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I n f o r m e A n u a l / A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 1

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Informe Anual 2011 / 2011 Annual Report

1. Mensajedeldirectorgeneral/ Message from the Dean 3

2. IPADEennúmeros/IPADE in Numbers 4

3. 2011:unañoglobal/2011: A Global Year 7

4. Conocimientoeinvestigaciónparaenfrentarunnuevoentornodenegocios/ 14 Knowledge and Research to Address a New Business Environment

5. ElPeñón,compromisosocial/ El Peñón, Social Commitment 18

6. Visitasdestacadasdelciclo2010-2011/Distinguished Visits during 2010-2011 19

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1. Mensaje del director general“No existe mejor prueba del progresode una civilización que la del progreso de la cooperación”.John Stuart Mill

1. Message from the Dean

“There is no better proof of the progress of a civilization than the progress of cooperation.” John Stuart Mill

The efforts made during the 2010-2011 academic year allowed IPADE to maintain its reputation as the best business school in Mexico and remain one of the most outstanding in Latin America and the world, according to the Financial Times, Forbes and Expansion rankings. Both the Universidad Panamericana and IPADE (co-workers and participants) have responded to the new challenges that the global business environment has brought.

The sum of efforts channeled contributed to the training of entrepreneurs and executives of companies who are now able to pose new goals and explore various “ways of doing things” in order to get to the result they want, taking into account the economic, political, technological and social conditions that are inherent to our country and taking into consideration international condition saffecting Mexico and the world of business.

Supporting the Senior Management in its leadership, its ethical perspective and the development of a social conscience that enables achieving responsible actions that benefit society as a whole –even going beyond the borders of our nation– has been one of the objectives that IPADE has pursued. And in order to achieve it, IPADE has established strategic alliances with other international business schools so as to maximize resources and academic achievements in business and in the community.

I give special recognition to the effort made by the faculty which comprises teachers, managers, and employees; this commitment has been reflected in the satisfaction and recognition of our participants, making the value each onecontributes to be an essential element in our daily activities.

Alfonso Bolio Arciniega, Dean

Elesfuerzorealizadoduranteelciclo2010-2011permitióalIPADEmantenersuprestigiocomolamejorescueladenegociosdeMéxicoypermanecercomounadelasmásdestacadasdeAméricaLatinaydelmundo,deacuerdocon los rankings Financial Times, Forbes y Expansión.Tanto la Universidad Panamericana como el IPADE(colaboradoresyparticipantes)hansabidoresponderalosnuevosretosqueelentornoglobalempresarialhatrazado.

La suma de esfuerzos encauzados ha contribuido a laformación de empresarios y directivos de compañías,quienes gracias a ella ahora se plantean nuevosobjetivos y exploran diversos “modos de hacer” parallegar al resultado que buscan, tomando en cuentalas condiciones económicas, políticas, tecnológicasy sociales inherentes a nuestro país y teniendo enconsideración las condiciones internacionales queincidenenMéxicoyenelmundodelosnegocios.

Apuntalar a la Alta Dirección en su liderazgo, en superspectiva ética y en el desarrollo de una concienciasocial que permita lograr acciones responsables quefavorezcan a la sociedad en su conjunto –rebasando,incluso, las fronteras de nuestra nación– ha sido unode los objetivos que el IPADE ha perseguido, paraconcretarlo ha establecido alianzas estratégicas conotras escuelas de negocios internacionales con elpropósito de maximizar los recursos y los alcancesacadémicosenlaempresayenlacomunidad.

Hago un especial reconocimiento al esfuerzo querealizaelclaustroconformadoporprofesores,directivosy colaboradores; este empeño se ha visto reflejadoen la satisfacción y el reconocimiento de nuestrosparticipantes, haciendo que el valor que cada unoaportaseaunelementoesencialennuestroquehacerdiario.

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2. IPADE en números / IPADE in Numbers

1,127 egresadosenelciclo / graduates in the academic year

5 sedesnacionales / national campuses

3 fijas / fix MéxicoGuadalajaraMonterrey

2 itinerantes/roaming CancúnCuliacán

2 sedesinternacionales/international campuses Houston,EE.UU.SanJosé,CostaRica


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67profesoresdetiempocompleto/ full-time faculty members

22profesorescondoctorado/professors with PhD

57catedráticosdeotrasescuelasdenegociosdelmundo participaronconsesionesduranteelciclo2010-2011/professors from other business schools in the world participated in sessions during the 2010-2011 academic year

3profesoresseincorporaronalclaustroacadémicodelIPADE/professors joined the faculty of IPADE

MaytéGuadalupeStegeBayón,DireccióndeOperacionesOperations Management

AlejandroVázquezRíos,DireccióndePersonalHuman Resource Management

NancyVillanuevaRomero,DirecciónFinancieraFinancial Management

Posición del IPADE en los rankings / IPADE position in the rankings

Financial Times 2011

Programas de Alta Dirección y Especiales / Senior Management and Special Programs

4º lugarmundialenNuevashabilidadesyaprendizaje/4th place worldwide in New Skills and Learning.

