hogmanay - dunbar street - 31 dec 2019...2019/12/31  · hogmanay - dunbar street - 31 dec 2019...

Produced by the SCD Database <http://my.strathspey.org/dd/> on 13 November 2019, 19:14 1/9 25-32 17-24 9-16 1-8 3 25-32 17-24 9-16 1-8 2 1 Hogmanay - Dunbar Street - 31 Dec 2019 OIDHCHE CHALUINN S32 · 3+3RR John W Mitchell: Whetherly Book 1 · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams THE LANCASTRIAN WANDERER J32 · 3/4L Ian Barbour: Dance and Celebration · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1s+2s set, dance RH across & 1s cast to face 1st corners 1s turn 1st corner RH, pass partner RSh to face 3rd corner, turn 3rd corner LH & pass partner LSh to face 2nd corner 1s turn 2nd corner RH, pass partner RSh to face 4th corner, turn 4th corner LH to end in 2nd place opposite side facing 2nd corner 1s dance LSh Reels of 3 on opposite sides & cross to 2nd place on own side LINNEA'S STRATHSPEY S32 · 3/4L Tim Wilson: RSCDS XLVII 2 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s cross passing LSh & cast RSh round 1st corners into face them 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end passing RSh to face out in 2nd place own sides Promenade (Chaperoned) Chain progression: 17-18 2s & 3s 3/4 turn partner RH into middle 1s dance clockwise 1/4 while round the set picking up 2L/3M … 19-22 who promenade 1/2 way clockwise middle people (2M + 3L) turn LH 1.1/2. while 23-24 2s & 3s turn partner RH 3/4 to own sides 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round to end in while 2nd place, all 3 couples in middle facing up 3 1 2 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande 5x32 R - 3 face 3 round the room 1-4 1s2s advance and retire; 5-8 1M2M turn by the left 1½ times, finishing facing out in the other's place; 9-10 2M1LL 1M2LL turn ¾ by the right, Ls finishing in places, Mn facing in on the sides; 11-12 1M2M turn by the left 1½ times, finishing facing out on the sides; 13-14 2M1LR 1M2LR turn ¾ by the right, Ls finishing in places, Mn in the other's place facing in; 15-16 1M2M turn by the left, finishing side-by-side on the centreline of the set; 17-24 1Ls2M 1M2Ls right hands across and back, Ls finishing in original places, each M in the other's place, facing out; 25-28 Ls, facing on the sides to start, half rights and lefts WHILE Mn dance clockwise around the opposite LL's place; 29-32 2s 1s half reels of 3 across (2M2LR 1L1MR giving left shoulder to start), finishing back to back having progressed one place, ready to meet the next threesome. (MAXICRIB, Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

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Page 1: Hogmanay - Dunbar Street - 31 Dec 2019...2019/12/31  · Hogmanay - Dunbar Street - 31 Dec 2019 OIDHCHE CHALUINN S32 · 3+3RR John W Mitchell: Whetherly Book 1 · Diagram: Keith Rose's

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Hogmanay - Dunbar Street - 31 Dec 2019

OIDHCHE CHALUINN S32 · 3+3RRJohn W Mitchell: Whetherly Book 1 · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

THE LANCASTRIAN WANDERER J32 · 3/4LIan Barbour: Dance and Celebration · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s+2s set, dance RH across & 1s castto face 1st corners1s turn 1st corner RH, pass partnerRSh to face 3rd corner, turn 3rd cornerLH & pass partner LSh to face 2ndcorner1s turn 2nd corner RH, pass partner RSh to face 4th corner, turn 4th corner LH to end in 2ndplace opposite side facing 2nd corner1s dance LSh Reels of 3 on opposite sides & cross to 2nd place on own side

LINNEA'S STRATHSPEY S32 · 3/4LTim Wilson: RSCDS XLVII 2 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s set & cast 1 place, 1s cross passingLSh & cast RSh round 1st corners intoface them1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting &end passing RSh to face out in 2ndplace own sidesPromenade (Chaperoned) Chainprogression:17-18 2s & 3s 3/4 turn partner RH intomiddle 1s dance clockwise 1/4whileround the set picking up 2L/3M …19-22 who promenade 1/2 way clockwise middle people (2M + 3L) turn LH 1.1/2.while23-24 2s & 3s turn partner RH 3/4 to own sides 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round to end inwhile2nd place, all 3 couples in middle facing up 3 1 23s+1s+2s dance Allemande

