hagan's cash markettest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/... · imf-c full...

'A PER •MED FOR IMMUNITY E M ALL TIIK NEWS FKOM NEAKIJV TOWNS XXXVJI1 No. 39 KOCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 7,1927 $1.00 PER YEAR orned Plate Beef Ib. - ate or Brisket Beef, 1b. Chuck Roast, Ib. - - |esh Pork Shoulders, Ib. iioked Cali Ham, Ib. 10c Hound Steak, Ib. Uund Roast, Ib. lump Roast, Ib. Ii of Veal, Ib. fork Loin, Ib. - .28c rift's Ham, Ib. [Morris Ham, Ib. Fresh Ham, Ib. Hagan's Cash Market WAIN ST. TEL.62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. OTJR DEPOSITORS' PROTECTION ^CAPITAL • • - - - $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 150,000.00 Stockholders Liability - - 100,000.00 ^Margin oi Safety Total Deposits $350,000.00 $1,600,000.00 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rockaway, N. J. if Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000 ; National Union Bank \ Dover, N. J. 3 % Interest Paid on Checking Accounts of $100 or over i Member .Federal Reserve Bank Capi(ali$125,000 Safe Deposit Boxes ;•••.;•. $5.00 per annum and up Surplus $375,000 h xxxaxnxaxxxt The best of them burn— , Even the car in the finest home garage is nev- er safe from a real danger of fire. Youjn. sure your home and your furniture, but how many people neglect to have a.pohcy written covering both car and garaged Hnbe nimiino now to Cnll 140 ^Matthews SEVERAL YOUTHS OF BOROUGH ARRESTED " r llnrlrh I',, iv, r <ln Alfred 'I'liiiri-.iluy |||,;|,|, Muriilm Unrlrli'ii cuilriivnni to lornln wli.i liit.i |,Min 0|,,rntliiK In Hid Dor- "iiKli for II limi; tin,,, W(ir» awarded, "'• limi liw,n wutchliKt f, M. Hi,. i,<-n,o- tratnni u,v wmv]y n ymir. But. l),i:y »<•.'. it win., lot, mill hud nlwuyii linen on tin- alert wulchlni; bin Mif>v«iiifmt.«, <>n Tliiirniluy n| K|,|, however, a Iron Wllll KM by Decker, J',,,11. ft |),;(.| (ftr Will, had |,(.,. n |,|ln,i||, K K, lH,,|| I1( , I,, Ini'K'' fniiuilitl.-(i from tJ1( ,| r tank, Uit" In llio i-veiiiiitf, iiljorlly fitter II o'rlrli II n i r drove up lo Iho limk mill lin iiccii|iHiitii liiiRun lultlnK tint Kim, whim they wnrii ln|i!ri!i!|it(if| by Mi>w«iiyn i)i-ci(,.|. ,:,,,| JUHK.B Vrtn- Ntnin'ler. Miirnhnl Rarlcli wan notified nt »n<:<!, itml Immediately plucnd did thlevcn, who provnil to lin youthfi, un- der nrroiit. Upon hulnn (luontlniUid, they I'onfiiiiiinil lo u number of tharta, They midl (liny | m( | | H | r ,. n Km ff om Jon. llurilH &. Honii, Jnchiion'H ItimiKir yiinlii, unil other placcit. They filno <:onf<!iiiio(l to ntnallttK oil from both llinrlH tk Honii mid tlio ,1, II. Jiicknon IJumbnr Co, They hud ultio Htolon 100 llm. »f white lend from H. Dloilato on Foundry nlm«t. At MOITIHIOWH and Dover they mild they hud utolon tlren from uufoinolillcii, In their con- fonnlon thoy Implicated four othor hoyH, nil from llocknwny. Tho londnr of tlio gang from what CMI bn learned IH Kenneth Taylor, of TCmiton HolKhtrt, for WIIOHI! autamcblln tlio (cm nml «l) WHH lwcil. Romo of tho hoyH tiny they find IJOIII mealing K'III lit other placcm for Hiiinc thrno yiinrii. I,nilt Hummer hoyii admit they mmiollmon ntnlo mi IIIKII an 30 KIIIIOIIH ul onn lime, All of thi! lioyn, nevnn In number, Imv6 lir«!n urrnslod, am] will Appear before thn Court lit ^Morrlnlown In npoolnl ncimlonii on Friday, April Ktli. Murnlml Ilnilck wmi mmliili'il by Trooper Kondrup who look finger prlnlH, /let. ,M, I,. Ulindc* TriniMfiTWil ' Tim Iti'V Martin h. Ullinlcii. for four yciim paiilor of tho loriil MMh- oilh'.i Church, haii lifiin (raniifomid liy I lin Ciirifi<niiii!ii liclil In .lemi-y City, to thi' Kpworlh M. I'!. Church n( J'ltt- IT'IIIJII, Thn Hdv, Churldii H. Hunt, who haii liiiim iilatluni'il ul llllliidulo him hci'ii HOli'i'tcil by llio Conreriincii lo Inld' liln plnrro lit thn Iliic.Uiiwiiy M. K. Churtli. Mr. Hunt will proncli hlii flint nermon on Sumluy. hlii four ynnrn In llocliuwiiy Our I'rlze Winner* Tin: wlimcrn of Hie $;i.OO mid S2.00 prim: nfferi-d liy '('ho Itocliitwny Hec- oril for I'.lxleeo weckii for UJO bent i(l(ii;im for our fciilurd pur' 1 , '"I'ry lUii'Muwuy Klrul." wnrii wi i lhl« wreli hy Mrti, Kolnii't IHIIIKIIIK Miller, flrnl, who will reiii'lvo n ?.'!.00 older, and ()i;di:ri H. Ciilllrin, ,1r. iiccunil, who will rncelvd a ?Z,0() o r d e r . . The iiloitanii ni'd nol no difficult lo uniiiici, iind w<: would Illie lo neo ninny of our rrmlnrH (ry to he a win- ner. At the iKillom of the feature imf-c full liiiilructlonii may lie fnunil. TIu* nln^ariH are paiuicd on by pur- llnii ouliilde of tlm Iteeord Office, thofie who are qualified to JiulK" them het- Inr Ihiiii olli'liolveii. Hlofmnn of March III, hy Mm, Miller iiro; "Try Itocluiwuy Klrnt unil Have" "Have Your 1'ay- liny In llocliaway" "fluflrl ft Ifornn Flrnt In UncUuwny" "IIIMIIO TrndliiK M«un« Having" "Hhop Herd and Watch Hoolmway (It'llW" "ICvery Dny nml liveryWny- Hhofi 111 Hocliiiway" HloKiinii of Mnrch ill, by OKHCIII H. Colllmi, ,Jr,, (iro: "Try llocltiiway Klmt Mini Have" "Roelmwny Klmt, Lnnt and AlwayN" "Itoelmwfiy, n Jlottor l'laco to Uvo In" "Opiiortunlty KnocUcid, , Hoclmwny AriHwored" "In (he March of I'roHporlly, ( Hoeluiwny Leiijln" •'V(Hi Can Dcjiend on Our Moreuifntii" WILL BE LIVELY GREAT TREAT COMING TO ROCKAWAY MIIIIMIH nnd Tliem Ko.r Hiir lo y Y.' M. ('. A. T'ltint 7000 Hliile VOCCHUT In H\x Mturily Dover III|;h Hchool hoyn Journeyed lo tho No(v Ciunp Bll.o nt Mount Ollvo with the Aiiiiliilnnt, Btuto Foroiiter, 10, II, Monro nnd County Hecreliiry Anion 0. Morrlniin, Monday tixirnlni; to' e.oinnieneo