i tashofjs nlieirailway i mrr i ti pratt tool illisnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bdd2s/data/0748.pdfn...

n seven MRr tI PRATT A Tale of the Cape Cod Fisher Folk By Joseph C LincolnA- uthor of Capn Err 1artnsat qf I tht Tide Ett by T D M lvlll IIUustrallow r j t Plri 7IJtUoDI SYNOPSISp CHAPTER IIr Pratt bftrnn comal narration of story Introducing IItodo Nathan Srudder of his Itand lidwarJ Van Brunt and Martin- f lIartl V two rich New seeking rreb Because of lodge pair lavish ex ¬ penditure Of money I matt a nwt Imprea ¬ sion was connected with lunatic tCJtAJTER nTho arrival of James J Hopper Van Uruntfi valet Rave 1rmjt the declretl Information about tho New Idrker They wUhpd to live what the ° wtrrmld Tire Natural IJfe Von Brunt i learned WHS the successful a ultm iJ for the hand of Sties Agnes l age who I t gave Hartley up f CHAPTER JIISol Pratt was en nd g ItJI cook and the party decided to cpiJ- uly Fourth In Huatwlch e CHAPTER IVThey took luneh ot KaBtwteh Van Brunt Hartley Pratt ant Hopper attending j CHAPTER VAt Fourth of July cele ¬ i bration Hartley rescued a boy known ai teddy a horses fet and the urchin proud to be one of Mh ages charges whom she had taken to the country for an outing lIItss Page i and Hartley were separated during a llerco storm which followed the picnic p Out sailing later Van Brunt Hartley Pratt and Hopper were wrecked In a squall CHAPTER V The Cruise of the Dora Bassett After that there wits a kind of tab eau same as them they havo ot church sociables Here was Hartley staring at the young woman and thi young woman staring at him and th boys starIng at bothof emand me star Ing at the three and the crowd around I doing grand double back actloa starIng nt the whole of us Then the part broke up as you might pay Hartley red as a beet now got ur and bowed The young woman got up too and held out her hand In a doubting sort of way But afore he could take It she seemed to remem ber something or charged her mind for she dropped the hank and turned to the boy who was on his feet by this time looking down at the rellci of his clothes And between grease and sand and dirt and rags they matt a ruin that was worth looking at made you think of a rubbish pile wlU a red danger lantern on top You naughty boy says she How could you do so If you know how frightened Miss Talford and I nave r been Are you hurt dear Naw says the dear brisk and disgusted Sure I aint The young woman fidgeted around him petting and poorlng him and pinning him together so to speak Hartley fidgeted too not seeming to havo his bearings at all He acted to me like he wished he was ten thou sand miles away and yet I callato he didnt Mally wish It neither The doctor and Major Phlnney were fuss Ing around and the crowd kept getting bigger and closing in If youll excuso me miss says I Interfering as usual whore twas none of my affairs I think perhaps twould be a good Idea If we went somewhere where twant so popular Maybe wo might go Into one of the rooms at the hall or Bomewheres s Why of course says Hartley grabbing at the notion like twas a rope Id thrown out to him Well go to the hall Ag MIsa Page let me present my friend Mr Solomon PrattSo twas the Page girl after all Id guessed as notch though how she come to be In Eastwlch when shed ought to havo been In Europe was moron I could make out She looked up at mo anti reached out her little hand with a kid glove on It Like wise she smilednet with her mouth alone same as an undertaker meet ¬ ing the relatives of the departed but with her eyes too Twas the right kind of a smile Im vaccinated and not subject to women folks as a rule but rd have done considerable to got a deckload of thorn smiles r- Im very glad to know you Mr Pratt says she just as though she meant it And we shook hands really shook em More I could get over that shako d and smile enough to bo sensible Ma jor Philander shoved her arm into this and headed for the hall Drat his You never could beat that old image when there was a pret ty woman atnund Hartley looked Mod of set back like Then ho takes the boy by the hand and falls into tho majors wake Mo and tho doctor trailed along behind The Doc kept talking about what a bravo thing the TwIns diving under f tho horses was but I didnt hoar more than half of It I was watching tho Page girls hat and thinking how much prettier twas than the ones thefti boarder girls at tho hOtpl wore And yet there want a quarter so many feathers and ribbons and doo dads on it The little chap was chirping up to Hartley all the way What worried him was when ho was going to get his five dollars Martin told him hed t get it all right Hed advance it himself and collect it afterwards Whats your name son T says ho to the youngster Denny says the boy Denny Dennis you mean Den nls whatAw dont know Plain Denny I guess Where do you live la New York Over around Cherry street most of tho tlmo Me and tho old man used to hang out in the back room of Mike Donahues place on Mott street till ho got sent up Then I got to sollln JIIlpehand doln iTl s and things Sum limes Id take a shy at the News boys Home nights Thats whero Miss Agony Miss Page I mean found me Im ono of tho Fresh Air kids over to- bur > Jacq t J Many more like you over there Sure I nine or ton of us girls and all Wo been hero a week now I skinned out of tho window this morn In and hoofed it over hero Waited- to I seo tho show Geol what a of Jays Youre the guy what gnnI the candy for mo nlnt you Shouldnt wonder Do you your tea her7 Bet your life Shes a peach Sos tho other ono Miss Talford her name Is I Humph What do they call you over on true cast sldo when youroat homo Redny says tho little shaver Hartley looked down at him and smiled one of his quiet grins Bully for you Ilcdny says he Youre a brick We got through tho crowd and Into the hall finally Shutting time door was a Job The folks outside seemed to think theyd been cheated Id like to have got rid of Philander but you couldnt do that without a block and tacklo ho stuck to Miss Paso like a kedge anchor to mud bottom The doctor was putting a strip of sticking plaster on Hartleys forehead Tho cut Want nothing but a scratch Im glad to say After a spell I see my chance and I cornered the major and commenced to talk politics Ho was hankering for the county representative nomination and I know hits soft pot Hartley and tho Paso girl got together then but they didnt seem to kaiow what to say I heard her explaining that she hadnt gone to Europe at all f Her ma had been took sick nothing to speak of I Judgedvj11 of nerves or the like of that So Agnes and her chum thlg Margaret Talford had een the chance theyd been waiting for and had got their poor children tribe to ¬ gether and ceme down ijnd took tl > o Lathrop place at South Kastwlcli Seems Miss Talford had hired It afore Intending to go to the Fresh Air vyago alone longs she couldnt got Agnes to go It with her But how Is it that youre here says she J thought you were at the mountainsHartley explained that of the last moment ho had decided to try thjj seashore He was at Wellmouth fur the present he said But you should have known I was here she says I wrote toto Ed of course before I loft the city Oh I see I Sent the letter to your Adl ¬ rondack address But It should have been forwarded Hartloy stammered a little but ho said quiet that ho was afraid perhaps Van Brunt hadnt thought to send word to have his mall forwarded- I see she says Thats like Ed Martin seemed to think twas tQo but all ho said was lies written you very faithfully His letters of course have gone to Liverpool Well that was about all We had to be going I said goodby and we started for the door Miss Page cnine over