5x32 R - 3 face 3 round the room

1-4 1s2s advance and retire;5-8 1M2M turn by the left 1½ times, finishing facing out in the other's place;9-10 2M1LL 1M2LL turn ¾ by the right, Ls finishing in places, Mn facing in on the sides;11-12 1M2M turn by the left 1½ times, finishing facing out on the sides;13-14 2M1LR 1M2LR turn ¾ by the right, Ls finishing in places, Mn in the other's place facing in;15-16 1M2M turn by the left, finishing side-by-side on the centreline of the set;17-24 1Ls2M 1M2Ls right hands across and back, Ls finishing in original places, each M in the other's place, facing out;25-28 Ls, facing on the sides to start, half rights and lefts WHILE Mn dance clockwise around the opposite LL's place;29-32 2s 1s half reels of 3 across (2M2LR 1L1MR giving left shoulder to start), finishing back to back having progressed one place, ready to meet the next threesome.(MAXICRIB, Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

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4 STAIRCASE IN STYRIA R40 · 5/5LMargaret Gray: CD booklet of The Sunday Class Dance Book 2 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s+2M also 3s+4M dance RH across,1s+2L also 3s+4L dance LH across1s+4M also 3s+5M dance RH across,1s+4L also 3s+5L dance LH across &1L also 3L end facing out Ladies sidewith partners behind them1s & 3s dance out Ladies' side & castup 1 place, cross to Mens side & castup to original place Ladies loopinground by the right1s cross & cast 1 place, 1s followed by 3s dance up & cast (1s to 3rd place, 3s to 2nd place)1s cross & cast 1 place, 1s followed by 5s dance up & cast (1s to 5th place, 5s to 4th place). 2 34 5 1NB - No stepping up or down until bar 27

BILL CLEMENT MBE J32 · 3/4LJohn Wilkinson: RSCDS XLVII 1 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s set & dance down between 3s &cast up to end LH with partner facing1st crnrs1s set & turn inwards to face 3rd crnrs,1s set to 3rd crnrs & turn crnrs LH toend RH with partner facing 2nd crnrs1s set & turn inwards to face 4thcrnrs,1s set to 4th crnrs & turn crnrsRH to end 2nd place own side2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

THE CANNADINE STRATHSPEY S32 · 4/4LAnna Campbell Holden: Birmingham Diamond Jubilee Dance Book - 1946-2006 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: KeithRose's Diagrams

1s+2s Set & Rotate :Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 placeclockwise, change places RH on sides& dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in2nd pl)2s+1s+3s+4s dance RSh reel of 4 onsides1s & 3s dance round 2s/4s RSh & turnLH 1.1/2 times on own sides to end 2 31 42s+3s dance RH across & LH back 1s+4s dance RH across & dance 1/2 DiamondwhilePoussette. 2 3 4 1

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7 BOHEMIAN REFLECTIONS R32 · 3/4LHolger Schuckelt: RSCDS LI 12 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s lead down, cross below 3s & castup to 2nd place opp sides (2s step up3-4). 1s turn 1.1/4 LH to end in middlefacing own side1M+2s also 1L+3s dance RH across,1s pass RSh to dance LH across withother couple. 1s end in 2nd place opp sides2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain . 1s end in 2nd place opp sides, 1M facing out1M followed by 1L, casts behind 3L, across set, 1M dances up behind 3M to 2nd place own side

1L dances up middle , pulls back RSh to dance into place. 2s+1s+3s setwhile

FAREWELL TO BALFOUR ROAD J32 · 5/5LAndrew Buxton: RSCDS LII 7 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s+2s circle 4H round & back1s+2s Set+Link; 1s+3s Set+Link2s start 1s+4s+5s dance mirrorwhilereels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start)1s set, cross down RH to 4th place (4sstep up); 1s set, cross down LH to 5thplace (5s step up) 2 3 4 5 1New top couple start every 16 bars. Repeat until 1s back in 1st place, they stand for 16 bars

5s continue bars 17-32 ending back in 5th placewhile

BROADWAY S32 · 3/3LChris Ronald: The Big Apple Collection · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s dance down (2 bars) & turn 2H (2bars), 1s dance up & cast to 2nd place2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3, 1s dance 1/2Diag R&L starting Diagonally leftAll Set+Link for 3, 1s dance 1/2 DiagR&L starting Diagonally left. (3)(1)(2)All set & 1/2 turn RH, face partner and pull back RSh, dance out to places & set. 3 1 2