6° lugarmundialenValorporeldinero/6th place worldwide in Value for the money.

8° lugarmundialenFormaciónacadémicaypráctica/8th place worldwide in Academic and Practical Training.

9° lugarmundialenInstalaciones/9th place worldwide in Facilities.

10° lugarmundialenMétodosdeenseñanza/10th place worldwide in Teaching Methods.

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MEDE (full-time MBA)

Lugar 64 mundial enellistadodelosmejores100ProgramasMBA/64th place worldwide in the list of top 100 MBA programs.

3º lugar mundial enExperienciainternacional/3rd place worldwide in International Experience.

3º lugar mundial enIncrementosalarial/3rd place worldwide in Wage Increase.

4º lugar mundial enResponsabilidadsocial/4th place worldwide in Social Responsibility.

5º lugar mundial enMarketing/5th place worldwide in Marketing.

5º lugar mundial enDireccióngeneral/5th place worldwide in General Management.

6º lugar mundial enProgresoencarreralaboral/6th place worldwide in Progress in Career.

7º lugar mundialcomoelMBAmásrentablefueradeEstadosUnidos/ 7th place worldwide as the most profitable MBA outside the United States.

ElIPADE,única escuela latinoamericanaenellistado/IPADE, the only Latin American school in the listing.

ElmejorMBAdeMéxicoydeAméricaLatina/The best MBA in Mexico and Latin America.

MejoropciónparaestudiarenMéxico,porcuartoañoconsecutivo/Best option to study in Mexico, for the fourth consecutive year.

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3. 2011: un año global / 2011: A Global Year

IPADE hosts the first Latin America GBSN conference IPADE alberga la primera conferencia de GBSN en América Latina

Del 20 al 22 de junio de 2011, el IPADE fue sede, porprimera vez en Latinoamérica, de la VI Conferenciaanual ”Generando liderazgo: Desarrollando lascapacidades de la persona en mercados emergentes”,de la Global Business School Network (GBSN), eventointernacional que congregó a 150 participantes dediversasnacionalidades.

Al evento asistieron los decanos de las principalesinstituciones académicas enfocadas a negocios deAmérica, Europa, Asia y África, directores generalesde compañías nacionales e internacionales, asícomo representantes de organizaciones interesadasen conocer las últimas tendencias encaminadas aenriquecerlaformacióndelíderesdeempresas.

Enlaconferencia“Generandoliderazgo:Desarrollandolascapacidadesdelapersonaenmercadosemergentes”se abordaron temas como el desarrollo de programasde educación ejecutiva, las nuevas oportunidades delmercado en la base de la pirámide, la permanenteimportanciadelainnovaciónylanecesidaddeadaptarlos modelos de negocio a las características de cadalocalidad,paísyregión.


From June 20 to 22, 2011, IPADE hosted for the first time in Latin America, the Sixth Annual Conference “Creating leadership: Developing the skills of the individual in emerging markets,” of the Global Business School Network (GBSN), an international event bringing together 150 participants from different nationalities.

The event was attended by the deans of the leading academic institutions focusing on business in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, CEOs of national and international companies and representatives of organizations interested in the latest trends to enhance the training of business leaders.

At the conference “Creating leadership: Developing the skills of the individual in emerging markets,” issues such as the development of executive education programs, new market opportunities at the base of the pyramid, the continuing importance of innovation and the need to adapt business models to the characteristics of each locality, country and region were addressed.

The event made it clear that behind the capacity that every company must have to generate economic value, there must be an intellectual, social, ethical and above all, profoundly humanist driver, which should be the framework to achieve a deep and substantial social development.

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socialprofundoysustancial.IPADE, sede del relanzamiento de la Oficina del Pacto Mundial de la ONU en México


El Pacto Mundial aglutina a más de 6,000 empresas,en 135 países, que se comprometen a conducirse conapegoalosdiezprincipiosbásicosdelaONUmedianteprácticas que garanticen el cumplimiento de normaslaborales,elrespetoalosderechoshumanos,elcuidadodel medio ambiente y la lucha contra la corrupción alinteriordelasorganizaciones.

GeorgKellinstóalosempresariospresentesasumarseaestainiciativaparamejorarsusventajascompetitivasysermáseficientes.Enfatizóquesenecesitadelesfuerzode México para fortalecer la red de corporacionesparticipantes en América Latina e integrarse mejor almercadoglobal.