and held out her hand Mr Hartley says she I want to thank you for saving Dennis Major Phlnney told me about it It was brave And Im glad that youre not hurt x She was pretty nervous but a good dual less flustered than ho was when he took her hand It was nothing of course he says hurried Hko That youngster vat worth picking up Good morning Miss Page He stopped a second to say some thing about Van Brunt no doubt com ¬ ing over to see her In a day or SO And then we left tho hall and headed for tho street Wo walked along protty brisk for a ways neither of us saying much of anything Whatever there was I ealIate 1 said Uy and by we comg to tho railroad crossing And here Hart ley stops short Sol says he I believe Ill go back by train I dont feel like a sea trip this afternoon Thotcrtbnt crack on the head has shaken me up some I guess Explain to Van will you Tell him Im all right but that Ive got a little headache Under- stand I presumed likely that I understood mare paybe that ho thought I did Headache Is a fair to middling excuso but I Judged thoro was other things Id scon them two look at each other when they met andwell they say a nods as good as a wink to a blind horse and I aint blind I made a sort of note in my mind to get the pumps to working again on Lord James next time I got a chanco at him alone Hartley left mo and went over to tho railroad depot and I kept on down tho poad to the shore I was loafing along going over to myself tho doings of the afternoon and won dering what Van Brunt would say and so OB when I como out Into the clear placo at the top of Meeting House hill And tho meeting house clock struck fourI junjpcd IHtp Id set down on a hot stovo I hahnt no Idea It was as late as that The pig and tho Page girl and the rest of tho mixup hall put all notion of time out of my head I yanked out my watch to mako suro that that clock was right and then I glanced at the sky Over torti- le eastard a big fat gray fog bank was piling up Twas high water at two Eastwlch Port covo is a nasty place to got out of at low tide and here was an easterly fog coming As a general thing I dont take any bodys wash when it comes to Ian ding a boat or looking out for weather and such but now I was ready to sing small A tenyearold boy brought up along shore would havo known trot tar than to do as Id done Dont make no odds bow good an excuse I had for forgetting no excuse Is good whore it comes to sallboatlng I wont down that hill like tho man in t tho tin cof fin went to Tophet cllukotty jlnglo I Jumped fences and cut across lots and Im ready to swear tight now that theres moro horse briars to tho square inch In Eastwlch Port than in any oth ¬ er plane on the Lords green earth bust through tho pines and come out on the beach yelling Ifil Turn out a orykodyl Oct aboard now Live ¬ iiAnd by time there want a soul in light For no less than twentytwo and a half minutes by my watch I Stalkd up and down the beach sego lug tho tide go out and bcllerlrig Ahoy I and Where nre you at the top of my lungs And then lo and behold you here comes Van Brunt Oct Lord James poking along ur If they had all the tlmo there sync Van bnd been ovor behind tho point taking a swim and his lordship had gono ulong to set on hula boss trous ¬ ers and keep the creases in or Bomb such mighty Important job All right skipper all right drawls Van cool as a Sunday school boy at an Ice cream sociable Youve got good lungs and youd ought to bo careful of em 1vo heard you whoop- ing ¬ for tho last ten minutes What did you nnd Martin have whon you were up town By tho way where Is Martin Ho was so everlasting comfortable and sassy and I wits HO bllltig hot and nervous that it mado me mod riles gono homo on tho train I snapped out Got a headache Headache eh Humph What did you have up town and whero did you get It Never mind whoro wo got It says I Youll get a hoadncho from setting up stuck on n shoal all night If you dont get aboard that boat Look at thorn clouds Ho looked nt em Ah he says very like n whale- I didnt know what he meant and I didnt care- Whalo says I Well Well be lucky If wo aint tho Jonahs Get aboard with that basket you Oppor wlmtsyournamo will you If you want to fetch port tonight Lord James looked lute hed like to put another cad on me but his boss was round and ho daisent talk back Between us wo loaded tho dunnage Put YourHelmOvertoPcrtlP- orts You Lubber Port 4 hen Van tot aboard deliberate iiough to try a parsons patience and t cast Iccac and got sail on the Dora Bnssett Wed made a start anyhow nut It turned out that wag all wed nude Van commenced to ask me more about Hartley and afore Tcould toll him the nows about the pic race and the rest the Dora Baaaett run her nose on a sand flat and there she stuck I was afraid of that tide all alongI to get her off with the oar but twas no go Then I pulled the skiff alongside tha one wed been towing astern and got Into that and tried that way Hut that wouldnt work either Finally I jumped over- board up to my waist and thon I got her off- Rut she stuck again afore we got out of tho cove I splashed anti shoved nnd workod for another half hour or so the wind dying out and the fog drifting in limo I got her sliest this tlmo and had listened to a steady strotch of Van Brunts lazy sarcasms my temper was worn to aboestrings Conaarn the man It didnt seem to mako no difference to him whether he got homo that night or a week from then We got out of that blessed cove and into the channel somewherei around six oclock Then twaa a dead boot home and the breeze pretty nigh gone A fow minutes and tho toy shut down on us wot and thick and heavy as ever I see It We poked along for an hour or so more and then twas most dark and wo want half way to Wellmouth Lord James In his usual position hanging on to tho centerboard and moving his head from ono side to tother as If ho was afraid of being hit when ho want looking Id pretty night scalped him with the boom once or twlco and now ho ducked whenever the tiller squeaked Ho certainly looked like a statue of misery In a fountain with the fog dripping off his sldewlretors Van was stretched out on the OCT blowing smoke rings and spouting poetry Id been too busy to tell him u word about his girls being In tho neighborhood Fact Is I didnt like the fuel of things I believed there was wind corning Seo lucre says I finally ono of you fpllero II have to go forard and keep an eye out for shoals Woro on the edge of tho channel hero and I want to be in deep water nforo a squall hits us I callato theres one pretty nigh due Ills lordship just stared at mo fishy eyed mind pitiful Ao for Van ho went on reciting something about being on the sea with the bluo above and the blue below He want going to stir not him Look hero I says If we strike a sand bar and a squall strikes us at the same tlmo well go below way down whore Its a big sight bluer than tis here cording to the minI- sters tell Go forard on lookout wont youSo ho went though I doubt if hed havo known n bar whon he sec ono not that kind anyway Pretty soon the broozo glvo out altogether And then from off In tile distance I hoard a noise a rushing roaring kind of nolso Hark I yells Do you hear tlJatI Hero sho conies Down with Haul on that ropo Mr Van will you No no Tother ono Tother onel Godfrey scissors Hero you Opper hang on to that tiller Keep her just as she Is I I mado a long arm grabbed that valet man by the collar yanked him into the sternshcets and jammed the UJler late his ltaqThi J tooJs a J I a i Tills woman says that sick tryhjydia Compound us she did Mrs A Gregory of 2563 Lawrence St Denver writes to Mrs Piuklmm J was practically nn Invalid for six cars on account fcuinlo troubles I underwent