Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_orca diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf ·...

Κφριοι, Όλα όςα αναφζρονται ςτθν διαβοφλευςθ και τισ τεχνικζσ προδιαγραφζσ για τθν προμικεια και εγκατάςταςθ 10 κφριων μθχανϊν για πλοθγίδεσ του πλοθγικοφ ςτακμοφ Πειραιά, είναι αντικειμενικά ςωςτά, τεχνικά αποδεκτά και εφαρμόςιμα. Αυτό που δθμιουργεί πρόβλθμα και μοιάηει "φωτογραφικό" είναι θ ελάχιςτθ απαίτθςθ 300kW ιςχφοσ των κινθτιρων θ οποία δεν μπορεί να είναι δεςμευτικι όταν ςτθν παράγραφο 2.10 των τεχνικϊν προδιαγραφϊν ορίηονται με ςαφινεια οι απαιτοφμενεσ επιδόςεισ ςε ταχφτθτεσ 17 και 15 ναυτικϊν μιλίων, μζγιςτθ και πορεία αντίςτοιχα. Η εταιρεία μασ “Orca diesel ΕΠΕ» μπορεί να προςφζρει ςυμβατικζσ (όχι commo-rail) μθχανζσ "heavy duty" των 265 kW ςτισ 2000 ( Medium duty 296kW@2100rpm)) ςτροφζσ, 6κφλινδρεσ ςε ςειρά, κυβιςμοφ 11.051 cc, βάρουσ 1.060 κιλϊν (dry, w/out gearbox), δοκιμαςμζνεσ με επιτυχία επί ςειρά ετϊν ςε κάκε είδουσ εφαρμογι (αλιευτικά, τουριςτικά, λάντηεσ, φορτθγίδεσ κλπ.) και ςε μια ιδιαίτερα χαμθλι τιμι όντασ βζβαιοσ (κρίνοντασ από τθν διάμετρο, βιμα, αρικμό λεπίδων και κάλυψθ (developed-blade area) λεπίδων τθσ προπζλασ δείγματοσ των προδιαγραφϊν)) ότι θ εν λόγω μθχανζσ κα ζχουν ίδιεσ ι και καλλίτερεσ επιδόςεισ από τισ οριηόμενεσ ςτθν παράγραφο 2.10. Τα "κατ' ελάχιςτον 300 kW" δεν εξαςφαλίςει τθν επίδοςθ. Το κάνει θ παράγραφοσ 2.10 που είναι δεςμευτικι. Παρατιρθςα ότι ςτο δείγμα μθχανι των προδιαγραφϊν παρουςιάηεται θ DEUTZ BF8M 1015 MC θ οποία είναι 8κφλινδρθ ςε διάταξθ "V" ενϊ ςτο "παράρτθμα "Α" Κινθτιρασ DEUTZ κλπ. Αναφζρεται θ BF6M1015 MC. Αυτό πρζπει να αλλαχκεί γιατί μπερδεφει τα πράγματα. Στα δφο ςυνθμμζνα που ςασ ςτζλνω με τισ προδιαγραφζσ των δφο μθχανϊν (δείγμα και προςφερόμενθ δικι μασ) κα δείτε ότι θ μθχανι που αναφζρεται ςτο δείγμα προπζλασ δεν είναι "heavy duty" ςτα 300kW και ότι ςτο ςυνθμμζνο, ςτισ 2000 ςτροφζσ ςτο power group "Α" (Heavy duty) δίνει ιςχφ ίςθ ι μικρότερθ απ' ότι θ δικι μου. Παρακαλϊ να εξετάςετε τισ ανωτζρω παρατθριςεισ και ευελπιςτϊ να προβείτε ςτισ απαιτοφμενεσ διορκϊςεισ για να διαςφαλιςτεί θ ςυμμετοχι μασ με τθν ανωτζρω περιγραφόμενθ μθχανι. Με εκτίμθςθ Για τθν Orca diesel ΕΠΕ

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Page 1: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

