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  • 8/6/2019 HHI Plansbook


    Hyundai Heavy IndustriesElectro Electric Systems Renewable Energy Marketing Analysis

    30 January 2009

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren email: [email protected] 1

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/6/2019 HHI Plansbook


    Table of ContentsExecutive Summary 3

    SWOT Analysis 4

    Brand Analysis 5

    What is the brand DNA of HHIs Renewable Energy products? 5Marketing Communications Model 6

    Solar Market Customers 6Wind Market Customers 6

    Brand Building Strategies 8

    Trade Associations 8Internet-Based Renewable Energy Media Companies 8Conferences and Forums 9Traditional Mass Media 9RE Specific Magazines and Newspapers 9Festivals and Fairs 10

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren email: [email protected] 1

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Blogs & Social Networking Sites 10Vertical & Horizontal Integration 12

    Opportunities 12Information Management System 13

    Renewable Energy Knowledge Library Project 13Business Opportunities 15

    U.S. Broadband Internet Infrastructure 15Mobile Networking Industry 15Architectural PV Cells 15Native American Lands 16Brownfield Land Reclamation 16Solar Financing 16Smaller Scale Wind Turbines 17

    References 18

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren email: [email protected] 2

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/6/2019 HHI Plansbook


    Executive Summary

    The economic slowdown still has the potential to cast a shadow on the industry as a whole. Clean energy projects around

    the world fell by almost 25% during third quarter of 2008 due to fears of recession1. Big American utilities like Florida Power

    & Light and Duke Energy have cut down on planned Renewable Energy projects. Despite the possible slow down, Renewable

    Energy industry in the U.S. will gain critical momentum in 20092. President Obamas goal of pledging $150 billion dollars for

    the next ten years to clean technology has contributed greatly to this build up of momentum3.

    Based on a SWOT analysis, this report considers current lack of market share to be the number one weakness to HHI

    Electro Electric Systems and offers some suggestions on how to strengthen market shares.

    Goals & Objectives of this Report

    To increase market shares through increasing Hyundai Heavys brand awareness

    To increase market share through Vertical & Horizontal integration

    To increase market share by implementing a market management system

    To increase market share by exploring market opportunities

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 3

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    SWOT Analysis

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 4

    Multiple industries interested in RE

    Government support of Renewable Energy

    RE Market has not yet reached maturity

    Offshore Floating Wind farms

    Strengths Weaknesses

    Opportunities Threats

    Trusted Global Leader in the Power Industry

    Mass Solar Cell (PV) Production Capabilities.

    Mass Wind Turbine Production Capabilities

    Vertical & Horizontal Integration Potential

    Weak brand presence in Clean Technology

    Limited involvement with trade organizations

    Limited communication with the publicInterna






    Global Recession

    Raw Goods Shortages (e.g. Silicon)

    Government support of RE smaller than ex-


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    Brand Analysis

    What is the brand DNA of HHIs Renewable Energy products?

    Hyundai Heavy builds ships, electric transformers, and various other products and services. To effectively increase HHIs

    U.S. market share in the RE industry, the company should have a strong green image. Green Strategies Consulting states,

    The best and most successful companies recognize that a clean and healthy environment and strong, sustainable eco-

    nomic growth go hand in hand.4The bestexample for this approach is GEs Ecomagination Brand, which states, A busi-

    ness initiative to help meet customers demand for more energy efficient products and to drive reliable growth for GE

    growth that delivers for investors long term5.

    Current external Hyundai Heavy communication states trying to diversify our portfolio by investing in renewable

    energy sectors.6 This statement is economic and strategic business centric and doesnt include the sustainability and

    green aspect. Therefore it is important that HHI communicate the right brand image to accompany its Renewable Energy

    product portfolio. So, what will be Hyundai Heavys Renewable Energy brand promise?