En nuestro país, la Oficina tendrá el apoyo de unComité conformado por el Centro de Estudios para laGobernabilidad Institucional (CEGI), perteneciente alIPADE–laúnicainstanciaacadémicainvolucrada–,yporempresascomoAeropuertosdelSur(ASUR),CementosCruz Azul, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Scotiabank,OrganizacióndelasNacionesUnidasparaelDesarrolloIndustrial(ONUDI),EXPOK,ToksyXcaret.

IPADE, Home to the Relaunch of the Global Compact Office of the UN in Mexico

In June 2011, IPADE was the venue for the relaunch of the Global Compact Office in Mexico, belonging to the United Nations Organization (UNO), an event attended by Georg Kell, executive director of that office, and Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, Mexican Ministry of the Environment.

The Global Compact brings together more than 6,000 companies in 135 countries who undertake to conduct with adherence to the ten principles of the UN through practices that ensure compliance with labor standards, respect for human rights, environmental care and the fight against corruption within organizations.

Georg Kell urged those entrepreneurs present to join this initiative in order to improve their competitive advantages and be more efficient. He emphasized the fact that Mexico needs the effort to strengthen the network of participating corporations in Latin America and to integrate better into the global market.

In our country, the Office will be supported by a Committee formed by the Center for the Study of Institutional Governance (CEGI) belonging to IPADE –the only academic body involved– and by companies such as Aeropuertos del Sur (ASUR), Cementos Cruz Azul, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Scotiabank, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), EXPOK, Toks y Xcaret.

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Los Programas de Alta Dirección se impartieron en Costa Rica

Enmarzode2011elIPADEinaugurólasedeinternacionalde Costa Rica. La Escuela Superior de Dirección deEmpresas (ESDE) albergó, hasta noviembre de dichoaño,alaprimerageneracióndedichopaísenparticiparenelProgramadeAltaDireccióndeEmpresas (PADE),con lo que se colocó como referente en la formaciónde los ejecutivos más importantes de dicha naciónlatinoamericana.

Compitiendo con integridad: Responsabilidad social

Del 11 al 14 de octubre se realizó la XIV SemanaInternacionaldelMEDEX(ExecutiveMBA):“Compitiendocon integridad; Responsabilidad social”, que contócon la participación de 513 estudiantes provenientesde Nordakademie (Alemania), Universidad Austral(Argentina), Richard Ivey School of Business (Canadá),INALDE (Colombia), UNIS (Guatemala), Northeastern(EstadosUnidos),PADEscueladeDirección(Perú),IEEM(Uruguay)ydelIPADE(México).

En este evento académico, tres invitados destacadosexpusieron temas relacionados con el motivo de laSemana.JilVanEyle,asistentepersonaldeFrankRijkaard(ex técnico del equipo de futbol Barcelona), hablósobre la microdonación, una nueva tendencia para sersocialmenteresponsable.

Harinder Kohli, asesor del Foro Económico Mundial,abordó el tema con la conferencia “Mercadosemergentes: desde ahora hasta 2050”, y Judith Torrea,periodista especializada en derechos humanos ypresidenta de una fundación para familias víctimasde la violencia, en Ciudad Juárez, impartió la sesión“Desarrollosocialenlaresponsabilidadsocial”.

Senior Management Programs were held in Costa Rica

In March 2011, IPADE opened its international headquarters in Costa Rica. The Escuela Superior de Dirección de Empresas (ESDE) hosted, until November of that year, the first generation of that country to participate in the Advanced Management Program (PADE), which placed itself as a reference in training top executives of that Latin American nation.

Competing with Integrity: Social Responsibility

The 14th International Week of MEDEX (Executive MBA) took place in October 11 to 14: “Competing with integrity, social responsibility,” which included the participation of 513 students from Nordakademie (Germany), Universidad Austral (Argentina), Richard Ivey School of Business (Canada), INALDE (Colombia), UNIS (Guatemala), Northeastern (United States), PAD Escuela de Dirección (Peru), IEEM (Uruguay), and IPADE (Mexico).

In this academic event, three distinguished guests presented issues related with the topic of the Week. Jil Van Eyle, personal assistant to Frank Rijkaard (former manager of the Barcelona soccer team), spoke about the micro-donation, a new trend to be socially responsible.

Harinder Kohli, advisor to the World Economic Forum, addressed the theme with the lecture “Emerging markets: from now until 2050,” and Judith Torrea, a journalist specializing in human rights and president of a foundation for victims of family violence in Ciudad Juárez spoke on “Social development in social responsibility.”

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Turismo en México: un concepto mundial

Enenerode2011,sellevóacabolaSemanaInternacional“Mexican tourism: a worldwide concept”, a la queasistieronestudiantesdeMBAdeescuelasdenegociosde Alemania, Australia, Canadá, Corea, EE.UU., India yPerú, quienes tuvieron la oportunidad de profundizaren el desarrollo del sector turístico mexicano y deenriquecersusrespectivasperspectivasalintercambiarexperiencias y puntos de vista durante cinco días detrabajointensivoconsusparesinternacionales.