an operation b time doctors advice bit in a few months L wns worse than before A friend ad- vised Lydia K Plnklmnis Vegetable Compound and It restored me to perfect health sueh as I have not enjoy cd In many years Any woman suffering ns I with backache bearing dowp pains nnd perimllc palnshould full VegetableCompound FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN For thirty IR Ljdia K Pink hams Vegetable ont front roots nnd herbs > fins been tho standard remedy for female ills mid hiss positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with tl isp luce 11 lents t Jon fibroid ttufQF 1trgutiaritiest 1101 downfeelinIltulenc Judi ey nln918111OstrntlonWh sirs Plnlilmm Invites all sick women to write her for advice Sho has jriilded thousands to health Address Lynn Mass tying leap forard where the Twin was trying to cast loose the peak hal Hard having 8 notion it seemed that it ought to belong to tbo jib The squall struck ut The tOG split into pieces same as n rotter tops The Dora Banctt heeled oven till I thought she was going on her beam ends Ills lordship turned most a yoU like a tugboat whittle lets gi tlly ttlt r and dived headftret Into the cockpit unitdehlps As for mo I was swinging over the side with my whit weight on the jib downbnul pawlif air with my feet nail trying to Ret lack my balance That downhaul was old and son fatten It broke and I went overboard with a howl sad a splash I went down far enough to begin to too gllmpMs of that blue plato 1 was peaking of just now Then I pawed up for air When my bead stuck olJl pf water tlere was qoinatnlHQ bit d and black swooping past It 1 mats a grab anti caught hold As luck would have It twas the skirt we was towing asternI Into that skiff a up a tree I was full of salt water eyes and allbut I could see the Dora Uassett lopping ahead of mo with her gaff halfway down liar mast Seems the halliard had broken Last after tbo downhaul I I roared a sputtering kind pf roar And then Vans hood stuck out aref the sloops stern God sakes says ho Aro you drqynedr Drowned I hollers Think Im a poeky lubber Just cause you I had to stop hero to cough 1 was a regular tank as you might say of salt- water I good liegvena gaga Vqn Du they always do thatboats I moan I Always do Iwassomadat myself and all creation that I could scarcely answer Oh suffering mighty If over go to sea again with a parcel of Catch a hold of that tiller Bring her Into the wind Cast oft that main sheet Cast It oft Here comes another one- I suppose malnslieols aro kind of scarce on the Street Anyhow I- see that ho didnt knot what 1 meant That IPVC at the store J hoH ra Janclig nrcund In tlie sk12 Cast It off Lively Thp Mcond squall strick us I see the Dora Bassett drive off In a sweep- Ing halt cIrcle tho and of tho boom knocking tops of the waves to pIeces and the spray lying like a waterfall And louder than the wind or anything olio I could hear Lord James hellerlng for home and mother jha twant till afterwards that I remembered any of this Just thon I had other fish to fry There was to or tlireC ropes at the sailboats stern and Van had cast off one of cm same as I ordered Onllus It happened Instead of tho hed cast off tho skiffs painter MO and tho Dora Bassett waq parting company fast From out of tho dark ahead of me come a yell louder oven than Lord James distress signals Sol hollers Van Brunt Sol PrattAy ayl I screams Im nil right Never mind me Put your helm over to port Port wh- atPityourlsolmovortoPort I port you lubber POUT My man non hind gene overboard when I did and tboyd missal the skiff Twas quiet for a minute Then from further oft comes tile acree- ehhutpartoohodamnlhl ng jibportNever mind 1 I yolls Keephe- rjIlMtnsshcls Youll fetch uvallrllbt BettortakorcoL- Uackthntmnlns heat I Then I had to quit and grab up tho ears and bring tho skiff bow on to the seas When I got hor headed right I couldnt seo nor hoar nothing of tho Dora Bassott As Major Philander IJilnney says whon ho gets to tolling how much better General Orant would jjnve done If hed took his advice 1 STUB disconnected with my baso of suppliesContinued Next W cJl IN tASHOfJS AALNi Charming and Becoming Hats For Spring and Summer DOTTED NET ALSATIAN BOWS Entire Hats Conked With Roies As Many as Four Dozen Used on a Sin- Us Shape Flower Completely Cover and Hldo Crowns Moth silk and sntln enter largely Into his seasons millinery amid where time iiitlro hat Is not built of then mate mists It IB a favorite conceit to inter envo cords of satin with time straw he fliTAUgomiiit usually Wing In IL sharp contrast of yolo Inga At n bind ¬ ing for tilt lug tlenltaut Immure of rlns dot nt amid plate nmlluon satin and the soft glaco taffetas ore almost India pcnfuiblc mid lust those Iminuonso lows WHITE SILK 1AJUROL will coi < nne lu favor throughout nn other season there seems lo IMS little doubt Com man T Of course bat WIt becoming and apes nsrp style Is not Some of the most expensive of the spring tnooVIt are showing this style of law trimming In a cobweb quality of batiste hand oinuroklcml the fine oboe of the material waking the bow almost as trnupparent as lace ttX trcutely good effects iMiwevw intro pas liable ID lens mostly mnlerlald while tIe bows mire sultulde only on the largo simian quaintly nmde bows of taffeta mud atlu are seen on IMMOO of the small lot shaped bat anti lUll so placed ns to touch onch other around time circumference or the hat iMniklUK Its nldepas olTtvlnilly UN do the ruches nod plaiting more RWjernlly user for tnta purpose Such a hat however Is iUlte beyond the powors of an BIOS ttur mid must be Infinitely smart look Ing to he omen ondurabto The wearing of lowers has grown lute n vet fashionable thing And where there were once only n few roses or i merhalis H large rose placed In the trout of the hat time entire lout IK now banket with roses Om lovely spring lint skqirg at least tour dozen pail steed rOM massed around the BUAltr SUNSHADE IUNULW crown of tho lint They are arranged BO ng to entirety hide tho crown and form a largo rosebush ut the side Tho spring lint suggests the spring sunshade and lovely ones hors been designed for our use this season Par ngols with long tmiidlori topiied with rabbits and parrots are among time nov ¬ cities Tlione handles unscrew A dainty parasol U Illustrated of white silk trimmed with bunds of lace caught together by n trollla of narrow velvet ribbon AMY VAUNUM Avoid Sponges It seems nlnioat as It the advice to avoid sponges would tic unnecessary 40 much hue been written against Ihem but there are still ninny women who persist In using them fur bathing mid yet consider themselves clean The absorbent and usually damp condition of the sponge 14 n regular microbe brooder Par babies and young children especially Is It danger DIIstO use one The woman who Is wedded to her sponge howuver should see to It that It Is rinsed smith dried In the Hun mutter each time of lining Water In Cake Making A cake In which water U use l r thin liquid Is more lender than the un sxoj with milk but the testtiro will be coarserPERT PARAGRAPHS Undoubtedly cooks mind housemaids belong to the peripatetic school of philosophy Maybe nil mun are liars but some of them would stop at once If their atten ¬ lion were called to It unless they could collect a commission upon It ItIsnt really so Interesting to know what la the first timing you would do under given circumstances as 1l1J toI know wjiat Is the lost OInTnOAD BUlL ING- I Practically Only Three Tool Arc Needed i GRADER HARROW AJD DRAG How DrRQsIng Has Denefited the Ulalivvaxt In an Illinois County Method of Making a Foundation Fei Good Earth Roads The people In WabciHh ootinty III mire hocomliiK actively