habib ahmad

Compiled By: Sayyid Nasir and Sayyid Sajid Page: 1 of 10 Khatam Sharif: 10 th of April 2008 رحیمّ الرحمن ال بسمKhatam Sharif In Honour of the Venerable Habib Ahmad al-Mashur bin Taha al-Haddad ® یب احمد المشہور الحباد بن طہ الحدShaykh Muhammad Salih recalls, “I asked; Ya Habib pray to Allah on my behalf that I get beneficial knowledge. He replied, ‘You have asked a for a thing of great importance,’ and added, ‘read sura al-Fatiha.’ So I read until, ‘We only worship You and only seek help from You.’ He said, ‘That is enough; surely Allah taught us the first thing, to worship him and then seek His help. He did not say it the other way around. Now you must start to learn and take care from whom you attain your knowledge.”

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Ba Alawi, Habib Ahmad mashur al-Haddad


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Khatam Sharif: 10th of April 2008

بسم ہللا الرحمن الّرحیم

Khatam Sharif

In Honour of the Venerable

Habib Ahmad al-Mashur bin Taha al-Haddad ®

الحبیب احمد المشہور بن طہ الحداد

Shaykh Muhammad Salih recalls, “I asked; Ya Habib pray to Allah on my behalf

that I get beneficial knowledge.

He replied, ‘You have asked a for a thing of great importance,’ and added, ‘read sura


So I read until, ‘We only worship You and only seek help from You.’

He said, ‘That is enough; surely Allah taught us the first thing, to worship him and

then seek His help. He did not say it the other way around. Now you must start to learn

and take care from whom you attain your knowledge.”

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Khatam Sharif: 10th of April 2008

Rasulullah (S) said that a learned person is Allah almighty’s custodian upon earth. He is here to preserve, guard and protect an amanah, a trust which has been given to him by God. One such learned person was Habib Ahmad bin Taha (d.1995), whose life was dedicated to knowledge and like his noble ancestor, Imam Habib Abdallah bin Alawi al-Haddad ® (1044-1132 A.H), he became ‘Haddad al-Qulub’. The one who purifies hearts to glow and shine with the light of belief, just as a black-smith (Haddad in Arabic) smelts iron to remove rust and makes it glow in the furnace. Along with such a noble nisbet, he was also blessed with wonderful manners and qualities such as generosity, kindness, piety, taqwa, sincerity and a special kind of warmth, which extended to all the ummah of Rasulullah (S).


When we suffer an illness we turn to a doctor, as we cannot cure ourselves. Such is the state of our ignorance that we cannot even treat a common cold without the help of a doctor. Similarly we need to turn to the spiritual doctors, the mashaikh, to cure the illnesses of our souls such as ignorance. Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness; the word ilm means to know, so whatever you know will remove some of the darkness. For example, a person who does not know how to pray learns how to do so. The knowledge he attains for this purpose takes away that darkness, and no doubt remains. In the Holy Qu’ran Rasulullah (S) is entrusted with three duties, to teach us the book: Qur’an, teach us hikma (wisdom: Sunnah) and to purify us: tazkiyya. Teaching the book and sunnah has normally been done by the scholars, whilst purification has been performed by the mashaikh. However some unique personalities have carried out all three duties, one such person was, Habib Ahmad bin Taha ®. He was a member of the Bani ‘Alawi Sayyids from Tarim in Yemen, who trace their noble linage to Sayyiduna Imam al-Husayn ®. Tarim is an ancient city in Eastern Yemen that was blessed by Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq ®, with three famous supplications, one that Allah almighty puts barakah in the water of Tarim, two that it remains civilised till the Day of Judgment and three that Allah blesses the Ulama and the Awliya to grow like seeds from the ground. These du’as have been answered and witnessed by people over the ages, and it is for this reason Tarim is also known as Madinatul Siddiq, the city of Siddiq ® and Madinatul Awliya, city of the righteous ones.

View of Tarim

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Birth and Education “The merit of a righteous youth is such that Allah almighty has said, ‘O young man who has

abandoned passions for My sake, you are to Me as are some of My angels.’”