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10 THE CRANBERRY TART J32 · 3/4LTerry Glasspool: Thirty Popular Dances, Volume Two · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1M sets & casts 1 place, sets &petronella turns between 3s facing up

1L stands for 2 bars then sets,whilecasts 1 place & sets1M sets in line with 3s & all 3 Adv+Retthen 1M advances to partner 1Lwhilepetronella turns between 2s & sets in line with 2s then all 3 Adv+Ret1L followed by partner dances reel of 3 across with 2s (RSh to 2L) to end in 2nd place ownsides1s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 3s

SCOTT MEIKLE R32 · 4/4LAlice McLean: RSCDS XLVI 3 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s cross RH & cast to 2nd place, 1sdance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s1s+3s dance RH across, LH back1L followed by 3L dance Tandem reelof 3 across with 2s (LSh to 2M) & 1send 3rd pl 3M followed by 1Mwhiledance reel of 3 with 4s (LSh to 4L) & 3s end in 2nd pl 2 3 1 41s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, turn partners RH 1.1/2 times 2 3 4 1

TRIP TO TIMBER RIDGE R32 · 3/4LLinda Henderson: RSCDS LII 12 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s turn RH, cast (2s step up) then1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across. 1send facing 1st corners1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1stcorners, pass RSh & repeat with 2ndcorners. 1s pull back RSh to end BtoBin centre facing opp sides2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles.Bars 23-24 1s petronella turn to 2ndplace own sides2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back

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13 IT'S JUST FOR FUN J32 · 3/4LRoy Fidler: RSCDS XXXIII 6 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1Mdances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s 1Lwhiledances round 3s 1s end facing 1stcorners1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st crnrs,pass LSh & dance RH across (1M withcouple in 1st pl & 1L with cpl in 3rd pl)1s end facing 2nd crnrs1s dance 1/2 Reel of 4 with 2ndcorners, pass partner LSh to dance RHacross (1M with 2L+3L on Men's side & 1L with 2M+3M)1s 1/2 turn LH 2s+3s change places RH on sides, 1M dances up & 1L down, cast on ownwhilesides corners set & cross RH & all setwhile

MACDONALD OF KEPPOCH M128 · 4SChris Ronald: RSCDS XLIX 11 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s+3s dance 6 bars R&L (Men politeturns) to finish in centre B-to-B withpartner facing side couples (1L+2L,1M+4M, 3L+4L, 3M+2M). All setReels of 4 across. Finish in lineup/down with Ladies (in middle) facing,1M facing down, 3M facing upReel of 4 (1L+3L pass RSh) All passLSh at ends, RSh in middle. Finish inoriginal places facing partnersAll set, all turn partner RH 1.1/4 into promenade hold & dance 1 place anticlockwise.

Repeat from new positions in Strathspey then twice in Reel time back to original places

BEST SET IN THE HALL J32 · 3/4LHelen Greenwood: RSCDS XLVI 7 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s set & 1L followed by partner castsbelow 3s. 1L crosses & casts up toface her 1st corner 1M danceswhileup the middle to face 1st corner1s set to 1st corners & dance RShround each other into 3rd corner (pstn)

1st corners dance in & turn right about to face their original positionwhile1s+1st crnr person set & 1st crnr persons dance RSh round each other into diag opp crnrs

1s dance in & pivot to right to face 2nd crnrswhile1s repeat bars 9-16 with 2nd corners & end passing RSh to 2nd place opposite sides. (3)(1)(2)2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way & turn partners RH

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16 BARBARA'S STRATHSPEY S32 · 3/4LSue McKinnell: RSCDS XLVI 4 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s set & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Figof 8 (1M round 2s, 1L round 3s)2s+1s+3s set & 1s cross passing RSh,2M+1M also 1L+3L turn RH 1.1/2times on sides1s+2s+3s dance 3 couple Bourrel:17-20 1M+3L also 2M+1L set advcg &3/4 turn 2H to line up/down middle then1/2 turn single to face own prtnrs as3M & 2L chase anticl'wise to face them21-24 All set & turn 2H to own sides. 3 1 2All chase clockwise 1/2 way, all 1/2 turn partners RH & twirl to places. 2 1 3

THE KISSING BRIDGE R32 · 3/4LRomaine Butterfield: RSCDS XLVII 9 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s cast & dance behind lines to bottom& turn outwards to dance back to top1s cross down to dance reels of 3 onopposite sides to end in partners place1s lead down middle & cross to ownsides (Lady under Mans arm), 1s leadup to top & end facing partner with 2H joined1s+2s dance Poussette 2 1 3

