i phtsfcia ' *»t*g?i!.-,-|a !• tfce lrsy 24/canajoharie ny... · 2017. 7. 14. · ^i just...

jff-r^-SMi-y w / «,,v^.V«r i .arts,fF«ni THE COrm^EmEMAS, ;i^ATEST, BEST1VD CHEATEST^ ^ ASXSRBS HOME MAGAZEETE For the Farm, Garder^ and the Fireside. " P A T E N T F I R E fl ? C "" V i B " M voimni-^mi.m U M L 1 1 FBOOF SAFES,j< \$oonmy.''—Sc<jttiikFan>iaranda*tic»lt*nK,\ \ I economy- —o«asss». - Contains Nevelets^toriw, Paetry, Fash-! £di» 5 oiirs*. Jfc«*^ *. ISsU. Tiie Earn rajsi**' *.*&*-——* ^ioF JSBBICAS PEOPLE. ,ST C ~ nrm ,'iHr'U B Y D R . STONE, :P Z aiitrtii's Sale. Y Y!KT££ of SD iiitee-tion, issued by the .unty Clerk of Montgomery County, ^'-*- «•••*- •* - • • - ' i » t i t t u : agaiuat ..„„. I ' JJ C-iuity i.;«r o; aiouu;om..ry tuunty, , . «1>'CrER & CO.*S l UUOD i traiscriptef»judgment uia Ju,ticeoS .TO- o r e i K H E I , B Y D R . S T O X E , '_. p...,. W n A r i l TJ O « . I r . . . r ' i v . ™ I ' . . . v ,.V..„ „ „ _ , " , .. * lSl T - Inii<r - - J S i a i l U d i U w a v u ^ v . , SfeJSW-«»h-4i»^«*i ' PhTsfciaa !• tfce lrsy I>»BS **«• ,, . v<s ..... M auu- c«»i«^fc4.«>h|niriii)iiiii.— i ' "*»t*g?i!.-,-|. rj^ajs-^^Ateaaag«.-.**»•* ' ' ATSKATI5K 0>'TUJS CAbJ»*ay x>-i— * 'SO. .. =— ll *" > ~ 1 .5 CI fcREAT REDltTlOS IN THE PRUES j A G£JI FOIL THE XILL20S, H0L!5i; ?RF*R>T. JiaE. I>£.nOREST'S SCNNING-STlTClI $o SEWING MACHINE The tjmbodiiuei.t of practical utility, and a loirvri ol s i m p l i c i t y ; ir*'k*»*s the running RtiwU v«ry rapidly and perlVci^i^-sitoOnjmou need>, and w*;! lo.>t a Uurtime. At ti«r >Vw York 2>Uif Fair' i-> ^iutpliciiy, eficivney, aud great practical aU;j*.y, wa*s eoaCM*nd i»y vU* IWHl Of the r irat PrvtO.UGi. U will G.1TMKR, UL'l'KLK, biiiita. TI'CA, KUS CP JiKKADTiJV, a c , *ith a siugls or double thread ou a;:y inaterU". ada>..it-d to th^* RCINMNG STiTCH. The AntfMttf, usually the mo*it d-jfiyatt to stitch l»y utiwr sewi'ag rar.- ehine*, heiri^ sewed the eanBWt. For lading' and chitdf^'ii's apparel, and />thcr article made of !i/ht fabriob, it w ill therefore be found almost INVAU-'AbLr). It is aiUched to the table like a sewing bird, and having no tension, and requiring no lu- brication or change o: stitch, is always ready for operation, and such a marvel w'»imp!' that STAN TEE lOlMBI GSSILEBiX, Tor the 9mm, Oardea» and the Tireside. TOLUilK XXI—JANUARY 1, 1S63. i»ry*HE BEST OF ALL AMERICA^ ShWi. X. FArEKS Ddwatod tu Hitters of Kurd Economy."—Scottish K$rtncr and Horticulturistt Rdingburgh, JlugviZ 7, B6C3L THE COLMEY 'iKSTLEMAX is now ac- knywledsed to \< the Leading Agriccltaral Journal ol America, It L-ontaius 16 pvj«j in each number—forming two iuiudsome volumes per year, of 632 pages, and not too large a page tor convenient bindir-g. TEsxs^-Twtj JLWiiars pt-r Year, wS0k "—* t:o:i to dill's. THE CCLTIY1T0R Is pubu>Ued monthly, ail subscriptions be- | ginning with the January number, and forma \ an annual volume of nearly 400 large Svo. SINGLE COPIES SO CTS. rES ^>3UM, Payable strict iy in adveiioe. THE ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL THE LITEST, BKST_iXD CHEAPES SMARTS' PATENT FIHE BigGLAB PSOGF SAFES, POC FSivATS n::siDKN«;?. or-F:cES A5D C;-L.N:LN"0 SOCSSS. The Eariy Physical Se?e«er£cy 3| OF A3CEB1CAX PEOPEE. SiXGER &. CO.'S ^i JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. STOXE, q+rt „^ or ^ Iff Q f: H 1 II e S. Z i " M ygieme InstitBte. wvu r<^ I ATXEATtSE 0>' TUE CAUSKS OS EABZ3 PtiVSiCAL^ECi-i^a OF AMERICAN VOL'S WJB1LITY, COX- SL'MrTlON ANl» MARASMUS •KIS W'OIIK i» of lush, Eioral toss, know!; io U* ti.e ijeal for Manu- Stcturis; FurjnniMi: NO. 1, Sii'CTTtK MACH'.NK, KOKMKELY SvLi/ AT *yu, I f M l t B l TO *'.0. NO. 2, SarTTLK MACIil^K, FOEMliiiLY SOLU AT S1W, KEI>lCiO» TO <fT'-. S IMJli'S LETTEK A MACHINE, la the beit Moohuur ii Ui« W'oriil for i's^iiiy S«w- uxgand lAg^t M4ni;fr...-turu:^ ^-rpoi*»&. (with iitrpinvr, -•-.._ . Tl *i YIHTl'.K of »2 Tin iKtiin •.**>!» \-\ the K Couu!*^ Cl':k o: <wi<g' »<rj Couiily. ma » OBMO'V< u ' a > ' L - i » !•'• oi« Jostle of IhV ^ f , ia fivor of Jos.; h i-oi U .k . ^-.It^ J h a a n I . E * « « . H » v « «»k<.a, « « a o , ai.d KirbT l'.ou>». in the »ill»g«i "'• Cnsajoharit, < u " Uk <^ v " ; nta«i» lt«~i ->- : ! ' i,r ''S*"<.t :i; ' nl of ti»- ^»<i J - — . » '1 • W i v i i . I.e.l .„ . ^ oth *t It May/Istl. MTM •.hrHraU'l, if""i lo '* 1 - , ' *"""•'•* proiii=-s,vii: 'AhtL-t] in tlie County, .;.- -:.'i •wvi i A r>< Frice, Jiiy "oruameu W<1, j it ichildof »Uor«ghtye*rs<»nL"NDEE-; QW BTTrj^I, AFFAIRS. wi th s unpo«rd-r. .liryhavo •AND it.ar.d u*e it SUCCKSSfLLL-. ; ^ ^ 5 " , ! "Ice'V- «,rk, for 1S63. is : to the most iate=-^ ~*,^". It is not « nB ii^bie M get out of order. j .No. 9 . f ^ ^ ' - ^ E^mvmgs, 144 > u d not «D< has « * M e d to t v^j, m»ehine U t>ut UT) in » neat oox, »c- now read*, coa^.-.-g. "~ 'H^ ra-T ^-d ! .;^,^1 for theia. T HESE SAKta ur-.- constructed on acetraad tcientiSc ftan, hy is saved iu their conoracture : security ajsuast eitfeef Li-e, powder or burglary. Th*-y are bearrtrfuily finished and Uiied inside ; with velvet and mahogajcy. The 101k is one ; of very pecniiar construction, whkh can by no * possible means be ••Hher picked or blowr. oth.n J - ~!.~v have been subjected u-g continned flrvs, fulHi all that is PREMIUM. $1,000. aaldH^adt; will si ? ooo Will cause liairto tjrow on " F.-store Gray or Diseased Hair to :-s Ull IIT CONDITIOX We would ask for onr Letter A Machines, I he tti>e<aal attention of Vest Makers ^ud Ore** - •aw tin uVe^nl.d i*-ce 01 land, situui^ d touli of Canajoharie, Montgoiu. 1} and Loiuwied a» ioilofta: South, I j •ate sireet; tost ai.Q North, ly the lands of Jlaru. EliiTir* a* • « « « , i-y i ^ '-anus of la. Estate of CUr;es Sciaarff, deeeaMd.' —Oat-d Ja-.oarv 2lU, 1SS3. .^ ALKX. SNEU., Sherirr. Bv I). S. HEAD, Under SherUi. ESfPassxTS ass GrAsr>:aysl j ineat.^ ".-v.--— - .j j $2 per dozen, Ly mail postpuia Kach machine is put up in a neat oox, companied with full and explicit directions, i pages, and twenty-five noodles. ovt-r - Sent to any a.-idrc3s in the United States on ! ": ectjj receipt of an order, inclosing the amount, — ' —- - may l>e collected by Express on delivery the machine. j Ttf0 Copies of The Country Gentleman When the money is seat with tue order and | for ^^^ M( i jen of the Annual regisWred, we gn^ranue its safe receipt and Eegister will be sent for $1C50 tie delivery of die machine, anywhere withtn Tsn copies ot The Cultivator for 1S63, aOOC mile* free of a^y Express charges. ^ T . r . 0 ; ..be j o a a l JTuJiim. will Very liberal arrangements for agencies. See Mixtsos OF FASSIO.NS, or for full particu- lars, specimen of sewing, etc., send a stamp for return postage. Address, MME. DEHOREiT, 473 Broadway, N. Y. Every lady, mother, milliner and dress-ma- k*r, ahoaid have one of these valuable sewing machines. T. M0SII2S, Fort Plain, Agent for Montgomery County. ^ a ^ T * C r S Will Prevent the Hair from Facing Off, and j ^ ^ ^ i i - ^ - I promote a new and Healthy Growth; com- t-^C- b * « „ . , •, pieteiy eradicate, U.ndrW; will P rv- »^o"<= ME.N . fail not T"ut and cure Nervous Headache; will give to the Hair a Clean, Glossy Appearance, and is a Ortain Cure for all IHseases of the Head. PRICE 73 CENTS; THREE BOTTLES, $2. S I -a chaste, yet thrilling language, and ap- ' ' ^als directlv to the moral consciousness of i'. L PAEENT'S and OcaKbiAss, especially ae- Uiling scientific and reliable aids and treat- , (< ; fr| , ltM r -- ments for cure. . Makers and all those who want Machines for j ,-cPKEMS COURT. MOSTGOXKST Cocsrr.- Itw-.lrbesentby Mai. ca receipt of two ^ ^ ^ manufacturing purposes. Th-y embody ^ We<aJel] JL lender asauist Harriet s>i »» t stamps. . _ ., . .„ i th- orincifcles of the Manufacturing Machines, ( iKr A.ViI. E bowler. Wuiiam U iteriocked stitch, and Stile*. Exekiel Kalsted Morti»j,e S. H.iated and Gilbert E- Foreclosure. ' itl^cr.t crJer of the Su- t a specL.l term theieoi. - I be sent U*r 5.C0 specimen Numbers of the Country Gentle- man and The Cultivator sent free, by address- ing th« Publishers LUTHKR TUCSKR & SON, use, and one th-»- u-*... «*.».v-^_ parative.y >-ma'.; ootat, be perfectly fire-proof, and thocgh sma"l. be aaffettBtity large to con- tain jewelry, ancl >:-:all vniaabies. Theodore Sharts, oi* ABBABJ, N- V., is the inventor • above was published, however, x*en so great for a more at the proprietor has broaght j ;r^Tr^lt^Zw irtAnrld l i e hair allirifl: off and i '. -rrr: ...