Imam Abdallah ® Habib Ahmad bin Taha ® (1325-1416 A.H), was born in the small town of Qaydun in Hadramaut, Yemen. He memorized the Qur'an at an early age, and then studied the Arabic and the religious sciences. His father, Sayyid Taha ®, was a wali whose true state remained hidden to most of his contemporaries, and because he spent long years in Indonesia it was his saintly mother, Sayyidah Safiyya ® who raised Habib Ahmad ®. Sayyidah Safiyya ® was the daughter of the great Imam Tahir ibn Umar Al-Haddad ®, from whom she received her instruction in the Holy Qur’an and religious sciences, hence forming a most effective link between him and her son. Habib Ahmad’s ® education was then taken over by another two great masters of the household of Haddad, Habib Abdallah ® and Habib Alawi ®, the two brothers who founded the Ribat of Qaydun, the school of religious sciences where Habib Ahmad ® became a teacher at a very early age. Habib Ahmad’s ® thirst for knowledge led him to the company of numerous Ulama and Awliya whom he served and consequently benefited from both outward and inward (spiritual) knowledge. Rasulullah (S) said that the Ulama, people of knowledge, are the inheritors and heirs of the Prophets. Not a second of Habib Ahmad’s ® life was wasted: his annual Hajj, his regular teaching of Shafi’i fiqh at the houses of friends in Jeddah, his support for new madrassas, his Mawlids in Mombasa mosques: every moment was filled with the remembrance of Allah almighty, and the quest for seeking knowledge. Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab ® said that it was an obligation to attain knowledge, as this cloak of love and honour is only donned by His chosen servants.

The Importance of Knowledge “O Lord, will You place such a creation that will make mischief and shed blood, while we glorify

and praise You with thanks?” enquired the angels. Allah almighty replied, “I know that which you do not know.” Allah almighty then taught Sayyiduna Adam (as) the names of everything and then whilst standing him before all the angels, He addressed them, “Tell Me the names of these if you are

truthful.” “Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-

Knower, the All-Wise." They all cried in unison. Allah almighty then ordered Sayyiduna Adam (as) to inform the angels of their names, after which He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen in the heavens and the earth, and I

know what you reveal and what you have been hiding?”

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The first gift that was given to human beings was knowledge, Ilm. The angels prostrated to Sayyiduna Adam (as) and showed him great honour, even though he had not performed any prayers nor carried out any pious deeds, but all that he possessed was knowledge. It is because of this that the Malaika (Angels) accepted the superiority of human beings. Once a Sahabi asked what the best of actions was. Rasulullah (S) replied, knowledge of God. He asked again and Rasulullah (S) replied with the same answer, knowledge of God. Because he wanted an action that he could physically perform he asked for the third time. This time Rasulullah (S) explained that an act done with knowledge is of more benefit, than many done in ignorance. Imam Hasan al-Basri ® said, “If there were no Ulama, people

would be like beasts.” Habib Ahmad’s ® master Habib Umar bin Ahmad bin Sumait ® had such a passion for learning that at the age of sixteen his father would find him studying under the light of a lamp late at night. Worried for his health, one night his father told him, “I am

ordering you to sleep at night and stop this late studying.” and blew the lamp out. Later on he stopped by his son’s room and much to his astonishment; Habib Umar ® was still studying, with the lamp off. The source of his light was one finger glowing in the dark. “I

see I cannot stop you. That means your intentions are accepted, study

as much as you like.”

If a person seeks knowledge with the intention, niyah, to revive Islam, then between him and the Prophets there will be one rank. Rasulullah (S) said that anyone who learns one chapter of knowledge in order to teach others, then Allah almighty will grant him sawab of seventy siddiqs, righteous people.

The Status of the Ahl-e-Bayt

“Allah only desires to remove abomination from you, members of the family, and purify you.”


Sayyiduna Zayd bin Arqam ® relates that after praising Allah almighty Rasulullah (S) advised the Sahabas to remember Him and then went onto say, “O people! I am a human being and the time is near when my Lord's Messenger shall come to me (with death) and I shall answer him. Behold! I am leaving among you two weighty matters. The first of them is the Book of Allah, in which is the guidance and the light...and the second are the members of my household, Ahl-e-Bayt. I remind you to be kind to the members of my family, I remind you to be kind to the members of my family, I remind you to be kind to the members of my family.” Upon being asked who the Ahl-e-Bayt were, he responded with; all the wives of Rasulullah (S), those upon whom sadaqa (charity) is haram; namely the family of Sayyiduna Ali ®, family of Sayyiduna Aqil bin Abu Talib ®, family of Sayyiduna Ja’far ® and the family of Sayyiduna Abbas ®, Prophets’ (S) uncle.