tlm plnntliw of 7000 evtirRrodii ' fioixlllngn. The hoyn. who went worn Robert Maddl- »on. Klmber SjmrKO, Ttldliard Unvln, Hohert Andrown,' David Ilanee and Max Herolldn. Wiie.h niomhiir of the eontalnlnn; Korester piirly curried u hucltet two hundred neodllni;n. IrlK Mr. IMiodcw him iimdo a IORIOII of frlcndn. Ho wan iilwayn liitormitort In dvli: iiffftll'li, nml hi" BWil Intnr- nnl In tho church fulfllM hln proinlnn tin n mlnliiter of thn flofipol. Jllii nnr- nionn wor<> nlwnyii Inl-crnRllnit unil no one who ntlDiidcd liln chunili fiillod to carry homn nomo now nimiHiiKo of dlvlno Importancn, Tlio church lian grown In mcinhonihlp, rind I" In ii hotter financial condition than over hdforo. Wo roiniW liold our loved OIIDII forovcr, and wo worn forlunnto In Uci'iilnB Mr. IUindon here for four ynarn. The memory of him im our pantor nnd an one of our limit rill-Amu will lie home In mind for yearn anil give n rniBrnmie to our whole life. linnuiffcfi Awnnlwl t<> l'roiicrty Own- , crit on I>over Ilonil A total of »(M09.fl/; linn been nwnril- ed lo property ownnrn nil the UoVrtr roiid hy n v"n<lon»»' lll(in fintnmlinlon aetliiK for llio Blnto lllBliway Com- mlHulon. Tho mini roprniiontii dnm- nB«B reiiultlni; from rnlmlldlnK " »co> ht In Mfinro oxulalnlnR lo tho hoyn linw the occdlln/!!! nliollld bo iilantid In I'OWH that were nix feet aiinrt. Around tho enmp flrn at noon time he explained many tliliu;" nboiit for- entry nnd told nonio Inleroiitlui; talen of tho foriwtry work In Oni'on. I)y flvo o'clock 2700 llttlo treoi wcrp plnntod and thu iithont will he planted before, tho end ot llio week. TIKI County Y. M, C. A.'n plan of plantlnK novoral acren each your In nvomroon trooii In In lino with tho (lonlroii ot Iho Htnlo mid National (Invorntnnnt. lleckawiiy Iliillilliiif-J.onn UIIIIH Twen- ly.l'lflh Venr A imven net' conl, annual wan declared IIKIUII nt, tho Moriiii Ci'imty IH expected to nci< u very lively Republican primary cum- piilicn In Juii". 'rhe*offlccii of mirro- Kiite nml frechiilder are tho plunm for which Hie caiidlilnleH will i m- Illlil. The Republican purly In Monin County lu no iMroiiK that nomliiatlon meimii I'lectlon, Kroehohler Htnjihun (!. (irlffllh. of Morrlntown, wlio IH nervlni; IIIH' flnit two-year term In office, will be opponed for ri'iiomlna- tlon by foi'mer Sheriff Chiil'lcH JO. tler, of lloouton, and Aldeiiiliin Joiieph J. Horaon, of MorrlHtown, Kreehohler (Irlffllh In widely known lliiiiUKhoul the county. Mr. lOntliT coiubed thin eotinly for three yearn In purmilt of liln official ilutlen IIM nhei'lff and had niueli to do with hreakln)! the rcKlmo of former I'roHecutor Ilnlltho. Hdforo that, he wnn ii member of tho llonrd of Froc- holdern nnd clialrinun of tho road committee. . AliUiiniuii l'lornon In not MO well known In llio county, hut ho In knowri an a voto-gottnr of no mean ahlllty, Hiirrognto William II. Thompnon, »l Morrlntown, who In concludlni? IIIH Bocoml teiin In Hint, office, Hnoku ro- nomination, Ho will bo opposed hy Chnrloti II, Muiiaon, ot Dovori wllrf wan a member anil director of the Hoard of Frcholdern for nevol'dl torinii. }\hnl Will Wo J)o Aliont J»J New llnhcrlfy Hand al )fuil>- nwiy Hero In u problem facing every parent In our homo town. It Is n mighty noi'loiiH one. Tlio wrltor ,<»f tIIIH nrtlclii will nnnure you thla, Noth- ing will bo done unlon» you all unite and do nomethliiR inoru than talk about It. Tho writer will IIIHO gliully conpornto with'Any iiluvumpiit «r*v?lth any (lofHoii or portions roB<if<Vii"lfl,..?.'„ nox. I'OIIKIOII or i'««o who w«n(H to hecomo, IntcrijHtiiiHn a inovomont ij thin cliiiraoler. I.etiU« fir'nt fiiVo fril (!on»ldoratlon that what the tdwii do(' for UII younjt 1 folkn determines wh' the youiiB fqlliH will do for tho hor lown of tomorrow. Thorn Is no me A j;real treat In in 8tore for ]to:k- iiway on Tiiurnduy, April 2K, wlien the 'Kew York Uiilvendty Himil will KIVD ono of their famouH cdiiourts In the Rockiiway High School under the auHplcim of tho Hnclmwuy Hl-V and the Y,,M. C, A. Couimlttec, Thin hand played over WKAP latit Kundny ftt i V. M. nt the Hertford Drancli Y. M. C. A., ivlien I)i'. H. I'urkR Ciulinttii guvo liln weekly nddrenn. Thu Hand In un- der tllii direction of IJmitenimt Wrn- ont A. Hopf, MUHlejil Director of U, H. Army. William Gerard In the Cloneriil Clwilrmnn of the joint rommlttoo, Overtoil YOHDR, Soerotary and JIut'oli' Mutt ho WH, Troanuror. ClmlrmunOnr- iird IIIIH divided the Y. M. C. A. Com- mittee, II ml iho 1I1-Y into flvo Indian trlben, who will Hell tho tickets. Tho trlhcn aro un followu: The Mohawks—T. II. M. Dnvoy, Wm. nicbnrdH, Hugh Haddow, Jr., Edwin Orr, Rlclinrd Malono. Tho ApuchoH—Arthur Vox, Bilan' Hilor. Joseph Tuttlo, Kdwurd Hitgnn, Wm. Cannon, Ounfayo Knagiicr. Tho HomlnolcB—Itohort Morrltt, Og- dou Colllnn, Ovorton Young, John Oravoc, Harold" May. Tho Sioux—David MntlhowB, Har- old Matthowa, Sterling Fiahnr, Oacar HUBwi, Froiiorlck Illttcrn. 'die Dolawnnm—Herbert A. Howo, Wllllum Oornrd, Hilly Mott, Ondon Colllnn, Jr. , ,' ' ;• , ' Romo (if tho fcaturcM of tho Ilund'. Concert will bo tho numhai'H, ' by Thdodoro Jonon, tooor aoloutt ot the Now York Unlver'Hlty oioo.Glub, tind tho Holoa by Friiiilt OOSH, XyloplifihlBt nnd Tympahlnt of thn Hnnd. Tltero will Jie, two.nhort talks hy Hnym^nd Pnlior, I'reiildont Drnmallc Club' ot N. Y: U. und 'fhoodoro A. Dlntlor, Dl- reoltir of Studont Wottaro. Tho llnnd linn boon sniturad; through tho Joint offorta of tlm Now York i annual tlon ot the hlnhway nonr known mi Wljwlim 1 what In o which (it npanned Iho old cannl. Thin Improve- ment ntralghlenod out the road "' thin point, doing nwny with a oun ciirvu and tlio old canal Tliono wlio ronolved mvnrdn woro Edward W. Kolly, %1,500; Morrln Grennljorg nnd Max IC. Wank, tfliO; David A. Wlgglnn, »22fi; John II. Orano, $780; l'crclval MoHlrath, |44R,< M; (leorgo II. WlBglnn, ?l,7M,80i W. K. Crnno, fli'lCflfl; Olmrlon Bpcii- cor, $1123,1)0, HoarlnRB In thono wincn wero oon ducted at tlio Munlolnul nulldlng thn pant nix woohfl. ' Monday antl TiicHilny A Klmnipoo nnd haircut, 91.0(1 or a A Hlmm Khninpuo mid wave, $I.