Κφριοι, Όλα όςα αναφζρονται ςτθν διαβοφλευςθ και τισ τεχνικζσ προδιαγραφζσ για τθν προμικεια και εγκατάςταςθ 10 κφριων μθχανϊν για πλοθγίδεσ του πλοθγικοφ ςτακμοφ Πειραιά, είναι αντικειμενικά ςωςτά, τεχνικά αποδεκτά και εφαρμόςιμα. Αυτό που δθμιουργεί πρόβλθμα και μοιάηει "φωτογραφικό" είναι θ ελάχιςτθ απαίτθςθ 300kW ιςχφοσ των κινθτιρων θ οποία δεν μπορεί να είναι δεςμευτικι όταν ςτθν παράγραφο 2.10 των τεχνικϊν προδιαγραφϊν ορίηονται με ςαφινεια οι απαιτοφμενεσ επιδόςεισ ςε ταχφτθτεσ 17 και 15 ναυτικϊν μιλίων, μζγιςτθ και πορεία αντίςτοιχα. Η εταιρεία μασ “Orca diesel ΕΠΕ» μπορεί να προςφζρει ςυμβατικζσ (όχι commo-rail) μθχανζσ "heavy duty" των 265 kW ςτισ 2000 ( Medium duty 296kW@2100rpm)) ςτροφζσ, 6κφλινδρεσ ςε ςειρά, κυβιςμοφ 11.051 cc, βάρουσ 1.060 κιλϊν (dry, w/out gearbox), δοκιμαςμζνεσ με επιτυχία επί ςειρά ετϊν ςε κάκε είδουσ εφαρμογι (αλιευτικά, τουριςτικά, λάντηεσ, φορτθγίδεσ κλπ.) και ςε μια ιδιαίτερα χαμθλι τιμι όντασ βζβαιοσ (κρίνοντασ από τθν διάμετρο, βιμα, αρικμό λεπίδων και κάλυψθ (developed-blade area) λεπίδων τθσ προπζλασ δείγματοσ των προδιαγραφϊν)) ότι θ εν λόγω μθχανζσ κα ζχουν ίδιεσ ι και καλλίτερεσ επιδόςεισ από τισ οριηόμενεσ ςτθν παράγραφο 2.10. Τα "κατ' ελάχιςτον 300 kW" δεν εξαςφαλίςει τθν επίδοςθ. Το κάνει θ παράγραφοσ 2.10 που είναι δεςμευτικι. Παρατιρθςα ότι ςτο δείγμα μθχανι των προδιαγραφϊν παρουςιάηεται θ DEUTZ BF8M 1015 MC θ οποία είναι 8κφλινδρθ ςε διάταξθ "V" ενϊ ςτο "παράρτθμα "Α" Κινθτιρασ DEUTZ κλπ. Αναφζρεται θ BF6M1015 MC. Αυτό πρζπει να αλλαχκεί γιατί μπερδεφει τα πράγματα. Στα δφο ςυνθμμζνα που ςασ ςτζλνω με τισ προδιαγραφζσ των δφο μθχανϊν (δείγμα και προςφερόμενθ δικι μασ) κα δείτε ότι θ μθχανι που αναφζρεται ςτο δείγμα προπζλασ δεν είναι "heavy duty" ςτα 300kW και ότι ςτο ςυνθμμζνο, ςτισ 2000 ςτροφζσ ςτο power group "Α" (Heavy duty) δίνει ιςχφ ίςθ ι μικρότερθ απ' ότι θ δικι μου. Παρακαλϊ να εξετάςετε τισ ανωτζρω παρατθριςεισ και ευελπιςτϊ να προβείτε ςτισ απαιτοφμενεσ διορκϊςεισ για να διαςφαλιςτεί θ ςυμμετοχι μασ με τθν ανωτζρω περιγραφόμενθ μθχανι. Με εκτίμθςθ Για τθν Orca diesel ΕΠΕ

Page 2: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

DOOSAN Infracore Printed in November. 2005 PS-SBM0515-E1F


Production tolerance : ± 3%


L126TIH HEAVY DUTY 360PS (265kW) 2,000

L126TIM MEDIUM DUTY 400PS (294kW) 2,100 DE12TIB

Note : 1) No reduction in rating for intake air temperature is up to 45 °C (318K) and

sea water temperature is up to 32 °C (305K) , relative humidity is up to 60 % all data are based on operation to ISO 3046.