Habib Umar bin Ahmad bin Sumait ®

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Habib Ali Jifri and Shaykh Muhammad Zahid Sultani

Whilst holding the door of the Holy Ka’ba, Sayyiduna Abu Dharr ® said that he had heard Rasulullah (S) say, “My family amongst you are like Noah’s ark. He who sails on it will be safe, but he who holds back from it will perish.” It is the duty upon all Muslims to love and respect the family of Rasulullah (S), Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq ® said in one sentence, “Show honour for Rasulullah (S) by honouring his family.” The Bani ‘Alawi are the noble descendants of Rasulullah (S), who trace their ancestry to Sayyiduna Ali Al-Uraydi ®, son of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq ®, son of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir ®, son of Imam Ali Zainul Abidin ®, son of Imam Husayn ®, son of Sayyiduna Ali ® and Sayyidah Fatimah ®, the blessed daughter of Rasulullah (S). Sayyiduna Ali Al-Uraydi’s ® son, Imam Muhammad ®, migrated from Madinah sharif to Basra. Some time later from his descendants, Sayyiduna Ahmad bin Isa ® migrated to the valley of Hadramaut, Yemen due to the fitna in Iraq. In a tradition Rasulullah (S) said, “I smell the nafs of ar-Rahman (fragrance of the Merciful) from Yemen.” In another tradition Rasulullah (S) made a supplication where he asked Allah almighty to bless Sham and Yemen. It was in Hadramaut where Sayyiduna Ahmad’s ® descendants became the illustrious 'Alawi sadat. Due to this migration and the fact that he travelled the path to Allah, he became known as Al-Muhajir (The Emigrant). When realising that the family of Rasulullah (S) had settled in Hadramaut, some of the scholars who were already present there did not want to give up their social positions, and so used their influences to try and oppose Sayyiduna Muhajir ®. However, it was not long before these tribes were soon punished. Allah almighty took away their knowledge by causing their descendants to go into duniya. Others had such intense etiquette and adab with the family of the Prophet (S), that as soon as they learned that Sayyiduna Muhajir ® had entered the valley of Hadramaut, they refused people to kiss their hands, and instead encouraged this adab for the Ahl-e-Bayt only. From the descendants of Sayyiduna Muhajir ‘®, Sayyiduna ‘Alawi ®, (from whose name

the term Bani ‘Alawi comes from) is buried close to the city of Tarim. The first descendant

of Sayyiduna Muhajir ® to be buried in Tarim is, Imam Ali bin Alawi Khali' Qassam ® who

is the founder of the main mosque, Masjid Ba’Alawi.

The Bani ‘Alawi Sayyids have continually followed

in the footsteps of their forefathers by striving to

gain and teach knowledge. They have produced

outstanding Ulama and Mashaikh generation

after generation and in the present day noble

scholars such as Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaf, Habib

Umar bin Hafiz and Habib Ali Jifri belong to this


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In one Tradition Rasulullah (S) said, “Allah’s mercy is upon my khulafa, successors.” The Sahaba asked, “Ya Rasulullah (S) who are your khulafa?” He (S) replied, “It is those people who love my Sunnah and they teach that to the people.”

Inviting People to Islam Habib Ahmad ® served and received spiritual training at the hands of Habib Umar ®, whom he would always maintain a connection rabita with. It was often seen that when Habib Umar ® stood up in one room, Habib Ahmad ® would stand up in his room out of respect (adab) for his shaykh, despite the intervening walls. Such was his love and affection for his shaykh that Habib Ahmad ® would never go upstairs to the upper floor if his shaykh was downstairs. After his training was complete he was given khilafat and instructed by his master to continue the work of his ancestors, spreading Islam in parts of Africa and surrounding areas. Habib Ahmad ® immediately acted upon his master’s order and made arrangements to journey towards East Africa. He was considered Ad-Da’i al-Kamil (The most accomplished preacher), whilst trekking deep inland into villages and forests when other means of transport were not well developed, he brought many into the fold of Islam, especially in the countries of Zanzibar, the Comoros, Kenya, Uganda, Zaire and the Congo. His fame spread across the whole of East Africa and very soon he became known as ‘Habib’. Sayyiduna Yahya bin Mu’adh ® said that the Ulama are more caring for Rasulullah’s (S) nation than mothers and fathers are for their own children. When asked how this was possible, he replied, “Parents protect their children from the fire of this world, but the Ulama

save them from the fire of the next!”

Shaykh Fath Mosuli ® once asked, “If a sick person is deprived of food, water and medicine,

would he not die?” and then went onto say, “Of course he would die, in the same manner if one

was to prevent his heart from attaining knowledge and wisdom for three consecutive days, then it

too will die.”