^ ^/ ^ „ . tmm«<l2Keiy stoppea *ae na«. •- goa, anu . . . »v«riaon to society, and to nusiaess or study ; ctmness oi eye sight, loss of m^saorj, .:.-..., .-- of the head, neuraigio paans» in vari- ous part* of the body, paiaa in the back Or imbs, lumbago, dyspepsia or indige*tiou, ir PSOSPECTUS TOE 1S63. GODEl'S LADY'S ROOK. FOK 1863. GREAT LiTERARY AND PiCTORiAL YEAH i j »pHE PC3LISHER of Godey's Lady's Book, L_: —* '- t --^'- ? ic which *—^* enabled Since the the demand has roomy article out the larger siaes, which are capable of con- taining the valuables of almost any ordinary business house. These Safe* luve been sub- mitted to the inspection of practical scientific judgop, who, without an exception, d«c!are their unqnalilled approval of the manner in which they are constructed, and unhesitatingly recommend their use to all persons ia want of The following is the report mechanics and scier.tinc gentlemen of the city of Albany, appointed to witnes* a test of the endurance of these Safes: It is a perfect and complete dressing for the Hair. Read the following testimonial: U" S. MAKSOAL'S OTTTCZ, NEW YOEX, NOV. 6,1S61. WM. GRAY, Esc.., I>EAi. Sut—Two months ago THJ head was almost entirely bold, and the j little hair 1 had wss all rrru and 'ailing out . very fast, until I feared I * *" ' — ~ " Tl fail not to ] the principles < ; making, like them, the inn. _ r^"Yoi:2.c ME.\- 1 tail not to send and get I *r« destined to be a» celebrated for Family I this b(iok. '•• Sewing and light manufacturing purposes a*, j i n -ursuuice c t y LADIES! vou, too, should at once secure j our Manufacturing Machines are for m-=afic- , prc=e Court, mioe a copy of this book- • taring purpose* ia general. j hekl at the City Hall in the City aud County Vaxuily Sewing Machines are valuable in ' Albany, on the SJth day o: December. l»6'i. : A Word Of Solemn CcnscienyoTU Advice ! proportion to * e number of things they can 1 the »t>ove actio*, will be sold under the dv.eciioa ^ .. , .,, . : do well. See what ours can do oefore making , to tiose who will refiect. : , p V . :c - awt ._ A class of maladies prevail to a fearful ex- '; There is I tent in community, dooming at ieaat 100,000 : Machines for — — ^. — ^ ; -— r , i.» .. ... '• youths of both sexes, annually, to an early j is only of late that the pubhebegan to le»ru j teeatbaoi'j c»;iain piece or parcel of land, ait- i grave. Those diseases are very imperfectly i " *~ *- -• * - • ._ .v- n—^^, ^ i understood. Their external manile&tations or \ symptoms are Nervous I>ebility, Relaxation ; ' and Exhaustion; Marasmus or wasting audi chine. It is now weu ujwi,wv« . — . _ „ .. .. - v . a_ . I \ jAXlcI x Machine is the onlv Family Machine by the iaaa ot Betsey i^ke. .- ». , :—.^i;«;,„ 1 Sarah Marenew, Jacob WaMrath, and the road 'I i iafcriulACtarii-g purposes, • * the subscriber, a; the public no*:.** kept by | Jtibcl Liveroore, in the viliarf*; of Amsterdam, County cf 3^tgoiT>ery oc **..* .eventeeoth day of ] March. 1863. it 1 o'c-o^i. in tbe afternoon of that * I day. -Ail that rixtain' undivided »even-<igh- commenceu. us;ng y< " should lose all sr Heir Re*iora*w€, and an sruc.e. committee of soou restored, the color, and after m»ic£ t*ff0 bottles my head is completely covered with, a healthy growth of hair, and of the sA*»e color it was in eiir!" manhood. Itake great pleasure ia recommending you.- exoelleiit Kair , ^ 0 ^ . j ^^f~f^ ^ ^ deranged" atfiots* of! *nd we eonaaenur nrvr^ - tve, and yeu may al»o refer any doubting j « * ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ « e x ^ ^ for . -** • Leucorrhcea or Finer Aibus, &c. Likewise | what our Letter A Family Kpiiepay, UysWria and Nervous Spasms. Now, in ninety-nine cases out ot «very one , .. *«*^ d hundred, all the above named disorders, and • to perfocuon, a« already stated, they are r.Jso , as Con^uuiptioti of sdspetd to light mazmfacturing purposes, and .• wavnOTMharXWi A&D I l O t D * S S i d O f a D J ..edge that our xsacaines are urre<iuai.e^ EaaxuXacturing purpo»e-5, they are a.most sure to assert, in the same brvath, that Singer's Letter A, or Family Machines, sre not as good ss th«ira. This is a mere trick cf the trade, and we confidently invite those interebted i*n themselvt*s, and see _ . _ _ , Machines, with ail the recent improvements, sre capable of doing. While they will sew the most delicate material j by lanes v* %•— _ i James Marecess, Sarah Mare^esa. and the high, way leading from Browr's Hollow to Sjringheitl; the said arm contains one hundred and twenty acres"—Dated January 24. 1S63. ALKX. SNELL. Sheritf; By t> S- kzxz, Vadtx SheriiE. A . D . SOBISSO*. P l l T s A t t v . jac29 trial I * THE SiTCSDAI EVENING POST, j .4- ^^ I mm to publish a magazine for the las' rr.EE PUBLISHERS OF TUE POST axel^"?*^ < * l *i' a<Ai ' "' * , .- ... • ... i America, has maue an a: X pleasure in annou:-.ciug taat t:.<-ir .itcrarv 1 . „ i „ .1 „ .-. . . . ^ 3 . , J 1 most nopu.ar authoress **v- tr.e cominc vear arc ~* • ' ^ ^ *^ r a larger circulation than any i arrangements fcj: the commg charac^r to warrant them are of a 1 »-_ , _ isingafeast of good things to their thousands of readers. Amoiig the contributors to TEE POST we may now mention the following distinguished au- thors:— MRS. ELLEN, WOOD, Author of "The Earl's Heirs," -'East Lynne," "The Channings," ice. MARION HASLAND, Attthor of : Aione," ,: ~he Hiider. Path/" "Miriam," etc. EE-MCND K1RKE, A«tT.nr of "Amoac the Pines." A5D VIRGINIA F. T0WNSEND, Who»e Domestic Sketches are so greatly ad- mired. Dnring the coming year the Post will en- deavor to 'maintain its high reputation for Choice Stories, Sketches and Poetry, special | j witnesa j The undersigned were witnesses o: j by fire of one cf ' Sharts* Patent Family Safes.' ! .J No. 3. The S*fe was subjected to an intense j ;ent with the j j j ^ . * c - 0 v e r four hvtrrs, having dry pine wood | : pile*l around and upon il, being most of the SIGN HA.RLAXD, | time at » red hot heat: the contents o: ... '. , . _ , „ » » • • ',. pieces of drvp 'JVmwju, and "Xtnam. ' m '- * Aotice to Creditors. P URSUANT tc an order of R. a. Cushney, County Judge of the County of Montgo- this country— the ord< fc w»«- —,-:. .„,., j ate of toV*&imiwiamj.t*<>TB. *i'.parts J ing symptoms only _ . _ „ere packages of p ^ r s laid^upon »ma 1 P « ? ^S ™W »*»I XM ' nieces of dry pine wood, all higa,y in..amab.e. . •_. _ \K 2li the Safe, the contents tsof- ,, . „. , . M r T 8 WE4XTH! ft *tuuorm of PaOi," who v.... fumisu a sto; the Lady's Book for i,™~. —. -.— .L e i^y-s Book in a literary point of | M A perfect Salamnnder. :_.. M^ 1 JOHN EDWARDS, EDWARD GARRETT, DAVID FLEMING, KZ," ond "Xtnam. \ rjoon opening tue »aie, n^e »»--;- H_«_ _ _ , BOBtBO of ' '--• • Skre'y e.- : niurcd. We coasider 1 r is63. This alone will -est a most severe one, and .Ov. mgee. - were the I ECO-V05iY Safe" IS view far ahead of any other magazine. Ma- ! rioa Hariand writes for no other publication. ! •Jar other favorite writers will all continue to I t'urnish articles throughout the year. Ihe Best Lady's Magazir.e ia t v .,2 "World, ' and the Cheapest ! Cure Your Cous'ii fcr 13 Cents! I ^ . Tfce Best and Cheapest Household Andrew Stone, Pbysichm to the Troy Lung I to all kinds of light and heavy Leather Work, j 0 f the executors of the last will and testtment ! and Hygienic Institntion, is now engaged in : , In Carriage Trimming, Boot and Shoe Making, | of said deceased, at his cfEce in the village of j treating this class of modem maladies with j Harness Making, etc., etc. They are of extra Canajoharie, on or before tb* 11th cay of j the most astonishing success. The treatment [ »ixe, with an arm long enough to take under j Jiaxch aeai.