(M) Two operator nml two Iritlicrg In nt teniliince.' Tel. 1188.1 Hover. Arrow Ilnrlier nml lloauty Hliop, UniuivUint lank net for tho the coihinunlty than that of tal. care of the younRor oleniout, 'J»c ynuni; folkn of today niunt lmvo BO'?* thlriK to occupy their mlniln. Yot lilood cannot and will not nit In (]', hy tho flroHlde day In nnd day U If thoy do fboro In noniothtiiB wr, with them and HIIOUIII ho- tnkon t\ local ilootor, Ilocnuso whovo tlicr normiil ydiutli, thovo In normal.enov. noeklng outlot. Junt what that oui/5* may ho, WlU'rippond on what you nif It. Tlio nodal unjoymontn of n $9.95 to $39.50 $1^1.95 to $74.50 $24.95 to $49.50 mooting Thuruday night of llm Rock- away Dulldlng and Loan Asnoolnllon. Harry It. Wittuon, Oharlon M. Hen- ry, (ioorgo 10. Grampian, 10. Dorlnini Molt and ICdwnrd .1, Oonuloy woro eloctod 'dlrcctorn for throo yearn nnd Arthur .lolmnnn, I>owlu Ilungorbuhlcr and Oncar Johnnon audltorn for one yonr. Thn board of dlrnclorn ohono the fol- lowing offlcorn: 1'rofddont, Mr. Wnt- i; vice iironldontn, Manuel Bednno nnd .lonoph llarrln; nocrolary, 13. I'lnhor; troanuror, VunClnvn Mott: attorney, 10. Unrtram Molt. The nnno- clatlon ban junt completed ltn twenty- fifth year, the mont uuccciinful In lit lilolory. 10(1 Jimv Clllzcns I'UHN l'lniil UXWIIH Of the KI7 nlleiin who- applied for cltlzonnhlp piipcrn bofore Judge (' Franklin Wllnon, Tburndny, 10(1 won nucconnful, lOlghtooti countries were rcprnnontod In thn number with Italy lending with twonty-»ovjon applicants Thono who failed to obtain their lmppni woro dlitqiMllfleil hocaunn of n conviction for violation of tho prohi- bition law or lieoauiio of their (ullure (o follow thn procedure roqulred by law In' obtaining their c.ltiKonnhlp. Thono who pnnnotl tho teiilii have boon recalled for April 2r,, when Judgo Wllnon will hand thorn their cortlfloaton following a short core- inony conducted by tlio Morrln County Ijonguo, of Women Voteru and the Aniorlcniilzritlnn Cnmmlttoo' of tho Amorloan l.oglon Auxiliary, ' JCacb now cltlp.on ID glyon Uia national om- blom and a copy ot the constitution, 1 Mr, anil Mm, Lcullo Todd,. ontor- talnqd at enrdn Saturday evening, April 2. Giieotu from Hocliaway, In- dianLalio, and Donvlilo al) onjoyod o/flno'itmb/' •' ' ' ' oration ujfo aro Junt an much ' 1'v, numlmrn for our young folks, ns boon Hlilrl. or llm high whoolod b js $3.98 to $9.95 cle. There niunt bo nomolhlng Ir L^__.._ orn In (he mmiHoniont linn to t ^ O R I E S 'foi* P e r f e c t tho place of tlm ploannrcn that panl iieneriitlon have had. Thoro n ho work and play for both hoyH with plenty of tho right of both. Then the qiiQRllnii of what will do about It, In l-egnrdd to our chili.' will lie nettled nt leniit, I hope ir the next generation. Of course every one In ROIIIR to leave It to nt ono cine to got ntnrtod, thorn will no si (ill made. In the meantime your ohlldYcn cauiie yon worry concern nboiit what inljtlit bnppon nnd what bi certain to bnppen If not 10 yonr own children then nonio ono | uliicfl. Now! In n |;ood lllne to tltllt 11 over with your neighbor. Then get nolnir. Kttii) tulUIng then and do It. You know It can hodono. Hut It re- qnlrcM effort with a enpltul 10 and without eoupet'iitlon tho effort In une- lenn, And reniumbor Its all for one and one for nil and all for the bene- fit of thn community. An n nugRontlon noro nro n few Iloya' EASTER APPAREL Children's » f ASTER APPAREL orl On',,,,, chief eler IhiiiRii that iiilRhl bo done. Roclmwny (llrln Tonnln Tcnmn, ban- ket bull tmuim. HwlimnliiR tonmn, etc. Hoyn, tcnnln, linnkot ball, Hwlninilng, (iuoltn, limiobiill, drum corpn, etc. The wrltor roalliio« tlio HCIIOOIA and uhurchon play u 'vital pnrt In qulto n fow tit UicBo, nut what'about tho immnior montha? Tho Idle hours. LotVpronaro for thoni now, I)r. H. h, Mott, ot Hookawny,' who hns boon practlolng dentistry nt lioimtcm far a numbor, ot years, has opened an oftlco In tlio now Harris Dulldlng, corner ot Main ntroot and. Franldln' Avonuo." , ', , ' (K)iulucted by Chit, on Cobb Ht.reet. Mr. Rootio' ! upli-iullil ehurnctcr, and well qih lo give the bunlnoDH strict nttciitli no that UIOHO who bocoino hln c u e - ' tomers will rocelve courtooira trwit- ment both from the office forco and tlio drlVOl'H, ; Mr. Roono will deal strictly In Lo- hlgh Conl, tho prlco of which, haa been roduced for the montliR of April nnd May, as may he Boon In lila.'ad- 1 vorllsoiiient on jingo four. You will nlno notice that now In tho tlmo to buy nn prlce.H will bo Increased Intor."'i John Wonloy (Jordon. a well-known •'< and respected citizen of Montvlilo Township, Olod on Thursday night nt tho homo ofliis Bon-in-Inw anil ilaugli- tor, Mr. anil Mrs,'Fred Poarco, on tlio Montvlllo-Tnylortown rond In Mont- vllle. Ho was In hln 84th year and Is survived by ono son, William H. Cordon, ot Dawnon nvonuo, Bonnton; : thrtio <laugbtorB, MrB. Frod Poaroo, Mrs. Clmrlos J, COICH, of Montvllle,, nnd Mrs. Dnplol Burdgc, of Dover. '•/.',