Ilm A traveller once came across a donkey that was blocking his way, after a while he became frustrated and shouted, “Khotay nah putra, You son of a donkey get out of my way!” At that very moment Allah almighty gave speech to the donkey, “Hang on a minute, what’s

your problem?” The man replied, “I am a human being, you’re a donkey, so you should get out of my way.” “So what makes you superior to me?” asked the donkey, and then added, “Look I can speak

yet you don’t hear me speak kufr and shirk. You don’t hear me lie and backbite, this all comes from

you! Have you ever heard a donkey tell a lie, have you ever heard us deny God, or criticize the Holy

people, the Prophets and the Awliya? So tell me, how can your tongue be great after such misuse?”

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“Ok, you got me on that one, but what about these great buildings, I don’t see any donkey design

and build them.” Said the man thinking he now has the donkey beat. “Who do you think carried the bricks for these buildings of yours, it surely wasn’t you lot!” replied the donkey, “And your bragging about your intelligence, tell me what is it that you do in these

buildings, apart from disobey Him. You go against the One who gave you everything and instead of

feeling ashamed, you are proud of it.” “Ok, Ok, let’s move on. We write books and are intelligent people, what have you donkeys done?”

He asked, whilst giving a list of mankind’s accomplishments. “Yes, you wrote books, in some of these books you don’t believe there is a God, in some you

criticise the Prophets, and in others the Sahaba, yep you definitely should be proud of yourselves!” laughed the donkey. The man became very uptight and shouted, “All right then, why don’t you show me a donkey

Awliya! If you claim to be like us, show me a holy one.” “Hey hang on a minute, this is unfair,” said the donkey, “the debate is between you and me, not

those people. You said you are better than me, and I’m saying if you don’t understand your Lord

your not. You sunshine, are not even at my level. I’m at least doing what He’s created me for, you

on the other hand are still in doubt of your purpose.” Imam Ghazali ® says that the biggest disservice you can do to yourself is by not knowing your purpose in life. If your purpose is to work, then consider the fact that even animals feed their young. If it is to accumulate wealth, then understand that this is the practice of Firaun, Haman and Karun. If it is to reproduce then you’re no better than rabbits. If all these things are your purpose and meaning of life, then you will surely die as you have lived. Allah almighty says in the holy Qur’an that He has honoured the children of Sayyiduna Adam (as). Honoured them with what, strength, courage, stamina? Imam Ghazali ® said that if you think that you are stronger than an animal then you are wrong, as a donkey is stronger. You do not posses the courage of a lion or the stamina of a bird, in no matter are you superior to any animal. So what is the honour that Allah almighty has given to the children of Sayyiduna Adam (as)? Nowadays, information is confused with knowledge, but one must understand that information that does not lead to knowing Him is useless. Such as a person may spend his life in pursuit of how the atom works, but if this pursuit does not lead him to God then all is in vain. Today people have knowledge but lack wisdom. Just like a bird needs both wings to fly into the skies, man must posses knowledge and wisdom to be able to fly into the divine presence. Imam Ghazali ® said that he did not pity anyone more than two types of people. Firstly, the one seeks knowledge but cannot understand what he learns, and secondly, the one who understands the importance of knowledge but does not try to learn. So we must strive in our lives to seek knowledge that opens our hearts to Him. The first stage of attaining such knowledge is sumt, to remain silent in front of the learned ones, as this will prepare you for the next stage, which is to listen. The third stage is to remember

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what you have heard and learnt. The fourth stage is to put to practice your newly acquired knowledge and finally spread it to others.

“Know that the key to knowing Allah, is to know yourself.”

Imam Ghazali ® When giving explanation upon the verse, “We did not create jinn or man except for worship.” Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbas ® said that the meaning here is not ‘worship’, but ‘to know’, so the purpose of Jinn and man is to ‘know’ Allah almighty. However, before we attempt to know Him, Imam Ghazali ® explains that you must first look within yourself and know the micro-universe. You cannot understand the alam-e-kabir, the higher realm, if you do not understand the alam-e-saghir, the lower realm (human being). A human being is the greatest mystery, and so to understand him becomes the first step of knowledge, as this weak creature carries the secrets of the universe. Therefore, it is only after acknowledging your ignorance of the self, will you be ready to learn. When asked do you know yourself, one will answer ‘yes’, and describe his state using the knowledge gained over the span of his life. Unfortunately this is not a true depiction of one’s reality. He will only truly know himself when he can see and hear the day when all souls were gathered and asked, ‘Am I not your Lord?’ It is only after achieving this state that his perception of reality will change. We have all witnessed that day, but alas have forgotten and turned away. It is only through mujahida that we can subdue or egos, and cultivate our hearts to accept this real knowledge, which will lead to knowing ourselves and ultimately, knowing Him. In one of his poems Sultan Bahu ® said, “Don’t go begging Sayyiduna Khidhr (as) for the water of life, as the water of life is inside each of us.” We just need to look for this eternal bliss.