ontbuslmtlc In tho mnttur of good country reads of native onrth This is especially no In the community treet of Alteiultile III and K ncmll so nil over the county antI In adjoining eoiintlw Wlivii tho work wits drat started nlinit four y nm ago tow people had any faith lu re HUlts and fewer sill took tiny part In time work lint those tow kupt nt It IranjItiK the winter rortilH nilu or shine muddy or dry till now aknoit everybody lellovw In road ilra gltiB nnd u vorjlnrK uumlwr turn out with boat for work every few duys ways Itinm II Shepard In time Womans XatloimUDtitly An eswiHllngly thor oiifli teat 1st Ulns inndo of the native earth to see win cnn be ilouc Al- though nil arc cmtatructed on tin wuno general prtiiclplw yet innuy dlffurunt kltnlrt or road drug torte l >eon hunt mud tbelr rotIllIClhtlUt1rlts tiwtod Most of them too tHMintnivtfd of n liy 10 loch ttinlwrs roam eight to tm foot long nUll ri uln two trains for draw- lug them lama Imro steel cutting blades nnd sonic hnvc tint sonic lure OIHMI jpneo wtwcen the two inn In drag timbers rod others bare nollil KQIIH > UI l ottoiiM They have foiiiHl so fur that the drag with solid bottoms are boat for soft muddy roads while thus rltli open spaces hohvcHtii the tltiilwrs are best for dry reads or for use Just nftor u dry fretno On Jan U5 tho roads In Wabash county wore froicn In n depth of tiro or MX iuche std tilt surface mum be rows ennMra lively dry and looo On the nfternmm of this date nil drags were Mtt In operation on time roadt One of the drnpi with two toum IICs- td back and forth over six inlloa of country road In Qvu hours on tho nflor noun of that ditto The mirface of the ixud sync dry anti rotten onongh so that the earth was easily niovwl nnd foohiB frotiHi below tho truck was loft M smooth and hard an u fair In many plait as niudi earth rin moved smith Iulactl iM rfivtly In tho center of UK rued an conk la done in the sum- mer with a goad steel road grader All Mere tracks and wagon ruts worn till Ifl such after tine drni WB >MNI both ways the road was lOft us flue an Ut- loest city pavement After two ilajpn travel these roads wwo In pwfect con mutton wltl < uo ruts or horse tracks lefier that halt an Inch Them are pnicllcally only three tool ueeeraary for inking and tnalnlnlnlRM Rood natural earth roads They mitt the road xrmkr harrow pail triad drat toad prmdera rot from y00 to SOD Wh acwrdlnK to e11t nnd style liar rows are wi all farm antI the cost It CMMinaMy low while the rood ilnMt I t to very simple of coiilruotk that > Blest any one can risks ens hliu rlf Ior u roa< drat to do effeetlvD work It muet be lituivy enough no list two Iwima will be rwiulred One twain U blMtcd at either roil of the dHR awl irbeii driven sew trout In monde to RO ihead of the other BO hut till draff novcp forward at an angle of thirty tr > fortyfive degrees toward time center of tho road tlitw forcing tho surfncq with always to the center making time nwd rooflllcv which allows Hurfuco water to paoapo On time front timber I ytetl cutting blade Is fastened spas lo project IJl OW about lull an Inch This cutthiK blade IK not particularly iiBcosaary for real muddy roads but It c lees effective work vhielt the fOil IH loea effective work on n dry soil and oat grading cnn ho dew with It The road dregs Rroatqst eincicncy h for rode In winter whon they are wet Phil muddy or for levetliiB them In winter just after n dry freeze Uy nm dug the dreg aver bail whiter road liorao trucks wngon rutr end other de troMona are IlllcMl easUy anti rapidly tho water Mug forml out so It cnn away and the surface left smooth Iron common held harrow Is also any excollpiit drag and IU use U fay rtHflDK rach your Hest results are ibtalncd by iiHlnj time harrow when he roada lUll rough hut dry it then ids as n leyelur but not n Krador by mklnc oft the clods aiul bilinpii uiak UK thorn flue mud flllltiK In dcpre iloni to prevent the accumulation of mirface valor which III the main cause of heel roadn Koepln the ruts and holes flllwl lit time croater part of road nmlnttu iimice The harrow nod the drag are the two lost tools known fur doing It rapidly cheaply and well The foundation for n Rood native rarth country ruiid U mado by drawing Hie dirt to tho center leaving drain illlchcH on either stile to curry ofT the surface water This style might right ly bo called the roof road sluice tho roudbcd slopes from the center to time Ides like n house roof carrying the rater off In a similar manner Tho roof ridging of native onrth roads In the beginning can bo done cheaply and neatly only with tIc mod I urn iron road grader which nets as both plow and Hcrupor of former times I rime blade of the grader Is set at an ingle so that tho earth at each furrow- s pushed toward the center of the road ItesidCH the rapid work of the Cruder time long sharp Iron blade mores fUnilght leaving the surfiic > and and smooth It malntalnrd In tho condition In which lime grader leaves It till road will remain dry wmouth anti passable for n large part of tho year The nine that gets what ho wantn Koncrally feels dissatisfied unless he ruin find some fault with It Dont worry about making friends make good and the friends will Jook tilt for themselves A wise woman runs her own nffa lH- on her own account and her bills ou her husbands When n man asks you to do him n avor look out that ho lint doing you at the same time J l I- nLIEIRAILWAY WIXT13II TIM 15 TADLK t 1 KPFECTIVE NOV 18 1906 Not Ne3 i WLSr HOUND DailyEx I Alt 1n- Lv Jackson 0 10 2 0 K Junction 0 16 2 20I Klliiituwn 620 c 2 IllIS St Helens 0 rig 3 11 HputtyvilloJunct 07 3 20 t tlorront Campion Junct 7 18 a l Dundee 7 52 4 ui t KiUon S 03 1 H Stanton 8 IB J tilt i Cloy City 8 25 4 3G LK Junct uoo 601 Winchester 9 12 5 20 Ar Loxinuton 11 55 j O5 NO 2 NO 4 EAST HOUND ko Dailymix t PM AM w Lv Lexington 2 25 7 3S Winchester 310 813 L E Junot 3 25 8 2tj 02SllIlItOD + Filson 1 26 o ati Dundee 4 n Ia Campion Junot 4 40 o as Torrent 4 6 i o r u Hcntlyvillo Junct R 18 10 17 St Iluluns 5 20 10 25 Tnllojrii 5 37 10 35 Athol i 45- Kllciitiuvu 10 4t G 00 11 10 IrAI CONNECTIONS L K JUNCTION Trains Nos 1 and 3 will innke connection with C 0 Ky for Ml Sterling CA PTON UNCTION All trains connect with Mountain Cen ¬ tral Hnilway for Pino Ridge mid Canmulon11EAITFIhitii J UNCTION I ruins Nos 2 and 4 connect with andfronllkeattyville 0 K J UNC 11ON1rallm 4 No Kentuckyfur CIIAS scorr G P A I 0t C K RAILWAY1- 1lr1Lfull NOV W won WEST HQUXD Daily Kx Sun Ism cci Jn a6ta- A M KM I tV Jackson 11 05 a 00 0 K Junction 11 15 3 10 Frozene 11 a i 111j Vnnolnvo 11 as Wilhurst n 4t a 52 s llninploii 11 ri 4 05 4 Rose Fork 12 05 4 3Q 4 OilyHeloclmwn 12 18 4 4S 12 10 4 55- tr Cannel City 12 afi 6 20 r 1 LAST BOUND Daily Ex Sun 1 n utAta JilT oia < A mu PM 4 L v Cannel City 7 10 1 00 llclcohawn 711 117 1 Lee City 7 45 1 23t Hose Fork S 00 112 Hampton 8 21 1H Wilhurst 8 37 1 51 Yanclovo 8 47 1 57 Frozen 8 50 2 01 0 1C Junction 9 25 2 25- Ar Jackson 9 30 2 30A Sunday iwssonjror train loaves Jannel City at 100 p 1111 returning epees Jackson at 100 p m 1 M L CONLBV Gen dlg- rMountain Central opart Arrive i 45 am Cnmpton liaOauv 116 p in Catupton G 00 p mil Vrrivo Dcmrt 100 nm Campion Jun 10 05 a in 1 00pm Campion Jun 4 40 p n1 Make connection with nil L g passenger trains WhoTwill be antin year anti very man must rend to keep tostedon politics Th- oCOURIERJOURNAL Henry WatterHon Kdltor h ft Democratic Newspaper but it prints tho news ns it develops One dollar a year is the price otr The Weekly- CounterJournal lutvou can get that paper and riio Brcathitt County News Both One Year F- orS15O If you will give or send your ordc to tho News NOT to Th > Aurior Journal I i I w r

