примесей purify – очищать quantity – количество radiation – излучение rate – скорость reach – достигать reclaim – утилизировать, восстанавливать, ремонтировать reduce – ослаблять, уменьшать refer to as – называться refinement – усовершенствование refrigerant – холодильный агент, хладагент reject – отводить rejection – удаление release – высвобождать rely (on, upon) – полагаться, рассчитывать на remote – расположенный на расстоянии друг от друга remote control – пульт removal – устранение, удаление remove – передвигать; удалять renewable – возобновляемый require – требовать requirement – требование resistance – сопротивление respond – реагировать, отзываться (to)

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result from – происходить, получаться из-за ч.-л. result in – приводить к return condensate – возвращать конденсат reverse – дать обратный ход run – работать saturated condition – состояние насыщения scale – шкала scheme – план, проект; схема структура seek (sought, sought) – искать set – набор; комплект; группа; ряд set fire – воспламенить shaft – вал, ось, стержень size – размер, величина; габариты, объем; масштаб slow down – замедлять sound attenuating section – поглотитель звука source – начало, первоисточник; источник (информации)

heat ~ – источник тепла space – пространство

conditioned space – область кондиционирования speed up – ускорять split (split, split) – распределять, делить на части; расщеплять spun glass – штапельное стекловолокно sq ft (square foot) – квадратный фут stamping – штамповка, выдавливание start out – начинать делать (что-л.) static electricity – статическое электричество suction pressure – давление всасывания supplement – дополнять supply – снабжать (чем-л.); доставлять surface – поверхность swamp cooler – испарительный охладитель switch – переключать, включать system – система, установка

comfort ~ – установка комфортного кондиционирования воздуха cooling ~ – холодильная установка downshot ~ – система с верхней разводкой (труб) duct ~ – система каналов

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forced air heating ~ – воздушная система нагнетания heating ~ – система отопления hydronic heating ~ – система водяного отопления return air duct ~ – система рециркуляции воздуха self-contained air conditioning ~ – автономная система

кондиционирования воздуха sideshot ~ – система с боковой разверткой (труб) unitary refrigerating ~ –многоцелевой (унитарный)

холодильный агрегат variable air volume ~ – система кондиционирования

с переменным объемом воздуха pipeline ~ – система трубопровода

temperature – температура dry bulb ~ – температура по сухому термометру wet bulb ~ – температура по влажному термометру discharge air ~ – температура нагнетаемого воздуха

temper – регулировать, умерять; смягчать tend – иметь тенденцию (к чему-л.) the former – первый из упомянутых the latter – последний из упомянутых thirsty air – сухой воздух throttling – дросселирование treat – рассматривать, обрабатывать treating – обработка trouble-free – бесперебойный, работающий без аварий underhumidified – недостаточно увлажненный undesirable – нежелательный unhumidified – неувлажненный uniformly – однородно, равномерно unit – агрегат, блок, устройство, установка, прибор; модуль; секция

blow through ~ – установка с вытяжной вентиляцией draw through ~ – установка с приточной вентиляцией duel-duct ~ – двухканальный агрегат self-contained ~ – автономный блок heating ~ – нагревательный элемент single-duct ~ – одноканальный агрегат

upgrade – модернизировать; (у)совершенствовать utilize – использовать

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value – стоимость, ценность, значение valve – клапан; вентиль

safety relief ~ – предохранительный клапан termostatic ~ – терморегулирующий вентиль

vary – изменяться velocity – скорость; быстрота vent – выход, выпускное отверстие

air ~ – отвод воздуха vibration – колебание wall-mounted – установленный на стене warmth – тепло warping – коробление waste of power – потери энергии water loss – потеря воды worthless – бесполезный zoning – зональное регулирование

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СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 1. Английский язык. Air Conditioning: Пособие/Сост. Л.А. Ва-

сильева. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – СПб.: СПбГУНиПТ, 2004. – 119 с. 2. Словари и энциклопедии на Академике. www.dic.academic.ru 3. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration by Rex Miller, Mark Miller.

Published April 2006 г. 602 с. 4. Fundamentals of HVACR (2nd Edition) by Carter Stanfield, David

Skaves and AHRI (Mar 5, 2012). 5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology by Bill Whitman,

Bill Johnson, John Tomczyk and Eugene Silberstein (Feb 24, 2012). 6. Wikipedia. org.

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ВВЕДЕНИЕ .................................................................................................3

UNIT 1 ........................................................................................................5

UNIT 2 ........................................................................................................9

UNIT 3 ......................................................................................................13

UNIT 4 ......................................................................................................17

UNIT 5 ......................................................................................................21

UNIT 6 ......................................................................................................25

LANGUAGE PRACTICE UNITS 1–6 ......................................................29

UNIT 7 ......................................................................................................30

UNIT 8 ......................................................................................................33

UNIT 9 ......................................................................................................36

UNIT 10 ......................................................................................................40

UNIT 11 ......................................................................................................45

UNIT 12 ......................................................................................................49

LANGUAGE PRACTICE UNITS 7–12 ....................................................53

UNIT 13 ......................................................................................................55

UNIT 14 ......................................................................................................59

UNIT 15 ......................................................................................................63

UNIT 16 ......................................................................................................67

UNIT 17 ......................................................................................................71

UNIT 18 ......................................................................................................75

LANGUAGE PRACTICE UNITS 13–18 ..................................................79


СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ ........................................................................92

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Крупенина Галина Владимировна Игнатович Валерий Борисович



Учебное пособие

Ответственный редактор Т.Г. Смирнова

Титульный редактор

Р.А. Сафарова

Компьютерная верстка Д.Е. Мышковский

Дизайн обложки Н.А. Потехина


в авторской редакции

Подписано в печать 28.12.2015. Формат 60×84 1/16 Усл. печ. л. 5,58. Печ. л. 6,0. Уч.-изд. л. 5,75

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ № С 72

Университет ИТМО. 197101, Санкт-Петербург, Кронверкский пр., 49 Издательско-информационный комплекс

191002, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Ломоносова, 9