Hacer negocios en México

La Semana Internacional “Doing Business in Mexico”,organizada por el Máster en Dirección de Empresas,MEDE (full-time MBA), se realizó en marzo de 2011. Enel evento participaron destacados exponentes comoLuis de la Calle, director general y socio fundador dela firma de consultoría De la Calle, Madrazo, Mancera,y autor del libro Clasemedieros, quien brindó unpanorama económico nacional e internacional y urgióa los asistentes –futuros empresarios mexicanosy extranjeros– a que, desde su ámbito de acción,colaborenenelfomentodeunaactitudoptimistahacialosnegocios.

Tourism in Mexico: A Global Concept

In January 2011, the International Week “Mexican tourism: a worldwide concept,” IPADE held with the participation of MBA students from business schools in Germany, Australia, Canada, Korea, USA, India and Peru, who had the opportunity to get a deeper view of the development of Mexican tourism and to enrich their insights by exchanging experiences and views during five days of intensive work with their international peers.

The event had as special guests Roberto Slim Seade, CEO of the hotel group OSTAR; Juan Pablo Núñez, president of Bodegas Santo Tomás, Xavier López Ancona, president of KidZania, and Gabriela Ramos Patiño, representative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Doing Business in Mexico

The International Week “Doing Business in Mexico,” organized by the Master in Business Administration, MEDE (full-time MBA) was held in March 2011. Leading speakers were invited, such as Luis de la Calle, CEO and founding partner of the consulting firm De la Calle, Madrazo, Mancera, and author of the book Clasemedieros, who provided an overview of the national and international economic landscape and urged attendees –future Mexican and foreign entrepreneurs– to collaborate, from their own environment, in promoting a positive attitude towards business.

Mexican Tourism; a worldwide concept

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Jornadas Internacionales de los Programas de Alta Dirección

Las últimas tendencias de control estratégico, losnuevosmodelosdenegocioylainnovacióntecnológicaen las empresas fueron los temas principales de lasJornadas Internacionales de los Programas de AltaDirección realizadas en marzo de 2011. Estas contaronconlaparticipacióndelosprofesoresinvitadosSrikantM. Datar y Ramón Casadesus-Masanell, de HarvardBusiness School, y Evgeny Káganer, de IESE BusinessSchool.

Viaje académico a China

Como parte de las actividades académicasinternacionales del IPADE, en marzo de 2011,participantes del MEDE (full-time MBA) y del MEDEX(Executive MBA)realizaronunviajedeestudiosaChina,endondeasistieronasesionesenlaescueladenegociosmásimportantedeAsia:CEIBS.

Además, visitaron empresas como Bimbo China, ABBBeijing Drive Systems, Boasteel Glen Raven, Black andDeckeryBBDO,entreotras.

International Conference of Advanced Management Programs

The latest trends in strategic control, new business models and technological innovation in enterprises were the main themes of the International Conference of Advanced Management Programs conducted in March 2011. These were attended by guest professors Srikant M. Datar and Ramón Casadesus-Masanell, from Harvard Business School, and Evgeny Káganer, from IESE Business School.

Academic Trip to China

In March 2011, participants of MEDE (full-time MBA) and MEDEX (Executive MBA) made a study trip to China to attended meetings at the most important business school in Asia: CEIBS, as another activity of the international academic activities of IPADE Business School..

They also visited companies such as Bimbo China, ABB Beijing Drive Systems, Boasteel Glen Raven, Black and Decker, and BBDO, among others.

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Convenios de intercambio acordados con las mejores escuelas de negocios del mundo: /Exchange agreements entered into with the best business schools in the world:

América Latina / Latin America

FIA-FundaçãoInstitutodeAdministração/Brasil(Brazil)IAEBusinessSchool/Argentina(Argentina)IESAEscueladeGerencia/Venezuela(Venezuela)IDE,EscueladeDireccióndeEmpresas/Ecuador(Ecuador)PAD,EscueladeDirección/Perú(Peru)PontificiaUniversidadCatólicadeChile/Chile (Chile)TheCoppeadGraduateSchoolofBusiness/Brasil(Brazil)UniversidaddeChile,BusinessSchool/Chile(Chile)UniversidadDiegoPortales/Chile(Chile)

América del Norte / North America


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Asia / Asia


Europa / Europe

CentralEuropeanUniversity/Hungría(Hungary)CranfieldSchoolofManagement/ReinoUnido(UK)ENPCSchoolofInternationalManagement/Francia(France)TheESLSCAGraduateSchoolofBusiness/Francia(France)SSECEcoledeCommerce/Francia(France)EuropeanBusinessSchool/Alemania(Germany)HECInternationalBusinessSchool/Francia(France)IESEBusinessSchool/España(Spain)LondonBusinessSchool/ReinoUnido(UK)LUISSBusinessSchool/Italia(Italy)ManchesterBusinessSchool/ReinoUnido(UK)MannheimBusinessSchool/Alemania(Germany)PolitecnicodiMilano/Italia(Italy)RotterdamSchoolofManagement/Holanda(The Netherlands)UniversitatWitten/Herdecke/Alemania(Germany)UniversitáCommercialeLuigiBocconi/Italia(Italy)UniversityofEdinburghBusinessSchool/ReinoUnido(UK)UniversityofSt.Gallen/Suiza(Switzerland)WarwickBusinessSchool/ReinoUnido(UK)