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    tI PRATTA Tale of the CapeCod Fisher Folk

    ByJoseph C LincolnA-

    uthor ofCapn Err 1artnsat qf

    I tht Tide Ett

    by T D M lvlllIIUustrallowrj tPlri 7IJtUoDISYNOPSISp

    CHAPTER IIr Pratt bftrnncomal narration of story IntroducingIItodo Nathan Srudder of hisItand lidwarJ Van Brunt and Martin-f lIartl V two rich New seekingrreb Because of lodge pair lavish ex ¬penditure Of money I matt a nwt Imprea ¬

    sion was connected with lunatic

    tCJtAJTER nTho arrival of JamesJ Hopper Van Uruntfi valet Rave 1rmjtthe declretl Information about tho NewIdrker They wUhpd to live what the° wtrrmld Tire Natural IJfe Von Brunti learned WHS the successful a ultmiJ for the hand of Sties Agnes l age whoI t gave Hartley upf

    CHAPTER JIISol Pratt was en ndg ItJI cook and the party decided to cpiJ-uly Fourth In Huatwlche CHAPTER IVThey took luneh ot

    KaBtwteh Van Brunt Hartley Pratt antHopper attending j

    CHAPTER VAt Fourth of July cele ¬i bration Hartley rescued a boy known aiteddy a horses fet and

    the urchin proud to be one of Mhages charges whom she had taken tothe country for an outing lIItss Page

    i and Hartley were separated during allerco storm which followed the picnic

    p Out sailing later Van Brunt HartleyPratt and Hopper were wrecked In asquall

    CHAPTER VThe Cruise of the Dora BassettAfter that there wits a kind of tab

    eau same as them they havo otchurch sociables Here was Hartleystaring at the young woman and thiyoung woman staring at him and thboys starIng at bothof emand me starIng at the three and the crowd around

    I doing grand double back actloa starIngnt the whole of us Then the partbroke up as you might pay

    Hartley red as a beet now got urand bowed The young woman gotup too and held out her hand In adoubting sort of way But afore hecould take It she seemed to remember something or charged her mindfor she dropped the hank and turnedto the boy who was on his feet bythis time looking down at the rellciof his clothes And between greaseand sand and dirt and rags they matta ruin that was worth looking atmade you think of a rubbish pile wlUa red danger lantern on top

    You naughty boy says she Howcould you do so If you know howfrightened Miss Talford and I naver been Are you hurt dear

    Naw says the dear brisk anddisgusted Sure I aint

    The young woman fidgeted aroundhim petting and poorlng him andpinning him together so to speakHartley fidgeted too not seeming tohavo his bearings at all He actedto me like he wished he was ten thousand miles away and yet I callato hedidnt Mally wish It neither Thedoctor and Major Phlnney were fussIng around and the crowd kept gettingbigger and closing in

    If youll excuso me miss says IInterfering as usual whore twas noneof my affairs I think perhaps twouldbe a good Idea If we went somewherewhere twant so popular Maybe womight go Into one of the rooms atthe hall or Bomewheres

    s Why of course says Hartleygrabbing at the notion like twas arope Id thrown out to him Wellgo to the hall Ag MIsa Page letme present my friend Mr SolomonPrattSo twas the Page girl after allId guessed as notch though how shecome to be In Eastwlch when shedought to havo been In Europe wasmoron I could make out She lookedup at mo anti reached out her littlehand with a kid glove on It Likewise she smilednet with her mouthalone same as an undertaker meet ¬ing the relatives of the departed butwith her eyes too Twas the rightkind of a smile Im vaccinated andnot subject to women folks as a rulebut rd have done considerable to gota deckload of thorn smiles r-

    Im very glad to know you MrPratt says she just as though shemeant it And we shook handsreally shook em

    More I could get over that shakod and smile enough to bo sensible Ma

    jor Philander shoved her arm intothis and headed for the hall Drat hisYou never could beatthat old image when there was a pretty woman atnund Hartley lookedMod of set back like Then ho takesthe boy by the hand and falls into thomajors wake Mo and tho doctortrailed along behind

    The Doc kept talking about whata bravo thing the TwIns diving under

    f tho horses was but I didnt hoar morethan half of It I was watching thoPage girls hat and thinking howmuch prettier twas than the onesthefti boarder girls at tho hOtpl woreAnd yet there want a quarter somany feathers and ribbons and doodads on it

    The little chap was chirping up toHartley all the way What worriedhim was when ho was going to gethis five dollars Martin told him hed

    t get it all right Hed advance ithimself and collect it afterwardsWhats your name son T says ho

    to the youngsterDenny says the boyDenny Dennis you mean Den


    dont know Plain DennyI guess

    Where do you live la New YorkOver around Cherry street most of

    tho tlmo Me and tho old man usedto hang out in the back room of MikeDonahues place on Mott street tillho got sent up Then I got to solllnJIIlpehand doln iTl s and thingsSum limes Id take a shy at the Newsboys Home nights Thats whero MissAgony Miss Page I mean found meIm ono of tho Fresh Air kids over to-bur > Jacq



    Many more like you over thereSure I nine or ton of us girls and

    all Wo been hero a week now Iskinned out of tho window this mornIn and hoofed it over hero Waited-to


    seo tho show Geol what a

    of Jays Youre the guy what gnnIthe candy for mo nlnt you

    Shouldnt wonder Do youyour tea her7

    Bet your life Shes a peach Sostho other ono Miss Talford her nameIs


    Humph What do they call you

    over on true cast sldo when youroathomo

    Redny says tho little shaverHartley looked down at him and

    smiled one of his quiet grinsBully for you Ilcdny says he

    Youre a brickWe got through tho crowd and Into

    the hall finally Shutting time doorwas a Job The folks outside seemedto think theyd been cheated Id liketo have got rid of Philander but you

    couldnt do that without a block andtacklo ho stuck to Miss Paso like akedge anchor to mud bottom Thedoctor was putting a strip of stickingplaster on Hartleys forehead Thocut Want nothing but a scratch Imglad to say

    After a spell I see my chance andI cornered the major and commencedto talk politics Ho was hankering forthe county representative nominationand I know hits soft pot Hartley andtho Paso girl got together then butthey didnt seem to kaiow what to say

    I heard her explaining that shehadnt gone to Europe at all f Her mahad been took sick nothing to speakof I Judgedvj11 of nerves or thelike of that So Agnes and her chumthlg Margaret Talford had een thechance theyd been waiting for andhad got their poor children tribe to ¬gether and ceme down ijnd took tl> oLathrop place at South KastwlcliSeems Miss Talford had hired It aforeIntending to go to the Fresh Airvyago alone longs she couldnt gotAgnes to go It with her

    But how Is it that youre heresays she J thought you were at the

    mountainsHartleyexplained that of the last

    moment ho had decided to try thjjseashore He was at Wellmouth furthe present he said

    But you should have known I washere she says I wrote toto Edof course before I loft the city OhI see I Sent the letter to your Adl ¬rondack address But It should havebeen forwarded

    Hartloy stammered a little but hosaid quiet that ho was afraid perhapsVan Brunt hadnt thought to sendword to have his mall forwarded-

    I see she says Thats like EdMartin seemed to think twas tQo

    but all ho said was lies written youvery faithfully His letters of coursehave gone to Liverpool

    Well that was about all We hadto be going I said goodby and westarted for the door Miss Page cnineover and held out her hand

    Mr Hartley says she I want tothank you for saving Dennis MajorPhlnney told me about it It wasbrave And Im glad that youre nothurt x

    She was pretty nervous but a gooddual less flustered than ho was whenhe took her hand

    It was nothing of course he says

    hurried Hko That youngster vatworth picking up Good morningMiss Page

    He stopped a second to say something about Van Brunt no doubt com ¬ing over to see her In a day or SOAnd then we left tho hall and headedfor tho street

    Wo walked along protty brisk for aways neither of us saying much ofanything Whatever there was IealIate 1 said Uy and by we comg totho railroad crossing And here Hartley stops short

    Sol says he I believe Ill goback by train I dont feel like a seatrip this afternoon Thotcrtbntcrack on the head has shaken me upsome I guess Explain to Van willyou Tell him Im all right but thatIve got a little headache Under-stand