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Post on 18-Feb-2021




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    orned Plate Beef Ib. -ate or Brisket Beef, 1b.

    Chuck Roast, Ib. - -|esh Pork Shoulders, Ib.

    iioked Cali Ham, Ib. •


    Hound Steak, Ib.Uund Roast, Ib.lump Roast, Ib.

    Iiof Veal, Ib.

    fork Loin, Ib. - .28crift's Ham, Ib.

    [Morris Ham, Ib.Fresh Ham, Ib.

    Hagan's Cash MarketWAIN ST. TEL.62 ROCKAWAY, N. J.


    ^ C A P I T A L • • - - - $100,000.00Surplus and Undivided Profits 150,000.00Stockholders Liability - - 100,000.00

    ^Margin oi SafetyTotal Deposits



    ifCapital $125,000 Surplus $375,000 ;

    National Union Bank \Dover, N. J.

    3 % InterestPaid on Checking Accounts of $100 or over

    i Member .Federal Reserve Bank


    Safe Deposit Boxes• ;•••.;•. $5.00 per annum and up

    Surplus $375,000hxxxaxnxaxxxt

    The best of them burn—, Even the car in the finest home garage is nev-er safe from a real danger of fire. Youjn.sure your home and your furniture, but howmany people neglect to have a.pohcy writtencovering both car and garaged

    Hnbe nimiino now to Cnll 140



    " r llnrlrh I',, iv,r

    w«iiyn i)i-ci(,.|. ,:,,,| JUHK.B Vrtn-


    Miirnhnl Rarlcli wan notified nt»n

    / l e t . ,M, I,. Ulindc* TriniMfiTWil '

    Tim Iti'V Martin h. Ullinlcii. for

    four yciim paiilor of tho loriil MMh-

    oilh'.i Church, haii lifiin (raniifomid

    liy I lin Ciirifiover Ilonil

    A total of »(M09.fl/; linn been nwnril-ed lo property ownnrn nil the UoVrtrroiid hy n v"n-n w i y

    Hero In u problem facing everyparent In our homo town. It Is nmighty noi'loiiH one. Tlio wrltor ,


    It's SoEasy to Clean

    You don't need abucket, but neitherdirt nor buckets ofwater will harmCongoleum. Ilsfiaii,smooth surface isabsolutely water*Droof and sanitary.

    Congoleum or Arm-strong Rugs

    6x9 - - •



    3-piece Bed OutfitIt isn't often that you get a chance to purchase acomplete bed outfit at a price anywhere near as lowas this, so be prompt in taking advantage of this veryspecial offer. AH three pieces included in this outfit.


    Congoleum orfelt Base

    Floor CoveringBy the Yard


    Porcelain TopTables

    Wliat housewife wouldn'tlovo to have one of these inher kitchen? These arespecially priced,


    Silk Shade TableLamp

    Beautiful silk shades, two-bulb Backets. The new vasebases oa brass mountings.Complete at this remarkableprice.

    All MetalCarpet Sweepers


    6-Piece Living/Room SuitesBeautiful Velour Davenport, Arm Chair, Wing Chair; EndTkble, Bridge Lamp, and Smoker, .all for the very lowprice of ,,...« winter in the South.

    The musical comedy "That's That"given by members of the Hlgli Schooloil Friday and Saturday evenings wanwell rendered and erected by a Vuck'ed house both nights.

    John FugBley and family havemoved from West lilatkwtll Street toSouth Morris Street,

    Mr. aud f.rn. V. A. Watts, of E,Falrview Avenue, n|ient last week-endat WHkes-Barrc, Fa.

    Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Moyer, of LoueySt., left yesterday for a< three monthstour, visiting Colorado, New Mexico,California, and other places of inter-est

    Mrs. Bertha Beach, of Mount HopeA.enue, entertulaed tho members ofthe Queen Esther Circle at her homeon Monday evening.

    Fire ou Sunday morning due to adefective chimney cuuseil consider-able damage to the floor in the GraceM. E. Church.

    Mrs. John Fagan, of BirminghamPlace, Wharton, has been confined toher home with the grippe.

    The G. H. Nunn Co. now located intheir new homo at •SS W. BlackwellSt. with a complete line of householdfurnishings.

    Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gill and son,of Newark, spent the week-end withrelatives here.

    Car StorageSpaces for Rent$6.00 per month

    Steam Heated GorogoCall Rockaway 183

    Economy Garage

    This Is Veal SeasonVeal is a delicately flavored meat, nutritious deli •satisfying and economical. ' '"'"'Enrich your Menu without added cost from these

    Week-End Specials

    Breasts Of Veal, lb. -Shoulder of Veal, Ib. -Legs of Veal, lb. - -Romp of .Veal, lb. - -Rib Veal Chops, lb. -


    LOINS OF PORK, (ribend) Ib. - 21FANCY YOUNG HEN

    Turkeys, (7 Ib. average) lb. - -FANCY DRY-PICKED

    Broilers, (-RegJar v-alm-n.2-0 eac-h) each 79Frying Chickens,t3 lb. av.) Ib. -R A T H ' S - . .' .'• •

    Bacon Squares, lb; - - - - -Swift's "Premium" Hams

    or"Star" Hams

    National Beef Company"Largest Retailers of Meats In America"

    MainSt M 1 2 2 \ RockawalStores In New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Mass., and Conn



    ~ vny /voT PUT IN1

    Is Tour T>oor Open for• More ^Business?

    iys, telephone is the open doorway to more business.

    It is important for you to keep that doorway wide open by havingenough telephone lines, thus continually inviting the entrance ofnew customers and old.

    .t *

    "TheLine is Busy" is an answer that does not fit in with thespirit or American business. It is an answer that so often causesan impatient customer to buy from a competitive house.

    In the interest of additional business then, wouldn't it be ad-

    facilities1? U P ° n ^ W o f y ° u r Present telephone

    -•#{ Simply call our nearest; Business Office


  • APHIL 7, 192?


    5IOBKI8TOAVN, NEW JEKSEYlicir 3 Per Gent. Interest

    On Cheeking Accounts of $500 and Upward

    4 Per Gent. InterestPaid on Saving Accounts of $5.00 and Upward

    Credited • January, April, July and October

    e,vty.one Years of Successful Public Service' Acts as Executor, Trustee and Ciuurdluu

    Checks and Letters of Credit to all parta of the world.Storage Kooms, Silver Vault, Safe Deposit Boxes $2.50 Cp

    tfirEBS: H. Ward Ford, President: Frank D. Abell, Vlte-Prea.-• 1 rampuell, Vice-Pres.; Henry Cory, Cashier, Vlce-Pres.; Robert*7.«kPV Aas't Cashier and Trust Officer; Frank Q. Mlilen, Asa'tShlcr David F. Williamson, Ass't Cashier.inPfTOItS! Theodore F. King, Merchant; Charles W. Ennls. Lum-

    navld H. McAlpin, Jr., Trustee; It. Ward Ford, President; Bam-K'u Glllesple, L. C. GUlespie & Sons; Arthur A. Masters, American

    i i,nne & Telegraph Co.; Frederick \V. Ford, Real Estate and In-jjiepouu ^ Campbell, Vice-Pres., Truas. Morris Co. Savings Bank;"It p Thomas, Jr., Seth Thomas Clock Co.; Frank I). Abell, Vlce-

    • Eugene V. Welsh, Real Estate; John C. Welsh, Dairy Products;f t E Burke Lawyer; Thomas W. Streeter, Sims Petroleum Co.;

    jXr Cory. Vice-Pres.


    The Morris CountySavings Bank

    South Street corner DeHart StreetMORRISTOWN, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY





    Interest Paid Since 1921ASSETS OVER $11,000,000

    I National and State Banks and Trust Companies are NOT SavingsS Banks, and Savings or Thrift Depositors in such institutions haveI NOT the special protection of the Snvings Bank Laws of the State! of Now Jersey.


    '.Why Pay Itent?Build a Home

    Own a llmiieIn Your Home


    New House. Six Rooms, Hath and Heati Price and Terms Are Very Reasonable


    an cnxxxi

    THE^MORRi^COUNTY SAVINGS BANK ̂Corler South and DeHart Streets, Morrbtown, Morris County, >. J.