Heavy Duty : Operation hours are unlimited per year, at average load is up to 90 %, At full load is up to 80 % Typical gearbox ratio: 2.5 ~ 6 (Fishing trawler, Tug boat, Pushing vessel, Cargo boat, Freighter, Ferry)

Medium Duty : Operation hours are up to 3,000 per year, at average load is up to 70 %

At full load is (up to 30 % / 4hrs per 12 hour operation period) Typical gearbox ratio: 2 ~ 3.5 (Fishing boat, Pilot boat, Escort boat, Passenger boat, Ferry, Cruising vessel)


Page 3: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

DOOSAN Infracore Printed in November. 2005 PS-SBM0515-E1F


Head office 7-11, Hwasu-Dong, Dong-Gu, Incheon, Korea TEL : 82-32-760-1951, 1953 FAX : 82-32-761-2759 Seoul Office Doosan Infracore Co. Ltd., 22nd Floor, Doosan Tower, 18-12, Euljiro 6-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea. TEL : 82-2-3398-8521~8536 FAX : 82-2-3398-8509 Web site : www.doosaninfracore.com

Engine Specification

Model Units L126TIH L126TIM

Engine type 4 cycle, In line, direct- injection, water cooled with wet turbo charger & inter-cooler

Rating output (B.H.P) PS(kW)/rpm 360(265)/2,000 400(294)/2,100 Displacement cc 11,051 Cylinder number - bore(φ) x stroke mm 6 - φ123 x 155 Valve clearance at cold In / Ex mm 0.3 / 0.3 Low idling rpm rpm 725 ± 25 No load max. rpm rpm below 2,200 below 2,310 Mean effective pressure kg/cm2 14.66 15.52 Mean piston speed m/sec. 10.33 10.85 Compression ratio 17 : 1 Firing order 1 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 2 - 4 Compression pressure at 200 rpm kg/cm2 28 ( Initial condition ) Governor type of injection pump Mechanical variable speed (R.Q.V)

g/PS.h 154 159 Fuel consumption lit / h 67 77

Injection timing (B.T.D.C) deg 14º±1º 14º±1º Fuel inj. nozzle opening pressure kg/cm2 1st : 160 , 2nd : 220 Starting system Electric Starting by starter motor Starter motor capacity V- kW 24 - 6.0 Alternator capacity V- A 24 - 50 Battery V- Ah 24 - 150 Cooling system Indirect sea water cooling with heat exchanger Cooling water capacity Max. / Min. lit 24 / 19 Fresh water pump type Centrifugal type, driven by gear Sea water pump type Rubber impeller type driven by gear

Pan capacity lit Max : 25, Min : 19 ( Engine total : 27) Lubricating oil (Engine) Pressure kg/cm2 Full : 3.5, Idle : 1.2

Model DMT144H (Dong-I ) Marine gear Gear ratio 1.83 2.09 2.51 3.08 3.43 Crankshaft Counter clockwise viewed from stern side Direction of revolution Propeller Clockwise viewed from stern side

Without M/G mm 1,242 x 854 x 1,073 Engine size (L x W x H) With M. gear mm 1,683 x 854 x 1,159

Without M/G kg 1,060 Engine dry weight with M. gear kg 1,345

psi = kg/cm2 x 14.22 lb= kg x 2.205 hp = PS x 0.98635 lb/ft. = N.m x 0.737 lb/PS.h = g/kW.h x 0.00162 U.S gal. = liter x 0.264 kW = 0.2388 kcal/s cfm = m3/min x 35.3

※ Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Page 4: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

203–447 kW (272–600 bhp) at 1500–2100 rpm

Page 5: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

With a long maritime tradition and the sound basis of a

leading engine manufacturer DEUTZ engines have an inter-

national reputation as reliable, durable and efficient propul-

sion units for work boats as well as commercial vessels and

their auxiliary drives.