—I/aie<l Sxpteniler! ! adopted by the Institution is new ; it is based f it and stitch the largest sixed dashes. There | JOHN BURPJiLL, i uj.-on scientific principles, with the new dis- i is scarcely any part of a Trimmer's stitching; ZAMAR BRIGGS, ' -e_=in!» pr re^ison.. ' thatcanno: " " "" ™' " ,1662. Execulort. and others, corn: The Albany County Agricultu.-al Resedy in THE LITERATURE is of that kind that can be read aiouu in t'u. second complete wit:: Locks, sc, EEZSS&&S3FT nUE " ! Ha % «S; M S25; Ho. 3, $20; 10. % S53V. (one half the cos! of other Safes.) the World. MADiSE Ziim PORTER'S wperio/BcrglaV aid Powder P.-oo' Ix>ck, I firnp* SS to none vet invented. Prices oi Safes I tTlBu.'.- t^cciety ! awarded the First Premium to this Safv, at their late Fair. Every Safe is famished with them by Mail Express. THE MUSIC Irinal, and would cost 25 cents (the | also be devoted as hereto- ; Hnmcr, ReceipU, to the :id one to the $2.00 3.0C 6.0b 12.00 25.00 a Departments shall fore to Agriculture, Wit News, Mirk'.u^, &c. TERMS: CASH ES ADVAN I copy, one y -ar, - II copiep, one vear, - 4 copies, one year, - b copies, one year, land o getter-up of the Clal.) 21 copies, one getter-up of the Club,) 1 SPLENDID PRE3iiLM. WHO WANTS A SHYING MACUINK ! To any one sending thirty subscriptions ant. $60, we will give one of VTh**-Ier ot Wilson't eelebnted Sowing Machines, such as they sell for $i5. The masb!-*; wi!l be selected new a; the manufactory in New York, box'-d, and for- ward*-d tre*' of co^t. wjra the cxctptic/n<]ffrtigki. In procuring the subscribers for tliis Fre- miuni, we of course prefer tliat the 30 sub- scribers should be prvtured ind*>r»-iideiitly ot ssch oth»*r, at the regular terms of $2,00 for each subscriber. Where this cannot be done, the subscribers may be procured at any of our cicb rates, and th.e balance of the $30 for- warded to us in O B A by tlie p^r-ron desirins the z....-..:..-• Every person coHectir.i: nam**? for tli** Sew- ing Machine Premium, should s*rnd the namef with the money as fa-it as obtained, eo tltat the subscrrbers may b»*frin at once to receive their papers, an" U all original, auu. »«uw %, v , i-rice of the book) in the music stores; but , S o \ SAFK-msasores inside 10 ins. wide, most of it is copyrights, and cannot U o b - j e = - s . w . ; 7 ,;, :,, .: .--,, a; .d w,;cus about 16J tained except ia "Godey." OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS All vfforts to rival us in this have ceased, | " ~ ' — •> _--r ... . d «e now stand tbrm n this detriment, ! »»de, 12 ins. higti, and S aw. deep, and we A ";_«„i,„i» ; about 2/0 lbs. No. 3 SAFE—is portable, and calculated to hold a medium size set o" **-** J ; wa. No. 2 SAFE—is calculated to baild in i if required; it measures inside 32 ins. i ^- m , T ?AT> 'i'EU'S Curative Balsam ii warr=.r.ted if used ac- cordia? to tMe direct- ;,-,r*. to cure in all cases Cough*. Ck>Id».^Vhooping Cough. As:broa SSM all iuVcuons of the Throat } attention. snd iuiinitely giving, as we do, maaj more Detter engraving?* than are published in any { other work. GODFA"S tyoasssE DOCBLS sKiXT FASHIC:,-?LAT£3, j Ccntcining from five to seven full len^h Col- j Wei R»ss»sssfl on each plate. Oth* r m igazines ; ^ive ftss-5 two. FAR'AHEAD OF ANY FASHIONS IN ' EUfcOFK OS AMERICA. Godey's is tie on:y work in the world that ;jives these immense plates, and they are saih is to Jiave exei* ' the wonder of publishers Aud the public, A he publication cf these plates cost ~. $10,000 MORE •.ban Fashion-plates of the old style, and no- ;bing but our wonderfully Urge circulation enables us tc giv-p them. Other ruagasines ^^annot afford it. We never spare money when the public can be benefited. irow of pigon ketesca on< j or can be f.ir.*'••'•'} -^ ^ : j meas"r<'S insid*.* 10 ins 10 ins. d'.^p, au\ w. No. 4SA'e'K—is .ITL ..,;.: -f-r papers, &c, J foj | I ! | k5 ,-.v manner d-sir~d ; it i // | / p| vide, 24 ins. high, and; ; \M _;V.s a b o u t 4 0 0 l b s . IMXJT than No. 3, and Lungs JUde ZADOC POR- ; TEES Balsa-ei is pre- pared with all the re,- j uisi;e care and ?kill. from ,,, ~y:--*icn "f tho bc^t ' remedies the vegetable ki^ld"" 1 affords. Its re- medial ".uaiitierare based '• or. its pOTrcr to assist the healthy and vigorous j circulation of the blood. tS-oujh the lunss. It is r.ot a° violent renvedy. but ciao'.licat.-.wareniiig. searchir.g aad effective: can be ta^ea bv the old- est person or youngest chili Made ZADOC PORTER'S B»!<>tn has been in . use by the public for over IS vears^ and has jic- ! oaired its oresent sale simply by "*'-S - c ^r-' | mended by f b n who have used r. to their a^ict- m . K ,-f,--f T-IOir. T H F -\^~ PREMIUV. ! M^^PORTANT.-Ms"dV ZADOC VOK- T ^ r Ml othv? Cook <u.^i£. * * | TERS Curative Balsatn issoMat a price wfcch Fair held at Roc! ber. ISai, cBveredremedies.withoutmineralscrpcisori..: tn»t cannot be better done with them than by j nl7 a 5 JAMES H. COOK, ) The facilities of cure are such that patients I haad ; so, too, the saving of time and labor is \ can be cured at their homes in any part of ihe ! Terr great. The table of these machine* ia 24 i "lTONTGOMERY COUNYT sg : It is hereby country, from accurate descriptions of their! inches long, and the shuttle will hoid six tin es | ilL ordered that the terms of tlw Cocnty ! case, bv letter; and have the medicines sent j as much thread as the shatlle of those used | Courts for the County of Montgomery, lor the Printed inter-! for tailoring purposes. The large machines i year IS63, beheld at the Court House, in the - -• • work as fast as small ones. I village ol Fonda, in said County, at the times We have always on hand, Hemming Gauges, I Itiroat coreo as wen ». m. Uv~~~> w , Twist, Linen and Cotton Thread on Spools, ! « at the Institution. Vy I'-ndi"? the Cold i Best Machine Oi! in Bottles, etc., etc. j Medicated Inhaling Balsamic Vapors, with i We manufacture our own Nt>eUie*, i n d . j inhaler, and umple directions for their use, J would warn ail persons using our machine not | the first Tuesday of June, and thesecondTues- ' and direct correspondence. I *° ^> OT *°J others. We know that there are ! da; of October. Patients applying for interrogatories or ' needles sold of the most inferior quality, at j And it is further ordered that a Court of Ses- i advice, must inclose return stamps tc meet; higher prices than we charge for the best.— j sions be l:e!d at the time and place of holding ' The needles sold by us are manufactured es- j each of said terms of the County Court, and A bad needle may J that a Petit Jury be drawn end summoned for each of said terms. Bated J>c. 3, 3 b62. 1AWV a \z-v *— C f T\ _. JJ__ I i rogatories will be forwarded on application. | worj Qtl«Cll itBIHuQy • i Consumption, Catarrh, and Diseases of thej W v .. _ „ ^ „ i Throat cured as well at the homes of patients I Silk following, viz: For the trial of issues of law or of fsc*. aitd the hearing and decision of motions, and otLer "Tcceedtn^s t!;ei*'i~d * r -** v *'1sv *-f F^rnar.. x ae &.ieno*.*g y i-..v—*.:»-*> f?oiT>d at the t pecially for onr machines. render the working of the best machine almost J seiees. Our customers may rest assured that all our I similarly constrncte<l; it measures inside inches hi?!-., 16 ins. wid-, and 14 ins. deep. No farni;y ac iejiiu^^ man c:.n afford to be j without one. ' THEODORE SHARTS, Mau'.ifacturer,_ 036 Broadway, Albany, N. Y L. S. R.vc'crs, ftg..-r.t. Oaaaj»i««rie. n4 FIRST PKHBilS CC3S. SIOE. These fashions may be relied on.' a/*™™ ^ them, and the wearer wih ^ ._:..:—i d •« •w-^TiM b e t h e dzc-ssed ' b , become dissatL?Sed with the delay. When th** whol* number «f names (38>. and who!** am'>Qnc of money ($60), :s reeHved, the machine,wiil be dutv f.jcwsrded. C^Sample cwffel •€ TI1K "POST sent gratis when ntjuestett. Address DEACON & PETERSON, No. 310 Wa'.nat S'.., rhiiade'puia. -lac: TryixrT-* A T . T • ? « Aneroid Barometerj Manufactured by E. KENDALL, at New Lebanon Spriugr, Columbia Co., N. Y. |3f*These Instranw.