Oceanía / Oceania

LaTrobeUniversity/Australia (Australia)

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4. Conocimiento e investigación para enfrentar un nuevo entorno de negocios Knowledge and research to address a new business environment

Programas Enfocados

Los Programas Enfocados del IPADE brindanherramientas a los directivos clave de las empresaspara que puedan desempeñar de manera óptima susfunciones,desarrollarlasáreasdenegocioenlasquesedesenvuelvenyenfrentarlosdesafíosquelespresentaelentornoglobal.

1. El Programa de Alta Dirección en Capital Privado (ADeCaP) se impartió por primera vez en la sedeMéxico,conelobjetodecontribuiraldesarrollodirectivodequienesparticipanenlaindustriadelcapitalprivadoycapitalemprendedorparaqueelfondodeinversionesseaunvínculoprácticoyrentableentrelospotencialesinversionistas y el empresario y sus proyectos deinversión.

Impartido por el IPADE, con la colaboración del Fondode Capitalización e Inversión del Sector Rural (FOCIR)y la Asociación Mexicana de Capital Privado, A.C.(AMEXCAP).

2. Servicios:LautopíacompetitivadelnuevoescenarioesunProgramacreadoconelfindeperfeccionarlalabordirectiva de los empresarios para que puedan diseñare implementar, con un enfoque sistémico, un modelointegraldeserviciosenlaorganización.ElProgramaesimpartidoporelIPADEjuntoconelIAEdeArgentina.

3. Gestión efectiva del cambio en la organización ofrece las herramientas necesarias para determinarlos cambios necesarios en la empresa y potenciar eldesempeñodelcapitalhumano.

Focused Programs

IPADE’s Focused Programs provide key managers the necessary tools so they can perform their functions optimally, develop business areas in which they operate and meet the challenges presented by the global environment.

1. Senior Management Program in Private Equity (ADeCaP) was given for the first time in Mexico City campus, in order to contribute to management development for those involved in the private equity industry and venture capital so that the investment fund is a practical and profitable link among potential investors, the entrepreneur, and investment projects.

Given by IPADE, with the collaboration of Fondo de Capitalización e Inversión del Sector Rural (FOCIR) and the Asociación Mexicana de Capital Privado, A.C. (AMEXCAP).

2. Services: The utopia of the new competitive scenario is a program created to improve the managerial work of entrepreneurs so they can design and implement, with a systemic approach, a comprehensive model of services in the organization. The program is taught by IPADE along with IAE Business School in Argentina.

3. Effective management of organizational change provides the necessary tools to determine the changes that are required in the company and enhance the performance of human capital.

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4. ¿Cómo lograr continuidad en la empresa familiar? brindaunacomprensiónampliayprofundadelosaspectosclavequepermitenlacontinuidadenlasempresasfamiliaresyenlafamiliaempresaria.

5. Global CEOesunProgramadeAltaDirecciónqueseorientaaprepararaloslíderesempresarialesparaquesus organizaciones crezcan y sobrevivan en el futuro.A través de compartir con académicos, empresarios,directivos y expertos, los participantes reflexionan entornoalastendenciasdelmanagement.ImpartidoporelIPADEyelIESEBusinessSchool.

4. How to achieve continuity in the family business? provides a broad and deep understanding of the key aspects that allow continuity in family businesses and business families.

5. Global CEO is a Senior Management Program which aims to prepare business leaders for their organizations to grow and survive in the future. By sharing with academics, entrepreneurs, managers, and experts, participants reflect about management trends. Given by IPADE Business School and IESE Business School.

Training for Family Businesses

The Research Center for Family Businesses (CIFEM) organized the “Symposium for families of entrepreneurs”, in Houston, Texas, from May 31 to June 3. The meeting provided entrepreneurial families participating the opportunity to address issues of concern from a systemic and comprehensive manner, in a safe and conducive environment for a constructive diagnosis of their particular situation, and the possibility of generating a specific work plan on the path to follow in solving problems and implementing best practices.

CIFEM also held its “First meeting of business families” in the Mexico City campus on October 6 and 7. Prominent leaders who have led a prosperous family business were invited to share experiences and advice business families in the process of succession. In addition, guest professors and from the Institute itself deepened on the challenges of achieving a successful succession and the best way of achieving it.