The requirements of the engines for the main and auxiliary

drives of ships vary. But the key expectations are quite

simple: Economy and availability are of the most important

for every application.

In order to strengthen our customers‘ position in the mari-

time sector we have concentrated on the field of compact

engines for marine propulsion and auxiliary drives. The

1015M series reflects the engine manufacturer know-how of

DEUTZ in marine applications.

Technically mature and state-of-the-art in engine develop-

ment, our engines offer the security and reliability in every-

day use that our customers demand.

DEUTZ drives also set high standards where economy is

concerned. Because in addition to state-of-the-art engine

construction criteria and a practical design our drives also

feature an exemplary cost/benefit ratio. Great economic

values and excellent exhaust gas emissions for the benefit

of the environment are all part of the DEUTZ standard.

Page 6: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect cooling �DEUTZ Multi-�arallel �ooling system�� in rawsingle-circuit mixture cooling as indirect cooling �DEUTZ Multi-�arallel �ooling system�� in raw water cooling with built-on plate heat exchanger, circulation coolant pump, compensation tank, thermostat and raw water pump. In keel cooling with coolant circulation pump and integrated thermostat. Integrated compensation tank as an option

Crankcase: cast iron crankcase with replacable wet linerscast iron crankcase with replacable wet liners

Crankcase breather: closed version, vacuum-pressure regulatorclosed version, vacuum-pressure regulator

Cylinder head: single cylinder heads of cast iron in cross flow versionsingle cylinder heads of cast iron in cross flow version

Valve arrangement�� hanging in the cylinder, four valves per cylinder, actuated by tappets, push rods and rocker arms,hanging in the cylinder, four valves per cylinder, actuated by tappets, push rods and rocker arms, control: driven by gears and central camshaftdriven by gears and central camshaft

Piston: three-ring aluminium piston with cooling channel and ring carrier for the top ring groovethree-ring aluminium piston with cooling channel and ring carrier for the top ring groove

Piston cooling: by cooling oil by means of spray no��lesby cooling oil by means of spray no��les

Con rod: drop-forged steeldrop-forged steel

Crankshaft: drop-forged steel, with bolted on counterweights, ��� with split pins offset �0�drop-forged steel, with bolted on counterweights, ��� with split pins offset �0�

Crankshaft and big end bearing: tri-metal plain bearingtri-metal plain bearing

Camshaft: steel camshaftsteel camshaft

Turbocharging: two water-cooled turbochargers and poss. charge air cooler on the flywheel sidetwo water-cooled turbochargers and poss. charge air cooler on the flywheel side

Exhaust manifold: water-cooled exhaust manifold

Rotary vibration damper: viscosity vibration damper

Lubricating forced-feed lubrication with gear pumps, lubricating oil cooler integrated in the engine, paperforced-feed lubrication with gear pumps, lubricating oil cooler integrated in the engine, paper system: fine filter as exchangeable cartridge in the main lubricating oil stream, duplex change over filter optional

Injection pump� controller: in-line fuel in�ector with mechanical �for variable speed�� or electronic �for genset�� controllerin-line fuel in�ector with mechanical �for variable speed�� or electronic �for genset�� controller

Injection lines: double walled in�ection lines for high pressure lines as an option

Fuel system: mechanical piston pump, exchangeable cartridge for fuel filter, optional duplex change over filtermechanical piston pump, exchangeable cartridge for fuel filter, optional duplex change over filter

Generator: three-phase current generator ��� � / 55 or ��0 �mperethree-phase current generator ��� � / 55 or ��0 �mpere

Starter: �4 �/5,4 kW

Heater: connection possibility for heater or hot water boiler to the engine cooling circuitconnection possibility for heater or hot water boiler to the engine cooling circuit

Range of variants: hydraulic pumps, flywheels, connection housing S�E 1 standard, oil pans, air filters, engine feet withwith elastic mounts, starters, generators, engine control system, ship gear

Modern water-cooled, four-stroke, �� and ��-cylinder engines in � configuration | water-cooled turbocharger and exhaust mani-fold | gear-driven power take-offs | modern in�ection system with mechanical speed governor | electronic speed governor for genset drives | charge air cooling by engine coolant | innovative multi-parallel cooling system® | compact dimensions

• Low maintenance costs due to heat exchanger as plate cooler.

