hay nham lan - trung tâm học liệu thái nguyên o t m m u trong khi hoc hay sit dung tieng anh...

L CK .0000051597 anh Huyen > © © TUDUNGTU-SAI TCf & cAu TRUC TIENG ANH HAY NHAM LAN Right word-Wrong word W ords and structures confused and misused by learners of English if EN EU \ * nh A xuat ban hong duc

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H A Y N H A M L A NRight w ord-W rong w ord

W o rd s and s truc tu res confused and m isused by learners o f English



*n h A x u a t b a n h o n g d u c



TUT BUNG - TUT SAITU & ca u trG c tieng anh hay nham lAn

Right word - Wrong wordWords and structures confused and misused

by learners of English


to t m m u

Trong khi hoc hay sit dung tieng Anh trong thitc te nhieu luc ban cam thay lung tung trong viec sit dung tit ngit hay dien dat y nghi cua minh? Nhitng luc nhit the nay ban luon can den sit giup dd cua ngittii khac? Be khac phuc nhitng van de nay thi chi co mot cach duy nhat do la nam vitng tit va cau true hay nham lan, hoac hay dung nham.

Ciing mot tit hay cau true cau, co rat nhieu y nghia khac nhau neu trong hoan canh dien dat khac nhau, trong khi da phan ngitdi hoc chi de y den nghia chung nhat, thong dung nhat. Do cung chinh la ly do ho gap lung tung khi sit dung sau nay.

Cuon "Tit dung - tit sai" nay tham khao cau true cua cuon Right word Wrong word cua Alexander, nhitng noi dung, ui du ditcic chung toi viet lai cho phii h<yp vdi hoc vien Viet Nam. Chinh ui uay noi dung de hieu va g&n gui hefn nhieu, bdi cuon sach go'c co nhieu diem khong thich hap.

Trong qua trinh bien soan bo sach nay chac khong the tranh khoi thieu sot. Chung toi rat mong nhan dittfc


nhitng y kien dong gop quy ban cu c i ban doc de I a n tcu

ban sau ditdc hoan thien hcfn.



Mary’s got an M.A in Economics. Mary da co bang Thac sy ve kinh te.(Khong dung “a M.A in Economics” ui theo nguyen tac phdt am, du!ng dau M.A la mot nguyen am.)She’s got a Master’s degree.Co ay da co mot bang thac sy.(Khong dung “an Master degree” ui theo nguyen tac phdt dm, diing dau Master la mot phu dm).** a + phu am; an + nguyen am

a/an - oneI’d like a can o f beer.Toi muon mot Ion bia.(Khong dung “one can of beer ’J I've got two lemons and one

orange.Toi co hai qua chanh ua mot qua cam.(Khong dung “an orange”)•* Neu dung a Ian = se co nghia la “any orange” , “it doesn’t matter which" (mot qua cam bat ky, khong cu the qua nao); Dung one, two, etc...= khi muon dem so lUdng cu the.

a/an- someI've lost a dress/ an ear-ring.Toi utia bi mat m ot ca i vay/mot ch iec hoa tai.I like some dresses / some ear­rings.Toi thich m ot vdi ca i vay/mot vdi ca i hoa tai.I need some milk.Toi can mot it siia.(Khong dung “a milk")I'd like a beer, please.Xin cho mot coc bia.** Some la so nhieu cua a/an de noi ve so iM ng khong cu the. Dung

a /an vdi nhi/ng danh tit dem dM c hoac vdi cac do uong (coi nhu noi ve vat chita do uong d o : a coffee, a milk. Vdi cac chat long d trong thiin.g, trong cha i,... ta dung some. Vi du nhu some water, some beer (mot it niidc, mot it bia).

a/an. (-)Tom wants to be a teacher.Tom muon trd thanh gido vien. {Khong dung “want to be teacher”) David wants to be an architect. David muon trd thanh kien true sit.(Khong dung “want to be architect")•* Dung a/an + danh tit so it, dem diidc.

ability toHe has the ability to do thework.Anh ta co kh a n a n g lam viec nay.(Khong dung ability of/on doing)•* a b ility to d o som eth in g .

able - possibleIt is possible to live this way.Co th e song theo cach nay.(Khong dung “It is able” )He’s able to give you joy.Anh ta co th e dem den cho ban niem uui.*♦- It + possible- S (ch i n gu ai) + able

about - aroundThe earth moves (a)round the sun.Trai dat quay x u n g q u a n h mat trdi.(Khong dung “about",)** (a)round dung khi noi ve sti chuyen dong tron.We go (a)round the garden for some fresh air.Chung toi di von g qu an h vUdn de hong mat.


»• (a)round = surrounding, encircling: uong quanh, bao quanh It happened around/about 10 years ago. 'Viec do xay ra cach day k h o a n g10 nam.around/about = approximately: vao khoang, xap xi. Approximately thay cho about va aroupd mang y trang trong.She drove for about/around ten miles.Ba ta lai xe dM c khoang 10 dam. (Khong dung “ten miles about” hay “ten miles around”,)

about -on - overI attended the lecture on Shakespeare.