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 5

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    Marketing Communications Model

    Hyundai Heavy should start by developing one central RE mission statement that balances economy with green. How-

    ever, Hyundai Heavy will attract different customers based on varying advantages and disadvantages of solar and wind

    energy products. Therefore it is recommend that Hyundai Heavys brand communication efforts use different marketing

    channels for wind and solar customers. (Figure 1)

    Solar Market Customers

    Financing is fundamental. Solar panel installation in homes and small businesses are becoming increasing easy and popu-

    lar due to recent trends in solar financing7. Financing options such as Berkley First, SunEdison, and MMA Renewable Ven-

    tures are driving this trend8. Therefore HHIs solar panels could be marketed to large solar farm installation projects, indi-

    vidual homes, and everywhere between.

    Wind Market Customers

    The end users of wind energy products in the U.S. fall into two basic categories: businesses (maturing) and consumers

    (budding). There are two categories of businesses. Large installers of wind farms (energy companies or governments) and

    businesses that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, a move which can improve their

    green image among competitors and customers.

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 6

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    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 7

    Large Scale Projects

    Energy companies & Government

    HHI Renewable Energy

    Growth Strategy

    Solar Energy

    Marketing Communications

    Figure 1

    HHI Renewable Energy Growth Strategy Model

    Wind Energy

    Marketing Communications

    HHI Renewable Energy

    Mission Statement

    Business Consumers

    Improve Green Image

    Large Scale Projects

    Energy companies & Government

    Distributers, Retailers, & End Users

    Business Consumers

    Improve Green Image

    Consumer Categories

    Distributers, Retailers, & End Users

    Define Advantages



    Be Genuine in wanting to be green.

    **There is consumer mistrust regarding

    company motives for going green.**

  • 8/6/2019 HHI Plansbook


    Brand Building Strategies

    Trade Associations

    Get more involved with trade organizations and be an active participant. Trade associations can help Hyundai Heavy

    brand by: spreading technical information, statistically monitoring the market, lobbying for favorable policy, and publicizing

    RE benefits through media and demonstration projects9. Top five trade organizations:

    Internet-Based Renewable Energy Media Companies

    These Renewable Energy media companies monitor news regarding technical developments, investment deals, and com-

    pany moves. Top six sites:




    Clean Edge

    New Energy Finance

    The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE)

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 8

    Solar Energy Industries Association(SEIA)

    The Solar Electric Power Association(SEPA)

    The American Wind Energy Association(AWEA)

    Native American Wind Interest Group(NAWI)

    Native Wind

  • 8/6/2019 HHI Plansbook


    Conferences and Forums

    Attend conferences and forums. Provides Hyundai Heavy with networking opportunities with trade associations, profes-

    sional organizations, media groups, and even governments. Better yetwhy not host a regional (Asian) or sponsor an inter-

    national conference?

    Traditional Mass Media

    RE is beginning to be advertised through the mass media. Advertising could promote more investment, encourage major

    companies to commit to RE, and create new opportunities for loans and financing. Greater demand would also positively

    influence government policies. The cost General RE advertising could be shared through trade organizations. GE took out a

    rare Super Bowl (10) TV ad this year (something that the company has not done since 1981) on Renewable Energy11.

    RE Specific Magazines and Newspapers

    The advertising of Hyundai Heavy branded RE products and services could benefit from advertising in specialty and niche

    magazines & newspaper section dedicated to RE industry.

    Home Power Magazine

    Solar Today Magazine

    Mother Earth News

    Dwell Magazine

    New York Times series: The Energy Challenge

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 9

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    Festivals and Fairs

    Festivals and fairs create opportunity to engaged public in a personal way and therefore have high word of mouth value.

    Hyundai Heavy could deliver experiential marketing to win hearts and minds of festival goers. Examples of festivals include:

    SolFest (Hopland CA)


    RE Fest

    The Energy Fair

    Blogs & Social Networking Sites

    Learn from Obama and get involved in the dialogue. Be transparent and start communicating. This is one of the most cost

    effective, yetpowerful ways of spreading the Hyundai Heavy brand. The most concentrated Renewable Energy information

    is distributed over the Internet as web logs or blogs12. GE for example, have blogs (GE Reports13), micro blogs (Twitter14) and

    dedicated Renewable Energy brand site (Ecomagination15) to communicate with potential investors and consumers alike.