-r.fs act in harmony with the Mercurial Barometer and are adapted to all places .There wanted for Agricultural purposes. or registering at low altitudes. All Iitstru- mants bearing his i»arn£ arc warranted for all purposes of Barometrical observation for which they are ads.pied. Jf^All orders will receive prompt aUfcatios. They are Sent safely by expr-.< to » y des- tination. Price $7 50 in Plain Box ; *S 00 in Fancy Box. |7y*Allwork warranted of first quality, L. S. BACKUS, Agent.* Canajoharie, February 13, 1862. From the number of certificates sent us by Mr. Kendall, we publish the following : MIODLZV-.KI.S, C o n n . , J u l y 1 3 t h , 1 S S 1 . 5?^ssrs. H. KzyPALL & Co.,—Gent.—j have "iAd one of your Aneroid isaroiucUrr. in use for more than one year, and find it a ve-y ex- cellent instrument; scarcely a week passes bat j reference to tli» Dresses | nay be made aftei not sui'jeci uersel' jase if sm visited the large cities .iter the styie of the plates given in some oi » our so called fashion magazines. OUR WOOD ENGRAVINGS, •f w hic'i we give twice or three times as many : w* any other magazine, are often taken for steel. They are*M> far superior to any others, j IMITATIONS. Beware of them. Remember that'.lie Lady's Book is the original publication and the cheap- ; -rsi. ;f you take t'cdey, you wan' ^ ' ' " her Cook ri^>ves, at tn» r-s«i*e j ±r ..... ^.——.- Hester, on the First Dar of Octo- • briocs it in the reach of every one to keep it con- I " ^^*-*T.° 17 . T~Z" ~" ! venicnt for use. The tiraely use of • single hot- ! contidentiady, by letter or personall ,4.^^.- •-£, , T „„ U > will prove to bo worth 100 times its cost. MRS. N. O. STONR, M. D., ECONOMi IS V.EALTH. ~ " " ' '•- ' Matron to the Instif i-uotstioc for consultation, from 9 A. M., to i 3 ?. M., of each day. Snndays in the for©- i useless. noon. Address Ourc DR ANDREW STONE. i — ri=tt - Ofice-s are furnished with the "genu-! _ _ " * . . - . . ! ine article." Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic , Ul ^ of faxU chts the noE0 y ^j . nstitutj, and Physician for Diseases of the ; fc ^ , fc ^ .tamps. » » - * «** iieart, Tlirost and Lungs. - ^ Co „esi^ndeuta will please write their 56 Fifth street, Troy, N. Y. i names disUactly. It is alt important that we '; should, ia each case, know the Post Office, T O FK3IA1.ES. ; County, and State. j MRS. DOCTRESS STONE, i «, ^ T ^ K™*" ^ ' ' ^ ^o™™" *}?* ^^.^vv.^«« u ,v ^., , s^ wlU g Maoh'.nes, their sizes, prices, working THE MATRON OK TUE INSTITUTION, ' - - '. y . "T^? 1 W h o is thoTOugh'.y read and posted i n — , j pathology of the many afflictive and pros'.rat- j B.-aajh Office* for a copy oi I ing maladies of more modern origin, and will « . aw S{ nt -. r t. r«(, a; ...... n ; devoto oxclnsive attentio:. to this class of dis- ' . t '~ U . ° C - & "T , ' aZe " e > ! rases peculiar u> her s*x. Among the jaiav 1 Which :s a Deautifti! Pictorial Paper entirely . '• diseases daily met with, and which she treats j devoted to the subject.—Is will be sent gratis I with urheard of success, are chronic infiaxna- ; tion and ulceration of tne" womb. """ Females can consult Mrs. Doctress Stone, Dated L'ec. R. H. CUSKNiiY, Comity J jdge of Montgomery County. I capacities, aad the best methods of purchasing, j t **i*e : c a n obisin. it hy binding to us, or any of our ! KYESYWKERE TRIUMPHANT B. & 1. Snita, Agents for M»Big'y Ct»., CANAJ^hASlK, N. Y". This maxim wi.l be lu!.; > t r r : n \ ' trA*; \ ; n (ix< BarasK no other | or ornamental j Everything that is ns.fui in a bouse car. by font"* in Godey. DRAWING LESSONS. No other magnzine gives them, and « e have given enough to fill several large volumes. OUR RECEIPTS are stich S3 can be found nowhere else. Cook- ing in all its variety—Confect>TM»ry—the Nursery—tiieToil-t— the Laundry—th- Kitch- en. Recei pts upon all subjects are to be found in the pages of the Lady's Book. We origi- NOTICF.—SAVE Totrs MCXEY '. '•—Do r.ot be ... i persuaded to purchase articles at 4s. to Si. which L cemowtrateu oy ouy- , ^ ^ co ., uin ' lhe Tirt<1 esof aTh.rteer. cent Bot- : t!o cf M?^*w Porter's Curative Bal? am. the cost • of manuiacturi.':-! which is a* p e a t as that oi" i almost any other aiedicine: and tbe very hrw * price at which it is sold. ro*»cs the •prof.; to the ) •teller apparently sdvalI.aT.dariprinc.pW, deaien I will someti-Tres rcror?;rrfOnd other mro.c-ne* on i which :'.?ir profits are *.xrzc^. TTT.ICSS *he cuntorr.- j 1861 Matron to the Institution, 1 yl Troy, S. Y. T-T) T X/JLV rx iixr.st njxjr. breing Xadaovs Porter"*, and none I •ther. Asis fcr Madame Porter*K("urative Balnun. \ price 13 cts„ and in .iryc bottles at % • tak«_- no other, if you caa r.ct get it at o: von car. at ar.0' 1 — i=d store I rpniY'S PHlViTE HEBiCAL TREATISE. ON THE FHYSiCLOGlCAL VIEW CF MASR1AGE, 0«wft I*AGES * v n * I * 5A V\T.B *VlVGft Price July TWKXTT-FITE CEXTS. bent free of to all parts of the Caion. On the in&rrn- *" ' ' ret postage «v« * - - . , .«;«»« of yottth and maturity, dhacloaisg tao sec ' £T".$o : <i >>y *» Hm-psts and store-xeeport a. . ^ J JJJ ^ ^ of ^ taari|lg A»Wiity 10 cts-ar.C Jn iar-^* bott.fs at "*o-.=- "••— *'-,-* 5 HALL & EUCaTEL. Prc-OTietor«. Now Vorh. COOKING STOVE, Cr.-.' • BR •* T\V: b«Jte. broil anrl roast of i For ^rocd or ' better than ?nv otter stove, with a saving per cent, in fncl. aac * "P8wj large per ce-ntage in convenience. This department the Book. &tar*eu iikis .^p-Kwiie-st, and bav,- pecu ( __ facilities for making it most perfect.— | They have tic ?o-Uawir-£ advantages; i*.-:;e )? worth th? r*ricc of ! 1st- Th«*y ar- cor«tnictc<: with a view of great j durability, all t'.e p-atcs cxpcccc to the fire arc T .T\ti7c» Tt-/\oir TAT>T r 311<io of * n **tr» thickness. LADIES WOlilv lABiafc. ; %i -r^ Coe , arc Uned ^.^ non . c on^actiag ce- Thi^ department comprises engravings and meat thereby applying (be heat directly to the descriptions of every article that a lady wears. | oven, and the oven car. &c heated and kept in bale- w^. i-T ,•,..,,. -,L,r, , ing order with loss fuel than anv other stove. MODEL COT i A ^ b S . $*. They have a hot air draft" which not only No other magazine has this department. ! irtakes the fuci bum freely. • I add* to the heatins and bakiaf TERMS, CASK IN ADVANCE. One' copy one year, $3. yenr. $5. Thr*e copies one 1?R. «= ¥6l">e ; SPSCIAL PHYSICIAN, VV HO . YT Treatment of VENEREAL DISEASES : en ail tlicir uiifereat stages, has permaaently lated himself at SG0 R'VER STS£E' r C n E ^ E R S3? 9EA3B (trstABS). TROYT N.Y. The Doctor <lcvotes bis whole time exclusively to the treatment cf these dr*-_-.se-*. knowing that from the frailties and weakness of the human race, •uctwa specially ia necessitated ; - ••' h.vlng W, my experience observed the terrible erleet of the mis- treatment cf rach diseases by ill-advised and un- learned quacks, the distressing maladies arising from these diseases, necessitate that the patient should be very discriminating in his employment 1ST * • k»™ made the above Reduction in j rpKlS MACHiNK has taken the Kiwt Pre- [ Prices with the two-fold view of benefiting the | J_ , n i n l l l a t t i l ( , < uu , Fairs !ast j^jd ia Xew ^~^., i P<> bh « and ourselves. The puolic have been i Vork X e W J e r s ) .,. oia^ Indiana, Illinois, Adress. ' swindled by spurious machines made m imita- j. uj^s-u, Ivr ^ Missouri, Kentuc-Sy, Tennes- t:oc of ours. Tne metal in them, from the , vmima, North t.'aroiina, Alabama, and iron casting to the smallest piece, u of poor , Cai ifonil . jncioding every State Pair at quality. Their makers have not the means to j w h i c l l it ^ b w n exliibited'in 1862. ao tueir work Weil. They are mo. away u. | The W ork made upon the Grover i Eaxer secret places, where it would be impossible to , y^^^ ^ .jjj^ the yirA Premium at everv have at then command the proper mechanical j Xair in the Cnited States where it has been appliances. It is only by doing a great bus:- ! (!xbib ; t .. d ,M this date. ness, and having extensive manufacturing es- I tablisl.ments, that good machines can be made I WHT " s « 0TZK ASD !