    I presumed likely that I understoodmare paybe that ho thought I did

    Headache Is a fair to middling excusobut I Judged thoro was other thingsId scon them two look at each otherwhen they met andwell they saya nods as good as a wink to a blindhorse and I aint blind I made a sortof note in my mind to get the pumpsto working again on Lord James nexttime I got a chanco at him alone

    Hartley left mo and went over totho railroad depot and I kept ondown tho poad to the shore I wasloafing along going over to myselftho doings of the afternoon and wondering what Van Brunt would say andso OB when I como out Into the clearplaco at the top of Meeting House hillAnd tho meeting house clock struckfourI junjpcd IHtp Id set down on ahot stovo I hahnt no Idea It was aslate as that The pig and tho Pagegirl and the rest of tho mixup hall putall notion of time out of my head Iyanked out my watch to mako surothat that clock was right and thenI glanced at the sky Over torti-


    eastard a big fat gray fog bank waspiling up Twas high water at two

    Eastwlch Port covo is a nasty place togot out of at low tide and here was aneasterly fog coming

    As a general thing I dont take anybodys wash when it comes to Ianding a boat or looking out for weatherand such but now I was ready tosing small A tenyearold boy broughtup along shore would havo known trottar than to do as Id done Dont makeno odds bow good an excuse I had forforgetting no excuse Is good whore itcomes to sallboatlng I wont downthat hill like tho man in t tho tin coffin went to Tophet cllukotty jlngloI Jumped fences and cut across lotsand Im ready to swear tight now thattheres moro horse briars to tho squareinch In Eastwlch Port than in any oth ¬er plane on the Lords green earth

    bust through tho pines and come outon the beach yelling Ifil Turn outa orykodyl Oct aboard now Live ¬

    iiAnd by time there want a soul inlight For no less than twentytwoand a half minutes by my watch IStalkd up and down the beach sego

    lug tho tide go out and bcllerlrigAhoy I and Where nre you at

    the top of my lungs And then loand behold you here comes VanBrunt Oct Lord James poking alongur If they had all the tlmo there syncVan bnd been ovor behind tho pointtaking a swim and his lordship hadgono ulong to set on hula boss trous ¬ers and keep the creases in or Bombsuch mighty Important job

    All right skipper all rightdrawls Van cool as a Sunday schoolboy at an Ice cream sociable Youvegot good lungs and youd ought to bocareful of em 1vo heard you whoop-ing


    for tho last ten minutes Whatdid you nnd Martin have whon youwere up town By tho way where IsMartin

    Ho was so everlasting comfortableand sassy and I wits HO bllltig hot andnervous that it mado me mod

    riles gono homo on tho train Isnapped out Got a headache

    Headache eh Humph Whatdid you have up town and whero didyou get It

    Never mind whoro wo got It saysI Youll get a hoadncho from settingup stuck on n shoal all night If youdont get aboard that boat Look atthorn clouds

    Ho looked nt em Ah he saysvery like n whale-

    I didnt know what he meant and Ididnt care-

    Whalo says I Well Well belucky If wo aint tho Jonahs Getaboard with that basket you Opporwlmtsyournamo will you If youwant to fetch port tonight

    Lord James looked lute hed like toput another cad on me but his bosswas round and ho daisent talk backBetween us wo loaded tho dunnage

    Put YourHelmOvertoPcrtlP-orts You Lubber Port


    hen Van tot aboard deliberateiiough to try a parsons patience and

    t cast Iccac and got sail on the DoraBnssett Wed made a start anyhow

    nut It turned out that wag all wednude Van commenced to ask memore about Hartley and afore Tcouldtoll him the nows about the pic raceand the rest the Dora Baaaett run hernose on a sand flat and there shestuck I was afraid of that tide allalongI

    to get her off with the oarbut twas no go Then I pulled theskiff alongside tha one wed beentowing astern and got Into that andtried that way Hut that wouldntwork either Finally I jumped over-board up to my waist and thon I gother off-

    Rut she stuck again afore we gotout of tho cove I splashed antishoved nnd workod for another halfhour or so the wind dying out and thefog drifting in limo I got her sliestthis tlmo and had listened to a steadystrotch of Van Brunts lazy sarcasmsmy temper was worn to aboestringsConaarn the man It didnt seem tomako no difference to him whether hegot homo that night or a week fromthen

    We got out of that blessed coveand into the channel somewhereiaround six oclock Then twaa a deadboot home and the breeze pretty nighgone A fow minutes and tho toyshut down on us wot and thick andheavy as ever I see It We pokedalong for an hour or so more andthen twas most dark and wo wanthalf way to Wellmouth Lord JamesIn his usual position hanging on totho centerboard and moving his headfrom ono side to tother as If ho wasafraid of being hit when ho wantlooking Id pretty night scalped himwith the boom once or twlco andnow ho ducked whenever the tillersqueaked Ho certainly looked likea statue of misery In a fountain withthe fog dripping off his sldewlretors

    Van was stretched out on the OCTblowing smoke rings and spoutingpoetry Id been too busy to tell himu word about his girls being In thoneighborhood Fact Is I didnt likethe fuel of things I believed there waswind corning

    Seo lucre says I finally ono ofyou fpllero II have to go forard andkeep an eye out for shoals Woro onthe edge of tho channel hero and Iwant to be in deep water nforo asquall hits us I callato theres onepretty nigh due

    Ills lordship just stared at mo fishyeyed mind pitiful Ao for Van ho wenton reciting something about being onthe sea with the bluo above and theblue below He want going to stir

    not himLook hero I says If we strike

    a sand bar and a squall strikes us atthe same tlmo well go below waydown whore Its a big sight bluerthan tis here cording to the minI-sters tell Go forard on lookout wontyouSo

    ho went though I doubt if hedhavo known n bar whon he sec ononot that kind anyway

    Pretty soon the broozo glvo outaltogether And then from off In tiledistance I hoard a noise a rushingroaring kind of nolso

    Hark I yells Do you hear tlJatIHero sho conies Down withHaul on that ropo Mr Van will youNo no Tother ono Tother onelGodfrey scissors Hero you Opperhang on to that tiller Keep her justas she Is I

    I mado a long arm grabbed thatvalet man by the collar yanked himinto the sternshcets and jammed theUJler late his ltaqThi J tooJs a




    i Tills woman says that sicktryhjydiaCompound us she didMrs A Gregory of 2563 Lawrence

    St Denver writes to MrsPiuklmm

    J was practically nn Invalid for sixcars on account fcuinlo troubles

    I underwent an operation b timedoctors advice bit in a few months Lwns worse than before A friend ad-vised Lydia K Plnklmnis VegetableCompound and It restored me to perfecthealth sueh as I have not enjoy cd Inmany years Any woman suffering nsI with backache bearing dowppains nnd perimllc palnshould fullVegetableCompoundFACTS FOR SICK WOMEN

    For thirty IR Ljdia K Pinkhams Vegetable ontfront roots nnd herbs > fins been thostandard remedy for female illsmid hiss positively cured thousands ofwomen who have been troubled withtl isp luce 1 1 lents tJon fibroid ttufQF 1trgutiaritiest

    1101 downfeelinIltulenc Judi ey

    nln918111OstrntlonWhsirs Plnlilmm Invites all sick

    women to write her for adviceSho has jriilded thousands tohealth Address Lynn Mass

    tying leap forard where the Twinwas trying to cast loose the peak halHard having 8 notion it seemed thatit ought to belong to tbo jib

    The squall struck ut The tOGsplit into pieces same as n rottertops The Dora Banctt heeled oventill I thought she was going on herbeam ends Ills lordship turned mosta yoU like a tugboat whittle lets gitlly ttlt r and dived headftret Into thecockpit unitdehlps As for mo I wasswinging over the side with my whitweight on the jib downbnul pawlifair with my feet nail trying to Retlack my balance