Formación para empresas familiares

El Centro de Investigación para las Familias deEmpresarios(CIFEM)organizóel“Coloquioparafamiliasdeempresarios”,en laciudaddeHouston,Texas,del31demayoal3dejunio.Elencuentrobrindóalasfamiliasempresarias participantes la oportunidad de abordarlostemasquelespreocupandeunaformasistémicaeintegral,enunámbitoseguroypropicioparalograrundiagnóstico constructivo de su situación particular, ylaposibilidaddegenerarunplande trabajoespecíficosobrelarutaaseguirenlasolucióndeproblemasyenlaimplementacióndemejoresprácticas.

El CIFEM también llevó a cabo su “Primer encuentrodefamiliasempresarias”,enlasedeMéxico,el6y7deoctubre.Paracompartirexperienciasyasesorarafamiliasempresarias en el proceso de sucesión se contó con laparticipacióndedestacadoslíderesquehanencabezadoempresas familiares de forma próspera. Asimismo,profesoresinvitadosydelInstitutoprofundizaronsobrelosretosqueimplicaalcanzarunasucesiónexitosaylamejormaneradeconcretarla.

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Encuesta de Ciudadanía, Democracia y Narcoviolencia (CIDENA 2011)

LaEncuestadeCiudadanía,DemocraciayNarcoviolenciafuepublicadaenseptiembreporelCentrodeEstudiospara la Gobernabilidad Institucional (CEGI), encoordinación con el Colectivo de Análisis de Seguridadcon Democracia, A.C. (CASEDE) y la encuestadoraSistemas de Inteligencia en Mercados de Opinión, S.C.(SIMO). Este estudio reveló la percepción social y lamodificaciónenlasprácticassocialesquehandevenidodelainseguridadquehaprevalecidoenlosúltimosañosenMéxico.

En la presentación participaron el Dr. Felipe Gonzálezy González, presidente ejecutivo del CEGI; el Dr. RaúlBenitez Manaut, presidente de CASEDE e investigadorde la UNAM; la Mtra. Azucena Chaidez, directoraasociada de SIMO Consulting, y el Mtro. GuillermoZepeda, profesor del Instituto Tecnológico de EstudiosSuperioresdeOccidente(ITESO)ymiembrodelaReddeJuiciosOrales.

Publicación de investigación sobre management en América Latina

El Journal of Management, publicación bimestral de laSouthern Management Association (SMA), con sedeenAtlanta,Georgia,EstadosUnidos,publicóenjulioelartículo “Investigación sobre la dirección de empresasenAméricaLatina:revisión,síntesisyextensión”,delossiguientesprofesores:elDr.JoséAntonioDávilaCastillay la Dra. Charlene Nicholls-Nixon, del Área AcadémicadePolíticadeEmpresa;laDra.MarthaRiveraPesquera,de Comercialización, y el Dr. Julián Sánchez García, deControleInformaciónDirectiva.

En este trabajo, los autores resaltaron la importanciaque reviste contextualizar el estudio de la gestióncorporativaenestaregión.

De acuerdo con el Financial Times, El Journal ofManagement es una destacada publicación que sedistribuye entre los miembros de la asociación, y quees conformada por más de 900 integrantes, entreprofesores, estudiantes de doctorado, directivos yejecutivosde200universidades,escuelasdenegociosyempresasdevariospaíses.

Ciudadanía, Democracia y Narcoviolencia Survey (CIDENA 2011)

The Ciudadanía, Democracia y Narcoviolencia Survey was published in September by the Center for the Study of Institutional Governance (CEGI), in coordination with Colectivo de Análisis de Seguridad con Democracia, A.C. (CASEDE) and pollster Sistemas de Inteligencia en Mercados de Opinión, S.C. (SIMO). This study revealed the social perception and changing social practices derived from the insecurity that has prevailed in recent years in Mexico.

The presentation was attended by Dr. Felipe González González, president of CEGI, Dr. Raúl Benitez Manaut, president of CASEDE and researcher at the UNAM, the MSc. Azucena Chaidez, associate director of SIMO Consulting, and the MSc. Guillermo Zepeda, professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) and member of the Oral Trials Network.

Publication of Research on Management in Latin America

The Journal of Management, a bimonthly publication of the Southern Management Association (SMA), based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, published in July the article “Research on the management of companies in Latin America: review, synthesis and extension” of the following professors: Dr. José Antonio Dávila Castilla and Dr. Charlene Nicholls-Nixon, from the Academic Department of General Management, Dr. Martha Rivera Pesquera, Marketing Management, and Dr. Julián Sánchez García, Managerial Control and Information.

In this paper, the authors highlighted the importance of contextualizing the study of corporate governance in this region.

According to the FinancialTimes, the Journal of Management is a leading publication that is distributed among the members of the association, and is comprised of over 900 members, including professors, PhD students, managers, and executives from 200 universities, business schools and businesses in several countries.