>AK£n **°«« " : at moderate prices. The best di-rlgrvd ms- ' 1. It is more simple, durable, and less liable chines. Badly Made, are always lial.ie to get to derangement than others, out of order, and are sure to cost considerable • 2. It sttts from or<linary spools, and no rc- trcnble and monev to keep (faew in repair. i windiDg of thread is iiecessary. The qualities to be looked for in a Machine, j 3. It sews w'nh con»: fs< i;i;y all fabrics, the are: certainty of correct setionatall rates of j most delicate ai.d the heaviest, and with all speed, simplicity of construction, ereat dura- j kinds of thread, silk, cotlon or ihieu.* bility, and rapidity of opeiation, with th.; least i 4 . Its seavn i s s o strong and elastic that it labor. Machines "to combine these essential j never break*, even on the Lia?. . ous' ; ties. must be made of tiie best metal and I '• i> fastens both ends of the seam by its - finished to perfection. We have the ways and i owa stratum. ' means, on a grand scale, to do this. u ' *"** The purchasers of Machines, whose daily nervowne**. depression of spirits, palpitation of ; t lie heart, suicidal imagiaiags, involuntary emis- ] and lassitudo, vita cov/cssion* cf tAriUing inter- t : crtc/ o Boarcir.g SC/UHII ZIi*s,a coueffc S:-.ei. i I and a Yov^g Mcrritd Lady. Sicju. It is a truth- • j ful adviser to the married and tho«» contemplating ! \,Tead it*may concern, will find that those hav- . , marriage, who entertain secret doubt, of their | ing t?w above qnalitie. not onlv work well at' F^^l^iV'l'A^v'v^^^^!^,™! "Pid as »ell as slow rates ofa^poed.ba ness of the back aod lower extremities, confusion i Local Agents wanted whether in fact, they are cheaper than any other Machines as a gift.— •>./.*..-.. «...• ... .— -,... ..: w .l -. —. ^ , -,.. .— -. ,.wj ^. stitch, remains firm, and neither rvm or ravel* in wear. _ T. Its seam is more plump and beautiful, j^t i a n d rriawst i t s p l u m p n e s s and beanty after order. Our' washing better than anv other, more money •A ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, m*-.- be cured by the author's NEW PARIS; ANl) i LONDON TREATMENT. ieh of ot»r tlm^ Mr. I. M. SISGER & CO., 453 Broadway, New York. - BARNES, Agon' : - "'••-•'*—' - ' 332 Ri-ver Street. 3chenectady Office, 112 1-Z State Street. Wm. Shaver, Agent in St. Johns- ville. E. I. Pnrdy. Agent in Amsterdam. availing ourselves of the know ledge and researchi* of the most skilled Physicians and SnrrMons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves tinder our care Those who now have the fu 111 lad*.' 4tb. ........-- ---v . . •.. . - . -. , , roemsoives unoer our wu- «v^^.^ .......... . » „,... ™. „u., , of aproper Physician. , i,e Ci7.z.ne» m the head. ] t J J^ ^- . ^ EFFICACIOUS rnfreelv.and last longer, but 1 ringing m the ears, palpitation, general>>ntepou- ; REMED rE S which we are enabled to introduce f-cillties. ; tior. to labor, nrr^ ?r . lassitude, loss of memory. . prMtU e. as S They c^r.sume all the ^assea from the fuel, i headache, &c, arising from seminal weakness, f to the .-.n-.our.t of licit ob- : should lead those arnicted to employ immediately cian who devotes himself to that class of Two copies one i thereby addinj largely to the sa-.ount of heat ob- should *vear.«6. Four \ t *-' Re<J i ro ~' "'« quantity of fuel used. 1 »J»r»» , Jth The stove la aiadc. Boosted and Sr.-.rV.e i dr*-»«~ JES 1 ? 3NT - A . IXgrilAXCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. what it gives ma real a:- i weather. Ir. haying, no israxr should be without one; twice this month has it satisfied early in the mornir^. that the weather would '.i good, M hen ail appearances indi- cated rain. We mowed with confidence in the cool of the morning, and had goo-.' waatherto cure our h»y. My Mercury Bsro- meter ;tfct>ugh it cost me $18,00! is now use- less : becaase it is not half so sensitive as yours. R«.r»<tfnllT yonrs, DAVID LYMAN. B. KS..«AU. msnufactures a very r.eat little Aaercld fir* -inc*- *". in diameter and one and s half deep, tt is perfectly reliabl*. and can b» depended on tn situations wber. thf mercnrial wonld lw assies., and. moreover, they are very chefr. JI- pefe? being only 87 50. We have I Sent one year, jrreat pleasure in pnbl'shing this article as we j Treasury M wish TO see them in more general U3e than tn.r are at present.—Scienlijic jimeri**m. copies one year, ?<. i, - —. il <T^ *-. - ^^4^. 1 in the most superior manner. The oven is large, rive copies ore vear, ar.u an extra copy . , _—, /.. # _, ^..^ ,, A A . . *.' .. •* . ' . . ... rd ! anc WSKI ven.i.ated. 1 Ac stove is convenient m to the person sendinc; the ci.ib, oi0. , fermf ^ m ,^ for ^ . ^ >dopt ^ Ungtttot Eight copies one rear, and an ertra cc-py to ' w r o < ! w l v > b r e aMd this stove. "» will do more the person sending the club, $13. ; W6T)[ w i a i ^. fOTl thaa any other stove." In Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy . proof of this we add the fc Hewing testimony .- to the person sending the club, $20. ffBAT EK,-. CR . SPF.. WCP. f iYS op „. And the oniy magazine that can be intro- ' ALSAST. DKC 9 1SC1 duced into the al*>ve clubs in place of the i yfT <5 J ^ T _^r r Pilar Sw: Lady's Book is Arthur's Home Magazine. j nade a'thoroui'n trial of the "A«i„rican Uot ALT sr-saAt. cicKBisr. wrrn <nv.m XAGAZIXM. 1 Cooking Stove." and thev retard it. both on the ^ , . T « . - , , ' score of convenience and economy, as having (rodey s Lauy s Book and Arthur*. Home ' -rsatlv tho j>!vantaie of any ot'r.«: they have Magazine both one year for 83.50. •erert'ried. I»-ieed. they c w.siaer it so perteet ss Oodey's Lady's Book and Harpcr*a Magazine ; to leave nothing »^ be desired ,, .. ?'• -I constantly keep on ham My timi.y have | u( , ^ . ^ i= ftaasSa, or i... .;.• j.l ..<•'. bene year far 84.50. (todey, Harper, and Arthnr wiu aii three be D- S. WILLIAMS. u .'.r.-.esAT.r. **** . C3L. .a. . -^—' r a -a- - sTsTsT* STRAW-GOODS WAREHOUSE, 105 and 107 Chambers St, 89 and 91 Beade Street. Cat-ntr? Merchants arid Hatters will 3nd *( this •»M-*hiish?a«i.t {which is one of vl*e oldest and larnpr-st of its ki.«i in New York,) an im- mense Stock of Goods adapted to the genera'. country traHe ; all at the LOWKST PRICES. F^IICASH OR APPROV- ED CREDIT. on reewpt of $$.00. otcs and Notes of ail solvent bank** taken at par. So carefal sad pay the postage on vonr tetter. Address L. A. (J0DKY, 3i3 Chestnat-st., Phiiadelphtc, Pa. •»***« r*T'-,v.siv«>iy. I am oreparod to treat, on I the latest v-entitle plans, all ra>e* of Gonorrhea, ; Syphilis—Primary. Secondary, and Tertiary. TO TKK LADIES. I also devote my personal attention to all classes of Kemate Diseases, ted separate apartments for their especial accommodation, will always he ir Tcadinc**. The Doctor has ao hireling or assc- i cities, but attends to all his business personally.— on hand Female Pills. They ai e. not maCe in m a c e , cr Lcrider.. cr in any for- eign country, but made by me expressly from a recaint that has been long tried, and* found sneceat- *."*.! in every case of obatzuciton of men*e«, from ^.hstov*r cause. I^sHies that are pregnant are rs- : quested not to take them. They will be mailed i to any part of the United States or Canadas, upon j the receipt of tl. the price per box. l^gr The Dvctor wowIJ »3M »ute that he is : preparing * " Trivitr *Ucdicil *=d Scientif^ Work." which will be of rast service to the h-j* Messrs H<->r- & Clow—tho Arnerican Cookiag ; m^n f»mily, and will b« issued to the pwblic at an Store we ob-ained of yon. tmmediatViy or- arrival. . ^ ^ T day. notke- of wnieh will be «irea in the gave foil saii;faction. W e find it the ritost con- ?Ter ; tv^^hont tb* entire covntrv.~ vcoient and economical stove, in fuel, we have , Offce ho^n dailv fro"> 8 in the morning till ISOOSPOBATKD ! 8 l * . practice, aud the public may DMtasturoc o( the same zeal. a«iduity. SKCRKCY anc atten- tion being paid to their cases, which ha» ao success- fully distinguished u* heretofore, a« a Physician In our rSt^ULlAS department of prcfcssicnal r*!**x*frri*mjmr* n t*fj*m~ ' Paid TIT> Capital, 3lw500.000.00 FRSXCS PSXALE PILLS.—Ladies who wiari tor ; * ' 7 Medicines, the etSeaey of which has beer, tested J in thousands of cases, and sever tailed to effect • speecTy cores without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLascy's r ecoale Periodical Pills. 