His Gatherings of Knowledge Sayyiduna Abu-Dhar al Ghafari ® said that to attend one majlis of a man of Allah is far superior than to pray one thousand units of prayer, visit one thousand ill people and attend one thousand funerals. Habib Ahmad’s ® majlis consisted of dars from the Holy Qur’an, Hadith Sharif, Riyadh us Salihin by Imam Nawwai ®, and Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din by Imam Ghazali ®. The blessed birth of Rasulullah (S) and his Sirah would be recited from Simtud Durar (Necklace of Pearls) by Imam al-Habshi ®. Qasaid from the diwan of Habib al-Haddad ® and Imam al-Habshi ® would also be presented, along with the recitation of Ratib al-Haddad, Ratib al-Attas, Wird al-Latif, and Qasida Burda amongst others. At the end of the majlis coffee with ginger would be served. When he spoke it would be as if pearls were being distributed as his heart was always in connection with Rasulullah (S). It is related that once Habib Ahmad ® gave tafsir (meaning) of Surah Fatiha consecutively for three days, starting after Dhur and finishing late after Isha. Such was his understanding that every gathering brought new and fresh

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explanations. Each listener felt as if he was being addressed personally, and would receive answers to his questions and dilemmas before he could even utter a word. He would truly exhaust himself for the sake of his visitors. Habib Ahmad ® would always talk about taqwa of Allah, pious awareness of Allah. He would talk about muhabbat, love, particularly amongst each other. All of his lessons were filled with the love of the Prophet (S). He used to begin and finish all of his gatherings with praise for the Prophet (S).

Habib’s Lovers

The appearance of Habib Ahmad ® was like the illuminating light of Allah, and if you looked at him you would remember Him instantly. He was a living exemplar of the sunnah because in each moment, and with every word and smile, the presence of Rasulullah (S) was immediately radiated. When speaking with any of the murids of Habib Ahmad ®, each will tell you his or her unique relationship with him, and how it was so special that no other could hope to attain it! This is the way of Rasulullah (S) as each of his Sahaba felt a special closeness to him that was unique to others.

A lady from UK recalls:

“A gentler, charismatic person I have not yet met. His presence was awesome and his

manners and body language impeccable. He spoke softly, but firmly, but more than

anything Habib was that unique kind of person who had the ability to make a Muslim

woman feel understood, appreciated and valued. In front of him I did not feel persecuted

and knew that my gender was of no consequence. In fact, I felt honoured and cherished.

I am thankful to God and proud that I knew somebody like Habib.”

Death Rasulullah (S) said that Allah almighty does not take away knowledge after He has given it, but removes it by taking the Ulama. Over the last few years Habib Ahmad ® became frail and weak, and yet, he continued to descend from his apartment and look over the gatherings after the Maghrib prayers. La ilaha illa'llah had been the pivot and driving force in Habib Ahmad's ® life, having received it from his teachers who transmitted it to him through the numerous unbroken chains linking them to Rasulullah (S). He spent his life giving to others and linking them to the same chains. He taught it to his students, training them to live it, not just know it mentally, to put all worldly concerns behind them and live solely for the sake of Allah. His janaza was performed twice, once in Jeddah led by Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki ®, in the presence of Habib Abd al-Qadir al-Saqqaf ®, his lifelong friend, and again at Makkah sharif before the Holy Ka’ba.

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La ilaha illa'llah! Cried the large crowd that had assembled in Makkah sharif at midday on the 14th of Rajab, 1416, for the funeral of the Imam, the Sayyid, Habib Ahmad Mashur bin Taha al-Haddad ®. La ilaha illa'llah was to be heard uninterruptedly from the time the procession set off from the door of the Holy Ka'ba, slowly winding its way through the streets of the holy city to the Ma'la cemetery, until the Habib was laid to rest in the enclosure reserved for the ‘Alawi Sayyids. His grave is easily distinguished by the fact that it is the only one on which grass grows. Sayyiduna Umar ® said that the death of the one who is knowledgeable of what is permitted and what is forbidden, is far heavier upon him than one thousand worshippers who pray all night and fast all day. For many, it will not be possible to imagine a greater void than that left by Habib Ahmad ®, both in the hearts of his students and of all the Ummah, whose interests he served so sincerely and quietly for so long.