• The innovative cooling system reduces the fuel consump-tion and is a further example of the high reliability.

• Low noise emissions eliminate complex attennation.

• High reliability and durability due to integrated pipes.

• �lassification by all leading classification societies.

• �ll engines comply with IMO regulations; engines with charge air cooler �M� engine types�� comply with ZKR II, EU stage II ��004/���/EG�� and US-E�� Marine Tier �.

• The particle emissions in the M� engine types fall �0 % below the limit value specified in the ZKR II.

Page 7: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

Engine type BF6M1015M BF6M1015MC BF8M1015MCNumber of cylinders �� �� ��Bore/stroke mm | in 1��/145 | 5.19/5.71 1��/145 | 5.19/5.71 1��/145 | 5.19/5.71�apacity l | cuin 11.91 | 7�7 11.91 | 7�7 15.��7 | 9�����ompression ratio 17 17 17

Powers for ship engines BF6M1015M BF6M1015MC BF8M1015MCacc. to power group A at 1��00 rpm kW | bhp �0� | �7� �7� | ���5 ���4 | 4����at 1900 rpm kW | bhp �14 | ���7 ���7 | ���5 ���� | 514at �100 rpm kW | bhp �14 | ���7 ���7 | ���5 ���� | 514acc. to power group B at 1��00 rpm kW | bhp �07 �����*�� | �7�� ��0��*�� ���5 ��1�*�� | ���0 �417*�� ���0 �41��*�� | 509 �5��0*��at 1900 rpm kW | bhp �1�� ��40*�� | �9� ����*�� �00 ���0*�� | 400 �440*�� 400 �440*�� | 5��� �590*��at �100 rpm kW | bhp �1�� ��40*�� | �9� ����*�� �00 ���0*�� | 400 �440*�� 400 �447*�� | 5�� ���00*��

Powers for on-board units BF6M1015M BF6M1015MC BF8M1015MCat 1500 rpm – G �“N”�� kW | bhp 195 ��10�� | ���0 ����0�� �50 ����5�� | ��� ����0�� ��� ����0�� | 44�� �510��at 1��00 rpm – G �“N”�� kW | bhp �11 ������� | ���1 ��04�� �71 ��10�� | ���1 �41��� ���� �41��� | 4��� �551��* not classifiable

Power group A: Blocked useful power for unlimited continous operation, S�FN �I�FN**�� or M�FN according to ISO �04��-1. Utilisation > ��0%, operating time > �000 hours.Power group B: Blocked useful power for unlimited continous operation, S�FN �I�FN**�� according to ISO �04��-1. Utilisation < 70%, operating time < �000 hours per year.Powers for “G” continous power, S�XN �I�XN**�� or M�XN according to ISO �04��-1. Overloadable by 10% for on-board units: 1 hour within 1� hour operation. “N” continous power, S�XN �I�XN**�� according to ISO �04��-1. Overloadable by 10% for 1 hour within 1� hour operation. �erm. av. utilisation <_ ��0%.** valid for engines without charge air cooler �standard reference conditions�� The data on this data sheet are for information purpose only and are not binding values. The data in the offer is decisive.The data in the offer is decisive.