    That downhaul was old and sonfatten It broke and I went overboardwith a howl sad a splash

    I went down far enough to begin totoo gllmpMs of that blue plato 1 waspeaking of just now Then I pawedup for air When my bead stuck olJlpf water tlere was qoinatnlHQ bit dand black swooping past It 1 matsa grab anti caught hold As luck wouldhave It twas the skirt we was towing

    asternI Into that skiff aup a tree I was full of salt watereyes and allbut I could see the DoraUassett lopping ahead of mo with hergaff halfway down liar mast Seemsthe halliard had broken Last after tbodownhaul I

    I roared a sputtering kind pf roarAnd then Vans hood stuck out arefthe sloops stern

    God sakes says ho Aro youdrqynedr

    Drowned I hollers Think Ima poeky lubber Just cause you Ihad to stop hero to cough 1 was aregular tank as you might say of salt-water I

    good liegvena gaga Vqn Duthey always do thatboats I moan I

    Always do Iwassomadat myselfand all creation that I could scarcelyanswer Oh suffering mighty Ifover go to sea again with a parcelof Catch a hold of that tiller Bringher Into the wind Cast oft that mainsheet Cast It oft Here comesanother one-

    I suppose malnslieols aro kind ofscarce on the Street Anyhow I-see that ho didnt knot what 1 meant

    That IPVC at the store J hoH raJanclig nrcund In tlie sk12 CastIt off Lively

    Thp Mcond squall strick us I seethe Dora Bassett drive off In a sweep-Ing halt cIrcle tho and of tho boomknocking tops of the waves topIeces and the spray lying like awaterfall And louder than the windor anything olio I could hear LordJames hellerlng for home and mother

    jha twant till afterwards that Iremembered any of this Just thonI had other fish to fry There wasto or tlireC ropes at the sailboatsstern and Van had cast off one of cmsame as I ordered

    Onllus It happened Instead of thohed cast off tho skiffs

    painter MO and tho Dora Bassett waq

    parting company fastFrom out of tho dark ahead of me

    come a yell louder oven than LordJames distress signals

    Sol hollers Van Brunt Sol

    PrattAy ayl I screams Im nilright Never mind me Put your helmover to port

    Port wh-atPityourlsolmovortoPort I

    port you lubber POUT My mannon hind gene overboard when I didand tboyd missal the skiff

    Twas quiet for a minute Thenfrom further oft comes tile acree-

    ehhutpartoohodamnlhl ngjibportNever mind


    I yolls Keephe-rjIlMtnsshcls Youll fetch

    uvallrllbt BettortakorcoL-Uackthntmnlns heat I

    Then I had to quit and grab up thoears and bring tho skiff bow on to theseas When I got hor headed right I

    couldnt seo nor hoar nothing of thoDora Bassott As Major PhilanderIJilnney says whon ho gets to tollinghow much better General Orant wouldjjnve done If hed took his advice 1STUB disconnected with my baso of

    suppliesContinuedNext W cJl


    Charming and Becoming HatsFor Spring and Summer


    Entire Hats Conked With Roies AsMany as Four Dozen Used on a Sin-Us Shape Flower Completely Coverand Hldo Crowns

    Moth silk and sntln enter largely Intohis seasons millinery amid where time

    iiitlro hat Is not built of then matemists It IB a favorite conceit to interenvo cords of satin with time strawhe fliTAUgomiiit usually Wing In IL

    sharp contrast of yolo Inga At n bind ¬ing for tilt lug tlenltaut Immure of rlnsdot nt amid plate nmlluon satin and thesoft glaco taffetas ore almost Indiapcnfuiblc mid lust those Iminuonso lows


    will coi < nne lu favor throughout nnother season there seems lo IMS littledoubt Com man T Of course bat WItbecoming and apes nsrp style Is notSome of the most expensive of thespring tnooVIt are showing this styleof law trimming In a cobweb qualityof batiste hand oinuroklcml the fineoboe of the material waking the bowalmost as trnupparent as lace ttXtrcutely good effects iMiwevw intro pasliable ID lens mostly mnlerlald whiletIe bows mire sultulde only on thelargo simian quaintly nmde bows oftaffeta mud atlu are seen on IMMOO ofthe small lot shaped bat anti lUll soplaced ns to touch onch other aroundtime circumference or the hat iMniklUKIts nldepas olTtvlnilly UN do the ruchesnod plaiting more RWjernlly user fortnta purpose Such a hat however IsiUlte beyond the powors of an BIOSttur mid must be Infinitely smart look

    Ing to he omen ondurabtoThe wearing of lowers has grown

    lute n vet fashionable thing Andwhere there were once only n fewroses or i merhalis H large rose placed Inthe trout of the hat time entire lout IKnow banket with roses Om lovelyspring lint skqirg at least tour dozenpail steed rOM massed around the

    BUAltr SUNSHADE IUNULWcrown of tho lint They are arrangedBO ng to entirety hide tho crown andform a largo rosebush ut the sideTho spring lint suggests the springsunshade and lovely ones hors beendesigned for our use this season Parngols with long tmiidlori topiied withrabbits and parrots are among time nov ¬cities Tlione handles unscrew Adainty parasol U Illustrated of whitesilk trimmed with bunds of lace caughttogether by n trollla of narrow velvetribbon AMY VAUNUM

    Avoid SpongesIt seems nlnioat as It the advice to

    avoid sponges would tic unnecessary40 much hue been written againstIhem but there are still ninny womenwho persist In using them fur bathingmid yet consider themselves clean

    The absorbent and usually dampcondition of the sponge 14 n regularmicrobe brooder Par babies andyoung children especially Is It dangerDIIstO use one

    The woman who Is wedded to hersponge howuver should see to It thatIt Is rinsed smith dried In the Hun muttereach time of lining

    Water In Cake MakingA cake In which water U use l r

    thin liquid Is more lender than the unsxoj with milk but the testtiro willbe


    Undoubtedly cooks mind housemaidsbelong to the peripatetic school ofphilosophy

    Maybe nil mun are liars but some ofthem would stop at once If their atten ¬lion were called to It unless they couldcollect a commission upon It

    ItIsnt really so Interesting to knowwhat la the first timing you would dounder given circumstances as 1l1J toIknow wjiat Is the lost


    Practically Only Three ToolArc Needed


    How DrRQsIng Has Denefited theUlalivvaxt In an Illinois CountyMethod of Making a Foundation FeiGood Earth Roads

    The people In WabciHh ootinty IIImire hocomliiK actively ontbuslmtlc Intho mnttur of good country reads ofnative onrth This is especially no Inthe community treet of Alteiultile IIIand K ncmll so nil over the countyantI In adjoining eoiintlw Wlivii thowork wits drat started nlinit four y nmago tow people had any faith lu reHUlts and fewer sill took tiny part Intime work lint those tow kupt nt ItIranjItiK the winter rortilH nilu orshine muddy or dry till now aknoiteverybody lellovw In road ilra gltiBnnd u vorjlnrK uumlwr turn out withboat for work every few duys waysItinm II Shepard In time WomansXatloimUDtitly An eswiHllngly thoroiifli teat 1st Ulns inndo of the nativeearth to see win cnn be ilouc Al-though nil arc cmtatructed on tin wunogeneral prtiiclplw yet innuy dlffuruntkltnlrt or road drug torte l >eon huntmud tbelr rotIllIClhtlUt1rlts tiwtodMost of them too tHMintnivtfd of n liy10 loch ttinlwrs roam eight to tm footlong nUll ri uln two trains for draw-lug them lama Imro steel cuttingblades nnd sonic hnvc tint sonic lureOIHMI jpneo wtwcen the two inn In dragtimbers rod others bare nollil KQIIH> UIl ottoiiM They have foiiiHl so fur thatthe drag with solid bottoms are boatfor soft muddy roads while thusrltli open spaces hohvcHtii the tltiilwrsare best for dry reads or for use Justnftor u dry fretno