THE ELEPHANT'S STAMPEDE J48 · 4SLorna Macdonald & Gillian Mackintosh: Aurora 10th Anniversary Book of SCD · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose'sDiagrams

All circle 8H round & back1s+3s advance & with free hand joinwith 2s & 4s & retire into longwise setacross the dance, all dance 1/2 parallelreels of 4 acrossAll dance 1/2 R&L at each end of set,turn (person on Mans left) RH 1.1/2times to form Sq.SetAll Ladies petronella turn to nextLadies place to right & set, repeat tomeet partner (all have progressed 1 place to right)All dance full Schiehallion Reel

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19 THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT THIRTY S32 · 3/3LLindsey Ibbotson: RSCDS 50 3 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s dance in & cast 2 places (2s+3sstep up bars 3-4). 1s set, lead up toface 1st corners (3s step down bars7-8)1s+1st corners dance CornersPass+Turn, 1s pass RSh & repeat with2nd corners, 1s finish passing RSh to2nd place own sides2s+1s+3s set, pull back RSh, dance 2steps clockwise into circle 6H round toleft to own sides 2 1 31s+3s dance RH across finishing in middle NHJ facing up1s cast to 3rd place 3s dance up, curving into 2nd place. 3s+1s setwhile

FATHER TO SON R32 · 3/4LSimon Scott: Coast to Coast with Scotch Mist · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s+2s Set & Rotate, 1s end facing up,2s facing down2s+1s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 onsides (1s RSh to 2s to start)2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 couples twiceto end on opp sides, Men facing down,Ladies facing up3s+1s+2s chase 1/2 round clockwise to own side (4 bars) & all turn partners RH

THE STARRY EYED LASSIE J32 · 3/4LMartin Sprague: RSCDS XXIII 11 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s+2s dance RH across; 1s cast down1 place 2s dance up to top, 1swhileset advancing, turning right about toend BtoB facing own sides for readyfor ...2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles,ending with petronella turn to 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s facing 4th corners2s+1s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 across, 1s end in 2nd place opposite sides 2 (1) 32s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left (6 bars) & 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides

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22 HOGMANAY REBELS R40 · 2RRJudith Kowalczik: Potters Pairs · Crib: MiniCribs

Round the Room, 2 facing 2

All Adv (2) Ret (2) Couples facing clockwise dance between facing couple, turning them with NHback to placeCouples facing clockwise join 2H & slip step between facing couple (4 bars) & slip step back toplaceRepeat bars 1-16 with anticlockwise couples as dancing coupleAll set, pass opp person LSh to meet new couples & all circle 4H round to Left


NEW YEAR JIG J32 · 3/4LMaureen Robson: RSCDS LI 8 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s dance Fig 8 on own sides (pass 2sRSh to start). 1L ends facing outReels of 3 on sides (1s+2s pass RShto start). 1L end facing out1L followed by 1M dances behind 2L,up between 2s, behind 2M, across setto 2nd place own side (2s step up 23-24)1s+3s dance RH across. 2s+1s dance LH across. 1L finishes facing out, ready to start again

ONE FOR THE ROAD R32 · 3/4LPam Perkins: New Forest Scottish Country Dances · Crib: MiniCribs

1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 around 2s2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret 2 steps & turn partner RH1s cross down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place, lead up & cast to 2nd place own side2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back


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27 LOCHINDORB STRATHSPEY S32 · 3/3LAnne Hutchison: An Aberdeen Collection · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s & 3s petronella turn & set, turnpartners RH 1.1/4 to places2s petronella turn & set, change placesLH & dance LSh round 3rd corners toplacesAll dance Grand ChainAll set, circle 6H round to left 1/2 way;all set & 3s+2s (top 2 couples) dance1/2 RH across 1s cross RH. 2 3while1

MAXWELL'S RANT R32 · 3/4LDavid Rutherford: RSCDS XVIII 10 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s cross down to dance reflection reelsof 3 on opposite sides1s cross down to dance reflection reelsof 3 on own sides1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place &dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s1s dance down between the 3s, cast up to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH

THE WILD GEESE J32 · 3/4LRSCDS XXIV 3 · Crib: MiniCribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams

1s+3s set advancing & Bal-in-Line(Man above Lady), turn partners RH &1s cast to 3rd place 3s lead upwhileto 1st place3s+1s set advancing & Bal-in-Line(Man above Lady), turn partners RH &3s cast to 3rd place 1s lead up to 1st placewhile1s lead down & back to 2nd place2s+1s dance R&L