. Toi da tham die mot buoi thuyet trinh ve Shakespeare.I have a book about flowers.Toi co mot cuon sach noi v i hoa. (about hay dung hctn on)•* on: chi cac thong tin nghiem tuc, cu the: about: chi kien thtic, moi quan tam chung chung.Most families have arguments over/about money.Phan Idrt cac gia dinh deu co nhi/ng cuoc tranh cai ve tien bac. (Khong dung “an") argument, concern, dispute + over .

abroadShe h a s gone/is a b ro a d onbusiness.— be I live/ g o / s tu d y a b roa d : abroad dtidc dung nhu trang tti. com e / retu rn from a b ro a d (ti/ nitdc ngoai trd ve), abroad dM c dung nhu danh ttf.

absent oneself - absentShe is absent from a meeting.Co ay van g m at trong cuoc hop.(Khong dung “She has absent herself)

Tom absented him self fr°m work.Tom da n g h i lam*• Be absent from = not present. vang mat (khong co ky luSt); absent oneself: nghi (cb y pha ky luat).

absent - awayThis is just a short note that 1 will be away from the Internet from May 29th (once 1 finish tfiis) until June 9th.Day chi la Idi nhan ngan gon

r in g toi se khong co mat tren m ang til 29-5 (ngay khi toi ket thuc tin nhan nay) den tan 9-6. (thudng dung away hctn “absent") Mary is absent from school today. Horn nay M ary nghi hoc.(Khong dung “away”)»* away = at a distance from the place, person, or thing in question: (0) mot ncti khac: absent = not here, elsewhere: khong co mat, vang mat, nghi.

abstracted - absent-m inded distracted

Old people are often absent- minded.Ngitrti gid thit&ng hay d a n g tri. (Khong dung “abstracted” , “distracted")•* absent-m inded = Habitually forgetful: hay quen Could you repeat please? I was abstracted for a while.Xin ong nhdc lai drfoc khong a? Toi hch la d a n g mot chut.»♦ abstracted = Inattentive to the matter in hand: khong chu y den hoan canh tm de mat. nghi ve dieu gi khac.I was distracted by her hc-aiitv Toi bi p h a n tan tu tudng b&i tt: dep cua co ay.*► distracted = Mentally


disordered: hi ph&n tan tit tiidng b(ti cai g i do.

abuse, insult, swear at, curseHis mother abused him for lying. Me no q u a t m a n g no vi toi noi dot.»* abuse = quat mang, si va, chid rua.He often insults his old wife in public.Han ta thildng lam n h u c v<l cu cua minh tritctc dam dong.»* insulted = behaved in a way that caused offence: ciC xiC theo cach lam ngitdi khac cam thay bi xuc pham.I sw ea r at her for spoiling my plans.Toi n gu yen ru a co ta da lam hong ke hoach cua toi.*► swear at = use indecent language: dung ngon ngii tho tuc, nguyen rua.He always curses at his ill fate. Anh ta luon ch u i ru a cai so kie'p den dui cua minh.■* curse = chui rua. bang bo.Don't curse/swear under your breath.Ditng co ch ili tham!

accede to - comply withSoldiers are trained to comply with their command without question.Binh linh duoc huan luyen de tu a n thu chi huy cua ho ma khong ban cai.(Khong dung “accede to”)■* comply with = obey, go along with, act in accordance(with a wish, command, etc.): tuan theo, chieu theo, dong y lam theo, vang IrriIs he going to accede to oursuggestion?Lieu ong ay co ta n th a n h Icri gcfi y

cua chung ta khong?•* acceded to = agreed to. consented to: dong y, tan thanh, thiCa nhan (mang nghia trinh trong hctn).

accept - agree to/with We agreed to start early.Chung toi d on g y se bat dau sdm. (Khong dung “accepted to starO

agree to do something: dong y lam giHis mother gave me a present and I accepted it.Me cua anh ay da tang toi mot mon qua va toi da nhan.•* accept + tan ngQ = consent to receive (a thing offered): bang long nhan cai g i ngiidi ta cho minh.Do you accept my opinion / agree with my opinion about the need for more schools?Anh co ta n th a n h vdi y kien cua toi ve viec can co them triidng hoc khong?•* accept an opinion = agree with an opinion: tan thanh vdi mot y kien.