8. Its seam can be r*-moved in al**?ring gar- ments, AFTER rr.opEn ccsrKCCTSos, without picking or ctitting their>, 9.TTatcnj*ag and Taijiiw; t* ,,j tenxiong epos the threads necessary in otl-er maohir.«*s( is unnecessary in this. The tension being oive ! adjusted on the Graver & Baker Machine. | any amount of sewing may be do»e without j chs^gi.'. 10. Itmakes bet.:;til*u! e»broid*ny without I any change of arrangement, ^in.p^y by inser- ! ting threads of suitable sizes -;:d eoiors for I this pnrpose. It is the o*hj macna^ that botk i embroiders ami sesrs perfectry. Grcver a n d Baker 6. M, Oo. faraisii ma- t OWBTS of t h e satHreTyattprritt yrrd st" t h e s a m e I price, :.;-A.r.g ctiuier the Gro7«r &ad Bakor Sutcli, or the Shuttle Stitch, *s etistomeri CsAantR PsarxTTAL | i " ^ * i * ^ p r i v i l e g e of exc^uPg-ng. GSOVKS & EAXKr. CO., V e r y trn'ly yrvrfi." W\ B. SPRAGUE. RWT. J. X. FARIS SATS OF IT. RocxFOatn. III.. Nov. 20. 166t. The only precaution riecesssry *o ta rbserred is. I ladies should not take them if they have reason \ to bcliss'o ','.'.oy are in crrtei* :i?'*~.:> ~.s (the ' particulars of which watt be found c. :..c wrapper | accompanying each hex.) though always safe sod •• -' -'••\. #9 g«acl«. j •*. so »ctiv« are they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to an v part of the c'nited States or Canada. TO THE LA IK*"*?—"Who nf*e<: a cm&dtniial medical adviser with regard to any of the** in- teresting complaint! to which th«*ir dedicate or- ranisstion renders them i.iable, are pe,rti<r»ilaTly : iavit«d to oonsult us. THX "BtKCTao-UAXvAxic PROTECTIVE.*'—For married ladies whoav* health w.il not admit, or who have so desire to ;acreaae their Jamilies. may ' Assets, jniy i, mi, s2,i-^,i;>N.iy. E. ti, Eiri.2T. President, T. A. ALEXANDER. Vice Pres't L. J. HKXDKE, Sec'y. AfKWTS. Bank Stocks United States and State Stocks. City Stocks. . Railroad Stocks . ... Mortgage Bonds,...". Real °Estato Cash 495 Br«.«w*y, N. T. FKCIT and OYSTERS! i rp"K SUBSCRIBER would respeciruily in- ! X form h i s o l d Patrons, aod the Publicgen- I eraliy, that he still continues bis WHOLESALE AXD KETAIi, Oysrler Trace, at S. H. MILLER'S .HARDWARE STORE, ! opposite the Eidredge House; and will aieo . t952.4C4 . 745,863 16 . 225.050 . 10T.412 . 1CS.S00 j keep constantly on hand, to supply his ens 87.963 18 tomers, a large and Fresh Stock of . 2&iJi5 85 •3.48K.13S 19 j .. «177,8o! 16 : i>ARr>TvS. n4»ti dirv with which it heat, is John L~ Eliitnorp, Sole Acent in Cai^jvLafie and Pa use, for ever used. Tne rap*__ , only equaled v .y its unifonmtx in baking. W'e find it a conti-.uoas heater—tb« fire never having been out sine- ;he st-ve WA. »et up. The tea- kettle ear. br baflcd ir. tSN l<*ft in tho ev^niig. ivothin with Promptness, Neatness f d Unfailing Du- Besides it* i.<-i:;ties ir. biking and cookinsr. tto raoiiity.—Aii roofs waerax.ted. like the srr-.--f-:rtent f;>.-.iiaking the ashes fro Parties supplied with Slate on the shortest tiae chamber wi:h the doors sad noice. Iyr.45. *— *~ r — "-- J —• : - * k " ——^* 9 at night—Suidays from 2 to 5 p. X2$* Patient, communicating to the Doctor Allen A Sons' (Vermont) Roofing Slate, is now prepared to execute ali orders in Sir.te Koofiing thaV'tooperi the dam;*" is, Neatness er-.d ITnfailiag Du- Besides its '..r::i:i«. in .<vn'"c with tire s« more being required 0"Soed»l .'flaacstteate tot CASH buyers. ;«TJ for wi« »t this oSe*. Chapin's Celebrate. Liaimrj;. T HIS LISIMEXT is a sore core; f.ir Rher. ___ fA.twno, <tnrr.ins. Ttroises. I^me Back, Chilblains, H jadacbe, Swellings, Agne in the Pace, and Sore Throat. Also for Coil* and Cooghs, by taking it internally. Itist ?xeeil«fcti»t ' -elling*. Sprains, Brnises, Stc, on Horses, aid bai enred Spavin and Carb.when gru.. ng. Price SO cents per bot- i«7 A'lbanv :' }*£•&' Sage'r. 17 and 13 "'Vreen St., ^Utacy j i'ar.ey & Rowland, For. Plain. GS3 MSI ekisvd m. a. to confine the .lust ir. th. .tnvc. the sshe. ail fall- ing into the a«h pit. In this, as indeed in every other :*>int. it <»rcsods cur Axr*-cTAtior.s. and is ^ i - perior'. in our judgment, toanv other w^th which w e are s<--,-.-..r.-^i, J. M. PARIS. l'x^r,r e<" First Pre*yterian Chusch. Ssan«factt;r^'' - v SHKAR. PACKARD * CO.. 17 sad 13 lirecr. street. Albany. Per sal* by II M. fi.'ipin. Li-tie Falls: A1«>1 Smith. Sch-r.«or»,!y : 1-eter Sae»r. N'o. 7 Green St.. A!ba.-.y: E. X. Pasco. SB Washington Aven. E-e n-sra->.. dircarerci a *><•!, at Wholesale ana Retail. 5. Canajoharie, Marci 25, 5SC2. Claims unadjusted and not due . .» , IAHITSIE' Policie* in the above old and responsible Coin'. ' vANAJODAliati pany. iwnec and reatewec on ss fsvorsbie terms a. • are consistent with safetv to the Company and the : Inenrsd. by B. STAFPORD. Agent. ! Wonld raspectfnily inform •.!-.;• citizens of Can- Canajoharie. Jnly 24. 3862. nlOy! , ajoliarie and vicinity, that he keeps constar.tij T H E iIEAKSE ALE AJfD j, A G £ R R jf: Ri . . . .. O** 7 *^ 0 BY T E F OOarmmoS of this j of VM ^^ craality, and hopes to receive »-A-W», [oor* moU andfmaU.) <}}hu fatnl habit, V Y" 1 *? 6 . 'fj 40 * ln mv charge. Applicants ! lil>era; shsre of patrovti.. from the public, a oe obuiaed as above. It is a perfectly safe preven- tive to conception, and has been extensiiely ^t^d during the last 20 years. Price redaced tof 10. their svmptorr.. by letteT. will meet with prompt Ihe S e C T O t S O f Y o u t h . TJltVeiled atten-.ion He »«dsjrrt^i^nes._ with partk«Ur A TffatM ^ (J< {, . p r m a t „, r^ d:rcrt:cr.a, to ar.y pirt of .he t. r..tcc nt-.es o r . , . ^ _ ~ . . .... ' Cans.las. All corVespor-lence treated strictly -^ « « • » ""si.?. Jut p.W«*«f, a book 8««r- cenfider.tial. tug rsc tsK»rfv»« pro^rru and prrvajence asnor.jr . TO THE IOt756 OF BOTII SEXES. BREWERY. LOUIS EEESBAUEE Would respectfully inform th; pointing a»t tit fatality Ikai ticanaHy attends it4 tar its n*? will always find me at the Clear v v- .... * Z^^u^."^ 12- Zl ' "Wfsrw, «svi dadoping tke-choU profrttx of tht Store in Cl.nrch street, and be promptly at-i tion bt whK-. the anoctirns of eitr^r rex may oe '. . .i . e . An ^ A ^ . A v .T>VT>C". ^-TW\ .... « . *. ' ' bo m.iled to any address upon duatt. from tkt eomnunftmmt to tht md. tended to. BARNRST (JROFFMAN. CM Nov. 21,' 2TyI gained. It ' ipt of S3. a-STyt r > KKRVOVi SUFFERERS OF BOTH SEXES.—A h>tired Clergyman fca.ing been rc-dored to health in a few days, after many pa tt great Nervons SntTering. u wil- ling to j«i<t others by sending (free,) on t>c receipt of a pc^t-jskid directed envelope, a copy of the prescription nsed. Direct the RfcV. JoHN M. DAttNALL, 1S6 Fnlton ttiwti, Brooklyn.K. y, S 4$ It icill bt tent by Mail on rtftrpt of two [2] eemt .Stimps. •^"Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning till 3 at night, and on Sundays from 3 till 5 p. sj. ?nediciae, with full nirectioT.s sent to snv par* of the United 3*at-« or Car-.sdas. iy patients com- municating their symotocr* by letter. Basines. eorrespor.donce strictly onfide&tisl. J^*Dr. L"s <>IrW-e is win located as estabahed. nnder the name of DR. I.A CROIX, st No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albany, >'. Y •, Seytwabwt 5.18(3. Canajoharie, Jane 17,1862. njtf SEWTJTG MA'JHIWKS. Thossinwant of SINOKR'S UN-RIVALED SEWING MACHINES, car. procure them to advantage of bis a«ent at Canaioriarie. Angnst 15, i860. CIXAS. O BARNES. O RDERS received at the Radii Offce for: Book Binding, at bindery priee*. Canajoharfe, Feb. 38,1S61 Hair! Hair!I Hair!!! Pr»f.Stam*-M's P.tg«TarratoT. i« the bent and cheapest artiete for dr;-»sing, Beaotifying enrliag, donning, jreserring and reatoring :!.-ii«ir. Lldies, try it. Inimitable llair Cittins. Canajoharie, X. Y. Jar.8 A IlamiUon Lod;s. \ o . 79. Of Froc and Accepted Ma?or>* rr.oeU every Tuesday cTenifg at the Xasoric Hall. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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    « , , v ^ . V « r i . a r t s , f F « n i THE C O r m ^ E m E M A S , ; i ^ATEST, BEST1VD CHEATEST̂ ^