Standard torque curves

�ower group �: Blocked useful power for unlimited continuous operation, S�FN �I�FN**�� or M�FN according to ISO �04��. Utilisation > ��0%, operat-ing time > �,000 hours. �ower group B: Blocked useful power for unlimited continuous operation, S�FN �I�FN**�� according to ISO �04��.utilisation < 70%, operating time < �,000 hours per year.�owers for on-board units”G” continuous power, S�XN �I�XN**�� or M�XN according to ISO �04��-1. Overloadable by 10% for 1 hr.within 1� hour operation.”N” continuous power, S�XN �I�XN**�� according to ISO �04��-1. Overloadable by 10% for 1 hr. within 1� hr.operation. �erm. av. utilisation <_ ��0%.** valid for engines without charge air cooler �standard reference conditions��Standard-Drehmomentkurven

FeetFuel return tankinternal thread union nutM1�� x Ø1,5The data on this data sheet are for information purposes only and are not binding values. �usschlaggebend sind die �ngaben im �ngebot.�ower group �

BF��M1015M | BF��M1015M� | BF��M1015M�

�,100 rpm�,100 rpm�ower group BBF��M1015M | BF��M1015M� | BF��M1015M�RohwasseraustrittØ70RohwassereintrittØ��0Fuel supplyinternal thread union nut M1�� x ∅1.5 Keel cooling∅ Power group A 2100 rpm

BF6M1015M | BF6M1015MC | BF8M1015MCPower group B 2100 rpmBF6M1015M | BF6M1015MC | BF8M1015MC

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 rpm








R (k
























































R (b













R (k


1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 rpm

































R (b




























Page 8: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

Raw water inlet ø 80 (appr. 3.16”)

Raw water outletø 70 (appr. 2.76”)

Fuel inlet internal thread union nut

M16 x ø 1.5

Fuel return tank internal thread union nut

M16 x ø 1.5

Dimensions BF6M1015M BF6M1015MC BF8M1015MC� mm | in 1�79 | 54.�7 14��� | 5��.�� 1��50 | ��4.9�B mm | in 1�1�� | 51.79 1�1�� | 51.79 1��4 | 5�.50� mm | in 1159 | 45.��1 11��� | 44.7�� 1057 | 41.59D mm | in 4��� | 1��.1�� 44� | 17.4� ���0 | 14.17E mm | in ��97 | �7.4� ��95 | �7.�5 ��97 | �7.4�F mm | in 100�� | �9.��7 100�� | �9.��7 11��7 | 4��.71

Weight BF6M1015M BF6M1015MC BF8M1015MCWeight dry incl. heat exchanger kg | lbs 10��0 | ����1 11��0 | ���01 1���0 | �04�

Exhaust flange diam. 6-cyl. 8-cyl.inside mm | in ���� | �.���� 105 | 4.14outside mm | in 1��� | 5.4� 19�� | 7.7�bolt holes mm | in 4x ø 14 | 0.55 ��x ø 14 | 0.55

�ower group �: Blocked useful power for unlimited continuous operation, S�FN �I�FN**�� or M�FN according to ISO �04��. Utilisation > ��0%, operat-ing time > �,000 hours. �ower group B: Blocked useful power for unlimited continuous operation, S�FN �I�FN**�� according to ISO �04��.utilisation < 70%, operating time < �,000 hours per year.�owers for on-board units”G” continuous power, S�XN �I�XN**�� or M�XN according to ISO �04��-1. Overloadable by 10% for 1 hr.within 1� hour operation.”N” continuous power, S�XN �I�XN**�� according to ISO �04��-1. Overloadable by 10% for 1 hr. within 1� hr.operation. �erm. av. utilisation <_ ��0%.** valid for engines without charge air cooler �standard reference conditions��Standard-Drehmomentkurven

FeetFuel return tankinternal thread union nutM1�� x Ø1,5The data on this data sheet are for information purposes only and are not binding values. �usschlaggebend sind die �ngaben im �ngebot.�ower group �

BF��M1015M | BF��M1015M� | BF��M1015M�

�,100 rpm�,100 rpm�ower group BBF��M1015M | BF��M1015M� | BF��M1015M�RohwasseraustrittØ70RohwassereintrittØ��0Fuel supplyinternal thread union nut M1�� x ∅1.5 Keel cooling∅


Feet BF��M1015M/� = ��1�� �appr. �4.�5”��BF��M1015M� = 7��1 �appr. �0.75”��


















�appr. ��.50”��

Page 9: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit




Coolant outø 50 (appr. 1.97”)