    The transparency created by GE through their blogs create a trust of the GE brand and gives the company authority over its

    leadership role. (Figure 2)

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 10

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    Figure 1

    Twitter Strategy Model

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 11

  • 8/6/2019 HHI Plansbook


    Vertical & Horizontal Integration

    An emerging trend in solar and wind competition is to integrate vertically and horizontally. Hyundai Heavy should take full

    advantage of both vertical and horizontal integration. Vertical and horizontal integrations could create bundled or value

    added systems that could be successful in the market place.


    In particular Hyundai Heavys expertise in the field of offshore p latforms could potentially be a powerful industry ad-

    vantage. The current trend in mega wind farms is to go offshore16. According to the National Renewable Energy labo-

    ratory, the development of floating platforms for wind turbines will be necessary to deploy wind turbines in deeper

    waters17.Current capital costs are approximately 30-50% higher than onshore, but these expenses are partially offset

    by higher energy yields -- as much as 30%18.

    Leverage Hyundai Heavys already existing strengths in the electro electric systems to market bundled complete solu-

    tion systems.

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 12

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    Information Management System

    Recent LexisNexis () 19 search returned 638 articles during the past month with the word renewable

    energy in the title and over 3,000 articles that contains renewable energy somewhere in the article. The sheer number of

    information surrounding Renewable Energy is daunting. Therefore one of the major challenges for Hyundai Heavy is infor-

    mation managing. It is the recommendation of this report to install information management system based on employee

    involvement. (Example 1)

    Renewable Energy Knowledge Library Project

    All employees are encouraged to contributing to the RE Knowledge Library

    Employees are encouraged to follow and monitor RE news and fill out a one page Summary Report Form

    Every week the employee participating employees are placed into a lottery and could win a $100 Hyundai Department

    Store Gift Certificate.

    Employees would categorize the report by industry trends, competition news, or new business opportunities.

    Senior managers could act as librarians and monitor and edit the reports.

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 13

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    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 14

    Renewable Energy Knowledge Library

    Type of Report

    Solar Energy R&D

    Two Sentence Summary

    To make Thin Film solar cells more efficient, sprinkle them

    with silver.

    Why is this important?

    This new technology could potentially be a threat to PV

    based technology.

    Who is Involved?Kylie Catchpole of the Australian National University

    Albert Polman of the Institute for Atomic and Molecular

    Physics in Amsterdam

    Source of the Article

    The Economist, January 10th-16th 2009

    Is there a web link?



    Submitted by

    Kim Min Gi: MG.Kim hhi.com

    Renewable Energy Knowledge Library

    Type of Report

    Wind Energy R&D

    Two Sentence Summary

    Possibly solving the problems of wind turbines interfering

    with the radar used in air-traffic control.

    Why is this important?

    If true, this new technology can help strengthen land

    based wind turbine market. Nullify objections from the U.S.


    Who is Involved?

    Cambridge Consultants (cambridgeconsultants.com)

    Source of the Article

    The Economist, November 8th-14th 2008

    Is there a web link?



    Submitted by

    Kim Min Gi: MG.Kim hhi.com

    Example 1

    Sample RE Knowledge library

  • 8/6/2019 HHI Plansbook


    Business Opportunities

    U.S. Broadband Internet Infrastructure

    Obama administration has stated that the, deployment of a modern communications infrastructure is a priorityand

    America should lead the world in broadband penetration and Internet access.20 The biggest challenge to this plans is the

    lack of accessibility for millions of Americans living in rural or off-the-grid communities.

    Mobile Networking Industry

    The GSMA, the global trade association representing the interests of over 750 GSM mobile phone operators worldwide,

    launched the Green Power for Mobile program. The program aims to use renewable energy in the developing world for the

    powering of off-grid base stations21. In the U.S. 3G networks using wind or solar energies could be installed in rural areas to

    bring telecommunication and internet connections.

    Architectural PV Cells

    Arcelor Mittal is currently marketing, Arsolar Plus Photovoltaic System, steels structures that are built with solar panel inte-

    gration in mind22. This could be a great opportunity for Hyundai Heavy to work with steel manufacturers to provide solar

    panels as a possible brand leveraging strategy.