    ASXSRBS HOME MAGAZEETE F o r the Farm, Garder̂ and the Fireside. " P A T E N T F I R E fl ? C " " V — i B " M v o i m n i - ^ m i . m U M L 1 1 FBOOF SAFES,j<

    \$oonmy.''—Sciaranda*tic»lt*nK,\ — \ I economy- —o«asss». • -

    Contains Nevelets^toriw, Paetry, Fash-! £di»5oiirs*. Jfc«*^ *. ISsU.

    Tiie Earn rajsi**' *.*&*-——*

    ^ioF JSBBICAS PEOPLE. , S T C ~ n r m , ' i H r ' U B Y D R . S T O N E ,

    :P Z

    ai i t r t i i ' s Sa le . Y Y!KT££ of SD iiitee-tion, issued by the

    .unty Clerk of Montgomery County, ^ ' - * - «•••*- •* -••- ' i » t i t t u :

    agaiuat ..„„. I '

    • JJ C-iuity i . ; « r o; aiouu;om..ry t u u n t y , , . « 1 > ' C r E R & C O . * S l UUOD i t r a i s c r i p t e f » j u d g m e n t u i a Ju , t iceoS

    . T O - o r e i K H E I , B Y D R . S T O X E , ' _ . p . . . , . W n A r i l TJ O « . I r . . . r ' i v . ™ I ' . . . v , .V . . „ „ „ _ , " , .. * l S l T - „ I n i i < r - - J S i a i l U d i U w a v u ^ v . , S f e J S W - « » h - 4 i » ^ « * i

    ' PhTsfciaa !• tfce lrsy I>»BS **«• ,, . vh|niriii)iiiii.—

    i ' "*»t*g?i!.-,-|. rj^ajs-^^Ateaaag«.-.**»•* ' ' ATSKATI5K 0>'TUJS C A b J » * a y x>-i— * ' S O . . . = — l l * " >


    1 .5

    C I



    H0L!5i ; ?RF*R>T.

    J i a E . I>£.nOREST'S SCNNING-STlTClI

    $o SEWING MACHINE The tjmbodiiuei.t of practical uti l i ty, and a

    loirvri ol s implicity ; ir*'k*»*s the running RtiwU v«ry rapidly and perlVci^i^-sitoOnjmou need>, and w*;! lo.>t a Uurtime. At ti«r >Vw York 2>Uif Fair' i-> ^iutpliciiy, eficivney, aud great practical aU;j*.y, wa*s eoaCM*nd i»y vU* IWHl Of the r irat PrvtO.UGi.

    U will G.1TMKR, UL'l'KLK, b i i i i t a . T I ' C A , KUS CP JiKKADTiJV, a c , * i t h a s iugls or double thread ou a;:y inaterU". ada>..it-d to th *̂ RCINMNG STiTCH. The AntfMttf, usually the mo*it d-jfiyatt to stitch l»y utiwr sewi'ag rar.-ehine*, heiri^ s e w e d the eanBWt. For lading' and chitdf^'ii's apparel, and />thcr a r t i c l e made of ! i /ht fabriob, it w ill therefore be found almost INVAU-'AbLr).

    It i s aiUched to the table l ike a sewing bird, and having no tens ion , and requiring no lu-brication or change o: stitch, i s always ready for operation, and s u c h a marvel w'»imp!' that STAN


    Tor the 9mm, Oardea» and the Tireside.

    TOLUilK XXI—JANUARY 1, 1S63.

    i»ry*HE BEST OF ALL AMERICA^ S h W i . X. FArEKS Ddwatod tu Hitters of K u r d

    Economy."—Scottish K$rtncr and Horticulturistt Rdingburgh, JlugviZ 7, B6C3L

    THE C O L M E Y ' iKSTLEMAX is now ac-knywledsed to \< the Leading Agriccltaral Journal ol America, It L-ontaius 16 pvj« j in each number—forming two iuiudsome volumes per year, of 632 pages, and not too large a page tor convenient bindir-g.

    TEsxs^-Twtj JLWiiars pt-r Year, wS0k "—* —

    t:o:i to d i l l ' s .

    T H E C C L T I Y 1 T 0 R Is pubu>Ued monthly , ail subscriptions be - | ginning with the January number, and forma

    \ an annual volume of nearly 400 large Svo .

    SINGLE COPIES SO CTS. r E S ^ > 3 U M ,

    • Payable strict iy in adveiioe.



    S M A R T S '

    P A T E N T F I H E

    BigGLAB PSOGF SAFES, POC FSivATS n::siDKN«;?. or-F:cES

    A5D C;-L.N:LN"0 SOCSSS.

    The Eariy Physical Se?e«er£cy 3 | OF A3CEB1CAX P E O P E E . S i X G E R &. CO.'S

    ^ i JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. STOXE, q + r t „ ^ o r ^ Iff Q f: H 1 II e S.

    Z i " M ygieme InstitBte. wvu

    r ' T U E C A U S K S O S E A B Z 3 P t i V S i C A L ^ E C i - i ^ a OF AMERICAN


    SL'MrTlON A N l »

    M A R A S M U S

    •KIS W'OIIK i» o f l u s h , Eioral t o s s ,

    k n o w ! ; io U* ti .e ijeal for M a n u -

    S t c t u r i s ; FurjnniMi:

    N O . 1 , S i i 'CTTtK MACH'.NK, KOKMKELY S v L i / A T *yu , I f M l t B l TO * ' .0 .

    N O . 2 , S a r T T L K M A C I i l ^ K , F O E M l i i i L Y S O L U AT S 1 W , KEI>lCiO» TO ». in the »ill»g«i "'• Cnsajohar i t , < u " Uk <

    Frice, J i iy "oruameu W:-:all vniaabies. Theodore Sharts, oi* A B B A B J , N- V . , i s the inventor •

    above was publ i shed, however , x*en so great for a more

    at the proprietor has broaght j ;r^Tr^lt^Zw irtAnrld l i e hair allirifl: off a n d i '. - r r r : . . .^ ^ / ^ „ . tmm«ove actio*, wi l l be sold under the dv.eciioa ^ . . , . , , „ . : d o w e l l . See what ours can d o oefore m a k i n g ,

    to tiose who will refiect. : , pV.:c-awt._ A class of maladies prevail to a fearful ex- '; There is

    I tent in community, dooming at ieaat 100,000 : Machines for — — ^. — ^ ;-— r , i . » . . ... '• youths of both sexes, annually, to an early j is only of late that the pubhebegan to le»ru j teeatbaoi'j c»;iain piece or parcel of land, ait-i grave. Those diseases are very imperfectly i " *~ *- -• * - • ._ .v- n—^^, ^ i understood. Their external manile&tations or \ • symptoms are Nervous I>ebility, Relaxation ; ' and Exhaustion; Marasmus or wasting audi chine. It is now weu u j w i , w v « . — . _ „ .. . . - v . a_ . I \jAXlcI x Machine is the onlv Family Machine by the iaaa ot Betsey i^ke. . - ». , :—.^i;«;,„ 1 Sarah Marenew, Jacob WaMrath, and the road



    iafcriulACtarii-g p u r p o s e s , •

    * the subscriber, a; the public no*:.** kept by | Jtibcl Liveroore, in the viliarf*; of Amsterdam,

    County cf 3^tgoiT>ery oc **..* .eventeeoth day of ] March. 1863. i t 1 o'c-o^i. in tbe afternoon of that

    * I day. -Ai l that rixtain' undivided »even- S- kzxz, Vadtx SheriiE.

    A. D. SOBISSO*. P l l T s Att v . jac29

    trial I *

    THE SiTCSDAI EVENING POST, j .4- ^ ^ I mm to publish a magazine for the las'

    rr .EE PUBLISHERS OF TUE POST a x e l ^ " ? * ^ < * l * i ' a < A i ' " ' * , .- . . . • . . . • i America, has maue an a:

    X pleasure in annou:-.ciug taat t:.ck, I firnp* S S to none vet invented. Prices oi Safes I t T l B u . ' . -

    t^cciety ! awarded the First Premium to this Safv, at their late Fair. Every Safe is famished with

    them by Mail Express.

    THE MUSIC Irinal, and would cost 25 cents (the |

    also be devoted as hereto-; Hnmcr, ReceipU,

    to the

    :id one to the

    $2.00 3.0C 6.0b



    a Departments shall fore to Agriculture, Wit News, Mirk'.u^, &c.


    I copy, one y -ar, -II copiep, one vear, -4 copies, one year, -b copies, one year, land o

    getter-up of the Clal.) 21 copies, one

    getter-up of the Club,)


    To any one send ing thirty subscriptions ant. $60, we will g i v e one of VTh**-Ier ot Wilson't ee lebnted Sowing Machines, such as they sell for $ i 5 . T h e masb!-*; wi!l be selected new a; the manufactory in New York, box'-d, and for-ward*-d tre*' of co^t. wjra the cxctptic/nr»-iideiitly ot s s ch oth»*r, at the regular terms of $2,00 for each subscriber. Where this cannot be done, the subscribers may be procured at any of our c i cb rates, and th.e balance of the $30 for-warded to us in O B A by tlie p^r-ron desirins the z•....-..:..-• •

    Every person coHectir.i: nam**? for tli** Sew-ing Machine Premium, should s*rnd the namef with the money as fa-it as obtained, eo tltat the subscrrbers may b»*frin at once to receive their papers, an"

    U all original, auu. » « u w %,v— — , i-rice of the book) in the music s tores; but , S o \ S A F K - m s a s o r e s inside 10 ins . wide , most of it is c o p y r i g h t s , and cannot U o b - j e = - s . w . ; 7 ,;,:,, .: .--,, a ; . d w , ; cus about 16J tained except ia "Godey."

    OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS All vfforts to rival us in this have ceased, | " ~ ' — •> _ - - r . . . . d « e now stand tbrm n this d e t r i m e n t , ! »»de, 12 ins . higti , and S aw. deep, and we

    A ";_«„i,„i» ; about 2 / 0 lbs . N o . 3 S A F E — i s portable , and calculated to

    ho ld a m e d i u m size s e t o" * * - * * — J

    ; wa.

    N o . 2 S A F E — i s calculated to b a i l d in i if required; i t measures inside 32 ins. i

    ^ - m ,T ?AT> 'i'EU'S Curative Balsam ii warr=.r.ted if used ac-cordia? to tMe direct-;,-,r*. to cure in all cases Cough*. Ck>Id».^Vhooping Cough. As:broa SSM all iuVcuons of the Throat } a t tent ion .

    snd iuiinitely giving, as we do, m a a j more Detter engraving?* than are published in any {

    other work. GODFA"S

    tyoasssE DOCBLS sKiXT FASHIC:,-?LAT£3, j Ccntcining from five to seven full l e n ^ h Col- j Wei R»ss»sssfl on each plate. Oth* r m igazines ;

    ^ive ftss-5 two. FAR'AHEAD OF ANY FASHIONS IN

    ' EUfcOFK O S AMERICA. Godey's is t i e on:y work in the world that

    ;jives these immense plates, and they are s a i h is to Jiave exei* ' the wonder of publ ishers Aud the public, A he publication cf these plates cost ~.