Fuel supply internal thread union nut

M16 x ø 1.5

Fuel return internal thread union nut

M16 x ø 1.5

Coolant inø 50 (appr. 1.97”)

Dimensions BF6M1015M BF6M1015MC BF8M1015MC� mm | in 1���� | 4��.74 1�75 | 54.1� 1540 | ��0.���B mm | in 1�1�� | 51.��1 1�1�� | 51.��1 1��4 | 5�.5�� mm | in 11�9 | 44.��4 11�9 | 44.��4 10��1 | 41.77D mm | in 4��� | 1��.19 4��� | 1��.19 ���0 | 14.17E mm | in ��77 | ���.��5 ��77 | ���.��5 701 | �7.��0F mm | in ����7 | �4.1� 901 | �5.47 10���� | 41.97

Weight BF6M1015M BF6M1015MC BF8M1015MCWeight incl. keel cooling kg | lbs 10�0 | ��50 1110 | �44�� 1�10 | �������

Exhaust flange diam. 6-cyl. 8-cyl.inside mm ���� 105 in �.���� 4.14outside mm 1��� 19�� in 5.4� 7.7�bolt holes mm 4x ø 14 ��x ø 14 in 4x ø 0.55 ��x ø 0.55

Page 10: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit

Our customers demand highest product quality and a clearly

predictable performance of our engines economically and

ecologically. Everywhere in the world and under all condi-

tions. We are well prepared for this because our service and

after-sales departments have a broad, technically sound


����0 service partners in 1�0 countries serve our customers

day and night supported by three Logistics �entres in which

about 1��0,000 spare parts items ensure fast repair of the

engine in all cases.

This guarantees optimum support of all DEUTZ engines

throughout their livecycle. Our intensively trained and highly

motivated service personnel ensures competent consulting

and fast assistance for all types of problems.

Individual service and maintenance contracts, quick delivery

of spare parts and excellent training offers round off this

convincing offer because at DEUTZ you buy more than �ust

the engine.

Rely exclusively on original DEUTZ spare parts because they

are specially designed and manufactured for DEUTZ engines

as the original components upon delivery.

Our spare parts are tested and optimised continuously and

have been designed for your special application in many

cases and are not available in this form on the “grey” market

by independent third party suppliers. �rotect your warranty

claims and the performance and life of your DEUTZ engine.

Because your DEUTZ only stays a DEUTZ with original

spare parts.

Page 11: Κιοι,hcg.gr/sites/default/files/docs/archive/ ΔΙΑΒΟΥΛΕΥΣΗ_Orca Diesel ΕΠΕ.pdf · Type of cooling: single-circuit mixture cooling as indirect coolingsingle-circuit



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DEUTZ AG Ottostr. 1 51149 �ologne, Germany�hone: +49 �0�� ��1 ����-0 Telefax: +49 �0�� ��1 ����-5��50 E-Mail: info@deut�.com www.deut�.com

DEUTZ Corporation ������ Steve Reynolds Blvd. Norcross, G� �009�, US� �hone: +1 770 5��4 7100 Telefax: +1 770 5��4 7��� E-Mail: engines@deut�usa.comwww.deut�usa.com

DEUTZ AG Beijing Office �07 �ITI� Building Jian Guo Men Wai Da�ie, 100004 Bei�ing, �.R. �hina �hone: +���� 10 ��5 00 ��4 44 Telefax: +���� 10 ��5 1� 00 4� E-Mail: db�@deut�.com.cnwww.deut�.com.cn

DEUTZ Asia-Pacific (Pte) Ltd. 11 Kian Teck Road �����7���� Singapur �hone: +��5 ��� ���� 5� 11 Telefax: +��5 ��� ��4 17 79 E-Mail: dap@deut�.comwww.deut�.com

DEUTZ Australia Pty. Ltd. 41 Woodlands Drive �195 Braeside �ic, �ustralia �hone: +��1 � 95���� 9��00 Telefax: +��1 � 95��0 4090 E-Mail: deut�o�@deut�.comwww.deut�.com

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