accept, allow, admitThey didn’t admitted that man into the company.Ho khong nhan ngiidi dan ong do vao trong cong ty.(Khong dung "accept”)*♦ admit = - allow (a person) entrance, - allow (a person) to be a member of (a class, group,etc.): cho phep ai vao, nhan ai vao.She won't allow children in/ admit children (to the house) until they've wiped their shoes.Ba ta khong cho lu tre vao nha cho den khi chung chui sach giay. (Khong dung "admit children in", "accept children",)•* allow sb in/admit = let sb go


in: de cho at i do.I want to join the army, but they don’t accept me.Toi muon g ia nhap quan dpi nhi/ng ho khong chap nhan toi. (Khong dung "admit", "allow )

accept = let sb join: cho ai gia nhap

accesories, spare parts, reserve, spare tyre

He has catalog of manufacturers and exporters of automobile spare parts.Anh ta co cuon ca-ta-lo cua cac nha san xuat va xuat khau phu tung thay the cua o to.(Khong dung “accessories” , “reserves")

spare parts = components of an automobile or other manufactured goods, kept in reserve to replace parts that fail: nhitng bo phan cua o to hay cua cac san pham che tao khac, dupe giie de thay the nhi/ng phan hi hong.Fashion accessories are decorative items that supplement one's garment, such as jewelry, gloves...Phu kien thdi trang la nhung vat trang tri bo trd cho quan ao. nha do trang site, gang tay...'Khong dung “reserve") accessories = Accompanying as a subordinate: di kem nhu phan phu trd.Drive away that spare tyre Hay viit cat banh xe d u p h on g do di.(Khong dung “reserve” , "reserve tyre")We prayed for rain, as our water reserves were getting low Chung toi dang cau mi/a ui nguon ni/dc d u trvt cua chung toi dang

can dan.i Khdng dung “spared

accident, incident, episodeShe is the second council member to be injured in a car accident.Co ay la thanh vien thu hai trong hoi dong bi thucmg trong vu tai nan d to.[Khong dung “episode")** accident — An event that is without apparent cause, or is unexpected, often bad: m ot viec xay ra khong dinh trUdc, thUrtng la. viec xau.There was a frontier incident yesterday.Horn qua da co m ot vu ra c ro i dbien gidi.(Khong dung "episode”)** incident = • an event or occurrence. - a minor or detached event attracting general attention or noteworthy insome way: mot sit kien, mot viec phu Her easy has anepisode/incident talk about her mother.Bai van cua co ay co m ot d oa n noi ve me minh.episode/incident = A distinctpiece of action in a play or a poem, each of the parts o f a serial story: mot doan. m ot tinh tie't <trong m ot cau chuyen, id kick, hay bai thd...).

accidentally, unfortunatelyUnfortunately for him. he waswrong.T hat khdng m ay cho han la hSnda sai.

<khong dung "accider.- '.- unfortunately = unluckily:khdng may manHe got the time r.srht nut he did accidentally the a t ~z date No khong nham gin nhung lai id


tin h nham ngay thang.»* accidentally =unintentionally, by chance. by mistake: tinh. cd, ngau nhien

accommodationWe want accommodation for a young married couple.Chung toi can p h o n g du tien n gh i cho mot doi V(J chong tre.

C hu y : khong viet "accomodation”. “acomodation"; day la danh tit khong dem diidc nen khong dung “an accommodation”; dang so nhieu accommodations chi co trong tieng Anh-My.

accomplish, performDoctors perform an operation to save his life.Cac bdc si th tfc h ien mot ca mo de citu tinh mang anh ta.(Khong dung “accomplish”,)*► perform = do (a command, promise, task, etc.): thitc hien dcfi hita ...), thi hanh (nhiem vu, lenh), lam (cong viec ...)We accomplished satisfactory results.Chung ta da d a t ditac nkitng ketqua nhity.(Khdng dung “performed”^»» accomplish = complete, succeed in doing hoan thanh, lam xong, lam tron mot viec g i do.

accomplishment, achievement, completion

We highly appreciate the great achievements of the Vietnamese people in their national construction and defence.Chung toi danh gia cao nhitng th a n h tau to l&n cua nhan dan Viet Nam trong sit nghiep xay ditng va bao ve dat nitcic.(hay dung hifn “accomplishment") *► achievement = something

successfully done: cai gi do ditdc lam thanh cong.My sister has a lot of accomplishments, she shows great skill at driving, cooking.Chi gai toi co nhieu ky nang, chi ay to ra rat thanh thao trong viec lai xe, nau an.** accomplishments = acquire skills: nhitng ky nang dat ditctc, tai nang, tai nghe.The furniture in your room made with a fine completion Do dac trong phong anh da ditac lam h oan th a n h trau chuot.*► completion = The act or process of making complete: hoan thanh, lam xong

accord, behalf, account, partThe legal guardian must act on behalf o f the child.Ngitdi giam ho phai hanh dong vi loi ich cu a dita tre.(Khdng dung “accord” , “part”)Don't be uneasy on my behalf. Ditng ban khoan vi toi.(Khdng dung “on my accord”)*► on my behalf/on my account = lor me: vi toi.That was an accident on my part.Tai nan do la d o to i g a y ra.•* on my part = by me: do toi gay raIt’s a dangerous work but she did it of her own accord.Do la mot cong viec nguy hiem nhitng co ciy tu ngu yen lam no. (Khdng dung “ofVon her own behalf’ , “on her own account”)■* of her own accord = without being asked: khdng ditac yeu cau, tit dong lam

according to, by, in my opinion Everything went according to/by plan.