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Temas abordados en el Programa de Continuidad y Actualización, ciclo 2010-2011

Experiencia y realidad: hacia nuevos horizontes de negocio










Topics Covered in the Continuous Updating Management Program, 2010-2011 Academic Year

Experience and Reality: Towards New Horizons of Business

Towards new horizons of business, the current challenges of the managerial task (General Management).

Financial management in a highly uncertain environment (Financial Management).

Management and control of franchises (Managerial and Control Information).

Challenges and prospects of the economic environment at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century (Economic Environment).

Myths and realities of family businesses (Organizational Behavior).

Defining priorities for people management (Human Resource Management).

The crucial decade: 2011-2020 (Social and Political Environment).

Business strategy for companies with low budget (Marketing Management).

Transformation and evolution (Operations Management).

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5. El Peñón, compromiso social / El Peñón, Social Commitment

Egresados alcanzan meta de Pro-Becas 2010-2011 para El Peñón

Egresados,académicos,colaboradoresymiembrosdelacomunidadIPADElograronrecaudarlosfondosfijadosenlacampañaPro-Becas2010-2011,enbeneficiode laescuelaruralElPeñón,cuyoobjetivoconsistióenapoyarel financiamiento de los estudios de los alumnos deesta institución de educación media, ubicada enJonacatepec,Morelos.

Lacampañainicióenoctubrede2010,conuneventoalqueacudieronlosempresarios–ensumayoríaegresadosdelIPADE–queconformansuComitéDirectivo:AntonioTaracena Sosa, presidente; Víctor Lachica Bravo yHumberto Martínez Izaguirre, vicepresidentes; HansKitzler Ring, tesorero; Ricardo Obert Martínez, vocal, yEduardoAguirredelaPortilla,directorejecutivo,ademásdeldirectorgeneraldel IPADE,AlfonsoBolioArciniega,vocal.

Galardón Pedro Romero de Terreros

El Peñón recibió en mayo el Galardón Pedro Romerode Terreros –otorgado por el Nacional Monte dePiedad a organizaciones de asistencia privada– enreconocimientoalesfuerzoyloslogrosalcanzados.Asícomoporsudestacadalabordefomentoalaeducación.

Fundación El Peñón, entre las más transparentes

La Fundación El Peñón recibió, en enero, una menciónespecial por parte de la Junta de Asistencia Privadade México (JAP), instancia que la ubicó entre las 10institucionesconmayortransparenciayclaridadenelmanejodesusrecursos.

6° Torneo de Golf IPADE-Classic, a beneficio de El Peñón

El7demarzosellevóacaboel6°TorneodeGolfIPADE-Classic,abeneficiodeElPeñón,cuyoobjetivoprincipalconsistió en la recaudación de fondos para apoyar elfinanciamientodelosestudiosdemásde300alumnosdelaescuelarural,ubicadaenelestadodeMorelos.

Alumni Reaching Goal of Pro-Scholarships 2010-2011 for El Peñón

Graduates, academics, staff, and IPADE community members managed to raise the funds established in the 2010-2011 Pro-Scholarships campaign for the benefit of rural school El Peñón, whose goal was to help finance the studies of students in this secondary education institution located in Jonacatepec, Morelos.

The campaign began in October 2010 with an event attended by businessmen –mostly graduates of IPADE– who are part of its Executive Committee: Antonio Taracena Sosa, president, Víctor Lachica Bravo and Humberto Martínez Izaguirre, vice presidents, Hans Ring Kitzler, treasurer, Ricardo Martínez Obert, member, and Eduardo Aguirre de la Portilla, CEO, in addition to IPADE´s dean, Alfonso Arciniega Bolio, member.

Pedro Romero de Terreros Award

El Peñón received in May the Pedro Romero de Terreros Award –awarded by Nacional Monte de Piedad to private charity organizations– in recognition of the efforts and achievements, as well as for its outstanding efforts to promote education.

Fundación El Peñón, Among the Most Transparent

Fundación el Peñón received in January a special mention by the Junta de Asistencia Privada de México (JAP), a body that ranked it among the top 10 institutions with greater transparency and clarity in the management of its resources.

6th Golf Tournament IPADE-Classic, Benefiting El Peñón

On March 7 the 6th Golf Tournament IPADE-Classic was held, benefiting El Peñón, whose main objective was to raise funds to support the financing of studies of more than 300 students from this rural school, located in the state of Morelos.

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6. Visitas destacadas del ciclo / Distinguished Visits during the Academic Year

Patrick Slim Domitsereunióeneneroconprofesoresdel Instituto para compartirles varios puntos devista en torno a la manera de contribuir eficazmenteen la formación de una mayor conciencia sobre laresponsabilidadsocialdelosdirectoresdeempresadelpaís.