    \ JAtiUARY, A P R n . JUM and OCTOBER^

    CLEANING^nlVdl St, w l to Bocknnr Bnlld.ng & L»»" Assoc.aUon Office

    H. GRAFF, Proprietorm ,ork done perfectly and made to '°°* • « , , , ^ J e s , Tndtomora aro well pleased. We also dye coats, suits anddo mending,

    A TRIAL W$LL CONVINCE YOUTelephone Rockaway 420


    A. J.Burd, Jr.Telepbone; JS8.M. DOVECB.i


    DUCO FINISHING. Al»o Anto PnJntlng ond Varnlslilns

    Blgn» and 'Lettering ol EveryDescription

    *"• 1«1 ' 121 E. BlnckweU-St.' * BOYER, N. J.

    Embalmer and Funeral Director

    Careful servlcoand prompt attentiongiven to all (jails, day or night.

    Telephone Roctaway 75

    Holn St. , Bockanay, N. J.



    in all their loveliness

    Are Now Readyat GREENBERGERS'


    The entire store is abloom with East6r, Finery

    for every member of the family, and new pret-

    ty things for the home. The loveliest collection

    of Easter Fashions that we have ever shown.

    Charming adaptations of authoritative modes

    of the great Paris designers are here, develop-

    ed in the most fashionable materials and color-

    ings—and. the prices are agreeably moderate.

    // you would see Easter Fashions atthe apex of attainment, visit Green-

    berger's. _ -•:•../;:: . •• '~ L - t*k

    EASTER DRESSESfor Women and Misses $9.95 to $39.50

    EASTER COATSfor Women and Misses $14.95 to $74.50

    EASTER SUITSfor Women and Misses $24.95 to $49.50

    EASTER HATSfor Women and Misses $3.98 to $9.95

    All the NEW ACCESSORIES for PerfectCostuming

    Little Womcn'8EASTER APPAREL

    Babies and TotsEASTER APPAREL

    Stout Womon'sEASTER APPAREL


    Children'sEA8TER APPAREL


    Our Homefurnlshlngs Departments are splendidly ready

    with everything from Window Shades to Furniture. We

    can fill every need.

    . P GREENBERGER CO.22-26 Speedwell Ave. Morristown, N. J.

    Rendering Service that Builds for Greater Attainments

    , • • >

  • HOCK

    Rockaway Recordliotertil at Pott Olfke Hooka way, K. J.

    as b'etioiifl Classi Matter,,,

    AN INDIOPKNDEN'T WEKKLYIssued livtry Tiiursday

    OBCAtt I'KKR, I'reBdlfcnt-MauaSIDNEY COrXINK. Editor

    TIII'ItSDAV. AI'KII- 7, 1!)27


    It l« with' genuine regret that weannounce the ; . • • . . H P I - . .Wo received tho following "letter

    the other .day. It speaks for Itself:Tho IJockawuy Rounder, (our namo)

    (our/address) 1''•'• Borough.Sir:, I suppose you think that by not

    : Blgnlng your column, you can remainanonymous? You can't. I could Bee,from tho first day I saw you, that youare ono of those Insufferable New

    • -Yorkers. By asking tho conductor ofthe 7:33 your name, I noon learnedyour post office box number, and heroJ am, "• : •

    As anyone can BOO by your columnyou oro a concoitcd, unnecessary, In-

    Mikillfc' JMUIK-. I.ifcl; all UiV Vljflii-IUjti\i bc-f-iu to tliink th/it Uliy OUJU townin *IK- world in iin[ioi:Ell/l>:. It 1 lia'lmy w«y, >'ou, ii»'j nii like yifU, wouldlie rim out ot town. It i wi-n- h man,yuu would lii

    ,'iii[ieiint''iidcnt of (.'hnreli HelnwMrs. K, II, MuicUiii

    l'reiildent of Woiotjn'b Miti'/.ioiiaryHoi.lely

    Mr. IV'ltr Curlyou, fiextonOhnrrli Kehooi Vr.tiO A, MMorning Bermon mid I'rnyer

    Jl:fi» A. M.Kvenlng Serviiii; 1:'.W P, M,Midweek Prayer fiervlce

    7;X0 I'. M. WiidmiBduy'i'lilH coming Sunday Is I'alm Hun-

    duy. The ^milverwury of tho day OurMaster entered In triumph Into J!>.Call at A, S, L,ovl, West Main St.,noelmway, or Tol, Dover 207-W.

    I'Olt KAM:--HOUHCIIOII1 and Iritchehfurnlturo, conslHtlng of parlor anddining room furniture, bedroom itultenApply to Mr, Kdwnrd Hawktn9, VanDuyno Avc, Ilockaway, N, J,

    I'OK HAM5 OIKilKN'i'—Flvo-roomiiRnlow on Bench street, hath and.

    pantry, fltcnm heat, electric ilghtH,I'.omlifnntlon coat and gnu rango. Ap-ply to M. Clomonts, Drool! street,Ilockaway, N, J,, Tol, 357-J. 39tl

    AK»V illlJi JCOUfJi-rl lmviTrentcdIho Stickle Farm and will run n, re-tail mlllc JmfilnosH, hagfnnlnK April1st, All cows tuliorculln touted,'Any-

    fl wiBhlng milk, call 43d. ITICO ir>cper quart. AIBO, n HOUHO for Sale, orUcnt on • JneHson avonuo, Win, P.Freeman. , 3912

    F0H~BAI,K—Thirty laylnBInaulro nt the M, B. Paroonngo, onChurcli Btreot, Roclmway, Must bosold by TueBday, April lltli, as own-o/ is leovlnB Dorough.

    Prices Reduced for Apri l -MayStove - - - r - -ton $12.80Nut - - - - - = - ton 12/75Pea - - - - - - ton 10.5aNow is the time to order your Winter sup-ply. After April and May prices will in-crease. ,

    L. A. STRAITTel: 12 Rockaway

    (New PlayhouesI Theatre Dover

    Thursday and FridayJr/lin Clibitrt in

    "Bardfcys TheMagnificent"

    ,l'alli MM. 10C /and 2','.cKvciilutf 7 ti ',< Adw. 1",(- and xr,r,

    SATURDAYMoot r;ilj(!on 111

    "The Texas Streak" iTWO (!OMK!)IKH

    "Much My»t«ry" "TKtj Tt-nnlii Wizard"Mui-h MyMtt-ry" imd

    "The TeiinlH Wizard"l'»lll

  • «J

    i t|,e covered diiih luncli-" [ , , ; ' " ' Mr«. K. A. rtliodda.' d s y cvinlinr. Aiirli 8,

    Team. wltli

    l,c. V. Finlier, daughter

    Mr6. Oorige E. Fiiiher,

    w | ] | broadcast violin uu-

    vi'iil':30 »'l:Iol;l1 ''•«'». s>'ra'llrs. Fi:-ii'Ji' ' s n o * vlult-

    ,r euii|)';r will be- held al

    ,\U ii. on Saturday

    Si 0 (; K A W A Y ft VJ V, O It It

    J-iiillifiil iFir*

    Tax (;u

    .cs i:. i.s'ir.i.jiin f«|iuliirlt]r

    J':, M H V I

    i:y ;; vol.-

    . auU.ojm. ' J to- biill , u j , .

    ty ix- ' ju

    S t o v e $12.80 tonOlK'BtllUt %\'1.1X, toilTea $10.r,0 ton

    Tliofir; prlceK will pro vail during April and May, aft«rwhich, on June lKt, prlf:e« will ai^aln \u- ralB«(J. Now IHthe time to place your order for next Wlnler't! Coal.

