hofstede model


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Introduction• Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions given by Prof. Professor Geert Hofstede Dutch  social psychologist.

• Based on data gathered from IBM employees across 40 countries.

• Motive is to study culture

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Hofstede Definition of culture

“the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others”

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Evolution of Various Dimensions

• Before this Various Anthropologist like Clyde Kluckhoh, Edward T. Hall (1976), Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck gave their theories.

• Inkeles and Levinson gave four problem areaso Dependence on superiors;o Need for rules and predictability, also associated with nervous

stress;o The balance between individual goals and dependence on the

company;o The balance between ego values

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• In 1970 Hofstede gathered data from 400 IBM employee across 30 countries

• The four basic problem areas defined by Inkeles and Levinson (1969) and empirically supported in the IBM data represent dimensions of national cultures ie

Power Distance Index (PDI)  Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV)  Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS)  Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI)

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year Dimension Research remark1991 Long Term Orientation

versus Short Term Normative Orientation (LTO)*

 Michael Harris Bond,Canadian psychologist

Based on Confucian thinking

2010 Indulgence versus Restraint

Bulgarian scholar Michael Minkov

 based on Michael Minkov's analysis of the World Values Survey data for 93 countries

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Hofstede’s 6D Model Dimension Characterstics Online Classroom ScoreLarge vs. small power distance

Extent to which members of a society accept and expect that power in institutions is distributed

Students in power distance cultures are taught to honor others or consider people on more equal terms

US:40World average:55

Individualism vs. collectivism

Refers to the strength of connection people have to members of their community

Students in both the societies either feel more comfortable when working in groups or when they are working alone

US:91(world’s highest)World average:43

Masculinity vs. femininity

Extent to which the society values maintains traditional male & female roles

Students from countries that score high in masculine or in feminine index either they contribute more or less

US:62World average:50

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Strong vs. weak uncertainty avoidance

Degree to which members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty

Students with uncertainty avoidance either treat uncertainty within a course as just another issue or they tend to avoid uncertainty

US: 46World average: 64

Long term vs. short term orientation

Extent to which a society exhibits a future oriented perspective rather than short term point of view

Students from countries either share values associated with long term or associated with short term values

US:29( world’s lowest)World average:45

Indulgence vs. restraint

• society that allows free gratification to enjoy life and have fun.•Restraint stands for a society that controls gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms

Students from different countries either enjoy their life to full extent or they control their needs through rules and regulation

US have Indulgence than world

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Comparison Of Various Cultures Dimensions In Different Countires

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Dimension Graph Remark

Power Distance Index

In Europe..•In northern region its low•In southern and eastern region it is high•India scores high on this dimension, 77 indicate a hierarchy and top down approach

Individualism index

•Gap between developed western & less developed eastern countries

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Masculinity V/sFeminity

•Low in Nordic countries

•highest in Japan (95),

• In india its about 56 india is a masculine society

•India Masculine in terms of visual display of success and power

Long term orientation

•Long term orientation high in japan(80) and India(60)

•Moderate in Eastern and Western Europe

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Uncertainty Avoidance

•Highest in Sothern and eastern Europe countries for eg Greece has UAI 105

•Lower for Chinese structure it is 30

•India has UAI 40 which means moderate avoidance to uncertainty

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Is it important to be aware of cultural differences????

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Practical Applications of Hofstede Model

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• International Communication• International Management• International Negotiation• International Marketing

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Innovative research

• Basically used in HRM• India have problems of Brain drain in its

Organizational Work Culture• Helped to understand the needs and aspirations

of an employees

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Research In Hofstede ModelField Description Researcher

Culture and Aviation

•Attitudinal data from 9,000 male commercial airline pilots in 18 countries•Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance were identified as the most relevant dimensions for aviation•Implications discussed about training, certification, automation usage, proceduralisation and research agendas

Merritt, A. (1998). Replicating Hofstede: A study of pilots in eighteen countries

Medical •Countries with a low or medium Human Development Index (HDI) transfuse far fewer blood products than countries with a high HDI• effects of education level and cultural aspects

W. De Kort, E. Wagenmans, A. Van Dongen, Y. Slotboom, G. Hofstede, I.Veldhuizen, "Blood product collection and supply: a matter of money?

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