Gabriela Ramos Patiño altafuncionariade laOCDE,acudióalIPADEeneneroparaparticiparenlaSemanaInternacional“Mexicantourism:aworldwideconcept”.

Salvador Vega Casillas, secretario de la FunciónPública,clausuróenfebreroelProgramaEspecialqueelIPADEelaboróparalainstanciaqueencabeza,enelcualtambiénparticipó.

Nicole Reich de Polignac, presidenta y directorageneral del Grupo Financiero Scotiabank, compartióen marzo, con los participantes del Programa deContinuidadyActualización,susexperienciasalfrentedelséptimobancomásimportantedelpaís.

Roberto Servitje Sendra, presidentedeGrupoBimbo,ofrecióenmarzounapláticaalosparticipantesdelosProgramasdeAltaDirecciónparainstarlosafomentarlosprincipioséticosenlaempresa.

Alejandro Valenzuela del Río, director general deGrupoFinancieroBanorte,clausuróenmayoelProgramade Alta Dirección IPADE-Banorte. Desarrollado por elInstitutoparadirectivasdelacompañía.

María Griselda Hernández Fábregas, vicepresidentade UPS en América Latina, acudió al IPADE en agostopara conversar con participantes del Instituto y conmiembrosdelCIMAD.Lescompartióalgunosdelosretospersonalesyprofesionalesa losquesehaenfrentadoenladivisióncorporativaqueencabeza.

Josefina Vázquez Mota, entonces aspirante a lacandidatura a la presidencia de México por el PartidoAcciónNacional,impartióenseptiembrelaconferencia“ElMéxicoposible”.DirigidaaegresadosyparticipantesdelProgramadeContinuidadyActualización.

Patrick Slim Domit met in January with the professors of the Institute to share various points of view about how to contribute effectively in the formation of a greater awareness of the social responsibility of business managers in the country.

Gabriela Ramos Patiño, a senior official of the OECD, came to IPADE in January to participate in the International Week “Mexican tourism: a worldwide concept.”

Salvador Vega Casillas, Minister of Public Function, closed in February the Special Program that IPADE developed for the ministry that he leads, in which he also participated.

Nicole Reich de Polignac, president and CEO of Grupo Finan-ciero Scotiabank, shared in March, with participants in the Conti-nuous Updating Management Program, her experiences in front of the seventh largest bank in the country.

Roberto Servitje Sendra, president of Grupo Bimbo, offered in March a talk to the participants of the Advanced Management Pro-gram to encourage them to foster ethical principles in the company.

Alejandro Valenzuela del Río, CEO of Grupo Financiero Ba-norte, closed in May the IPADE-Banorte Advanced Management Program. Developed by the Institute for company executives.

María Griselda Hernández Fábregas, vice president of UPS in Latin America, went to IPADE in August to talk with participants of the Institute and members of CIMAD. She shared some of the personal and professional challenges she has faced in the corporate division she is heading.

Josefina Vázquez Mota, then candidate for the presidential candidacy of Mexico for the Partido Acción Nacional in September gave the lecture “The possible Mexico.” Aimed at graduates and par-ticipants of the Continuity and UpdateContinuous Updating Mana-gement Program.

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Gabriela Hernández, presidenta y directora generaldeGEMéxico,ySimonaVisztová,vicepresidentaseniordel Centro Global de Mercancía para ConsumidoresEmergentes deWalmart América Latina, asistieron enoctubre a una reunión con egresadas del IPADE. Esteevento,organizadoporelCIMAD,fuemencionadoenlaediciónde“Las500mujeresmáspoderosas”delarevistaExpansión. El tema principal fue el de las tendenciasglobalesqueseencuentranimpactandolosmercados.

Jeffrey A. Joerres, presidente y director ejecutivo deManpowerInc.,impartióenseptiembreunaconferenciapara los participantes del Programa “Dirección depersonas:gestióndelcambioenlaorganización”.

Heriberto Félix Guerra, secretario de DesarrolloSocial,yMarco Antonio Adame Castillo,gobernadorde Morelos, celebraron en noviembre los 50 años defundacióndelaescuelaruralElPeñón.

Gabriela Hernández, president and CEO of GE Mexico and Simona Visztová, senior vice president of the Global Center of Go-ods for Emerging Consumers of Walmart Latin America, attended a meeting in October with IPADE female graduates. This event, or-ganized by CIMAD, was mentioned in the release of “The 500 Most Powerful Women” by Expansion Magazine. The main topic was the global trends that are impacting the markets.

Jeffrey A. Joerres, president and CEO of Manpower Inc., in Sep-tember gave a lecture to the participants of the program “People Management: Managing change in the organization.”

Heriberto Félix Guerra, minister of Social Development, and Marco Antonio Adame Castillo, governor of Morelos, celebrated in November the 50th anniversary of the rural school El Peñón.

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