    JOSEPH REESEResidence: 114 Muple Avo. Itockaway, N. .1.

    No Place for The Lazy ManI'll I' man n lm , arc usually eufflcicnt to floatbond iKiiuefi v/hU:h permit the pav-In^; of main thoroughfares.

    KconoinlntH nfinert that the buildingof iiaveniintn In not only a matter ofcomfort, but aliio one of good busl-n'.-iiti, i!lnc#! iiultable roadwayn morethan pay for theniKclve.n.

    One of the VuhUx Theatres


    Gilda Greyin

    "CABARET"Five Act Vaudeville



    Conrad Nagleand

    Five Act Vaudeville" Shown Dally

    2 : no — 7 - - '.iMatlme 30c — GOc

    VAC. S3e — 50c — 7'ic

    SAM CIARDI3Iuin Street, near First Xntionnl Iinnk

    Cleaning and PressingOur work js done thorough and clothes made to look new

    We also dye any kind of garment and do mendingWe cover Muttons with cloth to match garments

    Telephone Kocknway 421


    FOR EVERY WOMANof Full Figure


    Mutlnecs '45c—35c Evenings 3lic—Me (S|icclul l'rlccn tor Children)




    "SO'S YOUR OLD MAN"2 Solid Hours of Laughs!

    Mrkfi HTnAC W W I Mmlno° Dally at 2:30

    l V l U I l . j 1 UtJ5>., W CU.I3vc«;. 2nliowo7&8:BOMatlneos. all Beats 20c Evenlnuii 2.r>c—35c (Special Prices lor Chlldron)



    EVELYN BRENT. —AND—- " , ,


    "DIPLOMACY"If. II. iS|iarnon nnd Ilnhcr Orchnstra nt All Performances

    Whether Tall or ShortSkillfully Adapted in Larger Sizes

    ,ur new collection of Spring styles for the womanof full figure reveals specialized consideration ofher dignified personality. Whether tall or short,

    her needs can be perfectly answered with Coats andDresses as correct in proportion as they are authenticand becoming in style.

    ytrgcr Women 6( average or

    more than average height will

    find here appropriate Coats and

    Dresses in sizes 40 to 50. All pos-

    sess the desired extra fullness at hip,

    shoulder and arm, yet so skillfully arc

    they designed and made that the

    effect is decidedly slenderizing and

    youthful. The coats of Kasha, Silk,

    Twill and Sport Fabrics make skill-

    ful use of pleats and other side trim,

    mings to give slenderizing lines.

    The Dresses of Flat Crepe, Georg-

    etteand Printed Crepe reveal equally

    clever designing touches.

    Coats $22.50 to $65.00

    he Short Stout Woman also

    finds every desire satisfied in

    this new Spring presentation. There

    are correcdy proportioned modes, in

    sizes 38 to 54, with shorter sleeves,

    larger hips and roomier artnholes.

    Alterations are practically unneces-

    sary, saving time and expense, re-

    taining the smartness of line and

    enabling one to see at once exactly

    how a garment will appear.

    There's a wide range of styles as suit-

    able in every way as if made to four

    special measurements and type.

    Dresses $15.00 to $49.75

    !I8-]O lVcst lllitckwclt Street, DoverAt Your Service . \ Call Dover 92



    Is Your Car Over-Heating These Days?Drive your auto into our garage—now—and let Ilockaway us (Jrain

    out the alcohol and fluuh the radiator. It'll make a l)lg differencein the performance of the motor. And while we're on the subjectsof motors, If yours needs overhauling, right now la the time and righthere IH the place to have it done.

    Our prices nre more than fair, let mi estimate on your needs—noobligutlon whatever.

    ECOMOMY GARAGEE. Arthur Lynch, Prop.

    Main St. Phone 133 Rockaway, N. J.

    WantedYour Trade and Good WillIn return you will receiveat prices not equaled inthiB town, high grade, up•to the minute of fashion,imported or domestic lateStyle Shoes.

    ('nil mid .See

    W. RaymondShoe Store

    Wall St. Rockaway, N. J.

    FriendshipThere's a personal touch of herefriendship that enters into alltranaactlons with each and ev-ery one of our customerB. Thosewho deal with us, tell us theylike it, and we nre sure you willtoo, If you give us a trial onceor twice.

    Hagan'sCash Market

    Main St. Phone 62Rockaway, N, J.

    Your ContractorYour contractor fa your friend, ever watchful and on the alert to aaveyou every dollar possible. Our experience fits u9 to serve your needsand nerve them In the moat economical manner. Let's he and friendson your next liulldlng project.

    Phone 40George E. Crampton

    P. O. Box 402 Rockaway, N. J.

    Easter is ComingYou'll be Interested and truly surprised at the splendid assortmentof KaHter novelties that we are dlHplaylng. Easter isn't fio very faroff, hrlng the kiddies in to ace the candles and toys.

    A. A. MeyersonMain St. Phone 7!)-.) Hockaway, N. J.

    Look!Some tmanpy young mpn's col-legiate milts in the new shadesof tan and s^W with extratroUBers for this weolc.

    $25.00Vulue $38.00

    Max ilurzman'sOutfitting Store

    Rockaway, N. J.

    Minimum SlateYou will find that all gradesand sizes of Scranton Coal con-tain a minimum watch amountof slate. We can assure you oftho highest degree of satisfac-tion thnt you have ever exper-ienced, If you will try Scranton.

    Lewis A. StraitYards "at Laukawanna Station

    Phone 12 Itockaway, N. J.

    Try Rockaway First—Surely there is no more ideal community in which to

    live and bring up your family, than Rockaway.• Every resident of the community will agree with us

    whole-heartedly, we are sure—and those same residents,If they do not own their own home at present should let,us help them pave the way to realize this greatest dreamof every worthwhile citizen.


    • , "Backed By Business Men"


    Endorsed ByRockaway Chamber of Commerce

    See Directions at Bottom of Page

    CIVIC PRIDEThe average person has n certain amount of pride, some,

    more than others, while some have an over-abundanco, oth-ers unfortunately do not possess enough. It takes a certain'amount of it to be successfuL If we do not have enough ofit we are Indifferent and slovenly. If we have too much weare snobbish and arrogant Fortunate iudeod, is the personwho strikes the happy medium. We should take jtrldc inour families, ourselves, our work, in fact everything thatenters into our every day life. Beside the personal anglethere is a phase of pride that many people overlook—thatIs Civic l'ride.

    There are many things that we are (or .should be) proudof In Rockaway. There Is really no better place to live inthan this good old townof ours. Certainly, there are finercities, more beautifully situated, perhaps, possessing a great-er wealth and In many ways may excel our town, but afterall this is our home and because it is, we should cherish Itmore than any other place in the world.

    What are we doing to help it become a more progressivecity? Are we helping along the proper lines to make it amore desirable place in which to live! What is our attitudetoward the mainstays of our town—our merchants! Are wedoing the right thing by them? They arc indispcnslble tous—we are indispensible to them. If they prosper,, we nat-urally share in their prosperity. Then why not work handin hand to the betterment of. all concerned.

    It is a paramount duty of nil who reside here to thinkof Jtockawny first. The next time you are tempted to goaway from home to buy, give this thought your first consid-eration, "TRY ROCKAWAY FIRST."

    EDWIN J. MATTHEWS,President of the Rockaway Chamber of Commerce.