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 15

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    Native American Lands

    Twenty Northern Plains Indian Reservations hold several hundred gigawatts of wind power potential, earning the Dakotas

    the title "Saudi Arabia of Wind." Wind power potential on these Indian Reservations alone is more than enough to meet

    North American Kyoto targets23.

    Brownfield Land Reclamation

    Brownfields are abandoned or underused industrial and commercial facilities available for re-use24. The U.S. Conference of

    Mayors called for a national commitment to recycle the thousands of brownfields in Americas cities25. Recycling these sites

    into energy farms also offer a unique publicity potential for Hyundai Heavy. Actively reach out to local governments with

    Brownfields. Explore the possibility of creating a small Marketing (PR) & Sales department that promotes solar energy (and

    wind) in cities and towns. Offer to visit local governments to hold town meetings and Q&As to have open discussions

    about the role of renewable energy.

    Solar Financing

    For many potential residential customers and small organizations, the initial start up costs are often deal breakers. SolarCity

    signed a deal with Morgan Stanley that will cut homeowners' upfront solar-installation costs to about $2,000 and charge

    them a fixed monthly fee -- not a rate -- for solar power. It's the latest in a series of new programs trying to use a commer-

    cial financial model to grow the residential solar market26.

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 16

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    Smaller Scale Wind Turbines

    The U.S. consumer market is rapidly changing. Some large-scale manufacturers of wind turbines and other wind energy

    products have catered to the U.S. consumer market opportunity by developing smaller scale products to use for homes and

    other noncommercial properties 27.

    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 17

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    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 18


    The Economist. (2008, November 6). Clean Technology in the Downturn [Gathering Clouds]. Retrieved February 1, 2009, fromwww.economist.com/business/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12562281

    2 Bosik, D. (2009, January). Wind Power in the U.S. and the World(D. Sprinkle, Ed.). SBI. (Page 90)

    3 The White House. (n.d.). Energy & Environment. Retrieved February 1, 2009, from


    4 Green Strategies Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www.greenstrategies.com/services/services.html

    5 GE Ecomagination. (n.d.). Welcome to Our Vision of a Healthier World. Retrieved February 5, 2009, from General Electric Web site:

    http://ge.ecomagination.com/site/6 Kim, K. (n.d.). American Wind Energy Association "View Profile." Retrieved February 1, 2009, from www.awea.org

    7 Capello, D. (2008, March). The U.S. Solar Energy Market in a World Perspective (C. Minkler, Ed.). SBI. (Page 65)

    8 Kho, J. (n.d.). Battle for Home Solar Financing Begins. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/


    9 Sprinkle, D. (2007, November). Renewable Energy Investments in the U.S. (C. Minkler, Ed.). Packaged Facts. (Page 111)


    11 GE Takes Out Rare Super Bowl Ad to Tout Smart-Grid Technology. (2009, January 22). Retrieved February 5, 2009, from


    12 Sprinkle, D. (2007, November). Renewable Energy Investments in the U.S. (C. Minkler, Ed.). Packaged Facts. (Page 115)

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    Daniel Keeyeon Warren 19





    Bosik, D. (2009, January). Wind Power in the U.S. and the World(D. Sprinkle, Ed.). SBI. (Page 9)17 Musial, W., & Butterfield, S. (2004, June 26). Future for Offshore Wind Energy in the United States. Retrieved February 5, 2009, from

    National Renewable Energy Laboratory Web site: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/36313.pdf

    18 IBID


    20 The White House. (n.d.). Technology. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/technology/



    23 Native Wind. (n.d.). The Richest Wind Regime. Retrieved February 6, 2009, from http://www.nativewind.org/html/wind_potential.html


    25 Organization of United States Mayors. (n.d.). City Report Shows Effects of Brownfields in America. Retrieved February 6, 2009, from


    26 Kho, J. (n.d.). Battle for Home Solar Financing Begins. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/


    27 Bosik, D. (2009, January). Wind Power in the U.S. and the World(D. Sprinkle, Ed.). SBI. (Page 90)