    On Jan U5 tho roads In Wabashcounty wore froicn In n depth of tiroor MX iuche std tilt surface mum berows ennMra lively dry and looo Onthe nfternmm of this date nil dragswere Mtt In operation on time roadtOne of the drnpi with two toum IICs-td back and forth over six inlloa ofcountry road In Qvu hours on tho nflornoun of that ditto The mirface of theixud sync dry anti rotten onongh sothat the earth was easily niovwl nndfoohiB frotiHi below tho truck was loftM smooth and hard an u fair Inmany plait as niudi earth rin movedsmith Iulactl iM rfivtly In tho center ofUK rued an conk la done in the sum-mer with a goad steel road grader AllMere tracks and wagon ruts worn tillIfl such after tine drni WB >MNI bothways the road was lOft us flue an Ut-loest city pavement After two ilajpntravel these roads wwo In pwfect conmutton wltl < uo ruts or horse trackslefier that halt an Inch

    Them are pnicllcally only three toolueeeraary for inking and tnalnlnlnlRMRood natural earth roads They mittthe road xrmkr harrow pail triad drattoad prmdera rot from y00 to SODWh acwrdlnK to e11t nnd style liarrows are wi all farm antI the cost ItCMMinaMy low while the rood ilnMt Itto very simple of coiilruotk that >Blest any one can risks ens hliu rlfIor u roa< drat to do effeetlvD work Itmuet be lituivy enough no list twoIwima will be rwiulred One twain UblMtcd at either roil of the dHR awlirbeii driven sew trout In monde to ROihead of the other BO hut till draffnovcp forward at an angle of thirty tr >fortyfive degrees toward time center oftho road tlitw forcing tho surfncqwith always to the center making timenwd rooflllcv which allows Hurfucowater to paoapo On time front timberI ytetl cutting blade Is fastened spaslo project IJl OW about lull an InchThis cutthiK blade IK not particularlyiiBcosaary for real muddy roads but It

    c lees effective work vhielt the fOil IHloea effective work on n dry soil andoat grading cnn ho dew with ItThe road dregs Rroatqst eincicncy h

    for rode In winter whon they are wetPhil muddy or for levetliiB them Inwinter just after n dry freeze Uy nmdug the dreg aver bail whiter roadliorao trucks wngon rutr end other detroMona are IlllcMl easUy anti rapidlytho water Mug forml out so It cnn

    away and the surface left smoothIron common held harrow Is also any

    excollpiit drag and IU use U fayrtHflDK rach your Hest results are

    ibtalncd by iiHlnj time harrow whenhe roada lUll rough hut dry it then

    ids as n leyelur but not n Krador bymklnc oft the clods aiul bilinpii uiakUK thorn flue mud flllltiK In dcpre iloni

    to prevent the accumulation of mirfacevalor which III the main cause of heelroadn Koepln the ruts and holes flllwllit time croater part of road nmlnttuiimice The harrow nod the drag arethe two lost tools known fur doing Itrapidly cheaply and well

    The foundation for n Rood nativerarth country ruiid U mado by drawingHie dirt to tho center leaving drainilllchcH on either stile to curry ofT thesurface water This style might rightly bo called the roof road sluice thoroudbcd slopes from the center to timeIdes like n house roof carrying therater off In a similar manner

    Tho roof ridging of native onrthroads In the beginning can bo donecheaply and neatly only with tIc mod


    urn iron road grader which nets asboth plow and Hcrupor of former times

    I rime blade of the grader Is set at aningle so that tho earth at each furrow-s pushed toward the center of theroad ItesidCH the rapid work of theCruder time long sharp Iron blademores fUnilght leaving the surfiic >and and smooth It malntalnrd In thocondition In which lime grader leaves Ittill road will remain dry wmouth antipassable for n large part of tho year

    The nine that gets what ho wantnKoncrally feels dissatisfied unless he

    ruin find some fault with It

    Dont worry about making friendsmake good and the friends will Jooktilt for themselves

    A wise woman runs her own nffa lH-on her own account and her bills ouher husbands

    When n man asks you to do him navor look out that ho lint doing you

    at the same timeJ




    KPFECTIVE NOV 18 1906

    Not Ne3 iWLSr HOUND DailyEx IAlt 1n-Lv Jackson 0 10 2

    0 K Junction 0 16 2 20IKlliiituwn 620c 2IllISSt Helens 0 rig 3 11HputtyvilloJunct 07 3 20 ttlorrontCampion Junct 7 18 a lDundee 7 52 4 ui tKiUon S 03 1 HStanton 8 IB J tilt iCloy City 8 25 4 3GLK Junct uoo 601Winchester 9 12 5 20

    Ar Loxinuton 11 55 j O5NO 2 NO 4



    PM AM wLv Lexington 2 25 7 3S

    Winchester 310 813L E Junot 3 25 8 2tj

    02SllIlItOD +Filson 1 26 o atiDundee 4 n IaCampion Junot 4 40 o asTorrent 4 6i o r uHcntlyvillo Junct R 18 10 17St Iluluns 5 20 10 25Tnllojrii 5 37 10 35Athol i 45-Kllciitiuvu

    10 4tG 00 11 10IrAICONNECTIONSL K JUNCTION Trains Nos

    1 and 3 will innke connectionwith C 0 Ky for Ml Sterling

    CA PTON UNCTION Alltrains connect with Mountain Cen ¬tral Hnilway for Pino Ridge midCanmulon11EAITFIhitii

    J UNCTIONI ruins Nos 2 and 4 connect with

    andfronllkeattyville0 K J UNC 11ON1rallm 4 No

    KentuckyfurCIIAS scorr G P A


    0tC K RAILWAY1-1lr1Lfull NOV W won

    WEST HQUXD Daily Kx SunIsm cci Jn a6ta-

    A M KMI tV Jackson 11 05 a 00

    0 K Junction 11 15 3 10Frozene 11 a i 111jVnnolnvo 11 asWilhurst n 4t a 52 sllninploii 11 ri 4 05 4Rose Fork 12 05 4 3Q 4

    OilyHeloclmwn 12 18 4 4S12 10 4 55-

    tr Cannel City 12 afi 6 20r 1LAST BOUND Daily Ex Sun1

    n utAta JilT oia <A mu PM 4

    Lv Cannel City 7 10 1 00llclcohawn 711 117 1Lee City 7 45 1 23tHose Fork S 00 112Hampton 8 21 1HWilhurst 8 37 1 51Yanclovo 8 47 1 57Frozen 8 50 2 010 1C Junction 9 25 2 25-

    Ar Jackson 9 30 2 30ASunday iwssonjror train loavesJannel City at 100 p 1111 returningepees Jackson at 100 p m

    1M L CONLBV Gen dlg-

    rMountain Centralopart Arrive

    i 45 am Cnmpton liaOauv116 p in Catupton G 00 p milVrrivo Dcmrt100 n m Campion Jun 10 05 a in

    1 00pm Campion Jun 4 40 p n1Make connection with nil L

    g passenger trains

    WhoTwill be

    antin year antivery man must rend to keeptostedon politics Th-

    oCOURIERJOURNALHenry WatterHon Kdltor

    h ft Democratic Newspaper but itprints tho news ns it developsOne dollar a year is the price otr

    The Weekly-

    CounterJournallutvou can get that paper andriio Brcathitt County News

    Both One Year F-

    orS15OIf you will give or send your

    ordc to tho News NOT to Th >Aurior Journal

    Ii I

