how to create your own reality

2/10/2015 How To Create Your Own Reality 1/14 Search this website… 7 COMMENTS How To Create Your Own Reality DECEMBER 7, 2010 BY VICTOR PRIDE Would you like to create your own reality? Would you like to become someone else, someone better, someone who doesn’t take orders all day, someone who lives life on their terms? SUBSCRIBE HERE FOR FREE Join 17,000+ other subscribers and get FREE updates about how to kick more ass. Enter your email address below and hit GO, we will never share or sell your email address with anyone... Enter your ema GO VICTOR’S BOOKS HOME NEW? START HERE CONTACT VICTOR’S BOOKS APPROVED RESOURCES ARCHIVES SHIRTS PODCAST

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Not trying to teach you self actualisation, but realise you have what it takes, human life is weak but can produce many miracles


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How To CreateYour OwnRealityDECEMBER 7, 2010 BY VICTOR PRIDE

Would you like to create your own reality?

Would you like to become someone else, someonebetter, someone who doesn’t take orders all day,someone who lives life on their terms?


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Would you like to live your dream?

Would you like to hear the secret about how tocreate your own destiny?

Well, the fancy secret is that you DO create yourown reality. You do create your own destiny. As youare reading this right now you are creating yourreality. If you aren’t living up to your potential it isbecause you chose not to. Make the choice to livelife on your terms, your own way. Forget aboutsocieties rules how things should be done. Societiesrules are meaningless to you. Make your own rulesand only follow them.

Everything you see, do, hear, see, and feel existsbecause you created it. The computer screen you’rereading exists because you created it. The job youwork exists because you created it. This articleexists because you created it. If you hadn’t comeacross this website and this article would it still behere? In your world, no, it would not, cannot exist.

Create for yourself a life of abundance. All it takes isthe decision to do so. Make the choice. Live life as aslave, following others (who don’t even exist) or livelife as the king of your reality.

Whose to say we are all not just dreams of ourselvesand that nothing really exists. As long as you aredreaming the dream, LIVE THE DREAM! Don’t letthe nightmare become your reality.

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4 3 0 0

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Princeps says:January 27, 2013 at 4:33 am

I’m a little confused. Are you touching onthe law of attraction here?


magnus says:March 21, 2014 at 2:46 pm

Yeah…. Tho more Quantum Physics.Its all real. If you scoff and poo­poo~youre just flaunting your ignorance.You are supposed to Prove this. Itstime.


KG says:March 5, 2013 at 4:38 am

If one actually starts analysing and actingupon the stuff you mentioned, life couldsurely change much better or becomemuch more exciting!


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Radass says:August 5, 2013 at 8:33 am

Balls yea


Hakeem says:April 14, 2014 at 10:42 am

I think he is. Have you ever tried using itbecause it actually works. I rememberwhen my brother first handed me that book.It was titled the secret. If you don’t knowwhat it is then you should look into it. Victoruses it a lot judging from what he writes.


Dylan Madden says:November 11, 2014 at 9:56 pm

Great Article I’ve read this 4 times. Everytime I need some motivation I just come tothis page. Keep putting out killer articlesbrother.Your friend,Dylan Madden

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Cómo crear Tu Propia Realidad says:December 16, 2013 at 12:13 am

[…] Original publicado en Bold &Determined: How To Create Your OwnReality […]Reply


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Part of the trend to emulate(i.e. imitate) BAD and D&P, Ibelieve, is a failure to seebeyond the fame that theInternet can sometimes bring.There is a certain allure to the(admittedly moderate) famethat Victor and Mike haveachieved. I don't even thinkthis is a conscious thing, butit does seem that manyemulators are not looking atthe money, the discipline, thefocus, the fitness and otherthings Victor and Mike haveboth achieved: they arelooking at the visibility andfame, and coming away witha sense that this is whatsuccess necessarily means.In fact, most (not all) of thegreat business ideas thatcould work will be of a localand not particularly visiblenature. Guys could get rich,independent, successful andbe every bit "Da Man" thatMike and Victor are by: ­­starting a chain of carwashes in some city / county/ region; ­­ starting a

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Posted byRemnant

microbrewery chain and beerbrand in a foreign (Asian)country where that culture isunderdeveloped but growing;­­ real estate and propertymanagement related stuff inforeign countries: e.g. old age/ retirement homes (HUGEpotential: Europeans whocannot afford retirementhome in their own country butcould in Thailand / Phillipines/ etc. ­­ education: e.g.starting schools in third­worldcountries geared towardsgetting rich students to theUS / UK / Australia; ­­comprehensive ex­patservices in various third­world countries: cleaning,butler, driver, overall activitymanagement. These arerandom examples off the topof my head. But the point isnone of them will bringanything other than local orniche reknown, if that. TheVictor and Mike wannabeesare, at some perhapsunconscious level, onlythinking about the publicaspect to what these blogsachieved, and that is cuttingthem off from a wide realm ofmore realistic possibilities.Starting a real world businesspresents a much greaterworld of options and potentialfor success. It won't makeyou famous. But so what?

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