how to fill the atp document rtn 600

How to fill the ATP Document RTN 600 (Acceptance Test Data) (Bagaimana pengisian ATP docement RTN 600) 1. Visual Check IDU serial number: - please check on physical IDU interface on top of the equipment (cek di perangkat IDU bagian atas dari perangkat) Contoh serial number IDU 98088067772-034 ODU serial number:- check on software or on physical ODU (cek di software atau langsung pada ODU) Contoh: 21524113286c9B00164

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Page 1: How to Fill the ATP Document RTN 600

How to fill the ATP Document RTN 600(Acceptance Test Data)

(Bagaimana pengisian ATP docement RTN 600)

1. Visual Check

IDU serial number: - please check on physical IDU interface on top of the equipment (cek di perangkat IDU bagian atas dari perangkat)Contoh serial number IDU 98088067772-034

ODU serial number:- check on software or on physical ODU(cek di software atau langsung pada ODU)Contoh: 21524113286c9B00164

Hybrid Serial number: - please check on physical Hybrid (cek fisik di perangkat Hybrid)

Antenna Serial number : - please check on physical antenna(cek fisik di perangkat antenna)


Antenna Diameter (M) Height (M) Polarization

Station:A ___________________□Vertical


Station: B ___________________□Vertical


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Fill the site ID and site name correctly(isi site ID dan site name dengan benar)Make sure diameter, antenna high and polarization have correct installation according to link budged(pastikan installasi antenna sesuai dengan link budged dari sisi diameter, antenna high dan polarisasi)

Item Check OK NOK

3) Check the physical Out-door installation.

(pastikan instalasi outdorr sudah sesuai standard)

□ □

4) Check the Radio indoor equipment installation.

(pastikan instalasi indoor sudah sesuai standard)

□ □

5) Indoor Cable rack and structure installation

(pastikan instalasi kabel dan rak sesuai drawing standard)

□ □

6) Labeling.

(patikan label terpasang sesuai standard)

□ □

7) Grounding cable installation

(pastikan grounding outdoor dan indoor terpasang dengan


□ □

2. Configuration Check

Station A Set-Up Channel 1 Channel 2

Transmitted frequency (MHz) (MHz)

Received frequency (MHz) (MHz)

Frequency Plan (*) (MHz) (MHz)

Sub Band

Transmitted power requested dBm dBm

Please check frequency, and power transmit in software LCT and make sure is already match with Link budged(pastikan frekuensi dan power sesuai dengan link budged)

Sub band : Check frequency and find sub band in data from TNP (sesuaikan frequensi dan data sub band dari TNP)

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3. Loop back Test (local and remote)Tributary Check

Station A Local Tributary [ ] OK [ ] NOK

Station B Local Tributary [ ] OK [ ] NOK

First enable 1 E1 for test local loop, and make loop tributary in one side physically and test loop use BER test (buat enable 1 E1 untuk test local loop, dan buat loop di tributary di satu sisi secara fisik lalu lakukan BER test pada E1 tersebut)

4. Receive Power level Result

Station A Station B

ODU 1 ODU 2 (**) ODU 1 ODU 2 (**)

Rx level in link budget

(data dari link budged)

dBm dBm dBm dBm

Rx Level (actual) dBm dBm dBm dBm

Tx Power (actual) dBm dBm dBm dBm

Tx power Data Rx level (actual)

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5. Protection switching testSystem Type : □ 1+1HSB □ 1+1FD □ 1+1SD


Station A [ ] OK [ ] NO [ ]NA(*)

Station B [ ] OK [ ] NO [ ]NA(*)

only for 1+1 configuration (Hanya jika konfigurasi 1+1)check switching ODU 1 and ODU 2 (cek switching antara ODU 1 dan ODU 2)

6. Interference CheckStation A (Tx Off on B) Station B (Tx Off on A)

ODU 1 ODU 2 (**) ODU 1 ODU 2 (**)

Receive Level (*)

(*) Receive power level <-80db no interference affect on link

-79dB<receive power level <-74dB, refer to BER test, no error in BER test no interference affect on link

Receive power level >-74dB interference on link.

(**) If applicable

The data interference when site far end off (Data Rx level saat test interference dengan kondisi site far end off)

Receive power level <-80db no interference affect on link (Interference check harus diatas -80 dB)

-79dB<receive power level <-74dB, refer to BER test, no error in BER test no interference affect on link (Jika interference antara -79< x < -74 dilakukan BER test)

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Receive power level >-74dB interference on link (Jika di bawah -74 berarti link interference dan harus propose ganti frekuensi)

7. Power Voltage Check

Station name Power Supply Voltage

Station A [ + ] Volt

Station B [+ ] Volt

Check DC voltage…. (cek tegangan DC yg masuk ke IDU)

8. Network Configuration


Station NameStation A Station B

Name : Name :


IP Address

Net Mask

NE ID IP addresNet Mask :

9. Ethernet Service Connectivity

Ethernet Test Result

Station A [ ] OK [ ] NO [ ]NA(*)

Station B [ ] OK [ ] NO [ ]NA(*)

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Please make sure the Ethernet service is available(pastikan Ethernet berfungsi dengan baik)10. Terminal Inventory

Equipment Checking Slot Position Board Style Board BarcodePXCPXCSCCEOWIF1IF1IF1IF1SL1SD1PO1PH1PD1FAN

Step : a. click IDU (klik IDU)b. click report and find board information report (cari report lalu ke board

information report)

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11. Browse Alarm Check

Make sure no critical and major alarm (pastikan tidak ada alarm critical dan major pada bagian ini)

12. ATPC test Set Upper and lower ATPC according Planning for this test, after finish alignment(set ATPC sesuai dengan spesifikasi planning setelah RSL maksimal di dapatkan)

13. BER Test Do BER test for 30- 60 min, and attach print out the BER test result in ATP Doc(lakukan BER test selama 30-60 menit, dan lampirkan print out hasil BER test di document ATP)

14. BOQ

Please fill The BOQ according to actual material installation on site