    $10,000 MORE •.ban Fashion-plates of the old style, and no -;bing but our wonderfully Urge circulation enables us tc giv-p them. Other ruagasines ^^annot afford it. W e never spare money when the public can be benefited.

    irow of pigon k e t e s c a on< j or can be f.ir.*'••'•'} -^ ^ :

    j meas"r f?oiT>d at the t pecially for onr machines.

    render the working of the best machine almost J seiees.

    Our customers may rest assured that all our I

    similarly constrncteQnc of money ($60), :s reeHved, the machine,wi i l be dutv f.jcwsrded.

    C ^ S a m p l e cwffel •€ TI1K "POST sent gratis when ntjuestett.

    Address DEACON & PETERSON, N o . 310 Wa'.nat S'.., rhiiade'puia.

    -lac: TryixrT-* A T . T • ? «

    Aneroid Barometerj Manufactured by E. KENDALL,

    at New Lebanon Spriugr, Columbia Co., N. Y. | 3 f * T h e s e Instranw.-r.fs act in harmony with

    the Mercurial Barometer and are adapted to all places .There wanted for Agricultural purposes. or registering at low altitudes. All Iitstru-mants bearing h i s i»arn£ arc warranted for all purposes of Barometrical observation for which they are ads.pied.

    J f ^ A l l orders will receive prompt aUfcatios. They are Sent safely by expr-.< to » y des -t inat ion .

    Price $7 50 in Plain B o x ; *S 00 in Fancy B o x . | 7 y * A l l w o r k warranted of first quality,

    L. S. BACKUS, Agent.* Canajoharie, February 13, 1862. From the number of certificates sent us by

    Mr. Kendall , w e publish the following : MIODLZV-.KI.S, Conn. , July 13th, 1SS1.

    5?^ssrs. H. KzyPALL & Co. ,—Gent.—j have "iAd one of y o u r Aneroid isaroiucUrr. in use for more t h a n one year, and find it a ve-y ex -cel lent i n s t r u m e n t ; scarcely a week passes bat j

    reference to tli»

    Dresses |

    nay be made aftei not sui'jeci uersel' jase if sm visited the large cities .iter the styie of the plates given in some oi » our so called fashion magazines.

    OUR WOOD ENGRAVINGS, •f w hic'i we give twice or three times as many : w* any other magazine, are often taken for steel. They are*M> far superior to any others, j

    IMITATIONS. Beware of them. Remember that'.lie Lady's

    Book is the original publication and the cheap- ; -rsi. ;f y o u take t 'cdey, y o u wan' — ^ ' ' "

    her Cook ri^>ves, at tn» r-s«i*e j ± r . . . . . ^ . — — . -Hester, on the First Dar of Octo- • briocs it in the reach of every one to keep it con- I " ^^*-*T.° 17 . T~Z" ~"

    ! venicnt for use. The tiraely use of • single hot- ! cont ident iady, b y letter or personall

    , 4 . ^ ^ . - • - £ , „ , T „ „ U > will prove to bo worth 100 times its cost. MRS. N . O. STONR, M. D . , E C O N O M i I S V . E A L T H . ~ " " ' '•- ' Matron to the Ins t i f

    i - u o t s t i o c for c o n s u l t a t i o n , from 9 A. M . , t o i 3 ? . M., of each day . S n n d a y s i n t h e for©- i u s e l e s s . n o o n . Address O u r c

    D R A N D R E W S T O N E . i — r i = t t - Ofice-s are f u r n i s h e d w i t h the " g e n u - ! _ _ " * . . - . . ! i n e a r t i c l e . "

    Phys ic ian to the Troy Lung and H y g i e n i c , Ul ^ o f faxU c h t s t h e n o E 0 y ^ j . n s t i t u t j , and P h y s i c i a n for Diseases of t h e ; fc ^ , fc ^ . t a m p s . » » - * « * *

    i ieart , Tlirost and Lungs . - ^ C o „ e s i ^ n d e u t a w i l l please write their 56 F i f th street , T r o y , N . Y . i n a m e s d i s U a c t l y . It i s alt important tha t w e

    '; s h o u l d , i a each c a s e , k n o w the Pos t Office, T O F K 3 I A 1 . E S . ; C o u n t y , a n d State .

    j M R S . D O C T R E S S S T O N E , i «, ^ T ^ K™*" ^ ' ' ^ ^o™™" *}?* ^ ^ . ^ v v . ^ « « u , v ^., , s ^ w l U g Maoh'.nes, the ir s izes , pr ices , w o r k i n g

    T H E MATRON OK T U E I N S T I T U T I O N , ' - - • '.y . "T^? 1

    W h o is thoTOugh'.y read and p o s t e d i n — , j patho logy of t h e m a n y afflictive a n d pros'.rat- j B . - a a j h Office* for a c o p y oi I ing maladies of m o r e m o d e r n o r i g i n , a n d w i l l « . aw S { n t - . r t. r « ( , a ; . . . . . . n ; devoto oxc lns ive at tent io: . t o t h i s c las s of d i s - ' . t ' ~ U . ° C - & " T , ' a Z e " e > ! rases peculiar u> her s*x. A m o n g t h e j a i a v 1 W h i c h :s a Deautifti! Pictorial Paper ent ire ly . '• d i seases dai ly m e t w i t h , and w h i c h s h e treats j d e v o t e d to t h e subject .—Is w i l l be s e n t grat is I w i t h urheard of s u c c e s s , are chronic infiaxna-; t i on and ulcerat ion of tne" w o m b . """

    Females can consu l t Mrs. Doctress S t o n e ,

    D a t e d L'ec. R. H . C U S K N i i Y ,

    Comity J j d g e o f M o n t g o m e r y C o u n t y .

    ^» I capac i t i e s , a a d the best methods of p u r c h a s i n g , j t **i*e : c a n obis in . i t hy b i n d i n g to u s , or any of our ! K Y E S Y W K E R E T R I U M P H A N T

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    given enough to fill several large v o l u m e s .

    OUR RECEIPTS are stich S3 can be found nowhere else. Cook-ing in all its variety—Confect>TM»ry—the Nursery—tiieToil-t— the Laundry—th- Kitch-en. Recei pts upon all subjects are to be found in the pages of the Lady's Book. W e origi-

    N O T I C F . — S A V E Totrs M C X E Y '. '•—Do r.ot be . . . i persuaded to purchase articles at 4s. to S i . which L

    cemowtrateu oy ouy- , ^ ^ c o . , u i n ' l h e T i r t < 1 esof aTh.rteer. cent Bot- : t!o cf M ? ^ * w Porter's Curative Bal? am. the cost • of manuiacturi.':-! which is a* p e a t as that oi" i almost any other aiedicine: and tbe v e r y hrw * price at which it is sold. ro*»cs the •prof.; to the ) •teller apparently sdvalI.aT.dariprinc.pW, dea ien I wi l l someti-Tres rcror?;rrfOnd other mro.c-ne* on i which :'.?ir profits are *.xrzc^. TTT.ICSS *he cuntorr.- j

    1861 Matron to the Institution,

    1 y l Troy, S . Y.

    T - T ) T X/JLV

    rx iixr.st njxjr. breing Xadaovs Porter"*, and none I •ther. Asis fcr Madame Porter*K("urative Balnun. \

    price 13 cts„ and in . iryc bottles at % • tak«_- no other, if you caa r.ct get it at o: von car. at ar.0'1 —

    i=d store I

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    ON THE

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    Price July T W K X T T - F I T E CEXTS. bent free of to all parts of the Caion. On the in&rrn-

    *" ' ' ret postage «v« * - - . , .«;«»« of yottth and maturity, dhacloaisg tao sec ' £T".$o:>y *» H m - p s t s and store-xeeport a. . ^ J J J J ^ ^ o f — ^ taari|lg A»Wiity 10 cts-ar.C Jn iar-^* bott.fs at "*o-.=- "••—

    *'-,-* 5 HALL & EUCaTEL. Prc-OTietor«.

    Now Vorh.

    COOKING STOVE, • Cr.-.' • BR •* T\V: b«Jte. broil anrl roast

    of i For ^rocd or ' better than ?nv o t ter stove, with a saving per cent, in fncl. aac * "P8wj large per ce-ntage in convenience.

    This department the Book.

    &tar*eu iikis .^p-Kwiie-st, and bav,- pecu ( __ facilities for making it most perfect.— | They have t i c ?o-Uawir-£ advantages;

    i*.-:;e )? worth th? r*ricc of ! 1st- Th«*y ar- cor«tnictc A K £ n **°«« • • " :

    at m o d e r a t e pr i ces . T h e bes t di -r lgrvd m s - ' 1. It is more s i m p l e , durable , and less l iable c h i n e s . Badly Made , are a l w a y s l ial . ie t o get to derangement t h a n o thers , o u t of order , and are s u r e to c o s t c o n s i d e r a b l e • 2 . It sttts from orve clubs in place of the i yfT < 5 J ^ T _ ^ r r Pilar S w : Lady's Book is Arthur's Home Magazine. j nade a'thoroui'n trial of the "A«i„rican Uot ALT

    sr-saAt. cicKBisr. wrrn ARr>TvS. n4»ti

    dirv with which it heat, is

    J o h n L~ E l i i t no rp , Sole Acent in Cai^jvLafie and Pa u s e , for

    ever used. Tne rap*__ , only equaled v.y its unifonmtx in baking. W'e find it a conti-.uoas heater—tb« fire never having been out sine- ;he s t -ve WA. »et up. The tea-kettle ear. br baflcd ir. tSN lint. it