    Rockaway News Co.

    Are y6u looking for a magazine? Call on UK and |iii)1H,our display of over a hundred uncl twcnty-flvc differ*!kinds. We have a magazine for every need.

    The News StandPhone 1-M

    ThoughtfulnessAn Easter gift of Jewelry willcertainly prove the thoughtful'ncss of the donor. We have anunusually attractive assortmentof just such articles that wouldbe most suitable. The pricedrun from $1.00 up.

    Edward DolandMain Street Phone 90

    Member of RockawayChamber of Commerce

    Build a Home FirJoseph IlarVln & Norm have |Lumber, tho C'eimnt, tlic 1orn Equipments—Math nFixtureB, Coal uud (Jan liar—In fact, everything that tw|shop to building. I'rlcwi mocrute.

    Jos. Harris & Sonnoelcaway, N. J,

    This Very DayProcrastination, aB we all know is tho thlui of time. Mulic up yoimind to see that you are fully protected by every plmm- of innuranrlthiB very day. , 1Wo specialize in Fire, Compensation, WlhuHtorm ami complete ,ii)l|mobile coverage insurance.

    George E. FisherItockaway B. & L. Bldg. Phono 309 Hf,by hand and do a hotter Job, and your rug und carpets will m» ' l o n g

    Wo carry tho Hoover nnd tho Premier Duplex CloaiiT'i n"11

    gladly give any demonstration.

    We also rent Vacuum, Cleanors nnd tho Johnnon EUctrlo F)"01

    PollBhcr by tho day.

    O. P. DICKERSONMain St. TeL 307 Rockaway, .

  • apl and catarrh yjdd likeJt, Don't ttay »tuf(«d-iip and minor

    Belief it eure,


    | Th» Flrtt Application, MakeiSkin Cool and Comfortable

    If you are suffering from ecuma orwe other torturing, embarajnimr ikinbuilt vou may quickly be rid of it byKDjHcntho-Sulphur, declares a notedim ipccialitt.Tbli lulphur preparation, because of)germ destroying properties, seldomtill to quickly subdue itching, even ofWT ecicma. The first applicationSKI the skin cool and comfortable.w and blotches are heated right up.Mil Mcntho-Sulphur is applied likeif pleasant cold cream and is perfect-itirmlcjj. You can obtain aW from any good druggist

    !(• ft's chock-full of wonderfulW>uri8hment for baby chicks;W l y makes them grow.

    5; wntains both God Liver Oil•! ondCod Liver Meal to build[,' e'f°ng frames, nnd goodoat-

    "icaland bther ingredients to.{g»t on firm, heavy flesh,"hen the chicks ore 6 weeks2 d Put therti on Ful-O-Pepwowing Mash. And keep

    Wm. HandleyTaxi,

    Trucking and I fauling'I'd. !!i(!-l( Itocklnviiy

    at Jfiirdetlc's

    J. HAIIVJiV J!1,A>CHAJ!I! A CO.Mniiuf.icturerr) of

    KOCKA>VA1' IIAM).MAI)K AXESwith or without bundles

    Ml klmlti of ]:I)I:" Tooln nud I-awcMowara Hharpcncd

    Union »t. I'hmie Itoctaniij 76

    GEORGE W. GARDNERTel. Morrlxtovn M2-J



    Mccnse >'o. 521

    I Wctmore Ave. MorrlMlown, N. ,1,

    HIITH RED PEPPEREase your tight, aching chest. Stop

    the pain. Break up the coiigc.tionFeel a bad cold loosen up in just ashort time.

    "Red 1'eppcr Rub" is the cold rem-edy that brings quickest relief. It can-not hurt you and it certainly seems toend the tightness und drive the con-gcation and sorcnest right out.

    Nothing has such concentrated, pene-trating heat an red peppers, anu whenheat penetrates right down into colds,confjcttion, aching muscles and sore,stiff joints relief comes at once.•'Hie moment you apply Red PepperHub you feel the tingling heat In threeminutes the congested spot is warmedthrough and through. When you aresuffering from a cold, rheumatism,backache, stiff neck or sore muscles,

    iuot get a jar of Kowlcs Red Peppertub, made (rom red peppers, at anydrug store. You will wve the quick-est relief known. Always i iy "Kowlei."

    Drink WaterIf Back or

    Kidneys HurtBegin Taking Salts If You Feel

    Dackachy or Have BladderWeakness

    Too much ricii food forms adds whichexcite and overwork the kidneys intheir efforts to filter it from the system.J'lusli the kidneys occasionally to re-lieve them like you relieve the bowels,removing acids, waste and poison, elseyou may feel a dull misery in the kid-ney region, sharp pains in the back ornick headache, dizziness, the stomachf.ourB, tongue is coated, and when theweather is bad you have rheumatictwinges. The urine is cloudy, full ofsediment, the channels often get irri-:atcd, obliging one to get up two or:hrcc times during the night.

    To help neutralize these irritatingacids and flush off the body's urinouswaste, begin drinking water. AUo getabout four ounces of Jad Salts fromany pharmacy, take a tablcspoonful ina jtlass of water before breakfast fora few days and your kidneys may thenact fine and bladder disorders disappear.

    This famous salts is made from theacid of grapes and lemon juice, com-bined with lithia, and has been usedfor years to help clean anil stimulateiluggish kidneys and stop bladder irri-liition. Jad SallH is inexpensive atidmakci a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men andwomen take now and then to help prc-'cnt serious kidney and bladder dis-irdcrfl.

    Hy all means, drink lots of ROTKI waterevery day. I lave vonr physician exam-ine your kidneys at least twice a year.

    Ouch! Aching Joints,Rub Rheumatic Pain

    Rub Pain rinht out with smalltrial bottle of old"St. Jacobs Oil ."

    P.hcunutii.rn is "pain11 only.Not one catc in fifty requires inter-

    nal treatment. Stop drugging I Rubtoothing, pcijctratinj; "St. Jacobs Oil"rinlit into your sore, stiff, achingjointa, and relief comes instantly. "St.Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatismliniment which never disappoints and!cannot burn the skin.

    Limber up I Quit complaining I Geta small trial bottle of old, honest "St.Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and inju!>f a moment you'll be free fromrheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness.Don't Euflcrl Relief awaits you. "St.Jacobs Oil" is just as good for sci-sttiia, neuralgia, lumbago, backache,sprains.


    The Mott Building, on MainStreet, Koekaway now occupiedby the Rookaway Record. Thebuilding comprises large roomsnow in use as printing office,barber shop and pool room onmain floor, two flats In upperstorleH with improvements, andbowling alleys in basement.Water and light, heat in mainfloor. Apply to Record Office,Rockaway, N. J. TelephoneKoekaway 220.

    INDIAN 8PIIINO AVATEItAnalyzed an the I'urcNt Spring Waterproduced. Taken Irom it Boiling:Njirliin. More Htlmulntln? nnd ro-freHhlnR than other naterH. A trialnlll convince yon.

    (1EOIMJE F. T O N K I NTelephone 175 Kockanaj


    Moving andGeneral Trucking

    BY DAY OR NIGHTTelephone Ilocknway 00


    Darkens Beautifully and ReitorMIt* Natural Color and

    Lustre At Once

    Common garden sage brewed into aheavy tea, with sulphur and alcoholadded, will turn gray, streaked andfaded hair beautifully dark and lux-uriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul-phur recipe at nome, thouph, is trouble-some. An easier way is to get theready-to-use preparation improved bythe addition of other ingredients alarge bottle, at little cost, at drug stores,known as "Wyeth's Sage and SulphurCompound," thus avoiding a lot ofmuss.

    While gray, faded hair is not sinful,v?c all desire to retain our youthful ap-pearance and attractiveness. By dark-ening your hair with Wyeth's Sage andSulphur Compound, no one can tell, be-cause it does it so naturally, so evenly.You just dampen a sponge or softbrush with it and draw this throughyour hair, taking one small strand at atime; by morning all gray hairs havedisappeared. After another applicationor two your hair becomes beautifullydark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and youappear years younger.

    Oall the time.

    Blade by


    JohnHMillerliOCKAWAY, If. J.

    a TAXI call?ol. ':hj Bocbowny

    and'Night Borvicoid Closed Cars

    you don'thave to take ourword for it....


    Devoe QualityJ. II. Jackson, Lumber Go.nocltawoy, N. J., Tol. 225—BranchYard, Wlmrton, N. J., Tol. Dovor M EItulldorti Supplies & Hardware

    — tests prove thishouse paint is themost economical'T'ESTED by practical painters nndX scientific laboratories over nnd

    over n|;nln. Dcvoc Lead and ZincHouse Paint hns proved its superiorspreading and covering capacity. Youenn buy paints that cost less pergallon, but no other that costs aslittle per job. Because it coversbetter, spreads farther and lastslonger, It's the most economicalpaint you can buy.

    Men's Suits for EasterIn all the new weaves of Plaids, checks, stripes, cheviots and wor-steds. Single and Double Breasted Models. All with two pairs ofTrousers, including plenty of Blue.

    !28Hart, Schaf f ner & Marx

    Suits for SpringSuits, better tailoring, better (it, in all

    the new shades, single and double breast-ed models. You know the quality ofHart, Schaffner and Marx suite, theyneed no introduction. Specially pricedat

    $28 and $33OpenMondayand Fridayto 0 P. M.



    Top CoatsFor Every WeatherFree swinging, easy going top coatu—

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    Morristown's Largest Shoe Department

    Build A Home First

    Jfousewife—delights in serving those appetizing dishesso easily and conveniently prepared onthe Thatcher Tivin-Firc Range.

    Among its many advantages are:The easy-action of the pull down broiler rack bringing

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    The gray and white porcelain enamel finish:easy to keep clean nnd most attractive in ap-pearance. *

    The gas oven with its special ccntcr-ncticm-burner and its well proportioned flues whichassure a uniform distribution of heat and evencooking results.


    CHICAGO NEWARK, N J . NIAVVOIIK341 N.Clark St. .WM1 Si.Francis Si. 21 VC.

    Send literature on your Twin-Fire

    Mat/coupon and literaturevrltlbeaentyouin detail the complete lineof Thatcher Ttrin»Flre

    Rangea snd otherThatoher Product*.


    DenvilleThere, arc a number of new

    I .

    of Hity.

    iS t]ir. . ; ' . ; . . . . . . . ,98cv Spoclat for Frl. & Sat.Mpn's irondllprht OvorallH

    You know, tho quality' - • -•"•.•• $ 1 . 8 9 - ' •

    Blue' or Whlb .. ,


    will lie one of tfio features of a bigdouble-feature program for Mondayand Tuesday. The story Is an originalwritten specially for MIBB Vaughn.With college life an a background forn youtliful love affair, the themeweaves lt» way through collegiatedays of study, play and "exams" tothe final smashing climax which takesplace on the day of the big footballgame.

    The associate feature will be "Bcr-tha tho Sewing Machine Girl," star-ring Madgo Bellamy, Thl» Is an' Irv-ing Cummlngff production, bancd up-on tbo dramatic stage play by Thoo-dore Krcmer. I H B a modern version,with virtuously all action laid In NewYork City and vicinity, and It offerssome of the motst magnificent Metro-politan Kliotn ever brought to the sli-ver sheet. Laughs and thrills aregenerously Intermingled In this de-

    | llghtful photoplay. Tho ever popu-j lar news events complete this excel-lent program.

    One of the' Hcreon'H great gifts .tothe public Is the lii.'itory lessons insuch pictures as "The Overland Stage'starring Ken Maynard, which will bethe big attraction for next Wednes-day, Thursday and Friday. Thin Im-prciiHlvc production shows one of thereally great events in tho conquestof America; the linking of the'stagocoach lines from Rant to West. Thecelebration of this historic event wasrecently reproduced on . a massivescale at (lie nlto of Ita occurrence,Deadwood, S. D. and tlic MaynardCompany, directed l>y Albert Itogell,journeyed there (o film It as a part oftheir epic. So, hop aboard the "Over-land Stage" for tho thrill of a. life-time. All tUc tbrlllH, romance andadventure of tho, pioneer days arccrammed Into this never to be for-gotten entertainment.

    Tho lost eplaodc of Bill Grimm'sProgress and tho latest Palhe newswill make up the short subjects onthis wonderful program.

    Unclmvtny Defeats Hiimmlt

    lyost Thunirlay night St. Cccillli'a13owlero an unual dofeateil St. Tor-csa'e five of Summit. Tho Rocltawoyboys had the better of It throughoutthe three: Ramon, with Gromla makinga hlRh ncoro of 213 and alnn high 'av-erage of 2015. Up to tho present dateSt. Ceellla'8 Bowling team In In sec-ond place of tiio Holy Nome Tourn-ament ot Morrln County having won30 gameoajiil loBt 15. •

    ST. CECILIA'S \Hrltz J73 1D2 105Chewey J?,5 u o H OOrnnrta , .,213 189 203Oulii . . . . . " . . ,.1C8 155 ifaSwenty . . . . . . . . . 1 7 1 170 205

    850 !851 877. ST. TBUKSA'S

    Carney ' . . t . .175 149 HOFlynn . . . . . . , . , , 137 iof, 134Flood . . . ' . . , . . . . , . . . . . , 1 9 4 176 180GoorRO . . . . ' . ' . . . . . ' . . 140 212 1«4nclnaucr ..-.1C0 lit* • 158

    ' . . ' . . • . , 80C 776 782

    At the cloolnft muslcn) Borvicoof thoChurch of tho nodoomor, Morristown,Pnlm Sunday,',at four o'cloolf p. m,,tho choir of forty voices will , King,1'Last Words of Christ," assisted bythroo noted soloists,' Miss OracoKcrnd, soprano, from , First' Pros.Church; Now York, Mr. nedforn Holl-Inshoad, tonor soloist,1 Oraco Church,Now Ydrlt, and Mr. Morloy Sporrls,borltono soloist,' Park AvonUo BaptlafChurch; N. Y, City, You oro cordially.InvHod to como and bring iyour*

    ' ; ; ' / ' ' ' ' '

    Prime Rib Roast lb. •Lean Loin Pork, lb. -Fresh Hams, lb. - •

    Swift Premium Hams, lb.Empire Hams, lb. - -

    Plate Meat, lb. -Breast of Lamb, lb 10cShoulder of Veal, lb.Fresh Cala Hams, lb.

    Smoked Gala Hams, lb. -Swift's Silver Lard, pkgeBeef Liver, lb. - - -

    Tonkin & Hoffman StoreHibernia Avje. Tel. 101 . llockaway, N..

    The General Merchandise & Grocery—witprompt free delivery—telephone 101

    Dependable Quality and Price

    New Spring line of Shoes and Keds.Muslins, Sheetings, Dress Ginghams, etc.

    in a good variety.You will findmalny real bargains in our

    complete groceryjine.

    Local Eggs brought in daily, doz. 35c

    Telephone orders1 promptly attended to


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